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@TheWanderer 4.2 IIRC. But I can go lower if need be. To Gingerbread I think.
I think 5 is the oldest I managed to get working in qemu.
do you happen to have any idea when wm density was added to Android?
ie, can you try it on a Gingerbread emu? :p
o/ @TheWanderer
why are you waving at me >_>
am suspish
no reason.
well I'm an idiot.
@Seth what's new?
@KazWolfe <_>
I went to ##networking asking about my unsuccessful IPv6 setup and they're like "do you need another network? Just use it as a switch" and I'm like
@TheWanderer Don't worry, it gets worse. Like with some people.
I need context @Seth
so now I'm using the router as a switch and everything is working.
Q: Hosts connected to DD-WRT router running radvd get IPv6 addresses but can't communicate

SethI'm trying to get IPv6 working on my local network. I know my ISP (Comcast) supports it because anything connected to the modem/router combo I rent from them gets assigned an IPv6 address and communicate using the protocol (can connect to ipv6.google.com and gets 20/20 on http://test-ipv6.com/)....

u scrub
I'd still like to figure out how to get it working that way, but for now this suits my needs.
suites them, eh
is it a penthouse suite?
so @TheWanderer, how are you doing?
@KazWolfe so are you just trying to unsettle me or do you need something?
no, you're just the only active person in this room.
Seth and Nathan aren't people?
"and aren't people?" wat
@Seth @NathanOsman what is he up to?
Seth I got my r8169 working yesterday FINALLY partly because I set IPv6 to ignore and went with IPv4 (perhaps my hardware from 2012 is just too hold for "new fangled stuff).
@TheWanderer who are you talking to?
He's wandering around randomly pinging objects that might be people :p
@WinEunuuchs2Unix He's not pinging anyone?
also hello @WinEunuuchs2Unix
Look up five lines... and hellow long time no chat :)
I've been a busy boy bubble sorting in bash last week.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix it just reads ""what is he up to
@Seth @NathanOsman what is he up to?
@WinEunuuchs2Unix who
I dunno... He who shant be named?
@WinEunuuchs2Unix yeah, what are you pointing out?
Kaz Wolfe
@TheWanderer who are you talking to?
^^^ It's all up there....LOL
yeah.... i'm confused. because that's exactly what I'm seeing.
He's randomly pinging objects that might be people.... just like I said earlier.
he's not pinging anyone.
he pinged seth and nathan after saying they aren't people
you are making no sense
@KazWolfe your view is messed up.. it's missing words we got. Reload the page?
Oh now I see when you scroll further back YOU said they aren't people.
All of us must be people because a BOT wouldn't F-up so badly :p
@WinEunuuchs2Unix This machine is from 2012.. but I have an intel NIC.
I have a Realtek NIC and Intel WiFi but full Intel chipset all around.
Oops Audio might be Realteck too... I forget.
How's student life Seth? What are you taking?
I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this, but today's free ebook from Packt Publishing is "Mastering Embedded Linux Programming", in case anyone is interested: packtpub.com/packt/offers/free-learning
@Seth pretty sure Kaz is being a troll
@sempaiscuba it's pretty off topic, but so are we :p
@TheWanderer what?
@WinEunuuchs2Unix Right now I'm just taking a database class. And finishing 3 classes from last quarter I didn't get finished because I was so sick.
@sempaiscuba I have a hard enough time doing Linux Bash coding on my reclining couch I don't think I can do it in bed... especially when you factor in drinking beer and smoking cigarettes.
@Seth Sweet. Database is on my to-do list after I finish learning bash arrays for data storage and retrieval. Any tips on SQL or some other RDMS?
@WinEunuuchs2Unix har har har
@WinEunuuchs2Unix Fair point. I thought that I'd share just in case. ;-)
@WinEunuuchs2Unix SQL is a good place to start.
Embedded and Robust and Enabled and Empowered are just buzzwords surrounding a programming language or feminist organization I tend to ignore them.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix embedded is not a buzzword..
@Seth 30 years ago when I graduate college my friends at the time went into SQL and I went a different direction. Now I'm coming around to their point of view.
@Seth ${var//search/replace} is a BASH builtin (ie embedded) whereas sed is an external program call.
@sempaiscuba how is the quality of the book? A lot of free ebooks aren't of good quality at all.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix no, that's a builtin ;)
embedded is like programming an arduino.
for lack of a better example off the top of my head.
To me "embedded" means "inside"... but I'm not going to argue
@WinEunuuchs2Unix We're using MySQL with MariaDB.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix that's how embedded devices are used :)
MySQL comes with LAMP right? I'll be learning that soon along with PHP.
@Seth Most of the Packt books are pretty good. They offer a different ebook every day through their "learning" site. Usually worth keeping an eye open.
the M in LAMP is for mysql
@WinEunuuchs2Unix yep!
@sempaiscuba cool, I'll add it to my rounds :)
I just have to figure out what the heck the server is going to find on the internet to populate into the MySQL database which is EMBEDDED in LAMP :p
An embedded system is a computer system with a dedicated function within a larger mechanical or electrical system, often with real-time computing constraints. It is embedded as part of a complete device often including hardware and mechanical parts. Embedded systems control many devices in common use today. Ninety-eight percent of all microprocessors are manufactured as components of embedded systems. Examples of properties of typically embedded computers when compared with general-purpose counterparts are low power consumption, small size, rugged operating ranges, and low per-unit cost. This comes...
@WinEunuuchs2Unix the first paragraph there can probably explain it better than I can ;)
^^^ That's embedded hardware not fair... I could say embedded Mistress into an Open Marriage too.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix indeed but in reference to embedded programming that is what they are referring to :)
Oh yes... pun intended on "embedded mistress"
@NathanOsman - So I switched to grabbing the underlying image buffer instead of getting each pixel individually, and that made a HUGE difference in the speed :)
@NathanOsman - Also, did you see my comment asking for advice last night?
@AndroidDev how did your SSD boot acceleration bounty go?
the world today:
sudo rm -rf /etc/sanity.conf.d/
@WinEunuuchs2Unix It's been ignored.
@AndroidDev linky?
That's a shame Android... My 29 second boot shaved down to 14 seconds got even better with grub background image staying up longer now so transition to plymouth sunrise and then Ubuntu login custom wallpaper has like only 1 second black screen total. But I felt your pain early on in the saga.
The interesting thing about the 9 second initramfs delay was it was black screen the whole time. Then I had a few seconds of black screen (maybe 5?) between graphic splash screens.
The mSata III SSD is on a Sata II bus. When going to the Sata III SSD on the Sata III bus (it's there unused) the 14 seconds should go down to 10 seconds or so closer to the speeds byte and wanderer or kaz also reported in your Q&A. I wish I could tell you definitively how I chopped speed in half from 29 seconds to 14 seconds.
Do UL cover bsd?
Hello persons and entities
weird at first I thought you said "cover band"...LOL
HI Ianc where you been?
There is this question with 15 upvotes and 50k views and 7 answers (top one with 25 upvotes)... But the question is just screenshots and they are not in English
Anyway, could someone with an English install of Ubuntu take new screenshots and replace it please?
Q: virt-manager can't connect to libvirt

That Brazilian Guy I'm running Ubuntu 12.04.2 32 bits. The error doesn't show up if I start gksudo virt-manager. libvirt-bin is installed. I don't know how to check for the daemon. I am a member of libvirtd. Output of ps ax | grep libvirt: 9225 ? Sl 0:04 /usr/sbin/libvirtd -d 9302 ? S 0:00 /usr/sbin/dnsmasq...

Hopefully not mean... mine tend to be < 10 views
That's a 12.04 question.... who cares?
Plus it's 32 bit kernel.... double down on the WHO CARES
Sure, because ANY issue that EVER happened on a previous Ubuntu install and / or on a 32 bit kernel is completely irrelevant.
I'm working on questions that predate 12.04 and 32 bit like how are file names sorted when certain characters are ignored like "." and "_" and possibly "(" and ")".
Many have asked the questions on Stack Overflow, Android and Windows forums but no definitive answer yet.
@ThatBrazilianGuy I'd just translate the error message and add it to the question
makes it sooooo much more searchable
Still don't understand investing in a Ubuntu 12.04 32 bit software Q&A. shrugs
@WinEunuuchs2Unix the error is likely to be same on newer versions.
Sorry I never actually followed the link... please ignore me :)
@ThatBrazilianGuy did you have to add yourself to the group?
@ThatBrazilianGuy I'm on, arch but same pics sec.
@Avery How do you like Arch Linux and what Desktop Environment do you use? Is Arch systemd friendly?
1) I like it, not the moost stable distro ever but rather lightweight. 2) KDE 3) Yes.
1) Stable depends on the platform and the bugs encountered. 2) Never used KDE but heard a few good things. 3) systemd friendly is the best thing these days.
1) shrug you have a point 2) KDE plasma is quite modifiable- I really like it. 3) yup! hides the freebsd setup she's installing on KVM atm
1) Point taken. 2) I don't want to modify my DE so KDE "plasma" being configurable is a shrugs. 3) Avery is a she?
2) each for their own 3) avery is a she.
2) Understood. 3) The second smartest person in Programming Accounting college was a she.
1) why are we talking in point form?
0) It's the new "in thing" :p
@Avery heh. I have a haiku install next to me ;)
arch is vaguely like gentoo.
Its probably excellent for learning, but I would never host anything critical on it
I think the Linux distro field will shrink in the next 3 years.
Making things different is not good for programmer-kind or user-kind not to mention mankind or ahem personkind
(man in mankind refers to human race in general... so...)
@WinEunuuchs2Unix history suggests... not bloody likely.
There's just too many ways to do things, not all of em terrible
Sure homo-sapiens doesn't mean we are all gay. And just because we are happy and gay doesn't mean we are homo. Words are contextual.
and the nice thing about linux is you can pretty much chop and change anything you have the skills to integrate.
@JourneymanGeek I just think there are too many Linux Distros for the world to support. The people need to focus their energies developing for less platforms is all.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix but a linux distro is just an easy to use collection of... things
@JourneymanGeek Agreed. Ubuntu is Linux Kernel + Gnome internals + SystemD + some gnome GUI like Nautilus and gedit + some Unity (soon to be dead).
@WinEunuuchs2Unix unless you run a KDE respin or a xfcd respin or a ...
relevant xkcd. as always.
or do what I used to do and build of a minimal disk
right now I run fedora (since they're further upstream on KVM than ubuntu is) and run ubuntu on top of that
We all have our different view points.... You on the DE which I am ambivalent about me on grub boot and how file names are sorted which you are ambivalent about.
and its a similar enough system that once I 'got' one distro, switchung was painless
@WinEunuuchs2Unix I worked in a place where all applications were dumped into... /apps
and everything was launched by an eidritch series of c shell scripts setting 20-30 environment variables
I switched from two different mainframes to three different mini-computers to many different PC's and many different Network Operating Systems, then to internet with different browsers and all kinds of different PC OS's and DE's now. I'm kind of tired off all the options if you get my drift.
Q: www-data can't write to /tmp

MattLinux 4.4.0-75-generic #96-Ubuntu SMP Thu Apr 20 09:56:33 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux Permissions seem wide open >>> ll / ... drwxrwxrwt 8 root root 4096 May 1 02:44 tmp/ Denied access: sudo -u www-data echo "hello" > /tmp/test.txt -bash: /tmp/test.txt: Permission de...

HMV music had the most interesting computer system Data General Basic I think where the Control Key and "A" key were next to each other. On that platform <Ctrl>+<A> rebooted the BASIC operating system. Which is really stupid. Ironically HMV went out of business this year. Not due to that old Data General Mini-Computer but because CD sales sort of got wiped out by Apple iPod Music, spotify and the like.
Anyway change is good but too much diversity in the computer world reinventing the wheel is not good (IMO). There are WIP projects over the last 20 years that still aren't perfected for file managers, time management, RAD, etc. that still need to be finished. eg Ubuntu wasted 1/2 decade trying to write and OS for a phone before giving up but still don't have a basic function to know when a phone is plugged into my laptop and say "hey would you like to backup all your contacts?".
@AndroidDev sorry, I totally forgot to address your question from yesterday.
My suggestion would be to put a cap on the maximum size of data that can be embedded. Say, 10 MB, and then any number higher than that is considered corrupt and processing stops.
A checksum would work but then you have the extra need to calculate it.
o/ @ThomasWard
it just doesn't sound the same when you censor your language..
I can't tell if the SU folks on my question are just being dense or if they're 100 times smarter than me. Probably a bit of both.
@Seth could be both
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] URL-only title, link at end of body, link following arrow in body, pattern-matching website in body, pattern-matching website in title: gomusclebuilding.com/testo-burst/ by Keafreyz on askubuntu.com
appears silently in a silent room
slides across the floor, clattering loudly into the silent room
I blame it being a public holiday everywhere but the US
In the US...
Its... Monday
@JourneymanGeek it is monday here too :-P
@NathanOsman --^ :D
@Rinzwind lol
@Rinzwind But... no labour on labour day! Unless you're a woman in labour I suppose...
anyone using kde?
and I do not need a general "yes,someone does" ;-)
(I have it on the fedora box I run my seedbox on)
Q: How can I make variety work in Kubuntu?

nazar2sfiveHow to make variety work in Kubuntu 17.04? Variety does not change wallpaper in Kubuntu automatically.

easy rep ^
just got to test the methods it lists in the link
not sure what my box runs ;p
if no one's answered, I'll see if I can fire up a VM to test
Maybe Anwar can help
he's sleeping :=)
more likely having lunch haha
1 hour later…
Q: How to connect OpenVPN from Ubuntu?

foo_barInstalled packages: network-manager-openvpn network-manager-openvpn-gnome network-manager-pptp network-manager-vpnc Config the connection information from system network setting tool. Tried to connect it but got error: May? 1 12:49:32 pppd[19091]: Using interface ppp0 May? 1 12:49:32 NetworkM...

1 hour later…
yearling \o/
how many have you got? six?
I'm a baby
I have only 5 here
nice collection
we are doing windows ? :P
4 (yearlings)
Old age
smokey dont post closed questions :=)
there! good job
He wants to make us feel slow
Feeling good just having closed my first 12.04 question! >;D
Could could an almost 26k user post a LOA???
A: How do I share files on my home network?

dv3500eaThere is a fairly detailed tutorial here. It details how to set up the networking/file sharing although it doesn't mention chat. You can do file sharing and synchronisation using ubuntu one, though this sends everything over the internet instead of doing things locally.

I guess it was a while ago...
I'm sure I've posted some rubbish stuff...
my starred yearling needs 3 more upvotes :=)
Q: find lock time of threads in g++ file using ps filesystem

The CapricornI have find the lock time of threads of a g++ program manually (In it, i myself has created the threads using pthread build in functions). Now i want to find the lock time of threads of the same program using ps commands. Any one know how it can be done?

Huh, what is going on on the main site?
2/3 of all new questions have a score of -1 or lower
Is there a troll going round or are they all really that bad?
hmm... that is odd
perhaps someone is very annoyed about something
or they just got 125 and are really, really, really excited about their new privilege
@Zanna That was me when I got there... :P
@fossfreedom regarding this: askubuntu.com/questions/910716/auto-hide-ubuntu-budgie-panel The install button does nothing
Q: Why does my NVIDIA GPU Tegra K1 freeze for 10h in a row during flash?

trilolilI am currently trying to flash my NVIDIA Tegra K1, but it failed a few times so far... I am following this tutorial Which is the same as in the getting started guide. When executing the following command (described in step 7): sudo ./flash.sh jetson-tk1 mmcblk0p1 The board just freezes when sen...

@Rinzwind what install button?
@fossfreedom software center :=)
you know the drill - run from a terminal - any errors you see?
pixel saver is a GNOME Shell Extension Do those work in budgie?
"budgie-pixel-saver-applet" is a budgie specific applet - no gnome-shell extensions are for gnome-shell
ehm i have backports open, updated but all it shows is "pixel-saver" not 'budgie-pixel-saver-applet"
thats the one!
cli installed it :=)
Q: can i ask qutions about debian on askubuntu?

smit patilI've just installed Debian alongside Ubuntu and windows 7 in other partition. since i got a bib problem about Debian OS (about its booting) but it didn't have any askdebian sites.since i trust the answers from Askubuntu and Ubuntu is made by Debian , can i ask questions about Debian i tried to f...

ah - those were the days! 2010 - just when we were starting and finding our feet
fossy! other question. why does chromium in budgie sometimes open links in a new tab and close a tab when I click it. When normally a link opens in the same window and a tab gets focused (and shows) :=)
and on another note. What should I order in today from my fav. chinese restaurant? >:-D
@fossfreedom :) yeah. It looks like U&L had not yet appeared so the scope of AU might be a little broader for that reason too
focus @zanna focus on the important things :=)
hmm what do you mean?
see my last question ^ :=)
oh oh sorry, my apologies
*consults the document*
oh I get a 503...
opens for me :X
cancel that...
why? I should not get menu c? :**
haha no the 503 went away on refresh
You should get menu c, yes (nodding and smiling while not understanding Dutch or Chinese)
and some wantansoup
they dont answer the phone:*
wanton soup? sounds rebellious
lol. also, awesome kde theme
what are you eating today JMG?
I had boonda. currently sitting in bed, looking at cars
me in bed. looking at snooker :=)
haha I'm in bed writing book reviews
more importantly, trying to see if the cars my dad has in mind will work for my dog
Q: Problems on Ubuntu Budgie 17.04 with Ryzen CPU and Gigabyte Motherboard

Kaiser SözeIn order to fix the issues with the Gigabyte AM4 Motherboard, I installed a modified 4.10.3 kernel with CONFIG_PINCTRL_AMD disabled. I downloaded it from here. After booting with this kernel, everything worked fine. But now the system frequently crashes and there are a few weird things in /var/lo...

@JourneymanGeek HIS car? YOUR dog? >:-D
technically I'm rhe dog's human
and its important
@NathanOsman - I just discovered something quite interesting. Converting a single-dimensional array to a 2 dimensional array only took 25 milliseconds, but converting that newly created 2D array from YX to XY took 750 milliseconds...
I guess I need to rework my loops to use YX instead of XY
Wait sec...
I just thought about something
If I use a single-dimensional array,
I don't even need to worry about running over the edge
Which means I wouldn't need two incrementing variables, just one
Which would probably yield a large speed boost...
Time to backup the current code and do a bit of reworking here!
Perhaps someone could help this person look through their logs and solve their problem?
Q: Upgrade without ubuntu-release-upgrader

Karl RichterI want to upgrade from 16.10 to 17.04 and sudo do-release-upgrade fails due to An unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade. (and nothing else). My point of view here is that this is ridiculous feedback for an important system component and I requested improvement at https://bug...

I'm on Arch and my Ubuntu VM can't be accessed at the moment so I am unable to.
But I don't think that it should be too hard to diagnose their situation.
The weird thing is that the answer seems to have nothing to do with the question.
I already VTC that
on April 17th
so I cannot vote now
@NathanOsman I also VTCed on the 17th like Zanna
Weird. It wasn't showing up.
Q: bash: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/xe/bin/nls_lang.sh: No such file or directory

1129839When I open my terminal, I see this on top of the terminal. I removed Oracle XE. However, I cannot remove this line from my terminal. Also I cannot remove Oracle user from my group. What can I do? bash: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/xe/bin/nls_lang.sh: No such file or directory

who is in charge of the old releases website?
Canonical probably.
not a specific person? >:-)
@NathanOsman close votes age away - mine is long gone
Q: Advanced install options under UEFI

lewis4uI have a new laptop and when I boot from my USB stick the very first screen menu is this: And what I want is to be able to chose advanced install options under UEFI bios: With F4 Modes and F6 Other Options like on this ss up ^

@NathanOsman it lets you vote again eventually, but I can't at the moment
Does anybody know any recipes for good rice-based bread? :)
@Rinzwind: Great! Thanks! :)
in dutch though in case someone wants it >:)
I have a Dutch friend, I will get him to translate.
Google Translate will probably end up poisoning me. :P
what if your Dutch friend's translation matches Google Translate? Is your Dutch friend trying to poison you?
Yes :P
Maybe he submitted the translation.
You can do that now.
@ParanoidPanda I could translate >:=D
I have done that with some latin phrases.
150 g gekookte rondkorrelige rijst
150 g melk
5 g verse gist
40 g honing
250 g meel
5 g Zout
@Rinzwind hi!
= 150 gram boiled round rice, 150 gram milk, 5 gram fresh yeast, 40 gram honey, 250 gram flour 5 gram salt.
toss 1st 4 in bowl. kneed. same for last 2. kneed.
put together and kneed some more.
let it rest
do the last 2 4 times.
and then into the oven
done :-D
Well, I bake a lot so I'm pretty sure that that wouldn't poison me. So I will trust the recipe, though obviously I will trust my nose more. :P
Try to install AnBox on your PC. They are saying it supports ubuntu
@Rinzwind: It sounds nice, I will give it a go, and then I will bake a second time adding Natto which apparently is only nice with rice...
And thanks for the translation! :)
Anbox allows you to run android apps in Linux without emulator
@ParanoidPanda sure thing but it seems it is the same as with any bread; this just has some honey with it :P
@defalt: Yay! I can finally get the Panda Dumping theme then! :D
@Rinzwind: Most bread doesn't contain rice...
That's the important bit for me.
@Rinzwind: Does the recipe specify the type of flour?
wait Ill have another look
Ok, then it's up to me.
I'm waiting for anbox to support kali linux. Then I'll reverse engineer closed source online android apps..it is very difficult to use IDA pro
Sometimes recipes have a preference over flour because it changes the bread depending on the kind of flour you get.
@defalt ...and expensive.
@defalt: By their closed source nature I assume that it will be in their license to not reverse engineer them, in which case that would be illegal. So I wouldn't go announcing it too much.
@defalt: What distros does it currently support?
@NathanOsman only in theory...
@defalt um
kali isn't really aimed at daily use.
Just looked up that AnBox thing. Sounds useful, if it works. Maybe I can replace my Android_x86 VM with that at a point.
Apr 23 at 13:27, by jokerdino
Q: How do you tell if someone uses Arch?
A: They will tell you.
dat burn tho
@edwinksl well, to make @zenna's reply accurate too, I'll go ahead and reveal that I'm also vegetarian (not so vegan but would if there were enough vegan stuff overe here).
you are fine though, not that self-righteous yet
woof woof
@edwinksl hey, you don't know me that much.
I don't think Mein Kampf should be considered "Entertainment" . . . .
also What the flying Frack, YouTube ? What kind of suggestions you're giving me
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy disable suggestions
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy it is based on your search history >:-D
woahhh 100 bucks
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