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@SergiyKolodyazhnyy Remember that Visual Studio and the command-line tools are different beasts altogether. I don't use Visual Studio but the command-line tools (the compiler, linker, nmake, etc.) are really fast and work well enough once you get the hang of them.
Open your Start Menu and look for something like this:
(Pardon the ugly start menu. Thanks, Win2012.)
For example, to build NitroShare in Visual Studio entirely from the command-line, you'd do this:
cmake -G"NMake Makefiles" .
Qt includes pre-built libraries and headers for VS2013 and VS2015, so that's easy to use.
CMake does have the option to generate VS project files that you can open in the IDE but I don't use those.
@NathanOsman That runs with debugging, they've changed it to run without debugging as ctrl+f5
I'm chiller now though . . . VS is not my thing i guess. Or just any IDE altogether
anyway. Working on report for that FSM.Turning it in today
pity i didn't get to implement pedestrian timer. That'll cost me some points from the grade
I'm still salty over that review
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy I think you might change your mind if you tried Qt Creator.
Despite its name, it works very well for non-Qt projects.
So he goes to great lengths to update his review to prevent it from being taken down, but it looks like he doesn't actually every follow up...
Maybe I should start a Google+ Page....
@NathanOsman @TheWanderer We can close this because OP is trying to build a custom kernel, right? askubuntu.com/questions/907200/undefined-reference-to-sys-hello
It's certainly not Ubuntu specific.
Maybe U&L?
@NathanOsman I will eventually. I actually have it installed, I just need a proper Qt project
@AndroidDev please. it's never about "can we close this" but only "should we close this".
closing is not an end goal.
A shiz, I've recoded the demo of my traffic FSM, but forgot to cover the sticker with my address on the board.
Pixelate filter in Kdenlive to the rescue?
don't have that and don't have time
Uggh my electric shaver died tonight.... now I have to buy a new one and comparison shopping of on-line features, prices and customer reviews is as complicated as buying a new laptop :(
Just buy a lawnmover.
My stubble isn't that long... but I'll pass that on to tarzan if I see him :P
@Seth orly
Everybody is hung up over closing but... has anyone asked why this fellow is trying to add a syscall to the kernel? Unless he is thinking of becoming a core developer, it is almost certain he is doing something wrong.
Today I experimented with headshots....
photographing them....
Are we talking digital photography or FPS?
@TheXed Thanks for clarifying that.
@NathanOsman lol
any how...this is what I came up with...
@TheWanderer it is a head shot, no?
Ostensibly, yes.
Okay it is a joke...I am kidding...
but...this picture is pretty awesome:
Reminds me too much of Shog:
Okay, that is pretty.
Have I redeemed myself then?
gonna give you up
@TheWanderer I hate you.
:) whipped a problem that's been killing me for 2 weeks. first day i could see the source instead of writing to stale api docs and beating my head in to a wall - it was fixed.
@RobotHumans I hope the wall is okay?
@TheXed The wall is fine. I need a bandaid.
@RobotHumans did you stain the wall? that is what I am concerned about...your head will heal...
@NathanOsman @TheWanderer Mmmkay, that's not so great, but who would be stupid enough to install that anyway?
@TheXed Nah. We have a steel beam here with a little circle and the words "When something starts making your head hurt, apply pressure here"
@AndroidDev isn't that basically every app in the app store?
@RobotHumans oh good call...
@TheXed I sure never install apps that want ridiculous permissions. And also, location services can be disabled.
@AndroidDev location services, but "911" is always watching you...
@TheXed But installing and an app called "System Update"? I mean seriously?
Q: Encrypted Ubuntu

Terhi VälkeWell... I installed Ubuntu 16.04 LTS in new Lenovo laptop. And thought it might be good idea to encrypt the whole hard drive. It wasn't good idea. And also thought it would be easy to take off if I would like to do so. I learned that it isn't :D Is it possible to reinstall Ubuntu or some other L...

Seriously? You do know how to use Google, don't you? --^
Does anyone?
o/ @JourneymanGeek
I just had to be brilliant here and play with xrandr.
Next thing I knew, colors everywhere.
Couldn't see a thing.
Had to log in via SSH on another device.
Bottom line: leave xrandr alone unless you are writing a display driver.
I just saw this in the output of a tool I was using:
Nonfatal Error : More than 10 date fields in Exif.  This is nuts
That might gain some traction, though I'd say go Budgie !
@NathanOsman love it, but no. I needed to screw with xrandr on a triple headed programming rig at one point.
Has @Mateo turned in to a creeper not here guy now? yep. not available in ping history.
Well, I said that mostly as a joke. I had in mind the type of person who is thinking "hey, cool! buttons and knobs to make the screen do weird things!"
Q: Trouble getting ldm volumes to mount in Ubuntu

denck007I have set up 2 4TB drives in raid 1 in Windows 7 that I am trying to get working in Ubuntu 16.04LTS. I have run sudo ldmtool create all but it hangs. It seems to try and make something in /dev/mapper, but I am having trouble getting it to mount. The disks do show up in blkid after running 'ldmt...

gosh, I'm so glad that damn presentation is over
i hate public speaking
i become all nervous and regress to "totally Russian guy" accent
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy I'm sure you did fine.
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy Same here. Maybe a lot extreme
good morning :)
No-repro I think - what they said they already tried in the question mysteriously worked on the second go? And no hardware details!
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy omg I get so nervous
I sure do hope I did fine and professor understood what I was shooting for.
The comforting thought is that only one group got it working 100% through
All other groups , including my group ( which is just me working alone) had it partially working.
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy what were you making?
@Zanna Traffic control system. Basically simulates a simple intersection of main street and cross street, where we have sensors for traffic, traffic that wants to turn left, and pedestrians. I figured out how to control traffic all ways, but because there was no time, i couldn't make the controls for pedestrian timer ( which is quite simple actually and I could have implemented it)
I have a video of this on youtube, but that video shows the sticker with my name and address, so I'll probably delete it eventually
Actually, set it to private now. I'll upload a demo of that later when my brain actually cools off
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy *cough* Kdenlive *cough* - it even has a filter that tracks an item as you move the camera. It couldn't be simpler.
Or if even that is too much work, you could always send it to me :D
^_^' yeah, I'll give it a go. I need to start learning video editing at some point. But probably I'll need your help a few times.
That's what I'm here for :D
Now that I think of this, for a lot of the stuff that I'm doing, I need to learn image and video editing.
Demos of the projects, of the indicators/scripts, icons for the said indicators
There's so much to cover
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy sounds super complex
It was quite complex. Most of the projects that you see online - they only cycle from green, to yellow, to red, and back around. In our project, not only we had to keep track of sensors for different things, but also time things properly. And it's written in Verilog, which is hardware description language, so it's not like C or Python
There's no sleep function, so i had to implement a counter that uses internal 50MHz clock to count a second every 50 million ticks of the clock
What's cool though is that the design and behavior of the resulting system should be really close to what the real traffic system does
why don't you use python or other high level language?
apt-get is soo stupid compared to aptitude. It cannot sensibly downgrade
@Anwar Because the class is specifically about Verilog Hardware Description Language. And we're using it to program a specific type of board
Just. Don't.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Next, we'll be having visitors asking how to remove libc6...
"Well, yes, you can remove it but you will break nearly every binary on your entire system."
@Zanna nothing wrong with that
Totally answers the question.
(* but not escapefromlibc!)
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy Oh. got it. I never used verilog, but saw some examples of it.
@Rinzwind There should be a warning at least imo.
I'll probably come back to this project later and finalize it. Verilog is pretty interesting. Tough,but interesting, and it's very valuable if you're electrical engineer, especially working with FPGA chips and other embedded systems.
Maybe I'll even play around with interfacing that board to some of the other boards that I've got
@Anwar nah. There is enough of a warning there :P
Does anyone have a clue what this person means? askubuntu.com/q/906892 What he claims cannot be true (launcher shortcuts appear in the application menu)
@Rinzwind I've just seen those. I'd agree with you now :D
No ppa was allowing me to install latest adwaita icon which is 3.24 on 16.04. So I extracted the debs :D.
@JacobVlijm He wanted the profile switching menu appear on right click
@WinEunuuchs2Unix sounds like Edmonton won.
@Anwar yeah, but this: The list does appear when you go to the menu line and select File -> Open Terminal is simply a lie. Launcher items do not appear in the application's menu.
Those are not only launcher items, but also profiles. Those appear in File -> Open terminal
I think I understood his problem.
@Anwar Ok, I'll retract my vote.
I think the answer is not possible without recompile
Looks like somebody knows SQL in chat
@JacobVlijm that maybe ^
so many views but I'm sure it's misguided...
the problem itself is trivial but it won't do anything useful
Bit confused by the discussion here: askubuntu.com/a/907266/158442 Anybody free to lend a third perspective?
I think he is just not getting it
I hope this doesn't get anywhere... I can't stand KDE! It will be good one day, but currently there are just too many design and settings issues... It's the kind of DE that is only for certain people who can handle it, you could say that that is true for any DE, but I would say more so for this one, so making it default wouldn't be good I don't think.
I don't know, just too many settings...
That's better than not enough settings.
If you don't like a setting, don't use it!
But there are overwhelmingly too many... You can't even find what you are looking for.
I think that KDE is quite unique in some ways, and if you like that about it, then it's fine, but most don't.
I do agree that the rest of the DEs could learn a lot from KDE, but just some things are still like Xubuntu was in 12.04 like the bottom bar and how you interact with it.
The last time I looked at it was probably 16.04... But still, I don't imagine that it will change that much before 18.04.
I guess maybe I should try it out again.
Even GNOME used to look terrible. :D
gnome is usable for adding a couple of extensions
gnome 3 shell extensions suck :+)
@Rinzwind ... controversial :p waiting for all the gnome-shell fanbois to jump on you!
GNOME shell is always 1 click too many for me.
@Zanna was OP looking for kernel parameters or grub parameters? It's kinda unclear. I think you can also refer this page on your answer for grub part. It looks exhaustive enough
@muru don't see anything there. but I asked a question :)
@fossfreedom things that crash suck.
@SmokeDetector which one?
false alarm
@Anwar it got deleted :)
@Anwar I thought kernel params, but thanks for the manual link, I added it :)
Q: How to remove the thumbnail frame in Nautilus?

cristian mosI mean the gray border around thumbnails in icon view. The file thumbnail_frame.png is not present in /usr/share/pixmaps/, not even a nautilus folder.

Q: nginx: [emerg] could not build referer_hash, you should increase referer_hash_bucket_size: 64

sureshGood Day, I am a novice to programming and i am trying to run the livehelperchat open source code(https://livehelperchat.com/) in my ubuntu-16.04 instance and I have Nginx as default server listening port 80 and also php 5.6 running. my /var/www/html/sites-enabled/default server { ...

@NathanOsman so "aa" after z. So after that an animal with "ab" >:)
Good meowning guys
2 hours later…
Hi all.
It's...... Friday!
(Cue annoying music.)
Let that awful "song" languish in the obscurity it so richly deserves!
I am beginning to think you actually like it.
Good grief, no.
@NathanOsman Methinks the lady doth protest too much.
Or the gentleman, as the case may be.
Hey, I wasn't the one who starred the video the last time it was posted here.
@NathanOsman No, but you were the one who posted it. Twice!
That's even worse than starring it! :P
To be fair, it was the death metal version the second time.
Does anyone have experience building a game
maybe in Android.
@NathanOsman Notice I said video :P
1 hour later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in answer, repeating words in answer: What should my MAC address be? (now shows 00:00:00:00:00:00) by Bob on askubuntu.com
@SmokeDetector MACv6?
How to get real file size which tar-ed without untaring?
um, what?
I tar a text file and I need to get its size which is in tar but without unzipping it
@KasiyA tar or tar+gz?
With tar -czf myfile.tar.gz my file.txt
Now I want to know what was myfile.txt size but don't want to unzip it
@KasiyA There's no way to access a compressed archive without decompressing it.
And remember that the size in bytes listed for the file in the archive won't necessarily be the same as the amount of disk space the file will occupy which will vary depending on your file system. A little.
Thank you
@KasiyA gzip -l myfile.tar.gz?
gnome 3 sucks!
there star that :P
Yes it does
it does
if it aint broke dont fix it it says on the starwall
because it's the GNOME team that has their hands on GNOME?
so this weekend a reinstall
kde or budgie?
Budgie <3
you are bias
I will probably exchange Unity for Budgie completely
compared to U7 how much changing does Budgie need?
I'll wait how 18.04 will be like... until then Unity
that's too late
...getting acquainted, going very well
how well does MPV compare to smplayer?
One would be enough for me.
1 is for Bavarians
1 for Austria
1 fo Swiss
another for Ripuanians
There are many Germans here :)
The personal approach
Not from Gelsenkirchen >:-D
found another.
@Rinzwind Why is nobody considering cinnamon? It's a great DE. Although I'm writing this from the KDE I'm testing this week.
I dont like spices :P
Q: Mouse clicks not registering on *buntu

JasonI recently had trouble with my trackpad mouse clicks not registering in Ubuntu. I tried a known good wireless mouse(It works on my windows machine) to no avail, I then looked around on the internet for a while and didn't any fixes. So I decided to backup my data and do a fresh install of Ubuntu a...

@Rinzwind you should try KDE.
Really, it's quite nice.
@KazWolfe he's asking for an opinion, not empirical evidence.
Daily vote limit reached Time to hit the chat...
@Fabby time to hit the cat :)
@JacobVlijm Do not hit cats.
People? Sure. Hit them as much as you want. Cats? No.
Self defence in my case :)
Never hit anything with claws and a brain the size of a large walnut.
:) no, she is sweet, and kind of old.
our office needs a new pet.
Uhm, running badblocks on an SSD is stupid, right?
@JacobVlijm Starred! (I don't like cats)
@JacobVlijm Not self-defense! Keep her away from walking on my shutdown button!
:D :D :D
well, @ByteCommander, as with most things, the answer is "it depends" on how you do it. But in most cases, badblocks should not be run on SSDs.
@terdon I've got a pic of me petting a cheetah!
awww :)
@Fabby she regularly walks over my laptop keyboard actually. Nice an warm she thinks.
@KazWolfe Why?
@terdon badblocks reads/writes to the drive very frequently.
unnecessary wear, mostly.
@terdon because of quantum physics...
I thought SSDs were much improved in that respect.
@terdon they've worsened...
@Fabby Everything is because of quantum physics. That's cheating.
@Fabby Really?
@terdon They're better than they were (assuming we're comparing average consumer-available chips for each point in time), but it's still good to not put things under unnecessary stress.
SLC = good
MLC = bad
TLC = very bad...
@terdon SSD technology is based on quantum physics
My cat is in a solid state as well btw. And full of bad blocks.
@JacobVlijm shouldn't feed her so often, man.
@KazWolfe But it has no use, right? You can not mark a block as bad in the file system, as the SSD's internal controller will remap the addresses at will for wear levelling and whatnot.
@JacobVlijm Did you feed it bricks?
@ByteCommander more or less, yeah. The SSD will take care of it.
@KazWolfe Sounds reasonable.
That said, you can always dd to /dev/null, because that will point out errors to the drive. Reads are nowhere near as destructive to SSDs as writes.
But no, it's more or less useless to make the filesystem do bad block management now. Period. Even on magnetic devices. badblocks is more or less dead now.
@terdon Actually the pet doctor said she grew fat by eating too many mice, which she does.
...always offering me a piece of it :)
@KazWolfe Starred! Good advice
There are very rare specific cases where you might want to use badblocks and filesystem-level block management, but the average home user will not need to run that command ever.
The only piece of commercial software I still use is better then badblocks...
How about SMART tests?
@terdon What about them?
@terdon Google did a test a few years ago...
It doesn't mean anything on average, but in some cases it helps...
@KazWolfe Any reason to use them or reason not to when it comes to SSDs? I'm thinking of things like smartctl. Does that just read a db or does it stress the disk (you might have realized by now that I know next to nothing about this sort of thing).
In terms of how safe it is for SSDs, pretty safe. You can usually get everything you need from a quick test. Full tests are usually unnecessary.
@terdon Meaning HDDs still die without showing anything in their SMART data
Quick tests only pull metadata/attributes from the controller, and maybe run a couple small tests.
Apr 29 '14 at 23:31, by terdon
S.M.A.R.T. is the new S.T.U.P.I.D.
SMART tests are non-destructive, though. I think. Even long ones.
@terdon Haha, I really didn't know!
@Fabby True
@JacobVlijm Great minds :)
@Fabby Lost several HDD's over time, always a sudden death, they seemed perfectly fine before.
SMART tests, in other words, are safe. They (as pointed out by others) are not a 100% for knowing if a drive is working or not, only a data point to make an intelligent decision.
(things like badblock counts, for example)
put it this way... SMART tests are more for engineers to determine drive information than they are for end-users to determine drive health.
I have had at least one case where the smart output suggested imminent failure and I went and replaced the drive. Dunno if it would have actually failed, of course.
likely, yes.
SMART tests that return "imminent failure" are a very short list of tests that can actually mean big problems.
So, if I get this right, if I see something bad in the smart tests I should be worried, but if I don't that doesn't necessarily mean there's nothing to worry about.
gotcha, thanks
Typically, though, drives that pass SMART are usually good to go, but keep a backup anyways.
Hey, I said I don't know much about hard drives, not that I'm a complete moron! :P
remember when you accidentally pulled that stunt and therefore someone didn't have a backup and you screwed em over?
Hey, I said I don't know much about hard drives, not that I'm a complete moron! :P
@terdon So you don't remember that event.
don't make me find the link :p
@ThomasWard You mean when I pulled the first terdon?
As I recall that was a new install and he didn't actually have anything to lose in $HOME. Luckily.
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