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Q: How do I attach my LVM RAID's to a new Ubuntu install?

busydoingnothingI have an Ubuntu 9 Desktop system that I mainly use as a media server. I have a 2TB RAID5 and a 500GB RAID1, both using LVM. The OS drive is a 4GB CompactFlash card which has finally run out of space. I want to put in a larger CF card and install the latest version of Ubuntu. What do I need to do...

@OctavianDamiean Here is a nice Example of the lettering.js port
Hello everyone.
@GeorgeEdison hey
Oh no - there's a bug in StackApplet.
...and of course - it only shows up in the release builds.
The debug build worked fine - but the release build totally fails.
Uploads new build...
How do you find out what DLLs you need to include with a 64-bit application if you built it from a 32-bit machine?
PE Deconstructor to the rescue!
Is it just me or Ubuntu is getting slower and buggier :(
I haven't noticed it being particularly buggy.
This dude has evidence ... phoronix.com/…
How do I get the Ultimate Ubuntu Home System? http://askubuntu.com/questions/109788/how-do-i-get-the-ultimate-ubuntu-home-system #homeserver
personally I have more hardware problems than before...
Those are old results though.
And you need to remember that running newer software on the same machine as the old software is quite often going to result in a slowdown.
The expectation is that people will upgrade their machines over time.
2 hours later…
Anyone with web design experience in here?
I want any filename in a directory on my server to redirect to that same filename on another directory on my server.
Using Apache?
You can do that really easily with mod_rewrite.
Do you know if mod_rewrite is enabled?
Eg going to /blah/blah.p will redirect to /blah.p
@GeorgeEdison What do you mean?
I have PHP 5.2.
Do you have shell access to this server?
Only FTP.
Can I do this through .htaccess?
Then the only way to find out is to write some rules and see if they work.
@William Yes, that's where we'll put the rules.
Yeah, that's the part I have trouble with.
My problem site:
I put a PHP blogging thing on there.
Trying to get a class blog going.
I see it.
On my server, this website is stored in /other/william/classlibrary.
Waves at @JorgeCastro.
Whenever I click a link, it tries to redirect me to classlibrary.org/other//william/classlibrary/filename
Ah, that's not good.
and I dont want it to.
Is there already an .htaccess file?
A\I want it to go to classlibrary.org/filename.
No, not in /other/william/classlibrary on /other/wiliam/classlibrary
Okay, then we will create one.
It only gives me 404s because the directory doesnt exist.
/me made new dir /other/william/classlibrary on classlibrary.org
and its empty
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteRule ^REGEX$  DESTINATION [QSA]
^---- There's a template for you.
Replace REGEX with a regular expression and DESTINATION with the location you want to redirect to.
@GeorgeEdison Regular expression?
So if you want every request to redirect somewhere else, then you would simply use (.*)
That will match and capture everything.
Then the destination would look like other_folder\$1
So, let me get this straight:
That will redirect /some/dir to other_folder/some/dir.
...for example.
If I want everything on classlibrary.org/other/william/classlibrary to redirect to the server root directory,
I open gedit and type:
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteRule ^*.$  classlibrary.org [QSA]
Wait - that sounds like a different problem.
and save it as htaccess?
ifferent problem?
It sounds like the PHP blog you're using can't determine the document root or something.
Is your document root /other/william/classlibrary?
So I want to fool it by having everything it redirects to redirected.
My server is set up so classlibrary.org redirects ro /other/william/classlibrary on the server.
"My server is set up" - how did you set it up?
But Its trying to find stuff in /other/william/classlibrary/other/william/classlibrary that really is in /other/william/classlibrary.
Well, my dad has godaddy hosng and he set it up for me
I dont have access to the control panel.
I'd kind of need to know how it is configured.
2 mins ago, by William
My server is set up so classlibrary.org redirects ro /other/william/classlibrary on the server.
...and I know next to nothing about how GoDaddy is set up (and quite frankly, don't want to).
@William Yeah, but how?
What else do you need to know?
How Apache is configured.
Heres what I know:
I own three websites.
I can ftp to anyone of them at domain.com using the username williamst and my password.
They all use the same username and password.
Once I login to them it rediects me to the same direcotry no matter which one I originally ftpd to, it doesnt care.
Then I am presented with a directory with three folders in it, one for each of the websites.
SO I can connnect =through ftp to /other/william/ on the server.
So we don't really even know if you are anywhere near the root directory.
I'm afraid I can't help much.
Yes, we do.
How do we know that?
The direcotry is /home/content/r/t/e/rteder10/other/william/blah.
Oh, okay - I didn't realize that.
There, all the information you could ever need.
Redirect it back again.
Chang the url in the address bar.
No no - if I visit the link you provided - I am redirected to a nonexistent page.
1 sec
can I create a image from the webpage?
I think you might needto be logged in.
Thats why.
I don't think I have enough information to help you.
Well, gimme a minute
I can give you a screensot of the page
@GeorgeEdison That enough?
Some of the table cells are empty.
didnt capture the whole page
try 2
@GeorgeEdison here comes a flood of images
I should star all of those... :)
@GeorgeEdison The readers brains would explode
@GeorgeEdison this isnt working :)
It's okay.
Im just gonna give you an admin account on the server for the time being and let you look at the page yourself
I find it interesting that a file /var/chroot/home/content/protect.php is prepended to every PHP file that is interpreted.
@William Thanks, but it's okay.
There's probably someone who knows more than me that can help you.
well I dont know who
Id like to get it working by the time im supposed to get up
Can you answer this? Log boot messages on tty1 instead of tty7 http://askubuntu.com/questions/92054/log-boot-messages-on-tty1-instead-of-tty7 #boot
Maybe you could ask a question on the site.
That way, you're bound to get an answer by the time you get up.
What site though?
Heh - it converts the link into an image :P
yeah but its not really ubuntu related
Well, then:
(I love doing that :P)
Q: How can I have a director on my server redirect to a different directory on my server?

WilliamI downloaded a simple PHP blogging template called sphpblog and put it on my server. The blog is accessed through classlibrary.org. This domain redirects to the folder /other/william/classlibrary on the server. I can visit the homepage of the blog, and it displays just fine. However, when I try t...

@GeorgeEdison Anything I left out?
Looks good.
Night all.
1 hour later…
Hello all
Aw poop
This room ins inactive?
Can you answer this? How to boot Ubuntu from EFI/UEFI? http://askubuntu.com/questions/91484/how-to-boot-ubuntu-from-efi-uefi #installation
2 hours later…
yey, my first serial down voter
1 hour later…
Bounty offered: Simple voice chat application for Yahoo in Ubuntu 11.10? http://askubuntu.com/questions/84341/simple-voice-chat-application-for-yahoo-in-ubuntu-11-10 #sound
@AmithKK I don't know if we really need a site dedicate to the Raspberry PI.
askubuntu.com/a/109889/25798 do i flag it as spam or what?
Yes, it should be a comment at best.
My god ... KDE is different.
Come on guys, you know you want it!
shakes head
People apparently don't understand what the very low quality flag is for.
What is it for?
It is for content that you don't see how it can be salvaged by editing for example.
Not for flagging a wrong answer.
Oh right.
I really don't like the very low quality flag
I never flag anything as low quality.
it's like "This needs to be edited but I'm too lazy to do it"
Never did so far.
I've invalidated quite a couple of such flags on Stack Overflow.
if you can recognize low quality, you can fix it :)
I've found only one valid flag out of around thirty.
Look, this is a great example. A totally valid question was flagged as very low quality and even down-voted twice.
Q: Getting the first frame of a GIF image without downloading all the other frames

ctsuI would like to get a GIF image from the network in my Android application, but I found that if I download the whole GIF image, it would cause a lot of network traffic. Can I get only the first frame of a GIF image without downloading all the other frames?

I don't like this elitism that springs up lately.
Yo bro!
So ive tested it out a bit now and it seems to work well
I didn't have the time yet, will try it in a few minutes. :)
You see the demo
Woot? A demo?
Oh right, sexy!
We have to work on a few visual glitches though.
When I move my cursor over the text, some characters clip.
The V for example. It clips until the animations ends.
I just grabbed the first demo I saw on lettering and copied it over. worked out of the box.
Interesting, that is a Chromium bug apparently.
Firefox behaves just fine.
wow, it is even quite slow compared to Firefox.
thinks about switching back to Firefox as his primary browser
i'm just trying to think of a really good way to improve on it.
i'm thinking of adding a butload of options.. like interval limits.
only go upto ten then either start over or scale back to 1 then repeat
custom classnames (maybe the originals conflict?)
I want to remove any third party dependencies but check for them and use them if they are available.
Sounds like a good plan but also like quite some effort. :)
nahh. few hours tonight and most of it should be done.
making something that looks really cool out of this is what i would find difficult.
however I had an idea about 'exploding' text
mouse over a word or a line and all the letters or words 'explode'
Bounty offered: How to avoid opening a second instance? http://askubuntu.com/questions/108765/how-to-avoid-opening-a-second-instance #firefox
@rlemon First vlettering.js issue. ;)
It is more like a discussion.
Submitted my first Github pull request! :D
All Sublime Text 2 users up-vote this proposal please!
1 hour later…
Oh hai @Shog9
What brings you to Ubuntu land?
Can ubuntu 11.10 be installed on a 1T hard drive? http://askubuntu.com/questions/109964/can-ubuntu-11-10-be-installed-on-a-1t-hard-drive #installation
2 hours later…
I just had the idea.
A Github lens.
I'm so going to write it.
I already have a name for it, Octolens.
Have it tap into notify-osd for a inbox notification and you've got a winner.
That's actually an amazing idea!
(thats something the AU lens should have... makes a note to file a bug report [wishlist] for that)
I'd like to use the Github logo for that lens.
Gotta write an email to Github asking them for permission.
Mac on Linux, is it legal? http://askubuntu.com/questions/109999/mac-on-linux-is-it-legal #virtualization
Now I'm in the right room.
Yeah, php 5.4 landed a few days ago
but it might not make it in to the repos in time
Waves at @Shog9.
@OctavianDamiean Ah, was deleting some kid's A51 proposal touting. He dropped into like four different rooms to push the same proposal.
@GeorgeEdison Hey George
Let me guess. Raspberry Pi? :D
@OctavianDamiean Do it Do it Do it Do it
@OctavianDamiean yeah, that's the one.
I'm already gathering information and researching.
Need to find out how exactly I implement OAuth.
I also need Github's permission to use their Octocat logo they use on their page.
There is a Github API v3 Python library so that part is pretty much done.
Yay, I finally got PHP working in IIS 8.
@GeorgeEdison WPI doesnt support IIS8?
I'm sure it does - but it uses an outdated version of PHP I think.
Same with MySQL.
Interesting... Windows 8 ships with something called Storage Spaces:
I know, right?
I wish I had thought of that. :p
@MarcoCeppi if you mean precise, 5.4 won't be there
@ajmitch I figured
shame that I have to compile crap now. Ubuntu Y U NO MAKE IT EASY!?
:| but 90% of everything else is easy on ubuntu!
haha, true
I'm just impatient
i hear ya
I made to move to VIM'ing up my winders dev workflow
Loving using a real editor 80% of the time
@jrg have you looked at destroyallsoftware.com ?
I've seen the preview of DAS, its freakin' amazing.
Don't have the cash for a subscription, otherwise I would. shrug
actually, let me rephrase that - I have the money, just no way of paying.
Are you on gtalk jrg?
Yes, why?
@MarcoCeppi or use a PPA
@ajmitch Yeah, but I'm already using a pretty...custom setup in production
I am now doing the impossible - trying to get Python to play nice with IIS 8.
@MarcoCeppi then it won't be too much of a problem to compile more stuff :)
So it's going to have to be compiled without touching the current php 5.3 install from packages
yeah, I just like being able to apt-get source and upload the revisions to a ppa
then take the 5.4 packages from a PPA, modify & upload to your own PPA?
oh, good point. I could just source from a PPA
I'd generally trust launchpad.net/~ondrej/+archive/php5 once he fixes the precise build failure
that's from one of the main PHP maintainers in Debian
I had packages that were a bit closer to the PHP packages in Ubuntu, but they're a few RCs behind the final 5.4.0 release
@Marco alive?
Until the day he isn't.
whats the opinion on questions regarding aircrack on AskUbuntu?
given that aircrack is a wifi security penetration tool
no problem
Q: Questions seeking how to bypass security, off-topic?

Marco CeppiRecently, this question appeared asking how to bypass a firewall using Ubuntu. What should we do about questions which seek out how to use Ubuntu to bypass security implementations?

to what extent then, though?
if someone were to ask "How can I hack a wifi network's passcode so I can use it" that'd be offtopic no?
That is off-topic.
I don't see how it's off-topic
if someone is asking "How can I test my own wifi passcode security using aircrack?" that'd be on-topic to some extent no?
However, if you said "How can I use aircrack to test my network?", then its A-OK.
No where does that title say someone elses network's passcode
@ThomasWard @MarcoCeppi from what I've seen on meta.security.SE, if you phrase it as a white hat, its ok, if you phrase as a black hat, no-no.
i would be agreeing with @jrg on this @Marco
i think the general title in the first example is black-hat, which is against the Code of Conduct
but if its phrased as white-hat, then it'd be acceptable
@jrg it's just like walking into a doctor's office and saying "So, my friend has this rash..."
It's only a difference of someone who knows how to phrase something
A: What determines if a question should be considered Blackhat?

Ninefingers Thoughts? There is no such thing as black and white, only shades of gray. After that deep philosophical bombshell: it's a subjective call. Any information can be used both constructively and destructively. I think the difference is in the impression of intent. The ASLR question, for example...

A: How do we provide value to white and grey hats?

AviDI'm not so sure. It's perfectly valid, even in a whitehat PoV, to be asking only about the attack, exploit, vector, payload, whatever. Sometimes it's for a pentest (where mitigation may not be relevant), sometimes its for a tricky bit to find the right e.g. evasion (but the mitigation is clear - ...

my interpretation of all that stuff above is its all in the phrasing, but in the end it doesn't matter, much, since its on-topic. But white hat phrasing is preferred, not required.
I have to say just changing the meaning of a title to make it off or on topic is dumb, you should focus on really on the technicality of the question and if that pleases you edit it to fit your "moral" needs
not even moral, to a certain extent its legal. not a lot of the latter, but still some.
white-hat phrasing is just an edit away. ;)
@MarcoCeppi when i walk in the doctors office next time, will you edit my phrase to read "my friend has this rash..."
Indeed. @ThomasWard, just ask your question, I've been curious about aircrack for a long time, just been too lazy to compile it myself. :P
all I am saying is: if you are about to close a question because you consider it blackhat and you can change your moral ground with a small edit, go for the edit
Finally got my openID registration down. woot
@jrg it was about a current question
not a question I had :P
@ThomasWard oh. :p
if i have a question about security penetration testing, it'd end up on security.se
because my penetration testing is done from Windows or Debian 6 (two OSes i dont give a care about)
the only aircrack question i see that isn't on-topic is because its for 12.04, which isn't released yet.
ETA for the next datadump? is excited
I am running 12.04 beta now, and it seems to be working well.
Ubuntu 11.10 home folder http://askubuntu.com/questions/110060/ubuntu-11-10-home-folder #support

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