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@OctavianDamiean Your a web design god :D
I'm far from that. ;)
(Well compared to me)
He might be one though.
/me is web god
Robert is one for sure.
@OctavianDamiean Couldnt agree more
/me is web budah. /me uses jQuery
I didn't even think that it is necessary to mention him because everyone knows about that. :D
@rlemon that is awesome
Aww screw it.. The ubuntu community is too talented
Ok, Robert maybe isn't.
@rlemon btw sorry about yesterday, I am off the caffeine so I am better...
@TheX no worries. I only 'ignore' for a day
Hey.. We forgot something
my ban list clears every 24 hours.
didnt we have to sue microsoft?
Cool I am glad we can be friends again (I hope)
wow, you made it on Robert's ignore list?
@OctavianDamiean yeah I pissed him off...
I don't even remember what I did...
Let me guess, you advocated jQuery. :D
4 hours ago, by Oli
@AmithKK That's slightly harder. Chromium just pulls its fonts from the systems font cache. If a stylesheet requests a certain font that is installed, it's going to be available and it's going to show on the page. The quickest fix for that is to write a script that dynamically edits the CSS to make sure no style can use one of those fonts... But I don't think that's as simple as it might sound.
@OctavianDamiean we don't really need to bring it back up do we?
I knew it.
Heya @DavidOneill
@AmithKK Hi :)
@rlemon HALP!! Why did they use three exclamation marks? if ( !!!document.createElement('canvas').getContext ) {
To ensure it's boolean?
That's the only reason I use more than one ! or not - to convert a value that can be regarded as boolean (numbers, strings, etc) and convert it into an actual boolean value (True/False). !!1 === True, !!0 === False, etc
It's a ternary boolean check, right?
!!! ≠ ! ?
@OctavianDamiean Well yeah...
Aren't ternaries (condition) ? iftrue : else
Yeah I've got no idea why somebody would use three !s - especially in that case where you don't actually need to convert to a boolean at all
That is ridiculous, how comes I didn't know about double and triple negation?
Not in a mathematical sense.
I think I've only ever used them for checking that two variables both equal something or both equal nothing (handy for some types of form) !!varA == !!varB
And that's only because I'm lazy. It's a badger to read.
Sheesh, that background noise JS code generate a new color for every pixel of the canvas.
A new random color.
I have used three to convert a non boolean to a boolean than flip it.
Hey @Oli around?
@Achu Slightly, what's up?
Hey Good
regarding your answer over here: askubuntu.com/questions/54573/…
can i accomplish this using EVDO
I have EVDO connection on my laptop and i wana share for my adroid SGS2
@Achu I don't see why not but you'd probably be better of just sharing the connection through a Wifi card (assuming the laptop has one) using network manager or hostap, or something like that.
That USB connection method is really hacky
Yeah, i thought the same thing one network manager for two USB connection
it will be really hacky like you said
But yeah, if you're sure you want it, all you'd need to sub out is eth0 for the device that the EVDO modem shows as (ifconfig should help there)
The EVDO is on ppp0
and the phone is on br0
But Oli, it's possible to connect two wireless interfaces at a time?
@Achu One connection per device, but yeah, a computer can sustain as many connections as it has devices.
(I'm sure there's a technical limit)
yeah.. ok i will see what options do i have or i will buy USB Wifi dongle like you suggested on the answer.
@Oli And thank you for your kind help :)
@Achu what are you trying to do?
OH you are trying to tether your phone to your computer...
I'm trying to share my EVDO USB modem internet connection to my android phone
tether computer to phone
@OctavianDamiean jsfiddle.net/rlemon/jptpC/12 small revision
@TheX Do you have a way?
@Achu, no sorry, I don't even have a cell phone.
Okay :)
@rlemon Yea, I dumped the noise background.
I am awake.
I dislike the idea to generate a new color for each and ever pixel.
@OctavianDamiean my additions look nice :P
it's not a new colour - it's still grayscale.
and the background is only generated for one 'square'
Yup, saw that.
so it's still rather quick.
i'd likely use a background image... but that is just me.
you guys went flag happy during my bike ride.
@jrg IT WASN'T ME!
No, you just flag things on chat.
askubuntu.com/questions/109456/show-icons-in-menues-and-buttons i can't find a dupe for 11.10, should i answer it then?
is there one for earlier?
you should answer eveyrthing :D
there is one for 10.04 but the commands changed after that
add another answer.
does dropbox have a public API?
do you guys know?
yes they do.
@jrg cool
Add answer for the latest question?
Super Cow Powers? http://askubuntu.com/questions/109425/super-cow-powers
Dupe of easter eggs.
@OctavianDamiean no javascript jsfiddle.net/rlemon/jptpC/14
@QuestionsFeed Oh geeze, thats a horrible question.
@jokerdino start voting.
i can't find the 'add icons to menus and buttons' question for 11.10
askubuntu.com/questions/108830/… answering my own question :D
user image
@jrg so haw far did you ride your bike?
I use to ride my bike 4-5 miles everyday... then I got fat and lazy...
or maybe I got lazy first then fat... I don't remember
hello guys
just boring here
I mean
I am boring
We're all pretty boring
then I am in the right place :) sorry... misspelled my words...
whats ftvfs jokrdino
-.-.. i mean ftbfs
failed to build from source?
I have some other good and funny descriptions for that acronym but they may be offensive...
Friend Trying Bikini For Sure
yeah me too but i lowered the tone lol
so anybody tried the beta1?
no, not me... I am yet on 11.04 and afraid to upgrade as the last time it crashed in my computer, and I have lots of work which can't stop ... I think I will upgrade to the next stable LTS
Surely it is failing to build from source
@TheX Today was just 3 miles.
Friday's Tight But F*ck Sunday?
@LuisAlvarado go for beta! Its fast!
i actually have a sandy bridge system but i am afraid
will beta1 be too powerful
will i go corrupt with ubuntu power!
no i cant
i must not
Oh, dont know about hardware compatibility :S
I have an sort of "stable" system
@jrg cool
hey @StefanoPalazzo
AU lens needs 12.04 lovin!
should I see if david or mark can update it or is it something that is easy?
@StefanoPalazzo oh dude, he fixed it! bugs.launchpad.net/askubuntu-lens/+bug/918308
oh look at that
@JorgeCastro I've just tried 12.04 for the first time today. next week I'll have a second laptop to run it, I'll apply the patch and go through everything. there was a mixup with search results as well (luckily part of the code I wrote, so I can fix that)
oh awesome!
woo, markjtully!
@JorgeCastro i have the 12.04 working version in my PPA
that's the 2nd release in a row he's hooked us up!
Packaged Mark's version.
he's a rock start
well both of them are :) they've rescued the au lens last time around too
Stefano, can you use monochrome icons inside the lens? :))
@jokerdino you mean for the results tiles?
i guess so
Anybody knows if it is possible now to have the launcher icons smaller than 32px
well I'm not running unity at the moment (you know..) but the results are supposed to be full colour icons I'm pretty sure
unless that's changed in Precise
err, the icons near the headers..
my bios has two 'features' -> Load Fail-Safe Defaults and Load Optimized Defaults
One works and one does not, however It is proving to be quite a mission to track what change is causing the system to not boot.
Like answers, badges, tags, etc.
Is there any way to extract the 'defaults' so I can compare what they are setting?
@jokerdino right you are! I'm going to try and fix that
Heh, great!
they were monochrome in 11.04, so, I'll just use those icons again
@GeorgeEdison awesome
I now figured out why normal users don't like Unity or gnome-shell.
They can't type fast!!~
pff lol
@TheX: Check this out.
@GeorgeEdison cool
@rlemon Would be awesome it it would be monochrome and a bit lighter.
Anyone following my issue.... the problem was Ultra DMA was enabled.
@jokerdino link me up to your PPA please!
I have a stupid control file with my name all over it.
I will make a new one if necessary?
Debian folder of the lens is screwed up :S
I am now uploading a saner version.
Monologue is over
leaves scene to the right
Now installing Visual C++ 2010 Express...
shudders now
@jokerdino As for as non-questions go, there have been far worse.
Well, yes.
Did I miss something?
Q: I just wanted to say thank you

flootedI accidently killed windows 7 the other day and am without a backup or the inclination to pay for windos. So I installed Ubuntu and after a bit of a problem getting wifi to work am really very happy with it and wished I´d switched a long time ago. Unity is very nice and very intuitive for someone...

YOu missed me behaving myself...
Oy vey!
Developers with free time: I want a todo list which lets me stick in a question number, and a date.
if it isn't marked as "accepted"/closed by that date, it shows up as in need of dealing with. :P
Hmm... sounds like a job for Tungsten and Stack.PHP.
(that was more of a rant from me because my current system is... clunky at best. Don't actually build it unless you want to, I don't need it.)
@jokerdino Well, aint that dandy.
That is so awesome of us.
Well, you guys are going to hear about this in a few minutes from @AskUbuntuTwitter, but I just offered a bounty here (no more from me for awhile!)
I can only have 3 bounties at once... this sucks.
@OctavianDamiean you around bro?
that look any better for you? I personally found using a 128*128 image to show the best results.
and less jitter or more? again less jitter looks cleaner but the noise effect is not meant to look clean.
A tad less jitter and it is awesome.
Now building Qt for Windows x64...
that is much less jitter - however there is an alternate base code for a little more
alternatively you can use these
the bottom one is < half the size of the top
fully transparent as well.. underlay any colour to the body
Right, no making them monochrome and they are perfect. :)
Anyone has any vague idea about Debian packaging?
@jokerdino What's up?
Those are Lintian warnings.
It's up to you whether you want to correct them or not.
So, any idea?
Lintian complains about everything, even when its happy.
I want to correct them so that I can build it from source.
You can still build it even with the warnings.
The warnings only affect the packaging and they are not show-stoppers.
What is the command for that?
For what?
@OctavianDamiean jsfiddle.net/rlemon/HUShn how does this look now (removed the base64 - I figure if people want it they can goto greywyvern.com/code/php/binary2base64)
@GeorgeEdison To build them.
Is there a Makefile in the source directory?
...or a debian directory?
There is a debian folder.
Okay, then cd into that...
...and run dh_make.
@rlemon Perfect!
You do have the Debian helper scripts installed, right?
deb-helper package iirc.
I think it's the dh_make package.
@OctavianDamiean ok, check out the base for that fiddle. i've been updating everything back to the base.
perhaps you could try going to directory where the sources are?
increasing the image size or the amount of jitter drastically changes the file size -> and much longer load times.
@jokerdino: So you need to do sudo apt-get install dh-make.
debhelper is installed.
Installed too.
Okay, then run debuild in the debian directory.
(Sorry, I think I told you to run dh_make - I got mixed up.)
unmet build dependencies :/
installed the required dependency for now
i get a lot of make errors
Hmm... can I see (some of) them?
Maybe I can help.
heh i closed the terminal.
Oh, it's okay.
thanks for the help. i am now annoying asking for help in the #ubuntu-motu
ok, i'm now done with this example @OctavianDamiean you created a monster
@jokerdino I deleted my recent comment on that ticket regarding notifying the OP, if you want to delete yours, too
Done. Thanks!
well, i updated my answer to include the cmd method
Bounty offered: Is there a way to disable or limit system xrandr probes? http://askubuntu.com/questions/54422/is-there-a-way-to-disable-or-limit-system-xrandr-probes #xorg
hello all
@William hi
@William Hi
@DavidOneill Hi
There any minecraft servers running 1.2?
@MarcoCeppi I cant connect to the minecraft talk server
The minecraft server only runs during Game On
that one
When I try to connect I get a DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC error.
@MarcoCeppi Hello?
The minecraft server only runs during the Game On, on the weekends
hi all.
I thought that one was always on.
There are two seperate servers
@William I don't run the other one
WHo does?
does stack exchange offer an openID for me to use as a consumer?
thats a meta.SO question is i ever saw one :)
@William no it's a chat question. :P
I can look on Meta, I just thought these lovely people would know
I'm not sure if i'm lovely, but I don't know the answer...
@DavidOneill u so lovely
gee thanks :)
hey there ubunteros
hi @Merlin
hi @DavidOneill ... my first time here ... thought I'd fly in and say hello ... and that my flash player has died out-of-the-blue, have you had any similar issues?
@Merlin I have not.
what were you doing when it died?
(or did you just try to use it and discover that it wasn't working)
Nothing spectacular but I did a raft of updates without restarting the machine (for about a month)
I just noticed today that it no longer wanted to play
Q: remove java duplicated package

Someone Like YouI'm on linux mint 12 i have installed java, following netbeans instructions, it wasn't working on chrome, so i installed it like that sudo echo 'deb http://www.duinsoft.nl/pkg debs all' >> /etc/apt/sources.list sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keys.gnupg.net --recv-keys 5CB26B26 sudo apt-get ...

that shouldn't break anything... i rarely reboot...
what version do you have?
Sometimes it gets in a tizz ... but very rarely ... I don't have a true out-of-the-box setup anyway
have you searched around the website for anyone else who's asked a similar question?
i can't be much help here - my 11.10 computer is my work one, so i'm not sure i've ever actually used flash on it...
Wow... MSVC++ compiler is fast.
I'm a big fan of Mingw32 but this just blows it out of the water.
looks like a repo weirdness .. I didn't look, I thought it might have been something awaiting resolution so thought chat was best
kk solved it ...
Uninstalled the one in orange ... and installed the one with the green box
nifty :)
and restarted firefox
Not sure why this happened ... seems like a weird thing to occur.
Anyway thanks for morale support :) vanishes in a flash
@MarcoCeppi: Check out what UX.SE has:
You can create mock-ups in the post itself!
Q: Can StackExchange license Balsamiq for mockups on UX.Stackexchange?

MosheWho thinks it's a good idea for StackExchange to integrate with Balsamiq for UX.StackExchange? I do, and I'd be really happy if we had the ability to make mockups on UX for UX. This is something for SE to spend unicorn dollars on. Fogbugz has Balsamiq, UX should get it too!

Yup, that's the one.
is there a question about why ext4 doesn't have to be decompressed like mac and windows filesystems?
you mean defragmented?
@JorgeCastro yeah I always forget that word..
yeah just type "defrag" in the search box
I want to know why it doesn't have use defrag, because it makes no sense.
defrag moves the files around on the hard drive so it's more organized and easier to find, and makes everything faster, so why wouldn't that be usefull?
@JorgeCastro it's just very strange...
Q: Why is defragmentation unnecessary?

ZangoWhy is defragmentation in ubuntu unnecessary?

i've heard from really smart people that you do need to defrag, it's just not as needed as other OSes
@BrunoPereira looking at the link now (wikipedia)
@JorgeCastro that makes less sense..
it said somewhere that it's not possible to defrag ext3?!
I've been using ext3 and 4 since they came out and never run into an issue
where I've been like "oh, I better defrag!"
...and I can testify that there have been many times I needed to defrag. an NTFS partition :)
@JorgeCastro well the issue is that you get a slower computer over time, but if you reinstall Ubuntu form time to time then it's no problem
@GeorgeEdison I haven't done it yet, and I apparently should
@JorgeCastro I still haven't heard back from the Juju people - should I be concerned or are they just busy?
mac's have been defragen by auto since the last 10 years O.o
NTFS = Need To (de)Frag Soon?
@GeorgeEdison mims is at strata, so I am down a guy
let me whine to clint
@GeorgeEdison both charms need review right?
will go and do some gaming now :P
that's the only thing you can do in windows anyway :P
@JorgeCastro Yes, both are ready now.
let me go whine
This is interesting:
> "There is no support of deleted file recovery in the file system design. The ext3 driver actively deletes files by wiping file inodes[26] for crash safety reasons."
I think @MarcoCeppi is ignoring your charms on purpose
/me notes that he just made that up
@Alvar this is a good explanation on the contrasts between a file system that needs constant defrag and others that "dont" geekblog.oneandoneis2.org/index.php/2006/08/17/…
Hey guys...question...anyone might be able to help me troubleshoot how to download vzam for a Verizon Wireless air card?
"jcastro: Its on my short list for today.. had to wrap up some MIR response bug fixes."
@GeorgeEdison ^^
anyone know how to backup ubuntu server to ubuntu1?
@GeorgeEdison from clint to us: memegenerator.net/instance/15535109
@GeorgeEdison hey I got a quick question about openID if you have a second
Basically what is the correct way as a consumer to 'log' your users data. normally I have a username and a password to work with. Now I have a identity. Should I store the id and the identity's domain seperate? or as a single string or just the id??
Bounty offered: Can nagios3 automatically generate a network map? http://askubuntu.com/questions/50352/can-nagios3-automatically-generate-a-network-map #server

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