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I think that Assad, Kim El Jung (or whoever it is, Trump, and Putin have a Fatal 4 way celebrity death match, winner takes all...
but make them do it in person and then nuke that spot
@Seth make them do it on the sun...
then we don't have to worry about wasting a nuke...
I wouldn't mind it if we had 1 less nuke in this world, but perhaps you're right. Better keep the radiation locked up.
Kim Jung Un I think...
Kim Jung Ill was the father I think....
Kim Kar Dash actually.
I wasn't really worried about the qaunity of the nukes on earth, as much as I was worried about the collateral and long term effect of actually having one go off...
Like all nations there is a deep state in North Korea and they were recently leveled with sanctions by Obama administration.
Kim U Ill Tho was the father.
Can't wait until the sh*t hits the fan and the people in the deep state of America are named and outed.
It might take a hundred years but I'm patient.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix you will be dead in a hundred years, and if not...then lol
Prediction is 15 to 20 more years though for mother of all stock market crashes and that's when they'll be outed.
You people are so optimistic...
It'd be cute if you were younger :)
Just what some old wise men have told me.
@RolandiXor lol
Or... Eligible females my age :D
the 15 to 20 years before economic collapse I mean
But that's a different kind of cute
Even China is getting in line to attack NK...
@WinEunuuchs2Unix lelelelel
15 to 20 yrs is long
@NathanOsman I know the feeling :)
You don't have that long.
@RolandiXor >>>>____>>>>
China is just saying what you want to hear, they have been NK's largest trading partner for 60 years.
NK trades?
In deed thanks to sanctions against NK, China has profitted from trade with them plus Burma / Myramar.
Some people just like to see the city burn
@WinEunuuchs2Unix that maybe true, but I don't believe China wants to go to war against the US...
The US only bombs countries weakened by UN resolutions.
They won't attack countries with nukes.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix then NK is the perfect target lol...
NK has nukes... they could have a tug boat tow a sea container into Chesapeake bay and KA_BOOM.
For all other countries, they use other countries to do the dirty work. Like Kenya.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix lets be realistic...
And then the Kenyans have to put up with Somalian terrorists, who are rightfully angry as hell.
How does nobody own this domain? thisisnotarealwebsite.com
I do now...
Not really, I don't want it.
If I had some spare change I'd buy it :>
I already have enough domains to pay for.
I want fortheloveofgodandallthatisgooddonotreadthisurl.com
There is too much focus on NK's ICBM development program and miniaturized nukes < 500 kg. Totally forgetting the ability to forge an identity as a high roller drug trafficker or human trafficker and getting a 5 ton nuke in a sea container into NYC, DC and LA simultaenously.
@TheXed not loading :P
dpr = democratic people's republic that is NK... SK is called Republic of Korea.
@RolandiXor O.o Barbados censors it lol...
How is there not a "quackening" highlander meme in my repertoire?
We are such scaredy cats
when you type sudo find / > find.txt does your conky and music freeze for the last few minutes but everything else in the GUI work perfectly and snappily?
@RolandiXor I sorta want macisterrible.com
I was making a 150 MB file to test bash array and encountered that issue...
@AndroidDev if only a URL could have some colourful characters, you could have macisb*ll$whooothere.com
@RolandiXor that is for you...
pfft @TheXed you keep posting Korea and NSA will pop into the room... besides average American doesn't care about Korea or Syria.
@TheXed trying to get me in trouble?
You know they're already watching me for my connections to mars...
@WinEunuuchs2Unix they should care about Korea, there is a maniac trying to nuke us, and we need Syria's oil...
@RolandiXor I am trying to help you not be censored....
Well at least you're honest
Trump did say "We should occupy other countries for their resources"
Thankfully, we have no resources.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix I am a realist...
Except beaches and beautiful people
@TheXed Syria's strategic American interests are pipelines from Saudia Arabia and Qatar to traverse the region, plus donations from American Jewish (AIPAC) to expand Golan Heights.... everyone should know this.
Oh wait o.o
@RolandiXor that is where you are wrong...we want your beaches and your women...
@NathanOsman Success?
No no no no no... we're all ugly!
Ugly as sin!
Oh and we want Rihanna back...
@TheXed You're a realist on fake news I'm sorry to say.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix I never said I was right...
Wait, my bad you cannot return Rihanna. We're not taking her back!
@TheXed Why can't you be a realist on South Chicago and enlighten us with first hand information?
Then @WinEunuuchs2Unix has to take Bieber back, I can't cope with them both!
@WinEunuuchs2Unix not sure about the AIPAC stuff but the rest of it is actually true.
Sad but true.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix what do you want to know about south Chicago? I can make it there in about 2 hours.
Being a report of events 15,000 KM away where you are being forcefed by CNN or NSBC or FOX doesn't help us.
I don't watch that crap!
....that wasn't directed at you
At least not seriously. I have CNN but I rarely watch it, and I don't touch Faux :D
@WinEunuuchs2Unix I know
@WinEunuuchs2Unix wait, was that a anti-semantic statement?
I watch news channels that argue against each other desperately seeking facts to disprove the other.
@TheXed I'm pro God / Allah / Yaweh
I watch grass grow
Wait, did you just divide God by Allah?
Yaweh is the Jewish god... but all three religions believe in the same god, just different profits and prophets. and spellings / pronounciations.
nope - but I'm not going down that road
way too controversial for the AU chat
This needs to be moved to the "if a DC-10 fell on your head do you know where your gonna go" room...
the newspaper
prophets sometimes preach profiting from other religions and killing them too in their interpretation of God's word which is conveniently written by men in their tribe.
"Plane falls on man's head, man says "Ow?! Wth was that for?"
@WinEunuuchs2Unix not a convenient convo for this room
^^^ standing in an airport runway
@RolandiXor Don't blame the finisher, blame the starter
@WinEunuuchs2Unix it doesn't matter what religion you want to blame your "holy war" on, the matter of the fact countries get invaded for their resources...it has been that way since the dawn of humanity...
Sure I understand that I live in Canada
@WinEunuuchs2Unix not blaming anyone, just saying that's not really appropriate for this room - politics is fringe enough :)
The natives here are still marginalized after 400 years
So politics are okay, religion isn't and God forbid if we mix the two!
I feel guilty everytime I see them with my higher-education and well-paying job.
@TheXed politics are something everyone can "agree" on
religion... is asking for trouble no matter what you do
@RolandiXor they can?
Q: Problems with new user account in Ubuntu 16.10

justin_0104I created a new user in Ubuntu 16.10 using sudo useradd -m <username>. I then changed the password for the user using sudo passwd . I also assigned the user to the sudo users group. I can log in as the user created during the ubuntu server setup process and use the su command to switch to my new ...

I don't agree with anyone's politics, only my own observations
" "
as you know, I have strong opinions...
my opinions bench press 2 tons every morning
Of course, if we Lived in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea we would have nothing to argue about.
politics like banking and space travel is just a good way of expanding fiat currency base... so is war too of course, plus hollywood and cancer research, free vet services for cats with wounded legs, etc.
but I must abide by the code of wisdom wrt to this room as a mod
Well...opinions are like arm pits, everyone has them and they all stink.
Mine don't :)
@RolandiXor yes they do, I can smell them all the way across the Gulf of Mexico...
I think we can all agree that everyone disagrees
deodourant goes a long way
@RolandiXor not long enough apparently lol...
@AndroidDev got it running now.
@TheXed that was low
I am joking...forgive me...
lol I know
but I was just pulling your leg off
I succeeded.
I wondered why it hurt so much...
:36659941 it's alright
I don't mind doing so much work for no pay... moving the population of a small planet... no big deal.
By the way. I love 2 day shipping...
@RolandiXor II pinged the wrong person, ooops
and I capitalised on your mistake :>
I always get 45 day shipping that turns out to be 63 days sigh
@NathanOsman Great! Sorry to put you to all this trouble!
Maybe my tube extensions will get here before WWIII breaks out...
@AndroidDev File selector works.
You know after WWII the wars never stopped
Hey on the bright side, at least Germany won't be the root cause of this World War....
Germany is causing angst in Europe though with Euro currency controls
America is all grown up now!
Starting world wars and all :)
So proud!
@NathanOsman Yay! What about the image info tab? Does everything work there? Is the UI screwed up?
@WinEunuuchs2Unix this might be true, but at least they are not antagonizing a World War again...
We should all invade a poorer nation in celebration!
After brexit there will be grexit and then frexit and itlay-avrivaderchi
I'll start with Zimbabwe - always wanted to go there...
All the eastern european countries will then rejoin the soviet block
Well all the Nazi's went to South America...
@RolandiXor You would be a rich man in Zimbabwe all the women, drink and palaces you want.
So where do all the Americans escape to after we lose WWIII? Canada?
@WinEunuuchs2Unix scary :O
I only want 1 woman in my life - I'm a one woman man!
And I don't drink because alcohol tastes bad!
The only thing left to me is... palaces!
@TheXed In their hearts most Canadians are anti-American politics, but they smile and play the game saying "yeah lets sanction Russia for enabling chem weps in Syria" even thought they don't believe it.
@NathanOsman How does it look when you load a picture with the "select image to inspect" button?
@WinEunuuchs2Unix then Canada it is then...
@TheXed Canada is large enough to hold 20 billion people if not more.
@AndroidDev Works perfectly.
With my hydrogen plans and greenhouses everyone will eat well.
got this secret power source called the sun... but don't tell anyone
We only need enough food for the Americans...
We don't allow American refugees into Barbados.
Not without money.
And free stuff.
We are going to kick the Canadians out...
@TheXed I've flown over America it's mostly deserted... could put 100 billion people there and feed them all.
@NathanOsman Yay again :D Is the correct file name displayed after selecting a file in the embed tab?
If you want to come to this country you have to earn it - no freeloaders. Pull yourselves up by the boot record!
@WinEunuuchs2Unix sure...but it will be a nuclear waste land...
@RolandiXor Boot Strap Loader, not boot record / mbr that's the noun
@WinEunuuchs2Unix it's not supposed to make sense
@TheXed The ending will not be nukes, economic collapse remember?
after all, they're... okay let me be nice :D
@RolandiXor right, but the Nukes will play a major role...
@AndroidDev yes.
@TheXed That reminds me I have to develop battle plans over the Syria file...bbl
@NathanOsman Thanks so much! I'm happy now :) Any UI improvement suggestions? As you can see, the embed and extract tabs arent even implemented yet, so now's the time to decide how to do the UI.
@NathanOsman Also if you could test one more thing while you're at it... If you deny access to the storage from the permissions manager, does it crash? I think I implemented the denied permission try/catch correctly, but I'm not sure...
It just says "empty directory".
No crash.
@NathanOsman what are you testing?
Science ;)
Syria battle plans posted...back.
throws @NathanOsman's science into /dev/urandom
hopefully there are no mods around.
@TheXed He's testing a development version of an app I'm working on.
@ThomasWard thanks!
@ThomasWard you mean /dev/null?
@WinEunuuchs2Unix well, there are :)
I mean that can read email addresses :p
@AndroidDev what does this app doe?
Well I am off to bed...
@TheXed Embeds files inside images
@TheXed hi
@RolandiXor lol, bye.
@NathanOsman So any UI recommendedations/suggestions?
None that I can think of.
@TheXed good night.... thanks for sharing your views on DPRK and ROK.
@NathanOsman OK, thanks! Would you like to continue beta testing it as I develop it, or should I stop bugging you? :)
We all bug him... why should you be different :p
@AndroidDev Sure, by all means.
Let me know how it's coming.
I bug him by my sheer existence. Then again, I bug everyone for that reason :>
@NathanOsman OK, I will! Thank you again, and if I can return the favor (beta test any of your programs) please do let me know :)
@NathanOsman I was googling a glitch in Nautilus extracting the directory name from my phone for comparing music directories to my HDD slow-line storage and your program "NitroShare" popped up at the top of the list.
it's weird reel-to-reel tape used to be called off-line storage and now I'm calling HDD "slow-line" storage sigh
@WinEunuuchs2Unix They make HDDs that can do ~250MBsec nowadays
That is not slow by any stretch of the imagination
I mean HDD's used to be fast compared to floppy disks but now I use them for storing stuff and maybe for backups some day when I get around to writing the script.
@AndroidDev My HDD's are around 150 MBs I think.
I mean, sure, new SSDs can do 2GB/sec, but who needs that?
@AndroidDev I do ... I just ran "find / > find.txt" and it took 10 minutes on ssd.
oops actually it crashed with I/O error then I did "sudo find / > find.txt"
there was permission denied when it hit the phone "/user/1000/....glvs" or something.
but everything went ok after 10 minutes, except conky frooze and music stopped for last 3 minutes
but GUI was still snappy and I could gedit page through /var/log/syslog no prob
You really should do tree > tree.txt on the root dir
tree does line draw characters, I don't want to parse them in bash
I'm taking the 150MB output and sticking it into bash array and dialog box with yad
wanna test the 1.3 GB bash array limit they published.
it's my easter project.... have 4 days off of work.
:36660441 There is a cool derivative of tree: $ pstree -g -p | grep display
So your intent is to cause a stack overflow or something?
@AndroidDev No... if it works I'll use it as a File Manager project where you can put comments on every file on your system.
But there are 430,000 files on a typical system I think, and you would only enter comments on a few hundred I think.
uh oh @muru is here, quick, delete above :p
phewww I'm safe
Anyway I like to push everything to the limits to see what it can do... If they say bash can handle 1.3 GB arrays and I have 8 GB or RAM why not put it all into a dialog box that yad can sort by column and search on?
Alright, well I'm off to bed.
Sleep well, hope tomorrow is great whereever you are
Same to you :)
It will be good, thanks :)
A programmer walks into a bar. The bartender wonders if he should keep a tab or four spaces.
@Seth spaces!
@Fabby yeeeaaaaaahh totally a dupe all day long. I couldn't vote though after that conversation XD
grrrrr, i hate cars
@Seth If that's a Python programmer, definitely spaces
I think I FINALLY have my Jenkins plugin working.
That was the worst few hours of programming I ever remember...
It seems to work.
I think I just ripped the fabric of spacetime. I installed Visual Studio in 9 minutes on my Win2012 server with an SSD.
@Seth 9 MINUTES!!1!!one
I left it for a few minutes and lo and behold - it was done!
Now, there were a few things in its favor - as stated earlier, the server did have an SSD. Also, I had a local cache of the packages for installation. BUT STILL.
@NathanOsman is the local HTTP API for nitroshare documented anywhere? ;p
I guess that almost counts?
I'll have to answer your questions here then.
Since my documentation is... er... absent.
(Which I will fix soon.)
I'd guess I could use curl. Port would be a start. an example would be cooler ;p
Actually, do you do Python programming?
er. I can vaguely read python
Okay, because I have a Python example.
I'll walk you through it.
First things first - you need to find the port and the special token needed to make a request.
Look in the user's home directory for a file named .NitroShare
It is readable only to the currently-logged-in user.
It is in JSON format.
{"port": 1234, "token": "abcdefg12345678"}
^--- it looks like that
So then you make a POST request to with that port and an extra header 'X-Auth-Token' set to the value in the token.
Now for the actual routes that are available...
There are two.
can't quite find that
What can't you find?
anything called .Nitroshare in home
Next question, which version are you using?
Because the local HTTP API wasn't added until 0.3.2.
ah. 3.3.11
Good news. I haz a PPA.
its what's in the fedora repos
PPA isn't going to work there... :P
Well... it's pretty easy to compile.
Do you want to give that a shot?
The only downside is you'll have to also compile QHttpEngine beforehand.
(Since that is what the app uses for the HTTP API.)
shrug I think I'll get back to you once I've done that
The current master branch for QHttpEngine is... well... a little buggy.
Better to stick with the current stable release.
I can give you the commands if you need them.
You'll need Qt and CMake.
I can compile things ;p
Okay, ping me if you have questions.
wow... any of these answers any use? askubuntu.com/questions/599769/…
@Zanna not really
most of them seem not even to address the question properly
but I have no idea about that topic
a miracast sink on ubuntu would do the trick
post an answer!
I'd need to find a miracast sink
and a ubuntu GUI box ...
bounty? or is it too much of a spam magnet?
I'll spin up a VM once I'm done building nitroshare
@RolandiXor sorry for late reply. I was on mobile and it's difficult to reply from there. I did comment on the answer though. I'm also listing all those problems for a while so that a better factual answer can be given for these questions
Upgrade KDE to 5.8 (most essential parts) I'd say, this is awesome!
@Zanna 01.org/wds should work but ugh, testing will be a bit
yeah looks pretty in depth o.O
@Zanna What happened to the dash question? It was interesting
@Zanna it isn't really end user ready
also needs a wifi card, preferably a supported one
@Anwar Kaz answered but made some assumptions (and didn't read the comments it seemed to me)
no upvotes
looks a bit easier at first glance
@NathanOsman nitroshare 3.3 built. Still can't find the folder tho
@JourneymanGeek Try opening settings and checking this setting:
Make sure that is checked.
actually I think I messed up the build
crashes cause it can't find libQhttpengine.

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