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11 bits, 2^11 = 2,048 combinations... seems kind of high for traffic lights but oh well shrugs
That's exactly the same thing I'm thinking. Which probably means I'm overthinking. But today my brain isn't thinking as I think it should be thinking, because I think I'm really tired
Hey could you guys spare some VTCs? The OP has confirmed that the solution from the suggested dupe worked for him.
Q: Screen tearing when scrolling on Dell XPS 13

fastenedrexWhen I scroll I get screen tearing, which ends up being a line that runs almost perfectly horizontally from the top-left to bottom-right corners of my screen that distorts whatever flows through it. Has anyone encountered this before?

Q: Ubuntu disappeared from grub

TheCatWhispererI dual boot, one entire physical disk drive is for ubuntu, the other is for windows. The last time I used my machine I had used Windows. Today when I went to select Ubuntu from from grub there were no ubuntu boot options, only memtest and Windows 10 boot loader. It boots into Windows fine. I ...

@AndroidDev Done :)
piece of cake, anytime
whoa that was fast
@TheWanderer you look like Apple's beach-ball of death :p
woot, just broke 20k.
time to dv
@RobotHumans Welcome.
Now I must teach you the secret covenant of our divine ways.
gonna text bash's 1.3GB array limits but needed some test data so I'm using $ sudo find / > find.txt
@RobotHumans congratz !
@RolandiXor look at messenger :-P
Or hangouts...whatever I use...I don't know...
@TheXed lol I was about to :D
just got back to the comp and phone
(Was being helpful)
Being helpful is over rated :-P
9% battery left. I kinda wanna go buy smokes and I don't want to at the same time
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy bad smoking for your health, is.
@RolandiXor That I know
I hope you smoke the competition
Heh, I'm trying, but there's way too many cool people on AU
@TheXed I think Opera just crashed on the laptop
so I might take a bit to reply until it stops fritzing (gathering info for an error report)
@RolandiXor you actually submit error reports?
Not any more.
I just took away mod powers from myself: by awarding 100 point bounty and taking rep to 9,997 :D :askubuntu.com/questions/828486/…
@WinEunuuchs2Unix lol
You need to leave yourself a buffer.
shoot... my 100 point bounty just got reduced to 95 points and I'm back up to 10,002 points again :p
I'm cruel like that.
Now someone upvoted me and bounty went back to 100 points???
Well I'm going to make dinner now and wait for 5 million people to answer my question in seeking 100 points.
How does a bounty change value?
ask @ThomasWard
You know too much...
You know too little...
Time for operation "silent killer"
rogj nrgoergn bet[gi ergpou ehg er[goiu ehgerg
kill him with hueness
Going to give him a new kitten.
You can't kill the un-living...
A tiny, fluffy one.
that'll do it
I eat kittens...
It says "mew."
I will still eat it.
It is my thing, it is what I do...
I can respect that.
A real man stands by what he believes in.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix I've been contemplating setting a bounty on one of my questions too, but -50 isn't so great if I don't get any answers...
You know, people like to nitpick about who eats what.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix Doing tree on the root directory is fun too :D
@WinEunuuchs2Unix hm?
Ah, skewer it . . . I've not enough energy today to go on a rant how westerners are bashing on asians for eating dogs, even though only very rural and poor places do that, while europeans are murderlizing chickens and cows and pigs . . .
As long as everyone agrees to like pie, it's all good.
But the pie is a lie . . .
The solution is here!
\o/ \o/ \o/
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy that's cake you walnut
A: cmd.exe is hanging unexpectedly depending on where the file I use is located

Harry JohnstonIs this a bug with Java? Is this a bug with Windows? It's a bug in your code. :-) By default, a child process created using a ProcessBuilder object has output redirected to a pipe, the parent end of which can be obtained using Process.getInputStream() and which is not automatically drained if...

@KazWolfe ---^
@TheWanderer OOOooooo . . . .
Also, as you can see, I was quite excited:
Well, I'm an engineer. I'll say "close enough"
I am crying tears of joy over this. You have no idea how many hours have been wasted pouring through source code, stepping through stack traces, firing up debuggers, and testing on different environments. Thank you so very much!Nathan Osman 59 secs ago
@NathanOsman poring*
@TheWanderer Nope.
Never mind.
and you said through
Carry on.
you walnut
Nothing to see here.
He's a cashew tho...
oh sry
you cashew
I'm a pistachio, thank you very much.
oh dear
My sincerest apologies :P
does that make @RolandiXor a hickory?
I was born a Brazil nut but I identify as a hazelnut
On some days I feel more like beech nut or a pine cone though
pine nut?
or do you just turn into a different species?
I am all species
POOF I'm a pinecone!
I'm actually a martian nut, I can shapeshift into all nuts
@NathanOsman - Do you have a Gmail address I can share the APK to?
@RolandiXor well you certainly are a nut...
That much is for certain
@AndroidDev [email protected]
include your SSN
anyone see that CGP Grey video on how SSNs were never meant for ID?
@AndroidDev [FIRSTNAME].[LASTNAME]@gmail.com
Include the brackets, btw.
@TheWanderer Le sigh.
@NathanOsman Got. You can nuke that now if you need to :)
Now spammers can scrape it.
@NathanOsman le hue
Gmail has amazing spam filters though
unlike iCloud....
@AndroidDev Well... that isn't the actual address.
sigh . . . someone give me a reason not to go to class, mmm?
I meant to replace the items in brackets with the values from my username here.
Sorry if I wasn't clear on that.
creative email there
@NathanOsman No, I understood perfectly :)
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy bacon
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy you're out buying a vape
quote quote
In best British accent: I do believe that escalated at an alarming rate.
Nuclear winter, too cold to go outside.
@NathanOsman that's a nice one.
@NathanOsman - Here's the link. You'll have to sign in. drive.google.com/file/d/0B-V1bipqDdfkN3U5SU90c3lhSjQ/…
@NathanOsman you sound like a cashew
@NathanOsman "I do declare..."
@NathanOsman not really, he was trying to convince me and Fabby to give up smoking for like 20 mins
@AndroidDev got it - I'll test in about five minutes.
what are we testing?
@TheWanderer Top o' de mornen to ye, laddy
@TheWanderer He's testing some highly experimental code
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy TOP O THE MORNING TO YE
Climb delightfully into my belly, chaps!
Wait, wrong script.
@TheWanderer but I'm Python guy, i like spaces
this game is so creepy
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy hue
@TheXed what game
I make it my business to weird people out. Daily.
This war of mine..
@RolandiXor going well I see
@TheXed which one?
I mean creepy in a non traditional way...
@RolandiXor yer doin a mighty good job lad
isn't that the definition of creppy? @TheXed
Also: the Talos Principle is 75% off on Steam, BTW.
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy foin*
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy you have my deepest gratitude!
basically you are a civilian trying to survive in a war torn country...
I think it is creepy because it is actually feasible...
@TheXed I instantly thought of Syria
Yeah supposedly it is based off real events,,, I don't remember exactly...
byt seriously speaking, I mean we are only working on the project today and next lecture , I think. I don't think there's much motivation for me to go to the class
Did any of you play We Were Here?
Never heard of it.
@NathanOsman I have heard of it, but that is all I remember about it.
Imma let you all finish but this is the best tweet of all time:
Pepsi: That was the biggest PR blunder of the week, year maybe. United: Hold my beer. Sean Spicer: LEEEEEEEEEERROOOOOOOY JEEEENNNNNNKINS!
God he's stupid
Hitler didn't use chemical weapons against his own citizens?
must be one of those "alternative facts" I've been hearing about
@TheWanderer didn't you know? Hitler was a Saint.
@TheWanderer no, just everyone else...
Yeah I saw Spicer's screw-up on Russia Today... that guy needs a bigger mouth to put his foot in.
This business of making things up as you go along doesn't work well with people who actually pay attention... It only works for sheeples
how did we let this guy into office?
I blame @NathanOsman
@RolandiXor It's a two-player game where you and a friend get trapped in an abandoned castle and have to help each other out using only your voice.
@NathanOsman he knows!
Spicer was probably one of a few volunteers for Trump because he was hammered by the press at the time.
Should we release the Kraken now, or wait till he realizes just how bad things really are?
@NathanOsman wow
@RolandiXor who's the kraken? Clinton?
That image never fails to amuse.
I can see a movie coming out of this.
And not a comedy either :>
Mecha-sharknado :>
you and your creepy smile
@NathanOsman I was talking to @terdon and he said you had some ideas how to migrate my unappreciated bash script which data-mines / web-scrapes Ask Ubuntu answers and compares embedded code to local script files to highlight differences. : askubuntu.com/questions/900319/… Terdon mentioned something about rephrasing Q&A into single post? Right now I have two answers as size is large.
You want to move it to Stack Apps?
Not really... I want to do what you guys believe is right.
@RolandiXor Lol, the first thing I thought of when you said Kraken was this: nzxt.com/products/kraken-x62
@AndroidDev sorry for the delay, just trying to get adb up and running since I recently did a fresh install.
@NathanOsman Wait one sec
@AndroidDev lol wow
@NathanOsman - I need to make one last change
@NathanOsman Okay, here's the updated link. Sorry about that! drive.google.com/file/d/0B-V1bipqDdfkd3NPY3QzUWQ2YkU/…
Just gotta wait for the CLI tools to finish downloading.
@NathanOsman I got tired and just said "The test suite should test the connection against my own system just because" so its testsuite tests test connecting to an actual IMAP server heh
no credentials, just a connection.
So meh.
it works though lol
We need an example.com for testing SMTP and IMAP :P
@NathanOsman it was muru that picked stackapps.com. Personally I'd lean towards Stack Overflow or wherever the most bash programmers are interested in dissecting Internet websites. It's what bash can do I'm trying to reveal. Showing how to extract AU upvotes, extract code and compare it to your local copy is secondary. That part might only be applicable to a small minority of scripters / coders who post answers.

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