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too much hues
@NathanOsman Duh... Your output is 0dB at 100%!
Of course you cannot hear anything!
Cue the glue whose hue gave Sue her due.
(sorry, couldn't resist that one!)
Hey @Fabby. Long time no see :)
I'm here now and then, but mostly not for very long and mostly after youve gone to bed!
I know, I keep seeing you in the transcript.
Had a shitty day and should go to bed bit too worked up...
And yeah, I work mornings(ish) now so I try to go to bed before 4am most days. And fail. Most days.
@Fabby One of those, huh?
You do? I haven't said anything funny lately
a "We're going to pay 23500$ penalty if that isn't done today" day...
and then a "I'm going to be fired if you don't do that today" day...
I was kept very entertained today
Ouch. And did you do it?
@Fabby >_>
@TheWanderer It's a notification to Nathan, whi will have a :-) instead of a >_>
@terdon not yet.
Last time I looked we were still awaiting a license file
There's so much to say for Open Source Software!
@Fabby Ouch.
That was an hour ago...
OK, I need to get up in 6h45 min...
Good night all!
shutdown /s /t 1
Night and good luck
(as I'm writing this from my work computer)
Paul will need it: it's his arse that's on the line!
(At least: he says it is...)
@Fabby why are you paying a late penalty? why don't you just deliver something? what is it you are supposed to be delivering? when is the final delivery date? how can you say "here it is but bug fixes are coming later"?
@terdon remember my Ask Ubuntu web scraping app written in bash? any ideas of a good home for it? it feels incomplete without an audience...
Ah, we discussed that with Nathan a while back and he agreed that it could go to stackapps (I think, best ask him) but in the form of a post, not a question. Best ask Nathan directly though.
Well, you need to tell us everything you've tried here on the site, otherwise some idiot is going to press the Close this as a duplicate button because there is an absolute lack of evidence that it's not a duplicate! — Fabby 2 mins ago
Thanks, I'll follow up with him next time I see him.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix When you hire someone to do something from a certain date to another date, you have to pay them regardless of whether they could perform their work or not.
@Fabby You should hire them with retainage in the first place, and with specific deliverables and milestones in the second place.
when they can only start working after the period you've hired them for, you have to hire them again...
but they have been hired by someone else, so you have to pay the other guy to hire someone else and the first guy to come back and actually start working...
I used to charge for General Design stage, Detailed Design Stage, Programming stage, Documentation, Training and Installation all separate billables.
Now comes the problem:
I didn;t hire them...
Someone else did!!!
:D :D :D
And I have to solve their problem...
You should be paying for the project, not the workers
(I also started their work quite late as I had other urgent stuff that needed doing)
rip unubtu
how do you pronounce "unionized"?
Oh, hi Fabby !
I got my Easter Project lined up... test Linuxes 1.3 GB array limits.
Hi Smurf!
I'm going to have a smoke while my work machine shuts down (windoze)
I'm out of cigarettes for today. Gotta survive until 9 pm
It's like 4* as powerful as my 6 or 7YO machine running 16.04 snappily but it feels like it's a 6 YO machine
@Fabby @SergiyKolodyazhnyy have you guys considered vapes?
I have an entire carton of cigarettes lying next to me!
I wish I could teleport some over...
Lady at work was handing out free packs of Marlboro's one of her husband's employees brought back from the Phillipines. It was a great day for free smokes :)
I could go to nearest gas station to buy a pack, but 1)I kinda don't wanna, 2) it's getting windy outside, 3) there might be shady elements there, 4) I'm just bloody lazy today
5) It costs money.
@TheWanderer Yes, I have. But never tried so far.
If I run out of smokes, I buy them even when:
1/ there's a snow-storm outside
2/ I have to walk naked in the snow-storm
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy they're supposed to be a lot healthier than normal cigarattes, because they don't have any carcinogens
not as healthy as not smoking, but better
also, no annoying smoke for people nearby
3/ naked, during a snow-storm in the middle of a zombie-apocalypse...
and you can flavor them!
@Fabby just get a vape and stfu :p
I just buy two cartons at a time and when the second carton gets opened I start planning to buy two more cartons.
@Fabby you need to have a snow-day stash for that purpose
@TheWanderer mah, if someone ever offers, I might try...
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy you have a stash for zombie apocalypse snowdays?
(or the day they allow them on air planes!)
zombie snowmen.... that could be a good movie\
@WinEunuuchs2Unix Starred!
@TheWanderer I sort of have. I've a box with 3 kinds of pipe tobacco and couple cigars, which I kind of stopped using when I got into cigarettes completely
couldn't you have starred my bash web-scraping of Ask Ubuntu instead? :(
@WinEunuuchs2Unix Write a script, sell to hollywood, credit me for the idea...
peeps stop smoking
(you can keep the money)
don't you want to taste things?
Hollywood keep the script and not pay me anyway.... they are kind of cheap.
@TheWanderer I have a keen sense of smell and taste.
I can smell cigarettes anywhere!
Smoking helps me think and focus.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix vape :p
vape is for weirdo's
Smoking helps me relax 10 times/day
still got the nicotine, just none of the carbon
@TheWanderer lets just put it like this: quitting smoking isn't easy for some people. And for some people ( like myself ) it's quite easy , but they just don't want to. Plus what Fabby said - it's a form of relaxation
smoking helps me relax 50 times/day.... I get to be more relaxed.
just 2 minutes, but that is how I can keep going for 40 hours in one stretch
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy I'm not saying to quit smoking outright, I'm saying to try out a vape
(broke my own record from back in 2008! 39h stretch upgraded to 40h)
@TheWanderer I'll try at some point. Just not yet
If someone lets me try, I'll try...
That's how I got started with wine, women, cigarettes, weed, ...
I think you are better off with nicorette gum rather than vape but I can't prove it.
Gosh, I don't wanna go to the lecture today. Well, we don't have a lecture. I need to work on my traffic light thing, but I'm just . . . out of energy for anything today.
you made ubuntu traffic lights?
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy out of energy!
me too!
Good night all!!!!
Sleep well
@WinEunuuchs2Unix No, we have a project for class, where we have to write Verilog code on that board thingy I bought
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy The overgrown gate array... so it'll actually control traffic lights at intersections?
Put in a subroutine for me to push a button to make light green please.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix Sort of yes. We are simulating it. Traffic lights are going to be LEDs (so total of 6 lights including left turn arrows, so 8 lights) and we have like 3 inputs
Don't forget the pedestrian walk lights with 18 second count downs.
yup, we will have that
Sounds cool...and practical education.
Problem with this design is that for the most part we've been designing state machines with only 1 input and state transitions. But now we have 3 inputs. So that's gonna make design complex.
I'm still trying to wrap my mind around it and actually decide what is supposed to play with what
3 inputs only have 7 combinations like octal.
yeah, but I also need to consider the states. If I represent states via traffic lights, I also need to consider them in combination with inputs. So 8 lights + 3 inputs, that's 11 bits, so many more combinations
And this is where I'm stuck. I'm pretty sure this is wrong, but I don't know how to limit it to lower number of combos

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