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I think this answer should be deleted because there are complaints it doesn't work properly and I think it's wrong too: askubuntu.com/questions/119080/…
@TheWanderer Reminds me of askubuntu.com/q/896221/518562
@WinEunuuchs2Unix But it has 43 upgoats...
Yeah but I still flagged it for mod intervention
There was an edit done on it today which brought it on my radar. The edit is misleading too.
How are you liking your 10k privileges by the way? :)
The only thing different so far is the number of reviews in the orange box when from 5 or 6 to 300 and answers that have been deleted show up in purple shade.
bops @AndroidDev on the head with a paper towel roll
@AndroidDev php5 != php7.0
@ThomasWard Ooops, yeah, my bad. I copy&pasted from my own notes (I had that problem a while ago)... So now I have to see how to fix it for v7
let's wait for their comment reply from my comment
if they did it from source that's... painful
if they did it from a PPA or the repos, that's easier
@ThomasWard - Do I need to temporarily delete my answer?
nope, just make a note on it that you're going to adjust it depending on how the user replies. Unless you want to erase the thing.
if it gets "Not an Answer" votes I'll squish it later :P
@ThomasWard Okay, how's that?
works for me, i'im not touching stuff while drunk after all :)
there's a reason I don't click the red button with the explosion cloud on it when drinking :P
I need a new bash project... my mind is drawing a blank though :(
@WinEunuuchs2Unix bash equivalent of Fail2Ban that can be run via cron.
using pure Bash
and nothing else.
I don't do Internet Protocol (IP) it's above my pay-grade
then write me a bash script that beats you over the head and consumes your RAM
and then sacrifices your system to Zalgo
The Horoscope and Astrology meaning of the name ZAIGO. ZAIGO means: With a name number 4, your ruling planet is Uranus. You have a midly volatile ...
that's an L not an I.
Zalgo is a being that could best be described as a "horror," a creature of utmost terror. He is known as "He Who Waits Behind the Wall" and the "Nezperdian Hivemind" in some circles. He is an eyeless abomination with seven mouths.
Wasn't seven tongues and 10 horns the demon in Revelations from the Bible?
Maybe it was seven heads and 10 horns shrugs
I think I might have to install LAMP to find new problems to solve... Can't install Ubuntu 17.04 anymore since Unity is dead, now have to wait for 18.04.
So my mobile contract is almost up, what should I upgrade too?
@TheXed renew the contract lol
@ThomasWard I will, but I need a new phone...
an old-style flip phone.
@ThomasWard yeah what where those really popular once...motorolla razers or something like that?
@TheXed among others.
@TheXed any modern Android device, in all seriousness.
Unless you're an Apple fanboy
Lol, I can by a LG B470 for 50 bucks..
I really hate giving up my Lumia 950 because the camera is so fabulous on it...
Buy the Alcatel One Touch Idol 3 with the 2 watt stereo speakers. my old one has the 1.8 watt stereo speakers and I wish it would break so I can buy the newer model...but it won't sigh
@ThomasWard do I have to be a apple fanboy to buy an apple device?
or can I just be a regular person with a apple device?
@TheXed No. But once you buy an Apple device you become a fanboy.
lol just kidding, you can buy an apple device if you want
You just have to walk into any popular mall in North America to find the Apple store.
well not all popular malls
I use to have an iphone 6+ until I threw it out my car window...
there's only three around here, there's no Apple places here lol
@TheXed yeah that was silly of you.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix the closest apple store to here is 3 hours away...
@ThomasWard it was an accident..
There's Apple stores in Southgate mall and West Edmonton Mall here... They are the two fanciest / biggest malls.
@TheXed 'twas still silly
@WinEunuuchs2Unix yeah I would have to drive to Chicago...
Chicago Blackhawks are predicted to win the cup by the guys at work.
In the draw today I ended up with San Jose Sharks sigh
They are playing the Edmonton Oilers who everyone in this city is rooting for.
So if I bought a Samsung, what are the odds of my pocket catching on fire?
That was only the Note 7 that blew up.
They pulled it.
@TheXed 1/1
@TheXed The probability is between 0 and 1.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix it might have been the note 7...but...
Then the chairman of Samsung went to jail over Park impeachment.
maybe this is what I need so when I throw it out the window...
@TheXed I need to write something for Ubuntu / Linux... what is your wishlist?
@WinEunuuchs2Unix okay...um...I need an app that will take many photos and will stitch them together into a panoramic...something like Microsoft ICE...
errr... wasn't someone talking about hugin here?
@TheXed pre lenovo moto devices were excellent...
@JourneymanGeek yes, that was me...but after using it, I found out how un-user friendly it is.
@TheXed I just read about that app today to stitch photo's together in panaoramic.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix which one, Microsoft ICE?
It is pretty cool and lets you do things like...
@TheXed I thought it was a Linux package I was reading about today... can't remember the name though :(
@WinEunuuchs2Unix oh Hugins is...
But hugins was overly complicated and I couldn't get it to work right.
Oh so it was you that made me read the link...LOL
@WinEunuuchs2Unix probably
I was thinking maybe of something complicated to write like all the apt-get stuff you've installed.
that's easy
@WinEunuuchs2Unix that would be handy too
dpkg --get-selections > list.txt
@JourneymanGeek I meant int a scroll box GUI
Bash + GUI = fail
here's a hammer, hit yourself with it.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix stuff like that's better in command line :(
@ThomasWard Bash + GUI + Ask Ubuntu Website scrapping = success! askubuntu.com/questions/900319/…
Bash + Non-CLI things = Incoming Orbital Strike (EMP style)
@NathanOsman would you care to critique my pypi package and let me know what i'm missing?
Cubs home opener tonight..
I feel like we just got done watching the World Series...
Chicago Cubs will play second fiddle to Chicago Blackhawks
Well until they win the World Series again in October...
Nahh....due for another 108 year drought.
Yeah...the blackhawks are on a 2.5 year average..
I got San Jose in the draw today at work sigh
@WinEunuuchs2Unix you seem to be traumatized by this...second time you mentioned it :-P
I was hoping to draw a team so I could buy a new hat, but I bought San Jose Sharks hat last year because the were underdogs.
Do you have a blackhawks hat?
So now I can't buy a new hat :(
you can save yourself some money in about 2 years if you buy one of theirs...
Well I kind of petitioned against Blackhawks as making Indians look dangerous to white people and limiting their career paths as a consequence... so NO.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix well we can;t have it all...
Yes we can!
We can have anything we want if we all agree... have to strip out the fake news, propoganda and evil people first.
Nope if I can't have a program that works like Microsoft ICE on Linux, then you can't have non-racist Professional sports mascots...
There are mostly intelligent people in this room and I say again we can accomplish anything we want once we have the facts to base decisions on. Too much "news" is emotional BS.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix you say there are mostly intelligent people in this room...but you forgot about me :-P
so you're not intelligent?
I'm sure you're a very sharp cookie.
Oh speaking of sharp....just to exemplify my stupidity sometimes...I nearly cut my finger off today...
@ThomasWard I try not to appear to be smart...because if I appear to be smart people expect things from you...
Well you do work in the education industry....
@TheXed that's nothing, I nearly slit my wrist by accident when mishandling a server when trying to rack-mount it today.
@ThomasWard I was just trying to cut the end off a faulty Ethernet cable with a pair of scissors...
Got a little to close to my hand with the scissors...
@TheXed they make cable cutters for that you know
ones that keep your hands safe lol
@ThomasWard the sad part is, I have a cable cutter, I was just trying to be fast...
they cost like, what, $15 on Newegg? :P
@TheXed fast vs. safe.
you've learned the lesson. Or not.
All the blood all over was pretty awesome library floor was pretty awesome though...
cutting your finger off, though, you can survive with medical attention. Slitting your wrist like mine was almost slit, the way it was against my arm, I would have died if I had slipped even a little
sharp rails are sharp.
I was like panicking trying to find a tissue to stop the bleeding...but do you think I can find a tissue anywhere?
@TheXed Old newspapers.
@ThomasWard didn't think about it in the moment..
the real funny part is, there was 3 other people in the room, and nobody offered to help find me anything...
well now you know. At least you didn't slit your wrist length-of-the-arm-wise
I am like..you guys are just going to let me bleed out...
@TheXed That's because people are evil inherently.
they like watching the other humans suffer.
@ThomasWard sure, I'm not home right now but I can do that later.
pfft Thomas you've been playing too much D&D...people aren't evil. Besides the media promotes that so you buy into more police, courts and war.
Anyways, after leaving a blood trail, I finally found some tissue...put some antibiotic ointment on, and a band aide...
So now I am all patched up...
@NathanOsman Cool. No rush, but I think i'm missing a test suite and documentation, but eh... github.com/teward/imaplibext
issue tracker is on my youtrack instance
@TheXed cool.
because I like it's versatility heh
@ThomasWard yeah, I can give you a couple of examples of unit tests and documentation from my projects.
@NathanOsman not sure what one can do with 'unit tests' on a simple library extension module that just overrides things.
since it's an extension of imaplib the only thing I can think of is a 'sample' imaplib setup to test.
but that's... eh
You know...now that I think back...I should have just grabbed a copy of Mein Kampf...
The blood stains would have added a level of authenticity....
@TheXed s/Kompf/Kampf/
>>> print(self.grammar_nazi_mode)
@TheXed ew.
Mein Kampf is "my life" or "my struggle"? I forget.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix the latter.
We all struggle, some more than most.
My Struggle.
seems simple enough.
I could probably roll dovecot in IMAP on a 'test' section of a network, in order to allow testsuites to 'test'. And then deny all other IMAP user attempts, but... eh.
Documentation is in Sphinx.
Let me get a link...
I know someone that was in Hitler's Youth by the way...
@NathanOsman I don't see documentation for your program?
There is a command that generates the initial files.
$ sphinx-quickstart
That's the one.
Meanwhile I need a new bash project.... put every file on Ubuntu (all 430,000 of them?) into a scroll box and allow comments to be entered or google each one and provide a link?
code writer's bock sigh
@NathanOsman should I be real concerned about a separate source directory being created for the docs?
Pretty shapes
@TheXed so your intent returned non-zero status? :P
@AndroidDev I don't understand?
@TheXed --^
(Look at the last line in particular)
@AndroidDev but what was my intent?
@TheXed trying to cut the end off a faulty Ethernet cable
@AndroidDev oh right...it returned the error code exit(OW!)
@TheXed :) Did you see Zanna's message here: chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/36603590#36603590 ?
@AndroidDev nope
@TheXed Oh. Well I stole the "non-zero exit status" idea from that message :)
Got it.
2 hours later…
My phone's data cycle ends in two days and I've only used a fifth of my data this month
So... downloading time!
2 hours later…
Oh, @Zanna sorry, sorry, I just edited (removed) the tags you added. I just saw now they were yours. askubuntu.com/q/903419/72216
Hi, sometimes my laptop boots with wrong openbox keybindings, I see it from ps ax | grep openbox which shows openbox --config-file /home/caub/.config/openbox/lubuntu-rc.xml --saved-config-cache .... when there's the saved config cache it's buggy, how to avoid this please?
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] URL-only title, blacklisted username, blacklisted website in body, blacklisted website in title, link at end of body, +1 more: israelbigmarket.com/youth-sense-cream-review/ by karshaljuriya on askubuntu.com
@JacobVlijm no worries at all, I'm sure you know better than me what that should be tagged
afternoon :)
ah. at least 1 person is here :)
Ok, Now hit by bug #1655842, I'm left two choice. 1) Upgrading the kernel to 4.4.0-63 about which several persons says that fixed the bug (There are some reports that say it didn't). 2) Upgrading kde-workspace from kubuntu-backports ppa (which kubuntu people recommend). I am thinking this because that bug only happens in my system with KDE.
What will be the best?
@Anwar I'd do the kernel upgrade first
You should try kernel upgrade first as the lower-impact solution, no?
if it breaks things more, you can always boot into an older kernel
it says fix released but idk how reliable such info is haha
that said, I tend to turn on backports anyway, cause I like living dangerously ;p
@JourneymanGeek @Zanna Thank you. Ok, Going with the kernel upgrade
*fingers crossed*
but another info might be helpful. I used mainline kernel 4.10* before and it showed same symptom. But anyway, going with the kernel.
@JourneymanGeek I actually surprised to see that ppa being recommended officially!
@Zanna on a previous build, I did BTRFS...
and a newer, official kernel would break it
too many things seem fragile with Btrfs
all the best!
Q: Can't install using sudo apt-get - package lists… Error

Kevin GeorgeI am trying to install pyqt5 on my computer using the following command sudo apt-get install python3-pyqt5 But I am getting the following error below - Reading package lists... Error! E: Encountered a section with no Package: header E: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/developer.downl...

What does a coder do after a line of coke?
and another victim to ClamAV
Q: Ubuntu health report

Lumo5I did something stupid. At least I learn a lot when I break something. I ran ClamAV. It kept on coming with PUA (potentially unwanted application). I read online that this might mean you have a rootkit. I downloaded and ran rkhunter. It said that my python folder was suspicious. I went to the s...

time to start testing...
at least it booted haha
ha ha. lucky enough
@Rinzwind You can answer it I guess. if ubuntu-desktop is installed, i think at least he is on a good desktop
@Anwar not without turning sarcastic :=)
Hello :)
whatever... We should not leave a Ubuntu user confused. right ? :)
@Anwar there best I can do :X
ah I see just now!
@Rinzwind rinzy ! :)
sigh. you lot are just a bunch of serial upvoters :-P
Hi @Anwar ! :) Still fighting with your desktop ?
I ain't a serial voter. but I voted on it. and left a note
@cl-netbox that appeared to be a kernel bug and upgraded to a kernel they say fixed the issue.
rebooted for about 1 hours ... in KDE. so far so good. no more OOM
@Anwar great ! :) just curious, why are you still on kernel 4.4 and didn't opt in to hwe stack with kernel 4.8 ? :)
@cl-netbox I did installed mainline kernel 4.10.. same problem there. So, choose the one most safe according to the report.
what's great about this hwe stack?
I can see that linux-image-generic now pulls linux-image-4.4.0-72. no 4.8. Though they're in repo
@Anwar all the goodness of ubuntu 16.10 ... latest canonical customized and maintained kernel 4.8 and new graphics stack ! :)
@Anwar sudo apt install --install-recommends linux-generic-hwe-16.04 xserver-xorg-hwe-16.04
ha ha. I prefer to a working kernel and a working graphics stack if there isn't any problem.
Hey, @KazWolfe, I has a surprise for you :P stackoverflow.com/questions/43341086/…
Weirdest. Error. Ever.
Don't fix it if it ain't broken
But I'll test it...not now. later. I need a stable env now
@Anwar That HWE thing is stable ! :)
1 hour later…
Q: How to replace a file in a zip

FractalisteI'm working with *.jar files, as far as I understand it's an archive format I can manipulate with standard tools like zip or unzip commands. I often need to replace a file already compressed. So far I unzip, delete the old file, move the new one at the good place (it's a source archive, so it's ...

Q: getent hosts not using DNS

TerrySI'm using Ubuntu workstation (14.04), using openldap for authenication. The /etc/nsswitch.conf files on these look like this, so that to get a host it should try files, then ldap and then go on to check DNS passwd: files ldap group: files ldap shadow: files ldap hosts: ...

Everyone: Final 17.04 ISO's are out - community flavours need your help to test these. Please spare some time. cheers - iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/375/builds (this will help also - tsimonq2.net/blog/2016/04/27)
Hello i have a problem
Don't we all :)
i have a fille.txt by many lines when i run tail file.txt > file.txt
in destination file i have nothing
what is happening?
maybe file format
@Benny But tail file.txt | tee file.txt is ok
try to simulate this by creating a file
@Sinoosh You are using the input file as the output file. The > file.txt empties the file, so tail file.txt is now being run on an empty file and outputs nothing.
You want something like tail file.txt > newfile && mv newfile file.txt if you want your file.txt to only have the last 10 lines.
@terdon Thank you. could you explain to me by more deatiles?
$ echo "foo" > file
$ cat file
$ > file
$ cat file
So, > file "truncates" (empties) file.
Commands are run right-to-left, so when you say command file > file, the > file is run first and that empties the file. You then run command file (tail file.txt in your example) but that runs on a file that has already been emptied.
Hmmmm, i got it you are awsome
@terdon could you tell me what words i can search in google to find about commands run right to left?
Um. Dunno. "bash command parsing" maybe? Or "bash command execution order" or something.
I'm sure we have a post explaining this somewhere.
> Note that the order of redirections is significant. For example, the command

ls > dirlist 2>&1
directs both standard output (file descriptor 1) and standard error (file descriptor 2) to the file dirlist, while the command

ls 2>&1 > dirlist

directs only the standard output to file dirlist, because the standard error was made a copy of the standard output before the standard output was redirected to dirlist.
Q: understand a sequence of redirections

TimIf several redirections are used together, does changing their order make difference? How shall one understand the meaning of their order? Is the chained channel of redirections built as reading the redirections from left to right, or from right to left? For example command 2>&1 > somefile co...

@terdon Thank you:)
your'e welcome
2 hours later…
Q: How to increase the ifconfig rx drop count

user2453475Need some help in getting the RX drop counter incremented in Linux ethernet interface (ifconfig RX dropped: should increment). I tried the following things: Disable the Ipv6 on the system and sending Ipv6 packet. High Ping (200 ms) How else can I increment the RX dropped counter?

@UbuntuQuestionsonU&L use a higher flat to drop it from?
Apparently Asus makes several moodles of laptops. ;)
@anonymous2 moodles and moodles of them!
One of the cases where I improve an edit. :)
I saw a "New members souper wanted" the other day.
@Rinzwind Thanks for giving me another useful flag... ;)
Helpful, that is.
no problem! :)
do all @ reach a user when in comments?
the github repo of ublock origin and ublock
@Rinzwind only if they've interacted on the post
so how do I get to chili555? >:)
tag the question
hello everyone
could someone give me a working example of the use of the awk command with an if condition ?
I have tried many things but it doesn't return anything
I have used this:
cat file | awk -F ";" '($2==0) {print $1}'
I want to check if the value in the second column equals zero, if so, then print that line
what's an example file?
@Alex Print that line or the first field of that line?
Your command is fine, it just looks for ;-separated fields and will print the 1st field if the 2nd is 0. Not empty, not whitespace, the number 0.
@terdon first field, right, my bad
$ printf 'line1;0;2\nline2;2;1' | awk -F';' '$2==0{print $1}'
Update on my [bug 1655842](bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1655842/), it seems the problem was with the graphics driver I installed from oibaf-graphics ppa. I did ppa-purge last night and updated kernel this morning. The bug was gone with the newer kernel and with older kernel too!
@Alex there's nothing wrong with your command. Your file is probably not what you think it is. For example in 1 ;2, the first ;-defined field is not 1, it's 1 and a space. Show us an example of your input file and we should be able to help.
ok, let me get one
110 8031 Universidade dos Acores - Angra do Heroismo Ciencias Farmaceuticas PM 15 11 130 8 4
I copied it from LibreOffice. with ; should be:
110; 8031; Universidade dos Acores - Angra do Heroismo; Ciencias Farmaceuticas; PM; 15; 11; 130; 8; 4;
No wait. Libreoffice? Isn't this a text file?
You're not trying to use awk to parse an xls file are you?
LibreOffice Calc
sorry, I'm still new to it
Yes, what format is the file in?
OK, then don't copy a line from libreoffice! Just run head -n2 file and paste it directly here
I mean run that command in a terminal, replacing "file" with whatever the actual file name is. Something like "uni.csv" or whatever.
yes, I got it
how would I get the 3rd line? the 2 first lines are like column titles, not the values
@Alex Those are important too, you need to tell awk to skip them. So run head -n3 file
That will give the 1st 3 lines.
Q: Does fullscreen rendering not function in Linux?

linuxskrubTested: LXDE, XFCE, Unity, Unity 2D, i3WM, Gnome. GPU: Intel HD Graphics 520 OS: Ubuntu 14.04, 16.04, 17.04, also Debian Jesse. I've noticed that in fullscreen games such as CS:GO, brightness controls do not work and tabbing from the game to the desktop is very quick. This stinks of a fullscree...

Q: Having difficulty installing FreeRDS 1.2.0 on Lubuntu 16.04

oshirowanenI was able to install FreeRDP on Ubuntu 14.04 without a problem and made a note of the installation instructions. However, I am not trying to install the same thing on 16.04 and I get errors: user@laptop:~/Downloads/FreeRDP-1.2.0-beta1-android7$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DWITH_SSE2=ON . -...

@Alex ?
sorry. I'm working with ubuntu on a virtual machine using VirtualBox. I'm installing the guest additions in order to enable copying from one system to the other
so I can paste here the output
allow me a couple minutes more ehehe
In the meantime, let's go back to your original example:
110;	8031;	Universidade dos Acores - Angra do Heroismo;	Ciencias Farmaceuticas;	PM;	15;	11;	130;	8;	4;
You see all those extra spaces there? Those are why it's failing.
Since you are using -F';', the field separator is the ;. So the second field is actually:
 '	8031'
Note the spaces.
I see. I thought of that but I checked the column field in LibreOffice Calc and it only had '0' rather than ' 0'
does it work differently from LibreOffice Calc and command line?
I mean, could there be empty spaces and Calc didn't show me them?
Well yes, because it will ignore spaces. But here you are using a basic command line tool and it has no way of knowing that you want to treat one character differently. A space is just a character, no different than any other.
But it depends on how you are saving the file, probably.
ok. is there a way to ignore multiple spaces in the command line?
The simplest solution would be to first remove any spaces that are after a ;:
sed 's/;  */ /g'
So, if we take this file as an example:
bad;	8031;	Universidade dos Acores - Angra do Heroismo;	Ciencias Farmaceuticas;	PM;	15;	11;	130;	8;	4;
good;	0;	Universidade dos Acores - Angra do Heroismo;	Ciencias Farmaceuticas;	PM;	15;	11;	130;	8;	4;
Ah. Those are tabs, not spaces.
Why do you have both ; and tabs there? Where is this file coming from?
the tabs must have been me when writing it here (since I didn't copy/paste the output)
Oh. Well, if you don't have tabs:
$ sed 's/  */ /g' file | awk -F';' '$2==0{print $1}'
And if you do:
$ sed 's/\t//g' file | awk -F';' '$2==0{print $1}'
ok, let me try that
no need to use cat first?
@Alex There is almost never any need to use cat first. So much so, that it even has it's own name: UUoC or Useless Use of Cat.
So no, no need to use cat :)
it doesn't do anything
is it possible that there is a problem with the system?
I don't think so because other commands work, but I don't understand why these don't work
I can't help you unless you show me i) the exact command you run and ii) the exact input file. The commands are working fine and doing what you told them to do. It's your file that's strange. Post a question on the main site, include the file or an example of it and the command that fails.
is there an appropriate site for uploading such files or anything will do?
I mean, there's these sites where you can actually see code and such. this is not code but.. I think you get what I mean
Hey, I have an Ubuntu host and a Windows 7 guest. How do I go about sharing files? This page is not really explaining well, and all examples I find on the internet is with Windows host and Ubuntu guest.
Let's not move the main site to chat. If necessary, we can discuss details here or on a dedicated chat, but questions from scratch don't belong here.
@NathanOsman Of course, I don't have an environment to test this in...
@Alex Yep, right here. Just show a few lines of your file. You can use the formatting tools to format it as code.
However, @NathanOsman, I have an idea that may work, but I can't test it because reasons.
so whenever you're here, let me know.

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