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[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted username, blacklisted website in body, link at end of body, +1 more: Do facial exercise and remove makeup while sleeping by slaudijuriya on askubuntu.com
Well, I'm sitting in a video call for the next hour and a half. Any ideas?
Random puppets appearing?
Especially if you can make it appear from behind you.
no camera
"video call"
Clearly the phrase doesn't mean what I think it means.
It's a Hangout of like 20 engineers watching a terminal for a deploy.
In that case...
Just mutter "that would be so much easier in Arch" every 5-10 minutes.
That will be sure to get under everyone's skin after a while.
it's yum-based through ansible
Also this thing is liked from our 503 page for some reason.
our dev environments are all docker
Well, pick something and claim it is easier to use.
Maybe emacs if they are vim people.
Or make fun of his prompt.
That works.
I use zsh.
well... youtube it is.
I'll be installing Kubuntu in a couple minutes.
From scratch.
Should be fun.
You have a year before it switches
and, why reinstall? You can just do sudo apt install kubuntu-desktop, no?
No sense using something that's dead.
@KazWolfe I have an entire year's worth of clutter.
I need a good clean install.
oh, it's not even being supported anymore?
It is technically supported.
But it's practically dead.
Anyway, reboot time.
I'll be here one way or another. My new desktop or a LiveCD because something went wrong :P
so now... Should I go to Gnome or KDE?
or Cinnamon or <insert DE here>
IceWM Lite.
@RolandiXor shush
hmm... i really hope unity's death makes gnome3 good.
well if it's going to be default...
Do any other DEs have the HUD concept?
Damn. I liked that.
I did too, and I do miss it on other desktop environments.
I do hope a slew of new desktop environments are born.
Can Ayatana be hacked into Cinnamon?
Good ones, that is. That actually have good design.
Just wow.
@KazWolfe See gif.
Kwin is so pretty.
@RolandiXor No, I think it's actually possible.
It's a work of art.
is kde really that good?
Haven't tested function yet but form is breathtaking.
yeah, but that's a mac thing to say.
Unity didn't have nothin' on this.
@NathanOsman I'm still using it - that says a lot.
So... the partition manager is better than Gnome's.
That much I have just confirmed.
It has a partition manager built in?
Or is that on the installer?
what about its GTK application support?
I never found it!
And it even does LVM.
I remember KDE was sort of... crappy.
Also, is there a way to replicate Unity in KDE, because I'd switch to that so fast.
@KazWolfe wait until install completes.
@KazWolfe it's actually really good.
@KazWolfe yes.
I'll have screenshots soon.
@RolandiXor really? the side bar and everything?
I should make that.
(but no hud or Dash i'm guessing)
Qt after all.
@KazWolfe the Application Launcher in KDE is already pretty similar.
@KazWolfe yes - the only thing you can't replicate is the HUD.
You can type to search, etc.
So... how do I replicate the hud?
You get the sidebar/dock + Dash, even global menu in the most recent release.
@KazWolfe dig into the code and recreate it from scratch ;)
wait, i can do global menu in kde through ayatana?
@KazWolfe ayatana?
that term hasn't been used since the early days
The redesign initiative that brought us indicators.
That's what I know it as.
So, I don't understand the question.
That's also ayatana.
That's the result of ayatana.
So... how do I do that in KDE?
KDE doesn't have a top bar by default.
@NathanOsman That's easy to fix.
Dunno if you can add one...
It's getting the menu and stuff in there.
Hm. I might give it a shot then
Only Unity feature you can't get is the locally integrated menu that's stretched across the title bar. It can only be a button.
I'll wait a bit though
Good idea.
Really, I just want Unity with better notifications.
Or, fork Unity.
also can we please have overwatch for linux
Personally, I won't use a Unity fork that doesn't bring actual customization options to it. KDE, Gnome, etc, allow for a level of customization that "My way or the highway" Canonical prevented with Unity. It's one of the problems I've had with Pantheon (which, btw, I like, otherwise).
@KazWolfe is that a game?
@RolandiXor yes.
see gif ;)
@RolandiXor Gnome 3... customization? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
@KazWolfe we already do?
@NathanOsman Not TF2.
There's no native Linux client for Overwatch.
Oh never mind.
@KazWolfe lol yeah - you can literally transform Gnome (even Gnome shell)
Not perfect, but better than people are aware.
@NathanOsman I mean, it works under wine, but wine's really bad for linux gaming so...
Anyone know what /dev/dm-0 is?
Installer wants to stick the bootloader there.
Can't remember.
dev dm-0 is fakeraid or some logical thing
if you have LVM, that'll act as dm-0 in some cases
Ouch. Installer just crashed.
See dmsetup info /dev/dm-0
also steam... pls stop throttling downloads in background
Installation is nearly complete...
Install finished but Grub doesn't see the Windows partition now.
I'm betting this is EFI related.
efi is awesome \o/
i blame your using windows
Windows 8 or 10? Fastboot to blame.
It's like hibernate - grub won't be able to read the partition.
@RolandiXor 10 but I thought I remembered disabling Fastboot.
If you did, it might indeed be an EFI issue.
Either way, I'm about to get something to eat, play a little no man's sky, and get to bed :D
(I was suprised to hear unity is dead)
How come I can't install Chrome extensions?
I get about halfway through downloading the extension and Chrome cancels the download.
Oh there we go.
It finally succeeded.
Greetings from KDE land!
I'm using KDE and with Arc theme, I don't realize i'm.
most of my ubuntu boxes don't have a DE
though routine Krashes reminds me I'm using KDE
and weee. main server is getting backed up
the only problem I have now is since my backup process so jerryrigged, its going to be a pain to restore it remotely/
bit I'll work that out
I guess we'll find out shortly if KDE works well with amdgpu...
I also had to turn off Accelerated 2D canvas in Chrome or I was seeing all sorts of rendering glitches.
Chrome kills kittens that have done no wrong.
I better get to bed. It's getting late.
KDE is a mixed bag. I mean, it's pretty and quite functional. Lots of options.
It feels a bit experimental though.
It does have some rough edges to work on for sure
it is the best out of the distros I've tried though
Q: monitor disk writes by directory

Oliver WilliamsI am trying to track where excessive disk writes are coming from whether by mail coming in, db writes, logs or another source. There are about 75 accounts on the server, some active and some not. Is there any type of disk I/O command I can execute which will specify the DIRECTORY(ies) to which ...

@SergiyKolodyazhnyy Back now, and sure. Let me know when you're around.
@Zanna Depends on whether the host machine is Ubuntu or not and on whether the OP is running the command on the host or the guest.
Finally update my profile. Hadn't changed it in years :P
@terdon Ah thanks, that's what I thought... was going to comment but I was not sure exactly what question to ask
deleted by OP
> Oh... Yeah. Choose wrong community :) Sorry, guys – Andersson 3 mins ago
saw it
what's wrong?
Nothing like waking up to a bloody nose that won't stop
Agreed :p
@Rinzwind who's BOFH? You mean shuttleworth?
lol. A spam can't even enjoy 26 seconds on AU!
I was writing an answer Rinz!
@Anwar yes, he is on AU ;-)
omg! That's favorited by 1 already
w t f he's a moron that dude
@terdon nuke it! :+
lol. He had a copy of this previous question!
eh this answer ....
Q: Can't update/install in Fresh Ubuntu Server 16.04

picoWhy I try to run apt-get update error show me as Reading package lists... Done W: The repository 'http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu xenial Release' does not have a Release file. N: Data from such a repository can't be authenticated and is therefore potentially dangerous to use. N: See apt-sec...

the URL in the answer ... that's eh... very dubious
working on it. adwaita for kde github.com/MartinBriza/adwaita-qt
should i flag?
grrrrrr @muru
@muru and @terdon the code version control between local files and AU answers is complete with revamped question and two answers. I've got a stackapp.com setup so you can migrate it now: askubuntu.com/questions/900319/…
@WinEunuuchs2Unix We can't migrate, I don't think. AFAIK, stackapps has a completely different format. It isn't really Q&A based.
Not sure though.
@terdon Oh... let me know whenever you find out what you'd like me to do. I'm moving onto next project now... calendar and time in large letters when you open new terminal window :)
Hmmm, got myself 1704 Kylin iso, but it said 1610 when booted
@terdon it does show up on the site list. I don't dare test it.
@muru Yeah, it does, but don't they just have app posts? I mean, without having the Q&A format?
@WinEunuuchs2Unix I'm going to let the community decide.
@terdon I like democracy :)
Have to get ready for work now...see y'all later.
@terdon I did post an answer once: stackapps.com/a/6870/38621
They do have special tags like in meta (library, app, script, etc.), but the general format still seems to be SE
@muru Yeah, me too, but for that sort of thing: bug reporting, improvements etc. I don't think they want faux-questions to fit the answer as we do here.
I mean, app authors just post a question with "here's my app peeps!" instead of having to first ask "Is there an app for X" and then posting the app as an answer.
If only we knew someone who was a moderator there.
@NathanOsman your wisdom is needed.
Yep, which was somewhat how the question originally was, except without the all-important actual code itself.
The code is there now...
ok now i'm getting ready for sure :D
In the answers, I'd probably expect a SA post to have the code in the Q or hosted elsewhere and linked to in the post
OP of this post hasn't communicated since the question has been posted on March 5th. At least from the way the question stands, it's a duplicate of linked one in the comments. May we have some close votes there please ? askubuntu.com/q/889821/295286
Also duplicate target might need editing. Dupe title isn't specific enough
edited both questions, upvoted target & answer, voted to close
installed adwaita on KDE :D
nice :)
I strongly urge all of you poor unity refugees to try cinnamon.
I need to find matching window border theme now ...
I ain't a Unity refugee. But I don't never liked cinnamon.
PSA: People, don't vote to close as off topic if a question isn't specific to the EOL release it mentions.
Q: Move /opt to a different, already existing drive

Steve DI dual boot Ubuntu 16.04 and Windows 8.1. All of Ubuntu lives on an SSD, and the core Windows stuff lives there too, in a separate partition. The main User folders for Windows (Documents, Downloads, etc.) live on a separate hard drive. I'm running out of space in Ubuntu. I'd like to move /opt ...

The OP there had said they were using 15.04 but the question is 100% version agnostic.
There's not much point in closing that.
yeah there is nothing versiony about that one (and they said they meant 16.04 anyway)
oh good it has a proper answer now
@terdon let me know if star needs removal
Also, kinda nope-ing out on cinnamon. I used to run Mint i think way in fall of 2014 or so, when I just started getting into my "try all the distros" craze every young Linux user experiences. Liked it for some time, then after kernel panic went back to Ubuntu
I'm sort of past the whole "Star Menu" and "Windows-like" thing. Or even "Apple-like"
is it primarily opinion based question? askubuntu.com/q/722968/61218
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy Don't compare a beta release with a mature one. And what does Mint have to do with it? Cinnamon is available for any distro and the default in various.
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy I never use the menu anyway, so I don't care. It's the general feel of the DE I like and its customizability.
And I honestly have no idea why you'd call Cinnamon windows-like. Gnome2-like, yes.
@terdon That's where I primarily was using Cinnamon. I tried couple of times on Ubuntu, but it is obviously better on the system it's designed for, less problems with it
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy Dunno. I don't think I've ever used cinnamon on Mint.
But what you describe is (sorry) Windows/Mac/Ubuntu mentality.
Most distros don't have things designed for them.
> Cinnamon was developed by (and for) the Linux Mint distribution, with wider adoption spreading to other distributions over time.

Just like Unity originally was made for Ubuntu
I liked Mint on GNOME2 days. Then Mint was slick. But never liked Cinnamon. Maybe because it wasn't using compiz. There wasn't enough effect to play with for me
Yes, I know, but that's an exception. The vast majority of distros don't have things designed for them.
There's nothing from with having a desktop environment being designed for some particular distro, IMHO. In fact, I would think that should be a more common practice. Give your own distro unique look and feel
@Anwar Ah, I admit I hate most effects. I find them distracting. So I have no idea how cinnamon has progressed there. I do know its support of multiple screens has improved enormously.
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy And then you get horrible things like unity and gnome3. . .
But yes, there's no accounting for taste.
@terdon Unity may have been horrible in the beginning. I wasn't particularly fond of it when I came to the distro 2.5 years ago, but I've grown to like it
44 secs ago, by terdon
But yes, there's no accounting for taste.
@terdon I agree. I don't play with them a lot these days. And I still missing Shiki-colors themes. Mint looked great with those
I always hated the two main "features" of unity: large ugly buttons and global menu
I thought those will be ported to GTK3 but ...
And mac-wannabe-style window decorations.
Anyway, it's a non sequitor argument. "If a desktop environment is developed for specific distro, it is worse that standalone one"
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy But that's just it, I really don't think it makes much difference. With the possible exception of Ubuntu which makes all sorts of changes under the hood.
@Rinzwind hi ! what's up?
too many illiterate people on ubuntu today
or am I allowed to say idiots? :-P
I admit, I'm illiterate :-)
even @terdon :=D
Explain yourself puny mortal.
fine! upvoted: askubuntu.com/a/900760/15811 but this really needs a warning :-P
@terdon to some extend it doesn't make difference, but the way i look at it is just giving a distro's desktop it's own unique look and feel.
@Rinzwind Ah, yes. But the OP did specify /opt. Basically, anything not needed during boot should be fine. As long as the target disk is mounted first.
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy I know. I guess that's always seemed strange to me. I consider the idea of the DE defining the distro to be an Ubuntu thing. I come from the time when distros din't have default DEs and you picked your own.
Now, gerroff my lawn youngun!
@terdon shush, you aren't that old, too early to make claims like that
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy Still what, 10-15 years older than you?
I'm gonna be 27 this year
OK, 10 years.
do the math
And I started with Linux in 99.
Back when the first thing I'd do after logging in was type startx :)
The way I see it that a distro should differentiate itself form others. I do have like bunch of others installed,sure, and i like the idea of choosing your own desktop and sticking with it, but from the point of attracting new users and keeping existing ones, a desktop environment is one of the things that could do that
One of the reasons why I fell in love with Deepin is their desktop. I'm also on the way to try out Pantheon and elementary at some point soon, because their look attracts me
Budgie, if that survives, will be my choice to move out of Unity by 2021, likely. It's something that is unique and gives some features of MATE, GNOME, and Deepin
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy Yeah, I can understand that point of view, I just don't share it. One of the things that annoys me the most about Ubuntu is how they've made it so that it's so hard to install another DE. For me, a distro differentiates itself through its package management system, configuration tools etc. The DE, for me, should absolutely not be an integral part of the distro.
But yes, I do get how that makes a lot of sense for new users or those who just want to use their computer and don't care to fiddle with it (i.e. normal people).
@terdon anyway, you've a private room ready ? I've got just a small question to ask, won't take more than 5 - 7 mins
First bug report. :)
Confirmed on: - Ubuntu 16.04.1: gnome-calculator version 1:3.18.3-0ubuntu1 - Ubuntu 16.04.2: gnome-calculator version 1:3.18.3-0ubuntu1.16.04.1 To reproduce the bug (have tried on multiple computers) do something along these lines in the gnome-calculator app: - Press 7 and Enter. Screen should show 7 = 7, input field should show 7. - Press left arrow and type 12, then the right arrow and type +7. Input field should show 127+7. - Press Enter. Screen will show 127+7 = 91, input field will show 91. No scientific modes or anything; this is in normal mode.
gnome-calculator (Ubuntu)
Undecided / New
@terdon worthy of upvoting now :+)
Posted a BFW
hey 4
blue flags
WTF does this system send me russian text :P
@Rinzwind lemme know if you need translations ;)
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy Is this in any way offensive?
> а вы только передергиваете))
Google tells me it means "you just juggle"
@terdon nope, it says "and you (guys) are just/only mocking"
shrugs. That's what was flagged.
Not correct flag,then.
Also, what's going on with my brain last few days ? I seem to be revering back to simple phrases and lack of vocab
Been passing out early and waking up at 4 am ,too
Sounds like you need to upgrade to a supported release.
well that didnt take long... unity8 has been forked - github.com/unity8org/unity8org
I need to upgrade to a brain with larger capacity
@NathanOsman well, there's your winner for who's gonna fork Unity first ^ see above
Unity is dead, long live Unity ?
@anonymous2 Move over Watson, I wanna plug myself into that Matrix
(If you don't know what I'm referring to,that is IBM's AI, Watson)
Ah, gotcha. I only caught half the sense of the joke.
120 petabytes . . . that's a lot of data . . .and I remember when my USB with 8 GB felt like a lot
@SergiyKolodyazhnyy I remember when my hard disk with 5 seemed like a lot, lol.
Before that I was on a computer with 1 GB.
And before that... I was on MS-DOS.
It's definitely impressive how computing has changed over the course of just couple decades
"640 k ought to be enough for anybody." - Bill Gates, 1981
Though he denies having ever said it.
Hehe, that quote . . . Regardless of whether or not he said that, it may have been true in 1981, but time doesn't stand still, and neither does technology

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