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I thought that was the Mayas?
@StefanoPalazzo maybe it was... shows you how much I believe in this crap
@TheX the incas only predicted the delicious taste of Inka Kola, the Golden Kola
but they knew so much more than us :) which was why their life expectancy was around 22 years :P
(if only I actually got paid for that, or had ever had any before. I just have a friend who raved about it)
did they invent the interwebs?
@TheX no, that's why they had time to predict the end of the world
yes they did, of course they didn't call it that, but their processors had a ternary system (with -1, 0 and 1 instead of 0 and 1). And it was called the Kinich Ahau Core i7
is it yes or no?
@TheX to answer your question in the strictest sense possible, yes, it was yes or no.
@PaulFisher that is useless
@TheX :)
the world is going to end in 708 days
17 hours, 1 minute, 19 seconds
enjoy it while you have it folks
oh my word
is that counting leap seconds?
I would assume so
{| class="wikitable" style="float:right; margin-right: 0; margin-left: 1em; text-align: center;" |+ Leap seconds to date |- ! Year !! Jun 30 !! Dec 31 |- ! 1972 |bgcolor="lime"| +1 ||bgcolor="lime"| +1 |- ! 1973 | 0 ||bgcolor="lime"| +1 |- ! 1974 | 0 ||bgcolor="lime"| +1 |- ! 1975 | 0 ||bgcolor="lime"| +1 |- ! 1976 | 0 ||bgcolor="lime"| +1 |- ! 1977 | 0 ||bgcolor="lime"| +1 |- ! 1978 | 0 ||bgcolor="lime"| +1 |- ! 1979 | 0 ||bgcolor="lime"| +1 |- ! 1980 | 0 || 0 |- ! 1981 |bgcolor="lime"| +1 || 0 |- ! 1982 |bgcolor="lime"| +1 || 0 |- ! 1983 |bgcolor="lime"| +1 || 0 |- ! 1984 | 0 || 0 |- ! 19...
does not compute
maybe because the leap second is a myth
wake up sheeple
google leap second
google is not a reliable source to debunk a myth
@Stefano: Thanks for the test.
I see there's still a glitch somewhere.
this is interesting though
Clock drift refers to several related phenomena where a clock does not run at the exact right speed compared to another clock. That is, after some time the clock "drifts apart" from the other clock. This phenomenon is also used for instance in computers to build random number generators. On the negative side, clock drift can be exploited by timing attacks. Clock drift in normal clocks Normal clocks such as clocks at home and wristwatches usually drift compared to the actual time. This is why it is necessary to reset them occasionally. Clocks often drift differently depending on their qu...
@GeorgeEdison you're welcome, I have fun doing them
by the way, I didn't mention all of the tests it passed :)
hmmm time is relative to the observer...
so that means it doesn't really exist...
@TheX: Yes it does.
@GeorgeEdison you don't have to believe the lies to gain our acceptance, we will accept you no matter what
within reason
right of course... we don't like serial killers...
@TheX not me, I insist that you believe the lies
I will not listen to the lies, I will not listen to the lies
@Stefano: What did you have to do to get it to crash? I ran your python script but the script just hangs after a few seconds.
@GeorgeEdison it's a glitch in python, you can trigger it by disabling all but one of your cores. Well It's not a glitch, it's by design.
it's to do with the global interpreter lock
hang on that doesn't make any sense at all
lol, I'm a little confused :) I've no idea why it crashes for you.
The script just hangs with a number of esceptions.
Such as:
`Exception in thread Thread-735:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python2.6/threading.py", line 532, in __bootstrap_inner
File "/usr/lib/python2.6/threading.py", line 484, in run
self.__target(*self.__args, **self.__kwargs)
File "jetftptest.py", line 27, in <lambda>
ftp.retrbinary("RETR test.txt", file_recieved_callback)).start()
File "/usr/lib/python2.6/ftplib.py", line 398, in retrbinary
conn = self.transfercmd(cmd, rest)
File "/usr/lib/python2.6/ftplib.py", line 360, in transfercmd
yes that's the expected behaviour
of sorts.
but it should just continue until the server has crashed
Hmm... the loop goes from 1-1000?
and then hang
no idea, I've deleted it already :)
oh @GeorgeEdison you did create a ramdisk to do this, right?
Oh, no.
Just a folder ramdisk.
I'm not certain, but it can make all the difference, because disk writes are cached and double-cached, and they are slow (extremely slow, compared to ram)
not fast enough to overwhelm the server
sudo mke2fs -m 0 /dev/ram0
mkdir ramdisk
sudo mount /dev/ram0 ramdisk/
sudo chown george ramdisk/
(Had to change the last one, my username isn't george :) )
I've been putting this off, but now I'm gonna go find out your real name :)
I would like a taco
It still doesn't crash.
Even with the ramdisk.
perhaps it's to do with me using the 32 bit build? (don't know why, I'm making stuff up now)
I have a VM with 32bit Ubuntu.
I'll try that.
anyone ever here of coreboot?
Isn't that a Mac thing?
i heard about it from a conference, many years ago
and thought, at first, that it was a mac thing ;)
Nope, not a Mac thing.
@GeorgeEdison no it is to be a replacement for proprietary BIOS systems
Does it work at all?
Can I replace the BIOS in VirtualBox with it? :)
@GeorgeEdison don't know I have never used it... I was just curious to see if anyone else has
It doesn't work on any interesting motherboards I think I remember
"I am using a Lemote Yeelong, a netbook with a Loongson chip and a 9-inch display. This is my only computer, and I use it all the time. I chose it because I can run it with 100% free software even at the BIOS level." — Richard Stallman (JAN 23, 2010, source)
...but that's not true!
I'm sure the firmware on his HD controller isn't free :P
you call richard stallman a liar?
Well, there are flash memory devices that use pure hardware instead of firmware (I think)
and as we know, even RMS doesn't advocate the four freedoms for hardware (be it flash memory or chairs or ball point pens)
who is RMS?
anyone here using a ssd? do i really have to fiddle around with fs options like noatime? is it worth it?
@htorque: Don't use a journal.
That's all the advice I can give.
@TheX richard my-god! stallman
oh lol
@MarcoCeppi SE runs the twitter accounts, the the SO blog
@htorque I do, I haven't set any special options at all, just disabled swap
@GeorgeEdison nice work on the twitter stuff, it's awesome
@GeorgeEdison but isn't a journal a good thing? :D
Oh, you saw that?
@htorque: Yes, but it provides little advantages on an SSD.
@GeorgeEdison i know about limited write cycles but heck, the ssd has to work for me not the other way round
If it breaks in six months, the same one will cost about 10 euros... so, what ever.
What's that in Cdn $?
whats that in US$
12.8431373 canadian dollas, 12.96900 us dollars
hardware stuff: 1€ = 1USD
where are you getting a ssd HD for 13 us dollars?
in the future! :P
@TheX that wasn't to be taken literally :)
so you can time travel?
Cdn $ almost == US $
can you travel back to the past, and get me 60 cent gas?
i meant that the price will keep dropping at this rate, so it won't make any sense to keep this thing around in half a year (i paid 120€ for 64 gb)
I'm sticking to good old fashion platter drives until SSDs are more affordable.
I sometimes wish I still had a spinning disk
i'm just glad i don't use windows anymore - 64/60gb is not a lot for windows + apps
I need lots of storage... and I need it cheap.
Yeah you would fill up 64 gbs with windows and like 3 apps
@htorque: That's nothing for Windows. Mine almost came with that much used up :P
iirc vista business installed 17gb on my drive - uh, what? :D
win 7 pro was about 11gb i think
ubuntu... like 2-3? :D
@htorque about 10 I think, maybe a little less
including awesome applications :D
mine's 10gb
It's multimedia that takes up all the space... all those videos, photos, etc :P
My root partition is only about 40GB.
but i neeeeeeeeeed that 14MP cam :D
The rest is a massive NTFS partition.
Quick question... how do I connect to a server app running in a VM?
What's its IP address?
In virtualbox 4.0, right click the networking icon at the bottom of the machine, select whatever, then click "port forwarding"
my windows partition is 280 gbs
set, for example, guest port 21, host port 2121, then connect to "locahost:2121"
my pleasure (: I just fiddled about with this nonsense for 20 minutes before I remembered that SSH is port 22, not 21.
officially from MS you need 8.666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 gbs for windows 7
i can install ubuntu three times in that space AND have most of the applications i need installed :D
i wonder why it's so disk-hungry
what's with the sixes?
7+10:6 is easier :P
@Stefano: I'm afraid I couldn't even reproduce it in my VM :(
this is the stallman-netbook btw, it even seems to be in stock
@GeorgeEdison I'm all out of ideas then o.o
wha tis with the sixes anyways?
Can you consistently reproduce it on your end?
@GeorgeEdison send me the script again, I never saved it
I used cloud computing, and now my data's gone :P
I consistently reproduce....
oh snap... that isn't what you meant
^---- Note: it's got my name not yours in it.
You'll need to fix that.
@GeorgeEdison you made a mistake
oh sorry no, I misread
I thoght you had replaced all the filenames with tmp.txt, but it's just my broken syntax highlighting
@GeorgeEdison I can't reproduce it now
~$ for f in seq 1 30; do (python test.py & ); done
works fine, strangely
woohoo, loads of unity commits \o/ that calls for me compiling trunk :-)
@GeorgeEdison yep, I've managed to do it again. here's how:
I've actually created the "test.txt" file that is RETR'd via the server :)
So the only thing I do different is create the 'test.txt' file?
and put something in the file for good measure, though I don't know if it makes a difference
mine contains "asdsd"
but you'll want it to be less than 8k, because it (should) crash with anything larger because it tries to store each frame in a single file
hey maybe this is silly-window-syndrome, that'd be cool I've never seen it in the wild
@StefanoPalazzo I'll try this.
Reproduced finally!
I had it running in the debugger, so I can see exactly what broke down.
I'm really glad it worked, because I gotta go :)
@GeorgeEdison Want to try something?
oh wait I am not @GeorgeEdison
This sidebar issue is making me sad. I can't vote or comment.
@Oli have you tried dumping your cache?
@MarcoCeppi It's a server-side issue... It's sending another page inside the page where it should just be a JS variable. I see the same on my phone and on a laptop that has never been to the site.
Interesting. I can't seem to replicate it :/
It's not uncommon for ASP.NET devs to cache things in the session so I might try logging out and in to see if they dump the session on a proper logout.
Nope. See the same even when logged out
Perhaps chat is the issue. brb.
wth? chat uses global scores now? interesting
Hey all - anyone familiar with upstart?
Thought I'd won a 22k bonus for being awesome.
@klochner I'm trying to get familiar with it... If that counts.
I have 8.04 and none of the commands seem to work
but I have an event.d/ directory, so I think it's installed
@Oli It depends on whatever account your chat user is attached to. Mine is AskUbuntu your's is SO.
I've come in via chat.stackexchange.com if that's what you mean
sigh. I'll try later . . . I posted it as a question in case anyone wants to snag the points: askubuntu.com/questions/21256/upstart-on-8-04
@klochner sorry I zoned out.. Posted an answer might help, might not
Oldest box I have is a 9.10 so I'm only guessing
@Marco: What?
@GeorgeEdison Nothing, I was going to do something stupid to your account to test something
but I decided not to
What was it?
Suspend you
Apparently it has no effect on you, since you're a moderator
suspend me!
@htorque it shows up on your account even after unsuspension
So I'd rather not put a frowny face on your account
like a prison tattoo :-O
Yeah, lets keep the tear drops to a minimum
branding users that way isn't very nice. everyone deserves a second chance! ;-)
can someone get my 100 rep points back?
@TheX Where did you leave them last?
@GeorgeEdison please???
@MarcoCeppi I believe Sarah Palin ate them...
but that is pure speculation
@TheX: ???
@GeorgeEdison remmber yesterday, the audit?
are those points gone forever?
if those points are from deleted answers i guess you can un-delete them and trigger a recalculation via askubuntu.com/reputation
@htorque no... I had them, then I did a recalculation and now they are gone
I don't know.
@Marco: I'm going to create a test user.
@GeorgeEdison For what?
@GeorgeEdison I thought you knew everything
@GeorgeEdison Testing what?
Then we can all see what happens to suspended users.
...and banned users.
@TheX and askubuntu.com/reputation showed the same rep point count as the one in your user page?
...and then I'll delete it :)
@GeorgeEdison I know what happens. I was saying that apparently if you suspend a moderator it actually has no effect against them
@htorque it use to
So I needed a moderator to suspend :)
in my case, the value of askubuntu.com/reputation was the right one, and the one on my user page contained the deleted answer votes
But I decided that it was a bad idea all together. You can create a test user though, if you'd like :)
I don't know exactly how many points I lost but I think it was between 50-100
of course if they are gone forever that is fine, but if there is any chance of getting them back then I would like that to be the result.
hmmm, package rebuild succeeds on one system and fails on the other - both up-to-date natty x86. :-/ i hate such problems; it always takes so much time to find the cause.
^---- ...is now suspended :)
for 24 hours? what did it do to deserve that?
...and now they're gone.
Hmmm... mods can still read the posts.
Did you delete or did you destroy?
I wanted to see what traces remain.
what is the difference?
you administrators with your god complex - creating and destroying users at will. that's so wrong!
@Marco: Can you see the answer to this question?
Q: How to get the "Your battery is broken" message to go away?

George EdisonEverytime I turn on my computer, I see a message saying something like: Your battery may be old or broken. Etc... I know my battery is not working. How can I make the message go away?

@GeorgeEdison yes
...then it really didn't get rid of all the answers, did it?
Maybe you didn't do the secret handshake
hand shake?
^---- it's owned by the community user now.
what's up with users that have no link to their user profile? did they delete their accounts?
@htorque Yes
@htorque: Someone did.
Q: Voting on questions, answers and comments does not work

LekensteynVoting on askubuntu.com is completely broken. Each time I try to press the vote buttons on questions, answers and comments, I get an error: An error has occurred - please retry your request. (click on this box to dismiss) Using Firebugs netpanel, I found out that the vote request is not p...

Ah it's gone away for me now...
SO ignore that :P
I'm getting errors when I try to upvote responses
where should I report bugs?
@klochner Check these first
Q: Voting on questions, answers and comments does not work

LekensteynVoting on askubuntu.com is completely broken. Each time I try to press the vote buttons on questions, answers and comments, I get an error: An error has occurred - please retry your request. (click on this box to dismiss) Using Firebugs netpanel, I found out that the vote request is not p...

Q: Sidebar is all messed up.

OliEither something isn't being escaped properly or there's been some new HTML that bodges the site. I'm seeing this behaviour on both the main site and meta.

that sounds like my problem
guess I'll try chrome
@klochner I thought it was an isolated incident until that recent meta topic popped up. I'm trying to get a fix expedited - but at the latest it should be fixed by 7PM EST
cool, thansk
I can confirm it works in chrome (didn't work in firefox 3.6.13)
@klochner Yeah, seems to only be affecting Mozilla based browsers
I'm on Firefox 4.0b9pre from the PPA and voting works for me
I've got Namaroka.
RE: Sidebar tom-foolery
> @MarcoCeppi, 'tis being looked at. Build should resolve things shortly.
@Marco: Want to repost your "How do I use this crazy chat system?" link and I'll pin it?
I deleted the old one because it had the wrong URL.
I forgot what the old one said...
"How do I use this crazy chat system?"
@MarcoCeppi (or anyone), are things functioning normally now?
@RebeccaChernoff It appears to be working now.
One person expressed disappointment on the new 'alert' sound that gets played.
9 hours ago, by Stefano Palazzo
Ono - we now have the weird chat notification sound from chat.se, instead of that really nice "ding"...
@GeorgeEdison I think @RebeccaChernoff Meant with the site in Firefox
That ding really probably isn't going to change because it's related to the chat server not per site IIRC
Oh, I don't know. I use Chrome :P
She did mean that (:
Don't talk about yourself in the third person... too weird.
(The rosetta stone of @RebeccaChernoff smilies)
Hehe. Alright, if you're good I shall bid adieu. (:
Q: New Design Launched

JinHi All, Unix and Linux site has been officially launched!. Thank you for your design feedback and congrats! I ended up taking the mascots off the header. I agree with you that they made the site a bit childish, also it's hard to cover all the different OSes. If you have see any css/styling iss...

Lets see how long it takes for everyone to hate me :)
@MarcoCeppi I agree with you ;)
Is there any idea when Natty beta will roll out (Like a count down or anything?)
unix.se looks nice!
I do actually like the layout a lot
Very clean, simple, and unix looking
@Jin Does some REALLY great stuff
@JorgeCastro I've been thinking about that video you did for the Software Center - with adding "Tweet My Review"
Ubuntu/Canonical should really think about getting a short url
like: can.onic.al, or ubun.tv, etc
ubun.tu :)
.tu doesn't exist (believe me I have looked)
The only reason I forfeit this idea now is because I'm not a resident of Albania and .tu doesn't exist
There is a .to though
Oh, it's actually registered. Damn.
Matthew Charles Mullenweg (born January 11, 1984 in Houston, Texas) is an entrepreneur living in San Francisco, California. He is the founding developer of the popular open-source blogging software WordPress and writes a popular blog [http://ma.tt/ ma.tt], a domain hack. After quitting his job at CNET, he has devoted the majority of his time to developing a number of open source projects and is a frequent speaker at conferences, such as Canada's Northern Voice and the WordCamp events organized around WordPress software. In late 2005, he founded Automattic, the business behind WordPress...
That jerk has it.
@Jorge: I have a question for you.
Is Canonical hiring right now?
Would they hire someone from another country?
I think so.
"Job Location: Home-based in APAC."
Is one job location
Hrm... some of them require degrees :(
start a business :D
I'm the process of doing it - not easy, but worth it in the end
That's not an option right now.
I don't have access to the resources necessary.
btw hi @JorgeCastro @MarcoCeppi @DoR @TheX @Oli @lazyPower @StefanoPalazzo
wonders how many OSD boxes were generated by that message.
@GeorgeEdison I know the feeling. The best suggestion I would give is to start small - find someone who needs something done and pursue that, just make use of the one resource you might have - even in small amounts: time.
I'm doing that.
That's where chromify-osd came from.
I'm trying to do the same - a bit hard in my country, but it can work :D
have you considered doing ubuntu support in your local area?
for pay ofc
Ubuntu support?
What I do here is, try to advertise ubuntu, and provide paid install/service support to other people.
They don't pay me for the OS, just the service of helping set it up for them.
Hardest part is the advertising :P
You could probably count on one hand the number of people that use Ubuntu where I come from.
I used to think so till I went to college locally :P
I'm one of them of course, but still.
all the younger students were like OMG THAT IS SO AWESOME
just cause it could boot from a live CD
made a couple converts then
Macs are filling that role over here.
Not that I think it's a good thing.
I later found out that quite a number of people are running Ubuntu/Linux but are keeping it secret.
@RolandTaylor When my friends were in College I used to visit them and show them my laptop and say "I can install this for you in 30 minutes"
no fee, no hacks, free
that ususally sold them
@MarcoCeppi I used to do it for free at college too
I converted one of my relatives. That's it.
people started begging to pay me
so I obliged now :P
I'm naturally an energetic evangelical when it comes to things I like (and hate) so I can usually sell people on my enthusiasm. Then I leave them my phone number and email (and now ask ubuntu URL) and tell them to contact me if they have ANY problems. People really like it when they feel then can get true support for their computer and not some offshore flowchart help from a company that outsources to a company that doesn't care about you
I've done a very small amount of that. But it was with Windows since nobody else I know uses Ubuntu :P
I take any opportunity to talk to anyone who brings up the subject of computers first
Q: Which Aliases do you find most useful or helpful to your Ubuntu experience?

Andy GroffSince first becoming an Ubuntu user I have developed a growing list of aliases, and there are some that I cannot imagine being without. This makes me think that there are probably still tons of aliases that I haven't thought to use which could make the lives of me and fellow ubuntu users easier. ...

Should this be a CW?
@MarcoCeppi @GeorgeEdison
@DoR It's highly likely
Whoa: "To perform this action you must accept the Moderator Agreement."
@GeorgeEdison Yeah, that's like 3 hours ago. Check the teach lounge
Q: Non-Legalese EULA for Diamonds?

FarseekerI just accepted the UELA for being a diamond mod on the site that I moderate. I think this is a great move, especially the bullet points regarding what you can and can't do with the information, and that we're not SO employees. I even read the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy as required. But wo...

@MarcoCeppi lol I'm trying to determine if to take that as personal or not :D
and sorry for not replying - I switched browsers - urgent fb comment :D
@RolandTaylor hello!
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