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@Undo I summon thee.
@Hizqeel got reviewbanned on SO
was wondering if you or an SO mod can poke things
@Hizqeel talk to @Undo :p
@cl-netbox @Hizqeel SO review is particularly sensitive, they have people that regularly approve spam all the time.
@ThomasWard ah ... okay I missed this ... @terdon un-banned @Zanna on AU - not on SO ... sorry
@cl-netbox I was banned for one wrong edit review a while back; that's just what happens on SO, even though I'm a pretty accurate reviewer normally. Tell him to take it as a warning to be careful, and come back in a week.
@Seth I was not aware that SO is that much sensitive to ban on 1 late answer review anyhow I will wait for my mistake
@ArtOfCode I will be more carefull next time usually I review SO Tringe and late answers more carefully
response coming, trying to pull together data
@Undo sorry for dragging you here and pinging :)
but since you were around :P
nah, 'tis fine
hello new mods :=)
Hello old rinzy !:D
@Rinzwind hi o/
Greetings, @Rinzwind
been a while :)
@ThomasWard I saw that :p
heya hizqy! and Tommy!
So @Hizqeel, we're both looking at the same review task here. Based solely upon public data, I can see that you spent an absolute maximum of seven seconds on that review task. And I'm seeing cases as low as three or four seconds. That's fine, if you're actually capable of accurately reviewing in that timeframe. But if you make a mistake while going at light-speed, it's pretty reasonable for someone to enforce a break. SO doesn't need reviewers; SO needs careful reviewers.
If you want to contest it, meta.stackoverflow.com
well there you go :)
@Undo Is that true @Hizqeel ? If yes, the ban seems to be somewhat correct - right ?
Can undo do something about that fishy smell audits show? :D
We smell those a mile away :P
you can review correctly that fast, but if you mess up you'll hit your head.
sethy good evening ! :-)
and then it'll be your head on a plate over on SO :P
I bet this is off topic: askubuntu.com/questions/881998/…
probably Kali as suggested in an answer
@Rinzwind morning :)
I have been seeing more american politics this week than in the past 30 years
@Seth Hi Seth ! :) How are you ?
heck make that 47 years minus 1 week
@cl-netbox hanging in there
@Seth hmmm ... means ?
@cl-netbox means don't ask ;-)
I think :+D
@Rinzwind okay : nope ! :D
@Undo I am a careful reviewer.. and That was my mistake I admit.. No need for a contest :)
@cl-netbox hmmm
@Hizqeel @Undo said : that you spent an absolute maximum of seven seconds on that review task. And I'm seeing cases as low as three or four seconds ... is this true ? I couldn't do it ...
@cl-netbox Yes .... and why so?
@Hizqeel I mean that I'm not able to accomplish a review in 3 or 4 seconds. :)
@cl-netbox sorry? why not? I bet I have made 1 second reviews :X
so have I, but usually only with SPAM
hmm that sounds like a challenge to undo to check :X
appear, look, nuke.
@ThomasWard when you review on dupes I always directly check how many close votes it has
If is has 4 I tend to scan the Q and vote close it
@Rinzwind really ? I mean a normal lengthy question or answer of course @Hizqeel @ThomasWard ! :)
@cl-netbox that there is a trick to speeds thing up ^^
check how many CVs there already are. If 3 or 4 you can probably assume a bit quicker it is a valid close
I see some people on AU reviewing first posts very fast, and idk know they do it, it takes me ages to review first posts (and late answers)
@Rinzwind yeah that's a valid example
yeah those are tougher.
dupes though are fairly easy
re-opens are more difficult too
@Zanna I also need and take some time when I edit other users' posts to make no mistakes ... good evening Zanna ! :)
reopen votes are also extra tricky: the 1st one is likely to be from the TS.
so might be biased.
I try to pay attention and not be influenced by how many CVs it already has, I try to review independently
@ThomasWard why do you have wine on a machine landscape manages?
@cl-netbox Actually that was late answer/ review and NAN thats why Undo was talking about that and I have made 1 sec review on SO Tringe , late answer and First post
@Seth because Evil and Darkness.
@Seth because I need to test a Windows program for my one course
@Hizqeel okay ... thanks for clarification ! :)
it's gone as soon as the semester is over.
@Seth @ThomasWard should learn to DRINK wine ... not to demonize his nice ubuntu with it - right ? :D
@cl-netbox have we forgotten that my system is called 'dark-overlord'
it's already demonic.
A little exercise needed before next Review :p
@ThomasWard then replace wine with whisky ! :D
vodka > whiskey > whisky > wine > beer
Judging from feline anatomy , it looks like they have not just 6 pack, but more like . . .16 pack
@ThomasWard yup, and sometimes tastes smoother, too. Although depends on the brand
@Serg heh. favorite brand?
Although beer and wine should in their own category , I think. @ThomasWard well, I used to drink cheap Skol vodka when broke, or Russian Standard when dad would buy it. But otherwise, I've no particular favorite
@Serg absolut is on my list currently. Real good mixed with coca-cola :P
As for whiskey, Jim Beam's bourbon was alright. Jack Daniels is alright. I'm still yet to find whiskey that I can say 100% , yep - that's smooth and tastes good
@ThomasWard ever tried Myer's Rum ?
@ThomasWard try it out some time. Goes well with that cheap pina colada mix they sell in liquor stores. And by itself it's also OK.
gotta have money first :p
don't have it right now
And if you want to make yourself puke . . . Fireball cinnamon whiskey. . . . .absolutely disgusting taste
because who doesn't like puking? :P
@Serg i don't even need alcohol for that lol
Well, there's a fetish for that (This is wikipedia page, but click on your own risk)
i've got a very very moldy piece of bread that all I have to do is look at and i throw up.
it's hidden in the back of my fridge with a biohazard label on it
a ziplock baggie inside a biohazard bag.
@Serg here's some Galcor, go wash your mouth and brain out with it.
serious time. Does anyone have experience with logstash?
Hehe. My brain is permanently stained.
I have experience with logs and stashes, but not with logstash
OK, I need to walk around a bit, smoke time
@KazWolfe not me sorry
warm outside but wind spoils it
I'm so tired.
@NathanOsman CSS is still giving you troubles ?
So . . . how should I procrastinate ?
I sort of want to finish my homework , but at the same time I probably won't get extra points for leaving homework in professors office today, instead of giving it to him on Tuesday
I wonder if I could watch some Chinese tv series right meow
good procrastination right there
@ThomasWard NSFW tho
o/ @NathanOsman
It's.... Friday! \o/
@Serg is procrastinating by using 4chan :P
Deploy-to-production Day! \o/
lol @NathanOsman
The key here is to do it right before the end of the day.
That way, if something breaks, you don't have to fix it until Monday.
no such luck for me with SmokeDetector
i break it i gotta fix :P
Oh, speaking of deployment and stuff . . . maybe I should look into my python-utils repo
And of course, damn university network won't let me watch my chinese tv series.
We're not afraid to let Trump be our president, but we're afraid of chinese websites . . .
@Serg steals the utils repository and laughs evilly
	git stash save --keep-index
	git stash drop
Finally found a watchable tv series. Yay
Chat is busted...
And StackSnippets is down...
@NathanOsman chat is chatty until it's not chatty then it is not a chat anymore. It's not hard to make chat chatty though, it's as easy as posting a chatty chat chat message.
@ThomasWard How much evil can Thomas evil if Thomas could evil evil ?
@NathanOsman so Github changed.
Yes indeed.
I pointed that out, don't worry.
The bar is black now
i should probably go get sleep :P
hah, back
@Videonauth welcome back
yeah i finally installed new
really weird how simply removing a pci card can screw up your system so badly
arg, you try to help and the OP doesn't read your comment.
today at 7:32PM locally. There will be CHAOS
Have you tried editing a new file /etc/grub.d/99_reset_timeout to include resetting the timeout to 0 or 1? It would get evaluated last, so the timeout would be redeclared (should be overwritten) and just work without editing os_prober. — RobotHumans 35 mins ago
@ThomasWard how so?
@Serg rule 34 always applies...
there are Dark Chaos Magic rituals that are to be performed at 7:32PM my local time this evening
by the light of the full moon
well, i did start helping again, and it is a full moon
@ThomasWard Isn't the full moon more effective at the twelfth church bell gong of midnight?
@ByteCommander Dark Chaos happens whenever
it must be the moment of the full moon
not before, not after
@Serg ALL THE EVIL!!!! *Dark Chaos vortex of Destruction opens up behind him, sucking in everything except him as he laughs evilly*
Well, that vortex 。 。 。 sucks ;)
[Insert joke about moon dust.]
@TheXed hello.
Finally got my Server 2012 install up and running.
Visual Studio 2015 is also installed.
You installed Visual Studio on a server OS?
@TheXed you don't? :P
@TheXed Uhm. Yeah. Because build farm.
@ThomasWard I don't install any desktop software on servers...
I'll be adding it here shortly: ci.quickmediasolutions.com
@TheXed if you're installing Windows Server, then yes, you technically are.
@ThomasWard no...the difference is purpose or intent...
I don't install Windows Server with the intent of using a Word Processor, or to write programs...
Neither do I.
@NathanOsman what is build farm?
Every time I push a commit to a registered project, one of the machines in the build farm picks up the changes, builds the program, and runs the unit tests.
You know what a server farm is, right? Well, same concept, but specifically for building software.
@NathanOsman okay that actually makes sense then...
x64 qemu container on a rpi would be a hilarious build farm. just saying
Okay well it is time for me to go home...
@RobotHumans If you were working on Notepad, maybe.
Anything larger will get you pulling your hair out.
@NathanOsman as in hilarious/joke and yes
Good bye.
@NathanOsman I got a laugh out of that :D
Man, I really don't like 16.04... they downgraded Gedit, removed Braseo, changed how network devices are named...
@AndroidDev wait gedit was a downgrade? The version string is higher
k3b ftw. I even use it on gtk based distros
@ThomasWard Downgraded in terms of features
blame the creators of gedit
i use Atom or vim nowadays
oh goodness, the music of evil is now being played on my playlist
this does not bode well
@ThomasWard There's even articles about how to downgrade to the old version... omgubuntu.co.uk/2016/06/install-gedit-3-10-ubuntu-16-04-lts
Q: How do I downgrade Gedit to a previous (3.10.4) Version in Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

VideonauthAs the title already says: I have some plug-ins which don't run with gedit 3.18.3 which is shipped with Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. How can I downgrade to the version 3.10.4 which was used in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and Ubuntu 15.10 and get all the plug-ins possible installed? And how do I revert it back to 3...

There's that, too --^
@ThomasWard Amen
And then there's the fact that Xubuntu corrupted itself on the 3rd boot, and they ruined Kubuntu with the "modern" UI. I think I'll stay on 14.04 :)
@Serg I also ahve a wide range of IDEs so heh
PyCharm for Python, PHPStorm for PHP/HTML, DataGrip for SQL...
Android Studio for Android
IntelliJ for Java
I think I have a C++ ide here too
Do you have Visual Studio Code?
I'm wondering if it's any good
They have a Linux version
@AndroidDev from JetBrains?
I only have mplab for PIC18 MCU , Quartus Prime for FPGA stuff, and arduino IDE
oh you mean that crap from Microsoft?
@AndroidDev yeah, it's actually pretty good.
Not a dupe. Just because the same answer works doesn't make it a dupe. askubuntu.com/q/882066/117123 Plus, the OP is really asking for an explanation of why the fix worked.
@Seth I'm really surprised they have a Linux version
i don't have that no
@AndroidDev They've started supporting nix so eh
@AndroidDev that was the whole publicity stunt.
@Oli looks like it went HNQ. :)
ooh, shiney!
2b || ! 2b
that == question
If this would have happened in the US, then someone would have ended up dead, and it would have not been the officer...msn.com/en-us/news/good-news/…
God I love Canada...
Wait , what ? @TheXed you're in Canada ?
@Serg No I live there vicariously through @NathanOsman.
This seems to me NAA, but I'm a bit sleepy and it's nicely formatted, I don't want any trouble... am I wrong? askubuntu.com/a/882062/527764
Looks like NAA to me
@Zanna strictly, naa but the question also seems not to be sure on how to find out. I think still meant well and potentially usefull in that.
shrug I'll just leave it then, thanks for looking :)
Of course, don't mention it.
Well, my interwebs are acting up again. At least I got to watch like two episodes
@nathan can you please link your chat script for me? seems i have lost the bookmark
didn't know people were still using that.
@NathanOsman thank you
@Seth why not? this way i can see if someone of the others who use it writes :)
Huh, OP finnally accepted my answer after 5 months askubuntu.com/questions/829987
@AndroidDev Hmm... 35 points for saying something can't be done :D
My record was four months plus expanding scope a few times by the OP: askubuntu.com/questions/837078/…

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