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ok so what should I check out? lp:chromify-osd stopped working for me
bzr appears to have my old personal branch memorized just try to do bzr pull lp:chromify-osd/extension that should stack it properly or whatever bzr does
alright, that worked
still can't pull /npapi though
@JorgeCastro Do the same thing again
bzr pull lp:chromify-osd/npapi
@JorgeCastro This is probably one of the reasons why I don't like bazaar. I seem to fight with it more than I use it :P
Lets make this super simple - download it here:
yeah I've been trying to find a "DOWNLOAD" button in lp like how github does it
to no avail
If I can sanely figure out packaging I'll make a PPA for it
can't we put it in the extension store thing chrome has?
:43324 the extension yes, the NPAPI needs to go through a review process
oh ok, so there's 2 parts, got it
ok I don't have a .mozilla/plugins
do I just make it?
Make it
The parts are like this: the NPAPI basically replaces the Python script of @sil's first version
the extension is the one loaded via the "Developer Tools" the NPAPI will always be loaded when the browser starts - wether the extension is or not. So we can develop a number of different plugins to utilize passing events to notify-osd
We can also use the NPAPI with Mozilla and any other browser that supports it
So building a Firefox extension for webkitnotify is just porting current code to the Mozilla Extension format
oh man awesome
I can get chriscoulson to review the npapi thing
we can just add it to ubufox or whatever
Yeah, now you know why I was like freaking out when I was reading about NPAPI it's awsome
that's the idea. :)
It's got one more thing it needs to be able to handle - the processing of the icon image. Since libnotify can't handle web urls. So libcurl it down and pixbuf it or something like that (maybe cache it to .cache)
ok test me out, marco can you ping me?
@JorgeCastro I tried it around 3am this morning and I was like "Nope, I'll let @GeorgeEdison do that one"
Great Success!
If I can get the background thing to work per @sil suggestion the extension will be done
ok, irccloud doesn't seem to work, but I bet that's site specific
Not willing to bet it's site specific
Oh, I mean more specifically how can I test?
though the beta is currently closed down, sign up though and pm me your email address and I can ask the guy to let you in
I used my main "Ubuntu" email: [email protected]
hey so some UX bits (chime in here sil)
shouldn't the title be something else
instead of "You were mentioned by Marco Ceppi"
or is that something the webapp just sends along?
That's what the application sends to webkitnotifications as "title"
ah ok, so that's not our fault then
for htmlnotification the extension does it's best guess as to what the titles is based on that one example of an html notification I saw
(aka first <b> dom element == title)
hey so I was talking to the irccloud guy
Awesome got the invite
and he says that webkit allows for different styles
and that we should only override the default plain one
because app authors can define their own crazy crackrock ones
So...don't override htmlNotifications?
I guess
he says tweetdeck web uses a custom one
checking it out now
@MarcoCeppi man it's all skinned html crack rock
Got a screen? I think it might be worth leaving stylized ones alone then. Likely will end up breaking their "functionality" or build a preference page that allows them to override sytlized ones or not
Is the tweetdeck from the Chrome webstore?
it is
it's ok, not as nice as seesmic
It's an HTML notification
@sil OKay I'm convinced that when it comes to this I'm retarded. So I'm about to code in an ajax request from the injected page.js to the plugin because I'm not sure how else to get it in and out. I did finally cave and ask on SO though
Q: Access NPAPI from pages DOM

Marco CeppiI'm attempting to override the default functionality for webkitNotifications.createNotification and via a Chrome extension I'm able to inject a script in the pages DOM that does so. Problem I'm having now is I need access to chrome.extension.sendRequest from the pages DOM in order to push my requ...

Q: How do i completely get rid of gnome panel?

Jar Head Possible Duplicate: Cannot delete Gnome Panel I wish to use wingpanel and take out gnome panel all together. How would i do this?

Dupe Alert.
Actually I wonder if I can just setup an even trap for each open tab from the background page...
Q: How can I get html code from the web with vala(gtk)?

kv1drHow can I get a html code from some site(e.g. www.google.com) using vala(gtk)?

I'm going to let it stew for a few hours
see if anyone can give him a good answer
@MarcoCeppi you can't migrate it to SO?
I can - it's a matter of "Does it fit the site"
Vala is a language for Gnome developers, Gnome being the primary desktop environment shipped with Ubuntu I believe it fits under the category of "Ask Ubuntu, for users and developers"
Yes I see what you mean
There's always going to be overlap between sites. What it boils down to according to the trilogy moderators: "If a user asks an on-topic question that could be migrated to another site (because it's also on topic) It should stay on the original site. The user made the decision to ask it there, not on SO:
So We're not going to expect a huge surge of questions from Super User or Server Fault just because they're Ubuntu related
Likewise SO, SF, SU aren't expecting a lot of questions to be moved just because they're Programming, Server, or (Whatever SU does) related :)
Same for Unix.se
makes perfect sense
I'll try to answer it :)
Okay going to step away from coding for some breakfastdinnerlunch
roland must really like docks!
A: Mistaken dist-upgrade, is this bad?

ErnWhat about this command? do-release-upgrade -d Is it better than doing a apt-get dist-upgrade or does just the same thing?

Not sure about that answer...
they are completely different
do-release-upgrade will upgrade to natty
Damn @RolandTaylor You sure do have some intense docks! :D
I'm not mistaken am I? you forget after four months :P
but if some user tries this out, they'll have a bad time.
:43403 I don't think that it'll go to natty...Natty isn't released yet!
that is a lot of dockage going on
Done Upgrade tool signature
Done Upgrade tool
Done downloading
extracting 'natty.tar.gz'
authenticate 'natty.tar.gz' against 'natty.tar.gz.gpg'
[sudo] password for stefano:
this is the tail of do-release-upgrade -d
I don't believe it!
Tries in VM
Oh, duh -d is devel-release
yeah it is, just do-release-upgrade will tell you there's no new version
I'll comment using some bold, that should be enough don't you think?
I am going to have @Jin enter a CSS rule for bold
Actually. I'm going to make a Chrome plugin for that
what do you mean?
So the b CSS rule will have font-weight: none; aka no making it bold :)
Here in the chat you mean?
No, on the main site
As a joke, mainly :)
But what If I want to randomly set words in bold so that my answer looks better and I get more credit-points?
:43422 When I look at it - I won't see any bold :P
(but everyone else will see the bold unless they have the chrome plugin installed)
I like the bold; either it's appropriate, or it gives me an indication to edit a post
Ugly text says "make me better", thinking positively :)
I think that would make a great april fools joke
have Jin insert a JS function that randomly bolds phrases all over the site
Do SE have a history of "celebrating" April fool's?
that'll mean we all lose a lot of rep on april 1st
Posted by Jeff Atwood on March 31st, 2010

Depending on what time zone you live in, it may be April 1st, aka April Fools’ Day!

April Fools’ Day or All Fools’ Day is a holiday celebrated in various countries on April 1. The day is marked by the commission of hoaxes and other practical jokes of varying sophistication on friends, family members, enemies, and neighbors, or sending them on a fool’s errand, the aim of which is to embarrass the gullible.


Do you remember last year’s April Fools’ joke? That one added a cornify button to every post. …

goes to look how long he's been at SE
why are we all going to loose a lot of rep on 4/1?
"have Jin insert a JS function that randomly bolds phrases all over the site" → makes post look stupid
or strident, shrill, like screaming
Or important!
I hate the internet on april 1st
yes that too :)
Can't forget how important it makes you look
Swapping bold and italics would be an interesting April Fool's joke...
or changing the site name to "Ask Fedora" or something similar..
Ask Slackware, replacing every occurance of Ubuntu with Slackware
I was going to say - it would be funny to make Ubuntu look like it was merged with Unix & Linux
that's a fantastic idea @fluteflute :)
Q: What question would you have asked as an April Fool?

Jon SkeetPlease read this through before voting to close. There's method in my madness... April 1st is rapidly approaching, and I suspect many Stack Overflow regulars will have been considering what to ask as a "prank" question. I have nothing against good humour, but I think it makes sense to concentrat...

I can't answer that Vala question. I gave up when I realised I'd have to basically learn Vala to answer it...
don't have the patience for that at the minute. maybe later
I really notice the popularity of python and ruby after that experience
:43404 haha yep I love docks :P
want to see my dock?
I lurve it :D
My stupid dock.
I forgot what the ppa is
D:! MAC! D:! GAH!
if you had to recommend a laptop from best buy or wal-mart with the price range of say 750$ what would it be?
:43463 Oh, no. I wish. It's just a real mac.
:43464 HP dv7
I have a dv7
I'd recommend it :P
except the overheating problem
Compressed air - fixed it for me
so make sure you know how to clean the dust out (if you live in a dust prone area)
@MarcoCeppi can you help me really quickly? I need a way to visually scan a network on Mac OS X, is there something?
got my sister on the phone...
Visually scan a network?
she needs to find the IP of her internet gateway
that's in ifconfig
How do you open a terminal?
Applications -> Utilites -> Terminal
Is she wireless or wired?
Applications -> Utilities -> Network Utility
It's a GUI
:43486 did you have to pick down your laptop to clean it?
:43488 That's good enough IMO - this is the one I own
I also bought my almost a year ago
@MarcoCeppi thank you very much! that worked very well
considering :)
We should start a new site
"Ask Marco"
we should, someone should propose it..
fluteflute can propose it :D
Damn, askmarco.com is taken :P
I could but I somehow don't think we'd get enough followers....
@MarcoCeppi The guy who registered it has an @mac.com email....
:43505 Macs have forsaken me again!!!
Get shapado on there ;)
how did the mac forsake you...
i am sure it isn't anything nearly as bad as FedEx sending my Ipads back to apple/...
@ceoSteveJobs, Apple
More than meets the i. As you should expect from a parody account.
725 tweets, 385k followers, following 50 users
Going to spend 30 minutes building ask marco.
@Marco: Morning... did you make any further progress last night?
:43514 how did you clean your dv7?
:43516 hi
:43516 I didn't touch the NPAPI - I tried for like 10 minutes with libcurl but gave up
Oh, I will do that.
I used libcurl in so++.
It's tricky.
Yeah, that's an understatement :P
I looked at your question on SO.
As of right now the extension works - but you can see my reasons why I want it otherwise
be back in a bit
@MarcoCeppi did you end up getting that invite?
:43528 Oh yeah! A few hours ago actually
@Marco: Okay if chromify-osd just saves the image to /tmp?
Yes and no. Problem is disk space issue
@MarcoCeppi did you work it out?
Ideally there would need to be a clean up some how
How about this...
@sil Nope, I'm just not getting it to click
Q: Access NPAPI from pages DOM

Marco CeppiI'm attempting to override the default functionality for webkitNotifications.createNotification and via a Chrome extension I'm able to inject a script in the pages DOM that does so. Problem I'm having now is I need access to chrome.extension.sendRequest from the pages DOM in order to push my requ...

@MarcoCeppi Thanks a lot for that, we found it straight away. (I now feel your pain)
@MarcoCeppi I think that injecting cs.js and doing all the work in there, and not having page.js, might be a good idea. cs.js is a content script, so it gets injected automatically, and you can specify when it's injected.
@MarcoCeppi what's the code I should branch to work on it?
...each image is freed when the next image is downloaded?
That way, there's only ever one image in /tmp.
:43540 The extension is in lp:chromify-osd/extension branch
:43542 Yeah, that sounds like it'll work
:43539 Are you saying injecting at the top would be a better case?
@MarcoCeppi yeah, just working on it. Where do I get the actual .so ?
and where do I put it once I've got it? :)
You can pull it from lp:chromify-osd/npapi in the bin folder Just cp bin/*.so ~/.mozilla/plugins/
It works!
I got libCURL to download the image.
...and then libnotify displays it.
Now the only thing left is simple error checking.
:43552 Booyah! BTW - fetch the lp:chromify-osd/npapi branch again (not the george-edison55 one) I moved my "trunk" branch and pushed the npapi one into ownership of chromify-osd-team
I'll see what's there.
@txwikinger: Hey.
:43557 Hi George
@Marco: Slight change in API now... the notify() function now returns a boolean indicating success or failure.
It could mean that either libCURL failed or that libnotify ran into trouble.
@MarcoCeppi ok, nearly done with background page work; just let me poke it and I'll push a branhc so you can see.
:43559 Sweet, that's a good idea. We can fall back to the default webkit function incase it fails
...or report an error somehow.
I think it's better to just fail silently and regress back to defaults instead of throwing an error. No one wins with an error
Ya, I guess you're right.
ah. Right, I see the problem that @MarcoCeppi is having. :)
It reall is grating. I keep feeling like you should be able to do this
the content script can override window.webkitNotifications, but it's not the same window.webkitNotifications that the page sees, because of the isolated world.
So it's overridding the window.webkitNot that runs in the scope of the extension and not the tab?
so we need to inject page.js and then have it fire a custom event. Working on it.
yes. Or possibly it's overriding a window.webkitNotifications in the isolated world.
custom event ftw. Give me 10 minutes :)
If you do get it, you should answer the question on SO and get some mad rep
Are unanswered questions supposed to be sorted by score instead of date?
:43575 Depends what you have selected
@Marco: I can have notify() return a string indicating the error if necessary... though if we're just planning to swallow it up, it'll only be usefull for debugging.
My Tags/Newest/Votes/No Answer
@fluteflute I am talking about this page askubuntu.com/questions?sort=unanswered
@DoR The idea is - higher scored unasnwerd questions are actually worth being answered
just because it's old doesn't mean it's really worth being answered
The problem is that it's not returning an error for certain requests.
I think just a boolean is fine
libCurl will happily report success in downloading http://badhost
@MarcoCeppi IIRC it used to show unanswered from most recent to oldest, when did they change that?
So something is afoul here.
@DoR sometime between then and now :P
:43579 Oh... not sure
They've been update-crazy for the last 3 weeks
anyone have an iOS device?
Moderator tools have gotten huge upgrades so I'm not surprised it's changed
:43591 You can convert answers into comments!
@fluteflute: Yeah, I haven't tried it yet.
:43593 Yup! and the community user now flags posts
@Marco: They do? How?
do I suck at search or do we not have "How do I install nvidia drivers?"
:43595 Explain that one? I'm confused...
:43597 Based on newnes of a user, content score of their...content, and several other factors
@Marco: You like the screenshot? Notice the URL in the icon field.
We get like 4 flags an hour now tanks to that jerk. I'll take a screenshot of the Community user when it happens again
@GeorgeEdison HELL. YES. (push! :D)
:43602 Oh I see. Nice idea
Actually you can just drop the .so in the bin/ folder
Make sure you have the dev package for cURL installed.
what jerk?
that way I don't have to compile it myself
:43608 The "Community user" (or in other words computer)
That's the only difference between your repo and the chromify-osd-team repo
I'm gonna get in trouble for that one...
@Marco: I can't push. LP is down.
@GeorgeEdison LOL Someone flagged you :P
Hmmm... was it you?
Are you really secretly working for Apple?
coughs wasn't me coughs
It's anonymous and while I'm sure it was a joke, I respect the anomimity of this change
It's coughs with an 'o'.
> "bzr: ERROR: Server sent an unexpected error: ('error', "Cannot lock LockDir(lp-69966800:///~george-edison55/chromify-osd/npapi/.bzr/branchlock): File exists: u'/srv/bazaar.launchpad.net/mirrors/00/06/57/2f/.bzr/branch/lock': [Errno 17] File exists: '/srv/bazaar.launchpad.net/mirrors/00/06/57/2f/.bzr/branch/lock'")"
^--- what's holding me up.
:43622 Don't know, just do bzr push lp:chromify-osd/npapi
Everytime I get that error I have to delete the repo
I hate it (and strongly dislike Bzr)
So how do I fix it?
Delete my copy of the repo. and recreate it?
Delete the repo
My copy?
Or push to the chromify-osd-team branch :P
yes, your copy
Hang on...
> "bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/%2Bbranch/george-edison55/chromify-osd/npapi/"."
I had that same stupid error
Can we fix it?
I can't even PULL the code now.
You need to reset up the relation ship to the branch names.
Here they are, either specify push or pull to lp:chromify-osd/npapi
I'm lost.
I got that page open.
Terminal -> bzr pull lp:chromify-osd/npapi
points @GeorgeEdison to the lost and found box
bzr push lp:chromify-osd/npapi
Tried that.
Complete failure.
I think i am going to go home and try to master final fantasy 7 tonight after work
> "bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~marco-ceppi/chromify-osd/trunk/"."
Drop the npapi from the end then
Frustration with LP is enormous
I know...
Same error.
"Not a branch."
Something is really messed up.
Why couldn't Canonical just invest in Github
I knew someone would say that...
@Jorge: HELP!!!
Launchpad is broken.
Try lp:~chromify-osd-team/chromify-osd/npapi
dunno what is broken
For some reason it's pointing to my user when all the branches are owned by ~chromify-osd-team not ~marco-ceppi anymore
Still broken.
> "bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~marco-ceppi/chromify-osd/trunk/"."
@JorgeCastro If you look at code.launchpad.net/chromify-osd each branch is setup to ~chromify-osd-team
I'm gonna take a few minutes break.
@reply me if you figure it out.
Says ' get this with bzr branch lp:chromify-osd
development@becks-imac: ~/Projects$ bzr branch lp:chromify-osd
bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~marco-ceppi/chromify-osd/trunk/".
@MarcoCeppi, ping
@sil pong
sorry, I said 10 minutes and it took me 35. I suck :)
It's fine, LP is keeping me busy
be aware! it is not a mergeable branch

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