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@WinEunuuchs2Unix actually figured out how to hide it. I can still post it though
Just curious as I was planning systray / app indicator tonight using Sysmonitor Indicator which you read about 6-8 months ago according to comment you made.
Oh a Mandarin icon?.... hmmm
at least getting to this icon to show up was giant PITA
my display will be text only based on question asked by user here where you commented webupt8 had a story which they did: askubuntu.com/questions/740683/…
I used to slightly complain about fcitx method, but it seems a littl ebetter now
displaying on the systray using bash will be wonderful for me!
Clicking on tutorial on youtube. title in English, video in Indian/Pakistani/something middle eastern . . . . dammit
Ugh, I'm back-porting a newer OpenJFX to Trusty. Most of the build time is spent on huge library dependencies that already exist in the repositories. :-/
Never mind… there's no libwebkit. Every toolkit (GTK, Qt, JFX) has its own port of WebKit.
^^^ Sounds horribly complicated. I just got bash to send text to systray. Rather than boring old "Hello World!" I went with "Hi" :)
You know you've been doing homework and designing a digital counter to output first 7 primes, and then 2 hours before class you realize you've been doing it the wrong way ? Yup . . . I am experiencing that exact same thing right now
@Zacharee1 ooo, purrty cowlors
@WinEunuuchs2Unix do you understand this code snippet?
.method public static init(Landroid/content/Context;)V
    .locals 7
    .param p0, "context"    # Landroid/content/Context;

    const/16 v6, 0x53

    const/16 v5, 0x51

    const/16 v4, 0x50

    const/4 v2, 0x0

    const/4 v1, 0x1

    .line 36
    invoke-static {}, Lcom/lge/systemui/BAL;->getOperator()I

    move-result v0

    const/16 v3, 0x1e

    if-eq v0, v3, :cond_0

    .line 37
    invoke-static {}, Lcom/lge/systemui/BAL;->getOperator()I

    move-result v0

    const/16 v3, 0x20
Primes as in 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13?
@WinEunuuchs2Unix Yes, but in binary , using flip-flop circuits
@Zacharee1 Gimme a break... Here's the code I just wrote:
rick@dell:~/bin$ cat indicator-sysmonitor-display

echo "Hi"

exit 0
I'm asking if you understand it
I guess I could read it...
... "line 36" is defined or invoked twice.
just some random variable declarations and functions to me.... sorry :(
@Zacharee1 what was the point of this exercise? ^^^
it's Smali
supposed to be like Assembly
You realized my last big ASSEMBLER program was in 1984 and since then I've only done a little in-line code for Quick Basic back in the late 80's / early 90's. Never did get the quick boot going where BIOS POST is bypassed on reboot.
Plus maybe a little in-line assembly code for C# in the mid 90's.
hehe.... I'm a self-proclaimed nubcake... @Nathan bailed me out last night telling me root user using sudo is like a NOOP.
You weren't here last night.
it was a question and answer thing and I had to quickly delete my answer thanks to Nathan's help blush
To be clear, it's not harmful, just redundant.
then we all vote closed the question hehe
It's like saying "root user elevating to root".
Yes NOOP isn't harmful... it took me 5 months to learn Bash's NOOP is :
Python is the only language (other than assembly) that has a keyword for NOOP, that I know of.
I wanted to post a question today "How do I create user Root, and what password do I use?"
The root user exists
just has no password
crap... isn't that a security hole in Ubuntu?
You need a root user for many things
so I can sign on with user ID "root" and use no password on my desktop?
@WinEunuuchs2Unix it's not that it's just open for anyone to login....
root on desktop....
it doesn't have a password, so until one is set, it can't be logged into
let me get the rolled up newspaper.
and you need sudo to set a password
greeter not desktop
@Zacharee1 Well, not quite.
sudo passwd root
Even then you can set specific things not to allow root login
orly @NathanOsman
Apps that are setuid root could be used to gain root privileges.
sudo just happens to be one of them.
@NathanOsman well fine, but that's not logging in as the root user, that's using Dirty Cow :p
You shouldn't ever be able to log in as the root user.
Just elevate when necessary to do stuffs.
Dirty COW... not Cow = MOOOO
unless you sudo passwd root
@Zacharee1 root is the default, so:
sudo passwd
ok fine
sudo passwd
when you lose the argument so you need to correct semantics
what is my sudo passwd on default install?
@WinEunuuchs2Unix nada
@WinEunuuchs2Unix if you run a web server, it needs to be started as root (cause low port) then drops down to www-data or nobody
@WinEunuuchs2Unix A default Ubuntu install?
smacks @WinEunuuchs2Unix with a rolled up newspaper
@NathanOsman default Windows install of course
Or just Linux in general?
yes I only setup my own name on Ubuntu.
sudo passwd is a pair of commands.
passwd is an arguement for sudo
Sidenote: The list of users is in /etc/passwd, which for historical purposes used to also contain user passwords.
so is -i and -s
hackers are also an arguments for sudo
@NathanOsman in plain text?
@Zacharee1 Well, I kind of doubt it.
ok good
rick@dell:~/bin$ cat /etc/passwd
But passwords have been moved to /etc/shadow and are hashed.
@Zacharee1 I think they were hashed
now that would've been a security hole
/etc/passwd is world-readable though.
or more like a security cave
So I doubt they were plaintext :P
you'd have to be a nubcake to put something like fastboot oem dm-verity-disable in your bootloader code...oh wait
it really feels like OnePlus just pushed out a ROM build that was lying around, wihtout getting it ready for production
Somehow I get the feeling we're not talking about sudo anymore...
because there are a lot of stupid security holes being found on the OP3/T
@NathanOsman hue
how do you sign on as root?
@WinEunuuchs2Unix You don't login as root. You elevate.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix sudo passwd root!!!!!
Login as your normal user and then use sudo to elevate.
If you must login as root, at least do:
sudo su
sudo -i
scrub :p
sudo -
Linux principle: do as few things as root as possible.
sudo -i just gives # it doesn't change to root@hostname
@NathanOsman rm?
@WinEunuuchs2Unix # usually means root user
@Zacharee1 grep?
@NathanOsman git?
I need a theme for my Spanish essay
@Zacharee1 wget icanhazexplanation.com?
something I can either write an article or blog about
@NathanOsman $_POST ihavenofreakingclue.net
@NathanOsman they where in the old days. but back then passwd was not world readable ;)
@Zacharee1 Light diffraction.
Or, in plain English, "Hue".
it's 400 words at most
maybe something simpler
evolution of internet memes? lol
spanish word for google.
by the way there is a reason for it
"Any utility that inspects file metadata needs to be able to read /etc/passwd (and /etc/group) in order to be able to resolve the numerical IDs used by the kernel and its subsystems to the human-friendly names that we rely on. Tools that need to find your home directory (mail delivery agents, etc) look that information up in /etc/passwd, and inet miniservers like fingerd look up your details in /etc/passwd."
@Zacharee1 Write about snow.
no silly....the essay would by your proposal for spanish word for google.
I've become an expert on snow lately.
google = to look at something
get spanish words
@NathanOsman of course, you're Canadian
I'm in canada too
@Zacharee1 You get snow down there too.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix mirar a algo?
@NathanOsman 3in
my chats are being throttled
thanks, Obama
It's a trap!
mirar a algo sounds like a great spanish name for google... now you have 397 more words to explain why!
@WinEunuuchs2Unix this is basically a short report
need three sources for something
"muchacho de agua"
What is that in English? (I'm testing myself.)
~guy~ of water?
It was supposed to be waterboy.
I'm one source, Nathan is another source... we'll use Rinzy as a third source against his will.
My Spanish really isn't all that bueno.
No wait.
translate: muchacho de agua
(from Spanish) water boy
That isn't right.
bing likes it.
@Seth Bing lol
Any product from Microsoft should be called "Bling".
Google Translate says "water boy"
Aguatero is waterboy :=)
They say Bill Gates is on track to become world's first Trillionaire but I don't believe them.
If I ever write a game with a rogue AI, I'm naming it Bing. It will appear innocent to its creators until towards the end of the game, when it will turn on its creators and begin enriching uranium at rate too fast for its human operators to intervene at which point Bing will hold the city hostage until more uranium is mined and it can stockpile large nuclear weapons and...
What were we talking about again?
@Rinzwind water carrier
speaking of water...shower time...bbl
I should be thinking about supper...
Prolly pizza.
@Seth well muchacho is really a "youngster"
I'd say niño is better
I thought it was literally "boy"?
@Zacharee1 Good point.
@NathanOsman it's slang -- also for servant or maid
nino is better yes
@Rinzwind You're Dutch, I thought!
and no I ant gonna search for the ñ :P
right, the Dutch aren't allowed to learn Spanish
@NathanOsman yes sir
And you know Spanish?
yes sir
Here I can barely master English...
And enough Spanish to find a washroom.
silly Canadians
@NathanOsman how do you say it?
"donde esta el bano"
Or some such thing
dutch, english, german, french, japanese, spanish in the order @NathanOsman
but I also know how to google :+)
otherwise it'd be where this the bathroom
thing is; italian, spanish, portuguese and french are a lot similar.
@Zacharee1 Okay, when I am asking someone, I'll be sure to mention there's a diacritic on the letter.
very @Rinzwind
@NathanOsman well you'll either be putting emphasis on the first or second syllable
so learning one of these helps a lot getting to know the other 3
EH-stah (esta) -- eh-STAH (está)
I knew how to say, just not how to transcribe it.
@Zacharee1 eh-STAPH-IT
@Serg ñó
是, ^_^
Lots of people forget the diaeresis on the second "o" in "coöperate".
Same thing.
@NathanOsman learn Esperanto and you get by in Italy, Spain,Portugal and France.
Plus is it an easy to learn language
I am a pedant :D
since when does English have diacritics?
@Rinzwind Learn Latin and you can at least converse with priests everywhere :P
@Zacharee1 only in Germany and Holland it is an umlaut
@Zacharee1 Since English adopted foreign words.
well I learned a bit of German, and that's where I learned the word
I effectivelly have 1 hour to finish my homework and I'm still half way through problem 1 and half through problem 2
@NathanOsman nobody knows who to pronounce latin (all of them are guessing >:) )
I need to start cloning myself so that I can do my homework more effectively
I like how @Videonauth's chat bubble showed up right as @Rinzwind mentioned Germany
@Rinzwind Easy enough to fix. Just listen to a tape from around 400 A.D. and you've solved the problem.
wait wat
Ja, Deutschland !
@Serg nein
Nobody saw anything
Of all foreign languages, I've probably been exposed to German the most.
@NathanOsman me too. I live 10 miles away from German border
I mean Chríst
@Rinzwind ...
@NathanOsman most of those don't seem to be english though
@Zacharee1 I do!
Of all alien languages i was exposed to german the most sadly ;p
my flat where I live was in the news today :D
@Rinzwind Does German really count as a foreign language if you speak Dutch?
Most of those words and phrases show up in the arts, not normal everyday usage.
@Zacharee1 yes. English and either German or French was mandatory at school as a foreign language
"raison d'être", for example.
@Rinzwind but German is so similar
@Zacharee1 yes it does, same vice versa, they are quite similar in writing but in actual speaking its pretty hard to understand each other
sounds like Italian vs Spanish
@NathanOsman wat mean
@Zacharee1 I don't often hear that phrase in a conversation.
But I have heard it used in songs.
@Zacharee1 not really. The way sentences are set up is really off between the 2
literally, reason to be o_O
@Zacharee1 prolly French origins.
if you look at it like that Dutch and English are closer to eachother
@NathanOsman it's literally French lol
@Zacharee1 Hue.
python on its way to 5,67 GB ram usage
@Videonauth I once had a rogue Python script that gobbled up all my memory.
not Chrome?
nah in this case its expected and intended
more fractals?
mandelbrot set, at 20k by 20k pixels and with an iteration depth of 1.6*10²⁶
Hey, new reality TV idea - Chrome vs. the World. Teams take turns writing apps. Then the apps are loaded (one at a time) onto a PC and run alongside Chrome. The goal is to use more memory than Chrome.
Chrome, would prolly always win though.
Le silence.
dang i ned moar RAM :(
MemoryError ....
Hey @Videonauth haven't seen you in a Fortnight+
I'll send you my 8 GB when I upgrade to 16GB
i have 8 GB but didn't expect the ram need to be doubled when i want to output my mandelbrot set to mathplotlib
calculation done in 12053.310277999999 s (all in vain)
maybe the program needs to be tweaked... msg to developer?
ok, send message to self*
sets status: wont fix
You wrote a library of math routines?
i wrote the mandelbrot routine
and im sure after 2 weeks of tweaking i have really codegolfed it and streamlined it, but ist simply to much data to hold in 8 GB ram and 8 GB swap
guess i have to tone that down a bit in calculation size
set swap to 63 GB then?
let the OOM Killer and reaper figure it all out :)
i probably will double the swap partition yes
was a whole lot of data tho
When I did my fill up ram tests though... Swap only hit 65% when RAM hit 95%+ and malloc () stopped new processes from starting up.
kaboom >:D
well time to restart the machine, it seems it messed up badly at the time it has crashed i have now 6 GB in use with merely only FF running
Fire Fox?
There are bug reports of Firefox eating up RAM like @ThomasWard at a death ray laser store
those stores buy their equipment from me lol
nah i got FF pretty good in check
TMW you have a tab open so long it pops up a message telling you the site has been upgraded.
well i go to bed now, lowered my calculation goals and rerun this while im relaxing
and this time saving the result as an SVG file before trying to push it directly to mathplotlib
belated LOL
Well have a good sleep and good luck with your RAM.... As you go to sleep instead of counting sheep you should count rams....
yes maybe we can do a collection to get me finally a board where i can use more than 8 GB total :))
My laptop is supposed to be 8 GB, but lots of posters say you can install 16 GB.
but to be honest, even if i would have 1 TB ram i would probably run out of memory :p
You can address up to 128 TB in Linux.
i know but there is only a few boards out there which actually only support 1 TB
and they are pricy
rick@dell:~/bin$ ll /proc/kcore
-r-------- 1 root root 140737477881856 Feb  9 19:14 /proc/kcore
I'd use a 1 TB SSD... PCI 2
m.2 ^^^
:) well i go and meditate a bit, two more days till sleeping to go
Gabe Newell on US travel ban: 'We have people at Valve who can't go home' http://bit.ly/2k9T9C0 https://t.co/2SirsgDCMa
^^^ I bet they are "steaming"
Anyway the 9th district appeals court has upheld the ban on Trumps travel ban (according to Al-Jazeera) so they can still go to the states.
Well, I for now have banned the US of A from the list of destinations i would like to travel to :)
Funny thing is had Trump wanted to bomb those seven nations and kill people there it would be no problem.... but to stop them from travelling to USA is against the constitution.... go figure!
"no problem" isn't true
I suspect the first part of that statement is more speculation than fact.
cant tell much about this tho
If a US president. ANY president wanted to declare a proper war he needs congress to agree
the war on terror is vaguely an overgrown militarised police action, and was kinda not done very well
Iraq no declaration, Afghanistan no delcaration, Libya no declaration... the secret is "we are going to save the people from government".
the US never invaded libya
bombed the living daylights out of it.
That happens a lot
And you don't call that war?
Under many presidencies
that's a good question. But that's something that happens a lot under many presidents.
Those all fell under the "War on Terror", which Congress did agree to.
And there's often a concequence.
There were loopholes in the UNSC resolutions as well.
and this is why good laws and other official things need to be scoped narrowly. I would say intelligently, but sneaking in things is pretty much a sport in washington I am told.
what's UNSC again?
security council
United Nations Security Council
UN security council
ninja'd you both
whenever I hear "UNSC" I start thinking from Halo.
notes typing speed
I usually never see it abbreviated
throws sticks at @WinEunuuchs2Unix
I have a bit of drama I'm looking at elsewhere
you didn't ninja cause you didn't capitalize and missed out "United Nations".
@WinEunuuchs2Unix that ain't what ninja'ing is, though :P
sigh more drama
I thought it meant being first?
it's purely about posting the message first, as long as it conveys enough information
usage of abrevations reminds me all the time of that great scene in 'good morning vietnam' movie LOL
haha ninja'd you :p
@ThomasWard nothing you guys need to deal with ;p
as opposed to earlier :P
Good sci-fi movie recommendations anyone?
Would a series do?
@WinEunuuchs2Unix Depends what movie era you're after, and if you want pure scifi or scifi/action or what
@Journeyman a series is ok if it isn't Xed's "Mr. Robot" which I watched already.
@ThomasWard Any sci-fi would do as long as I haven't seen it and it's not Hollywood B movie.
yes but do you want pure scifi, or a subgenre of scifi, or what?
@WinEunuuchs2Unix the expanse is really good
you can't just say "sci-fi movie"
"semi" hard sci fi
soft-Sci Fi... I'm still kind of innocent :p
If you wanted something fun, killjoys and dark matter are closer to classic 90s sci fi in style
never heard of killjoys I'll look that one up.
(soft scifi - basically magic antigravity and other technologies not unlike magic)
I do think of witchcraft as sci-fi I guess.
no "killjoys" or "Kill Joys"... is the spelling correct?
found them "killjoys", "Killjoy 3" and "Kiljoy goes to hell".
so you want fantasy/sci-fi
Killjoys is a Canadian space adventure drama series that airs on Space channel in Canada. The show was officially ordered to series on October 7, 2013, with a 10-episode pick-up. In April 2014, it was announced that Syfy would co-produce the series, and the first season premiered June 19, 2015. The series was renewed for a second season in September 2015, which premiered on July 1, 2016. Killjoys was renewed for a third season in September 2016, which is set to premiere in 2017. == Premise == Killjoys follows a trio of hard-living bounty hunters – Dutch, John, and D'avin. Working for the...
Yeah I like fantasy too.
@JourneymanGeek I think "killjoys" will be a good series to watch but I'm subjective to binge watching so I won't start it tonight.
I saw "Passengers" the other night it was pretty good.
@muru nuked with evil
1 hour later…
back from digital 3 exam. Wasn't too bad but it's time consuming and plus i kinda forgot how to do last step of Quine McClusky reduction. Just wanna go home and pass out now
Does this never end? Now I'm fighting CSS over magically appearing scrollbars.
anyone know why emacs has a version 46? Is that why Ubuntu keep replacing the emacs I build with emacs 24?
~/emacs$ sudo apt-cache policy emacs
  Installed: 26.0.50.aaron-1
  Candidate: 46.1
  Version table:
     46.1 500
        500 us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main amd64 Packages
        500 us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial/main i386 Packages
 *** 26.0.50.aaron-1 100
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
@AaronHall latest version according to GNU page is 25. Either the package in repository is wrong, or there's a special reason for that
Also, HDMI to VGA converter didn't do jack . . .My laptop still makes both VGA screens the same
I guess I need to contact the guy responsible?
synaptic seems to be telling me that's the package that will be installed - I think it's automatically removing my built emacs as the old one.
This is how bad my debugging session has become: I'm now doing visual diffs between the page and my attempt to reproduce the bug in JSFiddle.
I hope Rob Browning isn't a super big-shot. I sent him an email asking if I should escalate his versioning to Canonical.

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