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You only have 9 hats for AU. :)
@Fabby having headache from last 2 days and today it got much worse
Take care.
@jokerdino thank you :)
@Hizqeel shut down your computer, buy a 1L bottle of water containing lots of Mg, drink it, go sleep...
Your body is trying to tell you something...
hits @Hizqeel with a bat, knocking him out and enforcing sleep mode
I mean, it'd work, but... :P
It's been done before ---^ @Serg
@ThomasWard that'd worsen the headache I think
We had Serg banned from chat for an hour to force him to go to sleep.
No head = no ache?
@jokerdino an orbital kinetic strike would also solve the problem :P
@jokerdino Guillotine is a bit of overkill in this case!
@ThomasWard sleep mode was enabled but the retina enforce the brain cells to keep awake
@Hizqeel Hello Hizqeel ! :) Fine ... thank you ! :) What about you ? Everything alrighty ? What about your cat ? Better today ?
@jokerdino Been googling tht one and you've stumped me...
Hi CL! ;)
@Fabby Hi Fabby ! :) Good afternoon to you ! :)
Grrr... Don't ping me to say hi!
How are you today? I only had 4h of sleep yesterday so I'll be going to bed in 50 min.
@Fabby Grrr ... I'm fine ... had 8 hours ... so not going to bed ! :D
@Hizqeel as I said we can fix this :P
@Fabby I usually sleep 4h a day
@Hizqeel that's why you have a head-ache.
Your body is telling you: more sleep!
@Hizqeel That's why you look so young ! :P
@Hizqeel increase to 7 hours a day
or don't
@cl-netbox you mean Its time to change my dp :p
@Hizqeel dp ? you mean your avatar picture ? NO - it looks very friendly and nice ! :)
@ThomasWard I feel i am wasting my time If i sleep alot n that much I don't why
@Hizqeel FYI, i've done the 4-hours-sleep-a-day thing
Sorry @cl-netbox But yup
it's driven me to almost near dead by caffeine OD
don't take a page from my book
grabs a phaser rifle off the wall
I was doing that from 2 years from now @ThomasWard
@ThomasWard sudo apt install coffee ! :D
I will try but i was trying that since morning ...!
yay encrypted file container ^.^
on my SSD-turned-external-drive :P
@Fabby Doesn't matter; No headache.
:D :D :D
No wonder i couldn't find it on google!
Hi @jokerdino ! :) A bit of bad atmosphere within City - right ?
I think it's fine.
@jokerdino Today I read that Pep is already thinking about ending his coaching career ... :)
@cl-netbox Cat Go mad today :p :D because she got to much happy when she saw visitors
@cl-netbox That's not true I don't think.
@Hizqeel a good sign ... then she is healthy ! :)
@jokerdino maybe an over-interpretation from the well-known British Press media ... :)
Ah, forgot to say : Sleep well @Fabby ! :)
Hi ! :)
whats up?
all my cat ever does is sleep...
@ByteCommander that question looks like it needs a chatroom
Yup, but not with me.
@TheXed hahaha ... that was what she did yesterday - right @Hizqeel ? :D
@ByteCommander o.O
yeah I have no idea what's going on
@Zanna that is a thing for @terdon ! He can solve this problem ! :)
@cl-netbox haha poor terdon
Good night!
@Zanna yes ... once I assisted him when trying to solve a similar issue ... it took 5 (FIVE) hours ! :D
@cl-netbox that link was for you by the way.
@Fabby Good night Fabby ! :)
FYI please don't use sudo gedit - see Why should users never use normal sudo to start graphical applications?. I suggest you start with the fixes suggested in Ubuntu gets stuck in a login loop and update your question with the results — steeldriver yesterday
@TheXed Yes - thank you ... have watched that cute nice cat ! :)
Well nice is not an adjective I would use to describe her...@cl-netbox
@cl-netbox yes she did now she got surprise :p (Visitors)
@terdon exactly : install gksu and use gksudo gedit or use nano instead ... :)
My guess is that they just need to remove their ~/.Xauthority
@TheXed hahaha ... what then ? :D
cute and mean maybe?
@TheXed okay cute and mean might be better ! :)
@terdon I told them not to use sudo gedit BEFORE they did it o.O I made them chown their entire home and nothing happened. But please tell them to rm .Xauthority (which I told them to check)
back to work :-(
I mean today is the first day after break
@TheXed take it easy ! :)
can't, have to fix all the stuff that broke over break.
@TheXed hmmm ... well it could bring you some satisfaction though - right ?
No just a bigger headache..
@TheXed So then I wish you best luck to get everything fixed fast and get back home soon ! :)
right now I am sorting through new Chromebooks...
@Zanna How did you tell them to chown?
sudo chown -R hvs: /home/hvs (hvs being their username as established in comments)
I said "please type carefully" haha no error and no improvement
@Zanna Hmm. That would change the ownership of .Xauthority, but not the group. Maybe that's the problem.
@terdon no it changes the group
the colon
@Zanna Ah, true, missed that.
so I'm really baffled :( but it seems to me they must have done something weird to their system before
hmm someone just serially upvoted me :(
haha I guessed who it was and told them to undo it and they undid it! phew
hmm partly... still too many I think. Oh well.
Just enjoy them. If it was really serially, the system would probably auto-undo it within a day or so...
yeah it will be undone
no worries :)
@ByteCommander - I just do this, it works every time :) askubuntu.com/questions/867994/…
This is interesting xda-developers.com/…
@AndroidDev That would be what I'm going to suggest as well, but I need to know what the current situation is first, and I am not sure if the user would get dd right on his own.
@ByteCommander I also sometimes have to manually set the RW bit. No idea why.
@Zacharee1 shurgs I'm not connecting my fridge to the internet anytime soon.
(hint: NEVER!)
I've never shurged before ;p
i'm connecting my sister's minifridge to the Internet
but that's my sister's fridge :P
Okay, my office is officially terrible.
There is no cream/milk/whatever anywhere in sight.
Please let us know if you see any issues: https://twitter.com/Nick_Craver/status/816701802552946688
A: What are my current HDD Partitions

GeorgeIn Linux, everything starts at something known as root (/) unlike in Windows where we have C and D drives as the case may be. From your image let me break it down a bit: Total HDD size 759GB of which: 741 GB is / (main files here) inside /, we have the following folders: /home /var /usr /b...

borderline low-quality imo, has some misinformation/incorrect stuff, needs edits for grammar, etc, if anyone wants it.
@KazWolfe I have some cream and milk in my fridge at home...
@TheXed can you scp it over to me?
Sure I just need your Credit card/debit card number security pin, pin number and a copy of your signature....
@TheXed okay, hang on.
has entered a holding a pattern
why was that removed, mods? it was an impossible number.
71xx can never exist.
(see above link, unassigned)
@KazWolfe snap habit, whenever I see that data in posts on chat or something else I grab a phaser rifle
it matches a pattern that one of my custom plugins always triggers an alert for
and matches 99% of all spam patterns wrt cards
you're matching on 71xx?
no, not the single groups, the whole message string
hmm. mind if i test this?
there's about 25 well known patterns of how those things're posted, and I have most of those patterns coded in
let's just not play with this today, mmkay?
hm, interesting. TIL.
I need to generate less realistic fake data.
or blank it out :p
i don't catch completely obfuscated things
what about blatantly fake things?
like 4123 4567 ....
i'm going to go do something decent like fix this server here which I broke.
@KazWolfe point.missed == true.
deleted by force of habit
@ThomasWard point.getMiss()
my bad, it won't happen again BUT lets try not triggering alarms mmkay?
or point.getMissState() :D
okay, noted.
for a minute there I thought you got hacked and was checking your IP Xref o.O
i will refrain from using as realistic looking fake data.
@KazWolfe not rather point.isMissed() as it should return a boolean?
@ByteCommander possibly, but i tend to use .get and .set
(on that note, if anybody wants to learn how to generate really realistic fake data, ping me :D)
I am not responsible for your getting arrested.
Or banned. Or similar.
askubuntu.com/questions/868047/… / VLQ, off-topic (possibly)
@KazWolfe condemned is the proper term.
@ThomasWard oh yeah. mod question for you in all seriousness.
I've heard in the past that "VLQ" on questions should be a mod-only flag. Is this the case?
@AndroidDev: MAC addresses are not considered PII and worthy of redaction:
> mac addresses are not classed as personal data - so its a bit like an IP address. Thus doesnt really fall under the redact reasons for personal identifiable data. Thanks anyway.
@KazWolfe where was this?
@ThomasWard flag history, let me get question.
@KazWolfe Not sure I understand what you're asking. VLQ flag drops it into the VLQ review queue, and then also raises a mod attention flag. Regardless of moderator action, it drops a post into the VLQ queue.
@ThomasWard okay, now i'm even more confused. I've had a mod on another SE site tell me quite bluntly "Don't use the VLQ flag on questions unless you're a mod, it's pretty much useless otherwise"
@KazWolfe VLQ works weirdly
a lot of mods hate the flags.
on Ask Ubuntu, we reserve it for utter crap (read this on Meta), but from a backend operation perspective it drops stuff into the VLQ review queues, and has some evil against the specific post
I usually decline VLQ flags unless they're on unsalvageable stuff (see META!)
@KazWolfe each site may have their own policies on VLQ handling thoguh
Ask Ubuntu, it's discouraged unless it is utter crap.
alright, gotcha.
so wait... what's the difference between VLQ on a question and unclear what you're asking CV?
Um... the latter counts towards 5 votes to close?
i mean from an "appropriate use" standpoint. If a question has none of the required information or the like to solve the problem, which is more appropriate?
I think we should just avoid that flag, unless the post is just random words
I have a usb 16.04 I created with usb-creater and the installer is crashing. It says: grub-efi-amd64-signed failed to install, can someone help me get past this?
Q: Ubuntu 14.04 install: grub-efi-amd64-signed failed to install into /target/

cerrignoI'm trying to install Ubuntu 14.04 on a Dell Inspiron 7537, in dual-boot with Windows 8.1, with a UEFI system. After the creation of the new partitions, I've been able to install Ubuntu 14.04 without any problem. It booted regularly, as far as I launched Windows again. Probably some program (McAf...

[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body, pattern-matching website in title, repeated URL at end of long post: Natural Slim Life == healthygcpro.com/natural-slim-life/ by Andil Race on askubuntu.com
Could someone please run this on an Ubuntu machine and tell me the output:
type -a init
my bash on ubuntu says type init not found :(
init is /sbin/init
oh now it says "init is sbin/init"
played those assasin's creed games yet? @TheXed
@Edity working on the first one...
Could someone please tell me the SHA512SUM for their /usr/sbin/tcpd? I need to compare it with mine.
@ParanoidPanda idk how to check
@Edity: You type sha512sum /usr/sbin/tcpd in Terminal.
@Edity it's pretty fun...so far worth the money I spent.
@ParanoidPanda since i cant copy and paste:
Why can't you copy and paste?
BoW doesn't allow me
Well, it looks similar enough to mine.
i figured out the cause
here you go: bba72d5f725b4bb10e316d4496b174d627b77ee6666fc717f9053c69349553812791896da2dea779‌​610dc439cefbb504c2e7b7ff805eb26e89181f33d4d646a4 /usr/sbin/tcpd
hello.... I have a strange problem.. in my PC apt-get update is not working(this is not that strange) but when I did same in my other virtual machines it didn't work even there with same type of error.. I did this on one ubuntu and 2 linux but all with same results?
@Edity: Great! Thanks! :)
@DenisKa what is the actual error?
@Edity: Strange, they look the same to me, but Firefox thinks that they are different.
Clearsigned file isn't valid, got 'NOSPLIT' (does the network require authentication?)
Err:19 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial InRelease
Clearsigned file isn't valid, got 'NOSPLIT' (does the network require authentication?)
Get:20 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-security InRelease [244 B]
Err:20 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-security InRelease
Clearsigned file isn't valid, got 'NOSPLIT' (does the network require authentication?)
Err:21 http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu xenial InRelease
and with lot more like this
That would be suspicious if there was one small difference in them though.
Did you ask on the main site?
cuz firefox is stupid
@TheXed no
@ParanoidPanda Make sure you don't have a stray LF in the middle if you copied from chat
@chaskes: Yes, I think that was it.
They are the same when I compare them with diff after putting them in a text file and removing anything like new lines.
@Edity: So all is well on that front then. :)
@DenisKa that is where I would start personally.
Your question will get a lot more exposure and more likely that it will be answered...
okay so let me do it
@Zacharee1 that's stupid
@Seth Iz Tru tho
@Zacharee1 considering the jedi order ceased to exist after Anakin, not really. Also, they left Obi Wan out.
@Seth nubcake ruins memez
@edwinksl ^
Don't they call them Jedi though, even if they're not part of an official group?
Every so often, I'll come back to my tablet and put in my earbuds to hear it playing music from local storage on the local media player. It's weird, and I think it might be a good base for a creepypasta.
@Zacharee1 I was able to get it a little shaper...
@Zacharee1 flic.kr/p/QRJP2E
@TheXed still noisy :p
I know but it is improved...
It is
But I still can't figure out what happened, especially with the sky
According to the folks at photo.stackexchange.com it actually isn't noise, that the ISO is fine, shutter speed a bit fast, which we already knew, but seems to be over processed by the camera...
But it's RAW o_O
Good point...
@Zacharee1 Nitpick: Rey is not a Jedi.
@KazWolfe r u an nubcake too?
@TheXed I like the idea of the top answer, but Photoshop is expensive
@Zacharee1 no, I follow the Star Wars lore.
I have photoshop from work, I just don't know how to use it lol
Rey was never indoctrinated as a member of the Jedi order, and therefore is not a Jedi.
@TheXed learn
@Zacharee1 the thought has run across my mind...
@KazWolfe that's basically what Seth said, but don't people still call them Jedi, even if it isn't official?
@Zacharee1 Nope.
She's Force-sensitive, and can apparently use it, but that doesn't automatically make her a Jedi.
that's like calling Palpatine a Jedi, just because he's Force-sensitive.
Well then the progression of force-sensitives
Doesn't really have the same ring to it
i mean, in current lore, she is not a Jedi.
She might have been a Jedi Youngling at one point in time, making her applicable to that title, but as of now, she can not be considered one.
"The Progression Of The Good Guys" would be better.
Q: Is this character a Jedi?

melchoir55Warning there are major spoilers in this question. Not all of them are hidden behind masked text blocks. Masking character name in title to avoid spoilers. I'm wondering whether was a Jedi youngling from The reasons for my suspicion include: Her flashbacks. She has flashbacks which inclu...

See here.
Google Play uses a ton of CPU when it's updating apps
Google Chrome uses a lot of computer resources no matter what it is doing
do gifv files not get inlined?
@KazWolfe they're not actually GIFs. SE chat also goes by filename not file type
@TheXed strangely enough, it's sort of by design
Yeah...by design doesn't mean good design though...
Chrome opens tabs in separate processes so that if one tab crashes, it doesn't take everything else along with it
Right sandboxing....
but sandboxes are expensive...
It'd be cool if you could toggle that feature
i think it does some ramdisking/caching too.
But I get the logic behind it
@Zacharee1 I agree....because the problem is...if you don't have a beefy computer it really eats up resources...
@TheXed it's a trade-off, although it's one that should be optional
@KazWolfe I need to download some more RAM I guess
@KazWolfe lies....
It already redirects you
downloading 32gbs right now...
DDR4 isn't compatible with my computer :-(
(or you can actually download real ram if you're running linux)
it is pretty amazing how they get 32gbs of ram compressed into 4097kbs...
i have a 32GB file on my server.
@KazWolfe my new build is going to have 32gbs
just download it, open a terminal, cd to it, and run sudo swapon ./ram
i want to make that a joke Q&A actually...
Oh, @ThomasWard, can I get permission to do that?
@KazWolfe yes, you can, but I will vote to close it :-P
for what?
as a joke
that's an option?
I'll make it one
Well look at what time it is...time to end the fun in the sun...
Chrome wouldn't let me connect to google's https simply because my clock was off by a few seconds O_o
Of course , granted my clock was also off by a few weeks before i changed it back. But seriously, a few seconds ?
let's play a little java game!
How many lambdas can I nest inside other lambdas?
How many lambdas could lambda lambda if lambda could lambda lambda ?
@Serg 512.
or 2 before a Resonance Cascade. The third brings about Xen.
Oddly specific number. Is there a specific reason behind it ?
Also , I nearly choked on my coffee 5 mins ago . . . feck
@KazWolfe so you exponent the exponent first in double powers?
@Zacharee1 right.
I did it at first by just going left to right, and I was confused, because that's just 64 :p
house painter's here :|
@all you OP3 lovers bragging about your 6GB RAM. The ZenFone AR has 8GB and Daydream and Augmented Reality integration
Probably gonna be more expensivel than the maxxed out iPhone 7+ though
Meanwhile, I'm still cool with my OP2
I don't even know how much RAM i have there . . . But I still love it
Apparently 4 GB and no swap , or so busybox free says
It has 4GB? Nice going for a 2015 phone
I also don't think Androids generally have swap...
@Serg the weeks factored into this, I'm sure.
@Seth your avatar is broken on mobile in the conversation view
I think chrome was just not synching properly or something, because I changed the date and time properly, and it still wouldn't work. Then I changed to using ntp server instead of manually setting time, changed back to manual , offset the clock by one minute - Chrome said nothing . . .
The reason I use manual time set on my Ubuntu is because some wi-fi access points in my university have wrong time settings, so when I connect to them, I've no clue what's the actual time and probably can be late to class . . . which isn't that big of a deal - I'm late 90% of the time anyway . . . but still annoying
Also, at some point I should replace my RTC clock battery
Meh, received an uncommented downvote on a months old answer...
Ah, one of those . . .
Hate it when people downvote and don't even say what's wrong
Today's Doctor Who episode was interesting.
"The magician's apprentice" was its title IIRC.
I really loved him driving into that medieval arena on a tank playing the e-guitar.
Oh, I've just read that Peter Capaldi (the 12th Doctor actor above) played in a punk rock band called "The Dreamboys" in the 80s...
what the heck , I've been kicked out from the site ?
My chrome is freakin' out today
@ByteCommander I refreshed AU's page , now it tells me to sign in
@Serg Burn it with Fire(fox).
@Serg Happens. The session cookie has an expiration date.
Watch the part starting at 1:47, it's so funny! xD
so... tired
@KazWolfe. I'm really enjoying the game. Thanks again.
@ByteCommander oh, I need to find out how to get that online. Buying it of course. Wonder if it's on Amazon...
SMS verification isn't really that much of a security really . . . Because guess what - all it takes is for someone to steal my phone, take out sim card, and plug it into unlocked phone , and they can verify whatever they need
@Serg like most security, it seems to require physical access to bypass.
@Zacharee1 yeah, it sure does.

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