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@edwinksl well hey, they finally moved that over there.
Back in, what was it, 2013? When apt came out that didn't exist.
@edwinksl apt-cache at least has proper bash completion whereas plain apt lacks that for some commands
*tab completion
@ByteCommander ah interesting
@Zacharee1 A wild Ubantu appeared!
Needed 40 points to get to 200 daily rep . . . and got two accepted answers, total 40 points, but . . . 29 minutes after the UTC midnight . . . . dammit . . .
Can't complain, I still got my votes, but I wouldn't mind getting that daily rep cap too
@Seth Hi Seth thanks for the tip on apt-cache package... What context is this tip for though? ie a specific Ques or Ans?
@WinEunuuchs2Unix oh sorry. this one: askubuntu.com/a/866679/44179
@Serg I can't moan, 45 points and 2 silver badges yesterday without having done anything
Oh yes that 295 point answer that put me in the points lead for the year for a day :p. In the context of that answer it didn't really matter as the user wasn't using gedit properly in the first place.I'm not sure I understand apt-cache policies but I'll try to research it if I need to quote installed versions every again.
Gonna need more sd cards
@edwinksl I just learnt about apt here, and only use it on my part time lubuntu box ;p
@JourneymanGeek Don't you need apt to install programs though? or do you use the Software Center which is broken for me?
@WinEunuuchs2Unix the plain apt command
thinks to self change name to WarehouseGeek
over apt-get and apt-cache
I use apt sometimes and apt-get sometimes depending on if I'm Dr. Jeckyll or Mr. Hyde at the moment :)
@JourneymanGeek that's why you are not 3k :p
man, the building water is cut for some reason, with no previous warning, in a ~30ºC night
I'm thirsty and there is no water to drink -.-
at least I was lucky to take a shower before it stopped working
> *** Fair warning: Double-check your device to make sure that it has a USB-C port. I thought mine did - turns out it was the security lock opening. X|
sauce please
@Seth please nuke spam
Should I ping the OP to ask him to switch accept answer from first (which looks broken to me) and second which has twice the upvotes and looks ok? askubuntu.com/questions/299710/…
@WinEunuuchs2Unix yes
@WinEunuuchs2Unix no
but it isn't going to hurt anyone either.
@MarkYisri @Seth I count 1 yes and 1 no... to me that means wait and see :D
I used answer 2 in my own code just now and it works perfectly (plus is easier to read): askubuntu.com/questions/867746/…
a purely windows solution askubuntu.com/a/867754/15003
how should we deal with this
@edwinksl if it cannot be applied to Ubuntu, it's not an answer
well yes
the question really is if we should downvote or flag
@edwinksl I did both
Downvotes are for not useful questions
This is not useful within Ubuntu scope
Wondering what should I do with a few implementations of GNU utils that I did. I've sort of curl , tail, and du implementations in python. I wanted to put them into a repository on GitHub, but I wonder how useful that would be . . .
@Fabby already flagged, read a few lines above. Windows solution, ergo not an answer
Nuke it from the orbit
I recommended deletion...
Cool new avatar!
Lol, thanks. I'm a derpy wolf with Davinci's beard
I'm gonna bring back Derp-naissance , renaissance of derpness
deep stuff for you all iluxonchik.github.io/…
Roland Taylor has 13,000 followers on G+?! Wow..
@edwinksl O_o holly molly . . . Regex can do some cool thing, but this is just magic
/me has no idea who Roland Taylor is
git --hamlet : to commit or not to commit, that is the question
kali! CV requested!
@Fabby done
Github's new commit search gives some insight into common developer self-talkā€¦ https://t.co/TlHjtiuYIz
@edwinksl Starred!
Oh, Serg starred too!
pretty fun
so . . . question: is it worth paying 30$ a month of a web course ?
stupid question, of course.
I guess it depends on the student and how much they already know/don't know. Also dpeends on what course teaches.
oh late night... time to go poof
Ok, poof night
3 hours later…
@edwinksl thanks :D
i really don't like how OP is treating AU as a scriptwriting service
muru got it in one line! amazing!
very clever stuff to reorder those fields!
please upvote (not me, muru's answer I mean)
dat explanation doe
tempting to write "I did some magic here, pretty cool no?"
Even though I disabled ufw, I still can't reach my localhost server... Can Ubuntu have several firewalls installed? Or does disabling ufw disables all possible firewalls?
@Zanna you might enjoy this reddit.com/r/CatsISUOTTATFO
@edwinksl lmao :) thanks
The funniest thing just happened. Someone pinged me one line off of a graphic about disney ripping off a low budget film. 5 seconds later I'm looking at a WB job ad for Hydra studios, and all I could think was Hail Hydra
zanna@monster:~/playground$ echo foo wah bar wah >mmagic
zanna@monster:~/playground$ echo bar baz foo wah >>mmagic
zanna@monster:~/playground$ sed -r 's/(foo) .*(bar) .*/\2 \1/' mmagic
bar foo
bar baz foo wah
@ParanoidPanda Why SHA1? It's about as insecure and vulnerable to collisions as MD5 is.
I pinged myself! :D
interesting self-reply
@Edity Why SHA1? It's about as insecure and vulnerable to collisions as MD5 is.
^ That's what I meant. :P
I was like, who's pinging me? And then I was like, oh, I'm pinging me... :D
Hello and good morning ! :)
morning :)
@ParanoidPanda Totally confused ? :D Good morning dear panda ! :)
@Zanna Hey, good morning Zanna ! :)
@cl-netbox: Good morning! :)
Yes, I think I copied the link for the thing they were replying to rather than their actual message! :D
@ParanoidPanda You made it into the UWN ... again ... congrats ! :)
/paces around AU room back and forth
@Serg What are /paces ? Good morning Serg ! :)
@cl-netbox another word for walking
walking back and forth
@cl-netbox: Thanks! :)
also, good morning
@ParanoidPanda Well done ! :) So many upvotes for that leap second question ... I would be glad to get half of them for my answers ! :D
@Serg Thank you ! :)
Yes, I'm not entirely sure why that question got so popular. :D
I keep coming back to the question whether i should leave AU for a while or not . . .
bothers me a lot. . .
@Serg Please explain - what would be the reason ?
Well, to pursue other things, maybe classes, maybe other types of education, maybe . . . I don't even know what . . .
@ParanoidPanda Maybe because many users didn't hear of that before and were afraid they could be affected ... :)
It got into SE's main hot question thing so it would have appeared as an advert across all the SE sites so people probably just got interested.
oh oops actually @terdon my answer is almost the same are your option2... didn't see your answer until I was ready to post... oh well shrug I guess it's OK
@Zanna Of course it is! And it isn't the same, not quite.
I already +1ed it.
It will fail for weird urls like http://somescript?var=1,2 but I guess we can ignore that.
thanks for that :) I guess it is different enough to leave it there... I started off that way but I didn't want to use two pipes haha
aww that's bad, I never thought of urls having commas
Not very common, but possible.
wait, z using tr?
can't say i saw that coming ;)
I should mention that as a qualifier
@edwinksl of course, always preferable to trying to make sed do some multiline thing
gasp Zanna not using sed but something else ?
lol I did use sed too though
well, now that you're a sed regex pro , maybe you can start making terdon and choroba competition in perl field , mmm ?
I'd do that myself, but I'm too busy trying to catch up with Jacob in python
muru taught me an awesome sed trick today, still much to learn ^_^ but I want to learn awk now
@JafferWilson hi
awk 'BEGIN{  var="Hello World"; printf "%s",var }'
$ perl -pe 's#(.*)\n#"http://$1",#s' file | sed 's/,$/\n/' > newfile
$ cat newfile
@JafferWilson See above
@Zanna still waiting for you to learn snake
@edwinksl yeah me too, maybe I should do that first!
i approve
@terdon Yes I did the same thing. may be a problem from my side. Let me check it again.
@JafferWilson Try extracting the first few lines of your file (head file > newfile) so you have a small sample to play with.
@terdon sure.. I am trying
sed should be renamed to zed (zanna's editor) :p
@WinEunuuchs2Unix haha <3
@WinEunuuchs2Unix Can't. Zed's taken:
haha... also was zed in Men In Black
can we have zad ?
sounds sad
but really it's rad
these play on words are... bad :p
That's chat's new fad
@terdon I have tried but I don't know why I am not getting the output in another file
In that case I'm glad.
@JafferWilson Show me the exact command you used.
As long as the mods don't get mad
@terdon the solution worked with the small file but not with the 1 GB file as I have mentioned in my question.
@JafferWilson Then the format of your file is not as you show. There is no size limit that could affect the solution I gave. There must be something else going on.
OK, i'm gonna take another smoke and go sleep
see you later guys
oh you'll be back... you are addicted :D
@JafferWilson What happens, exactly? Is there no output printed to the terminal? Works in the terminal but fails when redirected to a file? Any error messages?
@terdon here it is: sed 's#^#"http://#;s#$#"#' '/home/aims/Desktop/URL/URLs.txt' | tr "\n" "," | sed 's/,$/\n/' > o.txt
perl -lne 'printf "\"http://$_\","' '/home/aims/Desktop/URL/URLs.txt' | sed 's/,$/\n/' > '/home/aims/Desktop/NewURL2.txt'
@terdon Yes it is working fine on terminal. But may be a problem for redirection to another file. No error yet.
@WinEunuuchs2Unix yeah, that's . . . a good addiction, but also slightly bothers me
@Serg Sometimes we have to moderate things for a balanced life style.
Well time to prep for work... just dropped into the room for a tad ;)
@JafferWilson Did you ever edit that file on Windows? Post the output of this command please:
head -n1 /home/aims/Desktop/URL/URLs.txt | od -c
Also, what is in o.txt and /home/aims/Desktop/NewURL2.txt? (there's no need to quote them, by the way)
@terdon I have downloaded it on Windows and copied to my Ubuntu. Let me try this on my system.
@JafferWilson AAAaaaaaarggggggggghhhhhhhhhh
o.txt is the output file obviously... :)
That means you have Windows line endings, so each line ends with a \r\n. Since my command removes the \n, that will leave the \r and that has the effect of, basically, showing you nothing if you try to cat the file in the terminal .
@JafferWilson Yeah, I meant what does it contain. What makes you think it is empty?
I got this output: 0000000 a a a . a a a \r \n
@JafferWilson Yeah, that's the problem then. OK, run this command:
@terdon is that the only problem... what I can do for it then?
sed -i.bak 's/\r//' /home/aims/Desktop/URL/URLs.txt
Sorry, extra / there.
@terdon after running this .. I need to run your command right? as you have answered it.. if your perl command work then I will surely accept your answer. But can you make changes to the answer you have mentioned previously?
@JafferWilson Yes, you need to run the command. And no, I don't want to change the answer since there was no mention of Windows files in the question. This is only necessary because you brought the file from Windows.
@terdon oh.. ok ... I was not knowing this.. thank you for your good advice... :)
You're welcome :)
I just closed this:
Q: Where can I share my custom scripts?

PhilippeSmithI made a set of custom scripts for Ubuntu. I wish to share these on the Internet. Which services for sharing code with other users are available ?

Does anyone disagree? I don't see how that could be considered remotely on topic. Am I missing something?
@terdon How much time does it take for this command: sed -i.bak 's/\r//' /home/aims/Desktop/URL/URLs.txt
@JafferWilson On a 1GB file? A while. Depends on your machine, the length of your input lines etc.
@terdon Taking so long. I think this command removes all the /r from the file
@JafferWilson The 1st \r in each line. There should only be one on each line, so that will remove it.
I just edited this, so I hope it's migrateable askubuntu.com/questions/867898/…
@Zanna Thanks, brought it to U&L
@terdon I agree with the close, although I'm not too bothered about that question being here, since it's likely of interest to many of our visitors shrug
@terdon thanks :D
@Zanna Sure, I didn't delete it. Serg's answer is great, it's just that the question itself seems completely OT to me.
OK, stop it and use this instead:

tr -d "\r" < /home/aims/Desktop/URL/URLs.txt > URLs.fixed
That will do the same thing and should be much, much faster.
@terdon I upvoted Serg's answer, but I didn't upvote the question as it seemed off-topic, but I held off from voting to close as I wasn't sure
anyway I'll shut up, not being helpful
I approve of the situation as it is!
not that it matters what one fool thinks haha
@Zanna That'll be a first.
Your not being helpful, that is, not your shutting up.
Although, come to think of it. . . :P
hahaha thanks :)
@Zanna wait, who is this fool you speak of? must be me
@edwinksl hmm your opinions help me a lot, its my own that get in my way
@terdon BUt the command still is not giving output in a file. Now I have used your command too.
@JafferWilson The tr one? That, unlike the sed, will create a new file (URLs.fixed in the example above) and you need to run the perl on the new file, not the original.
throws a stick at @terdon
@ThomasWard I believe you are mistaking me for @JourneymanGeek.
no, actually, the stick is just an air and water tight container that contains $50 inside it
@terdon I am talking about the perl command.
not working as expected
@JafferWilson Yes, what file did you run it on? /home/aims/Desktop/URL/URLs.txt or URLs.fixed?
@ThomasWard Oh, then your aim was perfect!
@terdon yes, yes it was
@terdon it's half - offtopic. I already edited it before to fit under software development . There's no software distribution tag, unfortunately, but oh well. I'm totally fine with that Q being closed
@Serg OK, cool.
ok,serg out
@terdon I didn't got the URLs.fixed
I got URLs.txt and URLs.txt.bax
@JafferWilson So you only ran the sed command and not the tr one?
What is the output of head -1 URLs.txt | od -c now?
It was completed till then
just a second
it is this: 0000000 a a a . a a a \n
@terdon I think you find what I got the answer.
@JafferWilson OK, that looks fine.
@JafferWilson ?
@terdon Then why I am not getting the output? strange for my knowledge
@terdon Why the perl is not giving output to me?
@JafferWilson Does it give output if you just run it, without redirecting?
Just run this:
perl -lne 'printf "\"http://$_\","'  /home/aims/Desktop/URL/URLs.txt | sed 's/,$/\n/' | head -n 100
no there is nothing on the screen. for small size of it works.
@terdon just running your current command
Q: Where do we exactly draw the line, being a question off-topic?

Jacob VlijmThis morning, I ran into this question on code-sharing options. Reading through the answers, I very much liked the (at this moment highest voted) very nice overview by Serg. The question mentioned OP wanted to share his custom scripts, written for Ubuntu. We may therefore assume OP is looking f...

@JafferWilson Ugh, sorry, that one will need to read a lot and will be slow. Try this one instead:
head /home/aims/Desktop/URL/URLs.txt | perl -lne 'printf "\"http://$_\","'  | sed 's/,$/\n/'
ok trying
Yes this is giving output and in file to but only few of the urls are getting to me. why not so fast for all
@terdon it worked
@terdon are you there?
@JafferWilson In that case, the redirection should also work. Are you sure you're not stopping it? And how are you checking the file afterwards?
@JafferWilson Yes, the head means "print the first 10 lines" so you will only get 10 results. Just using it here for testing.
Yes redirection works too. But I am not stopping it .
@JafferWilson OK, then getting back to the original. How are you checking the output file? What is the name of the file you redirect to?
Q: Does your reputation you get from meta transfer to normal ask ubuntu?

Ubuntu UserI just got meta, but if I get a reputation point here, will go to my normal askubuntu file? Thanks in advance!

@terdon Any file name say output.txt
@JafferWilson OK, but please answer me, it's the 3rd time I ask: how are you checking the file?
@terdon I am just going to the location of output file and checking the size. Even after completion of the command I have opened it too to check if it has output. but the file size is 0 byte and the there is nothing
How do you check the size?
What you describe is basically impossible. If you see output on the terminal (and you confirmed that you do) then redirecting will work. So something very strange is going on.
@terdon Than you for your help. I got another solution and it worked for me. but I appreciate your help. :)
@JafferWilson Which one?
Zanna's? If so, please remember to accept her answer. Although I don't see how hers could work and mine not (although hers will probably be faster). I still don't get what's going on here.
@terdon actually I did the same thing using sed command it worked.
Sigh, another wild ubantu appeared...
@JafferWilson OK, that makes no sense at all! Really? Very weird. Well, in any case, please post that as an answer then.
@terdon No its no ones answer but both of your answer is workable not in my case but for general... But still I will accept your answer as a reply to my query...:)
@JafferWilson Or just post your own solution and accept that. No reason to accept mine if it didn't work for you.
Q: Can't I question about other distro (debain based) instead ubuntu?

SwapnilAs ubuntu using debian based there are other flavors of it like KUbuntu, XUbuntu, Mate, EdUbuntu, Lubuntu so for example user is asking about mint or debian then those distros are based on debian then can I ask it here ? Or should I ask about it on Unix and Linux stack exchange ?

lotta meta today
@Zacharee1 iz ur fault
Q: I can't get hats when I login

Ubuntu UserI'm not getting hats and I didn't click 'I hate hats'. What should I do? I login daily but I doesn't let me get hats!

@AskUbuntuMeta wtf
That user has no hats.
That simple.
@ByteCommander what a shame ... hahaha ... Hi and good afternoon ! :)
Hi and good afternoon to you as well
Thank you ! :)
Since when is "rung" the past form of "(to) run"? askubuntu.com/q/867948/367990 :P
@ByteCommander it's the past participle of ring, and elsewhere they use "ring" for "run" as in "ring a command"
Huh? Does that make sense? I never heard that.
no it doesn't :)
that is a repost from yesterday... askubuntu.com/questions/867492/…
couldn't figure out their problem :(
@ByteCommander that usage makes little to no sense though
Hi everyone @cl-netbox o/ How are you? Good Evening..!
@ByteCommander I always read dpkg in my head as depackage :p
@Zacharee1 me too
Hi @Hizqeel :)
How are you @Zanna :)
Why i am not getting my next hat? (Collect 11 hats) :/
feeling excellent thanks! how about you?
Not feeling well :(
uh oh sorry to hear that
@Zanna Not getting my next hat (Collect 11 Hats)

Is there something I don't know about that?
10 hats in one site.
@Hizqeel Not feeling well mentally or physically? (slowly receding from room without making any sudden movements) **;-)

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