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00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

yeah, my home router is the same, b and g. Netopia 3000
i just was wondering if i should take it and play around , maybe install dd-wrt
I could have $3 worth of fun with it!
close as too broad askubuntu.com/q/167256/61218
and hi....
can we stop closing really old questions unless they're unanswered?
that one is outside of the project and I think it is really too broad. And it attracted another answer
@Anwar ahh
the newer answer part is a validation
someone's been seeking old questions out lately to close as too broad or unclear
We had an agreement of closing IDE suggestions to that one fat question which was also closed as Too-Broad...ironically :)
@Anwar just don't seek them out
@Zacharee1 It came in my view...
@Anwar it's all good then
Epson x330 or Canon mg2522 ?
or canon mg3022 ?
How were you doing?...
@Serg check the sited where you can get replacement ink
take the one where you get cheaper replacement ink
epson has cheaper black and white ink, 13$
ehh, just buy blood; it's cheaper than ink
@Zacharee1 i have some saved after satanic sacrifices
go R&W
none of this B&W crap
epson color ink cartridges are separate though, 3 cartridges
and more expensive
@Zacharee1 you don't even have to buy it...
Canon is one piece and tiny bit cheaper
@Anwar lol
@Serg Canon's printers aren't great though
I got a $40 one. It may have been counterfeit (not sure), but it was broken OOTB
wouldn't print anything correctly; streaks through everything
If my scanner wasn't so old and crappy, i wouldn't buy one. Besides it works good enough for me.
plus i need to save money . . .
gaaaaa, I dunno what to do
why not both?
@Zacharee1 you get a printer and you get a printer , everyone gets a printer !
ohai Oprah
ok, well . . . I need to make up my mind somehow, so . . .
so... um... "would you like to update? [Y/y]"
@KazWolfe it's probably another Suprfish :p
(and now that the warranty on this thing is dead, it starts to break. stupid lenovo)
@KazWolfe sounds like a certain fruit corp
(who rejected my job app)
I think im gonna skip buying new scanner. It works ok, and on high res its perfectly acceptable. ill just write a script to scale down my scans to necessary size
Or should i get one after all ?
Im bad at shopping
could I have some reopen votes please?
Q: Implementing a simple filesystem in C

Mark YisriI want to implement a simple filesystem in pure C (no FUSE, or anything). How do I do this? It needs directories, and files that can grow. Specs of embedded system I want to use it on: 128KB of flash 64KB of RAM RTOS available for threading, queues, and fixed-size memory allocation No mall...

i just found some access tokens for a project from 3 years ago for someone else.
they're still valid ;-;
i can literally permanently destroy a network because some idiot forgot to rotate access keys.
Do it. Most effective way to teach them.
(it will also teach you what happens to evil hackers though...)
that's why i'm not going to do it
Then write them a mail describing what you would do.
(also, it's not "hacking". i legally bought the code from a project three years ago, and they included the keys because they're dumb)
anyone uses powerline here?
lots of completion not working after installing that ..
I have a Powerline adapter (to use AC power wires for networking), but it sounds like that is not what you mean...
@MarkYisri hmm I wonder if anyone here has >3k on SO
@ByteCommander No.
@Zanna around 2.6k only...
Nope, never seen that before.
Someone might want to tell the VirtualBox folks that 8 GB is no longer a large enough default size for a disk drive that will hold an Ubuntu install...
Always assume that "if (someone != you)", it will never happen...
Well, I don't have time right now.
switched back to .bash_it...curses powerline
@NathanOsman Bug assigned to: KazWolfe
It'll be done in 15-900 years.
Or more accurately, it'll be the day Oli and Rinzwind both accrue enough downvotes to reset themselves to 1 rep each.
@ByteCommander hey that's impressive :)
(Just kidding.)
Let's give Unity 8 a shot...
LightDM just locks up.
@RPiAwesomeness What are we celebrating?
@NathanOsman I was sarcastically celebrating Unity 8 being frozen
@Zacharee1 it's a lot cheaper - printer ink is the most expensive liquid, even more costly than the most outrageously priced champagne
@RPiAwesomeness One commenter expressed frustration over the way Unity hides information from users... and then proceeded to praise Gnome 3!
The humanity!
Gracious me, what a word
Meaning: Given to complaining; peevish.
@NathanOsman wat ?
@RPiAwesomeness that's in SAT HotWords
I am not quite sure what to do. Should i go mess with python on my rasperry ? Try to actually learn matlab ? Do some homework ? Maybe watch a movie ( though also unsure which to watch )? Maybe play with ruby or perl?
lol @serg :)
you could peer review my python code :D and play it a bit too
Sure ! Link ? @Videonauth
eh, i don't have pygame module . . . installing
pygame is fun if you want to virtualize things
or having a go making a game like i did last evening and this morning
898 words, just within the three body paragraphs. Granted, that has a few larger quotes, but that's still without the introduction and conclusion. Man I'm wordy.
@Videonauth I actually haven't ever used Pygame much myself. How easy is it to use?
I've messed a bit with Qt and Gtk+ stuff, but never Pygame
kinda easy
the website and documentation is great
theres ton of info on SO as well
not dabbled into 3d graphics yet with it but in worst case i use sdl or glfw for that
I wish Ubuntu had a pygame package for Python 3.
took me about 4 hours all in all to write that snake code from scratch and making it work
@NathanOsman huh ? im using it with python 3 ??
works wonderfull
I use pip for everything anyways :P
Simpler and more up to date
@Videonauth Right, but did you install from pip?
@RPiAwesomeness slight correction, pip and virtualenv :D
i think yes installed it with pip
@NathanOsman True.
And these days I tend to use Docker for isolation.
ok , game started, pressed s, but dots didn't move
@serg wsad get you moving but once your moving the snake wont stop
that standning still is just grace period
the snake grows with each apple (red dot) eaten and touching the borders or yourself is game over
Hmm, restarting game bugs out
Ugh, I have too many different things I want to do ;(
@Serg ah i see
dangit forgot to reset the variables
I have 4 separate projects I want to work on, one of which I'm a part of a team on so I have to actually do that. And they're all in different languages too. Plus I want to learn Go, C++, and Julia. Oh, and be social IRL too.
@serg corrected version here
tomorrows challenge i set for my self is doing a nice conways game of life with pygame
pong i have here on my list as well
@Videonauth well, that works now. The only thing i could say is make the linse a bit shorter or at least within 80 character margin. Just for the sake of readability
and space invaders :D
the lines are all within the 80 chars margin
most i have broken down already to multi line commands
48 def render_message(display, message, color=color_black, position=(0, 0), centered=None):
or at least i think this is where i have set the margin line with pycharm
This one is out of 80 chars , border_collision function, too
ok then my editor is screwed up
weird yes ok youre right this line i got in my editor is pointing at about 100 chars or so
wonder if this can be set in pycharm
@Zanna maybe I should print with wine....
@serg this is the longest line i got in the programm
and its not exeding that marker line so i though i was fine
What I personally would do is make a list and then expand that list
for the function parameters ?
@Zacharee1 careful, there
@Videonauth yes, and maybe for that tuple too. Hold on a sec, i'll show you
140             blk = (block_size,
141                    block_size,
142                    display_width - 2*block_size,
143                    display_height - 2*block_size
144             )
145             pygame.draw.rect(display,color_white,blk)
what do you think ?
yes this could do
I now have broken down all lines with \
it's not always necessary. Lists, tuples, and dictionaries don't need \
and to be honest your aproach is nicer because it keeps the readability
will have to refactor the code i guess
hmmm, my unity settings daemon frequently crashes, i've no idea why
@Serg but to be honest this 80 char rule is so unnecessary somehow i craket up the font in my editor alot and still have room for about 300 chars on my screen
@Videonauth I used to think it's unnecessary too, because today monitors are way wider than in the past.The main reason is because old terminals were only 80 chars in monitor width. But I personally started to like it, because reading vertically down is a bit easier than horizontally, at least for me
yes makes sense i try to optimize it and stay within my editor marking which seems to be aparently 120 chars
so i can read down as well without scrolling left right
as you can see on the screen plenty of room that in sthe screen is the longest line i got in my program
what's the IDE you're using ?
ah, ok
before i tried eric6 but to be honest its too cluttered
I just use plain vim
its sometimes really usefull
I use it all the time. All the scripts I write are done in vim
for example if i build modules and use them in a code, and renaming one gived you the option to check all files in your project for occurences and fixing them accordingly
that's a nice feature
or even search and replace in the whole project, i often use when renaming vaiables
up to that support for git included
you can push/pull commit etc from within the ide
(which takes a while to get used to, got a few times detached HEADs at the start)
good evening!
how are you doing @Videonauth?
fine so far
he Ian
cool IDE btw
hey @Serg, all good? :)
same old, nothing special. Was trying to decide whether i should buy a new all;-in-one scanner/printer but I don't wanna spend money
I dont understand, how some people are so productive
@Serg I got this for $199 a while back. staples.com/…
@Serg hope you dont speak about me, im nowhere near being productive lol
I'd probably waste more paper then I should if I had a printer, I usually like to have hard copies of books to read them on work, street, so I think I'd end up printing tons of manuals, programming books haha
@Videonauth same here, damn, I lost the whole day sleeping
graveyard shift screws with my biological clock
speaking of books, you know what's the advantage of knowing foreign languages ?
You can buy books for cheaper price
Bought python network programming in Chinese yesterday for 5$
i think same book's English version costs like 30$
nice! :D
but can you read fluently in chinese?
@Serg But do you have to use Google Translate to read it?
@AndroidDev that's a big-a$$ printer ! Still works well ?
@AndroidDev @IanC I can read simple stuff. I'm not entirely fluent, but that's also a learning experience. See, there's a two-fold purpose : learn programming AND learn new vocab
@Serg Yep. It takes a while to warm up, but for $199 it was a smoking deal...
@Zacharee1 Uhhhhhhhh....
I'm currious if there are going to be any printer deals for Black Friday
@Serg you have a point there, heard chinese is a really hard language to speak, maybe less for reading?
@Serg My local staples had a Brother color laser (display model) for $135.
@IanC it's actually not hard in the grammar aspect. Chinese grammar is far easier than other languages, like Korean or Japanese, or IMHO even easier than English grammar. What's difficult for a lot of people is the tone - same syllable can mean different things with tone, so you have to get used to listening AND speaking with right tone
yeah, that's what I heard
As for reading . . . meh, it's just recognizing chars and their combinations , so it's all about memorization there
is it true that ma can mean mother and horse?
yes, it's true
I can see some awkward situations with that haha
hehe , actually because Chinese words can mean different things with different sounds, some words are intentionally pronounced with incorrect tones to hide curse words
cao ni ma , for example
it can mean "grass mud horse" ( llama ) or . . . fsck yo mama
man, sometimes I accidentally run into the right musics in youtube
man, is it just me that gets lost when I open an Android project?
I've never even played with android projects
me neither, maybe I'll decide to learn it one day
for now, I only know android runs programs in VMs
someone from this chat told me that haha
I have Genymotion emulator for android, which i use to run some apps, but that's it
@NathanOsman - Quick question for you - I'm going to follow this guide for setting up an OpenVPN server on my home network: digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/… Which ports do I need to forward on my router?
I don't think you need to forward any.
You'll be connecting PC => VPN.
@NathanOsman Whoa! You are an expert lurker!
@NathanOsman Actually, it's going to be PC--> Internet--> My home IP --> my server
@NathanOsman - So I think I would need to forward a port(s)...
/ Q: How does a hacker fix a function     \
| which                                   |
|                                         |
| doesn't work for all of the elements in |
\ its domain? A: He changes the domain.   /
        \   ^__^
         \  (oo)\_______
            (__)\       )\/\
                ||----w |
                ||     ||
When is Unity 8 going to be the default by the way?
when it's ready
@ParanoidPanda when it works on majority of hardware
How's it doing at the moment?
TIL that python makes it easy to do reverse dns lookup
>>> socket.gethostbyaddr('')
('den03s10-in-f46.1e100.net', [], [''])
I mean, are we looking at 18.04 or will it likely not even be ready for that?
@ParanoidPanda see, that would have to be asked from devs and maybe even Mark Shuttleworth. So far, I couldn't even get Unity 8 to work in virtualbox. The actual hardware is far more complicated, too. There's tons of graphics cards that need to be supported.
@Serg: Unity 8 works under MIR doesn't it as opposed to X?
iirc , yes, it uses mir
@ParanoidPanda they have started working on the dash omgubuntu.co.uk/2016/11/ubuntu-1704-zesty-unity-8
@Mateo: Well that is good news.
Anyway, goodnight folks! :)
@AndroidDev it's true
So I have a server, that was used for a file server at work...
the raid failed (HD failed)...
So I moved the data to a newer server (faster, more storage, blah blah)...
reset security/share settings..
but the original server is only about 4 years old...
so I am going to retire it from its original use...
but I wonder...if it is worth the time to rebuild the raid array, and utilize it for something else that isn't system critical...
A far more interesting question would be this : will Unity 8 be backwards compatible ? Im sure a lot of devs would be interested in that
I hate to throw out a $10k server away because a HD failed, and there is a server that is a better home for what it was being used...
They say it all will be snaps and unity 8 by 18.04, so will we still be able to use debs ?
@Zacharee1 Honor 8 is going for $300 on black friday/cyber monday.
or I could install Windows 10 on it and have a really big ass expensive desktop machine muahahah...
can anyone hear me??
No not really. Its just text here so cant hear
@Serg okay fine :P can anyone see my text?
@TheXed yesh
@Serg maybe I will just give the server to you @Serg then you can find something to do with it.
@ParanoidPanda I want to close your question because it's unanswered and now unanswerable in the same way that EOL questions are unanswerable. See last para meta.askubuntu.com/a/9026/527764
@TheXed I don't even know what to do with my raspberry right now :/
I have it sitting on my network so far, doing nothing
@Serg, are you busy atm?
@IanC not really, I was about to wash dishes. What's up ?
it can wait, when you come back can you hit me on utox?
@IanC I can get there right now
@ParanoidPanda even Oli said you can close unanswered version specific EOL questions meta.askubuntu.com/a/10449/527764 and your Q is proven version specific as the problem went away in newer release
@Seth where? Hi Honor?
not sure. just heard about it in a michael fisher video
hey guys. I need 60 rep. Can someone tell me how to earn it, quickly?
@MarkYisri post a couple good questions, and answer a couple. Maybe do a couple reviews
@Serg yes you can still use x apps, I once installed regular solitaire from the archives on my phone
Is it wrong to hack into someones wifi to change their wireless channel to a different channel so it doesn't interfere with your wifi?
change your channel?
I have tried...
the problem is...
one side of the house, channel 11 is the best...
@TheXed still counts as unauthorized access :/
but if i go to the other side of the house that channel is saturatred...
so it needs to be like channel 2
then there are some random HP printers that are also clogging things up...
I have a 5g network, but not all my devices are 5G...
but i need one of the neighbors to change their channel to something further away from mine..
but closer to neighbor 1 or 2
so I can be on the farther range...
Which would probably mess them up for the other side of their house ;)
Don't care...as long as my wifi works :-P
get some wifi dampening paint
get etherwebs, no semper wi-fis required
see the root of the problem is...that I literally live at the central point of a cul-de-sac. So my house literally is getting bombarded by 10-15 networks...
serg.exe: core dumped, derp detected, wheeeeeeeeeeee
all on similar channels. because they are not affecting each other...
makes me wonder what people do in apartment complexes...
Ours works fine, there has to be like 20 in the list...
@TheXed plant more trees. Seriously. Wavelength of wifi signal is sufficient enough to be blocked by tree leaves. Or just put aluminum foil everywhere
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