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00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

For one of my projects, I'm looking for an app that can send SMSes...
There's two frustrations I have with Stack Exchange network: one, is people will nitpick about everything bad , but ignore that the answer is nice,simple,short and gives the good stuff; second, is when the answer you spend hours and hours on, time and time developing basically gets ignored , or worse - crushed because OP knows no idea how to use it, or have some kind of set up that makes everything crumble
@Serg it happens :/
man, having this unresolved issue with the place to move is really getting me frustrated.. The lack of options is frightening considering I have less than 2 weeks to get out of here
I went to visit a place, I'd share the flat with a girl, she seems nice, the place is in a good spot, has a garage for the motorcycle. But (there's always a but -.-) it's much more expensive than what I pay now for a much smaller room, I'd have to think of a way to organize my stuff there
Just frustrating a bit.
@Serg Let me quote Einstein: "There are only two things that are infinite: human stupidity and the universe"
@Fabby and I'm not sure about the universe . . . I know this quote :)
I always get a little skeptical with quotes by Einstein
@IanC Why?
Among the good things, I've made small progress with my indicator, extracting icons from .desktop files. Ergo, now I can haz iconz in me inducatorz
because I see many quotes associated with him, and not many reliable sources about him saying it :p @Fabby
not saying that quote is untrue..
@Serg <clap> <clap> <clap> <clap> <clap>
@Serg nice :D
@IanC Have you had a good look at my avatar?
I'm one of the ancients...
me shall never question your wisdom again!
I'm thinking about how I should implement the "Search" feature on the website. I only have two approaches in mind: Either creating a file with the text body of all posts and having a field on the "articles" table pointing to that file, so the script can search for a match on any of those, or having this text body inside the SQL table itself in a TEXT field. Which one sounds better?
@NathanOsman, what do you think? ^
it's the last feature missing on the client-side of the website, then I start working on the admin-side :)
You have an articles table?
If so, I would add a TEXT column with the post body.
yup, so far I was just using it to classify the articles by tag and date
I'll start working on it then :)
@IanC Both sound bad
store individual articles in individual records...
DB != FS
what FS stands for?
each article has an individual record though
@IanC Ah good!
File System
I misunderstood
I might have made it confusing, because the tags are stored in another table
so I'm saying same as Nathan
something like

article table: (unique entries for each article)
article1 | date | author ...

tag table: (non-unique entries: each tag can be associated with more than one article)
some-tag | article1
some-tag | article2
many to many link...
I didn't know that was the name (just checked wikipedia), but yes!
Erm, you should read some reference material...
What I also don't like is when I know I have code somewhere on the system, in a file, and I need it, but can't remember which file it's in
@Fabby if you have some good reference you can share! I've only read lessons on PHP, JS, HTML/CSS and SQL, and started working on the site
Which DB are you using?
let me check (starting the VM)
"mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.1.73"
and read it.
(All of it!)
then you'll know enough to begin.
CU back in 3 weeks.
smoke. BRB
what the, 3000 pages? 3 weeks is a really optimistic schedule..
3 weeks full time 16h/day should do it...
Then you're an expert, now you're an amateur.
Of course, back when I was a kid, you could take the manuals to the beach and read them there! :D
I'm not even sure how thick a 3000 pages book would be in paper
I even wonder if it would be considered a white weapon..
Probably still less then the Novell Netware 4.x manuals
That was >1m of books
damn, did you read it all?
well, no: I read the Netware 3 and then the 4 addendum
(so a few years in-between)
Also: Oracle 6: all, then the 7 addendum then the 8 addendum.
then went on to do something else.
I've read a lot of the RFCs (not all)
some of them more then once
02:12: I'm off!
Good night @george_the_dev
I read Il nome della rosa once
In Italiano???
and the folks who watched the movie got better grades than me -.-
no, in portuguese haha
it was hard enough in portuguese (because the language used in the book is a bit arcaic)
Party animal!
(Like all of the Brazilians I know)
well, it's friday 23h and I'm in bed :p
They just work just enough to be able to party as much as they can!
I'm in bed too...
Advantage of laptop
Good night! (you should star the previous good night, just to amuse Nathan)
good night @Fabby!
Good man!
Exported file to PDF from excel . . . 5 minutes later Excel complains that PDF license expired. WTF ?
1 hour later…
I love useful comments:
// NewAdapter creates a new adapter.
whoda thunk it
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] URL-only title, bad keyword in title, link at end of body, link following arrow in body, pattern-matching website in body, pattern-matching website in title: megacleanseradvice.com/testosterone-reload/ by user615453 on askubuntu.com
so . . . it seems newer nautilus in 16.10 got a bit worse: askubuntu.com/q/845714/295286
@Serg I have had those changes for months on Arch Linux
we also have GNOME Shell 3.22
@DmitryKudriavtsev yup, I know Arch gets updates a bit faster. Doesn't necessarily like that ,though. Fedora does the same - grabs all the newest things. I personally prefer stability, which is why I like CentOS. Even if it means older apps.
I recognize your viewpoint
hi guys
Do me a favor...never go see/watch the movie Trolls
Not even if it is on Netflix, you will never get that time back...
That bad,huh ?
is it really taht trrible?
Yay, account balance 3$
fsck . . .
Think....little midget and colorful things farting glitter out of their butts...
I just deposited $4k in my bank this morning

e2fsck: checking /dev/sda2...
wtf stack chat
why can't i code format things
Press Ctrl+K
that'll format everything right
Of course, it won't make it gray , but it's going to make it monospaced
which is close
not ideal, but close
By the way I don't usually put 4k in my checking account on a regular basis, I sold my car...
Lets see my paypal account , I bet somebody donated
@TheXed Must not have been much of a car if it was only 4k :P
yay checking account balance $0.01
@NathanOsman it was a 2006 Honda Pilot with 160K miles on it..
Nope, still nill
I was just happy to get rid of the thing...
the money was just icing on the cake
@TheXed I rest my case.
@NathanOsman :-P
I didn't realize Popeye was a killer but I probably would have to...
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body, repeated URL at end of long post: premature wrinkle development by billeorasy on askubuntu.com
Woohoo, it worked!
This is a test.
This may not seem significant at first.
But it becomes more interesting when you realize that the message was actually sent via email.
"Wait, email - but you posted a tweet!" I can hear you say.
Well, indeed, the end result is a tweet.
But the source was an email.
email in 2016 lul
@edwinksl You interrupted my sales pitch :D
(Lol, j/k - it's an open source experiment I'm working on.)
@edwinksl "I sent a message over carrier pidgeon which was telegraphed to a semaphore station, which sent it over pneumatic tube...."
@NathanOsman is that a ROS logo?
@NathanOsman new app on the way ?
Somebody posted this as comment under my answer today : ariel.com.au/jokes/The_Evolution_of_a_Programmer.html
Somewhat funny ,but i don't necessarily agree with everything there
@JourneymanGeek I made that one myself.
Just started on it today.
I'm hoping to test it out in production tomorrow.
and sure enough, it's in go :D
...and it also runs in Docker :D
Docker FTW
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, blacklisted website in body, link at end of body, link following arrow in body: Raw Nitro Supplement really works? by sjohny336 on askubuntu.com
oh, look, php
1 hour later…
php is spam
Thank you all, for your suggestions. They're greatly appreciated. But I'll stick with the first answer, it does what it's supposed to do, regardless of how many characters the command(s) are. So, again, thank you. — ignatius 2 mins ago
sigh, OP, at least thank in upvotes
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: Vitamins And Foods by nelsionmiller on askubuntu.com
@Serg there you go...
@Zanna ^_^ thank you, you're the best
awww no, upvote well deserved as always
@Serg He doesn't know: didn't even accept. Let me correct that.
(+1 already)
@Fabby perfecto :)
No worries...
I was really interested in the output of my comment here but no luck, so I've reworded it to become more clear...
Can you try ------^
@Fabby looking
@Fabby what's it supposed to do ?
$ for szDisk in $(/dev/sd?); do echo "$szDisk"; dd if="$szDisk" bs=1 count=4 skip=392; done
-bash: /dev/sda: Permission denied
$ echo $USER
very odd
how do I use /edit command in chat?
It should display the GRUB disk
ah! forgot the ls
for szDisk in $(ls /dev/sd?); do echo "$szDisk"; dd if="$szDisk" bs=1 count=4 skip=392; done
@Serg It enumerates all disks and shows you which one has GRUB2 installed
# for szDisk in $(ls /dev/sd?); do echo "$szDisk"; dd if="$szDisk" bs=1 count=4 skip=392; done
GRUB4+0 records in
4+0 records out
4 bytes copied, 0,000154908 s, 25,8 kB/s
GRUB4+0 records in
4+0 records out
4 bytes copied, 6,0483e-05 s, 66,1 kB/s
dd: failed to open '/dev/sdc': No medium found
in my case both sda and sdb have a GRUB boot record.
does this Q should be flag as spam?!
OP deleted it
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in link text in body, blacklisted website in body, pattern-matching website in body: Does VPN offer virus protection? by loritharp on askubuntu.com
@edwinksl excellent :)
good : 0
@Zanna yeah my intense stare at the post definitely scared OP big time
hahaha I thought it must be something like that :)
yeah i have a decent death stare :)
@Zanna: I need an upvote for my answer to come above the exiting non-answer here
Hey Kasiya!
OK, it's 4 AM. I've made some really nice progress on two of my indicators, gained a few ideas for improving third one, posted couple answers, and chatted a bit. Overall , it was a good night
Can I have one upvote here: askubuntu.com/a/845809/344926
the other answer is a question. @Serg
Hehe, aaaaand I just told Jacob about python app for Chrome browser. Now he will be posting scripts even when on the road , haha. Booo, no advantage for me anymore ( jk,jk )
(and thanks)
who changed the close reasons here? @mod
They're much better!
@Serg do you have a ppa yet for udisks-indicator???
@Fabby Hey! How unusual to see you here during the daylight.
Taking a day off: cooking Osso Bucco.
They finally granted you a free weekend?
And what's that?
> Ossobuco or osso buco is Italian for "bone with a hole" (osso bone, buco hole)
mmh... lemme look for a pic online
looks edible ;-)
@Fabby ole!
Mine look better (bigger)
Ole is Spanish: this is an Italian recipe! :P
How's the job hunting going? @JourneymanGeek
@Fabby I'm currently talking to somewhere with a placement + training scheme for sysadmins
Apparently they want folks with no server experience
:O why?
Government Subsidies for training and pay
So. I have no experience with servers. At all. nuh huh.
so you will get paid while being trained???
That I need to check
Of course!
but my current/short contract ends this week
and I HATE my current workscope
Otherwise, I can help you by reviewing your CV...
naw, its fine
OK... Don't forget: I'm a manager and know what other managers look for in CVs(consiously or unconsciously)
I'm chasing a few leads, but this seems the most 'interesting' and immediate
Good for you!
I actually need a terrible CV here
One of my guys went for the same course
Well program
well yeah, for this one you do! :D
shorter course
>A secure connection to www.########.com isn’t possible because your clock appears to show the wrong time.

Your computer thinks it is 5.11.2016, when it should be 31.10.2016. To fix this problem, change your date and time settings to match the correct time.
ask him if he got paid.
completely clueless.
Are u kidding me, firefox?
@Fabby he didn't, but it was a train and place. This is a place and train
So, there's a client lined up
Good! so there should be some pay involved.
Not the same, but similar
@ByteCommander share link?
and a 2 year contract with some clients that look good on the resume.
@Fabby yes, I do have PPA :D ( thanks to the one and only @NathanOsman ) omgubuntu.co.uk/2016/10/…
OK, I really need to get some sleep, so I'll be gone for some hours
Bye guys. Or hi. Or . . . you know, yoloswag360noscope
Good night!
@JourneymanGeek OK!
Osso Bucco check! BRB
Don't let it burn...
No! The stove here is crap.
2 = too hard, 1 = too low.
@JourneymanGeek Let's hope it's not a scam to get you to work for free
(I know someone who was "going to be trained as a nurse for free" and she cleaned a hospital for free for 3 months before she bailed...)
Shit happens...
@Fabby the place doing the training is attached to a government organisation that does retraining and job searches
Good! :-)
Osso Bucco check!
good morning
I hate these kind of dupes.. Do some effort dammit!
@Fabby Lol I'm greyed out even! I must be notorious
:) I though it would make you smile! ;-)
Hah those are always flattering
@ParanoidPanda @ThomasWard I think this one will put a smile on your face!
if that answer solved your problem lol
well, at least he won't waste time anymore trying to solve it :p
I can't laugh much, I have a message poping up to record my encryption passphrasse for the last few months and never did it
I just can't figure a place to store it
ask a question on the site! :P
I was thinking about making an encrypted tattoo with the passphrase, but then where I'd store the tattoo encryption key?
@Anwar: we don't see you in chat a lot... How are you?
@chili555 Dr. Chili to the operating room please...
Paging Dr. Chili... ;-)
The doctor is in! A Broadcom issue, I presume...
@Fabby I saw the question I think you are referring to and I think @Pilot6 is correct. I think it's a secure boot issue.
All I want for Christmas is world peace, a cure for cancer and a proper signing key for Broadcom's proprietary driver.
@Fabby I'm fine. Thanks for asking. What about you?
I was very active other times. Only recently I'm not a lot here.
Thinking...Is someone purposely upvoting my old answers?
@chili555 :D
@Anwar No, when you're in early, you get to answer the good questions that last. Nowadays they're all crap or dupes.
@Fabby It's hard to disagree. But we get good questions still I think. Though not very frequent
:D My point exactly
More users are trying Linux and Ubuntu these days and they are generating too many basic questions. And I noticed that, people prefer to write questions (Credit goes to Facebook and Twitter I think) instead of searching in Google ...
Earlier today I had someone actually asking the exact same thing asked before and if there were any updates, instead of following the good answer and researching him/her/itself whether there was...
@Fabby A USB wireless driver question, perhaps??
:D Indeed!
And it was your excellent answer...
And they even pointed to ti!!!! :D
I was thinking of writing an answer to say:
like: can you do this again for me?
Rinzwind has a trick:
you have to write:
NO !
I just closed it as a dupe.
I am gonna end the day negative >:)
Since nautilus is pretty useless now (...) Why do people use these days?
and put @Serg to work >:)
Hello: I want to install rgdal on Ubuntu 16.10. I used sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntugis/ubuntugis-unstable and sudo apt-get install libgdal-dev libgeos++-dev . It says libgdal-dev : Depends: libopenjp2-7-dev but it is not going to be installed
Wonder how to fix this problem. Any help will be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance
@Fabby I even said, in the original answer, that I did a Google search and the term I searched for. How hard is that??
YES! Amazing these kids nowadays!
@MYaseen208 install libopenjp2.7 and see what it does not install >:=D
@chili555 most of my answer are a result of copying the title into google
@MYaseen208 Do you have a link to the question on-site here?
@Rinzwind Most of mine are not.
20 yes - 80 not I would say...
@Fabby well you are not too old to learn from me >:-D
Exactly, @Rinzwind There is nothing too magic about it.
BUT there is one answer that is even better for rep
we used to be able to post LMGTFY.COM answers, but not any more...
answers straight from the man-pages are always good for 5 to 10 upvotes
There is a question about screenlet for 16.10
@Rinzwind, I used sudo apt-get install libopenjp2.7 which throws the error: The following packages have unmet dependencies:
libopenjp2-7-dbg : Depends: libopenjp2-7 (= 2.1.1-1) but 2.1.1-1ubuntu0.1 is to be installed
libopenjp2-7-dev : Depends: libopenjp2-7 (= 2.1.1-1) but 2.1.1-1ubuntu0.1 is to be installed
ooh I am on -70 :)
I didn't find it for 16.04 even!
@MYaseen208 Ah R.. Sorry, mate...
mate? mate? Unity! :=)
But I had older version of it and i can install!
@Rinzwind :D
Gotta run, ppl. See you again soon.
00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

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