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:17123 congratz on battleswarm :D
but you do know you can run it in wine?
yeah but I thought I better make sure I liked it, before I went through all the trouble with wine
it runs on wine pretty well for me
only problem is I can't switch channels without a restart, but seeing as I practically live in the expert channel, no need =P
Unfortunately I've found some games play well on wine on one computer, but have some odd behaviour/crashes on another, due to nvidia vs ati
Rather annoying, I'd like to have civ iv run well on my laptop :)
sorry for the wait just now
mouse stopped clicking
:17137 meh :P
:17138 and share it on facebook :D (I have)
:17141 :O
:17142 my facebook friends aren't into these things :P
(but they will one day.... mwah ha ha)
:17134 channels, like rookie, novice, expert, guild
:17141 Is that a "they won't do it" or a "I don't want it"?
@fluteflute a combination of both
@RolandTaylor oh... how do you do that... I was getting my but kicked on novice I think
I voted for you though :)
:17145 lol most of mine are in between
:17149 >:) should have come to expert so I could kick it haha! anyways, if you go into a channel, and click back, you can switch
be back in a few
has anyone ever worked with "WiFi signal boosters"?
has anyone ever worked with "WiFi signal boosters"?
@MarcoCeppi what do you mean by a signal booster?
I have computers all over my house
they're all WiFi'd - (Yes I run servers over wifi, shoot me!)
problem is one of my rooms is really like - a deathzone for wifi
shoots @MarcoCeppi
I want to put like a repeater - a station tower - something to boost the signal of the wifi in that area
@MarcoCeppi let me think about that for a few minutes
upgrading my router helped 100X at my house
but there are other, more hackerish ways...
well I've got a new router N speed and all that jazz
It's literally because the room is built like a panic room the signal has to go through two walls and a lot of metal to get to the machines
my girlfriend won't let me run ethernet cables all over the house any more :P
The Linksys WET11 makes a great, cheap repeater
you could also focus/direct the signal with something like this
:17172 This actually looks great
I'm going to give it a go
30 bucks - what could go wrong :P
uh... it could not work...
@Oli.. I am here now
2 hours later…
:17180 I was just going to ask for a question to be closed as duplicate.
Q: What I can use to highlight PDF?

mcastel Possible Duplicate: How can I highlight PDFs? Is there a software like Mac's default viewer, that allows you to annotate and highlight PDF documents? Thanks in advance, Marco

Seems like people thought it was (and in fairness, it is) but couldn't or wouldn't mark to close it.
@MarcoCeppi Could also do it too.
Hey all.
@Oli You can just flag them :)
@Marco: Allow me to thank you once again for pointing me to Aptana - I love it!
Unfortunately, today's Qt Day - I'll be working on JetHTTP.
@GeorgeEdison You're welcome!
:17188 I did. A point that somebody raised on meta is there just aren't that many people who have the points to close things that need closing. That thread is an uber-duplicate.
@Oli: posting there should get more attention for such questions, where they won't scroll off as quickly
I suppose I should stop paying attention to SO and hit that 3k rep :P
@Oli We're aware of the lack of users - we finally have enough and the number is growing by the week. It's something that SE has looked at closely since we're not the only graduated site with that issue.
Is there a way to see pending close requests?
@JorgeCastro: only with 10k tools
@JorgeCastro Nope - I wish though
I would be more viligant if it involved not stumbling across them
@RogerPate Really? I haven't seen that option yet.
I've been looking in the mod menu forever
don't think I've ever seen a screenshot of mod tools from your POV, so I may not be much help there :)
Well there's two menu options
mod and tools
I've always hunted around in mod menu
and just glazed over the tools menu
ah, I bet tools is 10k tools (which you can use, of course) and mod for mod-only
I only need 4400 more rep!
I miss the limited moderation tools that the highest band get +(
only 917 points to go
psh, you're only two weeks away
less, since it looks like you've been hitting the cap :P
Two weeks? I'll do it in one ;)
Yeah been hitting the cap for the past few days I think
Bit annoying when you get upvotes and can't get the delicious points... Shame they don't carry over to the next day
Ooo. 100 days tomorrow.
I've been, in the back of my mind for a few weeks now, looking for an (SO) question to offer a 500 point bounty on — you just have to get over rep :)
@Oli: Are you going for the fanatic badge?
I would have gotten it 3 days ago :(
It was all I could do to get the Enthusiast badge!
:17225 Yup.
I do admit I have the Fanatic badge on StackOverflow.
...but that took a loooooooooong time.
Somebody beat me to it (not surprised as I was quite late to the game)
I had a break in my fanatisism, I had to start over. So I am only on 60 days
True, but that person also doesn't have 9097 rep.
I missed one day due to a delayed flight :(
@Marco: I was on vacation during my streak!
I was thankful for my phone!
Oh wow. You can click the visited count and it'll show you a calendar of when you visited!
I get an error.
I only ever missed 5 days!
Ah, I missed two days apparently
If he wants it, I think @JorgeCastro should be given the ♦ of wrath +5
Oh well... say, when are the moderator elections?
@GeorgeEdison I have no idea still
He does a lot of post-improvement.
Ya, if anyone deserves it, it's Jorge.
I'll vote for him any day!
@Oli I'm sure he'll score well during Moderator elections, and I'm even more confident that he'll have 10k tools in no time
It would be awesome if we all got re-elected and added Jorge!
We need elections? Perhaps it should be points-biased. Me and my 9k votes for him. Motion carried?
Just kidding - @JorgeCastro does a great job and I know the community will recognize that
Does anyone know the alternative to array_push in php?
I want to push items onto the "top" of the stack, not the bottom
UGH, what a stupid name - that's it. Thanks @ajmitch
@MarcoCeppi $arr = array_reverse($arr); arr[] = "blah"; $arr = array_reverse($arr);
That's PHP for you :)
Just as another option
@Oli Thanks for the feedback - I wouldn't be surprised if that's what array_unshift actually did :P
:17263 You might be surprised how many languages do do that
I've actually just realized - I don't know what that function is called in other languages like Java, and C - do you?
it's effectively prepend vs append?
I thought Java arrays were immutable...
Been a long while. You needed Vectors back when I used it.
But I assume its generics have replaced those with some sort of List (appears to be a fashionable name)
@Oli not entire true - a typical array is immutable, but I've used expandable arrays in Java
Though - yes I think it is a List
I'm too used to python now
I took Java in High School - but by then I was too consumed with PHP
Amen. I don't miss VB.NET, C#, PHP or Java
I especially don't miss PHP.
I have to do quite a bit of PHP at work
The others had a touch of class. PHP was filth. However elegant you wanted your code, it always became mucky tag-soup.
Unfortunately PHP doesn't seem to be the most consistent of languages at times
It's just too easy to hack bits in anywhere you like in whatever style you want. That inevitably leads to somebody doing just that and hacking ugly bits of code into places just to make something work. Before you know it, you have fifteen different code styles, 0-readability in the code, naff-all documentation for the hacks (because they're inline) and you can't work out why something doesn't work or why performance is shoddy.
Django just blows it away for 90% of applications. Even simple templating jobs.
Except that it's a lot harder to get django on extremely cheap shared hosting, which is where a lot of the bad PHP code ends up :)
just use a functional programming language like haskell - bad programmers scared away, case closed. :P
That's true but you can host Django on "quite" cheap hosting. Still I'll admit it's probably at least three times the price of the cheapest possible PHP host.
someone surprised me by capturing the essence of the problem: I suppose this happens with any language that has a community above the level of "I don't care, I just want my program to work [now]." programmers.stackexchange.com/questions/17650/…
:17284 Never really seen the appeal. Probably means I'm a shoddy developer.
hehe "in our company bad programmers get promoted to lead positions because the business guys think they wont be programming anymore"
@Oli By consumed with php - I mean in love with it :) It's a lot like perl only less hacky. If you do things right it's create. But it's too easy to make functional garbage
:17289 Oh god. If you've only perl to compare it to...
:17287 wouldn't say that, but there is a certain purity (mathematically) to some languages that is especially attractive for some
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