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Does the remote server need to have Git installed?
I recommend though Studio3 Beta
Then it won't work.
which looks to have all the stuff you want
including FTP/SFTP deployment stuff
Oh good.
I like the screenshots.
I'll give it a go.
Looks like Aptana2 also supports that
Barrel Rolling...
Why has noone suggested emacs yet? Think of the children!
By the way, our ISP decided to randomly increase the Internet speed.
Same reason I haven't recommended gVim :P
:16303 I wouldn't complain about it :P
You don't like to throw petrol on a bonfire?
I know... it's nice.
@ajmitch That's why no one recommended emacs, because of the children
256 Kbps => 1.3 Mbps
Yeah, Children of the Korn..
...and for free!
How can I remove a bookmark from the Places menu?
@GeorgeEdison good guestion maybe you should ask on askubuntu.com :P
@GeorgeEdison Ask the question - but the answer is: open Nautilus on the right pane where the bookmarks are Right Click -> Remove
Ya, I should.
@GeorgeEdison if you don't I will ask.
:16315 stackapplet's new version is awesome
needs to add the new PPA
what is the latest version?
:16318 download it directly
:16319 1.4RC I think
anyone using cardapio?
oh i am installing a new version via update manager, I assume it is the latest
:16232 so, basically 38.6k users is too much for Facebook to handle? :P
@GeorgeEdison Did the monochrome icons make it in there>
I'm setting up an XMPP/Jabber server - any recommendation for administration software?
@Marco: Monochrome icons?
@Marco: CPanel?
@GeorgeEdison NOOOO cPanel is what I'm working against writing my own control panel software.
I used Openfire a while back to run Jabber
It always worked for me... seriously though, there are good free alternatives.
but I can't really find any alternatives
@GeorgeEdison There are now decent alternatives to cPanel. I've tried them all
What's the best?
I favor Webmin.
Webmin is good but it's just not cPanel caliber
Is there anything that's FOSS that does compare?
...or is that going to be my next project?
We should make something.
it's unfortunate - and I'm likely not going to release my code for FOSS - maybe COSS, but it's the control panel software that I'm going to have my company use instead of cPanel
Well, I'm planning to make something around JetHTTP. I'm planning to add a DNS server as well as better PHP integration.
The idea is tighter integration with CRM/Billing software and less reliance on building everything by source
I hate that cPanel has everything built from source. It's such hacky hack hack stuff
That's for sure.
It should strongly utilize packaging systems like yum, apt, arch, etc
so - that's my goal with this. Because it's holding back our company from really excelling
Sorry, how did you say I would get Aptana working with files over FTP?
I just got it running.
not sure - never used that feature
I got the project set up.
:16338 heh, most people I know say cpanel sucks, of course they say the same about webmin ;)
@JanC Every web control panel sucks :P
...except StackApplet!
Is FTP support in Aptana built-in or is it provided via a plugin of some kind?
I thought you said that's what you used!
BTW: ebox (or what's their new name again?) support jabber
@GeorgeEdison No - I use Git for all my deployments
My jabber needs are different then my web panel
Oh yeah... :)
I don't know how we got on web panel topics
I need an administration interface - like Openfire - for Jabber
I wish I could too... but the remote server does not have Git installed.
zentyal.com/en/products/server/communication --> they support jabberd2 it seems
@JanC Oh! Thanks :D
IIRC ejabberd has a web interface too
"On the Sync Manager View (which may be hidden behind the Code Assist Profiles View), "....
...where is that?
I just don't like the high overhead of the Openfire's Java backend
@GeorgeEdison I use Geany - I'm waiting for the official Aptana 3.0 release :)
ejabberd has an (optional) built-in web interface
@MarcoCeppi: I have been a user of an OpenFire server, and it worked fine as long as it got restarted often enough ;)
from what one the admins told me, it kept eating more & more memory...
that was 1-2 years ago though
@JanC Yeah - that's the problem I had the last time I set it up for a small company
I ended up setting up a cron job to restart teh stupid thing
though this was also about 1.5 years ago
I've been playing with ejabberd last year, and it seemed quite nice
I just installed it - going to give it a shot
needs a bit of docs reading to get started maybe
just got to figure out the default username/pwd
Cool up an running
openfire is pretty cool
@TheX: except if you have to babysit it ;)
who was telling me about the game battle swarm?
@TheX I think that was @RolandTaylor
yah it was just looked in the logs
:16376 Thanks for the recommendation - it's a little rough, but the simplicity of it makes it very efficient with very veryyy little overhead. All I need is shared rosters, MUC, and - well that's about it.
Okay... I officially like Aptana now.
The FTP sync tool is so powerful.
:16409 :) All the developers I work with LOVE it - I'm the only one who doesn't use it
@Marco: Thanks for pointing it out!
Most are using Aptana 3 beta though
So am I :)
Glad my recommendation worked out for you! Cheers on coding!
It sure beats what I was using... CPanel File Manager :P
Oh, goodness, no.
I was editing them all via the web interface.
But that was because I didn't have a good tool to keep local folders in sync.
I'm so sorry.
What host do you use?
canadianwebhosting.com ?
@MarcoCeppi I want Wanda to go bed but I don't want to killall gnome-panel Any idea? (I've read that you have the same problem some time ago!)
:16428 I was asking you at the same time you wrote this :)
@marenostrum The lesson I have learned is not run arbitrary commands in the command prompt :P I haven't found a way to kill it yet.
:16432 But this is GNU/Linux. There should be a solution somewhere. Doesn't it have a process number or so?
@marenostrum It runs under the gnome-panel process
:16434 But we can stop elements of gnome-panel one by one.
@marenostrum I just ran sudo killall -9 gnome-panel and was able to get rid of it
I don't think it's actually a process but an easter egg in gnome-panel
gnome-panel apparently starts right back up after it's killed
:16436 Hmm. Is that command kills just Wanda or the whole gnome-panel ? (I don't know what is the use of that -9)
@Marco: Why???
:16438 Hmm. OK. I got it.
What does the host have to do with anything?
They won't let you install Git :)
It's a shared server!
Which makes them Git's :P
Our shared servers run git
Git is installed on it!
I just checked!
I randomly decided to type 'git' and see what happened.
git, bzr, and hg
No, not Bazaar.
Just Git.
Oh, we've got the three big ones
Well, I tried installing Bazaar on it.
should i become a hacker?
@TheX: Yes.
Everyone should :)
oh okay
most companies are including source control on it, as well as like ruby and python and other things that were deemed "dangerous" on shared environments
@TheX A malicious hacker?
what should i hack first?
I have Python and Ruby on mine.
no i will use my powers for good
...and Perl!
(Not that I like it or anything.)
yeah, that's not bad then. IMO All shared servers should have those things
So... how would I go about setting up a repository on my server then?
mostly good anyways
I'm used to Bazaar :)
:16469 It depends on what you want to do. There are a million ways to do something like this
I want to have a folder on my website be managed by Git.
So that I can commit changes to it from my local machine.
one sec - phone
:16463 Browser extensions seem to be fun for a starting point and there are some tutorials explaining how to create them. I saw you, you're a use of GitHub. So you can take advantage of git & GitHub. I'm learning git/GitHub as well but I am not a coder. I use it just for translation tasks.
I wouldn't even know where to start
I'll help!
What kind of things are you into?
Games, server software, etc...?
you nkow what my dream would be
and i know it has been done a billion times over
:16473 What I would recommend is just having a client -> server setup. We use Client -> repo -> servers
but i want to develop a cross platform app, that would tell me the weather and like a 5 day forcast or something like t
@Marco: How would that work? (I'm new to Git.)
@TheX: Like a desktop application?
or an applet...
or really anything... as long as I can call it mine
I started with simple game design.
Using DirectX 7, but these days, I recommend Irrlicht.
I did a lot of programming when I was in college, had to to get my degree, but it was like in one ear and out the other, to make room for more stuff
(That's assuming you're into C++ programming, of course.)
that was my chief complaint about college
they expect you to learn so much all at once that there is no time for it to really sink in
:16487 so You'll just need to start up a git repo on your machine. do all the commits, all the fun stuff, when you're ready to deploy to the server (I would recommend using Git GUI for this part) you'll go to Remote -> Add and fill in the information. After that everytime you need to deploy to the server just select the "Push" button on the interface.
I'll have to try that.
It'll use SSH to do it's pushes
well SSH+Git
I usually setup and SSH key for the user so that I don't always have to type a password
so if you're ssh user's home folder is /home/user/ then the path would look like:

I think that's the structure for addon domains in cPanel
@GeorgeEdison back in the day I studied C++, Java, and VisualBasic.net
But if Aptana's FTP Sync is working for you - I'd just use that
but like i said most of it I have forgotten
That's fine... have a look at this: irrlicht.sourceforge.net/docu/example001.html
See if you can follow that.
(Ignore the VC++ stuff.)
I have to install Visual Studio?
I use Code::Blocks on Ubuntu.
It's just that the example mentions VisualStudio.
you had me looking for my software
@Marco: "Warning: require_once(./libraries/common.inc.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/phpmyadmin/index.php on line 35"
PhpMyAdmin decided to stop working.
I reinstalled the package, but no luck.
Any advice?
what are the permissions/ownership for libraries/common.inc.php?
I'll look...
Yup, 644.
Should I change it to 755... or is it fine?
Also, it's owned by root.
I fixed it! I guess somehow it got removed from '/sites-enabled/000-default'
A: iPython Like Command History For Shell

ak2Bash does have that feature too, but it's not enabled by default. You can bind it to cursor up/down by sticking this into ~/.inputrc: "\e[A": history-search-backward "\e[B": history-search-forward I prefer to bind it to Ctrl+up/down instead: "\e[1;5A": history-search-backward "\e[1;5B": histo...

This answer is so full of WIN
Win, Win, Win!
@lovinglinux Do you hear me? :) I've just tried your extension FoxRunner and loved it. I want to translate it. Lets discuss it on GitHub.
I have Ctrl+PgUp/PgDn to search ;)
/me wonders if ak2 is somebody he knows
:16535 By the way I realized that Ctrl+PgUp/PgDn function as (Ctrl)+Shift+Tab to change tabs, in Firefox. Thanks! :)
@maren: Are the translations showing up in StackApplet now?
:16538 Hmm. I didn't know that it was released. I should login my other Firefox profile and most probably install the latest version manually, to see it. I'll be back in 5 minutes.
:16538 I'm totally dumb. It has nothing to do with Firefox; its not a Firefox extension. Firefox extensions are those of @lovinglinux ! :) Checking. :)
:16534 Yes, I hear you :)
:16541 :)
:16541 That extension is lovely. I want it!
:16542 Glad you liked FoxRunner too. Unfortunately, is not a very popular extension. It has only 126 daily users. So I wouldn't waste your time translating it, unless that will be good for you, as an user.
:16544 My dear friend. Popularity means nothing for me. Its better to be not that much popular! :) It serves just for GNU/Linux users and that is far more better. I want to waste my time. Especially for that extension. :) May I take it?
:16545 Of course you can take it. If you have time to waste, be my guest :) Any translation will be very welcome anyways.
:16546 Ok, thanks. I'm so happy. I'll start it soon. When do you plan the next release?
@marenostrum To be honest, the only reason why I still keep that extension alive is because I use it everyday. It is also one of the reasons I didn't move completely to Opera.
:16548 That extension is good. Keep it alive. Is there some more to be done for it? I asked the date of next release from the point of view of the translation. If I translate it there should be a next release so that the translation can be implemented. Am I wrong?
@GeorgeEdison I'm checking from Launchpad but I see up to RC1 there. Wasn't it RC1 we tried before? You've said it would probably be solved in RC2. Where is RC2? Or that RC1 is a different RC1?
:16547 I have released a new version a couple of days ago. There will be future releases, but I don't know when. However, I can release a new version to include your translation. I just won't do it right away, because the Mozilla editors are overwhelmed these days, due to Firefox 4 changes. So I like to avoid releasing new versions, unless there is bug fixes.
:16549 There is always things to be done to improve it. However, due to its low popularity, tweaking it is not one of my priorities. After all, it works.
:16551 Ok, I see. I'll translate it anyway. At least for my own pleasure. And I'm sure there'll be a number of people to use it when it will be released in Turkish. I mean, many Linux users know English here but there are more many who doesn't know. I am planning to write about your extensions when Turkish versions are avalable via official Firefox channels.
:16553 That's nice.
:16552 If it works, then there's no need to force further.
:16555 For you personal use, get version 1.0.7, which is the most updated one (not approved yet) addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/98430/versions
:16556 Hmm. OK. How about the version which is on GitHub at the moment?
@marenostrum Is the same version. GitHub is updated.
@marenostrum Just make sure you get 1.0.7 instead of 1.0.6, which is the one displayed on Mozilla site.
:16558 Today I learned how to compile the Firefox extensions from the source and checked the Turkish translations of your extensions. They were OK. So I can compile FoxRunner as well.
:16559 I won't install it. OK, I got what you mean.
:16560 Is not really "compiling" because the extensions use javascript. All you need is to zip the files, rename the zip archive to xpi and drag it to Firefox. Wait a second...I will give you a script I use with Foxrunner to do that :)
:16562 Yes I know. I don't know the proper word for it. Packaging? Anyway, I did that thing myself.
:16562 That script may be interesting but now I can do manually. Once you learn the technique, its ver easy. Just zipping the files and renaming.
:16563 Yes, is packaging. Sorry to be so picky about terminology :)
:16565 :)
:16564 Well, I'm lazy and when you work with several extensions at the same time, for different browsers, it comes very handy to have a script to do things for you :)
:16567 Ok. It would be nice for sure. :)
-BTW, I removed that sound thing from the top panel, by accident. How can I recover it?-
@marenostrum Let me explain how I work. I do all the editing directly into the extension folders inside my Firefox profile. So it is easy to just reload Firefox to see the changes. When I want to commit changes, I launch a diff tool (meld), which compares the content of the profile folder with an "export" folder and a git folder. The git folder is obviously the one that commit changes to GitHub. The export folder is the one from where I generate the xpi files for release.
:16570 Hmm. So do I need that meld thing? Anything more to read about it to use? (I'm saving what you write here.)
@marenostrum Meld is awesome. It will save you a lot of time. If you have time, I can guide you to create a setup similar to mine and I can give you several scripts. I guess we should open a new chat for that.
:16574 I'm already there.
@maren: Sorry, I just saw your message.
RC1 is still out.
I forgot that once you install that, it doesn't install from the PPA anymore :(
So, in order to update, you'll have to uninstall it and then install it from the Software Center.
Sorry about that.
Finally got .htaccess files working again!
5 hours later…
@txwikinger you here?
I see that the daily builds for natty are up...
BREAKING NEWS: Angry protestors have broken into the Canonical Headquarters, damage building, and got onto the roof. Missiles have been thrown at police, earlier today there are over 30,000 people taking part in a demonstration march.
which planet?
@fluteflute I need some documentation on that
Actually slightly factual
Because the UK Conservative Party is based in the same building as the Canonical Headquarters.
"A stand-off is taking place between students and the police, with protesters surging forward at Millbank Tower, chanting."
so they are not protesting against Canonical
that was my initial thought too
No, against the UK government tripling the cost of going to University
I wonder if god took the day off, or is protesting with them
Well hopefully Canonical haven't been affected :P
@TheX he's probably out there throwing Ubuntu CDs at the crowd
It's just sad that the minority spoil a pretty legitimate protest
:17053 Ha!
Crazy Brits....
:17057 We don't like being charged £9k a year rather than £3k for University....
(especially when the politicians were voted in after pledging to abolish these fees)
what does that convert to in USD?
how dare they not like it?
9000 British pounds = 14 463 U.S. dollars apparently
does that include books, housing, lab fees, food?
Lab fees and possibly books (well access to extensive libraries), but not the rest
Then that is probably comparable to the US...
wheyyyy my Ubuntu 10.10 desktop CD arrived :D
:17067 Wooh!
that was darn quick!
they won't let me order any more cds
I get away with one per release
I use too too
meh if I need more I'll just buy such a package 5 or 10 or something
ewww a new ubuntu hoodie! :D
:o and a new backpack
@OctavianDamiean I got my Meerkat shirt a few days ago :D
yea I got my ogio messenger bag a few days ago; not the new one the version before
plus a great "I [Ubuntu] my desktop" T-Shirt and a Ubuntu beanie :D
I love reading the twitter of a Canonical employee in the tower being raided...
:o please give me a link to his profile
@mpt, London
Kiwi bachelor in London, working for Canonical on the design of Ubuntu.
1.7k tweets, 848 followers, following 110 users
I really don't know what they're acomplishing
@MarcoCeppi crime convictions?
Look - I'm only 22. I understand the whole "boo whoo government" thing. But if they're just that enraged about the price of tuition going up either quit school or fight it politically. All you're proving now is young people are irrational.
:17085 word!
@MarcoCeppi agreed...
At least keep the protest non-violent.
protesting is one thing... RIOTs are just stupid
I support the protest completely, but of course not the rioting.
yes indeed one can protest without breaking things
Does anyone know the reason for the tuition increase? You would think these kids - being in university and all - would be more engaged in academic resolutions...
(Note: I am part of the first year to be affecting by this increase so I am slightly biased.)
of course American students have rioted over less... like being drunk and board
Essentially the government are removing almost all of the funding for university teaching, and getting students to pay more to make up for it.
SE couldn't deal with that URL
same thing happened in Austria not that long ago and all students were occupying the halls which is ok and all but then after all the negotiations and talks ended they were still occupying them just for fun ... thats so stupid ...
lol what a timing ... the notebook of my dad and my mom died nearly simultaneously :D
Hope that's not an omen :(
one due to it's harddisk an apparently something else I can't pinpoint and the other one no clue yet
at least now I have can install Ubuntu from start on the new ones when they buy em :D
@OctavianDamiean why do that?
why not? I save around 100€ just for the OS
per machine
oh god ... do you know that when you type one sentence but think about another sentence meanwhile? I always manage to mix them up
no do tell me about it
just completely reinstalled mono
@RolandTaylor I played battleswarm for the first time last night
@RolandTaylor made me boot into windows shudders
jeeeeezzz I still can't believe how I could live without my new Delonghi coffee maker :D
@OctavianDamiean what is wrong with a regular coffee maker?
nothing I just didn't have any coffee maker before
I don't drink coffee, but i have a coffee maker for when the family visits...
no coffee? you heathen
I'm in that same boat
can't stand coffee
I don't mind it, but I prefer milk or soda
00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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