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00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

ok then i`m the first Romanian guy? :)
trolling is not good!
bad Marco bad!!!
Trolling as in I'm in here almost all the time :P
I notice >:D
@LuC1F3R Quite possibly - at least the first one to mention it in chat! :p
ok then a good nite (is correct...or night?) to all and take care (sorry for my bad english... :D
nite is more fun though
what meens argh?
:12552 askubuntu.com/questions/10599/… I think this should be closed
argh is an expression
like oh my gosh
:12553 I'm not sure - I like the workspace idea though
or damn
I like the workspace idea too
:12558 That was closed
but limiting to 4 is bad for me
:12564 oh thanks
Ah, yes that would be terrible. I use a 3x3 grid at work
I use 4x3
guess Natty will make us all hackers lol
if i alredy i`m here, i ask you whay firefox work so bad on linux and so hard??? i thinking to use Chromium but she take a lot of RAM usage... work fast but take to much RAM
use firefox 4 from a ppa
1 minute let me find the ppa for you
ok i wait
:12570 Firefox is really a hit or miss thing for most people. Firefox for me (on Ubuntu) has worked GREAT since the 2.5 release of Firefox. Chrome works equally as well. However, I know some people absolutely can't stand Firefox's performance in Ubuntu - likewise others can't stand Chrome or Chromium. Have you tried Google Chrome yet - or another like Midori?
thx Roland US people are ok :)
I'm from Barbados lol. People always think I'm from the US =D
Marco i use Midori but if i`m not rong...idori dont have support for add-ons or extension...and Google Chrome i dont like him because steel data from me and from my searches...chromium dont do that but take lot of RAM
i men 800MB for 4-5 tabs (Chromium) ??? come on mannn
Midori has support for extensions
it's a bit unstable, though.
yes cuple of pages dont look right on midori and cuple of pages dont even show up on midori
that's why I stopped using it
is true midori is an webkit but...whay dont making better ?
if it is a webkit browser then imporovet man
all the webkit browser must be perfect or almost perfect but midori is not close innaf for acceptable
being based on webkit does not make a browser perfect
webkit is just a library to make that renders the pages, so the browser must still do some work
you rong! look at the Safari...is based on webkit browser what do you have to rant about safari or what do you have to say bad for Safari?
for example, when flock was based on gecko, it was not nearly as good as firefox
is look good and i dont see any bad page showing on safari
haha but safari is very insecure =)
loading pages well does not make a good browser
from short time ago they add support for extension safari is a perfect browser on my opinion i dont see like i tell you, any bad page showing on safari
I have had a few problems with safari before, but that was when I still used windows from time to time
mostly it was when using social networking sites
safari and windows have incomplet compatibility that is the reason of insecure browser but if you use hem on Mac you will see a veri big diference!
I have used safari on my cousin's mac, it wasn't too bad. But my friend/web dev partner used firefox
because safari is very good and veri stabil implementation and compatibiliti with Mac
because safari was a bit troublesome lol
and he has snow leapord btw
any how,,,,in conclusion any budy use what they like to use and what they now how to use, we dont must be all the same, in fact that is the big idea, to be diferent and from that to learn one from other right?
so long as now one uses links (or is it lynx?) or links2 on the commandline, everyone is happy =D loool
i dont understand that expresion or proverb.... i just know basic language and expresion :d
that's okay
I don't know any Romanian =D
ce faci meens what do you do or how are you
or "noapte buna" meen good night :)
In my country we have our own dialect
wuh gine on? - means how are you
or what is going on here
"cine esti" who are you.... "sunt ocupat" i`m busy
cine esti?!
D: gah!
runs away
Adrian :)
cum te chama meen what is your name
mine is Roland
"cati ani ai" how old are you
"cati"- how many "ani" - age/year "ai" - have
me 25
midori is based on webkit/gtk, not on webkit/chromium or webkit/safari or webkit/qt or webkit/whatever-else, and there is no guarantee that something that renders correctly on e.g. webkit/safari will also render correctly on webkit/gtk
in romania "in good we trust" is translated on "In Dumnezeu noi credem"
in God we trust?
I think that's what you mean lol
yes like she said on 1 dolar bacnote :))
:12631 welcome =D. I was trying to explain that to him lol
without being too technical for reasons of language barrier issues
:12635 ahh =)
:12635 how would I say in God I trust, instead of we?
eu cred in dumnezeu or in dumnezeu eu cred
cool eu cred in Dumnezeu ^^
saved us from a Hurricane =D
google: Tomas
we got hit last night by Tomas but my house is intact
who is hurricane?
is a person or..?
bad weather
ooo i understand...
not a person
in romanian "saved us from a Hurricane" translate as "salveaza-ne pe noi de furtuna"
makes sense
salveaza-ne - save us storm/hurricane - furtuna from - de
\o/ I'm so happy it's over
ok guys i`m glad to meet you and thx again for yours help, tke care of you and keep up with ubuntu and the good work
take care*
^^ kk cya later
one question and i promise you, i leave :D
no rush ^^
you giv me daly ppa for mozilla...from your experience, it is stabile?
yes, so far I've been pretty happy with it
I get a crash every few months lol
the add-ons work?
not every single one, but it installs along side firefox 3, so you don't have to worry
ye by the way, i get a crash with this version 3.6.12 3 time per day wtf? :)
I don't use 3.6.x anymore
4 is more stable most of the time
it supose to be veri stabile version (3.6.12) but it is not
yes i use it me to but have problem and compatibiliti isue with majority of add-ons (ff 4)
most of my addons are working in firefox 4
but that's probably because I'm rather picky
picky like?
google: define:picky =))
I choose carefully
oo i understand, you have more expectations...
something like that
ok now sereosly i leave tay tay :)
lol okay bye bye
@RolandTaylor Hi. I read your answer/comment on that hackintosh question. I upvoted it as well because I have a feeling that its downvoted for improper reasons. I see that question is closed brcause its off topic. This is something else. But I don't think that what discussed is illegal or depending on how you get the OS software, it may not be illegal.
It was closed as Off-topic - in my opinion - not because it was "illegal" but because it had virtually nothing to do with Ubuntu
:12686 You've posted a kitten gif. Same animal?
:12690 I am with you. Totally.
There is noting in the FAQ or site rules about doing "illegal" things - and while I admit I haven't read the entire CoC for Ubuntu I don't think there is anything in there either. It's a personal choice not a site policy. Though in the end - off topic :P
A quick search in the CoC document shows nothing about illegal stuff mentioned
:12693 Off-topic part, yes. Having no rules on such "illegal" things, also OK. But what's more, I believe that what some people do called as "hakintosh" way, literally to install some OS on a machine of your choice has nothing to do with illegality.
If you can you do.
:12689 the problem is we could get into trouble (as in cease and desist notice) for something as simple as helping that guy with hackintosh, and yes, it's off topic
I believe it infringes on some rule set forth by Apple - I'm not sure of their regulations, I know it "Voids the warranty" but I'm no expert on the legal legalities of it
not supposed to run OS X on non apple hardware
and hackintosh involves breaking the apple tos
ofc anyone can do it, but we shouldn't help them here at least
If I had a cookie every time I violated a TOS agreement :)
:12698 Warranty is totally other story. Scenario: You "buy" the software. You don't care about the warranty things. You know some techniques and you install the software on a machine of your choice. very simple and legal.
lol well if you check up on hackintosh it's not legal
even though I personally don't care =D
@marenostrum However, and I have no statistics to back this up - I'm merely assuming, there's a good chance the majority of Hackintosh users didn't go out and buy an OS X cd.
most of them don't
it takes more work to do it that way
:12706 Heh he, this is another story. Bad boys! :)
:12707 Sure dear friend; I know that part, but this is off-topic in another way! :)
:12709 Exactly - though I agree, if you purchase the product you're free to do with it what you like - not being a lawyer or having an intimate knowledge of the boundaries of software law I really can't comment on how legal the practice is. Luckily in the end it's off-topic because it's not about Ubuntu. :D
:12711 lol the joke for me is that stupid software like mac and windows is not yours to play with
so I don't touch em =D
:12713 +1
Alright gentlemen - I'm off to bed for a bit, have a good night!
cya ^^
:12715 =D
:12718 :) See you dear friend!
:12719 you're leaving too? I'm staying here ^^
:12720 Oh, sorry, I got it wrong. Anyway, I'm here as well.
:12721 ahh cool ^^
@RolandTaylor Is there a strong Free Software, GNU/Linux, ubuntu community in Barbados?
:12723 Not as strong as I would like, but I'm working on it. Met a few people who like me use FOSS, but mainly I've been the one introducing people to it. Even a few college tutors took a little interest, but it's an uphill battle so far with the educational system here.
:12724 I'm very pleased to hear this.
:12725 Microsoft is deeply embedded here, mostly due to ignorance lol.
:12726 Bug # 1 dear friend, Bug # 1. We'll solve it as well.
:12727 indeed, I'm working on it in my own home lol
:12728 Who uses that other OS at home?
my whole family lol
:12729 I have vista on my laptop until I can put two hdd's in it to replace the current one. I don't use windows really lol, but need to be familiar for the reason of supporting migrating users.
:12730 Hmmm. Serious situation.
:12732 Well our desktop needs a revamp, so hopefully I can get them on to ubuntu
:12733 Desktop's current situation is satisfactory for most of tasks, but improvement is good for sure.
:12734 yep ^^. I'd consider ubuntu or kubuntu a major improvement for them, or even Xubuntu lol
:12735 recently I helped one of my sisters and her husband to migrate to Ubuntu. After Windows XP, they can't believe that they are using such a nice OS. :) But to be aropund for small problems is beneficial.
:12736 awesome
Launchpad is giving timeout errors. Is it the server or my side? lets wait some.
LP loves to time out, and even more so after you wrote a 30-line explanation about a bug or such :P
I am here! now I'm not =P
is there anyway to speed up usb-creator-gtk?
nvm it finished :P
1 hour later…
I'm on a live cd =D
isn't it a bit too small to sit on? :P
I am doing the impossible...
I am running a full-blown Gnome desktop over SSH.
...and the client? An old Pentium MMX running at 200MHz :)
In case you don't believe me:
Look close and you'll see the window decorator from the client.
@GeorgeEdison: I have run a full-blown GNOME desktop on a 166 MHz Pentium MMX (so not split up X server & clients over 2 machines, but the whole thing on that laptop... ;)
that was about 5 years ago though
Exactly :P
GNOME isn't that bigger now than back then...
Well... it's still pretty hefty.
Actually running Gnome on the same computer took about 20 minutes - no wait - that was XFCE :)
3 hours later…
2 hours later…
@GeorgeEdison: I normally ran an XFCE-based desktop on that laptop, and it booted in less than 60 seconds into a working desktop... (that wasn't Ubuntu though, and XFCE was significantly lighter then than it is now)
too bad its power supply blew up :-(
does anyone know if the suspend test script used for LaptopTesting reports suspend failures after it exited or on the fly when they appear?
the description on that test case says it should trigger apport I just don't know when
More exposure on OMG! Ubuntu!
Thursday :D
can't wait
1 hour later…
:12740 10 hours later: This situation seems to be something else. Launchpad -in general- functions OH, but it keeps on givine timeout error when I try to do something on Bug #1 page, i.e. when I click "Yes It affects me" and when I try to subscribe that bug. Some other bugs I flagged "It affects me" and subscribed as well don't create such an error. I'll try to figure out the problem some more and then, probably, file a bug report.
* OH= OK givine= giving
@marenostrum you can edit messages :P
:12771 here on chat? Not after 2 minutes.
Oh i thought it was still within the two min barrier
:12773 can't you make an exception for me as increasing that 2 min. to 30 min. ? :)
@marenostrum Nope not within my power :P
:12775 Everything is in your power but you like to refuse me. :)
2 hours later…
Mike Axiak
Hey, I just installed netbook remix on a new netbook
Netbook remix or Ubuntu Netbook?
Mike Axiak
I am not able to configure the wireless -- am I missing something? To be more descriptive: There is no nm-applet to be found. When I start it up with --sm-disable the options seem to be disabled
Mike Axiak
sorry, ubuntu netbook
Mike Axiak
apt-get install ubuntu-netbook, to be precise (from a command-line install)
What kind of netbook is it?
Mike Axiak
Mike Axiak
the wifi card is detected -- that's not the issue. I think it's a UI issue, I'm not able to configure my wired settings either
Mike Axiak
the nm-applet under Wired Network says "device not managed"...
hum, good question. Doesn't seem to have been asked yet either
Mike Axiak
hah, thanks :)
Usually when more people are in here they can typically offer better support - last time I had this issue I ended up just using iwconfig
what is the best way to try the (in dev) ubuntu unity project?
is there a live iso?
@mwm Not yet - there will likely be a PPA available when Alpha 1 of Natty hits downloads
hmm, ok tnx
but aren't daily builds available?
@mwm Not yet - I'm looking for the question where this was covered
hmm, ok, tnx
hey @MarcoCeppi
I think this should be a merge
A: Will Unity be the only interface for 11.04?

RAOFAs in Ubuntu 10.10 (and 10.04), GNOME Shell will be available to install, and should be a first-class citizen. The existing “GNOME 3” session you can select from the login screen will remain, and will continue to provide a close to standard upstream GNOME Shell experience. So, while Unity will ...

with the parent that it's duped to
Q: Will Ubuntu 11.10 feature GNOME Shell?

Dan Possible Duplicate: will the unity interface be only for 11.04? Will 11.10 feature GNOME 3 / GNOME Shell or will it feature Unity forever?

sorry I mean that one
since RAOF's answer is the best one
and it's not in the parent question unfortunately
What should be a merge?
Do you want me to merge both those questions into the one which they duplicate?
that question
with this one
Q: Will Unity be the only interface for 11.04?

jnutWill the Unity interface be only be default for the 11.04 or until GNOME Shell is released? Or alternatively will Unity continue to be developed after GNOME Shell is ready. Simply: will 11.04 be a one-off release in having the Unity interface as default.

@JorgeCastro Merged!
now that I am back and going through the unity questions we could probably do with some cleanup there
You better not say to un do it! :P
but overall I think we did a good job with the influx!
Oh, okay - whew
PS: For those who don't know merging is permanent and un-doable
@MarcoCeppi awesome, our firefox maintainer is now participating
Sweet! The UDS session was awesome. I'd love to attend next summit
@JorgeCastro: You have really hijacked the site for Unity :)
they came for the unity, but stayed for the rest!
@marenostrum: probably the only reason why you can even see bug #1 now is that it gets cached somewhere, or maybe because it's only shown partially, because it has so many responses & other data attached etc. that in the past every database query for it timed out consistently... ;)
@txwikinger i did a lightning talk too for all UDS, so that should bring in more maintainers
New wiki style looks great
using unity for the ffirst time, can't find the remote desktop client
@JorgeCastro: I missed that one
My batteries are empty.. I need some time to recharge I think
:12826 Any idea what to do?
I never really heard how UDS went... how did Robert's talk go??
it was a joint talk
The video should be available soon
really you shouldn't be talking about joints...
Has anyone had any issues with StackApplet in the last 3 or 4 days?
I hate trolls -_-
KDE trolls, Chromium trolls...
-_- stupid trolls =(
:12838 StackApplet is awesome =D
Are you using the 1.4 beta?
I believe so
I can't check now, not on my laptop
:12838 Timeouts here and there
I think StackApplet is awesome cause it eats kittens and kills dogs =)
nom nom nom :D
*hides his kitten...
@Marco: Timeouts???
@GeorgeEdison I had it running from the command line and noticed occasionally a wall of timeouts to all the sites - could likely be my connection or the API
You know what - sometimes the API goes down and the program is designed to just ignore it and keep polling every 5 minutes. (Or whatever you have it set to.)
I think all Unity questions on askubuntu should autmagically be flagged as a duplicate questions....
@TheX: Yup, probably.
Anyone want to preview what I've finished of StackMobile 2?
Any feedback would be appreciated.
And of course, everyone is encouraged to check out the AskUbuntu page :)
@TheX it's fine now I think now that we have a chance to answer the questions
I suppose
I just hope that we don't get robbed of options like GNOME devs love to do
an open process where users matter is the way to go =)
lots of activity today, woo
Anyone know how to get PuTTy to use SSH Key pair authentication?
^^ lo0ol Marco I don't even bother to use SSH most of the time for anything =D (<--- lazy)
Well, my line of work I have to - and I have to make sure Windows users can connect
o.o man I'm resizing a 320GB NTFS partition... should I hide my eyes?
@RolandTaylor you should hide your kitties
:12869 oh, I jumped ship in my job before I had to do any of that =)
:12871 my real life kitten died years ago under tragic circumstances :(... followed me through the door on the way to to school, and I cried (won't give the details beyond that)
and the last one tried to eat my sister's dinner, so we sent her to our neighbours =D
I have a sliver in my finger, it is really impeding my ability to type
for a moment i thought you might tell me that your sister ate it for supper
only I would do that >:)
can someone point me to some good docs on vala or C# (mono + gtk)?
I need to brush up on my programming but I'm bored with C++
askubuntu.com/questions/10792/… <-- strap yourselves to your seats
I made the biggest joke in FOSS history... EVER
Just enabled the maverick-proposed repository... wish me luck
works fine for me :D
I use all! >:)
btw... why do people keep voting down without a reason? It's infuriating -_
which answer?
I think comments for down votes should be enabled by default, because often the down votes seem to be without reason.
not me
@RolandTaylor That will never be enabled. Voting is anonymous. There already is a popup message that says "Thanks! We've counted your vote - you should leave a comment telling them why" or something to that effect
I don't care about the reputation lol, I'm neither fickle nor full of myself, just I like to know where I went wrong, so I can improve myself for the sake of other people (lol I sound so philosophical =D)
you should probably slow down @Roland
:12895 lol
in general your answers are too fast and need more detail and references
Details, references, documentation saying there is no way to do this.
:12897 gotcha
" is to try the updated drivers from the x development ppa (find it in ubuntu-tweak) and see if you get the same results on that one."
for example
that doesn't make sense to someone who doesn't know what a PPA is, etc.
let me find you a good one
:12902 I understand, but in that case I don't think you know about sending info to devs, and don't know what a ppa is rofl
:12903 but I get your point =) thanks
@RolandTaylor The author might know - but a random user stumbling in from Google may not ( I actually still don't know what PPA stands for TBH)
A: What are PPAs and how do I use them?

andrewsomethingFor Ubuntu 10.10 While many find it easier to add PPAs using command line tools, this can be done through Ubuntu Software Center for those who prefer graphical interfaces. For this demo, we will be adding the PPA for the Banshee Team in order to get the latest stable release of Banshee. We'll b...

look at that one for example
:12906 You are free to tell me where I go wrong (or if I'm annoying) at any time
:12907 nice
@RolandTaylor you can find relink to existing questions when you mention a PPA for example
and since you can always edit your answers
you can always go back and improve them
Personal Package Archives! got it :)
no answer starts out perfect, so I always go back, link them up, add screenshots, etc.
if you refer to official documentation on ubuntu.com for example you'll likely get more votes
:12915 the past couple days I've been a bit busy, so my answers were a little below par tbh. Barbados just came out of Tomas, and I'm the family tech support haha
yeah no worries
the nice thing is as you improve each answer you'll get a bump
so if you start off with a -1 you can totally reverse it to alot of votes
:12920 thanks for the advice ^^
no worries
I also delete my own answers if someone has such a good one that mine ends up looking like crap, hah
Man, I am not making friends today. This must have been the 10th nasty gram I've had to email out to the dopes I work with
I got a Disciplined badge for it too
haha, delete after 3 upvotes :P
There's also peer preasure - delete after three downvotes
00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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