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We should slowly get to the point where the community is voting for questions to be closed
@txwikinger Right as soon as enough community members have the rep for it
well... I need to pick up my son from University in some minutes
@JorgeCastro Looks like you've got some takers :)
@JorgeCastro: I tried to get some more Kubuntu folks on here :D
@MarcoCeppi it's awesome so far!
:10976 What a great idea to bring both new users in and promote participation
I know there's the Wiki page on Wacom support - but can anyone here really contest to it's support in Ubuntu?
:10971 I can't answer many questions, and can't think of what to ask, but some things are useful
:10978 I use a wacom tablet; works fine as a mouse in "other" programs and seems fine in gimp
Cool - thanks @RogerPate I'm going to try to hook mine up again
model number says cte-430, I think it's a graphire2? doesn't support angle, just pressure; about ~3 years old
it just worked out of the box for me on 9.04 and now 10.04; I remember some issue about having to plug it in after starting gimp on 9.04, instead of before (or maybe I have that backwards)
@MarcoCeppi yeah, it's the best idea I've had lately. :)
:10982 I've got two super old ones an Intuos and an Intuos 2
I did photography for a living for several years and it came in handy for the little bit of retouching we did; other than that I use it to play around but not much :)
WOW - i literally plugged it in and it started working...
usb has turned out really nice that way
At least on Linux it has :)
"The operating system that shall not be named" used to have troubles with that.
well it's really sensitive @RogerPate Do you use any calibration tools?
I don't recall tweaking anything
@Roger: No, it's the thing you don't want to hit with a baseball!
does it default to portrait mode for the pen? i.e. each location on the tablet corresponds to a specific screen location, rather than how a mouse or trackpad work?
@RogerPate Yes it's portrait mode - and the response time seems to be a little laggy - plus it's selecting everything with the lightest touch. I thought the button on the pen triggered mouse 1/2
@Marco: Probably a configuration setting somewhere.
@GeorgeEdison probably - just not sure where
the pen buttons modify, iirc, you can set one of them to alt and one to control (but more useful in an image app), but you just touch the tablet to click
searches software center
oh, right click is probably the default for one of the pen buttons
but you'd hold the button then touch the tablet (similar to tapping a trackpad to click)
at least, this is all my experience with the 2-3 different models I've used (all wacom)
I'll have to play around with it
I also have a waycom mouse - but that doesn't seem to be working
the loose puck you place on the tablet?
You mean this:
What an ugly thing!
Similar to that one - only a few models older
That's not so bad.
no - this one is bad
I'll take a picture with my laptop
yeah, that mouse puck just acts like another "pen" accessory as far as the tablet is concerned
hmm, a wacom-tools package was removed for 10.04
It's a 5 button mouse with a pressure wheel
Your laughter reassures me that I had a fair assessment :P
I remember it working sometime ago - that was before I shifted from web development to system administration though
It looks like something from a child's "My First Laptop" kind-of-thing.
Argh! Who knew HTTP POST requests were so complicated?!?
Heres a picture, courtesy of the Internet
I wonder how well it'll work in Photoshop 7 on Wine
This is a great question that I hope the answer is a simple "Yes"
Q: Will the Unity launcher auto-hide?

wilsonliamThis has been a major irk with Unity for me since it's release, and I was wondering if there were any plans to make the launcher auto-hide. Especially on Netbooks, where screens are small, the launcher is quite wide, making it difficult for some websites and other apps to display properly.

I don't even have a netbook and the launcher is too big on my smallest laptop
hmm, I still have my old photoshop 6 and 7, haven't tried them under wine
:11031 screen and keyboard size were a primary concern when I bought my laptop :D (but I got a beast that eats through batteries, so maybe not a good choice...)
I've got soo many computers (both desktop and laptops) but two primary ones I use My huge full keyboard laptop - and the smaller one I mentioned above which goes in my grab bag whenever I'm on call
+1 for real numpad; I can't stand not having one
I got one of those USB numpads.
:11036 You an me both - that was my ONLY requirement for a laptop - Must have full keyboard
Quite handy for Blender :P
An example of the mess I usually get myself into on weekends
Nooooooo comment.
Needs more frail power cables :P
Marco, you're living the dream ;)
So you play a lot of network games, I take it?
reminds me of an AU question where someone said they're using a netbook as a server...
:11046 haha :D Wait until I find the picture of my home server room...it's up to 22 towers and 3 Dell 2950's
are you looking for a roommate?
who needs a furnace in the winter when you have servers
That foot in the picture is my current room mate - The only women I've found who can tolerate me (and my girlfriend) :)
@Marco Nice! I thought I was good with my Dell 2850 ESXi Server, and 6 desktop-made-servers :)
All I have is one notebook :(
But I hope to buy a server soon.
I don't know what's worse - my electric bill, or my internet bill. I stopped checking after a while
That's another thing...
@George You have to start somewhere. When I started I had nothing but an old IBM laptop, now we have four laptops, a netbook, the afore-mentioned servers, and my main desktop PC for gaming :)
I'm looking for a decent company that can supply 100mbps where I am.
I let my wife deal with the bills. That way I never have to feel badly.
There's one... but it's not for web servers. (I read the fine print.)
She lets me know when it's time to "consolidate" lol
"so, honey, have you heard about server virtualization?"
My most recent aquisition
Please ignore the terrible state of my desk in this photo
Double LOL!!!
@george I suppose it depends on what kind of hosting you're looking for. That's pretty heavy duty... so I'm assuming this isn't just a personal site?
:11065 seems like you could get better dedicated hosting for $300/mo. (which would include power and other costs), if you don't actually need it at home/office
I would go with VPS hosting
I rarely find the need for full hardware
yeah, that too
@MarcoCeppi That's very similar to the busted up old Compaq, with French keyboard that was my first acquisition. No internal CDROM, and could only really get Win95 on the thing. It was in my pre-Linux days :)
Anyone had experience with Linode?
Jacob Peddicord
:11077 Linode freakin' rocks. Uptime like you wouldn't believe, and they constantly give out upgrades to customers.
Jacob Peddicord
awesome customer service and good library of setup documentation too
Oh good.
Their prices are what got me interested.
+the flexibility.
The reason for all of this is that I would like a server where I can run JetHTTP - and for that I need root access. (And the Qt runtime.)
Jacob Peddicord
a base 512MB linode would probably be perfect for it; I've got a billion different services on my 512 right now
Jacob Peddicord
3 web servers, a couple game servers, screen + irc, mail server... it goes on and on
Jacob Peddicord
(if you do go with Linode, I'd recommend not choosing the Atlanta datacenter as they filter certain ports)
Such as...
Jacob Peddicord
off the top of my head, they filter IRC in and out.
Jacob Peddicord
Jacob Peddicord
in general, though, and of the 5 datacenters would work out fine. mine is in Fremont CA and has almost never needed a reboot.
I work for a hosting company - so I'm always covered. But I do have a few boxes at mediatemple - they're my second favorite host (second to me :P)
Jacob Peddicord
:11091 yeah, I've heard great things about them too.
AFK for a bit
@JorgeCastro: You started something :(
I cannot answer any questions for unity.. that is boring
@txwikinger I just need help with links and helping people understand SE and I can handle the content bits for now.
@JorgeCastro: Just teasing you..
thanks for participating in my sessions!
Anyway.. everybody will change over to Kubuntu because of Unity :p
2 hours later…
Hey @garbagecollector!
hey folks
whats up@MarcoCeppi
i finally got the server setup and everything
not much happening here right now
people are being useful or w/e :D
2 hours later…
Yes! SE put Ask Ubuntu in our titles. That should definitely help our branding and googleability :)
I doubt it will help either, but it is nicer :)
Hi room!
New Worlders are obviously sleeping. Where are those grom the old one?
1 hour later…
@DoR Its nice to be missed :) I was very tired yesterday. I shopped for a boot suitable for winter, so I can reboot everyday this season :)
@GeorgeEdison I placed StackAd on my blog. Its very nice; thank you. I'll read some more on how this ad system works.
@fluteflute Hi dear friend!
:11120 Hello :)
How are you doing?
Good thanks :)
Just discovering playing epic classical music in the background of UDS videos, makes them feel very exciting...
:11124 :)
I din't watch an example yet, are you playing those music on the background yourself or do they come so?
In fact, I have to find Mark's keynote video.
No I was playing it in the background
It doesn't work very well though, I can't hear what's actually being said...
Or text would be if there's such a thing.
:11130 Thanks for the link.
@fluteflute Do you know why we see the files of some flash videos in /temp and not for some other? (for archiving purposes, I use them.) (If you think thar this can be a question for askubuntu, don't answer, I'll ask on parent site.)
:11133 Nope. Go for asking on the main site :)
:11134 Is it meaningful?
it's tmp not temp though :)
I mean, is the question meaningful for askubuntu.
Actually take a look at omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/09/…
Look in ~/.mozilla/firefox/userprofile/cache
Thanks. In fact, the title of the first link seems to be not valid: Flash videos no longer saved in /tmp directory Not no longer but for some of them I think; I can have them for Youtube videos.
Anyway, thank you for help. In your opinion should we ask such things on askubuntu ? Your personal opinion?
As far as I'm concerned it is Ubuntu related, so why not :)
Hmm, OK.
@fluteflute What about for the questions that we can find answers if we search the Web some. That flash video and /temp problem seems one of them. In fact many questions are in this category.
:11145 My take on the matter is: Google it first. If you can find the answer yourself, don't ask it on here. But if you can't find the answer, for whatever reason, go for it.
:11146 Makes sense.
:11136 Sure it is /tmp:) I think, when writing there was the word temporary in my mind and I abbreviated/renamed it as temp by myself :)
:11148 hehe :D temp is the normal abbreviation I'd say... but the unix gods decided on tmp...
:11149 Yes and tmp is yet a proper noun; proper nouns can not be questioned that way! :)
Hmmm. Is /temp a proper noun? Maybe not, but maybe yes. This is another question. :)
Hmm there's Unity questions everywhere!
:11139 Yes, this works; Mark's video appears there while its being watched. Yet I don't know why some flash videos (e.g. YouTube ones) appear in /tmp and some not (e.g. Mark's video linked by you). Flash has its own way of doing things.
:11153 @JorgeCastro launched a campaing for these questions; he asked from his blog for such questions.
Jorge is definitely a prominent community figure!
Q: What should I look for, or avoid, in a laptop that will run Ubuntu?

user4888Instead of asking the question, "What laptop make/model is good to use with Ubuntu?", I was wondering if focusing on the characteristics of a laptop would be helpful. Things I am wondering about are along the lines of: ATI vs nVidea vs "it doesn't matter" wireless specs to look for or avoid di...

That question gives me bad omens...
I'm sure we've had similar questions before.
and just pointed to zareason/system76/dell or the certified hardware
this should probably be closed as a duplicate
trying to find those questions...
Q: Which computers are guaranteed to work?

David SiegelBefore I buy my next laptop, I'd like to make sure that it will work perfectly with Ubuntu. Is there a list of completely supported computers anywhere?

Yeah I just saw that one
Not quite a duplicate though
maybe we should just link the questions
Yeah good idea
This question consists of about five seperate questions: (argh!)
I tend to close these sorts of question as too broad
and suggest they split it up into different questions
I voted for close
Can I leave it to you to make that suggestion?
Yes I'm writing it now
@fluteflute @dv3500ea nail's in the coffin
Is it just me - or would Mark Shuttleworth make a great pirate.
I don't understand what you mean by nails in the coffin
Good morning!
woo, good participation on the unity questions!
Loads of unity questions!
:11181 The question you all mentioned was closed
:11180 Spacepirate?
I was just going to say Pirate - but being Shuttleworth and all I'm sure he would also make a superb space pirate
Or a Jedi - not sure which yet.
:11187 You know he's been to space?
@fluteflute No way! Now I'm just flat jealous.
according to wikipedia he is the "second self-funded space tourist"
I'm definitely not jealous!
Well, jealous of having the money to go into space but not actually the going into space.
Far too scary
I would have been satisfied with starting and funding Canonical and Ubuntu - but I guess sky's truly are not the limit anymore
He actually went into space before Ubuntu.
Oh, well then I would have been satisfied with just going to space. Guess the Internet is no longer the limit anymore
:11197 yes, in 2002, otherwise he would have an Ubuntu logo on what he weared, I suppose.
Gobby just kicked me out :-o
It's back up :)
Well.. Virgin Spacelines will allow it soon a little cheaper I would guess
Q: Ask Ubuntu session at the Ubuntu Developer Summit

hhlpOn Friday will be a session where Mr Robert from SE will talk about Ask Ubuntu called How to integrate with Ask Ubuntu , you can connect and chat directly and your questions will be answered, and visit the following links here and here It will be at 16:15 EDT. You can participate remotely using...

friendly reminder!
If it wasn't for my desktop clock I would have no idea what today is
me either
I am really liking the updates in 10.10 - Really excited about 11.04 now! :P
Software center looks great, new themes, and integration of everything
I just installed 10.10 yesterday. It's great. Feels more like an LTS than Lucid.
I completely agree!
I especially like the orange buttons to show defaults. Makes it easier to use.
All the subtle changes really make it more usable and aesthetically pleasing
In Maverick, the effect when you click on say "Places" in the panel,. Am I the only one who's not a fan of it?
There's an effect?
Effect is the wrong word
How you get the curvy corners around it
Oh! I love the tabbed effect - but that's all theme driven
That's a better way of describing it
I've always loved the default ubuntu themes
but that one effect in the theme I don't :D
ah well, I live with it :)
I love synergy.
@JorgeCastro liking the "verbal confirmation" :D
Almost had a heart attack when the Ubuntu UK Podcast mentioned my name...
@fluteflute Did they really?
:11226 Yeah they're talking about my bug about the Launchpad trademark
Nice! :D
I did win one of their competitions once, got £20 to spend in the Canonical store, discovering that they are horifically slow at posting anything... (well were a few years ago)
Wow Aptana 3 looks brilliant!
@fluteflute feel free to just directly edit my posts with better urls, I could use the help!
:11231 Okay :)
:11231 Looks like they've actually mis retold what you said
:11231 No forget that, I misread what you said :P
They say a PPA wil be available for Lucid users
:11237 If you read it carefully they're comparing to what happened in the the Maverick testing cycle
it's not clear though
ok I will ask
and clarify
@fluteflute About that gobby application. I don't think that I'll attempt to edit any document, but to see what it is, I installed it. Tried to join gobby.ubuntu.com (port 6522) but it says "host is not found". Anything I can do? Or should I use that tool at all?
:11243 I think you need to be on Maverick, and have Gobby 0.5, not 0.4 installed
okay it does work in other ubuntu versions
:11244 I'm on Maverick at the moment.
but you need the gobby-0.5 package
just gobby or gobby 0.4 isn't allowed
:11247 OK. let me have a look.
Hi @Ken
Ken Simon
Listening to the PC Pro podcast (major UK computing magazine's podcast)
and they're saying Microsoft needs to come up with a "proper netbook interface"
or move to Ubuntu
it's great :D
apprently Ubuntu gets the interface right
apparently we can become as successful as the iPad :)
:11254 That's great. Are those guys mainly GNU/Linux users? They are not, I suppose.
I think you should probably cite the parts where you say the facts
:11258 Not at all. Windows for the most part. They are very sensible though with these things.
:11260 Thanks, I'd agree I think.
:11261 That's even better when traditional Windowsers say this.
:11259 do you think wikipedia is a good enough source :P
I would say yes - but you could just use the sources from Wikipedia (which should be there)
Ken Simon
wikipedia's no worse than most places on the internet
" It will be the first version of the OS not to ship with the Gnome shell as the default UI."
haha (edit: actually that article does make sense, it doesn't refer to the 'new' GNOME SHell at all)
Mm, nothing like fresh sushi for lunch
I'm trying to get people the facts the best I can, so I kind of need as much help as you can give me to help me provide concrete facts from developers instead of piling on to the rumor mill
but we're already helping clear the mess
@JorgeCastro Key is to be the "Authoritative" source for questions and answers
I can only type so fast!
I wish we were allowed <small> tags in markdown
:11275 No, no I agree - this site should definitely help clear the mess :)
RAOF is sitting down helping too (he's around me), so upvotes there would be appreciated
:11278 lets not incur the wrath of the mult-up/down-whatever-its-called script though
Serial up/down vote and the threshold is set pretty high for that
I think it's 8 in a row from one user to another.
:11280 Ah good :)
ah if it's in a row you've just told us how to cheat it ;)
Did nothing of the sort! :P
Maybe it's actually 7, and you're gonna throw us all off
Could be three ;D
damn :(
@JorgeCastro I'm not sure but the page on Remote Participation may be a little bit old or there may be some king of a bug: I couldn't install Gobby via the apturl link supplied there, and I installed Gobby from the repos manually, and 0.4 was not enough for the task, we need 0.5 (this isn't mentioned on the page) and there seems no need for any port (6522) adjustment on 0.5 as to my experience, but I'm not sure.
No, I actually think it's 8 in a row. However mods have tools which track "Suspicious Up/Down vote patterns" so even then we can see who is trying to game the system
:11290 Ah that's good :)
They've really thought of just about everything
I'll try to fix the page when I get a chance @marenostrum
:11293 Oh, OK. Not a big deal maybe. Just for your info.
:11294 probably a bit late as UDS finishes tomorrow :P but good call anyhow
:11295 Yes, unfotunately late for this one. I think only a novice like me could discover this because I followed the way for novices. UDS participants mostly don't prefer to do so , most probably.
:11296 Yeah but for the million UDSs that will follow... :)
:11297 Yes. :)
Looks like Firefox 4 is delayed - what a surprise! :)
:11299 Compared to Chrome's six week release schedule...
In fact I just noticed Chrome is copying Ubuntu's release schedule
Except six weeks not months :P
I think Chrome is being developed under a more Agile PM structure (Just from my review of how they release/what they release)
so smaller faster releases
What's great is that each "micro" release gives more transparency to the release future of the platform and provides better feedback on the direction
I definitely think it's good for Chrome
And Ubuntu makes it work too (though all the testing, etc - I sometimes wonder if longer would be good)
I think Agile is an acceptable PM structure for OpenSource software (even though Chrome isn't exactly open source)
I now realise Ubuntu copied GNOME's release schedule..
Ah I'm slow today
Kind of makes sense :)
I can't wait (And really hope) this chat protocol can be wrapped into Empathy
:11312 Pidgin please...
Well they both share libtelepathy so I'm sure it'll be easy to port from one to the other...
Yay :)
IIRC I was able to get Office Communicator 2007 protocol to work in Empathy by installing the pigin-specific packages
Nice :)
Hopefully SE will implement something, rather than leave us all wanting
I guess the most likely is they use XMPP or Jabber or IRC - e.g. something that will be already supported in empathy and pidgin
I think the SE team was leaning towards XMPP - though that's about 99% speculation on my part based on how much they detest IRC
IRC has never been my favourite
Grabbed one too many messages from this room :P
does it automatically invite me because you moved the message?
:11341 I believe so
nice :)
well sort of nice
Moving messages is like saying "Oh hai this probably belongs in this room, and odds are you didn't know about this room yet - that's cool we'll just invite you :)"
:11344 In your case that was simply user error - something along the lines of ID-10-T error
yeah :)
Hi all,
Someone should make a community wiki with all the info about Unity, don't you think?
eh, I think the topic is too broad to have a definitive community wiki
@MarcoCeppi These for example could be in the same basket imo:
Q: What is 'Ubuntu Unity' (for the Desktop)?

MartinOk, so there's the buzz of Canonical (wanting to) switch for new Ubuntu version from the GNOME default desktop to their own Unity shell. (I hope that's accurate.) It seems I can not totally fathom what Unity actually is. For looking at its homepage it currently is firmly targeted at netbooks and...

Q: Under which licence is Unity available? Is it protected by any copyright or patents?

dorfbewohnerI mean under which license is the source code available? I'm not sure if Unity is free software

Q: Will Ubuntu 11.10 feature GNOME Shell?

Dan Possible Duplicate: will the unity interface be only for 11.04? Will 11.10 feature GNOME 3 / GNOME Shell or will it feature Unity forever?

Q: Will there be possibility in Unity to change default file manager?

DiviusOne nasty limitation of upstream gnome is that Nautilus usage is hardcoded in, for example, in Gnome Panel. That causes Nautilus Elementary to replace nautilus package and nautilus executable instead of creating separate project. This also prevents users from using alternative file managers such ...

Q: Are there mockups for the desktop-oriented Unity?

BouThe Launchpad page for the desktop-oriented version of Unity lists the following features separating it from the netbook version: A floating Unity Dash that can be moved to all edges of the screen Floating, overlapping windows with their title bars and controls on them, not on the top panel The...

:11351 So each of those be a community wiki?
Q: When will compiz-based version Unity be available for testing?

BouI've read in another question that Canonical has already ported Unity to Compiz, and that this new version has much better performance on supported hardware. Since the work is done, is there an expected date for Natty testers to get it?

Q: Will unity performance improve in natty or remain slow?

IgnacioThere are some apps developed by canonical that are way too slow. This are USC and Unity. Unity in 10.10 is insanely slow (compared to GNOME which isn't actually a very fast DE) and totally unusable for a netbook (i'ts funny because its targeted for netbooks usage) Will this get as good as GNOME...

Q: Will Unity improve in 10.10, or do we have to wait till 11.04?

rifferteI am currently running Unity on my Dell Mini 9 netbook. I like the interface, but it seems a bit less "baked" than the previous NBR shell. For instance, performance is not great, it tends to be buggy, and it is overly difficult to manage the toolbar. With the realization that Unity will become ...

Q: Will there be a difference between Unity "Desktop" and Unity "Netbook" interface?

bashWhat has me slightly confused from all the different reports about Unity becoming the default shell in the 11.04 desktop edition: Some claim and this is how most people seem to see it, that what currently is the UNE interface will be taken 1:1 (including any changes made during the Natty cycle)...

Okay! - there is no need to link every unity question in there :P
Q: Will Unity be more customizable?

yo2boyWill unity be more customizable and easier to use in later Ubuntu releases? More features?

All of those are valid questions with valid answers. Making one giant community wiki wouldn't help much of anyone because it would be harder to pick up dupe detection, etc
:11362 @MarcoCeppi There are many more like "Will Unity blah blah blah :0
@MarcoCeppi A FAQ perhaps, if possible.
Tag wiki sounds like the place for this...
@fluteflute Indeed.
Is there a place where we can see site statistics, like how many questions have accepted answers?
:11373 Thanks
:11293 The html code needs a small edit, I believe. What I see: href="apturl:gobby" Here it says it should be in this form: <a href="apt:package">click</a> The same bug is valid for Miro's apturl link on the same page.
:11376 :)
@marenostrum please email these instructions to [email protected]
she can fix the page right away
:11380 I'm doing riht now.
thank you!
00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 23:00

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