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00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

:10409 Yes. How is the temperature at your other home there? Warmer? Any heating at the moment?
@marenostrum I love wine in normal conditions, but they opened a bottle in every meal and a buddy told me it was impolite to stop drinking until the bottle was empty. The bottles were huge.
nah.... it is 51.5F
@lovinglinux a bottle of wine will be enough for 4 glasses in my experince... those must be huge glasses...
or I am a drunk
:10411 I should visit there soon. A heaven for me! :)
@TheX I don't know the exact word in English :) It was wine produced by them. Big jars :)
like a jug?
:10413 There are some such bottles bigger than the standard ones.
or are my glasses bigger then the standard ones??? :P
@TheX Something like that :)
you ever install mac OSX on a PC?
That talk make me thirsty. I'm going to have a glass of raki. Turkish national drink, lets say.
@TheX Anyways, I was a heavy drinker in my twenties and early thirties, but trust me...they drink a lot :)
Actually never drink... maybe once a month or so... just a glass of beer...
if that
@TheX I used to live in town were drinking was the favorite sport :)
Yeah... my stepfather could probably have gone pro
@TheX ..and my grandparents were Germans :)
@TheX deadly combination :)
my step father was a native american from Kentucky... pretty sure that qualifies him alone
I have to go. Cya tomorrow.
:10431 Bye. See you.
:10430 I'm searching the Net to find about some info on Kentucians and their habits. :)
Moonshine (also called white lightning, mountain dew, hooch, and many other names) is an illegally produced distilled beverage. The word is believed to derive from early English smugglers and illegal Appalachian distillers who clandestinely (i.e., by the light of the moon) produced and distributed whiskey. Production Moonshine is any distilled spirit made in an unlicensed still. As with all distilled spirits, yeast ferments a sugar source to produce ethanol, then the alcohol is extracted through distillation using a still. Because of its illegal nature, moonshine is rarely aged in b...
Kentucians invented it.
Pablo Fernandez
hello ubuntu people!
:10436 I'm an ameteur moonshiner as well. That would be nice if I had the chance to learn some tips and tricks from your step father.
:10438 Hi!
Pablo Fernandez
hey guys.. quick question
lol I don't think he was a moonshiner... just a drunk
Pablo Fernandez
I was looking for a source to learn ubuntu
Pablo Fernandez
but not the "pidgin tutorial" kind of thing
Pablo Fernandez
more like the internals
Pablo Fernandez
like the directory structure of /usr/, /etc/, /var/, etc
Pablo Fernandez
and some things like cron or other stuff
Pablo Fernandez
any idea where to start?
Pablo Fernandez
(I'm aware that's not specifically ubuntu, but linux in general)
@PabloFernandez I have a book just for you I think
*free book that is
Let me see if I can't find it
Pablo Fernandez
@TheX that would be an epic win
Pablo Fernandez
:10448 A very broad and quick answer might be: ubuntuforums.org but I'm not sure what kind of a source you are looking for.
try that
stupid computer
Pablo Fernandez
Pablo Fernandez
what happened?
@PabloFernandez nothing I got it sorted out
:10449 And when you add "Linux in general" , it becomes to be really very very broad. But for Ubuntu specific questions you may try main site askubuntu.com We would be happy to try to answer.
@PabloFernandez sorry I just realized you asked about Linux in general and I pointed you to a book for Ubuntu, my bad.
@PabloFernandez And please have a look at linux.org Left side menu tells alot.
:10465 No first he began as Ubuntu and later added as "Linux in general."
be back in a few
@PabloFernandez A page of the site I mentioned above, Free online Linux books: linux.org/docs/online_books.html
@PabloFernandez I try to point a starting point. There are thıusands of books, sources etc., for sure.
@PabloFernandez This is also a good place to see: tldp.org
@TheX Welcome back!
Well, StackApplet now tracks questions you've asked and notifies you of new answers to them.
@GeorgeEdison sweet
* well, actually it only tracks the last 50 questions you asked :)
We'll see how it works over the next few days.
:10476 So should we uninstall it and install the new version?
Are you using the version in the StackApplet-dev PPA?
where can we get the download, thought I had it bookmarked but I guess I don't
Most probably. I forgot which way I installed it.
Install it from there and you will automatically get all the latest updates.
It's set to build from source every day.
:10481 I am not sure how I installed. Anyway. I'll install again. Which way do you advice for future updates?
what is the code to add a ppa again?
I can never remember
@TheX: ppa:stackapplet-dev/stackapplet
But I can't quite remember the command either :P
ppa. yes I'll follow ppa way.
:10491 Evey time I look at Launchpad for that command! :)
Me too :P
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:stackapplet-dev/stackapplet
New light theme too
You can thank @Marco for that addition.
Nah... I am not going to use it... Just happened to notice it :P
@GeorgeEdison do you know what programing language this is written in?
@GeorgeEdison I asked the join the team. I can be an official feature tester or something
@TheX: It's written in Python.
@GeorgeEdison cool
@TheX: I added you to the team.
Sweet, this is the first development team I have ever joined
Welcome! You'll be able to deal with bug reports, commit code changes, and all kinds of fun things.
Have you worked with Python before?
I have a bit... but it has been a long while
probably a year or two...
I am like a hooker, I get bored with one language and then move to another... lol
except I don't sleep with men
@TheX: I do a lot of work with many different languages... so I have a 'general' idea of how a lot of them work. That's how it is for me with Python.
(Yup, this is actually my first real Python application!)
That is cool
Maybe this will give me reason to stick with one...
What I'm trying to say is... I'm new to Python myself. (Though I did extensive work with it once before when I was embedding the Python interpreter in a C++ application.)
@GeorgeEdison In your opinion why doesn't it show up among GNOME applets so I can't add it?
from Synaptic it seems to be installed.
@maren: With 1.4, it is now an AppIndicator.
I restarted x.
Go to Applications->Accessories->StackApplet to start it.
I am trying to import an openpgp key so i can sign the ubuntu code of contact
but I can't get it to work
:10524 OK. Its OK.
@GeorgeEdison No one besides you can actually commit code to the main branch, you have to change the owner for the branch to stackapplet devs for that to happen.
Nevermind I missed a step
Just because I can write instructions for a computer to follow, it doesn't mean I can follow instructions that a computer gives me :P
@GeorgeEdison Thank you very much for this nice applet. Long live StackApplet, long live @GeorgeEdison ! :)
hmm where did the lid for my flash drive go?
How would we know?
Good question
@TheX: buy one without a lid next time ;)
Um... I didn't buy it, work did...
@GeorgeEdison I've just began translating it to Turkish. I think I'll finish soon.
Turkey Turkey :P
okay that was lame
found my lid
:10542 lame ? lid ? :)
my joke about the trukey's was lame, and I couldn't find the lid for my flash drive
What does that "tools" stand for in translation? Are there any "tools" word in actual StackApplet?
:10544 :)
do you mean what is the definition of tools?
@maren: Great! Tools is like 'tools for construction.'
Hope that helps.
:10548 Thanks
:10547 No. :)
:10549 No I didn't mean that as well. What I ask is, where do we see the word "tools" in original applet.
Anyway I'll see one day there's just one possible translation for tools.
I am confused...
@maren: It's on the menu itself right before 'Refresh.'
:10554 Now that's something related with translation via Launchpad. There's a string as tools . In fact it is very clear how to translate it to Turkish. But I wanted to learn where is it in original application.
I see... I think
:10556 Now I see. Its not active for me now so its hard to see. I don't know why it is not act
ive. Anyway. Lets go on translation.
Hmm. Hard part: What should I use for reputation in Turkish; its tricky. OK, I find a solution.
@maren: It's not active because it's just a label. It stands out that way.
@maren: for reputation... hmmm.... is there a word for "character value" in Turkish?
:10562 I din't understand anything but it is OK.:)
@maren: According to Google: itibar (for reputation)
:10563 There are many words bur this is a very special case. Anyway, I'll do something and our friends will check also.
:10565 That was the one I am thinking about but it is a little bit old word. Anyway. Lets do so at the moment.
:10565 Your Turkish is good. :)
@maren: I don't know Turkish at all - I just pulled that from Google :)
:10569 I know. :)
:10569 What will stand for message in You have {message} {amount} reputation. Can you give an example sentence?
hmm I can't decrypt the email from launch pad
@maren: Nothing. That's part of Python, and does not show up when the application is run.
Just leave it as {message}.
:10573 OK
bah, sstatic.net was down for me
You guys hear about Desktop Unity yet?
I guess god, just announced today that they will be modifying Unity, to make a desktop version for the next Ubuntu, instead of using gnome-shell
@GeorgeEdison Legacy config file detected, converting... What kind of a thing will appear after this. Nothing?
What do you mean by after?
The statement stands alone, if that's what you're asking.
How do i download the source?
:10582 OK.
Oh I see
Mike Axiak
Mike Axiak
my pulseaudio just broke, and I was wondering if I could get a hand in debugging it
Mike Axiak
I'm on 10.10, and up until recently (I believe 2 days ago), my audio worked fine. Today I booted up, and there is no hardware device listed in pulseaudio. Alsamixer lists a device and I can modify the alsa mixer just fine.
Mike Axiak
There was only ever one device, so I don't think the one I was using is broken
Did you recently update your kernel?
Mike Axiak
I believe so
Try booting the old kernel then.
Mike Axiak
I could try rebooting into the old kernel. Odd thing is that alsa only ever reported one device, and that's still working
Mike Axiak
@GeorgeEdison Turkish translation is done. It shows 98 % but that 2 % is just a string of copyright things. I'll copy paste it later. Means, Turkish translation is 100 %.
@GeorgeEdison I'll make fine tunings later, when needed. I'll personally look after the translation of this package.
@maren: Thanks so much!
Mind if I list you as a translator in the About dialog?
:10599 Thank you for this great application. What I do is minor.
But can I mention you? :)
:10600 What can I say? Lauchpad translation provides more than enoygh reference. You may do as you prefer. Thanks for asking.
Mike Axiak
@George, No luck.
Mike Axiak
rebooted to old kernel, sound device is showing up in alsamixer and so on, but not displayed in pavucontrol or any pulseaudio config that i can see
@MikeAxiak Mike I liked your way of licensing on your info very much. My blog is CC0 as well. There's a footer here regarding the licence but if its usefull to express such an additional remark, I'll do so as well.
Mike Axiak
@marenostrum yeah. I noticed someone say that they're code was public domain, and I decided that was a good idea. but we all know that CC0 is better than just a pronouncement of public domain for countries like france :)
:10607 OK. Thanks. I'll take care of mine tomorrow.
Mike Axiak
heh, their*
:10609 :) That's OK. I'm not a native English speaker and don't even recognize such things. :)
@MikeAxiak Bug report: Your mother's new book reports site can not be reached at the moment. Are you the one in charge of such things in family?
Mike Axiak
Mike Axiak
yes, I need to fix the dns
:10613 :)
Mike Axiak
k, dns updated, but it could take an hour to propagate ;)
Mike Axiak
it's funny that my last.fm tracks are still being streamed to that site :P
Mike Axiak
but i can't listen to them :(
:10615 We'll see.
:10617 We'll see it as well.
Mike Axiak
Mike Axiak
for future reference, found the problem. pulseaudio claimed the sound card was busy, which it was -- i installed randomsound a few days ago, which starts arecord when the computer boots
@GeorgeEdison Above when I was saying "Lauchpad translation provides more than enoygh reference." (And thete's atypo, y=u) I mean that, Launchpad translations in some way referes to the translators. When I read the sentence again I realized that it can be understood in a very different way. Very sorry if it sounds rude, and I know that it sounds rude. (I understand and translate from English very good but writing, especially writing fast is something else.)
Hey I got the first tag badge! meta.askubuntu.com/badges?tab=tags
:10623 You are too lazy on Meta. Just 1 badge for a person like you. Its a shame. Anyway 1 > 0 . Improve yourself. :)
:10623 And for sure: Congrats! :)
It's not my first meta badge - but "Tag" badge. You get them for upvotes in tags. This one was for the discussion tag :P
@MarcoCeppi Were you here for the last hours? I couldn't get used to your new gravatar.
I just popped in - I've been away for about 3 horus
:10626 We expect gold from you.
All in due time :P
@Marco: There's some new stuff in StackApplet... again... :)
You get notifications about answers now.
I'll have to add the PPA :D
...and it was translated to Turkish.
:10631 Completely new!
...and it's being ported to Windows now.
@marenostrum I might change it back. Got tired of looking at myself :P
I've ported enough of AppIndicators to make it work.
:10634 A funny note: On Launchpad translations, our young Turkish friends feel themselves in a kind of competition with Spanish friends. Spaniards are really good in translating and they beat Turks. But this time Turkish translation is finished earlier!
:10642 But I'm sure -with the help of this chat room itself- this application will be translated to many languages 100 % soon.
There are Spaniards, Brezilians [Portugese], Russians... around. Right?
We need some French and German maybe.
Oh, there was a German chatting here.
:10638 Don't do it yourself. Please! :)
@lovinglinux Note: I've just realized that there's a search engine for FF for Ask Ubuntu! Do we have it on meta's relevant question? Lets check who created it.
Why can't I find it on mycroft.mozdev.org/search-engines.html ?
@Jeremy: okay like this:
A: Booting ubuntu desktop into command prompt

JanCYou can edit the kernel parameters in grub to add text as a boot parameter. To do that temporarily (just for the current boot), you can edit the boot menu entry by pressing e (if you don't want the default boot menu entry, first select the one you want). If you don't see the boot menu, you can ...

#JanC Awesome, it's just really hard for a newbie to figure out those steps, I remember it was quite daunting the first time I did it :)
well, somebody running a server and wanting to use the command line isn't a newbie anymore, but of course other people read it too
Q: Cannot connect to google talk using empathy/pidgin after upgrading

JCLI can't seem to be able to connect to google talk using either pidgin or empathy after upgrading to Ubuntu 10.10 (fresh install). I do not know why... empathy just writes "Connecting ..." forever and never connects. What can I do from there? Google talk's web interface works just fine for me s...

that's a really weird question - for a bug to affect pidgin and empathy seems a bit strange
@fluteflute: Empathy uses libpurple for some protocols, although I don't think for GTalk (at least not by default)
but I seem to remember another question here or on a forum or something, where somebody complained he/she had to go offline & online again to get GTalk to work
in 10.10
2 hours later…
:10648 I don't understand why they still promote search engine add-ons, when you can get all the search engines you need by using Add to search Bar extension in Firefox. Opera has this functionality built-in and Chrome detects new sites automatically, that can be added through the search engine manager. Personally, I completely ignore all search engines add-ons.
:10661 I've just seen what you wrote but I should leave now, so I'll read tis message later and reply. See you!
:10662 No problem.
@marenostrum See you.
anyone had any luck with Gallium on Ubuntu?
3 hours later…
I wouldn't recommend putting that on your computer.
The music annoys me so much...
I like it - very simple and upbeat. But what's even better - is they finally did it.
Hopefully they'll keep doing them :)
Gaurav Butola
Hello @GauravButola!
Gaurav Butola
I have a question... need quick answer so asking here. any alternative to cheese?
@GauravButola I've changed your question a bit to make it fit a little better in the site.
I don't actually have an answer though - I've always just used Cheese
@MarcoCeppi: though that led to an answer which is explicitly not what he wants :)
yes, and it's to be expected. But cheese is likely not the only answer and this format will lead to better searching and dup detection
I'm skeptical, at best, of all "list" questions, *shrug*
They're going to exist, in ever community. Best you can do is make them as useful as possible
What is even worse is when a question says "Any alternative to THIS SOFTWARE" because when someone then asks "Any alternative to THIS OTHER SOFTWARE OF SIMILAR GENRE" it's not technically a duplicate because the software in the first question that they require an alternative to could be an answer.
I'm not saying it was a great question, but I'd have rather seen it become more specific than less
1 hour later…
Hi everyone!
hi o/
We are having an askubuntu session at UDS with robert from SE
it will be on Friday
taking notes :) to be there on friday
if someone can put this information on meta I would appreciate it
@JorgeCastro Awesome! I just got Roberts email about it earlier. Any chance that will be streamed?
I have to go to asession now but I'd love to get remote participation!
the audio will be streamed
@JorgeCastro You can count me in!
so you can type in IRC and we'll talk back to you
@MarcoCeppi txwikinger has been participating, he can answer your questions, gotta go!
@JorgeCastro See ya!
I created my first digital image ever...
see if you can guess what it is img175.imageshack.us/img175/9796/texture1.jpg
Going to guess Grass + Sky
awesome so you can see what it is :p
:10698 cool!!!
@MarcoCeppi: Hi
Hey @txwikinger
I am participating UDS remotely.. so if I can help you with anything.. ask me
I just jump into the respective room - and participate, right?
Jorge told me earlier that we had a session for askubuntu at UDS.. but he failed to mention Robert would be there :D
Yes.. You can listen to the audio stream
and you can talk to the people in the room via IRC
they have a projector with the IRC running for that room
I want it to be friday
sweet! Thanks - I look forward to joining in
if you look at the schedule
you see what room it is
Currently schedule is Bonaire1
so you need to go to the stream for bonaire1 and use amarok or whatever audio player for it
IRC channel is #ubuntu-uds-Bonaire1
yeah, I gathered that much. The instructions on the site were pretty well written
time is Friday 16:15 ET
I think this format is great btw! What a great organization of the rooms and remote participation stuff
Yeah.. they always do a good job
I was participating at UDS locally before too
So I have seen the logistic nightmare to pull that off :D
haha! I can only imagine. I only wish I still lived in FL - would have loved to attend
Now I've got to find a USB wireless adapter that works with linux and my new quad core 10 GB RAM setup will be ready
@MarcoCeppi I have a USB adapter that works well with linux
I was probably going to just go with the standard Linksys USB adapter
Yeah mine is a Belkin... something or another.. Don't remember and I am not at home staring at it...
@MarcoCeppi: Yeah.. but UDS is a lot of stress :D Even now doing it remotely is quite some stress - and without the fun of meeting all those people.
where is a good starting point to learn python?
@hhlp cool thanks
@TheX np
I really need help with something.
Q: How to pass POST data to the PHP-CGI?

George EdisonUpdate: In a fit of desperation, I did the following in a shell: REDIRECT_STATUS=true SCRIPT_FILENAME=/var/www/... REQUEST_METHOD=POST GATEWAY_INTERFACE=CGI/1.1 export REDIRECT_STATUS export SCRIPT_FILENAME export REQUEST_METHOD export GATEWAY_INTERFACE echo "test=1" | php-cgi ...and STILL no...

At the top, you can see the commands I entered into the shell... but it still doesn't work.
I'm completely perplexed.
what is the best text editor for coding on Ubuntu, for a newb like me?
@TheX: Am I allowed to recommend my own stuff?
@GeorgeEdison if it fulfills my requirements sure :P
Give PowerPad a look then.
As an added bonus, you can add features to it by writing Python scripts.
Be sure to download the DEB file.
Yeah got it :D
are you Nathan?
or George?
Which one is your real name?
okay lol
@DoR: Well, when copyrighting stuff, I'm going to use my real name.
^----- a clue
@GeorgeEdison That makes sense
00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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