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There is no logic at all in this comment
@Zacharee1 OP might ignore notifications if they have alerady accepted an answer; but, comments are almost never ignored. I want to emphasize that my answer is indeed ***THE ANSWER***. — Έρικ Κωνσταντόπουλος 1 min ago
@Zacharee1 lol
@Zacharee1 I saw him several times
@Zacharee1 I am not being a racist or anything but some people are offended at the same thing at different levels.
@jokerdino that's not racist ;p
@Anwar he's commenting the link to his answer everywhere in that Q&A
@Zacharee1 I saw him
he commented on my zanna's answer, on question, probably on my answer's too!
@Anwar I'm close to downvoting his answer because of his persistence
Hm, that was easier than I expected.
@jokerdino what, did you get flagged?
No, triggering people.
@Zacharee1 i wanted same but stopped
@jokerdino don't trigger! :)
pew pew
On the lines of i.imgur.com/qvXcwME.jpg @Zacharee1 @edwinksl
@jokerdino lol
"There is more resolution in the Middle East than in these pictures."
@edwinksl That's racist
please don't flag
@Zanna Typical Londoner
SMH mean?
shaking my head == SMH
@Zanna can't do that just yet... i am still standing on my head and pressing the shift key
I'm going to clean up above chat messages because things go whoosh over people sometimes.
..._build failed_ :(
hahahaha any result @edwinksl
@jokerdino good idea
awww :(
This chat is out of hand again...
@Zanna not yet... but i believe it will work
@AndroidDev No reason to blame our precious mods here askubuntu.com/questions/818789/…
3 messages deleted
@jokerdino shrug
@ByteCommander ouch
@edwinksl Drive-by flaggers scare me.
@jokerdino oh yeah i agree 100%
@jokerdino VROOOOOM
As we speak, Zanna is writing a strongly worded blog post about how people are racist casually on the internetz.
hahaha ^_^ sounds like you have read my actual blog
@Zacharee1 entered.
@Zanna wait what? o.O Links please
no I just write book reviews... too embarrassing
lol that's cool.
At least you write something on the blog.
I do write about racism a lot
inches away.
That was a disaster.
No, this must stop.
like I said earlier when I said that --->
I think the topic is not safe for this environment
couldn't finished reading the first one
what was that?
Don't want to repeat what he said because it is not the kind of remark that should be had here.
sorry :(
@JamesTobin I have removed your messages. Consider it your warning and please don't post similar messages in the future.
@Zanna I found your blog via Twitter.
I am at a Linux event just now... there were two people talking about RPi and I was so distracted by chat that I barely learned anything
Too many words so closing it asap.
i found some twitter post
@jokerdino needs more R graphs? :P
@Zanna AU chat provides solid entertainment :)
@Seth that would be ideal, yes.
Recently I have hardly written anything thanks to AU addiction
I'll find a post with lots of pictures for you...
@Zanna that's curable.
@Zanna :P
readies suspend-hammer.
that's good
@jokerdino ?
@Anwar which one?
@AndroidDev It's meant for someone else.
@Zanna i wish i could write like you do
@Zanna Were they talking about running Ubuntu on it? :)
@jokerdino not writing for addiction
Here's one with graphs... not the right kind though roseannastar.wordpress.com/2014/06/08/show-me-the-data
@jokerdino Oh, I get it now. To cure Zanna's addition :)
@edwinksl thanks but I'm sure you are a great writer :)
@AndroidDev yep
@jokerdino it's not a bad idea, my case is pretty severe ;)
@Zanna broken images?
@jokerdino - I'm thinking this is a borderline nuke from orbit: askubuntu.com/questions/818783/…
Oh that sucks.... let me find the same post on GR
The only graph post I did (thanks to slhck from SU) - unbrokenspectrum.wordpress.com/2014/01/08/…
@AndroidDev meh, gonna let community deal with it.
I really need to fix my theme, I hate it
@Zanna Is that you?
in photo? yes, with red hair
I meant the account but OK too.
yes it's me
@jokerdino Why wouldn't it be?
contemplating sending a f/r
@AndroidDev because it is an imaginary person
> read (862)
@Zanna heh someone misspelled your name as zannah ._.
wherezzat? comments?
yeah one of the comments
maybe it's just a pronunciation thing
I spell it out in my mind to prevent mispronunciation.
So, it's e-d-w-i-n and s-e-t-h.
these London people call me Zayna or Zahna, which is weird
@Zanna zannananananananana batman!
@Zanna miss, you are one of those.
I'm an immigrant to London, I am from the grim north
Wow! Never seen so many people in the chat room before (not that any of them seem to actually be talking though)! :D
uh yeah.. I was going to bed.
30 people now that is, 2 just seem to have left though.
@Zanna but not as north as scotland... those poor folks
I'm thinking of moving there since the GE, but it's too cold
jokerdino's blog post says we should all upvote more ^_^
upvote meee
Pass - half
nice pic .. is that your gf @Zanna
@Zanna or you could come to the US
say reside in the great state of PA where zach is
@edwinksl or MA
that is a wild place
@ZaHeeR it's my Mum - she's only 53 :)
@Zacharee1 MA is the greatest of all states on the eastern seaboard amirite
I'm girlfriendless
she left you or you left her
@ZaHeeR Hmm, is that necessary to know?
@Zanna No memory of me saying that.
let me reread it.
yeah, looks like I have indeed said so.
@jokerdino <sarcasm> naa...knowing about boring questions and comments is much more interesting </sarcasm>
@Zanna agree with him.
phew I thought I was going to get banned for misquoting a mod
@ZaHeeR Well, some things are sensitive.
@Zanna Don't think I was a mod back then.
Noo, I was a mod.
you are a mod now though, so I better not misquote you
Deleted stats are not available to non-mods.
oh you are sensitive towards my comment
@Zanna That's one more thing common b/w us! \o/
lol ^_^
our vote rate decreased i think. what does stat say?
@Anwar should be mostly true. I will pull the numbers but need R expert to make similar pretty graphs again.
fixed horrible theme of my blog slightly
@ZaHeeR some things are called private for a reason. Now I would like to drop this matter once and for all.
@Zanna I am going to pretend it improved the style.
haha no need, still very bad
I don't remember asking you anything
Anyone in here familiar with Travis CI?
@ZaHeeR It is in my capacity as a moderator to ensure an environment comfortable for all people here that I intervene. If you have a problem with that, you can move along.
@CodeX please be nice to jokerdino who is looking after me :)
@Zanna wrong person?
Same person, new username.
what i miss?
oh i see
So how did you came the com
Conclusion that environment is not comfortable
Is ZaHeer == CodeX?
To the*
Yes Anwar
Hard to type on mobile
Is there any way to find out people's previous usernames?
only to mods
i think
no. only mod can see i think
mods/self have a "recent usernames" thingy
Or maybe archive.org. But that would be quite much effort.
or if you remember profile page
So, asking again - anybody familiar with travis ci build matrices?
I'm not
@ByteCommander I cannot tell a lie.... I am not familiar with Travis CI. Sorry.
@ByteCommander might I ask why you're asking?
@ByteCommander nathan uses travis-ci for nitroshare builds as far as i recall
@ZaHeeR Because it was an unwarranted question posed awkwardly?
@ThomasWard I think I need to compose a build matrix to lock a pip package to a lower version for a specific python version.
says who
Probably I'll have to sort it out by trial and error.
sez the mod
@ZaHeeR I say so.
oh yeah ?! and I say earth is square
Don't push it, @ZaHeeR
lets put this another way
joker's one mod.
i'm the second.
two mods are in agreement here
so, lets keep that in mind going forward.
you are just a mod dude not God
well, that happened.
nice one, I assume @ThomasWard?
@ZaHeeR only one letter difference...
Maybe Zanna voices her opinion?
he got kicked
Oh, kick-banned?
Back again...
Uh :( I leave to room for five minutes and
Apologies if I failed to back you up @jokerdino I am really grateful for the intervention
there we are
Zanna's opinion, argument solved
hums lightly as he has five windows open over four computer screens
@ThomasWard oh yeah? I have 8.. on ONE
you can fit a windows on an IP phone now, too.
@Zacharee1 this was 24 windows over four screens.
i've closed a bunch :P
brb afk, have to knock a squirrel out of the tree. again.
@ThomasWard pshh
It's not just about me though, right? I mean regardless of how I feel about it, the modness was righteous
@ThomasWard grumbles lightly as he has 13 browser tabs, an IDE, a terminal, an email client, a webradio player and some more windows open over one single notebook screen...
I'm strace-ing a python execution
Thank Linus for workspaces.
compiling nginx for all archs
email, this web browser
Netflix in another window
Nagios monitoring in another...
... the emergency kill switch for one of my switiches on another...
Nagios was your pentesting thing, right?
nagios is monitoring
nessus is vuln. scanner. metasploit is the attacker.
Then what I mean was Nessus?
Or anything that at least roughly sounds similar?
probably Nessus
Ugh, crappy wifi delay...
@Zanna Well it's best to be on the safe side, but it's possible that you just wouldn't care
@ByteCommander search chat, previous messages will have the old names
For me it's the principle...
Ugh I really need to fix my phone, email borked completely
k back :D
Elevated from SNAFU to TARFUN
Can anybody give me advice whether it's worth to support Python 3.2?
@ByteCommander not entirely sure what you mean by that?
@edwinksl Nope, I use Jenkins and a CI build farm that I maintain for NitroShare.
nice :D
@ThomasWard I have a Python project that has Travis CI tests passing on Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.5-dev and nightly, but they fail on 3.2 because the pytest package is incomatible in its latest version.
I would drop 3.2 support.
Now I wonder whether it's worth the effort to restructure all the imports and try making a build matrix to let Python 3.2 use its own downgraded version of pytest, or whether I just set that version on the ignore list.
@ByteCommander 3.2 is end of life iirc
i agree with Nathan here.
I found no EOL notice.
3.2 Lifespan
3.2 will receive bugfix updates approximately every 4-6 months for approximately 18 months. After the release of 3.3.0 final (see PEP 398 ), a final 3.2 bugfix update will be released. After that, security updates (source only) will be released until 5 years after the release of 3.2 final, which will be February 2016.
suggests Feb. 2016 is lifespan end?
oop nevermind i can't read
I would still drop 3.2
I know of nobody still using 3.2 anyway.
or fix the issue you observe, but if the module is incompatible then you may just have to drop support
3.2 is still available without EOL notice: python.org/download/releases/3.2.5
37 secs ago, by Thomas Ward
oop nevermind i can't read
Granted, Precise (12.04) is still on 3.2...
But if you're still using Precise...
...you may have other problems.
The project itself would probably work, just the latest pytest version is incompatible.
I'll leave the CI builds for 3.2 active, but let it ignore errors on that version. Maybe I'll try to fix it later.
Well, it all boils down to what kind of support you need to provide. At some point I had to just say "nothing I write from now on will run on IE <9" since that really makes things simpler.
I don't "need" to provide anything. I just enabled all versions Travis CI can test against and tried whether I could tweak my code to run on all of them.
Probably 2.7, 3.4 and 3.5 would be enough for most use cases.
Aha phone fully fixed, just had to re-flash Xposed :)
@edwinksl answered :P
@Anwar cats these days...
Popular question !
people like reading these questions
omg GPU
stop crashing pls
Q: Why am I banned?

Mark FoleyI am apparently banned from answering question because I have "contributed many low-quality answers". In fact, I have contributed NO answers that I know of and the 6 questions I have asked over the past year have ZERO answers. So, why am I banned? Not sure where else to post this message.

^cv to move to meta please
just did
@Serg @jokerdino @KazWolfe @Zanna -- it was my host doing it. Which means I could have opened image magick on the host, not the Vm -- things get confusing when both systems have xubuntu...
@edwinksl done
Q: libglui related query

rathod dineshi am trying to run a executable box 2d game machine file , i am getting the following error : while loading shared libraries: libglui.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory. Can anyone please tell how to resolve this issue ?

yep saw your post earlier @onebree ... maybe @edwinksl can stop tapping the shift key
@Zanna but can i stop standing on my head?
has your vision inverted yet?
i think so. i like this inverted version of the world better
hehe @edwinksl has been upgraded
:D :D
god squirrels are annoying
someone nibbling your kernels?
Q: Prompt: Line is deleted by switching through commands

UuserI tried to change my prompt to my own preferences, but when I'm switching through the commands I recently entered (with key-arrows), sometimes the whole line with the prompt is deleted only some chars of the prompt with the chars of the command I recently entered remain: Expected Output: bucky ...

@Zanna lemons, chicken eggs, and threatening baby chickens
Q: Why am I banned?

Mark FoleyI am apparently banned from answering question because I have "contributed many low-quality answers". In fact, I have contributed NO answers that I know of and the 6 questions I have asked over the past year have ZERO answers. So, why am I banned? Not sure where else to post this message.

@AskUbuntuMeta Blurgh.
This is such an appropriate song and band for the end credits of The Matrix:
@ParanoidPanda Again, GEMA interferes with my YouTube watching... Time for my Dutch VPN server!
waits for the "Sorry, we still know it's you, VPN blocked" messages
Oh my is this VPN slow tonight...
But loading the site through VPN and then switching back to normal connection seems to work, the GEMA check seems to be only performed when the page loads.
Q: GL/glui.h missing

rathod dineshi am trying to run box 2d game engine on ubuntu 16.04 mate. i am getting compilation error as following : $ make Setting up compilation... Compiling: callbacks.cpp [ERRORS] src/callbacks.cpp:12:21: fatal error: GL/glui.h: No such file or directory compilation te...

@Zanna for that ps1 question in U&L, i like how OP's hostname is 1337Hax0r
with a broken PS1 of course
heh was it you upvoting me
it is way more useful than that accepted one-liner
^_^ thanks
I didn't even notice the hilarious hostname
I'm now giggling to myself
nice to get a few points over there ^_^
oh OP accepted yours now
good stuff
@UbuntuQuestionsonU&L Another one???
oh wow you saw before me!
wow now I have... 209 haha
you could be the next gilles :P
just give me like 30 years
well that suggested edit needed a lot of "improving" : / askubuntu.com/posts/818823/revisions
@SmokeDetector false positive
@SmokeDetector dumdum
^--- @Zacharee1
'least it wasn't ubuttnu :p
Q: Retrieve similarly named files from multiple directories using wget

CaseinI am trying to retrieve a file with the same name in multiple directories. The site I am trying to retrieve from has the following format: www.mywebsite.com/[folder1]/[folder2]/whatImLookingFor Where [folder1] and [folder2] vary. I have come up with the following command, which returns a set of...

@Seth well now it has to be
that's an actual improvment
and still too broad
Goodnight! :)
seems like a fine question to me.
Can an administrator open up a chat room for this long dialog session: askubuntu.com/questions/818843/…
I had asked before and one of the administrators provided a channel. Hopefully this fits that type of case.
@L.D.James done
wait a sec. @Seth, you're no admin! You're just a lowly mod!
we all know what was meant.
we do, just giving you pointless grief :D
I know ;p
@Seth Isn't that why you became a mod to get that grief from us? ;)
@Terrance no, it was my penance for giving that same grief to the other mods :P
@Seth so, i need to become a mod then?
actually, I guess the grief I gave was different.
nice save
heh. well that wasn't my intention.
I was just always pestering them to close this, or delete that, or handle this flag; merge this, remove this tag, etc.
Not so much teasing them. Although I'm sure I did some :P
@Seth Ah, OK. :D

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