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yeah india is like the only large country that doesn't do well at all in olympics
what do you mean India doesn't do well? They have a whopping 2 medals this year.
I thought you didn't joke
jokerdino = back
he is back.. to bed.
sleep well :)
and now AU descends into chaos
haha we'll just have to do our best with our feeble non-mod powers
@Zacharee1: I wouldn't really call that a 'joke'... Not a funny one anyway, more of a depressing one...
Ubuntu 16.10 Beta 1 is on the 25th.
It feels strange to me that Autumn is starting already, seems the year really isn't that long.
It used to seem longer.
winter is coming
askubuntu.com/posts/814692/revisions what's the big deal with that title?
ask him
closed anyway
Trace may well be 'her' btw (just sayin)
we need to identify that first on priority (him..her)
night all. bbl
goodnight @Anwar )
@CodeX not a priority at all... the gender of a poster is extremely unimportant, but it's still not OK to call everyone 'him' ;)
@Zanna I wasn't serious
I know you were joking, but I was agreeing with your words & explaining my point, which is important to me, in case it got squashed... :)
@Anwar that question is OT more than opinionated.
@Zanna I still think we should just steal from Spanish or French, which we've done already plenty, and take one of the neutral pronouns, like le or su, etc
so complicated to write
if you want to implement that @Zacharee1 I will happily join you
haha @CodeX how are you anyway?
@Zanna great ... you ?
@Zacharee1 le leddit lul
We'd still need to find a subjective pronoun, because le is indirect objective and su is possessive.
So I guess a direct objective one too
@edwinksl le lel
and su is a bit confusing in a Linux context
@CodeX pretty good thanks ^_^
although respectful hahaha
Les is plural direct in French, but we already have they
can we just use they?
i approve
how will su ..su
Susu is an informal means of collecting and saving money through a savings club or partnership, practiced in Ghana and the Caribbean. It is usually taking turns by "throwing hand" as the partners call it. They pay a specific amount of money in one hand when it is collected to a person. Each month, every person in the group will collect a sum of money until the next time, when another susu is thrown. The concept of a susu is used throughout the world and has over 200 different names that vary from country to country. The name is from the Susu from the Twi language to mean 'plan'. The funds a...
@Zanna I thought we said they was weird in singular
no I said I am happy with they, even though ungrammatical (but others may disagree?)
nothing is working as it should in windows bash
Like the JS room or whatever
We need to make our own vegetables language
@CodeX nothing is working as it should in Windows*
hehehe :)
bash ...windows UBUNTU bash
You missed an amusing link @edwinksl posted earlier from Reddit about Bash on Windows... I should have starred it
@Zacharee1 please no, that thing is regularly ridiculed as causing the python chat to be the most exclusive and unwelcoming in all of SE
python chat is great
first they ask you to read whole page of rules before asking a question
Yamyamyamyam @edwinksl
@CodeX i personally witnessed some high rep users in that chat saying extremely sexist things
just a couple of days ago
mod then came in and shut them up
yay for mods :)
scroll up and down a bit to get more context
Hello @ƎpᴉʇʎXD o/ :)
that's really good :)
makes me happy
Hello @HenryWHHackv2.0
You can stop the editing @HenryWHHackv2.0 Editing constantly like this will still ping the user
If I have to write a letter to the mods it will go something like this: Dear Moderators I am sorry for my actions before in the past that cause my account being suspended I will like to say I'm sorry for what I did also Have a nice day! :)
I said sorry two times.
VTC this as off-topic.
@edwinksl oh ..that's bad
First time I've seen it spelt with a 'Z':
Q: Media Change: instert the disc labeled Ubuntu server 16.04.1 LTS _xenial Zerus_ - Release i386

NateSo. I have installed Ubuntu server but when i try to do sudo aptitude install apache2 php5-mysql libapache2-mod-php5 mysql-server it askes me to insert a disc and press enter, I read that i need to change my sources list using /etc/apt/sources.lst but it says directory does not exist. So i'm ab...

"Google is killing Chrome apps on Mac, Windows and Linux"
Don't be evil, Google ^
or is that a good thing?
no one was using apps either ways .. when browsers can directly take to the website .. who will use apps
and "Facebook’s new teens-only app Lifestage turns bios into video profiles"
for under 21
@CodeX classic google killing features
@edwinksl yup
I wonder if there is any use of buying a tablet
@Zanna And if I kiss you, will you turn into q princess??? ;-) :P
@Fabby You're back I guest you quit your job.
oh boy
@HenryWHHackv2.0 Nope: normal working day tomorrow (Disaster Recovery Test for a customer) so I decided to update Ubuntu and it's taking a while so reading the starred stuff1 ;-)
Happy / Disappointed / Just doesn't care???
@Fabby I haven't tested that feature, though it's rumoured to work in some configurations
:D :D :D
Please test and let me know wheter you tun into:
1. A Princess
2. A prince
3. A slimy toad
:D ;)
alas it appears to be bedtime just when things were getting extra amusing in here... catch y'all later :)
Good night, sleep tight, bed bugs etc...
Apparently, you've got a sense of humour and it's bed time... British???
Ubuntu updated! Shutting down and moving laptop to bedroom....
Q: chmod problem in backbox

adamsmithchmod: cannot access ‘powerfull.sh’: No such file or directory xterm: No absolute path found for shell: /home/whitehat/Desktop/TheFatRat/output/./powerfull.sh

[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted website in body, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: What Is T90 Xplode Review? by therineancout on askubuntu.com
Well, just finished watching an awesome film called Underworld...
Time for bed now though.
Goodnight! :)
@cl-netbox Roman Decadence.... Sports being discussed in this room1 ;-)
@Fabby: Good to see you around! ;)
@ParanoidPanda pumpkin!
:D :D :D
@A.B. \o
The heat here is incredible.
@NathanOsman did you see mhall's post showing plugins on snappy?
I saw the post on G+.
NitroShare is moving towards a plugin system (I'm working on it now, actually) so that will be neat.
yeah, that and plugins for gimp and stuff ;)
Oh right, good point.
hello guys
how is everything ?
@Lamar Good, thanks.
good to hear
Hello Nathan OS man! o/ :) :D

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