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Post number 80 is the lucky post: i2p.stackexchange.com/questions/80/… I think I hope. :D
I wish.
I'm nervous.
doesn't seem like a particularly good question
I know it's a scope test.
the title is misleading; you are asking for way more than what the title says
I voted to close LOL!
you can just vote to close since the site is in beta :P
did someone just try to apt-get install an exe T_T
and then was completely baffled by it not being found
I was going to say we've all been there but... no actually...
fixed my ugly Arch console font & made pretty colourful PS1 #priorities
It's already out for Linux and macOS.
It's on the powershell GitHub repo
I am slow on news.
@ParanoidPanda yuck
You're a dinosaur when it comes to news. rimshot
/me drops down dead.
Use * for italics
I had a userscript that converts /me to italics but I just disabled Greasemonkey a while ago.
As is customary.
bbl Final handball \o/
it is opinion-based and too broad
i wonder which reason the 5th CV is going to pick
there is no excuse for a long-time user like OP to actually think that was a good question for AU
PowerShell is coming to Linux??!?
@NathanOsman you are 3rd person to point that out :P
Appreciate the backup :)
I wasn't here this morning :)
It's hard to see what has already been posted on mobile.
we should star one of these powershell things :P
I can't do it, I really hate that company that makes it...
NSA tools leak is a big news today
Q: How to view console output from a background java process

NickI have a custom java server that I wrote that I am running using upstart (/etc/init/myservice.config) where i launch java -jar myservice.jar The java process uses System.out.println to write log messages of all kinds. I want to be able to connect to it from a remote ssh session and view the out...

@Zanna congrats on gold :D
lol thanks! I didn't even notice!
it hasn't come up green yet
Did you guys know that Windows has a secret button in the top left hand of any window?
you'll be getting another one in a few days right? Fanatic?
@TheXed is it the one that says "Minimize", "Move", etc?
@Zanna a week or so i think
@edwinksl yes and if you click twice it will close the window...
then we'll have the same 4 badges
@TheXed i used to invoke it by using Alt + Space
it's a year since I used windows at all :) :) :)
@Zanna lol the easiest 4 :P
I have been doing this for 10+ years and I have never known that...
So powershell is OS and coming to Linux...
My email is [email protected] Please answer me by email fr I don't know if I will be able to find this again here...Thanks and sorry about my total lack of expertise... — user229742 5 mins ago
oh lord eyeroll
I can't upvote your comment, because I ran out of votes
but consider it upvoted
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported answer: Was my Ubuntu computer hacked? by Gabriel Nnabugwu on askubuntu.com
@Zanna why does your FTP URI contain 1337? is that intentional?
yes, it's correct
so 1337 :D
can you get to it?
yeah i was overwhelmed by the wall of text
I would put in the ftp commands (just for fun) but I can't seem to connect to the server
horrible answer... and it looks like they abandoned it
@SmokeDetector rofl m$ spam?
it took me 10 days to get this laptop to boot when I first got it
so basically avoid asus x205ta, got it
hehe a lot of stuff got fixed since then
and now... download iso, run script, write to usb, reboot, boot from usb, install... done inside of an hour
i like how the debian wiki has an entry for it wiki.debian.org/InstallingDebianOn/Asus/X205TA
I've visited that page like 50 times
the thread for the device on Ubuntu forums has 113 pages...
(1120 something posts)
and still no sound
i only just clicked on it
the very first post described a laptop that is totally dysfunctional lol
and a handful of hackers have made it pretty damn fine
mostly harryharryharry who wrote the 1337 script
"Could someone tell me what is now working and what's not? Thread has over 100 pages, so it's pretty hard to read them all"
it needs to be wikified, like the Debian wiki
it's unmanageable
when it was 80 pages, I went more or less through the whole thing... it took days and I'd forgotten the beginning by the time I got to the end
unfortunate name...
the comments for x205ta are basically about linux support
the worst is that realtek will not even release a specification for the soundcard so that someone can write a driver
we all emailed them, and nothing
this guy devoted a repo to it... haven't heard from him lately though github.com/KemyLand/rt5648
reminds me there is a repo for realtek rtlwifi drivers too github.com/lwfinger/rtlwifi_new
marginally more active... last commit 1st June
@dino or @ThomasWard I'm having a bit of an issue with a pushy user, who is convinced that I misunderstood CVE - 2016 - 5696. To the point where he basically edited out my answer placing his own "Disclamer" at the top, and strikethrough'ing my original post . askubuntu.com/review/suggested-edits/606048
i should go figure how to read those cve tables
there's no hope for me, I'll get bored within seconds unless there's something I can actually do
@Zanna no exciting questions to answer right now ?
heemayl is scoffing them... and steeldriver is around too :)
askubuntu.com/questions/775545/… is probably caused by sudo gedit but i am not sure where gedit stores its config file for me to suggest a chown fix. free repz for gedit users :P
lemme see...
this looks quite interesting... askubuntu.com/questions/813951/…
@Zanna looks like there is an answer now with a casual 3 pipes
oh... that was quick...
@edwinksl I can't reproduce that gedit issue by sudoing it... it has a directory in ~/.config as you might expect shrug
I'll have to find you another one now @Serg !
ps MATE doesn't come with gedit, I installed it specifically for answering AU questions haha
oh what does MATE have then
but I use vim and atom
@Zanna hehe, I already have a few questions to answer, but i'll always take more. I actually just registered and posted a question on the security.stackexchange.com site
I asked a question on U&L the other day, and it got 4 upvotes ^_^
@Serg upboated
Thanks :)
I'm not on security...
hopefully that'll sort out my dispute with that user. If i really misinterpreted the freakin CVE report, then I'll have to delete my answer
the easiest +100 rep of your life
haha ikr
I got +100 yesterday on Vi SE
mmm , maybe I should join that one as well
100 points!!
boom haha
Speaking of vim , Stallman (who is emacs fanboy ) was calling vim the text editor of the beast ( because vi looks like roman number 6 , and the number of the beast is 666 )
I wanna learn emacs too...
that's funny
I like editor war jokes
I would upvote your comment but I have no comment votes left
on that question
there's a limit?
it tells me to come back in 2 hours
well 2 hours is when the clock resets I think
10:30 right now in UTC
ie 0000 zanna's time
yeah I know
nope we are in BST so it's 0100 my time
and speaking of which is is past my bed time
g'night all :)
good old daylight savings
i propose a new holiday : "Shtgiving" , the day when people do give a sht
@Zanna night!
@Serg i like that
@Serg I responded in comments. I also warned them to not make destructive edits, in reference to the type of edit they made.
now you can pay me in coffee :P
@ThomasWard sure, just give me address where to mail coffee boxes
I was kidding :P
i know, i was playing along
ThomasWard He is lying no wait he is not lying in Serg we trust! :D
Q: Bluez bluetoothd requires root for all processes interacting with it

kabla002I've upgraded my bluez installation to version 5.41 on my Ubuntu xenail box (16.04). I'm trying to do some testing with a piece of bluetooth low energy hardware so I'm staring bluetoothd with the following command from the command line to enable the experimental GATT interface. sudo bluetoothd ...

@Serg so i have read a bunch of stuff on the CVE and i think happyskeptic is correct :/
the easiest way is just to look at linux like in happyskeptic's answer
@edwinksl OK . . .Think you could write an answer on the question I posted on security.stackexchange.com ?
the linux-lts-x are HWE kernels, so you will see DNEs except for the particular LTS that the HWE kernel is relevant to
@Seth LG G5 TMO $400 m.ebay.com/itm/…
@Serg pokes
@Serg hate to edit your thing,s but I added a 'note' to your answer
feel free to revise, but it seems that user just wanted you to make a 'disclaimer' about how you cna't just 'avoid' the issue by switching kernel packages
and I noted as such
@ThomasWard OK . . .so looks like he is correct ?
you both are
and at the same time
neither of you are
your answer doesn't cover the edge cases that the user is poking about
and at the same time, the hypotheticals the user is referencing are uncommon and are not assumptions that an average person would jump to
so while his analysis is valid, it's a conclusion that many would not jump to.
so my revision is the best of both worlds, touching upon the 'global' coverage of the problem they pose, but also the official side of things about "You must track specifically the kernels your system is isntalled, as just installing a different one won't save you" basically
which doesn't damage your content, and addresses the uncommon case the user suggests
poke me if they do anything more destructive
or any other mod.
for now i'm tired
needs a nap
Thanks. I think I should read up on CVE tracking a bit more.
@ThomasWard you pulled a me
giant wall of text that could be summarized in one message
just like this
Jeezus Krist . . .that user is persistent . . .
@Serg just like a Live Environment
can i haz link
or context
@Zacharee1 one second plz . . .
A: Are my systems vulnerable from CVE-2016-5696?

SergFirst of all, the package that it refers to linux-lts-trusty refers to the kernels images. They are named differently in the repositories. If you do apt-cache search linux-.* | grep 'trusty' you will find packages like linux-image-virtual-lts-trusty or linux-image-virtual-lts-wily. In addition , ...

@Zacharee1 i think the dupe target is ok except that the question in the dupe target says WM but OP is asking about DE. i know one of the answers does talk about DE though, so that's why i think overall the dupe target is ok
@Pandya no, the values will be different, but on the duplicate it shows how to grab the value for both (And other examples for WM and DE). — Luis Alvarado ♦ Aug 10 '14 at 15:40
i would propose changing the question of the dupe target to also include DE
plenty of answers for the dupe target talk about DE anyway, but WM =/= DE
good god, i wish i could have just stayed in China . . .
some other mod can deal with this
i need to go take time off from here, due to anxiety caused by other problems
@ThomasWard go, don't worry about AU, it won't burn down
zach will hold down the fort, no worries
yess heheheh
oh lord what have we done
unleashed the bad evil.
@Zacharee1 boops Zach on the head
@ThomasWard I think that's redundant
@Serg what was the proposed destructive edit?
@Zacharee1 basically that user put his answer on top of mine, and put strike-through everything i wrote
and then played the victim when a mod came after him?
huh, that strikethrough edit has been banished? i don't see it anywhere
Not really. He is just doing it in "good faith" so to speak, and trying to correct my answer. Which makes me doubt that my answer is really proper or not . . .
@edwinksl i rejected it
@edwinksl it was a proposed edit
no repz
@Serg from his attitude in the comments, I say your answer is fine
mi = dumdum
So yeah, i asked a question about this on security SE so we will see. If he is correct, i don't mind deleting the post
@edwinksl @Serg's a dumdum, you're a dumdum too.. Everyone's turning into lollipops!
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