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Hello everyone :)
Say, @grooveplex, what is "browser"? I'm assuming that's not Chromium?
@anonymous2 that is the native browser of Ubuntu
@Rinzwind What happened to this user? askubuntu.com/users/58612/izx?tab=profile
He was last seen in 2012.
@AndroidDev maybe he simply lost interes or has other real life things going on preventing him from returning
@Rinzwind Ok, the Ubuntu browser. Just asking to be sure, because I have used some distros where Chromium was simply called "Browser." Come to think of it, though, it usually has the Chromium icon all the same.
@Videonauth But look at how much rep he has!
He's gained all of that since he left.
Yeah, he should at least come back and award a bunch of +500 bounties.
yeah his answers and questions are around for a while, and people reading and upvoting
I have some days to where i gain reputation without answering a single question and I only be here since 99 days
@anonymous2 To whom?
@edwinksl looks not bad, so far but math is really unneeded in that case
char_limit = (char_num // len(charset)) + 1
@Videonauth your char_limit = (char_num // len(charset))+1 bugs out when if char_num is a multiple of char_limit
it runs on my side really
@AndroidDev Well, me, of course, since I suggested it. ;)
say charset is 'ab' and char_num = 8
you really just need char_limit = 4
not 5
well it defaults to 1
And since I need it more than the rest of you... (Don't think about that too long)
mhmmmm sec let me make a test case
I guess that would mean I also merit it less... :0
if you insist on not using math, then you can do char_num // len(char_set) + (char_num % len(char_set) > 0).
which may be less readable than simply using math.ceil
well the remainder is always a float but im expecting integers
this is why i did the +1
there is nothing wrong with setting a char_limit higher than what is required
but i don't like it, hence math.ceil
@anonymous2 You're gaining it pretty fast. Not as fast as @videonauth though :)
(Neither am I, for that matter)
lets say i have a limit of 1 and a num of 150 it would be 150 / 95 which is 1,578.. without the remainder 1 + 1 = 2 the same as math ceil would do
and you can apply that to any case
what if num is 190
it is 2 and not bigger than
if char_num > len(charset) * char_limit:
    char_limit = (char_num // len(charset)) + 1
ah o.k there is the flaw
ok then the limit would get to three
that's why i said your char_limit is 1 larger than what is needed if char_num is a multiple of len(char_set)
well that happens if you transer c++ code :) ok have think this over and extend anyways because i want to add a gui and some more functionality
and still keeping it in a way so you can import it into other scripts
yeah your right math ceil is more elegant in that case
there is even an answer that uses numpy, which is truly an overkill here
thats for sure
so int(math.ceil(......
or is it not of importance in python? in c++ i would get a type mismatch
I keep wondering about how a lucky person Raja is. Their early (2013) questions get upvoted like crazy but show no sense of any research
math.ceil returns an integer
i just came across this function, but this doesnt work on non decimal numbers, if i type something like math.ceil(363) , it returns 363.0. Anyone care to elaborate — letsc Feb 14 '15 at 21:19
Why is that?
<class 'int'>
Why are their questions perceived as being GREAT?
Yes, I'm a little jealous.
mhmm ok than this has changed since this comment was done
If I would ask such a question now, I'd be burned to the ground — and rightly so
@Videonauth yeah looks like it
Their early questions are one liners (really, check for yourself) and I think they could easily be Googled in 2013
Even in 2013
Q: How do I shut down or reboot from a terminal?

RajaHow can I shut down or reboot Ubuntu using terminal commands?

@Videonauth also note the * operator, that operator is pretty cool
@grooveplex yeah but they have been quesions and answered andsince then people who google recieve often SO as result and so those questions get a big audience since then
But were one line questions acceptable in 2013?
If they are clear, why not?
If I were to ask such a question today, I'd attract the same amount of negative votes
yep and a quick dupe close maybe too
which is the expected outcome
because it already has been asked
But Raja couldn't Google?
Or use their imagination?
Or read man pages?
Lucky them :)
Jun 27 at 23:58, by Zacharee1
user image
Just ran across this command: `:(){ :|:& }:`
P.S.: DON'T DO IT!! (Unless you want to destroy your computer)
well that graphic is kinda old already, i think even older zthan 2013 :) so youre right
@anonymous2 only thing which may happen is that you have to reboot because it becomes inresponsive
but no damage is done by that
It's the only command made up entirely of emotions :O
it is a bash function
@AndroidDev he decided to leave AU
replace every : with a word and you migth see it better
@Videonauth Yeah, I just don't want to blow out my CPU or something.
You're right. That does make sense.
even my 2006 motherboard would shut down if the cpu overheats
It's a recursive function! :O
@anonymous2 it fills your memory so quick and after that the computer is more busy with managing memory as computing, no real harm on cpus is possible
and more recent computers might not even get stuck
because ubuntu has a limitation on recursions for functions build in
my old machine however gets beat to the point of no movement
Also I discovered a one liner that replicates yes
if you want to try it safely run it in a VM and limit the cpu usage to only half of your cores and 90%
echo y|tee /dev/stdin
so you only need to shutdown the vm
if i come across such commands i always be happy to blow up a VM ;)
installing does not take long
@anonymous2 There's a nice explanation of that here:
Q: How does a fork bomb work?

slm WARNING DO NOT ATTEMPT TO RUN THIS ON A PRODUCTION MACHINE In reading the Wikipedia page on the topic I generally follow what's going on with the following code: :(){ :|:& };: excerpt of description The following fork bomb was presented as art in 2002;56 its exact origin is unknown, b...

Q: install OpenSSL from source

AlexI installed Openssl from source by: wget https://www.openssl.org/source/openssl-1.0.2h.tar.gz tar -xvzf openssl-1.0.0a.tar.gz cd openssl-1.0.0a/ ./config --prefix=/usr/local/openssl --openssldir=/usr/local/openssl sudo make sudo make install But when I type openssl in the command line , it say...

@Rinzwind Your guess, or he said that?
@terdon hahaha this is kinda nice :) --> ☃(){ ☃|☃& };
@AndroidDev a coupld of mods said that
Yeah :)
i wonder if there isnt a little bomb symbol as well :D
or a toaster symbol xD
well ok that may be windows specific :p
@terdon can you maybe remove the first two comments on this question askubuntu.com/q/793309/522934
@Videonauth I deleted all of them, none of them was providing anything useful (except yours but that is obsolete with the rest gone).
i dont mind mine gone would have delted it myself anyways then
@Videonauth I've removed the final snowman. Someone may blindly copy-paste this.
yeah ok :))
@StefanoPalazzo you never live dangerously?
@Videonauth 💣
which Ucode is this ?
@Rinzwind I could tell you stories...
I don't think (read: I don't realize) I live dangerously, but I break things all the time :)
@Videonauth #bomb
└──> passgen $ ./passgen.py 15 | ent
Entropy = 4.000000 bits per byte.

Optimum compression would reduce the size
of this 16 byte file by 50 percent.

Chi square distribution for 16 samples is 240.00, and randomly
would exceed this value 74.15 percent of the times.

Arithmetic mean value of data bytes is 72.2500 (127.5 = random).
Monte Carlo value for Pi is 4.000000000 (error 27.32 percent).
Serial correlation coefficient is -0.129379 (totally uncorrelated = 0.0).
but it gets better the longer the password is
@Zacharee1 Ubundu detected askubuntu.com/q/793604/530811
$ uniprops 💣
U+1F4A3 ‹💣› \N{BOMB}
    \pS \p{So}
    All Any Assigned Common Zyyy So S Gr_Base Grapheme_Base Graph X_POSIX_Graph
       GrBase Misc_Pictographs Miscellaneous_Symbols_And_Pictographs
       InMiscPictographs Other_Symbol Print X_POSIX_Print Symbol Unicode
Avast Antivirus for Windows wants me to reboot, let's procrastinate it until the next century!
Just WHY
Needs reboots for nearly every change...
This I hated the most on Windows, this "you are a dummy and must restart your computer NOW" mentality
and it keeps nagging forever even if youre in the middle of important work
Or in the next century, like Avast! :D
mhmmm is there an even stronger random python lib as this normal random? i mean one which implements mersenne-twister and such ? (yeah yeah i know that /rev/random provides a better entropy)
Isn't random's randomness random enough?
in some cases im working on not predictable enough ;)
not predictable enough?
yeah pythons rng feeds of of /dev/urandom in my case i need a recurring result after xx cases of random
for making test cases for something
@Videonauth For your test cases, you want to use unittest.mock (and unittest.mock.patch)
@StefanoPalazzo great, thanks for the lead, rest i can google
@Videonauth So you want to seed the RNG with a predefined value so that you can reproduce always the same pseudo-random sequence?
@ByteCommander exactly
here's a test case if you want to cheat, or don't click it if you don't :) paste.ubuntu.com/18240087
bookmarked it but want to raed into it myself first
No need for a different module, the default random has that built in.
Warning The pseudo-random generators of this module should not be used for security purposes. Use os.urandom() or SystemRandom if you require a cryptographically secure pseudo-random number generator.
yep thats fine :) both solutions will find its purpose (just can't tell here which)
@ByteCommander it's good practice not to do any I/O in unit tests (i.e. no files, sockets, or devices). It makes the tests slower and more unpredictable.
That's why you mock stuff.
but that's my opinion :)
mhmm a bit more than 8 hours for my 8th gold badge :)
yep im getting 100 days old on 0:00 UTC
7.3k rep in 100 days, impressive :D
is there a way to make PyCharm wordwrap the output in the python console? Or am I simply blind and not find it in the settings?
Don't have it running, but probably there's a button for it right in the left side of the console.
nope according to help not on the window itself
hi guys, no offense to new mods (on the contrary: well done!), but how in the world did Jacob not get elected??
@don.joey he lend me some of his fan base so i wouldnt look to bad in the election xD
@don.joey yes
I have a launchcode bug to look into,
o/ jokerdino, how are you , you have been very quiet lately :)
Been focused on other things these days.
@ByteCommander the button for using soft wrap is in the debug console and then affects the python console as well if clicked
Good to know.
in gcc, typedef int bool; gives this: error: redeclaration of C++ built-in type ‘bool’ [-fpermissive] It compiled fine in gcc on Ubuntu 15.10, but not in Ubutnu 16.04.
both are GCC5+.
Anyone switch to 16.10 yet?
@Rinzwind only in a VM still runs on unity 7 tho
and haven't looked at it lately
@Rinzwind I just switched like 15 minutes ago
Hello everyone :D Can anyone tell me How to make use of SSH and TELNET to send messages ?
@rohith define 'send messages'
to who?
maybe my friends
who are also using ubuntu
@rohith use the write command, or wall, or mail.
all via ssh
@j0h @Journeyman any study materials that you would suggest , to learn more about SSH or TELNET ? :)
$man ssh
@rohith telnet and ssh are essentially tools for running command remotely
if you're on the same system, wall. If you're on another one, they'd need a client.
you can write a script that logs you in, and messages after login
for example. I have a script that sends messages over the growl protocol to my windows box
@Journeyman I had to google-search what was growl protocol ... I'm a complete newbie and I have Zero knowledge :P
@j0h just read the man-page "man ssh"...so ssh allows me to have a remote session ?
@rohith provding there is a server, and you have permissions for it yes. then you execute commands, write scripts, send pre-writen commands etc.
Keeping it alive! :p
I don't know but I always pass audits
Attention to detail :)
that's good, we always need people to clear review queues :D
interesting, looks like lsb-core is back in 16.04
o/ Nathan :)
hows your day so far? :)
It's a national holiday here, so it's good :)
hehe and I'm getting over my flu slowly and finished a first small rudimentary python program today
@edwinksl Thanks.
@Videonauth Not cool about the flu. But finishing a Python program - that's awesome.
yep and it werks even is able to crate 100k character passwords with a decent entropy :)
so au chat could collaborate on a python app now
Q: wifi bridge to existing network

user6539475I've been banging my head against this problem for a while, and I'm not sure if its just not possible, or I've got a config issue. I've just built a new ESXi server, and its got a wifi card which I'm passing through to a VM, in the hope of getting rid of wireless access point (dd-wrt installed o...

@edwinksl yep :) (@NathanOsman i had a lot of usefull imput from the nice people here in chat)
@Videonauth ohhh new kernel
have it already :)
i still need to reboot :/
me too :)) but cant be bothered right now to do it
@Videonauth Procrastinate it until next century ;-)
Aw man.
The Wayback Machine doesn't have the page I need archived.
yep but i think next century starts when i go to bed
@Videonauth you are about to reach "a century of days" on AU
indeedy and got today already my 4th steward badge :)
and in a few hours another golden one :)
2/10 not a standing desk
I want one badly tho
@Videonauth Looks like one of those beef maps.
I don't know, may be shouldn't be that mean to new first post rep 1 people. -4 in 20 min that is hard.
Want to be a 31337 H4XX0r but fails to install the 1337 software on his computer --> askubuntu.com/q/793700/522934
@Kupferdrache what post is this
Q: Just downloaded the latest version of Ubuntu. How do I actually install it?

Nick FernandezJust downloaded the latest version of Ubuntu, What do I do now? I see where it is downloaded in my downloaded folder, but how do I run this operating system? I am new to this...Ha! Thank you

I think, it is off topic, close vote seem ok, for me, but, I don't think it needs a downvote as well.
it doesn't show any research effort
because if it did, the OP would have found the dupe
well some people pass by leaving their close votes sadly, but to be honest this question is so bad that it hurts already
AU is pretty forgiving
and i mean it is no rocket sience to put a dvd do a drive or plug an USB in ;)
plenty of the new questions i see on SO have negative votes
I made a basic answer anyway befor it got closed, not a fully fleshed out one, but a helpful one, at least I hope so.
yep or new answers dont get UV :) but well mine will in time i guess
@Kupferdrache you can still flesh it out tho if you feel it is lacking
@Kupferdrache you can just delete your answer on the closed question and copy paste it into the dupetarget if you think your answer is different from the rest
here is what i do, i answer a question, let it be for an hour or so then revisit it
Not without more information.
in any case, -4 is damn rare in AU, it is reserved for truly awful things
Most times I don't think my answer give any real new stuff, so I let be.
I am not good at explaining most stuff i try to learn for my self.
You wanna know how i learned to use Linux after I migrated to it from windows this year February?
That could be a reson, why my own questions aren't well visited either. Or they are too special, who knows?
Sure, it is ever a good idea to learn somthing new @Videonauth .
Firstly i installed ubuntu on my laptop, banged my head against a wall because of the wifi for a few weeks untill i found ask ubuntu, broke serveral installations in the process then to make it suitable for myself, but only reading here
then after i was settled i made a vm and tried to figure out commandline question answers
just answered them
trial and error till i had the sollution
and if i broke the VM i started over
then stumbled over questions where i felt, huh? well i had this problem too a few weeks back and answered them too
this is how i gained 7k+ rep within 100 days
O lot of efford, it's a pitty you have done this already, less question, I could try the same with.
Simply do a lot of new questions every day, and i keep others normaly finding the dupes, im more the answer first then look for dupe guy :)
4 accepted answers per day plus maybe 1 upvote are already 100 reputation
i aim normally for answering about 5-6 questions if i can
per day
yup, I am still on 50, but I try to do my best.
i have to admit sometimes its really a race against the clock to answer a question :) some people here are really quick finding solutions
SHAME on you @rinz
@Videonauth 215 rep today so I wont bother you today ;)
hahaha good to know lol
I am still on figuring out, What I wantesd to much here: unix.stackexchange.com/questions/286740/…
@Kupferdrache Other thing is, the more answers you have already provided the more rep you simply get coming in per day somehow by older answers of you where someone found it helpful and upvotes it
sometimes I hate the chat for that, you get only a preview, when you post nothing but a link
@rinz when will you beat oli
@edwinksl never
I am 3.1k up this year. so lets assume I can extend that to 6.2 over the whole year
gap is 41k
so ... if I keep it up... in 8 years?
so never :-D
yeah i guess the jump up to about the top 100 users here is easy, then its getting slower and slower to gain positions
1st 50k are pretty easy.
@Rinzwind you made me laugh, waths your specialty?
well but still not earned in three months this far i got knowledge xD
The longer you stay and the sooner you start in a board the easier it gets, as far a i can see it from my view.
good morning. 8 am here in askubuntu
@Kupferdrache it is. you can just start answering anything you see. pick up 2, 3, 4 upvotes per anwser. stop when at 200. and do the same the next day. you will get extra rep from the 1st day on the 2nd day.
the 2n 50k though... ppl will expect long and thorough answers from you.
@Videonauth yes you can.
Didn't find enough answers for that for me, I come at one anwser per day at best 2 if I am feeling really good including the anwsers to my own questions. So it still a long way.
it is 10 pm here
@Rinzwind yep but the mlongest answers didnt bring me the most reputation ;) the short ones have done that
@Kupferdrache when I started I answered 10 through 20 questions a day aiming for 200 rep a day.
@Edity this aint askwindows :=)
@Videonauth no action required
might ask in root access @Rinzwind
my personal feeling is to skip it because i was already who rose the LQ flag on this
hey someone, find a question from me interesting enough to upvote it, I answered it my self meanwhile. may be my other one attractes some comments soon(tm).
but chmod 777 again is so bad that i want to recommend deletion without a comment
well i skipped it
@Videonauth hmm not true for /tmp/ 1 thing though: it MUST have also sticky bit set
@Kupferdrache by the way weekends are the best time to gain first rep
the amount of questions incomming is mostly higher as during the week
especially beginner questions
rep, isn-t that important, as long as I can get at least comment to my questions and/or anwsers.
@Videonauth voted for delete on that answer
rep is important!
@Edity nope. rep is nothing :=D
@Edity edity not really, but still a nice side effect :)
the quality of the answers count or questions respective
a number on a internet page. That is rep :=D
more important is your attitude on AU chat, in AU comments and in answers.
yuo ;[
Tomorrow my dark souls 3 gaming comes to an end
hehehe i digged out civ v lately again as i was sick in bed
The new Star Ocean is out \o/
Another 100+ hours to do >:D
clap clap clap
@Videonauth how do you gain rep so quickly
and that's just a video someone made D:
@CollDue96 answer anything you see you can answer.
@CollDue96 uhhhh i just elaborated it a bit up in chat
and he's still a newbie in getting rep >:D
videonauth's secret.
@CollDue96 i did in the past 100 days an average of 73,46 reputation per day
not bad :-)
and created 248 answers in this time
I have 68 rep average. 1888 days >:-D
so you need to keep this up for 1788 more days @Videonauth >:)
@CollDue96 scroll up, videonauth has shared his scrects to us a couple minuts ago.
@Rinzwind so be it then :))
collduee96's profile does not exist?!?
Q: Acquire Baldur's Gate II CD from GOG or anywhere

SvekarPI know this is maybe off topic but bare with me please, I'm trying to find Baldur's Gate II CD's so I can install it with PlayonLinux on my Ubuntu 14.04 laptop. I have investigated that people usually download cd's from GOG, but there are not for free, and I can not find valid version on any tor...

seems illegal to me?
I already flagged for mod attention
time for some anime
I still cant get it, if people really want a game there are means to obtain them ... but to ask on an official site about it makes me wanna head-desk
and if it is a great game which you really can obtain as an legit copy for really low money, well.. i never will understand this
Are the people who approve suggested edits sleeping?
im banned from approving for today :) have my 20 full
dammit rinz you where again quicker than me. I took to long for my anwser.
Slowly I am thinking, you must hve a link list laying beside you quick, you find the dupes each time.
@Kupferdrache You better advise to edit the /etc/default/grub and /etc/grub.d/<files> instead, followed by an update grub.
that would be the proper way of solving it
you might need to google a bit where to put those parameters there to makeit work
:) tip to improve your answer
You are right, did the quick and dirty way I am using for my LFS boot entry.
8 swodniw
another thing if you fear to gain minus votes for something while you edit it, delete it and undelete it later after you have edited it
But you don't want to delete too many answers either. You might just want to compose offline than post when finished.
^what he says
my tip is only if you have already posted an answer
and @chaskes if you undelete your answer later on this should have no impact, or?
I don't know about that one. I need someone more SE aware to weigh in on that.
well where are the old school mods when they are needed ;)
maybe rinzi knows that ?
@Kupferdrache na. just using askubuntu as a search engine from the google search bar
@Videonauth or add a "work in progress" to the answer
it is basicly that same ;)
@Videonauth I updated the answer with your suggestion.
@NathanOsman this aint a rant. this is just common sense :=D
@Kupferdrache and i edited it a buit to make it a tad better and woosh you have an accept :)
It sounded like a rant to me :D
@Kupferdrache "Work in progress" (as rinziwind says) is cool. but, that I thought that answer that I just commented on kind of stretched the work in progress concept close to its limits. Just a thought. :)
and an upvote, cool so 25 more reputation :)
@NathanOsman :D the thruth is never a rant :+
There's a healthy element of rant. I also hate it when some company abandons a project you shelled out a lot for in just a year or so.
Nice, doesn't solve my own problem, but feels good
some answers wanna make me cringe

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