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@Mateo What's that? Why do you post a minesweeper screenshot?
@Videonauth well, ok , i lists a key . . .gpg --fingerprint lists different fingerprint than in seahorse so that's confusing . . .
yo you used the key generated by seahorse to register ?
@ByteCommander he's porting stuff to UT
it is an x app running on the mx4 ubuntu phone @ByteCommander ;)
@Serg then you need to export the keys from seahorse into an asc file and import it to gpg
@Videonauth ok, how do i do that ?
Solitaire works great :)
i am confused , pretty much
but mines didn't resize...
@Serg @ByteCommander should be able to explain that i not use seahorse #
@Mateo how are you making XP stuff run? WINE?
Aaaaha! :)
I once ported minesweeper to a CASIO fx 9750 GII calculator... That was a different kind of work... ;)
you guys know that minesweeper poses a seriously problem in mathematics?
@Videonauth Ok. @Serg open the GPG key pair's properties in seahorse.
OK, next ?
because you have to guess sometimes ;)
The P versus NP problem is a major unsolved problem in computer science. Informally speaking, it asks whether every problem whose solution can be quickly verified by a computer can also be quickly solved by a computer. It was essentially first mentioned in a 1956 letter written by Kurt Gödel to John von Neumann. Gödel asked whether a certain NP-complete problem could be solved in quadratic or linear time. The precise statement of the P versus NP problem was introduced in 1971 by Stephen Cook in his seminal paper "The complexity of theorem proving procedures" and is considered by many to be the...
Go to "Details" tab.
Click the "Export" button.
@Serg (sorry for delay, unstable wifi.... :-/)
@ByteCommander where do i export to ?
@Seth Actually, only 2.5 if we count from the time I started actually being active. Feel free to edit my comment on my nomination page to reflect that if you want. I had miscounted.
@Serg You get a save-as dialogue. It does not matter where you store the .asc file.
Just place it somewhere nobody else has access to - it's your private key!
OK, exported to home dir . what's next ?
Then later you can gpg --import FILENAME.asc
That should be it. Now you can use the key from gpg.
@ByteCommander that worked, thank you very much ^_^
ARGV ! I've signed the code, it creates the .asc file and yet an error
Q: What are the benefits of installing .NET Core RC2 on Ubuntu 16.04?

FrankI read this article, http://donovanbrown.com/post/2016/05/29/Installing-NET-Core-RC2-on-Ubuntu-1604, 10 minutes ago. I was curious what are the benefits of installing .NET Core RC2 on Ubuntu 16.04 versus the status quo where we auto-start Apache Server and XSP on port 9000 at login time. I was...

@Serg did you upload this new imported key to the keyserver ?
@Videonauth yes, i believe i have
sometimes it takes a while for the key to show up though
or update, as it may be.
@Serg Did you add this key to your launchpad profile?
@ByteCommander yes , i believe i have
that was my next question ^
@Serg launchpad profile?
1 min ago, by Seth
that was my next question ^
@Serg but is that the most recent key?
Oh my.
I just saw the news about Orlando.
@Seth I've no clue, i think i only have one key there
Yeah, compare whether you signed the CoC with the same key that your registered on LP. Check the IDs or fingerprints.
@NathanOsman What news?
It's probably the top story everywhere right now.
@ByteCommander 20 killed , 40 wounded in Orlando shooting , radical islamist with assault rifle and a handgun
No, no. There are 50 fatalities at least.
The numbers have really climbed.
It's the deadliest shooting in US history.
wow, damn
@NathanOsman I do not watch news sites. Too lurid and usually too sad.
@NathanOsman It took place at a nightclub in Orlando that was pretty full. Speculation is the shooter had something against gays.
That probably invalidates the fact that in the US more people are shoot by toddlers than by terrorists...
Is it night in Orlando?
Day time there now
no day already
12:26 PM
@Serg Do we know that? Last I heard we just knew he had an Muslim-sounding name. How'd we get to "radical Islamist" as opposed to your run-of-the-mill bigot?
@NathanOsman and now for the 1 million dollar question: is anything going to change regarding gun control in the US?
The problem with gun control in the US is that it takes guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens.
@terdon that's information released by police and whatever other authorities were working on the spot. In either case, it wouldn't surprise me
@Rinzwind Sure. Now you're going to be obliged, by law, to be armed when going to night clubs. Because, of course, if everyone there had been armed, the tragedy would have been avoided.
@Rinzwind probably not, the lobby is just to strong
@terdon more guns does not mean less death. more guns means MORE deaths.
@Rinzwind let's not politicize a tragedy just yet.
and a follow up questions: if nothing is going to change why the outcry? :-)
@Terrance problem is not with guns, problem with the society. I've been in China for 3 weeks, walking at night all by myself. Not a single time i got mugged or intercepted by thugs, and there's no such easy way to have a gun there as in the US
@Rinzwind Yeah, tell that to Trump. He actually made just that suggestion after the Paris shootings. he said that things would have been different if France allowed guns like.
We can have this debate some time but now is not the time.
Bloody idiot.
Not you Nathan!
yes it is. It is the -only- time you can have this discussion.
well ... maybe not in AU chat but ...
@Serg That is one I understand. All depends on the person. Guns or not, a criminal will still commit crime one way or another.
I'm not taking a position, I'm just saying let's wait for more details and give people time to grieve.
@NathanOsman agreed , but this issue has been going on and on and on and on. How many more shootings do we need in this country ?
@Terrance Sure. But a toddler is a hell of a lot less likely to kill anyone if there aren't guns in the home. It takes a very special dedication to manage to stab someone when you're smaller than the knife.
A rash decision based on raw emotion won't benefit anyone.
@NathanOsman Oh man, that reminds me of when I tried to treat my skin condition with super glue...
(Let's see if that changes the subject)
@terdon It happened here where a brother killed his adopted brothers with a knife and there were no guns in the home.
@Terrance Toddler?
@terdon Does it matter?
Superglue? How'd you get it off?
@Terrance Yes, I was referring to toddlers specifically.
@NathanOsman Rash decisions...
Can we just forget about that toddler crap for a moment ? We're talking about grown up man who walked into a night club and shot up 50 and some more people
and that's not a freakin accident
No, it most certainly isn't.
@NathanOsman And you can safely assume that was an attempt at a joke and not something I ever tried.
@Serg and wont be the last one.
Oh. I thought you were serious!
@Rinzwind that's the scary part
@NathanOsman Good grief! Thanks for the vote of confidence! I was just punning on rash and that was the first thing I came up with.
@terdon If you have a toddler in your home and you own guns, they should be locked up in a safe at all times. People that don't show respect for owning weapons are asking for trouble to begin with.
@Serg don't agree on that one ;-)
@terdon we all did really dumb things as a kid.
@Terrance there should not even be bullets in the gun ...
I'm sure...
@Rinzwind One should always assume that there is a bullet in a gun. That is why you never look down the barrel of a gun that you think is empty, etc.
@Terrance Yeah. Even better if you have a toddler, don't keep a bleedin gun in the house! It's no use for "protection" if it's locked up anyway. Jim Jeffries has a nice skit about that one: youtube.com/watch?v=0rR9IaXH1M0
@terdon alcoholocaus was amazing
@terdon I don't own any guns, but I am not about to take away the freedoms of others to own them at all.
@Terrance I have one. It is at the shooting range.
@Terrance Huh? Who said anything about "taking away freedoms"? I'm just talking about common sense: it's not a good idea to have a tool designed for killing stuff in the same environment as a child.
Anyone know if it's possible to point DNS records to a hostname?
@Zacharee1 tsk. go to some other chat >:-D
or is that a CNAME?
@Rinzwind you guys are talking about guns, at least I'm in the same range as Ubuntu :p
@Rinzwind I haven't seen that. I've only seen some clips on youtube but I enjoy him a lot.
@terdon You sure made it sound like if you have a toddler that you shouldn't own one. If that is a law, then it would be taking away freedoms. To me it is all about responsibility of the person. If you can't be responsible, don't own one.
@terdon one of the tv channels has 2 of his show running once or twice a week
@Terrance I never said anything about law. I, personally, would consider someone who had both a gun and a toddler a person I wouldn't want to have anything to do with. That's me though, I never said it should be legislated. I wouldn't mind if it were, but I doubt it would work. Legislation rarely does.
You can't legislate morality/
Or fortunately, actually. You shouldn't, anyway.
well anyway, i'm going to go hike to a waterfall.
ya'll have fun.
Nice! Have fun!
well for the most parts it works in europe.
yes we have shootings. but those are incidents... not the norm, as it seems to be in the US ;-)
@Seth ya'll have fun too
@Rinzwind sadly, it is the norm :/
dont jump of it
Or if you meet any of the members of TLC hug'm for me
We have more shootings in a year than we have days
@Rinzwind As far as I know, it's legal to own a gun in most countries in Europe if you have a permit. It's just that most people have no desire to own one and choose not to.
Which seems eminently reasonable to me.
@terdon I have one; it stays at a shooting range. A friend of mine that used to be in the UK service, now living in Holland, has one at home.
I have such a complex DNS setup now
he keeps trying >:-D
@Rinzwind See? Perfectly legal. Just not considered a point of pride or a fundamental right or anything.
x-p-w.tk is CNAMEd to xpw.zyns.com, which is a DDNS setup to my DSL modem. mc.x-p-w.tk is CNAMEd to xpw1.zyns.com, which is a DDNS setup to my cable modem.
And that's only two entries
@terdon yes but ... you aint american >:-D americans go into panic mode when you even try to have a discussion
@Rinzwind Well, that's what it says on one of my passports :)
@Zacharee1 ehm why? :-D I never had to mess with CNAME/DNS for anything here
And the other is expired so...
@terdon you aint an american with that stance on guns ;-)
Nope. And neither, thankfully, is my purebred American Dad.
@Rinzwind port 80 incoming is blocked on the cable ISP, so I can't use it, but DSL is fine. 25565 isn't blocked on either so I have it on the faster connection. But I can't just point to IPs, because they're both dynamic, AFAIK
Although, he was american enough to never buy me any gun-like toys as a child: "Firearms are not toys son, here, have a baseball"
So I needed a DDNS service for each connection. Luckily, the router is dual-WAN and has built-in support for individual DDNS
@Zacharee1 I hate your ISP :+) and they probably are dynamic. so hmm yes that would need it
@terdon Good morning USAAAAAA
@Zacharee1 I have a hostname pointed at a dynamic IP address.
@Rinzwind I think DSL is static, but best to be safe
@NathanOsman I have a hostname pointed to a hostname pointed to a dynamic IP
@terdon you need to be 21 to vote and can own a gun when you are born. Seems the wrong way around to me.
@Rinzwind welcome to the USA
@Zacharee1 same. I have a CNAME that points to an A record.
@NathanOsman that sounds more logical ;-)
But do you have a subdomain of the root domain CNAMEd to another A record? @NathanOsman
@Rinzwind Even better, you can got into the army at 18 (so you're responsible enough to be given firearms and sent to kill people) but you can't drink until you're 21.
@terdon so weird.
@Zacharee1 yes.
@NathanOsman isn't it fun? :D
Try running "dig" on home.quickmediasolutions.com
well.... In england you can drink alchohol from the age of 5...
that seems weird to me too ;-)
Do you have CloudFlare though? :p
That's not an advantage :D
@terdon I am in the Army in the U.S. and the ago to drink in the Army when I was in was 18, did that change?
@Rinzwind I hear in a lot of places in the EU people don't even know or care what the drinking age is
@Rinzwind No you can't. You need to be 16. In Greece, there's no legal drinking age I know of. It's just that nobody will serve you a vodka if you ask for one at 13. We're not that stupid.
@NathanOsman I use it for the DNS records. I had Dynu, but I decided to do this, since I already have another site managed
@Zacharee1 true. but there is one thing there: there always needs to be supervision by an adult. and that adult is held responsible.
@terdon you aren't?
sorry me darn keyboard is shorting out
@WildMan You'll know much better than I. I thought the drinking age in the US was 21, is it not?
@Rinzwind that makes so much sense
@Zacharee1 Almost, but not quite.
@terdon :p
@terdon depends on the state I was told
@terdon Yes
@Rinzwind Not that I know of
actually yes
@terdon it is for civilians but it is waived in the Army, the thought is if you can fight for your country then you should be able to drink.
18 for beer and wine in many states and 21 for liquor
OK, the freakin gpg --list-keys tells me i have two keys
@WildMan Ah, actually that does make sense.
@Zacharee1 "The states of Washington and Wisconsin allows the consumption of alcohol in the presence of parents."
how do i use the one on the launchpad ?
Speaking of which...
did not make a difference to me because I do not drink but it was scary how many soldiers were drunks at a young age.
@Rinzwind and in NJ, you can drink underage on private property with parental consent
French government bans alcohol near Euro 2016 venues after violence - AFP http://bit.ly/1UoxsgJ
These are exceptions
@Zacharee1 no ;-) that means it depends on the "state" ;-)
@WildMan Yeah, that's the next question. The idea of inebriated soldiers is a scary one. I'm sure it's common, sadly, but there you go.
They're called exceptions @Rinzwind
@Zacharee1 no.. " As of January 1, 2010, fifteen states and the District of Columbia ban underage consumption outright, seventeen states do not ban underage consumption, and the remaining eighteen states have family member or location exceptions to their underage consumption laws. "
I'm pretty sure the federal drinking age is 21, but states have exceptions to the law
@WildMan That is correct that in the military they can drink younger than 21. They are exempt from State and County drinking laws as long as they are full time or retired military.
@Videonauth you still around ?
when you run gksudo nautlius
@Zacharee1 well it is 17+18 states that do not follow the 21 years minimum ;-)
@Serg yep
and we have 50
still less than 50%
@terdon indeed having weapons in the hands of young scared drunks is not a good idea. Of course drunks is not the majority but enough to cause concern
@Zacharee1 you never run nautilus with (gk)sudo!
@Videonauth how do i delete a key from gpg and /or use specific key to sign the code of conduct
@Zacharee1 Apparently, the federal law simply imposes sanctions on states that allow lower drinking ages.
@Zacharee1 35 out of 50 is less than 50%? since when?
I thought you were saying 17-18
@Zacharee1 oh >:-) I forgive you >:-D
now if I had a gun and was near you ...
my wife just told me a we had 50 people killed in an attack this morning
Sorry, but you're not American. You're not allowed to use senseless gun violence @Rinzwind
@WildMan Hence this discussion.
Sweden O
legal age on alcohol <2.25% is ZERO
Yeah, @Rinzwind, you can only use sensible gun violence.
@Rinzwind well that really isn't much alcohol
@Zacharee1 HOLD ON. That would not be SENSELESS. It would be sensible gun violence
@Serg gpg --delete-key and gpg --delete-private-key
@Zacharee1 tell that again after drinking 10 liters >:)
@Rinzwind I tek ze offenceh
@terdon I missed the reason for the discussion, I have been doing edits
@Rinzwind If I drink 10L of liquid, I'm going to die from water poisoning, not from the alcohol
"senseless" is a matter of opinion anyways :P
@Zacharee1 depends on the speed of intake ;)
@Rinzwind that would explain the general consensus
@WildMan No reason why you should have seen it, I was just giving you the context.
@Rinzwind if it's slow enough you don't die from the water, it's slow enough that you're not greatly affected by the alcohol
it is sad
That it is.
except maybe long-term effects on the liver
@Videonauth deleted but gpg --list-keys still lists it
someone give me a favicon.ico
another funny one ...
did you deleted both ?

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