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geany treeview is set to /home/rdl/Dev/ssi/ and i'm pulling and editing files from it, yet somehow they are all being saved to /var/www/
anyone care to take a stab as to why?
Hm.... I found a blog post a day or two ago, that explained how to use compiz in gnome3-failsafe. Now due to an update in gnome3-failsafe the configs has changed and I cant find that blog post again to reenable compiz... Does anyone know where to find such a tutorial?
Q: Where is the place where actual size of desktop icons is stored?

brubelsabsAs one can resize the icons on desktop (not within nautilus) through righ-click menu: "Resize icon..", so where is the size stored for that certain file.

found it
@rlemon did you get the cat food?
no, you were to remind me in a half hour :P gotta get some on my way home from work :)
kitten will be mad if he has to eat the older cats hard food.
cats are so demanding now a days...
@GeorgeEdison I broke your stored messages script.
> Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL
I had this saved for future use gist.github.com/1472061
30 questions to reach 30k! \o/
now nothing works. / that is the only thing I can think of
@rlemon lol?
@NobbZ OK I found another blog that adresses compiz and gnome-session-fallback: flynsarmy.com/2011/11/how-to-make-ubuntu-11-10-more-usable
@rlemon omg I can reply to myself!
they painted my stairs, cannot go to desktop upstairs, running 2 vboxes in this laptop is making my brain hurt!
Holy crap guys
I just found a better version of Terraria, but it's free
and you can play it on Linux
Can't wait to play this over Christmas >:D
and in other news: new humble bundle released!
@Icedrake Download the "mac-version" for using in linux? Should work since it is a jar, but does it really?
Pixel Prone said that it's available for Linux, they probably haven't gotten around to updating the Download page yet: pixelprone.com/2011/12/pixel-prone-games-epic-inventor-updated
I am downloading, and since I have only 1000 Mbps I have to wait 10 minutes or twenty...
does it work with the non-Oracle Java? :P
wait what you have 1000 Mbps?
Minecraft works with it and that's .jar as well, so I'd assume so.
that's like a few megs a second
By non-oracle Java you're referring to OpenJDK right?
@Icedrake minecraft doesnt work right without SUn/Oracle Java
/me ran into problems with it
@Icedrake yeah
Sorry... 1000kbps :)
@ThomasWard Really? Worked fine for me. o.O
I'll give it a shot, hold on a bit.
it keeps erroring out about invalid declaration statements in variables
not sure why though
Can you even launch Minecraft?
@rlemon time to get your cat supplies.
if i use Oracle Java, yes
if I don't, it loads the launcher, but then errors out and segvs
4:45 on the money!
@rlemon I set a timer. :P
now go and retweet ! i want some hype for this
@rlemon i did.
i think... not sure if newnewnewnewtwitter does things like that.
/me does not tweet :P
lol @jrg you were supposed to include the hash #ResurrectDickBar
I still think that name is awful. TrendBar doesn't have an umph
Oh man lol, EI has a lionfly.
How is that not awesome?
is there any way in github to see the total repo size and number of lines?
Q: How can I enable silent automatic updates for Google Chrome?

ændrükInstalling Google Chrome causes a third-party software source to be added from which Google Chrome upgrades can be retrieved: $ cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list ### THIS FILE IS AUTOMATICALLY CONFIGURED ### # You may comment out this entry, but any other modifications may be lost. ...

@rlemon: Wow...
I thought everything was escaped properly.
I'm assuming it was that which broke it.
but I don't know...
I need to set that up
I think I found the bug already.
@BrunoPereira I closed the bug
@JorgeCastro thx, just add a bit of time to test it. nice ;)
@GeorgeEdison lemmy know when it's fixed and i'll update my extension. :)
a well earned 250 bounty sir!
thx, wish all went as well as that ;)
/me deletes his comments now that it's fixed
clean er up!
@rlemon: Done.
done and done
@GeorgeEdison you really need to put this stuff on github - that was my first thought (ok go get the update from his github)
and it all started with a downvote from @jrg :D
@BrunoPereira IMO Chrome should just add that modification, I mean, they add everything else already
/me debates filing a bug about it
@BrunoPereira it did?
i don't remember that...
read up the first edit on this askubuntu.com/questions/64318/…
you down voted it and made it possible ;P
@JorgeCastro nods
@GeorgeEdison \o/ yay it works
@JorgeCastro have any idea where that can be filled (the bug)?
going for it?
@JorgeCastro it hasn't been filed already?!
yeah, weird
oh yeah... i remeber that one @BrunoPereira.
it's now a upvote. :P
file, and link please!
Oh shit. The second time I did not have the time to file the bug against MyUnity ...
@jrg I know, you fixed it after the first edits, just giving you credit for pushing me into having a look at it ;)
@JorgeCastro are you filling the bug?
nope, I was only driving by
she's all yours
jrg, I'm baclk!
@chazdg welcome back
i did the kernel update, nothing happened.
which doesn't match what happened to you.
I had all kinds of issues updating to 3.2, although I was quite proud of myself that I pulled it off...
wait, are you on 11.10 or 12.04? is confused now...
with no video driver to speak of
was going for ATI 11.12, LOL
I guess I am perplexed that diagnostic are available for Ubuntu. I guess I sound like a Windows asshole :)
are not that is
sorry, typing too fast
yeah, it's perplexing for me as well.
I didn't realize this question was so popular.
@GeorgeEdison impressive.
I'm disappointed as I worked so hard to get this install working well with Gnome 3.2, kind of
@JorgeCastro can I send you the body of the bug report per mail for review?
i honestly think the only way to "fix" it is to re-install. I wasn't able to get anything when I had the same symptoms. :(
@chazdg I agree with @jrg. the reason I deleted my answer is that you case does not really fit in to any solutions possible, re-install might be the only choice.
That is really nice of you to say.
I appreciated the time you took to look into my problem.
@chazdg I can only say sorry :( I have made so much crap on my systems with drivers up and down and never had to face what you have atm...
I am perplexed that more "diagnostic tools" available for Ubuntu. Oh well. You guys are great though.
aren't available - typing too fast again :)
the problem is that too many packages necessary are gone and probably recovering from that will be more work than a re-install
You just read my ind. no big deal, I will deal with it
mind that is
I think a recovery or "repair" option would be a good thing for Ubuntu to work on
@chazdg well, you're supposed to be able to select the recovery kernel
but that doesn't always work (as you found out)
yes I did :)
I have to say this 100 times: I love the snapshot fs feature of virtualbox!
This question is 1,5 months old and has almost 3k viewers
anyone cares to make one for nVidia cards?
which question?
Q: Is my ATI graphics card supported in Ubuntu?

Bruno PereiraI have an ATI graphics card and I want to know if it is supported and what kind of drivers should I be running to get the best features out of it. Is my card supported in Ubuntu and what drivers will work with my card?

A: How to enable silent automatic updates for any repository?

Bruno PereiraThe easiest of enabling unattended updates for your system is to edit the file 50unattended-upgrades inside /etc/atp/apt.conf.d/ with your favourite text editor and comment out the commented sections of the Allowed Origins block, ie sudo gedit /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades Chang...

Even if it is not ubuntu, could someone answer this?
Q: Using rsync in a cronjob when a password is needed

NobbZBasically I have a bashscript that fetches Data from my server to perform a backup. As it is now I have to start that script manually and enter the password and then wait to finish. I would like to set up a cronjob, that handles the backup. But I really dont know how to handle the password in ...

Bounty offered: Where is the place where actual size of desktop icons is stored? http://askubuntu.com/questions/84033/where-is-the-place-where-actual-size-of-desktop-icons-is-stored #desktop

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