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00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

Formatting... Going to sleep! @HeatherBrown
Good night all!
@Fabby good night!
@HeatherBrown did you take a look at the new header? (blank looks really bad BTW)
@HeatherBrown I suggest you replace all the http:// in your css file with //.
// means "using the same protocol as were currently using". So if you're https it'll try to connect with https. In this case that'll mean your Google Fonts load over https so they won't be blocked by browsers.
You also seem to be using full URLs to everything, even local stuff. Relative links are fine and forgo all this protocol nonsense (it assumes same protocol).
For example, <form method="post" action="https://www.browntech.tk/mail.php"> becomes <form method="post" action="/mail.php">. <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://www.browntech.tk/assets/css/main.css" /> becomes <link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/css/main.css" />. Makes life much easier if you ever change domain ;)
Hmm, conversely your favicon should be root-relative. Go from <link rel="icon" href="favicon.png" /> to <link rel="icon" href="/favicon.png" />
It's weird that she's doing that @Oli
She'd pretty good with that kind of thing
Who knew @Lucio lives in Mordor ... at least according to github?
@hbdgaf lol
@Oli her other website does relative
@Zacharee1 there's a lord of the rings joke about a trek across oregon.
There's a shorter one if you're located in Oregon to start with... but here's another one google.com/maps/dir/The+Shire,+Wauwatosa,+WI/…
ikik... how does one know that off the top of their head.
Would actually like to see this answered:
Q: Unable to Edit/Create Pages at help.ubuntu.com

KeithI'm not sure if this is the best place for this, but I couldn't find a feasible way to contact anyone on the other site. I followed a lovely how-to yesterday at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MovingLinuxPartition, but because it is so out-of-date I had to spend most of the day searching for ad...

How i can find the question that i have asked?
@Ashu Go into your profile and scroll down
@Oli is that the solution? It was saying scripts from unsafe sources using regular relative paths, so I tried using absolute on everything. I didn't know about the // trick
Prior to let's encrypt, I've never been able to use HTTPS on my sites
@HeatherBrown even I knew about // :p
I guess it helps to steal styles and edit them :P
@Zacharee1 yeah, but can you make Python read your emails to you out loud? :p
no, but I could learn ;)
I like Python
I'll fix those paths
@HeatherBrown Finally got a reminder email from Let's Encrypt.
Apparently they have a bot that auto-emails to remind users.
I've got mine setup to auto renew @NathanOsman
Took a while to get right, but I've got it now
hi @NathanOsman :)
hi @HeatherBrown
the whole gang showed up...
yo @hbdgaf is back ;0
i'm in and out.
I went for supper just a bit ago
Letsencrypt certonly --renew-by-default --apache -d domain.tld
@NathanOsman I got the basics down on my scope, want to see?
You bet!
You can add as many domains as you have, and change apache to standalone
name a band
Set it up as a cron job to run every 3 months, always up to date SSL
@HeatherBrown Ah, clever.
I should totally write a Go app to automatically do that.
@Mateo Not bad.
then you see all the songs when you click on one
That sounds useful for sure.
@Mateo Can you then click on a song and it pull up the song somewhere?
If I had an Ubuntu phone, I'd use it :P
what data sources are you checking for playable media?
@Seth and that
haha, didn't get that far ;p
@hbdgaf I think his scope is doing lyrics.
that is the next step
usually searching YouTube for the song name and just using the first result will work.
ohhhh... a lyric app. sure.
it will take "artist, song"
but maybe there are fancier ways.
@Mateo is it possible to display icons next to each entry - album art in this case?
it gives amazon links for the albums - and a link for the lyrics
I think you can use the Amazon link to pull the image.
If not, you could always do it manually - pull the page HTML and grab the image.
why not use the cover art plugin stuffs from amarok or wherever?
I'll need to try something like that, if you know how to scrape the image link from a given page in c++ I might need some help :)
so, that is how far I got today
Probably a simple RegEx would do it. I can help you write something once you get that far.
So close to 3k!
that would be awesome, I'll let you know - it will probally be a few weeks before I start trying to think about that part, probally make a function that does the magic on the link, then call on it later in the part where i need the image link
@muru any idea what's going on here? askubuntu.com/questions/713007/… Apparently your answer didn't solve his problem.
@Mateo you're becoming our go-to scope expert :P
also I'll get the code together on github and all that so it will be easier to see what i'm trying
If you see a scope that does attributes properly and has their code somewhere let me know, I haven't figured out how to do those - and the only other scope where I thought I saw them cheated and put it in the subtitle :/
Q: Most efficient for multiple distros on one machine

mschu528My laptop – which is my main everyday computer – is currently dual-booting Win10 and Ubuntu 14.04 (though I almost never use Windows). I recently tried out a USB boot stick of the live Debian 8.0.2 image, with the Cinnamon desktop GUI. I was very impressed, and am interested in using it. I don't ...

@HeatherBrown Did you look at the header?
got done what I expected today, here is my whiteboard for the project:
You have a whiteboard?
ah there we go
yep ;) I like it
Q: ssh linux to mac inside and outside lan

Ben GilmanHi this is my first post and I was wondering if anyone can help me? I have ubuntu on my home pc and I want to be able to ssh to a macbook. When they are both on the same wifi network it's no problem, but how do I ssh to the mac when it's outside the lan? Thanks in advance!

@Zacharee1 so... after hearing about a user who used someone else's avatar you decide to follow suit?
@Seth I made this one :p
very funny
@Seth If you saw @ParanoidPanda with this edit, then he copied me :)
hm, yes, now that you mention it, I do remember.
btw, if anyone wants to watch some chess, now is a great time to do it.
I've got to get more work done though :(
@Zacharee1 looks like lettuce on mobile :p
Better, though
@HeatherBrown lol good
Not so assaultingly green
@HeatherBrown I did notice just how bright it was after you pointed it out
I'm glad Inkscape exists, otherwise that SVG would be a pixelly PNG
LOL, they even have their own DMCA section xD scriptscoop.net/dmca
please report the scraper @Zacharee1
I don't think they abide by the DMCA law :p
@Seth what's the link again? I can never find it...
@Zacharee1 contact us, bottom of every page... not hard to find :P
@Seth well then :p
@HeatherBrown I honestly though you were using lettuce as some sort of metaphor, like "looks like garbage." :P
@Zacharee1 ?
@Seth whoops
@Seth reported
@Seth and I meant to ping that to Serg :p
@Seth Toroidal? (Scraper) Was that @ParanoidPanda's name at some point?
@Fabby I think you'll like my new profile pic:
Someone's upvoting me...
@Mateo So is .toList() native to C++ or were you pulling it in from a library?
┬──┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ)
~~~ ╔͎═͓═͙╗
~~~ ╚̨̈́═̈́﴾ ̥̂˖̫˖̥  ̂ )
That doesn't come out right...
That works I guess
@A.B. that's just amazing. Thanks for the share!!
I didn't know it but I've been looking for something that like for ages :P
@Seth waybackmachine.org
stars ;)
@Seth I want to try something. Can you go to my site?
I want to try out my Google Analytics
I block Google Analytics ;)
@Seth may have been part of the qt stuff
> QList<QVariant> QVariant::toList() const
lol, cat's edit request: consolidate -> concatenate
oh, that looks useful
I don't think it's possible, but I'll ask anyway: If I'm using Emacs and writing C/++ code that creates a GUI window, would it actually display the window? Or is GUI development just not possible in terminal-based editors?
@Zacharee1 Sergio is a common spanish name , nothing surprising there :) also there is Sarge / Serge in French I think
@DemCodeLines terminal editor is the same as any other editor, totally possible :)
So assume I'm running a minimal version of Ubuntu, no desktop environment, just the shell. I install emacs, write some files and compile/run the output; you're telling me the GUI will show up?
@DemCodeLines it sure is possible. I've done all my java code in command line , no IDE, and because i was using the Swing class it was showing the neat little GUI popups. Also , zenity - it's the GUI which runs from bash scripts !
@DemCodeLines ahh, you didn't say you were running on a minimal install. No, that won't work.
There actually has to be something to render the gui elements, and that's all lacking on a minimal install.
@DemCodeLines minimal install ? no GUI on system, means no GUI from program
if by GUI you mean ncurses then yeah
a wild @Serg appears!
@Seth a wild Serg disappers, class over, going home
@Serg get some sleep :p
I need linux for school comp sci class. I didn't want to leave Windows, so I installed Ubuntu on Hyper-V. Pretty much every desktop environment for Linux slows down my VM, so I decided to go with minimal -install instead. But now, I can't get the GUI apps to run.
@DemCodeLines Can't run a gui without a gui... Dunno how that would ever work :)
@DemCodeLines If you're looking for minimal go with Lubuntu or Ubuntu MATE. Both very light on the resources.
That's why I said "I don't think it's possible" in the beginning ;)
@DemCodeLines it's possible from the command-line, just not in a CLI only environment ;)
I write gui code from the terminal all the time. Inside a gui environment though.
@Serg Sergio is a thing also in Italian :)
@DemCodeLines Yeah you could try Lubuntu, it also has an OpenBox session which is extremely light.
@kos :) nice to know that as well
@hbdgaf hehe, those noodles can be tricky, there's a subtle art to eating them lol
@Serg You're international ;)
Wild Serg reappeared . . .on mobile nau.... So turns out in my microcontroller interface techniques, we will be playing with serial console. As soon as i head it i was like gell yeah, screen and /dev/ttyUSB0 for the winz
Now I want pho :(((
now I want pho ಠ_ಠ
@Zacharee1 lol - double
@DemCodeLines you should allocate more video memory and ram to your vm, also use blackbox gui, super minimal
Guys you are gonna make me hungry
Gonna? Already methinks
Why hasn't my profile pic updated yet. It's been like an hour
Dang it. . . .Well it's 8 pm in denver and most places close at 9 so . . .I'll have pho tomorrow maybez
@Zacharee1 it haz updated on the site but not in chat, login again
Pandas demon picture, right ?
Stop taunting me. No Vietnamese around here (except people in the dorm :p)
@Serg in chat, yes :p
I wanna viet girlfriend . . .but chinese are preferred, still my number one
Car time, see yall later gator
There goes serg again...
You know what'd be great? If the WiFi here actually worked..
Fixed up my new site
@Serg mail some over here: p
Lemme see
CSS and https both working
@HeatherBrown ooo, bullets
@Zacharee1 having wifi problem ? I fell bad for yoi son, i got 99 NICs but Ethernet aint one
99 NICs on the board. Take one out, pass it about... nvm.
Lol. This is funny
1 hour later…
How's my new prompt ?
skolodya@ubuntu:$ echo HELLOWORLDYOLOSWAG360NOSCOPE ?

Should I spice it up somehow ? Gonna be using that for academic purposes and askubuntu,too.
Ok, moved slashes around a bit
you need some colours and bold :p
I use zsh now but for bash I use terdon's really awesome PS1:
${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\[\033[01;33m\]\u@\h\[\033[01;34m\] \W \\$\[\033[00m\]\[\033[01m\]
@Seth once I print out my assignments, no-one's gonna care about colors , so I just keep everything neutral. But for interactive use that's pretty neat
Ah, I keep forgetting about zsh
I need to start learning that at some point . . . somehow , someway
Should I be using zsh?
Also, what's the best chess engine for Ubuntu?
@HeatherBrown Unless you want an interactive shell on steroids, I think no, but it's good to know. Some distros have used it as default, for example Deepin
Personally, once I've heard about shellshock, I've switched from bash, started looking for other shells, and came across ksh, but ksh doesn't have that good readline support, it works just like dash, you type continously, no moving around with arrow keys
Then I found mksh and settled on that
It's pretty much the same as a crossover between bash and ksh
@HeatherBrown stockfish is the best chess engine in the world atm
Also open source iirc.
I don't have any good gui recommendations off the top of my head. I usually just play on lichess.org.
@Seth thanks, I'll check it out!
GUI isn't necessary, I'm used to playing by coordinates over SMS with friends :p
@serg is mksh easy enough to use?
@HeatherBrown yup, if you feel comfy with bash, you'll be comfy in mksh. Of course the echo by default behaves differently here, and history is not set, so you have to set env variable for that. Theres also env variable for command numbers, and whole bunch of other small things. But for 99% of everything you need to do on daily basis, it's the same as bash
Side note - it's the same shell that is used on Android
@Serg honestly shellshock doesn't mean other shells will be safer you know..
@HeatherBrown meh. I use it because it is highly customizable and I have it set up to give me my favourite features from fish, but still let me have my bashisms.
@Seth I'm well aware of that. But for temp solution plus learning iz gutt
Q: How to disable user's login without disabling the account?

NeelI have already gone through the post in Unix & Linux and tried altering /etc/passwd manually like below user1:x:1001:1001:,,,:/home/user1:/usr/sbin/nologin after making change user1 is not being able to login from terminal but surprisingly can login from gnome What's wrong? Description: ...

VTC as dupe
@HeatherBrown perhaps this one is for you askubuntu.com/q/723629/295286
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, blacklisted website in body, link at end of body: still something that needs become done by temmckey on askubuntu.com
devdocs.io works offline, too =)
also nice: dgit clone gedit instead of apt-get source gedit
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, link at end of body: We talked to quite a few customers by farataussigmgy on askubuntu.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, link at end of body: undifferentiated organisms, which works resolutely by penseeligerikf on askubuntu.com
@Zacharee1 The chat room is on fire!
@Fabby =) \o
[ SmokeDetector ] Link at end of body, link following arrow in body: recreation without a right choice-making? by birtaschold on askubuntu.com
[ SmokeDetector ] URL-only title, bad keyword in title: http://avoirantiaging.com/nitronos-x/ by betyevans on askubuntu.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: Well your body really likes by Aaron Justin on askubuntu.com
Q: Why isn't ext listed for file system types supported by my kernel?

TimI follow the reply here to list the types of file systems that my kernel can support. Why doesn't ls /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/fs list ext? My Ubuntu uses ext4 file systems.

Q: Do both "stat -f" and "cat /etc/fstab" show file system ids?

TimOn Ubuntu 14.04, I am checking the filesystem for my home based on a file new in it: $ stat -f new File: "new" ID: 38d4cd29e44142c6 Namelen: 255 Type: ext2/ext3 Block size: 4096 Fundamental block size: 4096 Blocks: Total: 144152970 Free: 79424314 Available: 72095994 Inodes: To...

@Zacharee1 Which edit?
@Fabby: Also, I remember speaking to a mod here about whether or not questions about future releases are on-topic, and I'm sure I remember them saying that they are if they are not bug reports, and specifically the close reason you have chosen is "Bug reports and problems specific to development version of Ubuntu should be reported on Launchpad so that developers can see, track and fix these issues.", and this is not something which should be reported on LP.
There is also this answer here.
@Fabby: A more appropriate close reason might be "This describes a problem that can't be reproduced that seemingly went away on its own or was only relevant to a very specific period of time. It's off-topic as it's unlikely to help future readers.", but only after 16.04 has been released and this question and its answer is obsolete.
There is also @hbdgaf's comment.
@Seth: I have also fixed the title, and thanks for that hint! :)
Q: When are questions about in-development releases on-topic?

Paranoid PandaI remember speaking to a moderator in chat once where they told me that a question about a future release which is currently in-development is actually on-topic here as long as what is posted is not a bug report. Though I have seen many people ignore this and actually the close reason description...

Installing OSX.
Does anybody know a place where I can get a list of all the Linux Malware? Tried searching on VirusTotal, but no luck!
@blade19899 and not allowed and probably due to encryption
@blade19899 wikipedia has a list en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_malware Incomplete they claim :=)
@Rinzwind I have played with installing OSX on my laptop(s) for years, was challenging at first, but not anymore. Thats why I stopped doing it. Too easy.
Too :=)
@Rinzwind I noticed that, but some links are broken, an not detailed information. I wanted something like the information on VirusTotal.
yeah 1 big problem as noted on the wikipedia: ". However, few if any are in the wild"
so virustotal will list them but ... it might be 0 >:-D
@Rinzwind There are not 0 Linux Malware!.
"However, in fact, this feature is not used anywhere. The entry for Linux.Ekoms.1 was added to the Dr.Web virus databases. Therefore, this malicious program poses no threat to our users." >:-d
@blade19899 tell that to virustotal :-D
@Rinzwind lol
@Rinzwind I'm writing a script that uses sha256 to check files, and then searches the same sha256 to search on VirusTotal. And display the accompanied information.
Can moderators just delete comments just like that?
Because I commented on something the other day and now the comment is gone, but I didn't delete it, and don't know why it would have gone...
@ParanoidPanda Yep. Moderators are like Vegeta, they can and they will. Without remorse.
So they can just click a delete button and it just deletes it just like that? There's no process they have to go through?
@ParanoidPanda There's that election thing...
@Oli: Which election thing?
We didn't just turn on the computer one day to find a delete button
Ignore me, I'm being facetious
Right, ok then... :D
Is there a log of deleted comments that moderators deleted?
@jokerdino next q from panda: can you make me a moderator? :=)
We all know the answer.
Could someone just check if my comments on this post were deleted by a mod because I didn't delete them and if a mod didn't, well, that's very strange...? And there was no real cause to delete them... :)
@ParanoidPanda ehm comments are actively deleted so that will be a "yes" ;-)
@ParanoidPanda Yeah @fossfreedom nuked all the comments there. We do that when the comments start to dominate the whole thing.
@Oli: Oh good, phew... So both on the question and answer?
I'm glad I'm not just going mad! :D
All the comments.
Ok, right, then I'm not going mad... Good to know! :D
@ParanoidPanda eh how does this prove you aint going mad? :-P
No, just proves I'm not seeing things with this...
@Rinzwind: Personally I think I went mad a long time ago... ;P
@Oli: Looking at that election page I get the idea that there are moderator elections every year then?
I know when! >:-D
When you started getting paranoid
@ParanoidPanda Clearly not
@ParanoidPanda nope. not every year.
It's done (on all SE sites) to get enough moderators to handle the workload. We've levelled out.
Ok, well, then it just happened that way previously, anyway, when do you think the next moderator election will be?
Not in the near future.
When one of us dies. Assuming that is there isn't some sort of Quickening as the other moderator absorbs the life force of the other and becomes more moderiffic THAN EVAR BEFORE!!
Low blood sugar turns me into a very strange chatroom inhabitant. Let's see what happens if I add caffeine.
@Oli: So I'm going to have to bump one of you off with my sturdy bamboo staff then? >:P
Ah, no, it's probably a good thing that there's not going to be an election soon, nobody would probably currently vote me in anyway and I'd have to think of a speech or something silly... :P
/me makes an annotation.
Why did people vote for you chat room penguin killers anyway? :P
@ParanoidPanda look at the transcript from before @jokerdino was a mod ;p
Actually, no. That's not a good idea. :P
Oh right, I must take a look then! ;D
@jokerdino: What exactly is retina by the way? :)
@ParanoidPanda must be one of those Apple displays.
Retina Display (marketed by Apple with a lowercase 'D' as Retina display) is a brand name used by Apple for screens that have a higher pixel density than their previous models. The goal of Retina Displays is to make the display of text and images extremely crisp, so pixels are not visible to the naked eye. This allows displays to rival the smooth curves and sharpness of printed text and immediacy of photographic prints. These better quality displays have been gradually released over a number of years, and the term is now used for nearly all of Apple products containing a screen, including the Apple...
@jokerdino: So what's it got to do with the community ads? And why do people want me to make me ad 600 x 300 to match 'retina'?
@ParanoidPanda its not to match retina
Its cause they resized the ads to a srandard size
@ParanoidPanda mod elections are 'as needed'
@JourneymanGeek: So is there need for me to make one that is 600 x 300 like @ByteCommander requested?
@ParanoidPanda yup
Ok, well, I'm not sure how it's going to turn out because it's a lot wider than before, but I'll have a go! :)
A: When will new Community Promotion Ad questions be appearing in Metas for 2016?

Grace NoteI'm the one in charge of starting up the new Community Promotion Ads. And they're actually slated to be up by the end of today! We already have Stack Overflow's spin on the situation up, as they're the easiest one. The rest? The main slow point is that naturally with the update in the width of t...

I guess its optional?
@JourneymanGeek: Well, I'll give a go and see what happens! :)
Did you see my smaller version of the ad by the way? :)
No? ;p
(I'm a terrible person and use adblock)
@JourneymanGeek: It's here, what do you think? Took me hours in GIMP to make it... :)
@ParanoidPanda Good enough for me... Close vote retracted
@Fabby: Thanks! :)
what is the name of loop that never stops?
@edwardtorvalds Fork Bomb?
another name
fork bomb can be made without for or while loops
Q: feature request : Video Upload

VishwaPrakash H VYes, I can upload images , But they are not sufficient. Some problems like video stuck , VGA problems EX: Can't play HD .mkv files (even in vlc) Playing any kind of media on Ubuntu stucks and lot more.... So I request the feature which enables the users to upload small videos in their quest...

@blade19899 I was looking for spinning loop, thanks btw
I don't know, maybe I'm just getting all confused here and there is a really easy method, but can one of you guys take a look at this? :)
anyone using zsh?
@JourneymanGeek: When I make this retina image, what do I do with it? Just upload it in the place of the old one?
I seem to think so
Seems to be a bit of confusion over the specifics
@ParanoidPanda fixed it ;) need to use high DPI for the general non apple marketing term
Is there no way to upload both images for the normal and the retina one?
Q: UFW: Allow traffic only from a dynamic IP on its last 2 elements

johan855I am trying to setup the following rule on ufw: ufw allow from So to allow incoming connections from all 217.87.123.* addresses. The problem is that my IP does not always start with 217.87.123.*, it changed today to 217.87.115.* Any ideas on how to setup ufw for this to work?...

@Mateo Do I not know what I'm talking about or would a low latency kernel maybe help this guy with his latency issues? plus.google.com/u/0/+JohnGruberHome/posts/NAR2YMn2ypf
I had a visitor from LA on my site... @HeatherBrown + location issues?
1 hour later…
Q: Ubuntu 15.10 Network Interfaces Name

YolcoI have just installed (fresh-installation) over VMware Workstation 10 an Ubuntu 15.10 64-bit virtual machine. Here, network interfaces names have been changed from 'ethX' to 'enXXXX'. My target is been able to change the new names for the older ones, but after reading and trying different actio...

@HeatherBrown got another email from www-data
Is Warriors of the NET still accurate?
@blade19899 read the comments. They go over some of its problems.
I haven't watched that in a few years so.
@Seth Same here. Rarely read the comments xD
@ByteCommander: Sorry, about the slight error in sizing by the way, now you know how dirty my screen is! :P
But I hope that at the proper side it won't squish it...
I never know what size to make the YOUBar (that's what I call it :P) when I start it at a new size though! :D
@edwardtorvalds: You just gave me a bug!!! >:{
a news worth reading
@ParanoidPanda bug? how ? I dont understand
00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

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