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Q: unable to change the graphics driver

deostrollMy laptop doesn't have much battery life. This is usually not a problem while running windows. Now I don't have a windows os, where these problems never cropped up. So I guess this is a graphics card issue. The proper one being loaded. Earlier I had asked for a set of drivers for my laptop, and ...

Sometimes students ask for help with some very specific software, and I always feel bad, because for the most part we as lab techs are familiar with general list of software - word, excel , printing stuff, browsers, but something like SAP which is specific to the CIS majors . . .then they're out of luck
What ?
Q: A python program with linux interpreter

sasank sai sujan adapapython program where the siv program needs the user to enter a path to a monitored directory, another path to a verification, a third-path to a report file and a hash function (e.g, the siv should support at least MD-5 and SHA-1), the siv program must be runnable from the command line: siv<-i|-v>...

@Serg clearly an assignment, and asked by someone that can't be bothered to do more than regurgitate a mashup of it. I downvoted it and voted to close.
@Chan-HoSuh same here, and send them to fiver . . .if they wanna other person to do their homework, pay-up bishez !!! :D
this is not an entirely objective feeling :) ... but I tend to feel it's because of people that learn programming this way that there are all these ridiculous hoops and filter mechanisms when looking for jobs
for example, if you ask reasonable, basic questions about some programming language, someone like that can just Google it and cut-and-paste the answer in, so instead companies contrive these ridiculous trick questions about some weird edge case or syntax
I remember reading some blog post that was highly voted up on some site like Quora, where the guy basically Googled everything on a phone interview, ironically, with Google
facepalm I understand people want cool jobs and stuff, but come on, show some effort . . .
so here's basically a trick question I've asked multiple C++ experts and they all failed it
int c = 0; c++++;
what happens when you compile this?
friend of a friend was actually asked this at a company
Q: Many kernel questions = unstable ubuntu?

Star OSIt seems that, a lot of the new questions here on AskUbuntu are about kernels with "attempted to kill init!", which can mean if there's a new kernel, that kernel could be very unstable? I don't know.

Um . . . .I'm no C++ guy . . . but first off this is missing libraries, and main . . .c++++ seems like an error to me, because there's only c++ that can be done . . .at least it seems so . . .so compiler error. Probably better done with for loop
what do you mean by "there's only c++" that can be done?
(assume the usual junk, like imports and main are there)
well, in all the time I've coded in C, I've seen only <variable-name>++ for incrementing
if it aims at incrementing it twice, maybe it should be split into two calls, or c+=2
to make a short answer shorter, basically you can do "++++c" but not "c++++"
prefix increment returns an l-value, while suffix increment returns an r-value
that should make sense, because the former returns the updated value, while the latter returns the before-update value
anyway, I'm not a C++ expert just because I know this ... it's sad but there's like a small family of interview questions having to do with these increment operators, none of which proves I know C++ well at all
just read the c++ spec.
And it says postfix operators ++ and -- return a prvalue.
\ (-_-) / exactly, it's like asking me if I know about some obscure bash variable, and of course i probably don't . .. but i can write some scripts here and there
And the operand must be a modifiable lvalue.
I am of the opinion these interviewers consider themselves clever for knowing something obscure, but in reality have no idea what they are doing.
basically there's an arms race in interviewing, but what's interesting is if you actually want to test real skill, there's no need to do this kind of bs, just ask basic questions ... like FizzBuzz :)
@hbdgaf lol that's more hilarious
@Mahesh that question was asked at a certain company X, which has many devs that consider themselves to be C++ gurus. Thus I will often see someone complain about some question asked when interviewing by company X, and often the question is so obscure the interviewer actually gets it wrong themselves
for example, there was some question about initialization of PODs, and the interviewer wanted to know some obscure feature of initialization in some special scenario
I sometimes wonder what these people are thinking ... after selecting the people that know these obscure facts, you then set them to work on parsing csv files ... so what was the point?
@NathanOsman that background in the SEChat is pretty awesome. Where did you get it? or did you build it?
So . . . y=++c Takes C , increments and stores it memory where y is located. y=c++, stores into Y first, then increments . . .So first one ++++c increments twice, and stores, but c++++ cannot store it twice, only once, so increment will be done only once, right ?
@Lucio @ByteCommander got it from somewhere.
@NathanOsman 2buntu just tweeted articles did you hit a button ;)
@Serg the assignment to y takes place last ... it's not really relevant to this question
in "c++", the value of c is stored somewhere, and after updating c, that stored value is retrieved and returned
so with "y=c++", that retrieved value is then assigned to y
maybe there's some compiler optimization that would store the previous value in y first, but that's an extra thing
I'll be back later
need to go cover a coworker for lunch
@ParanoidPanda I've only used it to convert .rmp to .deb. :P
@ByteCommander :D :D :D
@Serg I bet she's cute... (Picture, please!)
VTC this $h|t! CC @ParanoidPanda ;-) :P :D
@Oli Would you care to explain the intricacies of the English language "there can be real steamers"???
I see the words, I understand them individually and still have no clue WTH you're blabbering about... ;-)
@Fabby A steamer is a poo here. For the metaphor to work, a poo done outdoors on a cold day. Warm and steaming.
@Mateo we just enabled SSL so whatever James uses to watch our feed thought they were new articles.
I've since deleted the duplicate tweets.
Hrm... SSL seems to have broken the app too.
@Mateo if you get a chance, could you please see if the 2buntu app for Ubuntu Touch still works?
There's an HTTP redirect in place so I have no idea why the Android app broke.
@Oli :D :D :D
Never would have guessed without the explanation!
IMHO you should refrain from using expressions like that: it's lost on everyone except native Brits...
And I'm willing to bet a bottle of Champagne 99% will not be willing to bother a high rep user (and mod) like yourself to explain himself in the detail I just asked you to do...
(advice from an old fart that has had to explain that "whilst" is the same as "while" to non-native English speaker reading upper-class, grammatically correct technical documentation)
Hi there im here trying to get ruining a hidden server
I install it from apt
ps -ef | grep -i 'tor' debian-+ 7401 1 0 16:49 ? 00:00:00 /usr/bin/tor --defaults-torrc /usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc --hush
cant get it up....
[warn] Couldn't open "/home/user/web/private_key.tmp" (/home/user/web/private_key) for writing: Permission denied
[err] Couldn't write generated key to "/home/user/web/private_key".
Just giving Kubuntu a go in a VM! It's really amazing! It's advanced so much since I last used it (and they made the ugly bottom bar look good - its ugliness is what had put me off before)! I think that the other Ubuntu flavours could learn a lot from it, its design is really slick and the best one I've seen yet! :)
I don't think that I'll switch to it, but it really has got a lot slicker than some of the others just in its design and movement.
@mullerivan Hi! Could you post the link to the question here on this site?
i didint write a question
so should i?
And before anyone asks, Canadian English is more like American English than British English.
@mullerivan Please start doing so and provide as much information as you can into the question.
Then post a link in here and we'll have a look!
Though we use British spelling.
(Although I don't.)
@NathanOsman So you didn't get the reference to the steamers neither???
@NathanOsman Do you still use the queen's money??? (I rest my case your honour!) ;-)
@NathanOsman BTW: Thanks for fixing the edit bug once and for all!
Works like a charm now!
You're welcome.
Yes, we still use the Queen's money.
Her head is on the back of our coins anyway :P
@Fabby she is indeed cute
@Serg :D Just in time!
She has a snappy character, clever, sharp
And she was one of the first people I worked with in the labs
@Serg Some advice from an old fart who stopped counting his ex-GFs when he ran out of fingers and toes:
Oh dear... I think I may have just corrupted Kubuntu... Wooops... :D
@Serg Don't be the nice guy, dress sharp, know what you want, and treat the girls like you've got a ton of choice!
@ParanoidPanda <.< Oh, gowd, you've done breaking Gnome, and now breking kubuntu
(washing, not using gel in your hair, not opening a bag of <strikethrough>crisps</strikethrough> chips with your teeth are obviously included)
@Fabby My character is mostly the "nice guy", but I do agree with your advice - them girls like guys who are sharp and assertive.
@Serg I remember a beautiful, rich, funny, intelligent girl who always fell for the wrong kind of guy:
Leather jacket, motor cycle, busting her up...
I'm serious: be more assertive and less of the nice guy...
\ (-__-) / female logic, it's all opposite
God... What are you two talking about? :P
No, not really: they go for alpha male, unless you're really lucky and you end up marrying your best friend and she ends up marrying her best friend and you'll live happily ever after...
@ParanoidPanda girls . . . those mythical creatures which surpass unicorns with their mystery
Anyway, goodnight from me! :)
@ParanoidPanda sleep well in your bamboo bed, panda
@ParanoidPanda Shut up! We're talking about women!
:p ;-) :D
Above your age-level anyway! >:-)
@Serg: I've eaten most of it... :P
@ParanoidPanda after you finished the chocolate cake???
<.< how old is panda anyway ? He seems to be much older than I am, and working somewhere
@ParanoidPanda a bug for the alignment of the flashing dots image?
@Serg I'm not going to divulge any personal information I might have, but let's say Panda's quite a bit younger then you...
@NathanOsman my point exactly! -------^
First priority is always "does it work?"
Secondly, usability.
Only once both of those are addressed do I care about pixel alignment.
Huh . . . Well,meanwhile I'm still 25 . . . and just clocked back in from my "fake" lunch break
@NathanOsman The politically correct way of saying that is: "It will be included in the feature list of the "next to next" version as the current next version list is already full...
(Whatever the word in English is for "next of next")
I'm not sure we have a word for that.
Oh, how would you say "not the next version, but the version after that" in one word?
like how would you say "the day before yesterday" in one word???
(every language I know about has a word like that, except English)
Fortnight means the night before the night before.
Thank you!
Didn't know that one...
so "fortday" would be a tongue-in-cheek for "day before yesterday"?
Lets just say in the "next beta release"
Need a refill: BRB
@Serg Good one!
@Fabby fortnight isn't used much anymore, so few people would understand "fortday".
You'll mostly see it in literature.
Apple ports Swift to Linux
guys, do you remember how to use a command and redirect the text into a text file?

I use g++ main.cpp -o exe > ./error.txt but not working
@GeoMint um . . . .seems to be correct syntax. What error does it throw ?
no syntax error
but still prints the output..
@GeoMint Um . . . it might be printing stderr. Use &> instead of >
@Serg did they actually do that?
\> is only for stdin
@NathanOsman well so says the article, i don't know how true that is
&> works
Yup, so it was stderr . . .
but then changes the $? to 0, even if not compiled
Wow. I'll have to take a look at Swift then.
They announced it earlier this year, but I didn't know they actually released it.
g++ main.cpp -o exe
if [ $? -eq 0 ]
./exe < input
echo " "
./codecconverter/codecconverter64 image.txt image.png
# eog image.png & #GNOME
ristretto image.png & #XFCE
echo "\033[01;31m [COMPILE FAILED] \033[00m"
that works, show never mind
@Serg i had it without if and sometimes if g++ returned error, then it executed the last compile i did... :/
@GeoMint check man page for g++, there should be something about exit code behavior
that will be me tomorrow
yessir, final exam on monday
After that semester over . . . and I'm gonna start brushing up my C, Java, and prepare for control systems
we start at 11 January
i will have Java and Data Structures ( C lang. )
next year
@GeoMint well, my college finishes the fall semester around 17th of December, then it's like a month of a break,and we start again on 21st of January.
I had the Data Structures class this semester but had to drop because of the professor. She was . . . .well,tough . . .
we stop lessons at 18. and in 11 of January is the first day of final exams
we have also tough professors
@Serg what's your college/university ?
@GeoMint Metropolitan State University of Denver. I'm electrical engineering technology major, but i am also doing minor in computer science, which is why i am going to retake Data Structures and Computer Organization classes next semester. Failed both, but i am persistent
i love computer stuff, i just miss out on small things all the time
I study at University of Crete, Greece at Department of Computer Science
ohh, you are in UK
@Serg you said electrical engineering, you like to work more with hardware or software? :P
@GeoMint I think I prefer software more, but over time I've slowly learned to like hardware as well. Once, I was taking electronics class, and we had to design a two stage amplifier circuit. I've spend so much time on that project and motivation, that by the end of that class, I could recreate it from scratch . . . And I still could do it, i think.
But really , it depends on my motivation.
Programming microcontroller in assembly was a pain
that's true
i have worked with assembly
i had a lesson Computer Organization
Sometimes I just get these motivation moments, like yesterday. Even though it was 2 am but i still posted a script here on AU. When i enjoy something , it comes out easily. With amplifiers, it was painful at first, but later - i was so driven
i don't pass all my courses, but noone is perfect
Same here, I failed many
But i try my best to improve
Also, i suck at English :P My vocabulary is not enough sometimes.... I managed to get 10 at English4 but inside me i feel a gap.
@GeoMint Yeah, that's a natural feeling. I didn't get to really practice english until I came to the US when i was 16. It's much different than learning in class. You have to learn for practical purpose, to communicate. Grammar is important , but communication is priority to me. This is how I've learned Chinese - focused on communicating with people
And my english still lacks even after 8 years in the US
i remember you are russian
i am greek :P
i can use very good the accent of some languages. They can think i am a native speaker :P
i would like to go to UK for erasmus one day
:D yeah, if you can emulate an accent , that's a pretty good thing to use - my chinese accent sometimes seems to suggest I've been to China, even though I never have
but i am scared about courses. even if i manage to go to UK college, i need to learn to write texts in essay sizes.
Yeah, that can be intimidating sometimes. Just let your mind flow, as if you were making a conversation , but on paper. That's what I do
You are right
@terdon does that look familiar to you ? askubuntu.com/q/706385/295286
Same user perhaps ? or classmates ? :D
addgroup $group_name VS addgroup "$group_name"
i think the first
@GeoMint that question has been asked earlier today, same script . . . but apparently by different user . . . .
this is not even ubuntu :P its offtopic i think
well, it's scripting, it's relevant on Ubuntu . . . but this specific question seems to be a re-post. And probably is a homework
Q: Unsure how to use my script

Maarten Wachtersfor my first year CS I need to know Shell Scripting, but I'm really terrible at this. I wrote this script for example #!/bin/bash [ $(whoami) != "root" ] && echo "Run as superuser" && exit 1 while getopts "ugb: " opt; do case $opt in u) read -p "Wat is de naam van de user die je wilt toevoege...

it is for a course of first year at ap.be university in Belgium :P
Yup, that guy is Belgian . . .but who is the other guy ? O.o
he is MisterMacintosh hahah
fanboys everywhere
he is also from Belgium. look in his profile
-____- MisterMacintosh asking question on Ubuntu site . . . how clever . . . It's like LinuxLover asking question on Windows forum
pfff i hate when they ask everybody to solve their exersices #MrMAC
Q: Can anyone help me with designing a logic circuit from a truth table

MisterMacintosh1Im having trouble with designing a circuit with logic gates that represents this truth table: A B C X 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 We can use NOT gates, AND(2inputs), OR(2inputs). Thanks!

they make me feel stupid
i also had a lesson where a also made carno maps and NOT / OR / ADD gates
i passed it
Same here, i passed my Digital Circuits 1 and 2 . . . .but I'd need to revisit state machine logic . . . Basic gates are simple . . . but state machines are kind of blurry in my memory by now
i still remember the most of it
my course called Digital Design
@NathanOsman Ah... Too bad... But thanks for the literary advice anyway... ;-)
Good night all!
night :)
@Fabby adios o/
@GeoMint ah, looks a lot of fun. I'd wanna get those logic chips again and just play around with all the gates again
i remember first days with cables and the board, just to make the lamp turn on xD
with the gates AND OR NOT :D
its almost 2 here
i go to bed
thanks for hanging out with me @Serg
@GeoMint :) always a pleasure
sleep well

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