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anyone uses electrical-engineering stackexchange over here?
only when I get a link to something awesome.
ok I'm in chat room, just want to confirm if its where I/anyone should be asking questions about ASIC design/ computer architecture etc.
but as it seems I'm the only one in chat room :P
@jrg which one?
@ThomasWard your comment on that answer.
@jrg hola
@RolandTaylor check the 2buntu room pl0x
I have an "Ask Ubuntu" profile question. I keep trying to change my profile pic, so I created an account at that gravatar place and uploaded the pic. When I click on "change picture" in Ask's profile it takes me to the gravatar home page. Then what?
@jwdinkc just wait a little bit.
gravatar sometimes takes 5-10 minutes to appear.
Been two days...
No big deal really. Just that pink's not my color.
@jwdinkc You need to upload the image to gravatar and associate it with the email you use on Ask Ubuntu
did you assign your image to the same email address that ask ubuntu has?
I'm pretty sure I used google to sign into both...I'll double check though.
too many questions sorry
Thats ok.
@jwdinkc use google address which u use for askubuntu on gravatar site
change pic
and it will be reflected without doing anything on askubuntu
@jwdinkc If it helps, your email address on AU is a yahoo.com address - even though you used Google to login - the site uses whatever email is listed as your primary on Google which can be an address other than your Google Login
@MarcoCeppi you crazy moderator helpful snoop. :P
Alright, now it says wait up to 24 hours. Does it make a difference that I sign into Ask through google?
@Marco - sorry, I just read your response. Will do tomorrow.
@jwdinkc Nope, it only does it based on email matching
So change my Ask account to my yahoo address since that is what google prolly has as my primary. Got ya.
@jrg which answer?
Can you answer this? How to know that an app uses which proxy settings http://askubuntu.com/questions/83984/how-to-know-that-an-app-uses-which-proxy-settings #softwarecenter
@ThomasWard This one
telnet miku.acm.uiuc.edu
@jrg how did you find that?
that is starred
9 hours ago, by badp
telnet miku.acm.uiuc.edu
@GeorgeEdison yeah
it would be awesome if we had another charmer
hi all
I just noticed I got 12 up and 5 down on a question.. 5 down IS A LOT! :p
Q: Where can I find websites that list games for Ubuntu?

AlvarNot all games are in the software center and I don't know where to find others. Please help me find websites online that list games for Ubuntu. I don't mind if they are free or not. I don't want recommendations of individual games - just link me to the lists/websites that surely must exist alr...

haha, 5 down...
that's how i found it - never knew @badp posted it as well.
@Alvar list questions are offtopic
@JorgeCastro votes to close
@MarcoCeppi don't we need to close this one as well, as part of the cleanup? - askubuntu.com/questions/30334/list-of-application-indicators
(since it's off-topic... *_*)
hey, i'm just doing my job as a community member to help the FAQ be the law of the land. :P
If I remember in the next few hours I'll circle back to that one
enters through the Stargate that he left in the chat room when he was last here
looks around, sees @ThomasWard's Stargate, runs out
@jrg why you running man? its just a stable interplanetary wormhole transportation device! :P
yey first time I answered something with complete confidence :P
@ThomasWard perhaps it's not so stable as you'd like to think?!
well without this control device i keep with me, its not :P
@jrg you're free to step through the stargate once i turn it on
i've got to pick up some additional equipment for it :P
@ThomasWard I'm... just going to walk away now, while I still can.
@jrg fine, whatever
@ThomasWard I see how it is. pouts
turns on the stargate to another galaxy and walks through
returns through a new stargate connection with a box of equipment and a gigantic shipment of cookies
@jrg cookie?
@ThomasWard OOH COOKIE!
wow, you're easy to please :P
You didn't know that?
you're equally easy to scare. that stargate's been here for about 8 months now
nobody notices it though until its turned on :P
i don't notice things until people tell me.
sneaks through stargate behind you wearing a Sodan Cloaking Device - steals dialing crystals - gets Jaffa buddie to ring transport me to awaiting Tel'tak for easy escape.
I am proud to say I have both SG1 and Atlantis box sets. I am ashamed to say i've watched both multiple times
points at the fact what you stole was actually an antimatter power device
@rlemon since i have the knowledge of the ancients... there's no way to actually beat that
... much
I am alteran BOOM
sit back down
picks up the Merlin anti-ascended-being device
too bad it's in the Ori galaxie
... and no more super gate
how excellent for me i have technology which allows me to bend space and time, and make objects out of thin air ;P
greater than any ascended being because he spans about 40000 universes
Bounty offered: Can't make the Multimedia keys work in LXDE http://askubuntu.com/questions/82997/cant-make-the-multimedia-keys-work-in-lxde #keyboard
@rlemon i own the box sets, all the movies, and a freaking quarter-scale stargate replica
ascended beings, by nature, control space/time. Nothing in the realm of our physical universe matters. ergo ascended beings control everything in our existence all other existences can GFTO
@ThomasWard i also have the movies, and replica, and coasters!
@rlemon i also own Cthulhu, so i win :P
oh, and CHuck Norris
but all aside, it's nice to meet someone else who can appreciate it as much as me
i actually took the time to modify a Star Trek game...
so that i can actually use stargate-like equipment
my girlfriend doesn't understand. makes fun of me.
including the asgard plasma beam weaponry
i have 20 ships in my STO fleet with that technology
and basically every other fleet stays clear of me
I built a 2d side scroller for a school project based on the space shipts
because those beams are fricking strong!
you were promethus 1
God I love stargate - sadly Universe never really tickled my fancy - too far away from the original feel of the show.
yeah i steered clear of that
fwiw, Atlantis could have been far longer
it's like all Star Treks were good before DS9
ohh hell yea
not long enough - look how long they dragged out SG1
@ThomasWard nods
is a huge Stargate fan
fwiw, back to the STO modifications i made... i took a Defiant-class ship, and made it into a freaking god vessel using StarGate universe weaponry
and i have 20 of them in my fleet
full beam weapons coverage, all angles :P
the STO admins were like "WTH dude, you've got an inordinately powerful ship! WTF ARE YOU PLANNING?"
and I said to them "I"m planning on wiping out every enemy fleet. With a vengeance. ALL WHO STAND IN MY PATH SHALL FEEL MY WRATH"
they kinda backed off because even their god modded admin ships died
you could always mix your sci fi and really f with them.
"what are you planning?"
i actually built a Tardis hardpoint for STO
but then i was like "How the hell am I going to put god weapons on this?"
and abandoned it
and if I may note - for the record. Continuum was a horrible movie - the end kinda pissed me off.
felt like a waste of time
yeah, well meh
the soundtracks are OK
i hate movies that full circle to no point.
i could probably like... record my military actions on STO and use the SG:Continuum music :P
and make an epic battle record :P
I do still want to build a HTML5 game based on stargate.
I have started working out the code/physics for planetary orbits
i need to make this god awful animation thing for a class here...
but i'm constantly side tracked with work
damn work
i'm thinking of making an interactive stargate
with panoramic views of various planets (destroyed and still existent)
such as... um...
crap what was that one which the original Stargate movie included...
the one where they take a nuke and kill Ra with it
the one Anubis vaporized
probably not spelt right but abados
Abydos! THAT'S the planet
yeah that planet
one of my favorite episodes is where Anubis' fleet gets totally obliterated by the ancient Drones platform
I like when Daniel has his showdown with Anubis and gets sucked away. always loved that scene.
my favorite Atlantis scene is when Ronon was first learning the various weapons that the expedition brought with it
the M9 and the P90
then he is all "I prefer this gun" and shoots the paper target with his energy pistol
this clip
/me has never seen stargate
and i'm out
night all.
see ya
oh and one last clip:
"How many of those [knives] do you have?"
"How many do you need?"
Aw. I miss Atlantis.
Did they can Universe too?
a while ago
Awww. I was watching that.
ohh wait - before i go - two inaccuracies in SG1 that ticked me off.
First few episodes when they went through the stargate they took 'a few seconds' to pass to the next gate. also they came out the otherside cold and sometimes covered in frost - they were de-materialized and sent through a wormhole to another point in space - this would take no time and cause no such 'freezing' effect
i think because the ratings were so low... :P
@rlemon power fluctuations in the gates
@rlemon at that time they hadnt yet perfected the power requirements
also if they (in the original shows) did not know that the stargate traveled anywhere else but abydos why would they have an advanced tracking system that mysteriously contained more stellar cartography than is (or at least was then) known to man
and how in the f-bomb did it track them
They'll make Warehouse 13 but not a new SG-Universe. That's wrong on so many levels.
watch your language @rlemon
@Oli dont you dare dis Warehouse 13
i often forget people are sensitive to language
@ThomasWard I don't need to - it's doing a perfectly good job of that, itself
i should fight you @Oli
the only reason i watch Warehouse 13 is because i got hooked on it one day when i was horridly bored
beyond reason
(tbh, my favorite episode was the last one they released where the warehouse dies because of an artifact nuclear device)
ok, ok. Tenth Doctor, Picard, or O'Neill
@rlemon Eh? At what?
who would win in a fight of course
no weapons only intuition
and not to the death because a time lord will always have the upper hand
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