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Yes, but on another site. I'm not active on [elementary.se] and I don't see much reason for it to exist either, I don't like this hyper fragmentation we're starting to have, so I don't really have an opinion on what should or shouldn't be on topic there.
My meta question here was basically to highlight the fact that scripting is and always has been 100% on topic on AU.
Glad to see that elementary.se seems to be taking the same approach. Banning shell scripting from a site about any type of Linux is just ridiculous. It's like banning questions about the engine on a site about cars.
does anybody uses elementary freya ??
@terdon I do agree with you...my bad I made a mistake here...with that experience ,..to get clarity I posted that question.
@Ravan Good! That's exactly what you should do! I'm just saying that I'm not the right person to ask since I don't even have an account on elementary OS.
@terdon =)
@AbhishekBhatta yes
I am
@terdon please tell me the contents of /usr/share/xsessions/pantheon.desktop file :)
I just lost my session :D
@AbhishekBhatta I don't have that.
@AbhishekBhatta please be clear in chat--
But it should be easy enough to reproduce. It will be something like this:
I said I am using it @AbhishekBhatta
I just lost my pantheon session. I want to recover it
Ohh sorry. Ravan.
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=This session logs you into Pantheon
@AbhishekBhatta What do you mean by "session"?
@Ravan can you tell me please
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=This session provides elementary experience
Exec=gnome-session --session=pantheon
@terdon its like you have two window manager at the same time
@AbhishekBhatta ^^
you can just logout one session and login through another window manager in the same account
@AbhishekBhatta Yes, I know what a session is. Do you mean you lost the ability to log in to pantheon or do you mean that you lost your pantheon settings?
If the former, either use what Ravan gave or just run dpkg-reconfigure pantheon-desktop or whatever the elementary package name is.
@terdon yes somewhat like that. I just uninstalled my gala and wingpanel from another wm(i3wm) because my freya just crashed. And I lost the session
@ravan thanks :)
terdon any idea about Go language
@Ravan do U know there the pantheon session file is stored ??
@Ravan No, but Nathan uses it.
look top right guys - if you want to get into any in-depth discussions about elementary - create another room.
Because I guess to recover the session you need two files
@fossfreedom OK, but so far, everything we've said applies equally well to Ubuntu.
By the way, @fossfreedom, can we really not discuss non-Ubuntu stuff here? Since when? I know we've talked about anything from politics to the BSDs in the past. I didn't know there were rules for what subjects are allowed in chat.
@AbhishekBhatta I hope your Q solved if not please ask in this room http://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/30304/room-for-ravan-and-abhishek-bhatta
@fossfreedom thanks =)
@terdon sorry ... pesky developers asking work questions - general stuff is OK - you know we talk about anything and everything here. When going down the "I've got an elementary specific issue" that has the potential to run and run - perhaps better to step out
@terdon: I think @fossfreedom suggests to "get a room" to not clutter the general chat with a specific, "non-general" issue.
@fossfreedom Fair enough. Just wondering if I missed a memo :)
@Terrance @A.B.: Do either of you know anything about this? :)
@ParanoidPanda that smells of a list type question! Get ready for those close votes.
@Fabby what's up with the bounty on that grep question ? It's like from 2013 and has accepted answer already
Also, top of the morning , lads !
@fossfreedom: Ok, I have edited it now, is it better or still too broad or whatever it would be closed as? :)
@Serg o/
@ParanoidPanda does it have a finite number of answers - i.e. are you expecting a couple of easter egg type answers or is there a potential for dozens of answers. If the latter then it is still classed as a list and therefore should be closed as per current views on such Qs
@Serg: @Fabby did that purely out of worship for me. ;-]
@fossfreedom: Well, I'm expecting the same as the other questions I linked.
@Fabby @DavidFoerster -____- favoritism , blasphemy ! >:)
I'll mark this a CW like the others - I'll leave others to judge the merits of the Q itself
@ParanoidPanda stupid questions. Gnome 3 developers have no sense of humor so how can there be easter eggs/
@ParanoidPanda how would you choose one answer to accept? How can you know any answer is the answer?
in Unix and Linux, Sep 21 at 0:36, by cas
@FaheemMitha: gnome's problem is that they have too many (>0) users. they're working hard to fix that.
@terdon basically the one with the most upvoted answer should be the most surprising easter egg >:)
@terdon: rofl
so true!
Aye :)
That was posted by a Debian developer, surprise, surprise!
Lol, I just discovered the "tilt" Google easter egg :)
What's this about? I didn't set this...
Who converted it into a community wiki?
@ParanoidPanda Link?
@jokerdino: Link.
You need to look for it.
@jokerdino: I what?
> Who converted it into a community wiki?
26 mins ago, by fossfreedom
I'll mark this a CW like the others - I'll leave others to judge the merits of the Q itself
@terdon: I still don't really understand why it was converted... What exactly is a community wiki anyway? I mean I read the documentation on it but still don't completely understand its use.
@ParanoidPanda That was basically @fossfreedom being nice to you and choosing not to simply close it.
CW is how most "list questions" end up.
For starters, that question doesn't have one single correct answer.
I still don't really see the point of CWs...
It's to prevent people from milking reputation points.
Well, the idea is to i) signify that this should be a community effort and ii) allow lower rep users to edit posts directly. I also sometimes use it when repeating answers from another site so as to not get rep from someone else's work.
@jokerdino: So will the people who asked all of those other questions also have their rep gains and losses for those questions reversed?
Hm, that message was meant more as a tongue-in-cheek response.
@ParanoidPanda Nothing is reversed. CW posts give no rep from the moment they become CW. Any rep gained until then is kept. They also still count to get badges. I've gotten a few from this answer, for example.
@jokerdino: You lick people's cheeks? Eww...
Oh, woops! I misread that! :D
I'm out. Have a good day people.
VTC this EOL question.
@jokerdino: Bye! :)
@A.B.: Would you know anything about this? :)
@ParanoidPanda run this: sudo rkhunter --nocolor --update
does everything from the program then print in the green from your PS1?
@ParanoidPanda That's a funky prompt! The thing is that you're leaving the color open for the commands you type and this is carried on to the output. Not sure how to fix that.
^ that
@terdon AFAIK he can't
because if he's intentiaonlly leaving formatting open, it won't work until it's overridden
or until PS1 shows again
and even then it's a persistent issue. I state as much in my comments
Unless we can come up with something clever using PROMPTCOMMAND or trap or something.
so if only he would read my comment ;)
@terdon true.
It's not about the specific command. @ParanoidPanda's prompt, since it's not closing the color code, is changing the default color for all output.
@terdon I'm trying to verify that issue
@terdon the DIFFERENCE here is I never SAID it was the command
I said that PS1's formatting isn't 'removed'
therefore unformatted output from any other command without any overrides will print in the previoiusly set formatting and colors
rkhunter does override colors after the first line
when you give --nocolor it should then all be green as a proof that it's PS1's fault
@ThomasW. True, my bad. I only read the first part of your comment "What may be happening is that since rkhunter has its own set of color setups,"
@terdon AFAIK there's no fix, unless you know fancy bashisms to capture stuff or trap it or such
@ThomasW. Yup, just found it. Writing up an answer now.
The trick is:
trap 'printf "\e[0m" "$_"' DEBUG
Heh, I knew there was something to be done with trap. I really should take the time and learn how that damn thing works at some point.
Hey @NathanOsman, someone was asking about Go earlier, in case you want to be bugged:
2 hours ago, by Ravan
terdon any idea about Go language
eheheh go
A: Bash Script - How can I get the size of directories in .txt file and save them into other file?

SergUse find combined with du and redirect to file with > sudo find /path/to/topDir -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec du -sh {} \; > output.txt Example: xieerqi:$ sudo find Desktop -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec du -sh {} \; > outputFile1.txt [sud...

Critique plz ^
Did I do too much there ?
find, xargs, du . . .
@terdon someone mentioned last night that they were learning Go.
Go them!
Heh - well... hopefully tomorrow I'll have something interesting to show you guys, which happens to be written in Go.
@NathanOsman hello
I too asked about Go
@NathanOsman: Oh, stop Going on about that... :P
Not to be complaining or anything, but . . . .what kind of name is "Go" for a programming language ? -___-
@Serg __Go__ogle it
It's also the name of a board game.
@Ravan lol.
Does anyone have a specific question about Go?
I am also learning @NathanOsman
still not..=)
"Hi I have numerous Go dependency libraries I have to import how do I do so in package compilation time so things work?"
^ headache
Doesn't "go get" do that automatically?
(As long as you have Git and Mercurial installed?)
@NathanOsman if and only if you know how to add it
@NathanOsman and then, getting it into a position in the package where it works is tricky
but tricky
@Serg Kinda. All you really need is:
while IFS= read -r dir; do du -sh "$dir"; done < file 2>/dev/null
I've packaged Go libraries, it's not that bad.
^--- there's a few in there
@Serg In a world containing languages with names like brainfuck and whitespace, you have issues with as innocuous a name as Go !?
@NathanOsman no... i'm not talking about packaging the libraries
@NathanOsman i'm talking about pulling in ones that aren't packaged via go get while working in a go source dir
We typically refer to it as "golang" though for easier searches.
especially when youi're pulling them in as 'latest master'
@terdon em . . .that too , i forgot about brainfsck . . . sigh . . .creativity, people, do you have it ?
rahter than snapshots
and when you're not working in PPAs
@ThomasW. ah. But gopkg.in fixes that.
@terdon also, can you post that as an answer ? I'll upvote -_- as usually, i can do stuff, but i cannot simplify stuff
Q: Is there a 100-year plan?

SupuhstarNot sure if this is the best place to ask this, but I foresee a problem with the Ubuntu numbering system. We're just using 2-digit years, the same problem that led to the Millennium Bug. What happens in 2104? Will Ubuntu change its numbering scheme then, or is there some other plan for how to mov...

@NathanOsman add into the fact there were private proprietary go libraries, too, and then you throw a wrench into the machine
But you gotta admit - Go does it a lot better than most other languages.
@Serg Chaos also has a nice one with native du options:
A: Bash Script - How can I get the size of directories in .txt file and save them into other file?

chaosWhen dealing with files or directories by their name, I highly recommend to deal with them separated by the nullbyte character, not by a newline. Because officially a filename can contain a newline. So you should not make a list of the directories separated by a newline. Anyway, when you have th...

someone needs to close that meta post as offtopic
it IS offtopic
I'd say PHP is about the worst - the closest thing you have to a package manager is Pear.
And that programming language that rhymes with "lava"...
starts having flashbacks at the mention of the word "Java"
Hey, I didn't even say the actual word :P
How can I create a file with this hex content? (one liner)
ghex is one app that comes to mind.
First output "0x" to file with > and then append (>>) printf "%X" 10 ?
@Helio how many bytes you need there ?
@Serg: I want to create a file with this hex data (without 0x)
@Helio Ok, but how many hex A numbers you need there in that file ?
@Serg: 0xAA ten times
so you want to create a file at the raw hex level?
or create a standard file that contains that as text?
my guess is you want the file as a whole to be AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA AA
@ThomasW.: raw hex
(spaces added for clarity)
VTC this question as off-topic.
o/ all
@kos o/ weba
Q: How do I disable the usb optical mouse from Ubuntu 14.04 terminal?

Message PassingI would like to disable a specific usb device (mouse) via Ubuntu Terminal. I have Ubuntu 14.04 and I tried this method and this method but both do not work with kernel 3.x. Any suggestion?

@kos: Hi!
@Serg: How can I simplify this?
printf '\xAA\xAA\xAA\xAA\xAA\xAA\xAA\xAA\xAA\xAA'
@Helio Perl?
 perl -e 'printf "\xAA" x 10'
@terdon: Good point!
@terdon: I'm thinking on this:
base64 -d <<<"qqqqqqqqqqqqqg=="
@Helio That seems to work too. I really am not the right person to ask about this sort of thing. I only have a vague idea of what hex is, let alone how to deal with it.
@terdon: Your code and mine are doing the same. Another option:
python -c 'print "\xAA"*10'
@Helio Yes, I saw. I just mean that I can't help with anything more funky :)
@terdon: Could I reduce the base64 one? I'm searching for a portable version.
More portable than Perl or Python?
@terdon: Then I'll use the perl one. Thanks. I don't know if perl is popular :-)
@Helio Very. There are some *nix that don't have it installed by default but no GNU/Linux. Some embedded Linuxen might not have it as well.
@NathanOsman Have you looked at Laravel? One of my friends says it completely changed his outlook on PHP.
However, if you want it to be 100% portable, use your original printf '\xAA\xAA\xAA\xAA\xAA\xAA\xAA\xAA\xAA\xAA' solution.
@terdon: Is for desktop computers. I don't care. Is for my project. github.com/crushedice2000/RDCAM
Q: Which is the most portable of sed, awk, perl and sh?

terdonCan someone put these tools in order of portability? Which of these is certain to be found on even the most minimal *nix systems? Is any of them 100% sure to be present? My guess is that the order is the following: awk sed sh perl While I imagine there are systems which don't default to a bou...

@Helio Then perl or python should be fine but so will printf.
@Helio Try this: printf '\xa22 %.0s' {1..10}
@Seth no, I have not. That being said, I'm not a huge fan of the way PHP scripts are run.
just curious
It's quite a bit different from WSGI or something else that persists between requests.
@kos: Did you mean this?
 printf '\xaa%.0s' {1..10}
That should be as portable as it gets.
@Seth that's fine. I won't comment on something I haven't used, just making a statement about the limitations of PHP itself.
@terdon: Bash only ;-)
@Helio Indeed. Forgot the sequence while testing
@NathanOsman sure. I'm not advocating PHP. You just have good, well thought out opinions ;)
It leaves a trailing space though.
@kos: Mine doesn't
Ah but you don't want spaces between each other, nevermind
@kos: Note that I want to put this in a binary file ;-)
Out of curiosity, what are you trying to do?
@kos: Your curiosity will be satisfied. I'm working on a project to make a open source software to control a RDLC-320-A laser cutter board. github.com/crushedice2000/RDCAM/tree/master/Software/… This file is the activation key for the closed source program. The file is called r5.dll
Here you're a hexdump with xxd of the file:
0000000: aaaa aaaa aaaa aaaa aaaa                 ..........
@Seth Not sure about that. He seems to have some sort of strange fixation on squirrels.
Now I'm running the original program on wine :-(
would it shock you if I told you that I actually like squirrels too? :P
@Seth Oh, the humanity!
I wrote a paper on squirrels in grade school even..
@Seth What? Poor things! How did you get them to hold still for long enough?
@Seth: Me too! I also like squirrels. And my mother also likes them.
Everyone likes squirrels! Everyone and their mother apparently.
Squirrels are everywhere on my college campus
@Helio sorry for late response, had to run to another building, cover a guy
By the way @ParanoidPanda thanks for that question. I now have my terminals showing the commands I run in bold. That's really useful when scrolling up to see the output of past commands. It lets me separate the output from the command at a glance.
@Serg: Don't worry
@Serg: Thanks! However I don't see how to repeat a character
@Helio xieerqi:$ COUNT=10; while [ $COUNT != 0 ] ; do printf '\xAA' >> HEXFILE.txt; COUNT=$(expr $COUNT - 1 ); done

xieerqi:$ hexdump HEXFILE.txt
0000000 aaaa aaaa aaaa aaaa aaaa
how's that ?
@terdon shamelesly stealing your trick with printf ^
@Helio It's not entirely clear to me what you're trying to do, but if you have to replace a sequence / sequences in a binary file you can also use sed
@kos: Is to create and not to replace. ;-)
@Serg: I've ended up with this:
dd if=/dev/zero bs=1 count=10 | tr '\0' $'\xAA'  > r5.dll
@Helio Than with printf you should be set, is a built-in in most shells
@terdon -.-
@Helio notbad.png
@terdon can I have the link please?
@terdon ooh, I want that!
gotta go find that question again..
@Serg: Your code:
while ((i<=10)); do printf '\xAA'; ((i++)); done
@Seth :)
@Seth Sorry, couldn't resist.
@Helio that's bash code . . . I'm on mksh , so doing it shell neutral style :D
And my PS1 is now:
@terdon it's fine ;)
PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\[\033[01;33m\]\u@\h\[\033[01;34m\] \W \\$\[\033[00m\]\[\033[01m\] '
## This is nedded to close the bold code opened above. Otherwise,
## command output is also shown in bold.
trap 'printf "\e[0m" "$_"' DEBUG
@Seth please can you delete my answer here askubuntu.com/a/685838/367165
Ok, enough binary stuff, I've a question where I need to figure out how to bind deleting word to Ctrl + Backspace
@terdon nice! That's great.
I should really learn this colour stuff..
@A.B. looking
@terdon and for zsh? :)
@A.B. Well, since it is zsh, I guess it should realize what you want and do it automatically, right?
@A.B. Seconded. I'd like to change my prompt either, but those sequences are ignored / resetted after the prompt is redrawn
Ask on U&L. Our two top-rep users both use zsh and know a hell of a lot about it.
@terdon ok. Right. Sorry
@A.B. Sorry? Why sorry? It's just that I have no idea and U&L should be able to help.
@terdon: Good prompt!
Nice hostname :)
what happened to oregano? did you eat it?
@Seth That was the laptop, this is my desktop.
And I named it when I was on a Sopranos binge, that's the name of Tony's club.
<RepWhoreMode> I am 7 upvotes away from getting the coveted gold badge. If any of you find anything here worth upvoting, please do so. </RepWhoreMode>
VTC this 15.10 question.
@A.B. I've closed the question since the OP is reinstalling.
I don't really see any reason to delete your answer though.
Why do you want it deleted?
@terdon How many away are you now for the command-line badge? =)
The WiFi on this ferry is terrible.
@Seth OP says, the answer doesn't solves the problem
@Seth Not important, but when you have time: askubuntu.com/questions/685919/…, I marked as duplicate, someone agreed with the vote but the "That solved my problem!" button seems to not appear for the user. Are there any circumnstances under which it shouldn't? Just to know, I thought it would have.
YEEEEEEEEESSSSSSS Thanks you all very kindly :)
@Terrance ^^ :)
@terdon You're very welcome! =)
@terdon You had a TON of good answers, and I love it that you explained in the answers the parts of the commands. =)
@terdon I feel envy. I'd like that one just to close as duplicate with a single vote. Grats!
@terdon Wow, cool! You're #4 with a golden tag badge, right? Congratulations! (Cliff Richard etc...)
@Terrance Thanks :)
I just have a bronze 14.04 badge...
@kos Yesshh! I will now finally learn what it feels like to be a mod. Oh, wait a second...
@ByteCommander Yup, it's Oli, Sylvain, Radu and I.
Ha, right, that must not make a big difference for you
Well, it will here. I have a gold badge on U&L but it makes no difference there and one on Super User but I don't hang out there much anymore. This is the first one I get that I expect to be using.
@terdon Right. However on a side note how did you make that screenshot? Because I was looking for something which allows me to take a screenshot of HTML elements, did you use such a thing or did you just select the area (pretty tidily also judging from the screenshot)?
Yeah, that's what I'm putting up with right now :P

sorry probably wrong chat . probably nuub question . Anyway may you can help me with this really tiny problem :

long seed;
printf("Enter 9 random digits : ");
scanf("%ld", &seed);
I'm wondering about the use of getchar()

C language btw
@NathanOsman With that ping I'm even surprised your chat messages are going through
@SebTu What were you wondering?
@kos why the getchar() is there ?
isn't it enought to read the numbers from the input stream with scanf ?
@SebTu Apparently yes, since getchar()'s return value is not even stored. It looks like who wrote that snippet wanted the user to type the input, hit enter and then type another character on purpose
However yes, to store the input in seed scanf() is enough.
@kos Ok thanks a lot . Really appreciate it :-)
@SebTu No problem :)
Q: Does Canonical pay StackExchange to run AskUbuntu

SnakeDocWe're the only community I've seen that has an additional navigation bar at the top which contains nothing but links to an off-site company/organization website. Does Canonical pay StackExchange to run this site? Are Canonical employees part of the moderation team and/or helping to run the site?

Goodbye :)
@A.B.: Do you know how to get xsnow working by the way?
ah crap
> "The Ubuntu Touch platform is still very young, and it doesn't have millions of apps in the store, but someone has just uploaded a malicious one that managed to get past the automated testing." - First Malicious App Published in Ubuntu Touch Store - Softpedia
@kos me too :P
Q: Problem running xsnow

Paranoid PandaI have installed xsnow with the command: sudo apt-get install xsnow But when typing into Terminal the following: xsnow All I get is this: Xsnow-1.42resizeable, December 14th 2001 by Rick Jansen ([email protected]) WWW: http://www.euronet.nl/~rja/Xsnow/ And nothing else actually happens...

@ParanoidPanda have you read the release date? December 14th 2001
That's a waste of time.
@A.B.: Are there any other apps that do the same thing and actually work?
I dont know what to be pissed off at : at our printers that cannot handle files over 2mb or biology professors for giving all their students 30 mb PowerPoint files
In any case, it pisses me oxff
@Serg Print to virtual PDF creator, then print PDF...
@Serg Split them?
@Serg why you have to run on other building what is happening
@Serg ugh, I can see how that would be pretty infuriating.
@Fabby o.O Sure you have some rep to spend -> askubuntu.com/questions/353060/…
@Seth @ByteCommander @kos yeah, I've converted them to condenced pdf and that works . . . but there's another catch - if you send print job to the server, the pop-up for accepting charge for printing comes up faster than the job goes through, so the file ends up growing in size in the queue, and then i have to call central office to delete the file from queue . . because deleting stuff from queue is a job for "high level IT labtechs" . . . -_-
good grief!
I never printed through a server, so I think I did not get what exactly you mean here... Sorry.
@Serg :D
@565656 So our college has several computer labs across the campus, so if somebody has lunch or there's a gap in schedule, we as lab technicians have to cover those labs
@Serg Cool
Problem #2 >.> hot female coworker is here T_T . . . . so halp me lawd
@kos @DavidFoerster is one of these quiet people that helps beginning users on this site and he held my hand a few times when I was a <100rep user, and now he's way below me so I wanted to do something back for him...
@Fabby He is M.Sc in IT I guess
@Fabby Yes, absolutely.
@ParanoidPanda You??? Being taken back into the Q continuum? Never!
@Fabby Do you ve any idea what has happening in India?
@Serg Jealous?
@565656 I don't live there and have been off the news for the last 24hours...
@Fabby yes, I am a shallow , materialistic individual, jealous about pretty much everything; It clearly shows in the fact of me spending about 4 bucks on helping a random student figure out how to print her file
Hey, Mudith, how many times are you going to change your username anyway?
<-- Is jealous too! >:D
Hey Fabby!
@Serg I didn't say you were shallow and materialistic! I said you were jealous of David! :P :P :P ;-)
(a DUDE!)
@565656 What happened?
@Fabby well, I added that part to make my case worse :p
@Serg :D :D :D
fetching smtg out of the printer and then going for a smoke!
@Fabby I totally understand it by the way; You, muru, and AB helped me advance on the site, too, so in a lot of ways I'm indebted to you guys
Aaarg, I cannot bind the freakin Ctr + backspace
@Fabby Well I turned the computer on with the liveDVD in, and it ignored the DVD and booted up normally, with no errors. But then suddenly, it froze. I turned it off and then turned it on again, and this time it detected the DVD. I selected "try Ubuntu", but it just takes me to a terminal-type screen with the prompt "$initramf". Any idea what that screen is?
He @Serg thank you and you're welcome :)
@JeffCaros Woow...
Can you change kernel boot options and set nomodeset?
(and see what that does?)
I'll be gone in 7 minutes as the rice is cooking @JeffCaros
@Serg in what?
terminal? Browser? Unity?
@Fabby Actually I rebooted and tried again, and it took me to the normal Ubuntu screen. I followed your first few instructions, but the first two commands seemed to fail. Here's the output:
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install gddrescue
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
E: Unable to locate package gddrescue
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo ddrescue --binary-prefixes --cluster-size=64 --sparse --timeout=20s /dev/WdX /dev/YdZ
sudo: ddrescue: command not found
well, if the first one fails, the second will too... Leme check

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