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haha @muru one of your answers came up as a test reveiew
@Zacharee1 downvote it for sure!
oh noes
someone changed their accepted answer to another one.
now I'm below 2,000 by 6 points
make 3 edits ;p
or mention it in chat >.<
If that was you, thanks
grr, one thing I don't like about chrom(e)(ium) is how the tabs just get smaller and smaller vs FF's making a scrolling list of 'em.
@Seth really? I don't like the scrolling feature
@Zacharee1 I don't like it either, but it's better than the tabs becoming so small you can't tell what they are anymore.
@NathanOsman Does the new opera still support tab stacking?
@Seth true
@Seth what we need is the monitor and resolution to expand
got $250 to spare me? ;p
totally.. :|
nope, doesn't look like Opera does tab stacking anymore.
Completely ruined it when they switched to blink.
Chrome's rendering engine.
I just use Torch and call it a day
@Seth Yeah, I miss Presto.
It was way ahead of its time. Acid 3 compliance long before other browsers.
Still, the browser itself is fairly stable. More so than Chrom(ium) for me.
@NathanOsman use Torch
Why should we use Torch?
Features galore
just try it out
It does install an addon that shows ads above some websites, but it can be uninstalled easily
Can I take back what I just said about Opera?
^--- What.... is this?
What just happened there? @NathanOsman
No clue. But it always does that for that page.
Restarting the browser makes no difference.
ahh, Linux
@Seth sorry-are you here?
I am.
@Seth thanks =).. morning
I am unable to change my login mail Id..
can I create new account...will you merge both?
@Ravan What happens when you try?
@Ravan Moderators cannot merge accounts, only SE staff can do that. You can use the contact us page to request a merge.
I changed mail id in login credentials in "edit profile settings"..
but new mail id not accepting..
I submitted request at contact us page... @Seth
what ID were you trying to add?
But I saw a post here
@Ravan yes, moderators used to be able to merge accounts, but we can't anymore.
I believe that was changed early last year.
Are you using this when you log in @Ravan?
@Zacharee1 hmm?
@Seth No...I enter may mail id..
and pass
If you are going to login with your Google account you need to click "google" at the top :)
@Seth why was the ability removed?
The email/password box is just for Stack Exchange OpenIDs.
@Seth thanks =)...I don't know that one :)
@Zacharee1 I'm not really sure, it was done before I become a moderator. I think it was because it was just too sensitive of a thing. If wrong users are merged it causes a huge mess.
@Ravan Does it work now?
@Seth trying now..I will give reply ...
@Seth not working it seems..
hmm. What happens?
Do you get an error?
it created new account here
well that's not right.
I guess you will have to wait for the merge then. Sorry :(
@Seth where should I request for merge.
"contact us"?
thanks =)
I really want to learn Go now
@terdon please ping me when you are here..
Q: Copying video setup from Ubuntu to Debian - external monitor

astabadaMy laptop has a dual boot Debian + Ubuntu installation. In particular I am using Debian 8.0 with stock kernel 3.16.0-4 (or equally 4.1.10 custom compiled, I tested it and it does not make any difference for the subject of this post). Ubuntu is 14.10, with stock kernel 3.19.0-15. In both install...

[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body: A Healthy Body Starts With Good Food by neenabl on askubuntu.com
Here we go again with :P
funny how "php" looks like a poorly trained neural network's ramblings
It isn't?
Hey all. I need some help. On boot, my computer said: "operating system not found" I found this thread which recommended boot repair: ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1883231 So I loaded a ubuntu live CD, but unfortunately, boot repair isn't giving the option to do "recommended repair" and gparted isn't finding any devices
If I should be asking this question somewhere else, please let me know where.
you wouldn't happen to be trying to install Ubuntu on a Mac, are you?
Nope. I already had Ubuntu 14 installed alongside Windows 10. At first it brought up grub rescue, and then I booted again with the "operating system not found" message.
I wondering if there's some sort of hardware failure
This is the what boot-repair says: paste.ubuntu.com/12786040
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in title: Boost Brain-Power And Productivity? by iwatokurui on askubuntu.com
you don't have a partition table, man
I would look into recovering it, as it seems to have gotten deleted
Can you point me to a guide or thread on that?
actually I"m kind of suspicious of that output ... is this boot-repair using gparted?
maybe try doing what this guy suggests: http://www.rodsbooks.com/missing-parts/
at least it will help diagnose the problem more precisely
None of the commands he is suggesting give the outputs he has
@RobertMartinHickman: Before I do anything, I'd make sure that your computer is booting off the right drive.
also erm...
I don't see a hard drive
[ SmokeDetector ] Pattern-matching website in body: Where you've to believe deeply make an effort? by user461360 on askubuntu.com
Made same mistake of trying to tell a story and explain computer stuff to my mom again . . . She didnt get it at all.....
Gosh i wish i had tech savvy brother or sister
You have us :)
Well, you had me. I'm going to bed now.
Lol im all alone again nooooooo
@NathanOsman sleep tight
Yes mr. Tyler Durden @JourneymanGeek :p
(really. I find that muggles just don't get it)
Muggles ?
In the Harry Potter book series, a Muggle is a person who lacks any sort of magical ability and was not born into the magical world. Muggles also do not have any magical blood. It differs from the term Squib, which refers to a person with one or more magical parents yet without any magical ability, and from the term Muggle-born (or the derogatory and offensive mudblood), which refers to a person with magical abilities but without magical parents. == Usage in Harry PotterEdit == The term Muggle is sometimes used in a pejorative manner in the books. Since Muggle refers to a person who is a member...
Ah .... harry potter reference.... never watched or read harry Potter.
Q: How to prevent answers and comments to question in non-english before they're translated?

Karl RichterWhich mechanisms exist to prevent excluding users from questions and the discussion on non-english questions. Currently it's possible that users discuss and answer in non-english and receive credit for it. It is highly unlikely that someone who asked in non-english and received a helpful answer (...

Morning all =)
in Discussion between A.B. and user35952, 5 mins ago, by A.B.
Why do not you say that? How can I help you if you do not do what I tell you. Have you checked how many hours we will solve your problem?
@A.B morning..
I made a silly (may be) mistake ....from morning onwards ,I executed all commands in /etc instead of /
any problem?..
hi guys
@Ravan it should execute rc.local as well, but we can't say that there will not be any problem
can you tell the exact command you wrote?
@NathanOsman ah, I was the one of those who flagged them
@Ravan which commands?
Hi @Danatela
@A.B. Hi!
and morning @Ravan =)
@KGIII agree, but it should have better development tools in GUI mode and take less effort to share your own software. For example, one could write some component in Lazarus or plain C++ and use it in Mono application with minimal efforts
@A.B. I added a PPA, update and also install...
@Ravan exact command, please
@Ravan That's ok
if you mean you executed all the commands having /etc as current dir, it's no problem at all
@Danatela sudo add-apt-repository ... ,apt-get update
thats good to hear
unix commands are not sensible to the place from where you run them
reading your post, I assumed you wrote smth like sh /etc/*
I am searching for configuration file of app indicator
by mistake forgot to return to /
@Danatela any idea where will be conf files of app indicators
I'd also check in ~/.local, ~/.share
I am currently on eOS freya
I installed indicator-synapse...
@Danatela I will try..thanks
u r welcome :)
I'd like to state one question I urged to know :)
why PPAs become PPA hell?
since 2008 I used many PPA, and people made them often disappear or get stuck in old release
the most notable of them was plymouth customizer which stucked on oneiric
the y-ppa-manager doesn't handle them well too
@Danatela PPAs do require lots of energy to maintain - remember people are doing this in their own time - for little gratitude. No point in complaining until you've tried yourself to maintain PPAs
@Danatela: Because PPAs are a bit of a hack? ;p
first P is for personal hence ever so often it really is more of a Personal Purpose Archive.
but some "official" PPAs are well maintained - it's those to choose ;)
@fossfreedom I don't try to complain, I just wanna to handle this situation for my own convenience. Actually I admire those maintainers
I experimented with y-ppa-manager and activated it's experimental auto update capability
though it just updated all ppa to wily ignoring if they ever had wily support
I'd like to write script to check if they started to support newer release and keep them as new as possible
though I still don't have much experience in scripting
Q: sed - append hex string after match without newline

MaCXyLoI converted a bin file into a hex file with xxd: xxd -p -u -c 10000000000 firm.bin > hexdump.log there a specific hex block sequence in the text file e.g. [random hex bytes]DA000000[random hex bytes] after this match a specific hex string should be append (without new line) like: [random he...

the second works too
@A.B. thanks!
now it should be modified to take *.list files on input
@Danatela Not really, you could use read or find, extract the PPA and pipe into the scripts
@Danatela convert the entry in the list file e.g. via awk -F/ '/^deb/ {printf "%s%s/%s\n","ppa:",$4,$5}' your_list.list
or better with awk -F/ '/^deb/ && /ppa.launchpad.net/ {printf "%s%s/%s\n","ppa:",$4,$5}' /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gencfsm-ubuntu-ppa-vivid.list
@A.B. the problem is that some ppas don't sit on launchpad
The linked scripts works only with launchpad PPAs
Q: How to create and use bash script with tmux terminal multiplexer for performing various operations?

user138635I am using tmux program for my regular task by using the shortcut provided by the program. How can i create my own bash script for performing operations and where should i place that file and use within tmux terminal.

Do prime numbers actually have square roots? I mean I know that they go on for ever seemingly, but do they have an end that we simply have not found yet, or do they go on for ever?
@kos: Thanks for the answer by the way! :)
@ParanoidPanda they go on forever
@ParanoidPanda: Square roots of natural numbers are either natural themselves (if the exponents of all prime factors are even) or irrational. Consequently square roots of prime numbers are irrational. Irrational numbers have no finite fractional representation; that includes decimal fractions.
@ParanoidPanda yes but those probably have a non ending amount of decimals.
@DavidFoerster square root of 7 is 2.64575131106...
and pi is transcedental
@Rinzwind: which is consistent with my argument.
which means it cannot be written in formula, afaik
@DavidFoerster yups. and is more logical for them to be non ending decimal than ending
don't know about e
@Danatela well you COULD design a char for it.
haha I mean there are formulas to calculate square roots number by number
@Danatela: The Euler number is transcendental.
If someone needs a π to copy, keep it.^^
we have п in our language))
though it's cyrillic, not greek
I have a duplicated answer askubuntu.com/review/late-answers/479322 in my review queue. How should i flag it?
ok, thanks.
though sometimes we should keep duplicated answers, if questions are not duplicates
no, the dupliacte was on the same question
Good Morning to all of you ! :)
so LQ is best fit for such answers
@ParanoidPanda No problem :) I was just upgrading it to accept a target directory, since it seemed unpratical to move the script / the images around :) check out the update
@A.B. Thanks!
Well now I'm late, gotta run
Later guys!
@kos: Thanks! :)
@Rinzwind I always make scanned copies from my notes to have a backup in case I accidentally spent them. Is that really illegal nowadays?
It appears the DRM of notes is very restrictive.
What is this?
As in the "Toolchain Uploaded" thing.
@Rinzwind Reading
@Takkat You should make a back-up of themin case they get stolen...
If you have the serial number of the note, it gets flagged as "fake" and confiscated by the poor schmuck who tries to spend it...
@ParanoidPanda What were you doing? What application? Which user?
I never had any money stolen in my whole life... nobody seems to be interested in my brilliant copies :(
if you: probably a pebkac
@Takkat: Same. I only got robbed as a child, when I didn't even have bank notes on me, only coins.
@Fabby: Oh no, that is the release schedule here.
yeah I once lost a 1 DM coin which was a fortune to me then. Then this other boy found it and claimed it was his... I still remember that situation.
@Takkat No: I mean not get the copies stolen... If you have a back-up copy and the original gets stolen, you can get the note invalidated...
(like if your phone gets stolen and you have the IMEI number, you can get it bricked...)
Same with notes...
@DavidFoerster It's alive! ALIVE!
Good to see you here!
The conscience of Ask Ubuntu!
You do a lot of work and don't get much rep for it...
And you helped me quite a few times become a better user! @DavidFoerster
@Fabby Take me across the water, 'cause I need some place to hide ... =)
@cl-netbox I'm listening to live music, so can't go playing youtube...
:P :P :P
@Fabby: I helped you become better? How so? I know, you "assimilated" one of my canned comments.
What do mean by "conscience of AU"?
@DavidFoerster And you one of me...
not just one
I mean: you regularly leave comments all over the site, helping new users.
that's true.
(and if they respond, you keep calm, come back and explain)
so, that's what I mean with "The conscience of AU"... :-)
thanks for the complimentary feedback. i'm actually blushing a little. :>
:D :D :D
Too bad we don't have any more people like you, but then:
@DavidFoerster I appreciate your behavior very much ! :)
You don't gain much rep being polite and leaving comments...
you're just trying to manipulate me into joining the chat more often ;-P
If you would get +2 for every upvoted comments, you'd be a 100k user...
@DavidFoerster No!
Now I'm going to shut up...
I wanted tou in the chat just to tell you...
i know. but the effect will be the same nonetheless.
That's all...
@DavidFoerster would be nice to have someone like you around ! :)
Actually, except for 2 aliens, there are only Germans in the chat room...
(Me being a Vorlon and @ParanoidPanda some carbon-based life form)
@Fabby who says I am not an alien ? - or do you think I am the red german devil ? =)
I've seen a picture of you, remember?
If you apply some red make-up???
:D :D :D
Typical Centaurian haircut...
Better should change to DARK BLACK .. magic ! =)
BRR. RL calling.
great. now your pings played back by firefox crashed pulseaudio.
it doesn't handle short-lived streams too well.
use chrome ... =)
no crashes ! =)
o/ all
Pulseaudio is so delicate (but too powerful for ordinary applications)
Hi @hbdgaf
@Takkat - did you ever get a chance to look at that audio question on UL?
@Fabby: Well, actually I used to be known as Q, but I got banished to Earth. :P
terdon was looking for a doun subsystems guru, and i pointed at you.
@hbdgaf not really, sorry. I was either too busy or too tired... I remember I couldn't figure out what to say and gave up.
@DavidFoerster :D Sorry!
@DavidFoerster I've got sound blocked!
me too now
@hbdgaf \o
@Takkat okay. np. i just thought you would be the best one to ask.
@ParanoidPanda Sure!!!
@hbdgaf thanks blushes a bit
some kind of libpurple/pidgin integration would be nice. but everything i tried seemed so "half-baked".
Q: Can't install EncFS

oshirowanenI have a 32GB SSD in my laptop and PCManFM 1.2.0 is showing 14.6GB free at the bottom right corner of the screen in the status bar. However, when I try to install an application such as encfs, I get a message saying, "out of space"... Why is that? I am using Lutuntu 14.04. Here is the output ...

@DavidFoerster I think libpurple integration is a little yesteryear. If I wanted to gun for integration to an IM client library, it would be libempathy.
really anything that a common multi-chat client supports would work: irc or xmmp.
I don't have to wait 7 days...
@Fabby: Wow, great. Thanks!
@DavidFoerster You're welcome! That how much I appreciate you getting me this far when I was a <100 rep...
(dumb user not having any clue)
Anyway, back to job hunting...
That answer taught me, that answers to seemingly trivial problems are often worth more than those to difficult questions.
:D And now even more! (I just took the highest upvoted one)
I'm not the only one that learned that... It took a long time for me, but I did learn it.
my third most upvoted answer is a two-line excerpt from a manpage... ;)
My second highest upvoted answer has like 7 quotes from comments, where people added "Nice answer, but you missed this bit."
My 2nd highest explains the usage of tail and head together.
What is recommended for use dconf or gsettings?
Depends on the application or subsytem, that you want to configure.
so my original statement is wrong
@Pandya another good answer there: askubuntu.com/questions/22313/…
@Fabby: Though they might take me back sometime as they have done before (the Q)! ;D
@Takkat helpful
gsettings seems easier for finding and filtering :D
@Takkat actually I firstly planned to post new answer using gsettings instead of dconf for this, then I think if it is better to edit that answer by replacing gsettings with dconf. Or another option is let it as it is. What should I do?
from me both have only limited capability to find keys... some really are hidden far away from users.
BTW, I am more familiar with gsettings than dconf
@Pandya I believe the dconf answer is ok as it is... but you can always add a own answer on gsettings if you feel you need it.
@Takkat If I add gsettings answer than there will be fight between dconf and gsettings as they are similar. And If I accept my gsettings answer then it is not to give credit to @Sneetsher's answer from which I've known about this settings! I think this is not ok.
I am planning to edit @Sneetsher's answer by adding gsettings configuration (providing both dconf and gsettings ways) what is you opinion? @Takkat
@Pandya ask him in a comment if he would like to say a word about gesettings?
@Takkat ok
If I'd run gsettings list-recursively | grep -i indicator then I will find it answer myself on that (question) day!
thanks @Sneetsher
Accepted answer
@Pandya always the best when all are happy :)
@kos There's no hurry. I quite agree that it's good to wait a while on meta. There's no rep bonus anyway so it makes even less difference when/if you accept.
@Ravan What's up?
@Seth if you think godday is evil the owners of jpg want to start enforcing drm :D
and they have good timing, since TPP just made criminalisation of DRM circumvention mandatory and TTIP will likely do the same.
@terdon hello
sorry--don't mind please have a look here
@Ravan ?
I asked that question wrt to your question in meta

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