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Q: Mount blank file system on msdos partition table

glossarchI need to get into a partition on an SD card, but it has no file system and I can't figure out how to mount it. When I type parted /dev/sdc print I get Model: USB Mass Storage Device (scsi) Disk /dev/sdc: 129GB Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B Partition Table: msdos Number Start ...

Q: Why do there seem to be so many cosmetic ads popping up on AU?

Zacharee1Let me start this off by first saying I'm sorry if this is completely off-topic. I just don't have experience posting on Meta. So I've been active on AU since late April. In that time, I've noticed several posts that come up that are ads for cosmetics and such. I've even seen a few asking what m...

I'm laughing far harder than I should be at the title of this article: arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2015/09/…
@Fabby you around?
If anyone who can would be so kind as to take a look here and give my project a translate or two, that would be great :)
@NathanOsman hahahahaa. Oh man, all the idiots in the world (and our legal system) though >.<
@RPiAwesomeness I could translate it into... morse code?
well once you are @Fabby - @RPiAwesomeness has his scope up with a few translations if you have the time to help out - translations.launchpad.net/twitch-scope/trunk/+pots/twitchtv
I just saw a Hillary tweet.
She called Planned Parenthood a "trusted healthcare provider" for goodness sake!
Such stupidity is to be expected.
Double facepalm.
I think I'm going to have to say I can't make it for this contest :(
I got it all finished ... and then realized I can't have the Twitch branding
Maybe if I can come up with a decent logo tomorrow. But it's looking very doubtful.
I really shouldn't have tried to do this in a week :P
Anyone who knows anything about Nvidia, drivers, I would be really grateful if you could check this out: askubuntu.com/questions/675413/…
Q: What is stands for "New User"?

RavanWhat is the criteria or parameter for a user to change from New User. Number of days or Reputation.If so how many days or how much reputation?

[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in title, url-only title: http://loseweightgarcinianow.com/nature-skin-labs-serum/ by ruthprinc on askubuntu.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in title, pattern-matching website in title, url-only title: http://puregarciniaelitefacts.com/glucopresol/ by endafooter on askubuntu.com
Morning :)
@A.B o/
@Ravan Greetings.
@ByteCommander @Fabby hello!
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body: Exercise On Your Mind Power by Viutyloi on askubuntu.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, url-only title: http://loseweightgarcinianow.com/nature-skin-labs-serum/ by jamalsong on askubuntu.com
@Ravan \o/
Q: How to install Multiple OS in one Usb

Chirag AggarwalI want to install and make a bootable usb for the following OS's: Ubuntu Slax Android x86 some more I successfully installed Ubuntu and SLAX (but slax doesn't boots up) but failed installing Android x86. So can anyone tell how to install all of them successfully. Also, I want to create stor...

[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, pattern-matching website in body: How is safe in use product? by pennighallam on askubuntu.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in title: Everyone has natural curves brain power by user452168 on askubuntu.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in title, url-only title: https://testoxlreviewblog.wordpress.com/ by user452172 on askubuntu.com
From cat mtab:
`/ /mnt none rw,bind 0 0`
Does that mean that the file system is unknown?
@Ravan Morning.
Oh, we have plenty of spam this morning...
@GeorgetheDev What's my favourite wolf?
@ByteCommander Your favorite wolf is Powerwolf.
Indeed! And I'm currently enjoying it on two 50W speakers! :D
I guess my neighbours enjoy it too...
@muru can you stop the editing of the title here askubuntu.com/q/596232/367165
The guy always adds solved
@A.B. I can't. Not a mod here, so can't lock posts
Just flag it
And now we have yet another idiot posting pointless questions. meta.askubuntu.com/q/14418/158442
Somebody tell Stack Exchange Socratic is a bad idea.
Oh! Luis Alvarado has 2 Socratic badges... O.O Nice work.
@ByteCommander thing is, his are deserved.
Not obtained by spamming bullshit questions.
Of course!
But 200 good questions is a lot of work...
~50 questions a year over 4 years...
Can be done, especially if you're one of the oldest users.
@ByteCommander what account age limit?
See, I can bold text too
The age of the account.
The days since creation.
What's hard to read in 'N in Y days'?
It's a bit of work to be sure it has to be max. 46 days if you look at the reputation sorted list.
Especially if you can just click on "sort by creation date".
@ByteCommander it is when you see a 2k rep user there, but then the closest to 46 is '251 in 46 days'
The only part of your answer I disagree with is the (irrespective of the sorting applied) thing.
@ByteCommander yeah and he earned them the hard way
No, the closest one is 397 in 13 days then!
@ByteCommander closest to 46
Yes, but as long as you don't know it's 46 yet, why should this tell you that 46 is the maximum age????
@ByteCommander that the largest ages in both first and last pages are 46 makes it reasonably obvious
One can always do it the hard way too...
@ByteCommander you're overthinking this
This is not an interview puzzle problem or a proof question in an exam
But there is a "sort by creation date" button!
Why not just using it???
@ByteCommander There is
Because there's no need.
But it's so much easier...
So what?
Proposal: May we just forget this?
If it's reasonably obvious without it, it is even more so with it.
Ok, fine.
Thanks. :)
@ByteCommander o/
@ByteCommander o/
@muru hello
@GeorgetheDev No, not you...
SMTP-style greeting?
@ByteCommander been telnetting too much
@muru sorry to ask, Are you doing phd in IIT bombay
I see ;)
@muru Oh ok!...I too from India
I guessed as much. Didn't you mention the timezone in some post recently?
Or was that someone else?
Never mind, it was someone else.
@ByteCommander your question here I'm trying ....
@muru sorry I dont understand!
@Ravan nothing, ignore.
Q: How to show only opened apps in the current workspace on unity?

sergio91ptI've never been a "workspace user" but now I'm starting to feel the need to separate my work.. Is it possible, on unity, to only show apps on the running on the current workspace? An example of what I'm looking for would be: Firefox is running on workspace 1. I'm on the 2nd and click on Firef...

@muru How you are so quick to search ?
@Ravan years of practice
Only experience!
and even then it fails. Trick is to use Google with site:askubuntu.com first
@Ravan experience teaches you which words are likely to matter
@muru please refer here
@Ravan math symbols would be in Common
@muru Yes, but both of your questions and their answers are pretty old (2013 and 2011). I hope there could have been some development since then?
Subscribed to all three bugs I found related to this.
Good luck getting Unity or GNOME devs to listen to users.
@ByteCommander which were the other two, by the way?
@muru Those are at least the ones mentioned in the questions you found.
@ByteCommander that's the one I linked to. What's the third?
Oh, wrong tab... 1 second...
Hmm... Seems like it was twice the same.
Then I found only those two. my fault.
Well, good luck anyway. The dev hasn't commented since the last time he changed the summary, so I think he's sending emails about this one to /dev/null.
@muru he, that's my standard comment ;) askubuntu.com/q/675478/367165
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in title, url-only title: http://loseweightgarcinianow.com/nature-skin-labs-serum/ by EmmaRichards on askubuntu.com
@A.B. only because capitalization with the [edit] magic link is broken. Otherwise there's no way I'd be saying "please".
@muru Sorry, don't understand :\
@A.B. otherwise I'd just say [Edit] and add output of ... and be done with it.
@muru :)
@A.B here
Hello - A wonderful good M/D/N to all of you ! :)
@cl-netbox hello
@Ravan hello :)
refer here
@Ravan I answered the question : askubuntu.com/questions/675285/…
@cl-netbox hmm....ok..I mean vote as duplicate!....;) any way he got answer!
@Ravan yes it does ! =) ... but are not a lot of answers in some way be a duplicate ? =)
@Ravan ... because some questions always reappear ... =)
@Ravan so straight answers help new users at once ! =)
@cl-netbox obviously,...edit answer and try to add some flavor!
@Ravan what do you mean by 'flavor' ?
@Ravan screenshot ?
@cl-netbox just like that!
@Ravan okay I'll do it - just for you my friend ! =)
@Ravan done ! - do you like it now ? =) askubuntu.com/questions/675285/…
@cl-netbox hey you!!! I too selected the same image to add!
@cl-netbox good +1
@Ravan THANKS ! =)
@cl-netbox \o =)
@A.B ;)
@A.B. GOOD MORNING my friend ! =)
@A.B. Have you seen this - it worked - answer accepted - do you think I will get the full bounty (would be my first) ? askubuntu.com/questions/671636/…
@cl-netbox Sure, it's an accepted answer with +7
@A.B. WOW - that would be nice ! =)
@cl-netbox +7 then bounty surely you can get
till now I got one bounty!
@Ravan Congrats on this ! =)
@A.B why there is no +2 for edits ?
@Ravan for you?
I lost my score bank! @A.B
@Ravan maybe you reached the maximum ...
@Ravan You have reached the maximum, right.
@A.B haa yes for me!..
maximum what?
@Ravan 1000
@Ravan ... suggested edit is accepted: +2 (up to +1000 total per user) ... =)
@cl-netbox No luck with the bounty? I guess you only got 25 points...
Or 35, as I am so a nice person. ;D
I have never received a bounty yet, but I've already spent one some day ago...
Some delete flags please: askubuntu.com/questions/675520/…
@ByteCommander Thank you my friend - I recently checked - grace period expired - no bounty for me at all until now ! ): :)
No at all?
That's strange.
You should at least get half of the bounty if it was an accepted and several times upvoted answer...
@cl-netbox Have you written the answer before or after the bounty was put on the question?
@ByteCommander I wrote it after bounty was offered.
Oh, I just see I'm getting near 7k SE network reputation. :)
@cl-netbox But then you have to get half of the bounty!
I'd wait another day and if there's still nothing in your inbox, I'd complain about it.
@ByteCommander CONGRATS in advance for breaking 7000 rep barrier (maybe today ?) soon ! GREAT man ! =)
> If you do not award your bounty within 7 days (plus the grace period), the highest voted answer created after the bounty started with a minimum score of 2 will be awarded half the bounty amount. If two or more eligible answers have the same score (i.e., their scores are tied), the oldest answer is awarded the bounty. If there's no answer meeting those criteria, the bounty is not awarded to anyone.

If the bounty was started by the question owner, and the question owner accepts an answer posted during the bounty period, and the bounty expires without an explicit award then we assume the bo
It says if the bounty offerer is the OP and he accepts the answer, you should even get the full amount! @cl-netbox
@Mateo That is of interest. I signed the "petition" on change.org and passed it on, so hearing they're doing it is nice if it's real.
@ByteCommander would be nice - we will see ! =)
We will have to see...
@ByteCommander ... weather as bad as here - cloudy and rainy ?
@cl-netbox I edited only 112 ; that means max 224!
@cl-netbox I think after crossing 2k I lost that chance!
@Ravan I don't think so because it doesn't depend on rep borders !
@Ravan maybe system hangs ...
@cl-netbox then I will check it by offering bounty!
@Seth I'm not getting +2 for edit ??
@Ravan When I edit something, sometimes +2 within minutes, sometimes +2 after hours ... What do you mean : offer bounty ?
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title: Follow Easy Ways To Lose Weight - Fast Fat Loss Tips by Rfedsyloi on askubuntu.com
@cl-netbox It's dry with clouds of mixed darkness...
@ByteCommander ): - "spacer weather" as I like to say ! =)
@cl-netbox By offering bounty my rep will be below 2k! then my doubt will clarify
@Ravan okay ... :)
@Ravan See this one - grace period expired - no bounty until now : askubuntu.com/questions/671636/… - so maybe you should wait some time ! =)
How, could this stay on AI, for years: Starting over and new to Ubuntu
Flagged it
> "We are seeing a large number of WordPress sites compromised with the “visitorTracker_isMob” malware code. This campaign started 15 days ago, but only in the last few days have we started to see it gain traction; really affecting a large number of sites." - Sucuri Blog, WordPress Malware - Active VisitorTracker Campaign
@RPiAwesomeness I could offer you a German translation, but I don't get where to click on that site to get there... :( I've already translated something for Mateo, so I'm really confused why it does not work here any more.
I really like this guys writing:
> "If there’s one aspect of Linux that has more Wild West in it than a typical Charles Bronson movie, it’s fonts. Linux fonts. This is something that we all take for granted, in fact so much granted, it’s almost Cary Granted, see what I did there, and yet, the reality isn’t all Rosie O’Donnell." Dedoimedo, Fonts, don't come easy to me | OCS-Mag
Someone should review my German translation @ByteCommander @A.B. (cc:@Mateo @RPiAwesomeness)
@Fabby How did you get there from here? I searched but did not find a link! :-(
@ByteCommander :D try my link...
Yes, that works.
But how do I navigate there form the main page?
@ByteCommander Just click on the blue word 'German'???
@Fabby That was not there an hour ago yet!
Or, e.g. how would you get to a Spanish translation from there?
Spanish is not in the list.
And does "Search Twitch livestreams and channels" mean to search with or on "Twitch" - what is that exactly?
Stream Resultaten =
Stream Resultate
^ That.
But I would like to view that program in action for better understanding what it does.
Maybe "Ergebnisse" would be better
@ByteCommander Twitch is the name of the scope...
And the streaming service it accesses...
@ByteCommander I dunno... That would be up to @RPiAwesomeness I suppose (the owner)
I have edited some translations, I'm done, I think
@RPiAwesomeness ----------------^
Now we also know his name...
@A.B. Oops...
Everybody following the launchpad link sees it... :p
Well, they should follow the link.
Therefore I use one online identity for everything, never my real name.
You're probably the only person knowing...
Yeah, but I'd have to look it up in mail from your presentation....
@Fabby ;)
Too bad I did not implement self-destruction! ;)
My real name/short name/handle/avatar are all very similar...
@Ravan o/
@Fabby @ByteCommander Awesome I'm sure @RPiAwesomeness will be pleased, also if you can't find a language you can add with the language code - copy the link of another language an just replace in the web address
The only languages I'm good enough at for translating purposes are already there, so...
@Mateo Ah, thanks!
Yeah, launchpad just shows the languages it thinks you know - or have setup in preferences
It did not show German, although it "knows" that I speak this.
until Fabby created it.
But it showed English and French when I clicked on "show all languages" or similar
Here, we were talking about it the other day, thats the link.
@Mateo Funny: I've got more karma then you and @RPiAwesomeness on launchpad but haven't done any development...
@Fabby Who cares about Launchpad karma... StackExchange reputation is the only important number in your life! >;D
@ByteCommander True!
One... More.... Closing.... Vote: askubuntu.com/q/157481/36315
> viewed 69 times
[ SmokeDetector ] Repeating words in answer: How to remove malware? by Star OS on askubuntu.com
> viewed, 69 times
[ SmokeDetector ] Pattern-matching website in title, url-only title: http://www.strongehealthcare.com/cognilift/ by tamaramarlowe on askubuntu.com
@SmokeDetector ClamAV, is not a good alternatives to the more larger companies.
@blade19899 Mine was #4.
@blade19899 I use it to disinfect Windows Machines when I boot from my Lubuntu stick...
works pretty good!
I'm off cooking.
Mail me when you need me.
@blade19899 "we just stack them up" ...
@Fabby this guy again :\
I think he wants to lose all his rep
I'm off...
wow, so sad that the software is the reason why I have so many p4 - to dual core machines
@A.B. @ByteCommander I received my first bounty a few minutes ago ! =)
@cl-netbox Great =)
@A.B. I am very happy, especially because I invested a lot of time and work on this one ! =)
@cl-netbox Cool, finally! Congratulations and Cliff Richards...
I never got a bounty yet...
@ByteCommander I got the full amount (50) ! =)
Maybe I should check the tab more often, for example now.
@cl-netbox congrats
@ByteCommander I not do it often - it happened 'by incident' - I simply had an idea on how to solve the problem ! =)
@Ravan Thank you ! =)
@Ravan ... you see, it took some time - so maybe your edits are not reviewed yet ... =)
@A.B. Already have. I wonder how that guy managed to get 30 points with that kind of posts...
@ByteCommander He has again 36 o_O
@A.B. @ByteCommander ... freaky !
@A.B. Just declined an edit of him.
He wanted to edit my edit!!! >:)
@ByteCommander very funny
@A.B. @ByteCommander another one : askubuntu.com/questions/675536/…
He wanted to change "artefact" with "artifact" in title... Mine was British English, his is American. Both are correct, but not worth an edit.
@Mateo Thats my boys!
@Fabby I used Hiren's BootCD, when I was working at a PC store.
Is that understandable? http://askubuntu.com/a/675569/367165
@A.B. YES - gave it +1 ! =)

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