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00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

Not being able to edit a pastebin isn't cool.
@GeorgeEdison This is really strange, I just cannot get the Fwall to open a port
@Jacob Would another port work?
@GeorgeEdison doubt it, but I'll try
@GeorgeEdison nope thats weird
Can you answer this? OpenOffice Calc: How can I count the number of different items with data pi... http://askubuntu.com/questions/21066/openoffice-calc-how-can-i-count-the-number-of-different-items-with-data-pilot #openofficeorg
@MarcoCeppi Looks auto generated
I was going to write a facebook app using the API
@MarcoCeppi do you use PFsense
Q: Formatting secondary hard drive that has windows on it

drewagI recently installed an setup an Ubuntu Server machine. It has two drives in it and the other drive has windows installed on it. (I didn't want to overwrite the windows installation until I had my server setup and working). Now I would like to format that hard drive so that I can use it as a remo...

@MarcoCeppi Then you must use Stack.PHP.
I'm almost crawling out of my chair for someone to use it.
I've been working on it all week.
@GeorgeEdison I was going to, but I don't own the page so I walked away to do something else.
@GeorgeEdison haha
I've created an A name record that points to my IP address (don't worry, I gave it a low TTL): home.quickmediasolutions.com .
@MarcoCeppi You should be able to claim it?
@Jacob I thought so, but I don't use facebook and kind of avoid it. So I just gave up
I've got a long list of other things to do
@MarcoCeppi I do also, such a waste of time.
@Jacob I'm not even a member of Facebook.
@GeorgeEdison I can't remember the last time I was on
@GeorgeEdison I'm upgrading PFsense to 2.0 release, so It'll be a few minutes, but I think I might make you a new VM and not screw it up this time as far as the desktop
@Jacob No problem. Hope it works.
1 hour later…
@GeorgeEdison still around?
@GeorgeEdison Everythings hooked up standby for IP
@Jacob K.
@MarcoCeppi: Would you ever have a use for something like this: a simple web server written exclusively in PHP that serves other PHP files in the current directory?
It would be a tool exclusively for developers - you'd never use it in production.
I just was thinking it's a shame to create a vhost in Apache every time I just want to test a PHP file in a certain directory.
I can't think of a use for it. Apache is too easy to setup and run
Well, I just have a virtualhost to /home/marco/Projects
@MarcoCeppi But what if it isn't in that folder.
You either:
- move it
- add a vhost
I don't think you get it - Everything I work on is in that folder
Even code you checkout from Git / SVN / Bazaar?
I keep checkouts outside of my document root.
Yeah, notice things like Opentracks, Ondina, etc?
It's not production, it's development :)
I mix web-based stuff and normal files in my Projects folder
I see now.
good morning!
(OpenTracks??? Sounds familiar...)
It makes it easy if I need to grab a document or test something and I'm on my local network on my netbook and don't want to get off the couch. Just and I can pull stuff down or test stuff out
I don't even have to memorize an IP address now :) I added an A record home.quickmediasolutions.com that maps to mine.
@GeorgeEdison im
@MarcoCeppi Awesome! we've got OpenID.
@AmithKK Didn't you want me to visit your blog with IE?
@GeorgeEdison k
Mm, OpenID has been implemented since 0.1 it was actually the first thing we added :)
@MarcoCeppi I cant seem to find the FaceBook Button
There isn't one yet
Facebook isn't OpenID it's OAuth
How does SE use it?
@MarcoCeppi Oh by the way... FB uses OAuth 2.0 now, right?
yeah, they were one of the first to switch, IIRC
@AmithKK I'm pretty sure Facebook is an OpenID provider.
SE is going to go with OAuth 2.0 for v2.0 of the API.
SE just uses OAuth for authentication, nothing too magical there
So, how do you embed OpenID in PHP?
(Using no CMS)
@AmithKK Not sure you want to go there. It's just lovely tangle of crap :)
I may actually take over as maintainer of the PHP-OpenID libaray soon, since Janrain seems to have abandoned it over a year ago.
@MarcoCeppi That's the one I used for StackList.
It was... interesting.
yeah, I've made a load of changes to make it more compatible with php5.3, as well as improving it's overall setup. Just haven't published the code yet
@MarcoCeppi Wasn't it in PEAR for a while there?
Yeah, it was. I don't think it's there anymore? The one that's there now is just as crap.
@GeorgeEdison Looks well. No buttons?
@AmithKK You mean for common providers?
@GeorgeEdison yes
@MarcoCeppi I'm not sure PEAR is doing very well... they never did move Stack.PHP past the proposal stage... even though it was formatted exactly according to the spec.
It's been over a year now.
Yeah, really need to replace PEAR with something better. Like how easy_install for Python is.
@AmithKK That would have been more work than I was willing to put in at that time... there was a contest on then and I had half a dozen other apps I was working on.
Something more open and less...crap
@MarcoCeppi Or even apt-get.
(Dependency resolution, etc. - I realize PEAR has that, but still...)
True, but apt-get and maintain daily-ppas for certain libraries
that way authors can have better control over release and won't need to adhear to ridiculous formatting standards.
@MarcoCeppi The standards were awful.
@GeorgeEdison I recommend: code.google.com/p/openid-selector/updates/list it's what SE and Ondina use
@MarcoCeppi Yeah, that looks like a good tool. Wish I'd have known about it back then.
I think Ruby and Python both do a far better job with module installation than PHP. Maybe I'll make that a project after Ondina gets going. I was reading the Pear Group page and saw this:
> The current PEAR Group membership lasts from June 15th, 2009 until June 15th, 2010, and is made up of PEAR developers duly elected by the developers of PEAR to serve.
Yeah, I'd love to help come up with some sort of package management.
Let me know if you ever decide to pursue such an idea.
I'll add that to my list of things to do in the future.
Q: How soon will ubuntu one have all the features of a full on backup service?

Joshua SmithI like being able to pause the uploads for different time periods like I had with carbonite. Also backup services allow people to access multiple versions of a file if their computer goes under. I like these features and I want to know my data is relatively secure which I am sure it is. If you ar...

@RolandTaylor Voted.
Who the hell upvoted this.
I want to find them, ban them, then unban them, then ban them again.
Not I, said the pair of fictional dinosaurs running in an invisible field of grass...
Not I, said the pair of tigers chasing them through said imaginary grass...
ah ha! someone who knows the "Not I" story :D
Install from USB to USB? - I am stuck? http://askubuntu.com/questions/64761/install-from-usb-to-usb-i-am-stuck #installation
Damn 10 characters over the comment limit!
@RolandTaylor Fixed that one up
USB logo:
@GeorgeEdison use
@GeorgeEdison I want to see live motion so please wait 1 minute
@Jacob SUCCESS!!!
> There is no CEO of Ubuntu One
@Jacob It asks for my username, then my password, then it says "network error".
@GeorgeEdison sorry, migrating to the network storage, 30 secs
@MarcoCeppi I can feel your frustration in the comments... but good job restraining it.
I'm frustrated that there is a limit on comment length
Maybe I should have made it an answer
It's okay. I think you've summed up the problems with the question.
@GeorgeEdison still up?
@GeorgeEdison ok Sorry about that, for some reason my storage server is really slow
No problem.
@GeorgeEdison Your on local storage and I'm going to bed, your server is ready for you to have fun with
@Jacob Sweet, thanks!
@GeorgeEdison Will you be on in the morning?
I'm on PST though (west coast).
@GeorgeEdison ok, then @me with any issues if you would.
@AmithKK What happened to your desktop?
@Jacob: Just a note (and it works great, btw): I've got a VNC server set up now, I think it listens on port 5901, but I can't seem to connect to it with my VNC client.
@AmithKK 1998 called, they want their desktop back.
@GeorgeEdison @MarcoCeppi That my friends is , XFCE
It went to extreme fallback
Bonus points to Chrome for still lookin' good in that mess.
+10 for chromium
@AmithKK Why on earth do you want XFCE?
@GeorgeEdison XFCE is great for netbooks! :-P
@ChrisJesterYoung Unity is great too.
Runs fine for me - no apparent slowdown.
Its soooo slow
@GeorgeEdison Oh, That VLC tip is impossible on my computer
@AmithKK VLC tip?
@AmithKK Your netbook must be horribly underpowered.
@GeorgeEdison Most are
<3 my netbook though
Yeah, but anything they sell these days is usually at least dual-core and has accelerated Intel graphics of some sort.
Enough to drive Unity.
@GeorgeEdison Its a desktop computer
@AmithKK What are the specs.?
And what VLC tip doesn't work?
Intel Pentium 4 Single Core
What's the clock speed... and more importantly, how much RAM?
2.93 Ghz
@AmithKK That sounds reasonable. But do you have a dedicated videocard?
I have 2GB of RAM and a dual-core Centrino running at 1.6GHz.
I also have a GeForce 8400 M for graphics.
@GeorgeEdison yep
Nvidia Zotac 6200
Hmm... no clue why it's so slow then.
Are you using Nvidia's binary drivers?
@GeorgeEdison Maybe you can do a quick ssh and find out?
@GeorgeEdison Proprietary
Well, afraid not... I have to leave now.
Night all.
misses FlackBot...
Good Night @GeorgeEdison
@MarcoCeppi Do you have a moment? Sorry for disturbing.
Can you answer this? Slow to sync music files? http://askubuntu.com/questions/20593/slow-to-sync-music-files #ubuntuone
3 hours later…
ie 7, 8 or 9 for linux? http://askubuntu.com/questions/64788/ie-7-8-or-9-for-linux #wine
@Jacob Wow you've got a xenserver
1 hour later…
Do you think Steve Jobs had to sign a EULA before entering heaven/hell? >:D
is that a spoof?or made by the adverts team?
Hi all
Can you answer this? Built-in microphone not detected? http://askubuntu.com/questions/18547/built-in-microphone-not-detected #microphone
@MarcoCeppi Morning.
@AmithKK Yes, I do have a Xenserver cluster
I wish voting wasn't anonymous
I would kick the person/people who go around downvoting old, good answers.
@Alaukik it is a spoof.
@MarcoCeppi woooow, it's 16:00 :P
what is the command for upgrading to a newer distro? (I always forget that one...)
@Alvar It's 20:34 here :P
@nitstorm it's 17:04 here :P
@Alvar sudo apt-get dist-upgrade i think
@nitstorm aha right :D
@Alvar LOL :P
@Alvar np :)
@nitstorm it was 16:00 when he posted it ;)
time flies :P
I'm writing a ton of tech documents, what's the best platform for this? Onlyl really will be viewed by a few people, needs to handle formatting code really well
I don't like Google Docs because it doesn't really like code blocks, I want to try to avoid a wiki because it's just too much to setup
Opinions: I'm open to them
@MarcoCeppi Hmm, I'd suggest Gdocs, but your point is valid.
@MarcoCeppi I know I am a noob and don't get the gravity of this, but how about just plain old html? with CSS tweak for code blocks? or would that be a lil too much work?
Because I'm writing on the fly, it's not for general consumption but more notes for myself and potentially an audience of < 10 other people
@MarcoCeppi Media wiki isn't too bad to get rolling
I suppose it's my only real option at this point
@MarcoCeppi Yeah, but it's not the worst web software to install
The markdown is just something I'm not familiar with since I'm so accustomed to SE
@MarcoCeppi You could try the SE clone on stack apps. hehe
@MarcoCeppi Would Wordpress be a solution? A private blog maybe for you and the small crowd of ~10 ? coz of the code blocks, I love how WP just puts it in pre tags automatically
Might use a wordpress blog
@MarcoCeppi You don't use PFsense by chance do you?
@Jacob I think you asked me yesterday? Anywho - no I don't
@MarcoCeppi oops, I'm having this stupid issue with it, sorry.
<3 good luck
Q: Pinguy OS 11.04 WiFi and Wired Networking is not working

user11416I was attempting to install Pinguy OS from a YUMI created USB thumb drive, with the computer wired to my router. The internet, however, was not working. After the install, it still is not working. Wireless itself refused to work, most likely because I do not have the drivers. I was using a DELL I...

Bounty offered: One monitor getting spilled over into other monitor: how to do a 100% reset of gnome grap... http://askubuntu.com/questions/64432/one-monitor-getting-spilled-over-into-other-monitor-how-to-do-a-100-reset-of-gn #xorg
Good morning @GeorgeEdison
@Jacob Morning!
@GeorgeEdison I figured out why the transfer sucks, the switch is bad
@GeorgeEdison I'm going to get another one later
That's okay, it felt quite snappy to me.
I have one question about VNC though.
@GeorgeEdison ok, what port was it on?
@Jacob 5901, I think.
Uh-oh... now connecting with PuTTY is giving me 'connection refused'.
try now
VNC: 'Failed to connect to server'.
@GeorgeEdison positive on port 5901?\
Well... I'm not perfectly sure... if I could SSH into it, I could probably find out.
@GeorgeEdison I'm power cycling the VM
Uhm... and I know this is going to make me look terrible...
...but I think I accidentally might have removed openssh-server.
@GeorgeEdison I can boot you to the snapshot
Great, thanks! Sorry for the mixup.
@GeorgeEdison I was able to reinstall the SSH server
@Jacob Oh, thank you.
VNC is working now too!
Thank you thank you thankyou.
@GeorgeEdison do you mind If I look at VNC too? just want to see how it works
If you want to for a minute, sure.
@GeorgeEdison I'm getting connection refused
Port 5901?
Maybe it won't let you connect when I'm connected or something...
Try now.
@GeorgeEdison opps forgot the port, your password isn't letting me in
@Jacob Let me set a password you can use.
@GeorgeEdison set?
The password requirements are a little strange, but yup.
Use jacob111.
@GeorgeEdison I think you have to disconnect
Hang on... it's running into some trouble (the vnc server).
K, you're good now.
@Jacob Is it set up so that certain ports are forwarded to my vm?
@GeorgeEdison What do you need forwarded?
Well, to make it easy for you... would it be possible to forward a small block of ports (say 8000 - 8100) and then I can just run everything out of there?
I can easily configure the AU Data Server to use a different port.
@GeorgeEdison I can just forward the ports you need
It's okay, really... I appreciate your time and don't want to bother you too much.
Would it be allright to forward a range?
@GeorgeEdison Sure
@GeorgeEdison can I borrow control please
Oh, sure. One sec.
my first reaction was holy...."#¤% etc...
The following packages will be upgraded:
flashplugin-installer indicator-multiload kde-window-manager kdebase-runtime
kdebase-runtime-data kdebase-workspace-bin kdebase-workspace-data
kdebase-workspace-kgreet-plugins kdegames-card-data kdelibs-bin
kdelibs5-data kdelibs5-plugins kdoctools kpat libkatepartinterfaces4
libkcmutils4 libkde3support4 libkdecorations4 libkdecore5 libkdegames5
libkdesu5 libkdeui5 libkdewebkit5 libkdnssd4 libkemoticons4 libkephal4a
libkfile4 libkhtml5 libkidletime4 libkio5 libkjsapi4 libkjsembed4
@Jacob: Try it with the same password again.
I upgraded the system just a few days ago haha :D
@Alvar What did you do ???
HOPING for a new wine upgrade (nothing is working in wine right now)
@Alvar Are you using the Wine PPA?
@GeorgeEdison sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
the usual..
@GeorgeEdison don't know?!?! got a link?
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine
Then sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get install wine1.3
@GeorgeEdison have fun
Thanks! What ports?
@GeorgeEdison o YES :D 1.2 sucked...
I run 1.3 on all my Ubuntu installs.
I got windows error on all program starts on 1.2
"this program has crashed sorry for the inconvenience"
Unknown media type in type 'all/all'
Unknown media type in type 'all/allfiles'
Unknown media type in type 'uri/mms'
Unknown media type in type 'uri/mmst'
Unknown media type in type 'uri/mmsu'
Unknown media type in type 'uri/pnm'
Unknown media type in type 'uri/rtspt'
Unknown media type in type 'uri/rtspu'
Unknown media type in type 'interface/x-winamp-skin'
I get this when I update a lot...
@GeorgeEdison I did the add reload and install wine 1.3 in ONE command! && is the shit!
@Jacob: Sorry, what ports?
@GeorgeEdison oh What did you want
does anyone have a older version of spotify than 0.61?
and does anyoen know how to remove a program that you can't remove via the wine remoivng?
it ignores my selection and removes the program above (that has a file missing and wont get lost) so I'm stuck
@Jacob It doesn't really matter... is it possible to get a range?
@GeorgeEdison What range?
Maybe 8000 - 8100 if that's okay.
@GeorgeEdison NP, 30 seconds for the router to reload filter
@GeorgeEdison Ok
@Jacob Thank you!
Ask Ubuntu data server is back up, everyone.
@GeorgeEdison What does that do?
made a question casue I was ignored .-.
Q: How do I remove a wine program?

AlvarI want to remove Spotify version 0.61 because it crashes on start up. But when I hit the "remove/modify" button it deselects my selection (spotify) and chooses the program above it (Counter-strike 1.6). I have tried to remove counter strike, BUT it gives me an error with a missing file. So I'm ...

@Jacob It's that thing that searches questions on Ask Ubuntu.
@GeorgeEdison right but what does that server
@Jacob Sorry.
@Jacob: What was your question?
@GeorgeEdison What does the search run?
@Jacob It uses the data dumps to cache the titles of questions.
...and then it polls the API every 2 minutes to keep the data up to date.
@GeorgeEdison right, but what does that serve?
@Jacob Oh, it returns a list of question titles / data in JSON format.
@GeorgeEdison for what purpose :)
@Jacob Oooooh.
Latency, actually.
The API provides an identical method, but it's sloooooow.
(Like some requests take 6 seconds or more to complete.)
This server will always return responses within 200ms or so.
@GeorgeEdison right, so this provides search results to?
@StefanoPalazzo's Ask Ubuntu lens.
(And the webpage I showed you.)
The lens is for Unity.
@GeorgeEdison oh, what happens to the lens if the data server is down?
I think it just falls back to the API.
@GeorgeEdison ah
@GeorgeEdison Got everything running
@Jacob I haven't had time to get FlackBot up...
But everything is going good so far, thank you.
@GeorgeEdison Can you help me mount this CD, it has tools that need to be installed for XEN
What are you mounting it in?
@GeorgeEdison The ISOs mounted to the Ubuntu cd drive
Yup, I see it. XenServer Tools.
"Unable to mount location: not authorized."
Lemme try in the terminal
Okay, it's mounted now.
@GeorgeEdison I'm about to sound silly, but can't you run the debian editions
Probably - Debian uses the same type of packages.
As longs as the package dependency names are the same, you will probably get away with it.
@GeorgeEdison Password please
There (although I have yet to change it from the default, yet).
Seems to have worked.
@GeorgeEdison I checked the graph and was like why are you using all your memory, then I remembered about Linux RAM usage.
It's actually pretty low right now. The Ubuntu install on my computer uses like 1 GB when it's idle.
(Though that's with Unity and Apache and MySQL and StackApplet, etc.)
@GeorgeEdison Your not moving anywhere with the dump, is there a direct DL?
I've already got it.
I just downloaded the AU section and quit.
It's running right now (the AU Data Server).
@GeorgeEdison Oh
@GeorgeEdison How do you update the lens to call to the server?\
I think I had to edit one of the files...
@StefanoPalazzo: Which file do we have to update to change the URL that the lens uses?
@GeorgeEdison I only ask because there have been 0 requsts
Well, I'm on Windows right now, or I would try it out myself.
Can you answer this? Synaptic and Software Centre Segmentation fault http://askubuntu.com/questions/17953/synaptic-and-software-centre-segmentation-fault #softwarecenter
@GeorgeEdison How did you port stackapplet to windows
There's a neat story behind that.
Originally it was a Gnome Panel applet.
Then it was ported to use AppIndicators and made use of PyNotify.
@GeorgeEdison I'd like to port it to mac
All you need is Python and PyGTK+.
Everything else should run from there.
hi. I am trying to undo this command which I typed in my shell. paste.ubuntu.com/704579
@deostroll I don't really know too much about the update-alternatives command, but you might try sudo dpkg-reconfigure python.
@deostroll whew that's a nasty one
@MarcoCeppi @GeorgeEdison getting error trying to uninstall it says
**/usr/bin/python does not match the python default version. It must be reset to point to python2.6**
@GeorgeEdison I still get the StackApplet crash :(
@RolandTaylor Still...?
They really need to fix that.
@GeorgeEdison Still around?
@GeorgeEdison Is it ok if your server loses network for a few minutes later?
@GeorgeEdison Upgrading switches and upgrading to a more powerful Routing Box
@Jacob Sure.
That's fine.
@GeorgeEdison you sure it's a bug in the underlying libs?
What error is it again?
It loads, but then crashes when trying to load the stats
Does it throw an exception? Any useful info in the terminal?
Point me to the config directory let me try something.
00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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