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Utopic or Vivid?
@Seth Utopic.
I have chosen "No Aaction needed". That was wrong. I meant "This is not an answer"
@A.B. cool, I took care of it :)
@NathanOsman Ah. Wasn't that an Nvidia problem? The Nvidia folks are terribly slow at fixing bugs it seems..
Nope. I've got an AMD card.
oh rly?
Q: How to uninstall Ubuntu ultimate , installed alongside with windows 7 without the loss of data?

VishnukvI've installed Ubuntu alongside Windows 7 Ultimate but now I'd like to uninstall Ubuntu , so that I can create a separate partition for Ubuntu . Can you give me a solution so that I can uninstall it without loosing my data in windows 7.

^editor is changing it to "windows ultimate"...
I didn't think Ubuntu Ultimate was a thing, I see it is now. o_O
it was
they were forced to change it to just "ultimate"
"Ubuntu Ultimate" - all of the Canonical goodness you expect from regular Ubuntu but it also makes sandwiches.
sandwiches? o.O
Reminds me of the Microsoft Toaster driver...
I don't know who was around last night when I announced it but... my blog is back: blog.quickmediasolutions.com
I put up one of my old articles until I have time to add some more content.
I saw!
Jekyll for the win!
Q: Why does Windows think that my wireless keyboard is a toaster?

ydaetskcoRI've inherited an old PC from my girlfriend's dad and when setting up the printer I got a bit of a surprise: Two questions spring to mind here: Why does Windows think my wireless keyboard is a toaster? Why does Windows even have an icon for a toaster in the devices menu?

No new posts though :(
Much, much easier to setup than WordPress.
And easier to maintain too.
And more secure!
Oh, you noticed the pages are served over SSL now :P
cool, do you have a how-to on the setup?
This installation of Ubuntu has my terminal looking like "(precise)user@comp:~$" ... how can I remove "(precise)"?
@NathanOsman Is the picture on your blog how you really look, I assume?
@Mateo It's a Jekyll-based blog so setup consists of running Jekyll on the HTML/Markdown and copying the static files somewhere where Nginx can see them.
@Mateo Yeah, you should write a blog article about that @NathanOsman!
@ByteCommander No, I'm actually a penguin. That's a picture of my stuffed human.
I imagined you to look more like... a penguin! ;)
Chat is damn slow today once again... :P
@NathanOsman so, easy enough?
@ByteCommander Slow as in "not much to talk about" or slow as in "plz... download... come on... 1kbps..."?
@Mateo Fairly straightforward. I do the "jekyll build" step on the server but that's not a requirement - just easier.
Slow as in "I hit enter and see numbers of posts appear before mine..."-slow.
Anyone on removing the "(precise") from my username? Don't feel it warrants posting a question
i'm sure there is a question out there on that one already
Q: change prompt of terminal, permanently | how

user8324How can I change prompt name seen at terminal ? my prompt : <user_name>@<user_name>-MEGA-BOOK-VR320:~$ It is too long. I want to change it as : gcc : However, I should see path when I have go from one directory to another. gcc :~$ cd X_directory gcc :~/X_directory$ How can I do that, p...

Btw, apt-get update just ran with 32kbps... Nothing to be excited about :P
Q: How can I shorten my command line (bash) prompt?

Michael DurrantCurrently it is: michael@Castle2012-Ubuntu-laptop01:~/Dropnot/webs/rails_v3/linker/spec/controllers$ Outside of renaming my machine and directory structure... How could I make it be something more like: michael:controllers$

Q: How do I remove computer name from the command line prompt?

KasiyAIs any way to remove my computer name from command line prompt? I want the prompt to look like this: kasiya:~$ Instead of this: kasiya@kasiya-pc:~$

All of these deal with the hostname, whereas the prefix is infront of the username
@ByteCommander Um... that's slower than dial-up... :P
I bought 10MBit/s down and 1 up...
I should maybe change the repo server?
I think I understand from reading all three now. Thanks
@ByteCommander Try downloading something else to see if it's you or the mirror.
I go run a speedtest, that ookla-thing or how it's called...
@root paste your .bashrc on paste.ubuntu.com it is probably just a extra thing at the front for that line
And it looks like I missed a discussion a few hours ago that went a bit too far.
(As evidenced by the starred messages.)
@ByteCommander, What server are you using?
The one of University Stuttgart (ftp)
^ I get pretty exact what I have paid for...
2 hours later…
@blade19899 And now? Not much difference...
@ByteCommander I knows. Just wanted to share my result. I just to have 50MB download
But, I now life in the middle of nowhere!
Well, the connection is ok, but the repo server seems to be slow in the last weeks
MultiROM ported to the Nexus 6.... \o/
Is there a tool to test and compare all available repo mirror servers?
There is on Arch :) No idea about Ubuntu.
@Fabby Ok, it has finally let me post that as a question:
Q: How to run software which requires the latest Intel modules

ToroidalI have some software which requires the latest Intel modules to run properly, but as Canonical have not released these updates yet for Ubuntu, I am unable to run this software properly. So really what my question is, if Canonical does not provide these latest module upgrades, how can I run this ...

oh, wow popey just saw the review ad ;)
Just seen this image for the first time while using AskUbuntu and it made me chuckle. http://askubuntu.com/review http://t.co/ZMx0LrN5ne
@blade19899 Didn't you say you pixeled the video?
@ByteCommander Was just editing. Had to make diner, and after that I completely forgot to upload it :}
Uploading it right now.
@ByteCommander Images on my Tox article edited and the video deleted, plus all links to the previous video removed, article and Ask Ubuntu Posts
Here is the new one:
@blade19899 You forgot the one in the headline of the open chat window! :P
@ByteCommander Where?
My article? Refresh a couple of times!
@ByteCommander I AM A GOD DAMN IDIOT.
Back to editing...
@ByteCommander Gimme a minuut ;(
np. Next time just ask BEFORE you do something, then you don't have to correct it afterwards... (Take it as a lesson for the future :])
@ByteCommander Yeah I know :( I uploaded it in the morning. The more important lesson here is don't upload anything without COFFEE
Er... long version strings are annoying: quickmediasolutions.com/about
> "PostgreSQL 9.3.6 on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Debian 4.7.2-5) 4.7.2, 64-bit"
@NathanOsman "The latest software" and "14.04"? well...
That's the latest LTS.
And is it intended that the pi board looks somehow dusty or am I the only one thinking this?
Yeah, I need to redo that image.
Oh, another question.
The white balance needs some adjustment.
Could you make a screenshot of how the top right corner of your site should look like?
(Login+Register button)
I see Chinese letters there instead of symbols
Ah, so Font Awesome isn't loading for you then.
This is the case on many sites. I was already wondering why so many sites use Chinese fonts instead of symbols...
Did you disable webfonts in Firefox by any chance?
Hrm... Not manually.
What do you see if you go to fortawesome.github.io
Maybe automatically by NoScript or something like that.
your browser looks strange...
404 not found
It's firefox skinned with LavaFox blue
(Sorry, wrong link.)
@Mateo You won't believe this... but that's the wrong link :P
Yeah... I know.
Many exotic letters... :P
must have been taken...
So something is wrong with Firefox then.
Ah, no. It was NoScript which blocked external fonts!
Yes, now it's better.
Well there you go.
Unfortunately it only allows to temporary allow external fonts...
Have to dive into the advanced settings then
Is there any possible danger through fonts loaded by @font-face?
I can just globally disable that blocking rule
I'm not aware of any danger.
It's no worse than loading images.
well... yeah. technically they could load a font that is compromised...
Okay, enabled. I guess it will not kill me... (hoping naively)
Well, anything online has the potential to exploit vulnerabilities in faulty implementations of parsers and readers. But it's not like an interpreted language like Java where you have a third-party providing a VM for executing scripts.
Q: How do I ask a question that applies to the default flavor of Ubuntu specifically?

Nickolai LeschovIf I would like ask a question that applies to just the default flavor of Ubuntu specifically (not Xubuntu, Lubuntu, Ubuntu GNOME, etc.), how should I phrase and tag it?

Hm, everybody uses it, so how big is the chance that it will hit me...?
Q: I'd like to know how to replicate the process of building Ubuntu. How do I tag such a question?

Nickolai LeschovI'd like to know how to replicate the process of building Ubuntu. How do I tag such a question?

@ByteCommander one good thing about this: I'm learning a lot about openshot.
:) Another lesson.
Off for diner. bbl
oh, how i hope square enix builds the deus ex mankind divided on ue4 and deploys it for linux...
that would be something, had they been using ue before?
@Mateo they were, but they "heavily modified it" and there was no linux deployment.
hmm, yeah. I would love to see the final fantasy games come over, they just ported the XIII ones to windows
@TheX I don't like raspi cases. I put mine together, used it for a week, then threw it away the case seems like a waste to me. I like that the second one says it comes with a heatsink if you're planning on overclocking.
@TheX that one looks better to me, has another heat sink, and a lower profile wifi adapater
@hbdgaf yeah I not sure about the case or not...just kind of want it because it is cheap... and look cool
@Mateo i'ld just like to see people on engines that are trivial to drop on linux actually drop on linux - a la ID except for RAGE. I wanted that one to drop on linux and did buy it on windows.
I don't know if I will use the wifi of not...may just add another switch to my network lol
plus that one has cutouts on the case
I wouldn't use any of those low pro wifi cards anyway, unless it was to prototype an appliance.
The other one doesn't have cut oouts?
I would assume it does. The end shown is just the sd card end. See the indentation at the bottom?
@TheX access to the gpio and the other thing
^^ oh, fair point.
Although you only need a slit and a floppy cable for that.
but if you aren't doing sensors or anything it is not as important
@Mateo oh...not sure I would use those anyways... probably use it for a MC box...
@Fabby - congrats on getting reversal.
I've got more spam! :D :P
Awwww that's cute. I was thinking of a Raccoon as an exotic pet, but they're not legal to keep as pets here.
@Toroidal I was a bit busy... Answered.
@hbdgaf Thanks! :-)
@Toroidal :D
@NathanOsman Looks pretty fresh to me, unlike a real stuffed human)!
So there he was, dancing on his keyboard to the tune of C++
user image
@hbdgaf :D :D :D
I'm waiting for Nathan to see it and give me the nope penguin.
@hbdgaf BTW: I feel like the most stupid answers give me the most rep....
(And I'm not alone in that feeling, right @ByteCommander?)
idk, I don't think my answer to "What is kernel panic and how do I prevent it" was particularly stupid, but it did seem like I was doing someone's homework.
@NathanOsman Hah! And another one thinks NitroShare is the best thing next to sliced bread! I didn't even post it in the chat until now it's been confirmed! >:)
I did get an opportunity to see Kees at DC that year, so it was nice to see someone from the site in the flesh.
@hbdgaf >:) As I'm a Vorlon, you don't want to see me without an encounter suit... (PC for "Only wearing Emperor's clothes")
(no, don't give me a TMI! That was an open door! )
Oh JEEBUS, you know what I meant.
@Fabby Yep, I agree! :) Back from Pizza!
Me? I've just got a dirty mind.... ;-)
Off for the last smoke&G&T for tonight...
Look what crossed my way when I entered "Jeebus" into google images
It's an expletive without putting anyone's knickers in a twist about using a religious figure as part of the expletive.
^ Many words to look up for me...
@ByteCommander :D :D :D
@ByteCommander We'll teach you English!
Aahhh. Got the message. :)
And actually, the 3 best books on the subject are:
knickers in a twist - getting upset
expletive - curse word - think merde if you do french or shiebze(i don't have that letter) if you do german
i think the rest is pretty self explanatory
Just the "expletive" one. I did not know the "knickers in twist" phrase, but I could imagine the meaning.
did not say anything...
1/ "English as a second F*cking language"
2/ The xenophobe's guide to the English
3/ The xenophobes guide to the Americans
@Fabby Thanks! :)
#1 is very good: It teaches you that "fuck" is the most versatile word in the English language....
Is "Street English" a thing? I know they do those books for street language in non-english.
@Toroidal As usual: you're welcome...
@Fabby I already imagined that, although I don't know the book :)
@ByteCommander Just a few examples:
You're a fucking moran! (pejorative)
You're fucking-A! (meliorative)
2 opposite sides of the equation!
One word...
^^ for the love of god, don't star that...
better not clicking that...
Hey, just kidding. I was about to unstar it right now...
Are you pouting now?
@ByteCommander Here's another one to be careful with words
hmm, I should try this: raspberrypi.org/…
I think @chili555 will remember these
@hbdgaf remember your idea of a pi as a streaming monitor
Yeah, seems like all my ideas get implemented a lot later by people who aren't me.
@hbdgaf You're too much ahead of the curve! ;-)
@Fabby Going to take that as a compliment.
@hbdgaf Of course!
It means "you're a genius"
( but you'll never be rich... )
I know the feeling! :D :D :D
To be rich in mind is the most important richness.
@ByteCommander I disagree: To be happy is the most important richness...
And to be happy you need only 3 things:
Thanks for the reminder, I'm working on something else that might do that for me - or at least make the daily drudgery easier. I don't really want to be rich, I just want to coast, so I can actually do the things I want to do.
Hmm... Yes, those theories often are in conflict. I'm not sure which one to prefer, to be honest.
1/ A roof above your head
2/ Hot water
3/ An Internet connection!
I'm currently lacking running hot water, but I do have wait ten minutes per gallon hot water.
(at least; those are the only things I need)
@hbdgaf I never said running hot water: a stove, a tap and a kettle is all you need!
That's already a luxury!
I bought an electric kettle, so that even if the gas is out - I still have some sort of hot water.
(I've worked for a month in an impoverished town in Africa: you learn to get by)
Oh, not arguing. I'm just centered in the US... so the neighbors/encounters don't know how to appreciate anything.
"I had a high power bill" -- "Well, you did that to yourself then didn't you... Yes, you did."
Correct! Nice little consumers following <strike>propaganda</strike> marketing...
ah man, it requires windows on the sending end...
@Fabby Well, here's my case in point example: "I live in a camper. I have to wait for hot water. I do, however, max my 401k with matching. Tell me again how you can't afford it, while you drive your expensive car etc" - It's a conversation the lemmings don't get.
@Mateo that is unfortunate, but still - it is a start.
@Fabby Don't forget a laptop, otherwise you can use the internet router as a fancy christmas tree decoration with blinking LEDs...
And electricity.
@ByteCommander Well, I think the central point is made either way. If you forget a phone, you can't get a call about someone needing something for money, so it's an overly short list, but it does make the point.
Yeah, sure...
When I get more dough and the Us repeals fingerprinting of visiting non-criminals, I'll come and visit you and bring you a [magnum of Duvel](http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3014/3102427640_c7d35b1870_o.jpg)
(the woman is just for size comparison)
It's unrealistic, but still appreciated.
@hbdgaf >:) Repealing fingerprinting of non-criminals? ;-)
Yeah, but I can't keep away forever... I've got too many friends over there...
It's been ... 10 years now???
Ugh! I'm getting old...
I'll be around, and I keep an extra beer laying around. It's like saying hello.
o/ @jrg
beginning to look like a party in here ;)
I just wonder who's about to get dog-piled or what awesome is about to happen, because it's usually one or the other.
I just got back from an errand.
hm, I tried the lxc desktop-next - no touch screen, so it is stuck on a gesture I can't do
@Fabby <-- can't stop watching George Carlin videos... ;)
Ubuntu 15.04 on a desktop pc with a mouse. Version 8.02+15.04.20150318-0ubuntu1 of the unity8 package. The initial setup when first launching is stuck. Swiping the app launcher from the left works fine, but swiping the app switcher from the right won't work. It's stuck at the screen that says "To view open apps Long swipe from the right edge." with an unresponsive wobbly switcher to the right.
unity8 (Ubuntu)
High / In Progress
Anybody tried Snappy on a RPi2?
snappy is awesome!
@ByteCommander He's one of the best...
Just torrent them...
but is very new...

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