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@Mateo Welcome here! :)
@Seth they even went back and did a 14.04
hi @IonicăBizău nice to see you
@Mateo Yes! I noticed that.
Anyone that browsed the GitHub Explore pages these days? :D
I for one am fine with them asking here. I feel we've gotten too good at narrowing scope lately.
If not, you should do it! :)
@Seth not sure, I'm on cloud/devops side of things, but I imagine there's some administrative stuff that didn't get completed in time
did you get your name up there?
last I read there was a e-mail thread, let me find it
I'm a trending developer since I created a trending project. :)
Hey, that's really neat!
I love how you do all your mockups and design too :)
Thanks! :)
Yeah, they make a good impression to the eyes. :p
@IonicăBizău You're on the same page as Linus himself.
@IonicăBizău cool
@IonicăBizău AFAIK, yes :(
@NathanOsman Haha! Except, he is under me. :p
@Mateo Did you have a chance to try the DMG?
not yet, was busy yesterday
No problem. Just curious.
I wish Apple would still ship DVDs with their Macs. Downloading a 5GB disk image over my slow connection is not exactly "fun".
@NathanOsman bleh. ikr. Downloads are good and all, but we're not quite in a digital world yet where people all have good connections :P
I wish they'd bring Google Fiber here.
We already have a gigabit provider downtown but they don't offer anything out in the suburbs.
heh, same here. They're building a gigabit network in the big city, but it won't reach here :(
I miss the days of working downtown :P
I'm not in dire need of faster internet though so it isn't a huge deal.
I'm not in a huge need either except (A) it's really slow and (B) they cap it.
I don't mind slow downloads as long as they're not capped and they're not that slow.
That sounds like huge need to me :)
That is one of the pluses for my internet - no caps :P
I don't know how you manage it. I regularly have to download gigabytes of data monthly.
@Seth I think they have a Gb-ready network here, but there's no way my evil ISP will ever let on to it.
My cell provider gives me unlimited internet, and it's faster than what I have at home. However, they throttle it after 5 GB.
@Seth And that's exactly why these dang ISPs cap your data.
They know people have to use their internet, and so force you to "upgrade" :(
oh, ProTip: connections get faster if you run speedtest-cli in a loop.
or at least IME they do
I remember back when I was working downtown and using Docker. I'd download multiple GBs of data every day.
And upload probably close to a GB as well.
yeah, kind of sucks, those image based workflows
gets his jabs in while he can
@Undo really now? That's interesting. I wonder how the FCC reclassifying cable under title II will affect that.
(if it happens)
@Seth yeah, it worked during the Super Bowl
made me really angry
@MarcoCeppi Yup. And what I do now is build the images from a Linode server. I can get around 300 Mbps off of those.
so now I have my server running only the download portion every day, all day.
to randomly selected servers, don't want to get banned from one
whistles about juju not needing to do that
Hey, after my experience with Docker the other day, Juju is a breath of fresh air.
(Even if the issue was my fault :P)
woot 100 *O*
@NathanOsman oh mine is about docker too \o
@Rinzwind O.O
Great answer badge <3
One thing I learned: use squid-deb-proxy around the house.
I have three machines here that run Ubuntu 14.04 and one VM.
who was the person that upvoted me? :(
Now it aint 100 anymore
I don't need them all pulling updates over my 1 Mbps connection.
So one of them acts as an APT cache.
@Rinzwind >:D
my boss is obsessed with google clouds. we got 19 as of today
@Rinzwind Now you can call it "Docker 101"
Even pbuilder can be configured to use my cache :)
I wonder if Blender can import SVGs...
@RPiAwesomeness it can't
you need hmm something
@NathanOsman Dyld Error Message:
  Library not loaded: /usr/lib/libc++.1.dylib
  Referenced from: /Applications/nitroshare.app/Contents/MacOS/nitroshare
  Reason: image not found
did you do macdeployqt on it
oh, that would only get the qt bits right?
@IonicăBizău You're good with Inkscape, right?
How can I use the Draw Bezier curves & straight lines tool to draw two lines from the same endpoint?
@Mateo Yup, I used macdeployqt.
I just finished getting the Windows build to package the Visual Studio runtime :P
(And it passed the ultimate test: it ran out-of-the-box on a clean Windows XP machine.)
@NathanOsman oh but did it compile on 3.1?
Very funny.
huh, might have to write off 10.6
I wonder if an older toolchain would make any difference...
I wish Apple would make older releases available as an ISO.
Microsoft provides them when you sign up for an MSDN subscription.
@NathanOsman You were messing with Blender recently, correct?
Not very recently.
It's very buggy for me on Utopic.
Who was it doing the grass?
That was me :P
Someone was and I forget who
But I didn't necessarily know what I was doing.
Do you know how to import PNGs correctly? 'cause I can't:
Oh. Haha. I done figured it out.
Forgot to check use Alpha facepalm
Argh... stalled download.
@NathanOsman got a different error copied the library over from a newer sdk
(Also saw this, but no answer :( )
oh, well more or less the same...
Dyld Error Message:
Library not loaded: /usr/lib/libc++.1.dylib
Referenced from: /Applications/nitroshare.app/Contents/MacOS/nitroshare
Reason: no suitable image found. Did find:
/usr/lib/libc++.1.dylib: can't map
/usr/lib/libc++.1.dylib: can't map
> "As it happens this library does seem to be a standard install with 10.7 and higher."
@Mateo Yeah, it probably doesn't like files copied from another machine.
Rendered dood-man
It's horrible :D
@RPiAwesomeness legs are too short
Eventually I'll be using Blender to do the 2D animation for my videos. But that's a long ways off.
@Rinzwind Yeah. I just quick slapped this together.
Q: Static linking libc++ with clang on OSX

Bo JensenI am trying to statically link libc++ on OSX 10.9 64 bit Here's what I did : 1) Build a libc++64.a with fPIC added by modifying the script "buildit" which comes with the libc++ source. 2) Building all my own sources with fPIC and adding my own include path to the new libc++ source include dire...

Hmm... a static build...
That seems to be talking about GCC.
NitroShare is linked against libc++ from LLVM/Clang.
yeah, but if the macports thing i'm doing now works, you could do something similar to what he is talking about
hm, second answer here seems interesting: answers.unity3d.com/questions/653220/…
blah, macs...
works on 10.8 @NathanOsman
@Mateo Great, thanks!
Now at least I know there aren't any other problems with the application.
@NathanOsman there was a setting in the .plist file to check for osx version
Anybody knows a more polite/friendly way to tell that guy to EDIT his Q for providing command outputs than pasting the lsblk result into a comment? askubuntu.com/q/586880/367990
That looks horrible and is not readable!
@RPiAwesomeness Well, drawing things for my projects doesn't mean that I am an InkScape professional... What are you trying to do more precisely?
@ByteCommander I did it for him
@IonicăBizău Well, I was trying to use the Draw Bezier curves and straight lines tool to draw a stick-man.
@AlexClem Why? I told him several times to do so and he does not follow my instructions. I think I am still waiting for some command outputs I requested many comments earlier.
^ @RPiAwesomeness I drew the two lines, and then I adjusted the starting point.
@ByteCommander Well maybe he didnt know how now he can see what you meant anyways ill get +2 for editing
@IonicăBizău Well, that is what I call modern art!
@AlexClem Phh, how greedy does one have to be... ;-D
Anyway, I will go back to that Q after the next comment notification got to my inbox...
He actually did the same thing bellow in an other comment haha
So, I drew the head & the body and wanted to draw the legs and set the same starting point for both of the legs.
however, when I drew the one leg, it moved that point thing to the base of the leg.
Is there any way I can leave the initial base point thing in the body?
@AlexClem I saw, but I definitely won't react on comments to other people's answers. Btw you edit did not get approved yet. I can't see it yet... :-( Damn rep restrictions!
soon enough
normally takes like 10 minutes or less
@ByteCommander B-) ;-)
@RPiAwesomeness ^ :)
@Fabby Why are you taking your sunglasses out? I thought you have about 22:50 by now...
@RPiAwesomeness Just draw them and then ajust them how you want.
@Mateo Ah, okay.
@Fabby I eddited my anwser
@ByteCommander Looking...
A: Cannot boot from USB with ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS

Alex ClemI did my Bootable USB with Ubuntu 14.0.4 last week with LiveLinux from a windows 7 machine. They also have a great page to help you set it up. After Your done you can either boot to install or just run directly from the key. Little Tutorial: Download LinuxLive USB Creator if not already done ...

@AlexClem Will look after the other one...
@NathanOsman so it will give them a nice not supported box, instead of crashing.
@Fabby @Rinzwind and @Virusboy had a short discussion on that right after the post of me you are referring to. did you see it?
@Mateo I checked on the Apple Developer downloads page and they don't offer a toolchain for Snow Leopard anymore.
@Fabby all good :)
Fabby: Oh, and btw how was teaching? You want to tell what grade/class?
@NathanOsman :(
Lion is the earliest thing they have.
So with that in mind, I think I'll make a decision not to support Snow Leopard.
I'd love to but it's just not feasible at the moment.
Anyone who really wants to run it can always use the Qt SDK to build it.
Thanks for finding me that .plist key.
I'll add that in.
I think I even had to install something by hacking that key on one of the xcode things, and downloading the one for lion last time around...
so, If I was doing that for the last build...
Q: I'm trying to create a script to send message "hello" to file name Hello in home directory

jackotonyeAnd display the contents of the file in the stdout using #!/bin/bash

What shall we do with that one?
Q: Who knows the programmer for remastersys? he should not be forgotten and we're not vampires

John Toryremastersys.com expired yesterday and the community should pay for the renewal service for at least 100 years for his great work. I know this is irrelevant and please pardon me if it disturbs.

Flag as OT? too broad? unclear?
@AlexClem B-) I wish I could upvote again! ;-)
@ByteCommander The hell is that
@Fabby Thank you :)
@ByteCommander uh, wow. did you see the cached version of his page...
@AlexClem Comment deleted, downvote retracted and an upvote! I can't do more then that! Excellent answer now!
No. what should I see?
@ByteCommander It went OK. 7-8YO, 9-10 YO and an adult class... ;-)
@Fabby Thank you again haha
You teach both primary school and adults? English, I assume?
I set it to "10.11" to see if the warning would come up on 10.10.
Sure enough.
@ByteCommander Today: yes...
Now off to buy drinks before the supermarket closes! ;)
Hurry up ;D
No! not that kind of drinks... :P
Did I say something?
You just did..
@Seth I wrote something!
@ByteCommander Writing, saying, don't nitpick :P
Do you think I am sitting in front of my laptop talking to the screen?
That would be weird and I am not that crazy yet ;D
@ByteCommander Well you could be..
What fixed? You added a ping although I was here and already read that.
@ByteCommander Hover over the message now >:D
Ah, the reference. Ok. Ahem is taken back.
It, ahem, better be :p
ok, I'll see myself out now..
And about nitpicking: I meant that I did not say/write anything about the kind of drinks.
Anyway: bye! :-D
@ByteCommander It's no big deal, I'm pretty sure he's in the car driving right now anyway :D
I am sure HE understood what I meant. ;)
@ByteCommander The Modification came through askubuntu.com/questions/586880/laptop-content-wiped
@AlexClem Well, you could have improved the spelling/grammar stuff to when you already started editing...
I go on working on that in a few minutes, I am writing a Q myself now.
@ByteCommander I Could've but the cops came in
Problem with close voting askubuntu.com/questions/586670/… is that meta.askubuntu.com/questions/12160/… now makes that close reason invalid
@Seth mind clearing the close votes on it?
Bit busy this instant, but give me a few minutes and I'll take a look.
Now I go back to the guy that posts lsblk in a comment...
Oh, and @AlexClem, this is not correct, because the indentation of the lsblk columns is wrong. I wonder how they were in the original. (Because comments remove multiple spaces)
That is another reason why he should have done that himself!
@ByteCommander ugggg :/
e.g. you forgot also to give the cdrom drive an extra line!
An HDD light is nothing compared to a speaker light which is like an effing torch.
Depends on the speaker and the HDD light!
Mine is pretty bright...
So do you think it is controlled by software or hardcoded/wired inside the notebook?
I'd guess hardwired. Dunno, though.
@ByteCommander I tried again but ill leave a comment to make him redo that part
@muru That guy should really just reinstall :/
I don't know why people think "I might have issues upgrading, I should stay on this sinking barge forever!"
I'm guessing he tried and went back, looking at the response to Rinzwind
@Seth are you sure about that edit here askubuntu.com/questions/586670/… It really really sounds like someone got access on his machine that should not have access.
@AlexClem I left him a rather angry command telling him he has to support me when I try to help him and not let me pull every information out of his nose! (this is a German collocation, so sorry if it is wrong in English, it might be at least funny ;D)
@Rinzwind I don't see how that applies to the edit..
@ByteCommander hahaha well you are just trying to assist him XD
well his system has so many serious flaws I would assume it got compromized for being 9.10
I'm heavily against closing a question just because an EOL release was mentioned. In this case the OP should definitely upgrade but that doesn't mean it a) can't be answered (even if the answer is reinstall, it isn't worth fixing) or b) isn't useful to someone else.
he does not even know WHY /usr/bin is altered
@Rinzwind now there you have a point.
Which would make an awesome answer now, wouldn't it? ;)
sure I still need 2 upvotes today ;)
@Seth I agree with that! We should recommend them to upgrade, but leave the Q alive. Maybe sometimes there did even nothing change until now...
Ok then I have another problem with @seth edit ... now we can not see it is 9.10 anymore >:=D
@Rinzwind hmm, I'll fix that.
Oh and something else ... he is using Mint?!
Mint wasn't around back then.
bash: /usr/bin/mint-fortune: Permission denied
that is something from mint... I am almost sure about it
Well, do some investigating :D
The package mintsystem is maintained by:

Clement Lefebvre clem [at] linuxmint [dot] com
May I ask why you people here are that allergic against Mint? It is almost equal to Ubuntu, isn't it?
@ByteCommander it is NOT an official release and Ask Ubuntu is an official support method for Ubuntu
Interesting @Rinzwind, not really sure what to make of that.
@Seth yeah. again: this smells like somebody was able to mess with the system.
Almost ready to answer then? :D
nope not even close
is it possible to link a pdf in a comment?
You can link to anything.
@Seth HA! yes it was
2.0 Barbara Ubuntu Edgy Obsolete since April 2008.
@Rinzwind hmm, that's pretty suspicious looking.
@Rinzwind Well then..
Q: Can I somehow pause all processes of an user logged in in background?

ByteCommanderI have mainly two accounts on my 14.10 laptop: Mine (admin) and my brother's (restricted). Now when my brother is logged in and runs some applications like firefox with flash player, it consumes much CPU. I have an Intel 2GHz, 2 cores, but with software rendering because of half-broken graphics...

@Rinzwind No, @terdon runs LMDE ;)
He claims there's a difference :p
@ByteCommander Yes with a control+{char} where @Seth will tell you the char
@Rinzwind wait what?
you mean c?
dunno. I forgot what it was
there is one to stop a process and start it again :P
I don't remember either :P
next he wants me to google it :P
you mean pausing a process?
Q: How can I pause/resume rsync

qnoidHow can I pause an rsync that's running? First time I did Ctrl+C to kill it and used the -P flag to run again. Is this prone to corrupt the current file transfer? Second time I simply put MacOS to sleep (by closing the lid). Looking at the running process I can see 2 (not sure why) with a stat...

@ByteCommander I did not see that
@Virusboy Sorry, but you did not see what?
the disscussion you pinged me for
Virusboy ByteCommander does not ping. He pongs.
You mean about FAT32 and Fabbys spreadsheet?
@Rinzwind How do I have to understand that joke?
@ByteCommander ping pong ping pong ping pong :=D Pong is the answer to ping
Hmm... about 12.8% funny
@fossfreedom: thanks for moving all that crap to chat... Is that something I can do too Or do I need another 14000 rep for that?
@Fabby need to be a mod
:( So even you can't do that?
You mean a comment series from a Q to a new room?
@ByteCommander you mean about your fat32 problem?
But why do they annoy people with the message they should move their conversation to chat while only mods can do that?
@Virusboy Did I have a FAT32 problem? I discussed it with Fabby long ago and just stumbled over a Q where somebody refuted what I learned from him, and so did you.
idk then, you pinged me with 2 others about a discussion
@Fabby Not that I am aware :=)
@Rinzwind does answer all aspects
@Rinzwind Yep, looks great :)
(am on 195 again :X )
sorry for the caps _O-
really ... @Virusboy last couple of days I have ended on 199 2x 195 and 197 :X
did :D because I upvoted
yay 205 :D
now I can go get some sleep :P
lol night
c u 2morrow :D
@Virusboy Ah, there I meant those maybe 15 posts here in chat you and rinzwind did after I asked Fabby about whether his or the info of the guy that answered the Q was right. My sentence got complicated... :P
oh and I leave you with this news item: http://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2015/02/linux-has-2000-new-developers-and-gets-10000-patches-for-each-version/

Nearly 2,000 developers started contributing to Linux in the past 15 months, making up nearly half of all developers writing code for the open source operating system kernel. The new developers are helping fuel an ever-bigger Linux community, according to the latest Linux Kernel Development report, which will be released today by the Linux Foundation. The report is expected to be available at http://www.linuxfoundation.org/publ
I just ran some updates and got this message as last line of apt-get upgrade:
update-rc.d: warning: start and stop actions are no longer supported; falling back to defaults
Do they have a meaning for me? Or can I just ignore that?
@Seth Oy! There is! :)
LMDE is Debian, pure and simple. In fact, I simply removed the mint repos from my laptop and pointed it to testing and everything worked fine. It's 100% Debian.
See @Rinzwind ;)
@ByteCommander No, it's much better actually :)
@Rinzwind Done...
@Rinzwind I couldn't decide if the "updates" section deserved inclusion or not. What do you think?
I also need a good example of a restricted package :D
Im kinda lurker kinda active @ByteCommander
what ever happened to that question where you stood a chance of getting reversal @Rinzwind
@muru I'm heading out the door, but if you don't beat me I'll edit that answer when I get back.
// ### TODO oh man this is ugly and doesn't even work all the way!
// it is still 2 pixels off
Hey, one pixel is visible!
Q: The letter i is not displayed properly.

terdonI've been meaning to post about this for a while. On my machine (LMDE, firefox, various versions) the letter i on AU is not displayed properly:                                                                          You will need to zoom in a bit to see it clearly, but the i looks like this:    

For example.
This is strange:
Q: Can not run without x-server running. No terminals

copoliiI'm having problems with my nvidia configuration so I decided to shut down X, re-generate the xorg.conf file and give that a go. I log out and at the login screen I hold Alt + Ctrl + F1 to go to the first terminal screen. My monitors indicate there's no signal. Other terminals are the same. Alt +...

^^ Is it optimus driven?
Thinking of posting part II of meta.askubuntu.com/questions/11890/…: remove GNOME Remix (Ubuntu GNOME has been official for what, over a year?), replace Backtrack with Kali
@muru no problems here... although Kali is a Debian fork now not an Ubuntu fork anyway... so Backtrack is technically still more accurate when thinking "Ubuntu derivatives not to ask about"... but now we're splitting hairs.
Backtrack is dead, I think, and questions nowadays seem to be Kali (haven't heard a mention of BT in ages)
That is a fair point. I wasn't arguing. Just telling you what I saw.
I take that back. I saw one as recently as Jan end. :D
I just go blind on those questions now, and it's not because I want to. I just don't even see them when I scroll through the feed.
I went looking and saw this
3 days ago.
Where's Lucio when you have a music recommendation... Geez.

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