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Yes? Remove the
<H2>Stop worrying</H2>?
remove all the bold?
for instance :) I like to keep answers clean and too the point.
I like to have the user to have a smile...
:P ;-)
:19912326 <!DOCTYPE html>
	<meta charset="utf-8">
	<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
	<title>Stop worrying</title>

h2 {
	font-size: 100px;
	width: 100%;
	margin: 0px auto;


	<h2>Stop worrying</h2>

there have 10 rep :=) @Fabby
I like to really put in effort! :)
:) Thanks!
@blade19899: show-off!
(We know you can do HTML...) :P ;-)
@blade19899 with 100% width, the auto margin won't centre anything. You need text-align:center if that's what you're shooting for.
:D :D :D
And the 100% width is implicit, since it's a block level element.
now blade19899 cheeks are red
Not trying to shame, just improve and teach
@Oli I literaly made that with the sublime text 2 boilerplate. I Have assed it. Appreciate the lesson though!
Now I kinda gotta save my 'honour' :), I would like to point out the fact that I made this icon with nothing more then HTML5/CSS3: Showing off, again.
I am thinking about getting an account somewhere like here: kde-look.org As my artwork that I want to upload is in jpg format, will that be fine for this site or will it only except 'themes'?
@Toroidal login and try to upload something.
If any one wants to aid me in some of my projects, they can review my Portfolio - EuroBytes
@blade19899: It's a png! Where's the source??? :P
Used fontawesome for the Linux icon.
@blade19899: If it would have been pure vector-graphics and hand-coded html, then I would have been impressed! >:)
now it's just some resizing of png stuf! Easy-peasy!
:D ;-)
@Fabby Gimme a minute, i already made my hand made favicon for eurobytes into svg, then into font, with fontcustom.
But I still like the result!
(don't get me wrong!)
@Fabby I knows ;)
I'm getting more impressed! ;-)
@Fabby morning
ahum? @jrg :-)
@Rinzwind: just saw it...
When I walked into this room, it looked like you were still here!
Oh dear... Another 0-day vulnerability! :D
Just enable click to play for plugins.
@Rinzwind: It's what you and me would have done...
he made a dumb mistake, let's see what he still has (I think everything)
@jrg: I already have that! It's called noscript!
another person that dares to defy Ubuntu askubuntu.com/questions/582026/…
and @Fabby this is what I do when faced with a load of code that is irrelevant askubuntu.com/questions/582025/…
We've all been there... What's this pythong thing? I don't want this python thing! Oops...
:) I learned something today!
Much cleaner and better...
Petje af!
@Rinzwind: If you want to learn something about NTFS: askubuntu.com/questions/581902/…
(and interoperability with *nix)
What is this person asking?:
Q: bison m4 subprocess got fatal signal 6

Dharmender KumarI am getting error bison:m4 subprocess got fatal signal 6 bison 2.7 and m4 1.4.10 are installed on Ubuntu 3.13.

While I have a look at that, you can have a look at this: askubuntu.com/questions/581902/…
End of life... 13.04
@Toroidal: so, what do you think?
@jrg: in the end, I decided to re-post my Q&A instead of trying to resurrect my old one...
@Toroidal :D It's obvious now! :D
@Fabby You're welcome! :)
@Fabby: Although, the "This question will not help you how to partition", needs a verb.
To partition, I partition, you partition, we were partitioning...
I changed it!
Yes, much better! :D
Yup! Thanks!
I hope you got a laugh at "To partition: I partition, you partition, we were partitioning..."
Smoke! BRB!
@Fabby Yes I did! :D
@blade19899: Do you still have NTFS partitions on your machine?
Oh my god! Look what I just saw in the review queue:
Q: vpn l2tp connection on ubuntu 14.10

marcoshI am using Ubuntu 14.10 and I need to create a VPN L2TP connection. I installed strongswan, as suggested by this answer, but now I don't understand how to configure the connection. The connection data I have available are an Ip address, a username, a password and a preshared key. I try to cre...

The answer which says this can be found here:
A: What Easter eggs are there in Unity?

altairi like trains, therefor you are gay! if a pie is round then what is the size of your momma http://area51.stackexchange.com/

@Fabby: Does this kind of thing happen a lot? As it is the first time that I have seen it and had to give something a flag for being "offensive, abusive, or hate speech".
@Toroidal sometimes. normally gets flagged really quick.
just like that.
@muru, @terdon, @bytecommander, @oldfred: See me in the chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/20860/fat-ntfs-ext4 room to discuss the decision matrix "Why FAT for a beginning user"
@Toroidal: seldomly!
The only thing I find weird is that it was done by "community wiki altair"...
@jrg @Fabby: Well I am glad that that rude post was deleted and that that kind of thing doesn't happen very often.
I've had this once before in the review queues by an anonymous user...
So this was the second time...
I hope that if it is not an anonymous user who posts it that they get put in the penalty box immediately because they make their intentions here very clear.
@Fabby That is strange...
What is strange?
(sorry was editing my Q&A) Someone found an error...
@Fabby I am agreeing with what you said here "The only thing I find weird is that it was done by "community wiki altair"...".
:) Ah!
@Fabby what is ntfs?
@Toroidal yes but they disappear prettty quickly
@Fabby how did you manage to mount an ntfs partition as /home in Ubuntu?
Looking at my fstab...
you all know about the 'LS` command? >:)
(and yes in caps ;) )
Like I said: I'm fully converted now but ran like this for aver a year...
sudo apt-get install sl

if you type LS you get a train ;)
and if you want to mess with co-workers who leave their system open:
export PROMPT_COMMAND="cd"
all what they do will have them going to their home >:D
# Windows Vista Data mount (Hibernate in Vista MUST be turned off to avoid problems)
# Mount UUID in /media/Fab-1TB using R/W (3rd Gen) NTFS driver, check system in pass 2 (after main drive)
#UUID=1C33A38B4AD623A4 /media/Fab-D-1TB ntfs-3g defaults,noexec,windows_names,locale=en_US.utf8 0 2
Found another one .... not gonna explain this one >:-D
cat<<EOF >> ~/.bashrc
alias cd='echo "Segmentation fault" && echo $* > /dev/null'
alias ls='echo "Segmentation fault"'
that will scare the shit out of someone _O-
@Fabby This doesn'
@user68186: I kept this one for future reference...
I know, don't have that one any more...
But your system looks better....
Are there any release notes available yet for 15.04? If so, where can I find them?
I'm going to adapt the answer copying from yours and leaving it in as a link
You OK with that?
@Toroidal 15.04 is off topic >:-D
This doesn't look like the advanced-foo about keeping ownership and permissions you mentioned.
Q: accidently removed python using purge

iec2011007i accidently performed sudo apt-get purge python2 now my terminal wont show the colors and many libraries have been gone. Cant i revert back the changes even sudo apt-get build-essentials is not working

How can you accidentally purge?
I did, but it's a long time ago...
@DonaldBrown not a problem. python2 is NOT a package so nothing happend >:D
I'll delete the question and answer and test on an external HDD
Not only do you have to deliberately type it, you also have to confirm password. People are silly.
@Fabby Sure. Go ahead.
No I can't delete: you've ansdwered as well...
I'll start editing right away!
@Rinzwind I know, I was just wondering what people are thinking these days.
@Fabby I didn't know about the advanced ntfs options, and it looks rather complicated (editing user permissions manually in Windows etc.) for an ordinary user.
that's for the expert user...
What is Fabby trying to do?
@DonaldBrown Fabby is trying to tell users to move /home into an ntfs partition so that files are accessible in Windows in a dualboot setup.
Ah... Could be complicated if the /home is already made. More complicated if it's encrypted.... I did this once before sometime last year. I'll try to remember what I did.
Could they create a separate NTFS partition, add it /etc/fstab as mount to /home, boot from live CD and move home directory to the new partition, and then be good?
I have a some-program that puts a file owned by root in .some-program in my home. The program throws a fit if the ownership of that file is changed. How does ntfs handle such ownership?
When I was sharing an NTFS partition between Ubuntu and windows, anything created by root couldn't be touched by windows
Like, I could open the files, but only in read-only. And, if I tried to delete anything, it told me "permission denied"
@DonaldBrown The process of moving home to a separate partition is well documented. The issue is can this partition be ntfs? My understanding is since ntfs does not respect Linix ownership and permission, putting /home in ntfs permission can mess things up.
It also warned me whenever I tried to manipulate a regular user file that the file was shared. It seemed to respect the permissions, it just didn't know that it was doing so.
I'm actually on a dual boot machine right now, let me try something.
After I reinstall gparted, of course.
Thanks @DonaldBrown All my machines are single-boot now. I can't test this conjecture.
I am taking offers on ON or OFF topic on this:
the group that wins gets my vote too >:D
@user68186: Edited...
As I'm not sure any more about my system, I'll be testing mine on a spare hard drive...
(As I can't seem to locate my old documentation any more)
@fabby It looks good to me now. :D upvoted!
In the mean time, what's there now should be correct...
Frantic panic for a moment!
(I do distinctly remember mountjing my /home on NTSFS, but it could be old age... ;-)
So I'm still going to test this and keep you informed...
@user68186 And thanks again for the feed-back!
:) no need to panic. I am always learning new things. You are most welcome.
(instead of just downvoting and leaving!) ;-)
My POV too, but not everyone's! ;-)
@Rinzwind that's an intriguing issue (Is it off-topic?) I don't know enough about Windows and Wine to judge, but your argument in the comments looks compelling.
RolandiXor killed it @user68186 :)
Some people just want Ubuntu to be Windows XP with support...
After I have got 2k and this privilege will that mean that I do not get points for edits any more?
I assume so, but just wanted to check! :)
@Toroidal yes
I think that it would be good if every say 10 flags which you have cast which have been deemed "helpful" should earn you a certain amount of points. Say something like +1 or +3. Or even a system where when you get something like 50 flags which you have cast, deemed as "helpful" for you to then get something like a +20. What do you think guys?
Yeah, you're going to have to work for your rep like us regular folks.
@Toroidal NO!
That would be awful! We get enough spam flags as it is.
spam for the mods I mean.
But people would know that they would only get the points if it was deemed "helpful", thus I don't think that the amount of spam would necessarily change...
But maybe your rep points shouldn't go up just because you flagged something up... As I suppose that someone could just flag everything up, and if they were lucky get the points... But if it was only like every 100 or so flags deemed "helpful" that they would get the points, then maybe not...
I love the "Please be gentle!" at the beginning of this post! :D
Q: DVD burners can't find a device (14.10)

snoozePlease be gentle! I am trying to create data disk archives on DVD. I have used XFburn, K3B, Brasero (junk) and Nautilus. In every case but one none of the utilities can locate a burning device. The exception was the first use of XFBurn. It successfully burned one DVD. Every subsequent attempt...

But anyway... Back to editing posts! :D
@Toroidal: So remember that us +2000 folks do not get any rep for all that editing! :P Enjoy it while it lasts!
I see @AWildRolandiXor!
What's up?
My rate of awesomeness accrual ;D
You should make a sock puppet called A Tame RolandiXor now.
@terdon XD
@Fabby I will! :D
Is there any way to select some text on AU while writing an answer, question, or editing one of those, and press some keyboard shortcut or something which will automatically put <kbd>these things</kbd> round it?
Not that I know of...
(sorry) and got to go!
Another traitor!
Q: Unable to install windows 7 on my laptop which has ubuntu 14.04

sudhakar rajuI bought a new lapto with DOS. Chose to install Ubuntu 14.04 and made a clean install removing DOS and installing Ubuntu 14.04 with encryption option on a single partition. Later i tried to install windows 7 as a dual boot but while installing windows i got a message saying it cannot install in t...

We should have some sort of Capital Punishment for this kind of high-treason here which should not be tolerated! >:)
Hmm... I don't like user like this! They make me twitch!:
Q: Ubuntu Boot Screen Asking for a Command?

Peter CookWhat is the system wanting after loading bios, it now wants a command, but what command is it looking for?

(Look in the comments to see what I mean.)
Q: Are SMART diagnosis tools giving correct output?

user3058865My problem is the following: In November, the hard-disk analyser tool of Ubuntu 14.04 (Disks) showed some bad sectors. As this disk was very old, I replaced it by a Western Digital WD1600BEKT. Now, I opened Disks again accidentally (now under Debian stable) and there are bad sectors again. If I ...

@JourneymanGeek LICEcap doesn't like me, it gets my mouse in the wrong spot so my clicks make no sense :(
Q: NO right-click at all on touchpad after installing 14.10

Aziz AzCan someone help me please? I cannot right-click pressing right corner(side) of my touchpad. I can do it only by clicking the right-key button on my keyboard. I had no problem with it before upgrading from 14.04 to 14.10. Can someone help me please? Thanks.

Is there a known fix to this problem?
I hate touchpads. (and that concludes also what I can contribute to this problem >:) )
@UbuntuQuestionsonU&L nope >:)
Same here, but I hate lugging a mouse around everywhere more
hehehehe :) me too :D
How can I check current network connections in Terminal?
I almost only use my keyboard
@Toroidal type in a command and look at the results >:-DDDD
So that I can view the IPs which my computer is sending data to, and recieving data from?
Q: Get a list of network connections my machine is making

Saqib AliOn Ubuntu, how do I get a list of network connections my computer has made in the last few days? Is there a easy way to do this?

Have you tried wireshark?
@AmericanLuke I have, and I used to use it on Windows 7 before I got Ubuntu.
But it never runs on Ubuntu.
I tried getting it to run but it could not detect my network connection.
@Toroidal hmm would to make a wager on that? >:)
What touchpad do you have @AmericanLuke?
I have a synaptics one and it works just fine on 14.10.
lemme check
If you can't get it working you should probably file a bug.
@Rinzwind Sorry, could you rephrase that please? :)
@Toroidal wireshark works on ubuntu :-)
Well, I guess that I just wasn't lucky then...
stupid piece of software though
had a look through the code a 2 years ago. if Linus ever sees it he'll make a blog post on it >:D
@AmericanLuke hmm. I'm not in Ubuntu right now, but that is odd. I wonder what the difference between our two systems is..
I just upgraded this system from 14.04 to 14.10
are all touchpads using a single driver? (synapsics or whatever it is calles?)
What computer is this @AmericanLuke?
Is it Acer?
Its a dell
oh ok. When you boot try selecting an older kernel from grub.
my aspire does not react too if I press the top right.
it should do a right click?!
Q: Write htaccess rewrite rule which should be point to a directory which is not existing in directory structure

George UlahannanI need to write a rewrite rule, so that the url should be point to a directory which is not existing in the application directory. Somehow I able to achieve it, by the rules here is my .htaccess file RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^index.php$ - [L] RewriteRule ^blog/(.*) /admin/...

what do people think, on or off topic?
ah it is called "touchpad gestures". they do NOT work on my system :P
@Rinz pretty sure gestures were pulled a long time ago.
@Seth his last comment makes it off topic >:)
I didn't think we were talking about gestures though.
@Rinzwind oh, true.
ah ok :P then I restate that I never knew the touchpad could do a rightclick and my aspire does not seem to be able to do it >:)
And did I mention I hate touchpads :P
@Rinzwind o_O
and I also hate logging a mouse along with my notebook so I learned a LOT of keyboard shortcuts :P
I love keyboard shortcuts!
But I also take a mouse with me, ever since I was forced to use labVIEW.
also fun to impress co-workers
"how did you do that?" and then rapidly shout out a lot of control+shift chars _O-
And they walk away confused :P
or if they insist for me to re-itterate I make them fetch me a bottle of coca cola
@terdon Could you tell if this is a viable question for here?
Looks like it is either wildly unclear or a dupe as suggested in the comment.
Or is that Portuguese? For once I cannot tell at all.
@Fabby it's not a joke.
They must have removed it.
I didn't get the M&M jar either.
When I filled it in, there was a page asking for a guess on the number of M&Ms in a jar.
Someone suggested it was an age thing, but I didn't think SE knew my age.
How about if you just tell me exactly how many M&M's are in the jar? — Mooseman 2 days ago
^--- proof that I didn't make it up.
you started with inserting a birthdate @Seth
I got the m+ms in the career survey at the stars -<>
went for 998 :=D
I didn't get the competition last time.
I just put 1337 in :P
back when i was underage.
@NathanOsman I put N+1
didn't want to sit there and count.
thought about it!
I assumed it was 1000 and the person putting them in could not resist eating 2
@Rinzwind SE doesn't know how old I am, so it shouldn't do any filtering.
Hey... I should have thrown OpenCV at it.
Maybe I didn't answer a question correctly D:
anyway, back to attempting to use labVIEW and not end up hurting someone..
Hah! As if anyone could beat Marques Brownlee in a jumping contest xD
@terdon Never mind, looks like someone else translated it :)
more portugese
then again it's about 13.10 >:)
w t f
Valve is going to introduce a new OPENGL
Real programmers use Vi.
schedule.gdconf.com/session/… Valve, Frostbite, Epic Games and Unity O cooool
Unfortunately, I don't know Vi.
@Whaaaaaat Thankfully there's a site for that!
I think "How do I learn VI?" will be closed as too broad pretty fast.
I remember being at the OpenGL 4.2 launch party.
opengl has lunch parties? i like lunch.
Does anyone know where I can get Tails and if it is fine to run as a VM in VB?
lunch sounds better.
@Whaaaaaat nope; it'll be duped. There is a vi topic in AU
@Rinzwind on Vi.SE
Hello everyone!
@Whaaaaaat They did give us a free t-shirt :P
heya @IonicăBizău :)
yesterday, by Fabby
I remember a Win 3.0 virus called "bouncing t....s"
I need more swag!
I remember a Windows 3.0 virus called Windows.
@Whaaaaaat it mutated into 3.1 and then 3,11 :P
and the problem started with 3.11 when it got network capabilities :=)]
@Rinzwind and it kept mutating. and now we're bracing ourselves for Windows 10
so who can make sense out of this ->
Q: If anyone can help in anyway, I'd be greatful. Being remote accessed and now can't do anything

NathanIm only running Ubuntu 14.10, upgraded from 14.04 yesterday. Discovered I am being remotely accessed(thru my 5g router band) Been trying to figure out what's up for weeks now. I went to e-mail log in, I got a pop up from Windows. It says that I have 1000's of viruses. Gave me a number to call, I ...

I'm trying
Roadmr has the right idea and understanding of it. User was... a user. Clicked something he shouldn't have, tried calling a number he shouldn't have.
So, can anyone else explain the logic behind this?
Q: Ubuntu installed on an external hard disk but not working

Sumit SinhaI have installed Ubuntu on my external hard disk (1TB Western Digital, My Passport). I have only 30GB of free space in my external hard disk, so I partitioned as: 1st partition is for my backup data which is of around 900GB 2nd partition is for Ubuntu, which is of 30GB, in which i have made sub...

I told him, in a comment, to do what I had to do.
Putting GRUB in the /boot partition led to no boot.
Choosing no partition to install to led to successful boot.
Logic behind that?
@NathanOsman @NathanOsman: I'll give you the benefit of the doubt! ;-)
@DonaldBrown That's how it works. That's not no partition, it's the mbr.
The external drive needs to have it's own bootloader installed into the mbr of the drive. To do that choose the partion letter by itself. As you saw, /dev/sdb (say), not /dev/sdb5
Ah, okay. Totally makes sense.
A: Ubuntu installed on an external hard disk but not working

Donald BrownBecause you are installing to an external drive, you need to configure the bootloader to be in the MBR of the drive itself. As such, you do not need the /boot partition. Instead, select the bootloader installation target as /dev/sdX, replacing X with which ever letter the rest of your partitions ...

That answer good now?
Looks good. I edited it a little bit
There are 2 exceptions to the rule @chaskes gave you:
FAT partitions with the boot flag set
diagnotics partitions with the boot flag set
which rule?
the one in chat?
"DonaldBrown That's how it works. "
Ok, noted and thanks. General case was covered.
<--- currently dealing with multi-thread synchronization issues.
@NathanOsman oh those are fun!
They are very not fun.
One of the threads has a nested event loop.
not talk about race condition club The first rule of race condition club is you do
@Fabby @Virusboy Ever heard of the company Amway?
Yesss! I haz working Wacom Bamboo tablet!
Whoa is that sensitive
It recognizes the pen well before the pen is actually touching the pad - that's an issue...
@NathanOsman eeew. thread #1 needs something, threadlock applied to something by thread #2 with the nested event loop, the event that unlocks the resource never gets called or does not return?
@Rinzwind gray area. not touching it one way or the other.
Think of the reply "I broke it installing Ubuntu, now you won't help me fix it, and you close my question? Well that just sucks. Thanks for nothing."
@hbdgaf of course. But in this case Ubuntu aint gonna fix it
Fair enough, I just see the drama storm and am steering away from it instead of through it.
Did Mint really name their latest release "Rebecca"? I guess it really hurts when you don't have sabdfl..

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