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Are you sure everything is set up right? qldconservation.au.org resolves for me but qldconservation.org.au doesn't
@hbdgaf: good one!
@hbdgaf, I learnt the hard way that two concurrent apt-get instances DO NOT like each other.
It wasn't two concurrently. Anyway, I think it's fixed.
@hbdgaf, how does qldconservation.au.org even work? that isn't even a TLD is it?
.org is a tld as is .au. nothing cares what comes in front of it initially.
.org resolves and responds...
Does DNS not work how I think it does? I'm really condused
you read dns backwards. like org tells you where to go, then the au, then the qlwhatever in this case.
so, if you selected "I want qldconservation.au" with a .org drop-down selected, that might be what happened.
if you then tried to point it at your local dns server and the conf was backwards, it would break... as it should
time for the moment of truth, back in a minute after a reboot - or not.
@hbdgaf is correct. The .org nameservers delegate authority for .au.org to [insert IP addresses of DNS servers here]. They, in turn, delegate authority for qldconservation.au.org to [insert more IP addresses of DNS servers here].
It's all about delegation.
crisis averted. reboot successful and everything seems to be working.
Sorry, .au should delegate to .org.au, which should delegate to qldconservation.org.au. Can you clarify that you can go to the home page?
No, I don't hit that one. What are you hoping it resolves to as an IP?
I can see that qldconservation.au.org resolves, but I still don't know how. I'm hoping that it goes to
No, the other resolves to
It seems really weird to me that there are two seemingly really outlandish domains that are so similar... I think I'm taking a break.
sup @Mateo
I see you did away with the trailing _
Yeah, 30 days after getting the hat
\o/ hats!!!
boo they're over...
anyway, did i tell you i finished the target acquisition portion of the data thing? now, all i have to finish is reduction sets and overlap/deviation to just let the computer learn how to do it for me.
It'll be sweet when it works. It's interesting that I have this many moving parts working, but until it's all the way done, it doesn't really count.
Yeah, one more down.
I think I'm at about 5 layers of problem down with 1.5><2 to go.
I'm giving it another 3.5 months to finish or throw away/put in mothballs and come back to later.
Conversely, if I get it all the way working, it would totally be:
Bonjour, mon chèr...
whoa @Fabby and @chili555 here at the same time? I've only ever seen them drop pings at each other.
We talk to each other...
Not every day, but...
Yeah, I know. You just take it out of band. It's fine, it was a funny.
...most every day
I'm off to bed...
(well, I'm already in, but the laptop goes out of bed...)
Adieu, mon ami!
If some dude called Detley shows up, tell him he missed me! >:)
@Fabby heya, I tried your suggestion — I have an "extra-gnome-terminal" in ~/Code/bin (which is on my path)
if I just launch "extra-gnome-terminal" from a console, I can't alt-tab to it without also doing alt+`
the switcher is not fooled by such cheap tricks :P
ah dang, I just saw @Fabby's last msg
Okay, this is odd. I started getting a ton of UDP packets from Using netstat, I was able to get the process ID:
tcp        0     14     ESTABLISHED 12922/skype
What is Skype up to?
its doing secret capper uploads
and in RAW too
@detly whats going on?
I don't know why they'd use UDP for file transfers, but okay :P
your skype is getting bombarded from the phillipines?
its microshit
that's weird. although i don't use it at all. do they have an ad server there or an im worm propagating from there? those would both make sense.
@Virusboy - it's re. askubuntu.com/a/575570/19501 - Fabby suggested chat but I missed the window :)
you are in ubuntu?
yes, running Gnome 3
didn't create another .desktop file.
Gnome 3? @hbdgaf winblows or ubuntu?
i'm on ubuntu, obviously. i don't run windows at all. i'm suggesting that if you read the QA it sounds like he didn't create or modify the .desktop file as instructed.
no he didnt. @hbdgaf Skype does have a UDP for Ad server but only on Windows 8.1 I thought
@Virusboy on 1 - i would guess doing that would fix the problem. on 2 - even if the feature isn't forced in to the linux skype version, i wouldn't put it past the MS guys to not update the linux client but have the ad infrastructure throwing ads at it.
2-would make more sense. M$ isnt about smart coding.
uh, is 1. directed at me, or something prior to me joining?
@detly it was directed at probably what the problem is for you. ^^ is directed at the m$ comment
I also created the .desktop file, which didn't solve the problem; those extra comments are simply trying to see where Fabby's and my system diverge in behaviour
there is none @detly
where did you put the desktop file?
@NathanOsman don't they use regular installs so that they can get around NAT?
@detly is everything in there absolute paths? it has been a while since i had to manipulate a .desktop, but i remember there being some weirdness with path expansions.
I've tried both; no difference
@Mateo Skype?
@Mateo the only way is untrusted Repo with an apt-get install
@detly maybe. i remember having a similar problem, but i don't remember how i solved it.
Read somewhere they used to do that or something
Getting around a NAT is tricky. Some of the techniques includes UPnP (the easiest, but not always the best supported), UDP hole-punching (fairly reliable, but incredibly complicated and often not possible with TCP), and proxying (100% effective but requires equipment and bandwidth).
There may be other techniques, but those are the ones that come to me off the top of my head.
> "...the scheme Skype uses is a standard UDP hole punching scheme..."
Yup, I thought so.
STUN (Session Traversal Utilities for NAT) is a standardized set of methods and a network protocol to allow an end host to discover its public IP address if it is located behind a NAT. It is used to permit NAT traversal for applications of real-time voice, video, messaging, and other interactive IP communications. It is documented in RFC 5389. The STUN URI scheme is documented in RFC 7064. STUN is intended to be a tool to be used by other protocols, such as ICE. The STUN protocol allows applications operating behind a network address translator (NAT) to discover the presence of the network address...
That stuff makes my head hurt, it's so complicated.
That's what everything buy skype uses. It's what you use for all other VoIP
OHHHH that makes sense
Yeah, sadly skype doesn't do it normally.
Anyone aware of anything better than the Galago Ultrapro?
ummm no
It's pretty easy to see where you said Umm in your audio recordings in Audacity...it looks like a little turd:
@RPi_Awesomeness lol! yeah, it is
@jrg Getting a System76 laptop?
... waiting for Elementary OS Freya Beta 1 to install so I can finish my tutorial!
I hate slow internet
@RPi_Awesomeness Well, considering how I really don't like this Mac, and they have the best sub-15" laptop I've been able to find, yeah.
Have I said that before? I don't think I have...
nah, you said it like 10 times. It just kept timing out.
@jrg Niiice, lucky duck :D
It's little things. I have been writing a blog post for the last 2 months about it.
If I get a new laptop (which I will eventually) I'm gonna get either one of theirs, or an XPS 13 Dev Edition.
it's like @seth said. The longer you stare at it, the stupider DRM (And Apple) looks.
@jrg ikr.
and if i can just find a pdf reader that displays printlines right, i'm set.
won't even need a VM most likely.
I've got a friend who's total Mac-oholic.
You know, he's pretty much all iOS is amazing & secure and Android is crap and full of holes...and OS X is totally secure and has basically no viruses and Open Source code is super dangerous because anyone ('specially bad buys) can see the code and find holes!
don't get me wrong, it's got some nice upsides. But man, this sucks for doing devwork that is going to end up on a Linux box in the end.
Even ssh'ing into a remote server and living there hasn't been helpful.
well, it's been helpful, just not sufficient.
@jrg Oh, yes :P
You always hear Youtubers talking about needing to take a break, or get something to drink and you're all like - yeah, yeah. I guess...
but then you go and record audio for half an hour and you're all like, Wow. This is mouth-drying
@RPi_Awesomeness the magic of editing can take care of that
@Mateo Yes, and usually they do. It's often on live-streams that you hear it.
Ah, live stream
Anywhoozerz. G'night y'all
Always get that mixed up.
o/ == Hello
\o == Goodbye
aww I missed @jrg.
@seth just my popping out for a moment .
Requesting Tactical Nuke: Mint question
Q: who calls .bashrc

Eric WangOn linux mint mate, I have a .bashrc file in my home folder, but I didn't see any of: 1 ~/.bash_profile 2 ~/.bash_login 3 ~/.profile So who calls .bashrc when I open a new terminal window? And, if I create a new system user, does ~/.bashrc work? Or it only works for normal user?

Are Ubuntu One questions off-topic now?
Depends.. I mean Ubuntu One is long gone.
@jrg missed ya again :/
Anyway I saw your Discourse post (and G+ post for that matter). Let me know what you end up getting and how you like it!
2 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector ] Blacklisted website: It is a "scandalous" treatment by Zanee Gul on askubuntu.com
@SmokeDetector you nail it for a bad word?
Both have been obliterated now.
Anybody can tell me what happens to questions getting low votings (e.g. -4 or lower) on SE? Just interested...
what Nathan said @ByteCommander
@Virusboy and at which score? couldnt find in help center...
oh 0 to -4 stay on the board.
anything -5 and under tend to be deleted quickly
2 hours later…
> "...Marcus said Messenger will look to generate revenue before WhatsApp, which may later mimic some aspects of the system..." Facebook Plans Voice-to-Text for Messenger - Digits - WSJ
I was told that WhatsApp is gonna have ads in them in a tweakers article. That was the first source.
I'm switching to Telegram
WAIT! What did he say?
> Facebook has no interest in building a payments business, Marcus said. Rather, he said Facebook is trying to remove friction from the buying experience, and allow people to share private information with confidence, he said.
@fossfreedom askubuntu.com/q/575700/148451 Help would be appreciated... Thanks!
@IonicăBizău: read What's a good back-up strategy for 1 PC It'll not help you now, but it'll surely help you in the future! (You're user type 4)
(Not that I don't want to help you, but I'm running plain vanilla Ubuntu with just Nemo File-manager installed and to reproduce your settings would take me an enormous amount of work...)
@Fabby Nice answer. I don't have anything to backup because I store my things online... the code on GitHub & BitBucket, documents in Google Drive, others in Dropbox. :-)
You do have things to back-up! YOUR SYSTEM! :P You're a tinkerer!
Anyway: have you tried:
Remove Lubuntu-desktop
Re-install Unity?
(as you can use TTY1 anyway?)
I still would take a system back-up first though, so you can try multiple things...
Is your /home split from your / ?
I tried to reinstall Unity, but didn't solve the issue...
My home is in /home/ionicabizau
OK, because that's not in your Q
did you do an apt-get remove or an apt-get purge?
Yeah, but is your /home on a different partition?
No it's not on a different partition...
:) Missed the comments ;-)
So what you tried is a re-install, how about a purge (removes all of your nice settings too!) and then install instead of a reinstall which keeps your settings?
I would:
I'll answer your question! If you don't like it, I'll delete
@IonicăBizău: have a look...
Will try it. Thanks!
I'm learning for the algebra exam, but then. :-)
@IonicăBizău About what? I'm Just interested in that stuff as you know
@Fabby About that user-clone for Cinnamon: So I just kill user3 and all the copied data would go too?
@ByteCommander Binary relations, groups, Lagrange's theorem... More or less what we learned in high-school.
I can't remember in our conversation exactly who user3 is but if you use the right command:
(gimme 1 minute)
deluser user3 --remove-home
would remove the home directory of user3
deluser user3 --remove-home --remove-all-files
would be the most dangerous to use
@IonicăBizău Okay, never heard about that stuff. I will rethink studying anything related to Maths... ;)
(but also the cleanest way: it will remove any lingering files anywhere on the system from that user)
@Fabby user3 would be the one I created last and copied my old /home to it (lets say from user 1, whos Cinnamon is broken)
Depending on how you used the system before and what you did with that user, it could also remove back-up files of let's say fstab or even fstab**itself**
And User2 is the one who's OK now?
Well, whatever your use case: you have a choice, choose wisely!
So as user3 never was logged in due to that error with incompatible /home or whatever it should be safe? Or would it affect user1, as his /home is identical?
:P ;-)
if you use only deluser user3 --remove-home you should be safe...
(should, not will!) :P
user 2 is currently working with Cinnamon, but is still everything at default state. And what about removing user3 with unity control panel?
User2 works and User3 is a duplicate?
Or User3 is the one with the bad settings?
the full copy? instead of only the documents?
(remind me)
I see more than normal amount of topics moved from au to u+l. is there a rule for that? or is it by the grace of the mod?
@Rinzwind: the lord and master does as he sees fit... (good morning BTW)
User1 (bytecommander) is the original admin, user2 (cinnamontester) works with Cinnamon and user3 (bcclone) cant login and has a full copy of user1's home (except Docs, Videos, Music etc, as this would be huge and I still dont want to kill user1)
OK. Good!
deluser user3 --remove-home
And where would I have to move those Docs to be accessible from all profiles?
I don't understand the Q: what docs?
define "those" :P (My telepathy antenna is broken off) ;-)
All files in ~/Documents, ~/Music, ~/Videos, ~/workspace, ~/geany of user1. There are several GB of multimedia files, I wanted to share along my users anyway (restricted account for family)
Sorry, was busy with a question in another tab...
Ah! :-)
That one is worthy of a question all by its own!
Can I answer #1 askubuntu.com/questions/574378/… this one now?
@Fabby No need to apologize, I'm gaming anyway in another firefox tab...
or do you prefer this one: #2 askubuntu.com/questions/572805/…
@ByteCommander: so #1 or #2 ?
@Fabby You can do what you want, but as long as my original user (which I definitely will keep, even with Unity) still hangs with Cinnamon, you would not get a tick from me... ;)
But an upvote would be sure :D
You've got a solution! :P
So then choose which one of the 2 is worthy a tick
(and then it can be used by someone else too!)
You've got 2 nearly identical Q anyway... Choose which one stays open...
@ByteCommander (you've got 5 minutes to choose, otherwise I'll answer then both) :D :D :D ;-)
I think it fits better to #2, as it is a workaround for the non-responding panels etc. Maybe I should close (can I delete?) the other reinstalling question, as it did not help and would be not useful for others either?
@Fabby Hey, I'm only an about six-finger-typer, I need my time.
And thinking between typing seems also required to me ;D
>:) :D
Up to you: I could also reply to the re-install one and maybe someone will still reply to #1 (and yes: you can delete as long as there is no answer)
@Fabby You only wrote 1 line? There is something missing! Gave you an upvote anyway.
:) I'm still busy and pressed "save" to come and copy-paste stuff from this tab!
Would have worked without submitting it too, except if your browser would have hanged (! ;D) itself.
:D :D
I think that I may have ignored someone accidentally but they are not in the chat at the moment, how do I unignore them while they are not actually in the chat? I am sure that I have seen an option around somewhere but I just cannot remember for the life of me where it was! :D
@Toroidal You would mind if i temporarily ignore you and look for it? :)
@ByteCommander: Nope, I would not mind. :)
:D The master lurking in the shadows....
Ahh... I thought that I had managed to ignore someone else too...
Okay, no need for further ignorance...
But maybe I was mistaken.
If it's only that weirdo who won't leave me alone who is on my ignore list, then that is fine.
@Fabby Don't you just want to finally finish that answer post instead of leaving meaningless comments everywhere?
:P I'm back there!
May I remind you of that huge review queue to make you hurry? ;)
You stopped right after "1. sudo adduser test"
Sorry if I upset you, but I often notice (especially at myself) that people don't finish whatever they must do without getting a slight kick in the ass... Wasn't meant rude, just... motivating... somehow... ;)
:D Done! :P
Please verify and accept to show me you did verify! :D
I'll write a comment about what is unclear, wait a minute...
I'm going to start "bothering" people who VTC as unclear without leaving a comment asking for detail (unless that's super-obvious). Try to get the user to correct their mistake before it gets closed. It'll save a fair amount of everybody's time.
I'm sorry: VCT?
vote to close
ok :)
The dyslexic version, anyway
I would drop the "unless that's super-obvious" in that >:-D
Ah, Good! Thanks! I always try to do that! (when I'm the first one) Should I also verify now that the others have done that (when reviewing the queue)?
Aw, manager is late...
@Fabby Doesn't hurt. And if you agree that it's unclear, leave the comment the first guy should have left.
Will do!
So I get to talk to you on my phone till someone gets here
I believe in better to communicate too much then too little...
@Fabby lets say 2 vtc and you want to vtc too and there is no comment, leave comment and leave it at that.
@Fabby "too" is always wrong. either way ;-)
Te is nooit goed! Zelfs niet "te goed"! As my grandmother always used to say!
or do what I sometimes do and ignore the missing parts and fill them in yourself in the answer :D
I do that a lot!!!
Sometimes you can infer from what is not being said...
Which reminds me: the CTV queue sould be open again for me!
Oh dear... :D Naughty naughty...:
Q: Delete non-empty folder without permission

XandarosIn my home directory on our University's server, there are some directories owned by another user. I'd like to get rid of it, but unfortunately it complains about me not having permission. I can delete files in my home directory without a problem, but the recursive delete doesn't work for direct...

They want to delete someone else's stuff on their University's server.
@Fabby Want to edit your answer again? I found 5 questions to ask you back about... :) :P
I'm already doing that, you pestering, little @#¼½^!!! >:) ;-)
@Toroidal I know, I answered him that it should (I hope so!!!) be impossible.
@Fabby You sound as if you should do some yoga... Or visit the balcony again? ;D
@ByteCommander look at what a few enters make a difference ;-)
in that topic there ^^
oh and do not forget about "groups" ;-) 2 users in the same group can delete eachothers data based on the rwx settings of the group
@ByteCommander: balcony! great idea! (and I typed all of them so the next user visiting this answer just has to copy and paste)
@Rinzwind (not always - only if the permissions is 77* which is pretty rare)
Be kind with me, I can't see if someone is currently viewing/answering my posts. I wonder if that would be worth a feature-request on meta?
@Oli that's true yes :P
@ByteCommander: Actually telling him a way to do it could possibly even contain some legal issues. Because doing something like what he wants to do could be considered 'malicious' if he elevates his rights somehow and deletes another user's file without permission. And I am sure that I have seen some law somewhere which states that you should not spread information on how to commit such acts which could be considered 'malicious' unless prior consent is given by the network administrators.
@Toroidal I disagree. If there is a method it is either legal or a security bug ;-)
@Rinzwind: But if it were a security bug then it may be considered illegal to start spreading information on how to exploit it with the intent of teaching someone else how to do it.
Indeed, doing anything to a computer without explicit permission of its owner in the UK can get you a few years in prison. Doing something your user shouldn't be able to do would fall well within that.
@Rinzwind Hm, dont know much about groups, just some basics. Thanks for informing me. Should I add a comment, or do you want to yourself?
But yeah, doing something and documenting something are slightly different things.
Then again I am in the liberal Holland and not CCTV UK
@ByteCommander hmmm you do it ;-)
Q: Linux Deepin language switcher - making it smoother like in Ubuntu

yuviI installed the latest Linux Deepin 2014.2 distro. I know this place is for Ubuntu, but it's a Chinese distro based heavily on Ubuntu, so maybe someone will know how to help me out. The OS is great, but there's one annoying flaw - when switching language, there appears a transparent swithcer, a...

@UbuntuQuestionsonU&L dear UQonU&L you did notice it got moved from AU :=)
I would just feel bad about telling someone publicly online how to hack their university to commit what could be deemed as 'malicious' acts. Especially because of legal issues and someone coming after me! :D
@Oli I think as long as you mention that it is illegal without the owners permission it should be ok.
And mentioning that you might be able to exploit something (and pointing out the legality of such an action) is also a fair step away from giving them actual code (or links to code) to exploit it.
@Oli: Yes I think that mentioning it should be absolutely fine, but actually providing a method of doing so which would allow for them to actually commit the act would be not such as great thing to do.
@Toroidal: just edited your answer and changed "steal" to "delete"
(as "steal" does have a much more negative connotation then "delete")
(and deleting was what the user was asking for)
Please feel free to roll back!
@Fabby: Where did I say steal?
@Fabby: I had a look, but that wasn't my answer, and I have not been in the line of edits for it either. That was ByteCommander's answer.
@ByteCommander: Did you see my message to Toroidal falsely "accusing" him of the word "steal"???
@Fabby: That's fine! :)
@Rinzwind I did. Still anything to add or change? Included the illegal-thing as well.
@Fabby Yep, sure. Just wondered what youre talking about... Too much smoke in your sight?
Toroidal, it's because you first brought up this "naughty naughty" thing that you were linked to the answer in my mind...
>:) I'm permanently confused and confusing!!!
@Fabby I did the rollback, as this sentence is more in general and stealing implies getting control/ownership of the files, which expresses the thing better.
I have got an idea on a completely different subject, but still to do with the forums... You know how we edit user's posts to add images which they link to? Well it would be really good if there was a special tag which users could use if they want someone to add the images to their post, which then could be removed once the images had been added. Or something like that would be a really good feature.
It's just an idea, but it might be useful. :)
@Toroidal I'd rather have that with a button where someone confirms it and it then automatically creates the tag, does the upload and save.
Yes, that would probably be better.
But just an easier way of finding all those posts that want it.
It would be useful. Although maybe once they are allowed because of their rep to add images, for the button to go away.
@Toroidal Because low-rep users have no right to include pics? I would also prefer @Rinzwind 's proposal, but 2 disadvantages:
1) increases size of reviewing queues
1: newbie questions tend to be in the review queue anyways
2) delay between posting the question and the image becoming visible. Users who could have answered it have to wait and maybe won't come back...?
@Rinzwind But only the first question, I think? What about all other questions between 1st post and gaining enough rep? And would the system avoid double-inserting the question into both 1st-post and image-request?
> "... The performance of Servo has been described as "amazingly well" compared to Gecko and that even a single thread ofServo is faster than Gecko.... " - Mozilla's Servo Still On Track For 2015 Alpha Release - Phoronix
@ByteCommander, I wouldn't use that word, but it's your answer... And that's why we have rollbacks!!! ;-)
This is the right one: GitHub: servo/servo?
@Toroidal: If it would be up to me, beginning users would have the opportunity to add low-res pictures and the higher up you move in the ranks, the higher resolution you would get!
Someone like @Rinzwind would now be able to upload movies, and someont like @Toroidal would not ba allowed to post Queen video clips in chat! (don't you agree @ByteCommander?)
>:) :D :D :D

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