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But you need to change your swappiness to 90 first!
90 means?!?
What's the config of your machine?
90% full memory: begin swapping
default is 60
Oh, good to know!
What's the config of your machine?
How shall I describe my config?
i7 / 32GB / HDD and SSD / 14.04.1 (brand new, for heavy algorithms and big data stuff :)
Yes 32 GB you read it right!
OK, then I would:
/home on the HDD
everything else on the SSD
Why actually, what's so special about /home in this?
Swappiness = 90
That's all your data
Videos, Documents, ...
You mean where I am supposed to... but I have no videos, no documents (all on google drive)
@matt config files for your user and documents. so these files/directoroes get written often.
also: put /tmp into memory (a ramdisk)
@Matt: Where do you store the big data stuff?
@fossfreedom Well... After I followed the steps, Unity crashed (no top panel, no window borders etc). I installed lubuntu-desktop, I created a new user where I tested it and it worked, but then I rollbacked everything, and migrated the files to the new user. Now if I uninstall Lubuntu desktop unity crashes... :/
@chili555 Welcome, mon ami!
why did the temperature drop?
I store the big data stuff on SSD, the thing is, it is mostly input data that seldom changes.... but needs to be consumed by my algorithm many times
@Rinzwind: @matt: depends on his memory usage...
@matt using mysql? apache?
Bonjour, M. @Fabby!
That's ass-backwards IMHO
@Fabby nope. it is alwats better to keep it on a ramdisk then on ssd
@matt did you alter the database location? otherwise it will be on /var/
@Rinzwind I have 80GB SSD and 4G RAM... The day I upgrade: yes...
(What's ass-backwards?!)
It's just an opinion. :P
Didn't fiddle the mysql installation
You know best for your use case...
@Fabby and yours is wrong >:-D
@Fabby :) yeah but what part did you refer to?
@matt don't use a mysql db on a ssd. IF the ssd is for your system
You see now???
Didn't plan to, but why actually? because it's optimized for HDD?
@IonicăBizău sounds like a serious bug - I tested this something like Aug/Sept last year when 14.10 was in beta. Worked then. Was testing in virtualbox - not on real hardware. So could be a graphics driver issue.
Hah! @Rinzwind coming over to my side!
Not entirely sure what I'm wading into but FWIW, I keep /home on SSH but symlink over ~/Photos and ~/Documents from RAID5... I deem (correctly or not) that everything else is either backed up properly or can be replaced. People shouldn't worry about SSD write limits, they should have a general contingency for any hardware failure.
no, because that'll wear out the SSD...
I guess RDBMS has been optimized for spinning disks for decades...
@fossfreedom It did work on a fresh user.
@matt: listen to the master: (That's the green looking guy)
@fossfreedom Now, I would like to remove lubuntu and all its dependencies, and bring unity back to normal. Right now Unity is working, but in combination with Lubuntu
@Oli ok I agree on that :-D backup comes 1st But the downtime from a restore needs to be taken into consideration
@Oli, yep, but, the contingency is getting a new SSD - ruining your whole day and trusting your latest backup too much
Can I butt in again?
Otherwise all my data is on cloud services (github, Google drive..)
I've got:
@matt That's a fault of your contingency plan, not the hardware failing.
we use 2 systems ourself and replication
Right, contingency plan should include a new SSD at hand, and backup routine, but backing up every day is time consuming
I've got all my applications and OS and swap on the SSD. All data on the HDD
Applications rarely change: 1 BACKUP PER MONTH
How many years did the SSD survive thus far? :))
@Fabby me too personally
@matt mine is ...
It used to run Vista! >:)
from may 10th 2011.
so almost 4 years
I do software development, applications get installed on a weekly basis as I add dependencies of open-source modules
Wow I should have made my install on SSD I guess ....
You see? your use case is different!
Don't just take over what other people have.
Yeah, but this gives me some food for thought
Good! We've opened your mind!
you are making more sense by the minute @Fabby :=D
@Rinzwind: :-) thank you, my lord!
where is the "over" in that? >:)
@matt: now go backup!!!!
Just to wrap around the crux,
I make monthly system back-ups and weekly data backups
Ubuntu doesn't care where any of the top level directories sit (which disk they are on) as long as it boots up and everything is just mounted?
at work we make 1 hours backups and do instant replication
@matt yes!
@Rinzwind: at work, you've got a BUDGET!
@Fabby, that's fabulous. I thought so but wasn't sure initially
Yeah, what hardware do you use for replication? :)
@matt the disks are mounted from /etc/fstab so the order does not matter
@Rinzwind: what software do you use???? (hardware is irrelevant)
cc not me.
@Fabby, order matters in case of duplicate paths (e.g. /opt on both drives), or in some other additional ways?
No duplicates!!!!!!
So how does order matter, other than grub stuff?
2 days ago, by Rinzwind
**warning** steam can do an rm -rf / from their script! see https://github.com/valvesoftware/steam-for-linux/issues/3671 due to a
STEAMROOT="$(cd "${0%/*}" && echo $PWD)"
Oh, how wonderful
Order matters E.G.: if you have an encrypted volume
@matt we have a system of a group of servers: 1 and 1 backup in a datacenter and 2 google instances that are the live systems that hold our software. data is on a mysql database and we do master/slave replication from mysql. Each of these can be turned on as the live one in case one gets killed
you need to load the encryption module first
@Fabby javascript on client, python + perl on server. MySQL backend.
@Rinzwind: and how much does that cost???
OK. DB replication. I'm impressed! Good design!
@Fabby me? nothing. and the servers are paying themself since our clients pay for them and the hosting ;)
:D there you go! (BUDGET matters!) ;-)
oh and google instances cost 0.58 cents a month
Yeah... Who cares?
what do you mean google instances? disk image instances or what?
(and I meant that positively!)
@Fabby, encryption module?
@Rinzwind Do you know if Steam is going to release a fix for that steam thing?
@matt: some other time...
first the basics!
@RPi_Awesomeness no they consider it normal practice.
@Rinzwind, a google compute instance for 0.58 a month?!
@Rinzwind facepalm
@RPi_Awesomeness their windows uninstaller can do the same (it will happily erase "program files/*" )
@matt (and the basics are: BACKUPS)
@Rinzwind Yeah, no kidding. WHY IS THIS NORMAL PRACTICE VALVE!?!!???!!
I'm off! Smoke! (bye!)
Wait, I didn't get it about the encryption, how it's related here..
It's not...
@matt yes. depending on WHAT you want it increases ;)
Smoke and puff :)
Rinzwind blabbering about order
@Fabby enjoy rest of your day
order is only important if you do encryption or LVM or .....
Ahhhh of course (I don't LVM, it degrades performance maybe)
waves back
waves too I guess :) if I had to pretend I know what it means
don't bother explaining......
Now, I'm trying to figure out if there's a safe way to "patch" this...
@RPi_Awesomeness want help? >:)
@Rinzwind umm...with that face? >:)?
here: askubuntu.com/questions/574686/… for the lowest amount of patching
@RPi_Awesomeness I was getting to ready to spam my topic so needed an evil grin >:D
@Rinzwind thank you for the helpful discussion
@Rinzwind Ah :)
It has been very thoughtful
I might take the leap to SSD, and reconsider backup plans
now gimme my badges! :D
BTW I spend few days configuring a new box because the computers sync service has been discontinued... hacking through the nukes and cranies of all my personalizations
badges.... where can I find them, let me see
WTH. The developer knew it was scary:
and still used it.
WTH Valve!??
@Rinzwind Is this correct:
dangit. Stupid screenies
There we go.
@Rinzwind Is that the correct way to patch it?
Well. Here's hoping I patched it. GOSH VALVE.
mind you: the problem occurs when you CHANGED the install path during install
Which I didn't, but still.
I know...
like I said y-day: this is not even a bug. It is incompetence.
yup :P
like those old programs in windows that deleted everything if you installed them on the root of your hd, then uninstantiated.
Even if you delete like this I would expect a test on a file in that directory you know needs to be there. and refuse to delete if it is not there.
not that that is the perfect method.
But it's better than nothing :P
@RPi_Awesomeness yes
I would put a "# less scary" above it _O-
I just wrote me something awesome! :)
ahh, red.
@Mateo nope. you can edit the style cssand view the effects realtime!
cool, like a on the web inspector?
@Mateo yeah. Firebug and such
@Mateo Building it for my EuroCMS. This is one of the feature I'm working on. Styling your site, to your liking
@blade19899 ah, so then it has the ability to save?
@Mateo Working on that. I'm at work. Testing the files locally. When I'm home ill test the code with php and form tag
It's working even faster then Firebug! Lighting fast!
@ThomasW.: leave a note @Fabby (when you arrive)
hey @Fabby mind tossing a reopen onto this: askubuntu.com/questions/575367/…
Does anyone run mint here???
(or can reboot into mint?)
I'm interested in what the output is of Mint for : lsb_release --codename
@Fabby not in here you are not >:-DDD
we chased all Mint users away >:D
from the web:

$ lsb_release -a
LSB Version: core-2.0-amd64:core-2.0-noarch:core-3.0-amd64:core-3.0-noarch:core-3.1-amd64:core-3.1-noarch:core-3.2-amd64:core-3.2-noarch:core-4.0-amd64:core-4.0-noarch:core-4.1-amd64:core-4.1-noarch
Distributor ID: LinuxMint
Description: Linux Mint Debian Edition
Release: 1
Codename: debian
The standard Mint releases show:
Damnit, bidirectional copypaste is broken.
But rebecca is what I'm seeing for the ISO I just downloaded.
I doubt it shows THAT ^^
Cinnamon is the GNOME2 fork, right?
yes sir
Thanks for the info!
And thanks for the stars! I've got a new badge! :)
(what the hell are stars anyway?)
@oli it is a gnome shell fork. so that is gnome 3 iirc
@Fabby stars you see on the right side of chat
Oh I thought that was MATE. I've got them the wrong away around.
yeah. mate is gnome 2 indeed. checked wikipedia for that one :X
@Rinzwind: thanks... Looking at them... Will make coming back to the room easier...
@Fabby *air raid sirens*
@ThomasW.: Would you agree that 15.x is the development version of Ubuntu?
@Fabby I don't think you can consider the non-LTS releases as "staging release versions" - that would suggest something such as Debian Testing, which is not true since Ubuntu releases them as 'stable releases'
@Fabby yes, however, you can't make 14.10 the 'staging environment'
@Fabby and behind the scenes there are MANY testers testing the software long before it hits 'release time' - case in point systemd, latest plasma in kde, LXDE updates, etc.
@ThomasW.:and the 14.04.1 LTS the production?
@Fabby you can't apply 'dev' 'staging' and 'production' to the release cycle here
I agree!
that's my point - if it were a 'staging' then it would NOT be released as a 'stable update'
the difference between 14.10 and 14.04 is the support time period
But to the outsider,
15.04 = DEV
14.10 = STG
14.04 = PRD
just like Debian supports its oldstable for some time after replaced, we have the same but with LTSes being longer term support for security updates and bug fixes where necessary
@Fabby This assumpiton is wrong and we need to break it.
(also your abbreviations are annoying me, use full words, i have to deal with abbreviations throughout the ZNC and nginx code and it irks me since i've been staring at those codebases all of last night)
Hey, sorry, this is a chat FWIW
and i'm just irritated
probably bad to be irritated, but meh, i haven't had enough coffee and had 0 sleep
I 'll try to use full sentences now...
@Fabby I think it's more accurate to say that the non-LTS releases are short-term-support releases
rather than 'staging releases'
You're ALLOWED to be irritated!
which makes those of us who ARE devs of software think "Wait, that means Alpha/Beta/Testing, not 'released'"
yeah, you're right
and an end-user wouldn't know what staging is anyway...
Poor choice of words, but that's
how I classified it inside my brain!
exactly - in Ask Ubuntu, unless specifically stated that they want dev-heavy terminology and such, it's probably safer to assume we're dealing with standard end-users :)
@Fabby well, this is what chat and discussion are for :)
picks up a rake and starts re-ordering fabby's brain
@ThomasW. indeed, and that's why I wasn't starting a comment-war under the nose od the OP! :P
i do agree though that while it's a decent classification for server admins or people who want to think that way, to the end user it's confusing, and if they go say "I know 14.10 is the staging release, but..." elsewhere on the Mailing Lists or Bug Trackers, or such, people will be "What the heck are you on about"
even me as a bug triager
$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID:	LinuxMint
Description:	Linux Mint 17.1 Rebecca
Release:	17.1
Codename:	rebecca
do you fancy a Japanese style garden @Fabby ? You know with those circles
That too.
ugh i need more coffee
@oli: Thank you, my lord! ;)
@Rinzwind: I used to have a Japanese GF...
yes @Fabby ?
@Oli oh good, you're alive, know of any trick to get just the release number or codename out of that without the 'description' of what that is
needs such a solution for a script and sucks at sed and grep
use --codename instead of -a
Oh, there's a bashy way for that, you can source /etc/lsb-release
% lsb_release --codename
Codename:	trusty
@ThomasW. I saw a topic on U&L about this. It was monster due to wanting to include all other systems _O-
yeah i don't want the "Codename: " part just 'trusty' or such
@Rinzwind true, but this is an Ubuntu specific script
mint@mint ~ $ cat /etc/lsb-release
DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Linux Mint 17.1 Rebecca"
mint@mint ~ $ . /etc/lsb-release
mint@mint ~ $ echo $DISTRIB_CODENAME
@ThomasW. lsb_release --short --codename
that one ^. Can use -s too
Q: How to get Ubuntu distribution's full code name?

Avinash Raj$ lsb_release -c Codename: trusty $ cat /etc/issue Ubuntu 14.04 LTS \n \l $ cat /etc/lsb-release DISTRIB_ID=Ubuntu DISTRIB_RELEASE=14.04 DISTRIB_CODENAME=trusty DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 14.04 LTS" Output's of the above commands shows only the partial code name (ie, trusty). How do I get ...

ha! :D
I'm the one leaving all the grep --ignore-case --invert-selection stuff around the site...
more to type, but more readable.
you should see my code...
@Fabby that works, thanks/
@Fabby the answer that spawned the discussion was modified by me - feel free to revert if you wish, but i linked to the bookmarked chat discussion
@ThomasW. off course it works! It's mine! :D ;-)
@Rinzwind That's slightly not the same thing because he wanted the full codename
I know but I had NO DOUBT -YOU- had an answer in that before loading it _O-
@Oli version number would be better, since you can do bashism numerical comparison rather than me keeping a list of all the releases, but meh.
but --short works
I'll have a look and send you some @ThomasW. warnongs if we need another chat (I don't think so as we agree)
@Rinzwind heh, yeah
ok. bbl. moving myself to /home
back later - coffee run time
@ThomasW. : looks perfect! no change needed! thanks!
I'm going to go and sit in a dark room and ruminate on the universe and existence.
@Oli Please share your contemplations with us.... ;-) (andI'll drop the my lord from now on as it's being overused now)
@Fabby the "mighty god" thing as well! :)
@Muru: :D :D :D
MRM still looks good, though! ;)
Now what is the R? :O
a typo!
Is Muru your first name?
Murukesh, actually.
Like mine: abbreviation...
So Muru is what your friends call you....
Mostly, yes. Also, my name is prone to being misspelled. So I stick with Muru.
And with you MGM was even better as Hinduism is polytheistic, so you could have been one. (or are!)
(or something)
I'm confusing myself again: back to the Questions!
Well, my name is derived from a God's. :P
Back to the questions!
Mine from a saint! ;-)
What's your name?
@muru I have a rather unique name that is easily googled (there is only one me!) so that's why I use a handle...
Ah. :D
If you really want to know I can send you an email...
Nah. That will the dispel the enchantments cast on AU. :D
@muru: cse.iitb.ac.in doesn't like your full name, so now you'll never know... ;-) :P
@muru : went to your profile, copy-pasted full name, added a dot in-between first and surname and sent you an email to the above server and it rejected you!
:D ;-)
That's coz my dept mail id is just my first name. :D
Error corrected.
The Voltron? What is that?
Sorry typo
1 hour later…
Q: how to force upgrade of coreutils on old distribution?

CodekI'm running an oldish kUbuntu "precise" I need a more up to date version of basename with the -s option. Can I force this somehow? Seems I need 8.14 looking at a version I see on a newer box.

Does flux work for anyone on Ubuntu 14.04?
It's not doing anything :/
If I suddenly got lots of downvotes which brought by reputation points back down to 1, would all of my privileges that I have earned through reputation go? Just wondering how the system works in that way.
@Toroidal nope. once given they stay
I somehow think that the system should be meaner than that and make them go away if your rep points go down to low.
I'm sure a question on USB tethering already exists here, but I can't find it. What do I do if ifconfig -a shows no mention of usb0, and plugging in the phone with internet sharing turned on has no apparent affect in my list of connections?
@TRiG I've never done USB tethering, but the problem might be that your phone is connecting as an MTP or PTP device. I'm not entirely sure what tethering requires but I would suspect you need to put it in USB debugging mode.
(for Android 4.0 and later anyway)
It's a Firfefox OS phone. Meh. It's not that important. Just mildly annoying.
oh.. well then.
I just assumed Android. My bad.
May I ask which device?
ZTE Open.
@muru: meaning U&L have less help-vampires??? ;-) I'll have to go there more! >:)
There don't seem to be options for USB Tethering, other than On and Off.
@terdon I now finally tried what you told me to do for my Cinnamon error.
You could always ask a question @TRiG :)
Yeah. I'm finding this frustratingly hard to Google, because most of the results are about how to set up your device, whereas I'm pretty sure my problems are on the laptop end.
But I many not bother, because I'm probably getting myself a new laptop pretty soon anyway. This one has a failing hard drive and is, in any case, too small for my taste.
@Seth: I'm shocked! Shocked I am! What's this with the ugly vulture? (Where's the cute Iguana?) ;-)
(Too small both physically and in terms of RAM and hard drive. It's a second-hand one refurbished from Oxfam.)

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