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nope; website is offline
ha! saw that :-)
It came back up for a second, I thought it was over but it appears down again.
Very intermittent
Seems to be at least the 2nd time this morning that some SE servers break.
and gone again after being gone again
The way it keeps flittering between being up and down makes it seem like a load-balancer-gone-wrong.
the load-unbalancer took over :-)
@Rinzwind You know about UEFI bootloader partitions? I have a question here: askubuntu.com/q/574991/367990
woot I got a curious badge. after 3.5 years <3
nope not my cupe of tea @ByteCommander :D
hm. too bad. Know anyone familiar with this?
@oli looks like every page you visit NEWLY is errored out. After that it does load
@ByteCommander, @IonicăBizău: naah, I was sleeping... And I can only tell you one thing: If you want to go to Uni, study what your passion is: I'm a chemist! ;-)
@Rinzwind But refreshing an already loaded page doesn't always work.
this is funny: askubuntu.com/help/badges/185/curious I am the only one that got it since 2 months with more then 2k rep _O-
@Fabby Hey, good morning! I thought I am usually sleeping late!
front page keeps loading correctly for me atm. @Oli
It never is this late though... I normally need 4- 6 hours...
@Fabby Oh, I have Chemics as a main subject (4h per week). Very Interesting. But currently you work in the IT busines, don't you?
So what local time do you have by the way?
@Rinzwind: What doesn't seem to load? Everything normal here!
@Fabby lots of pages error out. but it is getting better :)
No, it's at least the second time this morning that some SE pages don't respond.
and gone it is again @Fabby
@ByteCommander: Haven't worked in the IT industry for 10 years now.
My last job *was* teacher of English and French in a private school here.
This page (askubuntu.com) is currently offline. However, because the site uses CloudFlare's Always Online™ technology you can continue to surf a snapshot of the site. We will keep checking in the background and, as soon as the site comes back, you will automatically be served the live version. Always Online™ is powered by CloudFlare | Hide this Alert
Loads normally for me.
A TEACHER???? omg, who am I talking with???
Just making fun ;D
ah well time for some more gaming :-D
ping OK
TRraceroute ok until telia
until LA...
world seems back up
So I'm on the West coast of the US...
--- askubuntu.com ping statistics ---
188 packets transmitted, 187 received, 0% packet loss, time 187195ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 26.126/35.141/174.211/18.201 ms
@ByteCommander: I studied Chemistry and computers were my hobby.
@Fabby You appear to me a bit like my physics /former maths/it teacher. He has a doctor in biology, studied physics, researched some medicine, self-learned programming and now is a teacher at our "Gymnasium". (Tried to explain german school system about 1h ago). He even gives speeches at our local University of applied science (where the SIA BobbyCar project took place).
I started in a Chemical company as "liaison officer" between the chemists and EDP department
Electronic Data Processing is what IT used to be called.
oldschool yo!
then became a programmer (which was at the time one level up from Operator)
then Analyst programmar
Hm. I think Chemistry is fun to know, but progging or it security or something like this is better as a job to me...
then network engineer, database admin, system engineer, IT Manager and IT director, Eurpean IT director, Consultant, Teacher.
Youngest student: 5 oldest: 58
Never become a director! Manager already has lots of shit attached!
@Fabby Germans called it EDV (Elektronische DatenVerarbeitung). I still have books from that time. Funny that they are twice as old as me... :)
I'm even older! :P
Unless you're a psychopath, don't become VP or C?O!
What is that? some kind of chef programmer? probably more chef than programmer.
@Oli: before you're gone: had a look at meta.stackexchange.com/questions/247169/… ?
if there is onyone in this room that hasn't upvoted the above Q&A: help us please!
btw, do you know about UEFI and its boot partitions? Was trying to answer a question: askubuntu.com/q/574991/367990
Vice President or CEO, CTO COO
@ByteCommander Never laid my hands on a UEFI system....
okay, thanks. I did not see any either. Each pc in this house is at least 8 years old and second hand. As i told you - small budget.
I know the theory, I read some of the Q, so I'll read yours too! ;-)
There! :P ;-)
I saw it. But entering a boot menu or changing boot device priority is what I already suggested and did not work... :(
You need to see the picture.
Have you ever seen an UEFI menu?
@Fabby I am a developer, but we have to learn mathematics too... Well it's not that bad, but I don't like it.
Mathematics is the basis for anything! :p
Sure. But I don't like uni mathematics. :p
Exact science, economics, Sociology, ... everything except Artistic work!
Me neither... :D
You see? :D
Off to look at the food...
@Fabby nope. never ever. All my babies have good old BIOS...
I'm strangely looking forward to my first UEFI system. Not the pain of getting grub to take, more the eventual upgrade to a processor twice as fast as my antique i7 920.
That said, given how my 920 does everything I need of it (as fast as I need), I can't imagine ever needing to upgrade from something like a Intel Core i7-4790K... or whatever comes after it, which is probably what I'll buy.
For me your CPU sounds really fast enough. I have a Core2 2GHz in my laptop...
And because nVidia geForce Go 7400 seems to be deep-fried it also handles software rendering.
By the way, in our basement is a fully functional 80386 SX with Win3.11. THAT is antique!
@ByteCommander That's why I asked him to take a picture!
@Oli or until it crashes or burns... That was the reason a year ago for me to upgrade. And as Micro$oft wanted >100€ for my privilege to run their OS in English, I decided to try this "Ubuntu" thing... >:)
Yep, sure. How was food?
Good! Having dessert: home-made apple-cinnamon muffin!
Sounds yummy. You're a good cook?
But hearing "cinnamon" reminds me of my own little problem why I came to askubuntu a few days ago... :(
Main course was lamb sausages, rösti and white cabbage and sage...
I run plain vanilla Ubuntu with the Nemo File Manager without Cinnamon...
You really call them rösti in English? Do you also say Spätzle or Maultaschen or things like these?
And I installed normal Ubuntu 14.10 with 32bit and Unity. Then a week ago I tried Cinnamon, which worked about a few hours. After that panel and popups stopped responding to user interaction. (see my questions)
No, that's the Swiss term (Vergesse nicht das ich auch Deutsch spreche!) and it's just another nice way of serving potatoes... ;-)
I'm busy with a StackEchange network question, but after that, a browser tab with all your questions is already waiting for me! ;-)
Now that its back up
@ByteCommander: 0_0
7xxx don't normally fry
Thanks. But I thought we agreed on English, as you said my English was better than your German.
and unless it was a system with 2 gpus. fried card = no output at all
@Oli: DIY systems should be fairly painless
I dualboot at the moment
Actually that's a lie
And actually, it's only one question that never got answered, so I tried a different text.
I COULD dualboot
@JourneymanGeek Yes, I think so too, but it doesn't work properly.
heh. I have a fun one today.
(pity veem is completely disinclined to do a linux port. I kinda get it but... :/)
There are vertical lines (mostly red or orange) in regular intervals across the screen, especially when in BIOS text mode or in low-res screens (1024x786 is max with xorg - Windows ran only in rescue mode with vga-driver)
Thats what I want from a backup app ;p
@ByteCommander: and it works fine some other times?
That does sound like a dying GPU
And it changes about 1/3 of all letters in some text screens randomly (looks like polnish... :/)
@JourneymanGeek: "dosen't insist"
@ByteCommander Does it get worse with time (ie if it's hot) or is this permanent now?
(upvote you've got already)
@Fabby: rear comes close but it insists on its own partition for backups, and isn't gui
I just want to back up to an image anywhere
Best results with Ubuntu/xorg, but when it gets warm (screen fold onto keyboard and running some minutes - not hot, but warm) it starts flickering like old tvs. Gets better when cooling.
And needs to be GUI?
Ever used a third party windows imaging software? (they're almost all identical anyway)
@Fabby: yes
@JourneymanGeek: yes, I used to run multiple Data centers...
Oh, that's a nice to have
I wouldn't insist on it
And Windows driver got into infinite loop when booting normally, Ubuntu hangs when trying to install proprietary drivers.
Additionally, games needing 3d rendering are incredibly slow even at worst settings, but 2d apps and videos work just fine.
@ByteCommander Dusted it recently? If it's not permanent damage, I'd look at getting it all cleaned up, and heatsinks reseated with new thermal paste. It's essentially an hour of time 40-50 tiny screws, some compressed air and $5 of paste and other cleaning stuff.
@JourneymanGeek I prefer non-gui meself, but looks like you need to lmgtfy.com/?q=open+source+enterprise+backup
boo ;p
@ByteCommander download the service manual for your machine....
for one computer? ;p
@JourneymanGeek: network of 3, no?
So I thought either GPU or vRAM could have received some damage and it now renders via SouthBridge. Ans cleaning is hard as it is a laptop (Maxdata Pro 6100 iw).
@Fabby: Only one critical linux system at the moment
Other two are windows. I have veem backing up to this system. Then I'll back this up to my desktop
@ByteCommander Doing anything inside a laptop is hard... But it still needs cleaning. Laptops are essentially suicide-machines if you run them anywhere but a clean room.
@ByteCommander: I smoke, Oli is right! (but I have a service manual. Looks like you have an obscure brand without a downloadable Service Manual...
I don't, and I just blew a ton of dust out of my viero card
You can also buy a can of CO2 and use high pressure to clean it!
If I look inside where the fan is, I see almost no dust. And I am temporarily a bit disabled (left arm), so I dont want to open this thing up right now. Besides, it works for what I need it.
just blow all the dust out of it!
they sell co2 for that?
yes... Just a can of High-ressure CO2 can be used with one hand...
I use a canned 'air' duster, but that's horrible hydrocarbon crap
I also have a 2nd notebook of exact the same type, but it doesnt work because it crashed once hardly...
I really need a small airbrush pump or something...
... with the floor to be exact.
I vacuum clean my laptop once/month!
:D :D :D
"Compressed air" for cleaning isn't CO2 (for one it says "extremely flammable" on the cans) but yeah, you can buy various stuff.
I use CO2... uninflammable.
Gas duster, also known as canned air or compressed air, is a product used for cleaning electronic equipment and other sensitive devices that cannot be cleaned using water. Despite the name "canned air", the cans actually contain gases that are much easier to compress into liquids, such as 1,1-difluoroethane, 1,1,1-trifluoroethane, or 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane. Hydrocarbons, like butane, were often used in the past, but their flammable nature forced manufacturers to use fluorocarbons. Some people believe referring to the contents as "air", compressed or otherwise, could be dangerously, even fatally...
^ this is what oli and I are referring to
I'm referring to CO2
Becaus you can use that while the machine is running
But when I blow/vacuum through the fan grid, isnt there any danger of turning the e-motor in the fan into a generator and damaging the boards?
and it cools it down much more then
compressed air!
@ByteCommander: hold down the fan with one finger, gently
and in general, no that won't happen
It's theoretically possible,
Would need a needle for that
but in practice, never had that happen!
And another problem comes to my mind: when it is warm (running few minutes, maybe 30-40°C) and I want to reboot, I get a completely white screen. In background everything works and boots, but I see nothing.
After cooling down for 5 min it starts again.
I do it with my fingers
Starting to sound like the best option might be throwing it in the ocean and putting a claim on your household contents insurance ("dingoes ate my laptop!")
@Oli: tr00
(but bleh, I don't think I have anything over 3-4 years old)
My oldest current personal system is a sandy bridge based laptop
@ByteCommander: there's a difference between a user manual and a service manual
Service manual tells you how to take it apart in what order
and yeah, that looks a bit naff
also its worth finding out who the REAL oem is
there's a few companies that make systems other companies badge engineer
@JourneymanGeek, just continued reading your backup question and it still has a spelling error: "dosen't insist "
I cant find any service manual.
Yeah, me neither....
That's what I said earlier! ;) :P
Okay, but this hardware stuff doesn't bother me now, as until in maybe a month or so I'm not able to open it. Then I will clean it and try exchange/add the graphics card and 2nd memory bar from its fallen twin...
At the moment I would rather appreciate a solution to make Cinnamon working.
@JourneymanGeek: except for : "dosen't insist on its own volume for backups" and all of your nice to haves, my backup solution would be a fit! :D (so no, not really)
@ByteCommander: have you tried disabling the NVidia in the BIOS?
(that's how I run: NVidia only gets enabled for gaming of for watching movies on the plasma TV)
I read it is incompatible with compiz, which is part of Unity. You know if either indicator-multiload or cpufrequtils uses Compiz? I think it started after a reboot with them enabled in autostart.
you mean the one from Michael Hofmann?
system load indicator 0.3?
@Fabby What for? Would no g-card give better results than a fried one?
Yes! Definitely!
I mean: visually, not performance-wise obviously!
That's all the advice I can offer as I don't even know what cinnamon looks like (except its file manager, which I use)
(and an upvote!)
But I can not remember having seen such a bios setting (phoenix bios). Well, I'll try next time I cold-boot it.
Thanks for the vote, but I would have preferred it on the other question describing my problem instead of the small one asking for a completely fresh reinstallation.
Sorry! Better! ;)
@Fabby I mean indicator-multiload 0.4-0ubuntu3 (cpu/mem/hdd/net graphs in panel) and indicator-cpufreq 0.2.2-0ubuntu1 (tool to set cpu frequency)
Both can be found in the software center, no external packages
The first one I have too, so that I can check.
Hey, what would you say about this? askubuntu.com/users/flag-summary/367990 Is the moderator right or would you support my point of view?
I just looked: the answer I flagged was removed, but I got a declined-message. That is unfair!
Hi, I'm a page that has been removed...
Cannot see it (and the moderator is always right)...
You'll see that when you start working: the boss is always right
(even when it's an idiot)
I looked through the source code and cannot see anything directly related to compiz.
now looking what libraries compiz uses and what your indicators use
Today you also learn at school, but sometimes checking twice is better
But as the answer was finally removed, I assume someone else flagged it after me and got reviewed by someone who didnt get up with the wrong foot.
Finished going through the source. neither of the 2 applets use compiz as far as I can tell.
Now I'm back to StackExchange.com, to make the world a better place to be! ;-)
Thanks very much for your effort! Would give you a vote if possible :)
:D ;-)
@Oli: Bad taste or Allowed? meta.askubuntu.com/questions/13476/…
Is there any way to make a YouTube video go on a loop does anyone know?
@hbdgaf, if my lord would comment on the above link to Oli?
@Toroidal, download it, open it in VLC and loop it there!
@Fabby: How exactly do I download it?
Tssk, tssk, well then head to infinitelooper.com
@Fabby: Thanks! :)
@Fabby Wow, that was sure a lot of typing... Is it worth reading or will it just get bad comments as always when people try to be polite outside this nice and fluffy chat room?
Now I can listen to Bohemian Rhapsody infinity without having to go and press the replay button at the end! Thanks again @Fabby! :D
Q: Running a program (command) on terminal after login screen in Ubuntu 14.04

shekhar sumanNOTE :- This is not a duplicate question. I have searched about 100 times on this site and several others including Ubuntuforums,askubuntu and stackoverflow. I couldn't get my work done. OBJECTIVE :- I want to have a command running on three different terminals which will all start with the log...

@Toroidal I would get ear cancer if you would torture me with this. Only thinking of this makes me almost go crazy!
@ByteCommander: :D
Okay, just fun, you understand me? Cool.
But I don't like Queen anyway. You could also torture my poor ears with german Schlager like Andreas Gabalier. This is even worse!
@ByteCommander: the meta sites are where everyone spills their bile about the parent site...
and at meta.stackexchange.com you get the worst of the worst!
Q: Are you a nice person and have good writing skills? :-)

FabbyWell, then head over to the Meta site of the StackExchange network (AskUbuntu's "parent" meta site) where we are trying to re-define the brusque, curt and altogether unwelcoming close reasons on the AskUbuntu Site! United we stand!

@Toroidal: You're welcome! You'd be better of ripping dad's CD though. less internet traffic, CPU utilisation, disk utilisation, ...
@Fabby Yep, I know and also wrote some words there already.
@Fabby: :D
Well if I could only find a way to download the video...
look in the firefox addons
tons of them
but still: video to listen to?
@Fabby But since subscribing to Christianity.SE for my homework, I have earned enough downvotes and bad comments for my whole SE career. :/
If they go on like this I consider converting to Buddhism!
Or even worship my fried geForce ;D
At Christianity???? They should be the nicest people as their main philosopher had something about turning the other cheek if hit on the one cheek or something or the other!
Nothing is worthy of worship. (except life itself!) ;)
@Fabby @Toroidal addons.mozilla.org/de/firefox/addon/youtube-hq-mp3-downloader/… is a Firefox addon that converts any YT video online on their server and directly lets you download the mp3. (but only about 20/hour or so, but for me it is enough)
@Fabby Just look at what they did to my question (about the same stuff about jesus I asked you people here, where I got nice answers)
Thanks for the stars, whoever is responsible for them.
@Fabby: I just disconnected from the internet and the video and music carried on playing so maybe its not actually using much internet.
@ByteCommander Link???
Link to that now famous question on Christianity.SE: christianity.stackexchange.com/questions/36466/…
Sorry, connection lagged. Tried to post since 1 minute
I need some help with an answer to a quesiton
does that mean that when I type py into the terminal It will run python 3.3?
Yes comerade?
@ComradeVader Yeah.
okay, thanks. Just making sure
No, it means it will run Python 3.3 ;-)
also which method is better?
the alias...
okay. Thanks
@ComradeVader The alias will only work in Bash (the ~/bin/ path method should be set for most environments) but they're both very local to your user. If you wanted something a bit more global, I'd do something like...
sudo ln -s /opt/python3.3/bin/python3.3 /usr/local/bin/py
@ByteCommander: yeah, too broad... :(
Oh dear... I cannot read this one... :D
Q: ¿Porqué con grub legacy se podía y con grub2 no?

Fabián PeraAntes tenía un USB con varias isos y las tenía puestas en el menú de grub. Al elegirlas desde el menú de grub legacy arrancaban sin problemas,esto fue maravilloso, hasta que llegó grub2. Ahora no consigo hacer lo mismo. Este es el fichero Menu.lst que funcionaba con grub legacy Menu.lst defaul...

good the know @Oli.
instead of py being the commands I would like python3.3 to be the command. Is this the right way of doing so?
echo 'alias python3.3^C/opt/python3.3/bin/python3.3"' >> .bashrc
@Toroidal: one of the native Spanish language users will edit this!
@ComradeVader echo 'alias python3.3=/opt/python3.3/bin/python3.3"' >> .bashrc
No command 'python3.3' found, did you mean:
 Command 'python3.4' from package 'python3.4-minimal' (main)
python3.3: command not found
doesn't seem to work
log out and back in again
okay brb
otherwise, "create a question"! ;-)
(and by "log out and in again", I meant: "log out and back in again into your terminal session". you could have been on SSH...)
I am back and I got this message when I opened my terminal
bash: alias: `python33/opt/python3.3/bin/python3.3
alias python33': invalid alias name
helmet@hat ~ $
also both python3.3 and python33 are invalid commands it seems
I checked my /opt folder and no python has been installed
A: How do I install Python 3.3?

SergeyPython 3.3 has been released on 29 September 2012, several months after Ubuntu 12.04 was released. It is included in Ubuntu 12.10 though as python3.3 package If you want to install Python 3.3 on Ubuntu version which does not have it in its repositories, you have the following options: Use a PPA...

I followed those steps
@Fabby Lets see if three years of Spanish at school is enough to decrypt this...
it looks like I installed it in my download folder instead of the opt folder
can I just move it by cut & paste?
how do you guys make these questions pop up in here?
you mean this nice little preview?
@RPi_Awesomeness cool
@ComradeVader Yes this is what I mean.
just past the link on a separate line instead of in a message.
I find it quite annoying, really.
it makes important messages scroll of the screen....
Hm. Somebody was faster in translating Spanish than me. Edited half the question for nothing!
>:) But then I'm an old, grumpy fart
You see?
Sometimes it's best to step back and think!
okay, but let me try just once so I can say I have done it.
Q: accessing desktop files in ubuntu

Enes AltuncuRecently, i have broken my laptop and I was using both windows 7 and ubuntu 12.04 LTS. Then, I put hdd to a hdd box and plugged in my new laptop with usb. Although I can access all files in the windows 8 part of my new laptop, I couldn't access some of my linux files in the ubuntu 14.04 LTS part ...

Aaah. So does it work.
Aaah? So you didn't really believe me??? ;-)
@ByteCommander just paste the URL
for answer click on share and it will give you a URL
And if you type some test before the link: askubuntu.com/questions/575032/… or after
it's much more neat!
I thought you as a Chemist (=scientist) should know that it is best to only believe what you see?
or even: Accessing desktop files in Ubuntu can be done!
damn! that one doesn't work in the chat room!
OOps. You forgot the ], didn't you?
:D indeed!
it is a test tralala
(to both questions)
OK, leave me alone unless it's urgent, as I have a 900+ queue to review! :(
But does anybody know what this guy above is missing? He says his desktop is empty when accessing the partition with another system.
Okay, I will be quiet to you from now on. Just say it.
But "leave me alone" could have been expressed more politely! (referring to your last meta post)
@Fabby - I wouldn't have, because it seems like just reaching for press and not something that has a direct effect on AU, but SE general. So, it's sort of a signpost. We intentionally leave closed questions around and don't just delete them all, so keyword searches work to get someone to a solution though. So, it's mixed bag. I wouldn't have done it, but I wouldn't change it either.
related to your meta.AU question you directed at Oli and asked me to jump in on
@hbdgaf: thank you for the reply!
Doing what I'm doing best: nothing! ;-)
Hah. I'm doing things, but the new little blobs probably won't make it to github. It's getting closer to fruition for me though :)
Doing Close vote reviewing! :(
That's no fun. I stepped out of the site a little bit. I still talk to people here, but I mostly don't do the site much unless there's some sort of ZOMG moment. I have other stuff I have to focus on more any time I get motivated/inspired.
Ah! Sorry to have bothered you then, my lord (mumbles fake apology and shuffles backwards) ;-)
Alright you self deprecating british humor insult fellow :)
Oh dear... Look at this title:
Q: change file type of images AAHHHHHHH

Laura CawleyI'm hoping someone can explain to me how i can change a file type. I recently uploaded my pictures onto my laptop and half of them are saved as a file and not an image meaning i cannot upload them onto websites for printing. Im looking for step by step process and also if i can do them all at ...

^^ they're just asking for a mime-type probing and rename script so that less intelligent operating systems can cope with it.
and there is the edit
@Toroidal: Could you use in-line linking for things that are just funny?
(then the whole screen doesn't scroll up. Not important now, but important when a lot of people are in the room) ;-)
@Oli thanks for your answer.
@ByteCommander: Look what I found in the review queue
How is this off topic?
Q: Add one click uninstall on cinnamon?

AshuI am using ubuntu 14.04 with cinnamon desktop. I have installed cinnamon desktop from PPA . In Linux Mint 17.1 cinnamon there is feature of 'uninstall' when we click on any application in cinnamon start menu. but this feature is missing in ubuntu with cinnamon ? so how can i install ?

He wants a mint feature on Ubuntu. The OP is running Ubuntu, what makes this off topic?
It's a bug report. "I can do it in mint, but I can't do it in Ubuntu with Cinammon." So it's a feature request bug.
Presumably, all he needs to do is install the relevant package from Mint. That should be easy enough and will not make his machine Mint.
@hbdgaf I don't think so. There's probably just a package. It's a "How can I do this?" question, doesn't seem like a bug report at all.
My opinion, right solution is raising it as a bug on the cinammon ppa. Then the maintainer can add the package and mark it as a dependency. Then it would be contained to the ppa, so it's not just "install some random deb from some random place and hope it doesn't break anything"
Or, introduce another PPA that holds more of the Mint stuff that people want in Ubu, or whatever.
But it's not a bug! And it's not a random place either.
It might just be a question of which version is available for example.
I think we're going to disagree on this one. I just put my stance on the issue out there.
We're all allowed to be wrong sometimes, but that's what I think about it.
Sorry to butt in, but IMHO it's a feature request and belongs on Launchpad...
OK, well, I cast a reopen vote anyway.
:) That's the beauty of the system!
Isn't cinnamon in the Ubuntu repos?
It is, which is where they should open the feature request bug.
That's exactly what you're supposed to do. You feel it should be reopened. I don't. Cast your vote. It's built that way on purpose.
Of course. I was just wondering why you guys felt it was off topic.
Not about to start a war over it.
Still, now you know why. I'm not jumping you on it either, I'm just telling you why I think it should be the way I think it should be.
Fair enough, calm conversations all around.
Well I jumped all over it without any tact or decency.
@Oli Perks of modhood.
By the way @Oli if you're on board with @Fabby's meta.se Q about close reasons, why not just do it here? You can change the close reasons directly on AU, why take it to the main meta?
@terdon I gave him the reasons at the time but there are a few blockers to that.
I am guessing that the meta.se question was mainly about increasing the word limit and not about changing the message as such. Right?
@chili555: Finally got around at looking at all the pics, and I even downloaded 2 for keeping forever! ;-)
@terdon: right...

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