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[ SmokeDetector ] Repeating characters in body: eCryptfs - Cannot decrypt filenames by toliveira on askubuntu.com
@SmokeDetector Uh....okay. Nice try
Anyone still awake here and wiling to lend me a hand?
(And estimated 6 clicks) >:)
@Fabby Depends on what I'm doing?
If it's pr0n related, I'm out :D
And upvote if you agree even slightly.
(both question and answer)
as it's something that Oli and Chili555 and me came up with
and we're in desperate need of help...
Oh and you should at least read the last comment on the Question!
I think I've outdone myself there!
(big hug)
(not an offer for more!!!) :D >:)
Upvoted - I agree with you
Good man!
@psusi still gnawing his nails monitoring the RAID?
@RPi_Awesomeness: did you have a laugh at the last comment?
I actually expected the guy to be even more livid afterwards!
(and mentally prepared such a polite answer it would have been totally insulting!)
@Fabby ^^ you asked what my desktop looked like
Upvoted, @Fabby
@chili555: Thanks! (again)
@hbdgaf: Wow!
Any time, mon ami!
So that's not Unity, then?
Yes, I like an interface neat and clean. It's XFCE.
@hbdgaf: Have you voted yet today???
Like Lubuntu?
yes, on a couple of things.
But Lubuntu's on the bottom, so like a sister (or just config)
And now for the important question: have you voted on the question that Chili, Oli and me came up with on meta.stackexchange?
@chili555: I only realised when I was going to bed,
@Fabby You can move it in lubu, and lubu now will be different from lubu next lts. it will also be different from what i run since it uses openbox instead of kwin, but i on my other login session run lxqt on kwin... so i can get real compositing.
Vote early and vote often!
@chili555 But did I wake you up in the middle of the night by me constantly mentioning you
Not at all.
Oli told me:
No logged-in phone on the
what do you call the little cupboard next to a bed?
LOL! Nope, but an iPad.
Ah... :/
nightstand but some in the USA south call it 'gun cabinet.'
@hbdgaf: so whqt's the architecture of these UIs?
like "gun rack" in a pick-up truck?
a gun cabinet is not a nightstand.
Please explain the fine difference
@chili555: was it a play on words?
gun rack in pickup is for long guns, deer rifle, etc. Nightstand is for hand guns.
(difficult to understand for a foreigner)
And what's a gun cabinet then?
a safe where you keep bullets separate from the rifles/handguns?
(like a cupboard specifically designed for (hand)guns?)
nightstand is just there while you sleep. it's not for a handgun. you could keep one there i guess, but it is not purpose related. a gun cabinet looks like this: images1.americanlisted.com/nlarge/… but comes in various sizes, finishes, glass or not, and locks or not.
I think @hbdgaf was implying that the nightstand, next to your precious loved ones, is no place to keep a gun
OK, so yours was a play on words...
@hbdgaf: 500 internal server error, but I'll google it!
When seconds count, the sheriff is minutes away
@chili555 Only if you have a "safety ring". That magnetic thing that operates an internal safety so your child can't get it and shoot themselves in the face.
Most of those would be illegal in the country I was born...
My youngest child is about Fabby's age!
There it's not impossible to get guns, but the restrictions are
quite severe:
@chili555 stereotypically i mean.
they need to be in what you'd put in a bank!
a kind of safe
@Fabby ;) americans and their guns i guess.
with separate sections for bullets and guns
Actually, the language itself says a lot:
Locked and loaded
and yes, they recommend gun safes here too and/or storing ammo separately from the weapon(s) and keeping them unloaded.
in which case they are useless
but it's nor required and the police doesn't show up TO CHECK you have the safe installed before you get your first license!
@chili555 again, the ring safety. you're not listening to the point. you're harping on an old and alone guns everywhere thing.
what's a ring safety?
is it on the cabinet?
or on the gun?
(clueless foreigner)
ARGH! I CAN. NOT. STAND the new Wordpress Editor. It's horrible!
@Fabby your meta question is very unclear. Why don't you take the examples from your answer and put them in the question? You ask about 112 more characters but never explain what you actually want to do with them,
@RPi_Awesomeness vim and HTML,
my friend!
@Fabby it's internal to the gun. it won't fire without the ring in proximity to the gun. so, if the weapon is taken, lost, or attempted to be used by someone without that ring on - it won't fire.
The question should contain everything needed for the discussion. An answer should only be answering the question. Not extending it.
so incorporate into?
@Fabby If I could, I would :P
Also, Jaydles will not see your answer (he won't get your ping since he hasn't interacted with the answer.
BRB. copy-paste!
Question edited
@hbdgaf= never seen anything like it before (and I've been in the military)
It's new-ish and really niche.
Neither have I although I must admit it's a good idea.
but you can turn it off!
It can't get adopted by the military or police, because then everyone would just wear magnetic rings. As a personal thing though, it's great.
there's no code?
no RFID?
Nope. It's just a magnet.
Just a magnet?
OK... security through obscurity then...
No batteries or chips to fail. Just a metal leaf that is pulled back or not. So, it depends on criminals not walking around with magnets in their pockets or on their hands.
A Colt1911 has 3 safeties anyway nowadays...
If I would be a criminal, It's the first thing I would get
(ok: second after a police scanner!)
Far cry from a Judge Dredd gun!
@Fabby They have it for non-1911s that was just the first google result that showed it off. I prefer a ruger sr series. It's not standard issue here, so chances are you would never run in to one. Nobody ever credited criminals with being prepared.
My writeup is complete! Took a bit longer than I had intended, but it worked.
(But 1 step closer!)
Tell me if you spot anything off grammar/spelling/code/formatting-wise :)
As a matter of fact, I own and sometimes carry a Ruger SR9c, @hbdgaf
@RPi_Awesomeness: Want me to have a look too?
@chili555 great minds think alike i guess.
@Fabby Sure :) The more publicity on my blog, the better, right? :)
@Fabby Much better, thanks!
I would go for what I know: the GP
@terdon: thank you!
@RPi_Awesomeness: did you post a question on AU after wiping OSX? :D
@Fabby Nah, I was cool with it being gone, nothing of worth on it anyways :)
Hah! Disk Destroyer...
But it's so true!
I actually tell users that that is what it means before giving them the command in a comment!
@Fabby Eh? Where?
Well, if I need someone on AU to use dd for something (wiping boot sector or so)
Good point.
I tell them that dd stands for "Disk Destroyer"
Funny read! Good stuff!
@Fabby :) Thanks!
I try to keep my posts mildly engaging :)
Boring tech posts are the worst :P
Why "1024x768-32 (resolution?)"
If you take ppi
ictures from a screen, use a 15° angle left or right and up or down and turn off the flash and set low ligth sensitivity high
@Fabby Yeah. Normally I'd set up the screen pics better, but I was just filming myself installing and used VLC to grab a frame snapshot.
@Fabby Because I actually have no clue what that does - my best guess is setting resolution.
High light sensitivity lowers resolution...
Canon is pretty good at this!
I actually have a T3i
5. This prize draw is not open to:
a.            Anyone below the age of 18 years;
first mistake: apt-get update && sudo apt-get install b43-firmware-installer.
@Fabby Reload, I fixed that
S&R: wifi WiFi
Wine APPdb has the same feature @FAbby
@Virusboy: Me no understand, bwana
Your Meta question
Wine AppDB has what you are asking for, so its not too hard
Anyways, g'night all. @Fabby thanks for the input.
@virusboy: looked on Meta.askubuntu.com and on meta.stackexchange.com and still have no clue what you're talking about
The deleted answer?
Still lost (but I've been up 20 hours now, so a bit slow...)
I'm going to have a smoke first.
Pretend I'm 12...
:D :D :D
@Virusboy: Windows API Emulators' application database has the answer to my question???
no it has a feature on what you are asking for
I type like a drunk and I didn't have a single drop of C2H2OH
Which one?
Be more polite?? ;-)
That and detailed reason why your comment or data was deleted or added,
Went through the FAQ and can still not see how this is going to help me...
(sorry to disappoint you)
I'm going to bed...
I'll have another look tomorrow.
Maybe sleep'll help!
@RPi_Awesomeness hm, not that I am aware of. As long as you make it known what exactly you're doing.
Flagging it and asking a moderator to convert it works too though.
@Seth. I wanna burn Mesa
Not surprised.
did an autohell patch for Mesa, and doesnt even act like it worked.
@seth i messed up
clicked "no action needed" when i meant to click "close"
I second this question: askubuntu.com/questions/556871/…
anybody else 14.10 experienced KDEnlive with silent export?
i tend to use windows for rendering
i should probably switch to linux tho.
2 hours later…
good morning everybody out there!
@Fabby Hey, awake again? 4 hours of sleep seem a bit short to me!?
Q: Moderators should be able to mark questions as answered

ByteCommanderI know about similar requests, but after stumbling over this question (just an example; question poster answered himself using edits instead of an answer) I thought you should at least add an option in the flagging menu like "problem is solved in comments/edits". Then, moderators (or high-rep use...

Hey, why did just pop my question up in here?
cause you asked it on meta
meta questions usually have a feed to a site's main cha.
@RPi_Awesomeness Yes, jumped from 0.48 to 0.91. Didn't have any problems with it yet.
not bad IonicăBizău glad it worked out :-)
hope it gets a final release before 15.04 :D
and that they make it to a 1.00 release too :D
time for some gaming BBL
Hmm everybody still a bit asleep?
I woke up. :-)
@IonicăBizău Hey there! Sorry, connection got bad.
Interesting profile. Still student, as well as me?
Yes, and 50% developer too.. :-)
I currently have few time for any programming. Have to prepare for a-levels etc
what projects are you on?
I recommend you NodeJS. Checkout my GitHub profile.
Some nice ideas. What's NodeJS? I'm more familiar with offline coding, except some tcp-stuff in java
hm, not my terrain. but I hope i can learn more about this all in the future, as soon as school's over
by the way, I'm just doing some RE homework I should already have finished yesterday.
A: How do I develop an Ubuntu application in HTML and JS?

Ionică BizăuI developed BAT, which is a tiny tool for building desktop applications with HTML, JS and CSS. I wrote an article about it on my blog. Installation BAT JavaScript API Examples Example index.html <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <style>...

@ByteCommander With bath you can build offline apps using web technologies. :-)
you don't know a good modern (ca last 100 years) song about jesus I could easily interprete?
@IonicăBizău as I said: I should be busy with other things until the important school stuff is done in March
I have recorded some songs, but I like more the old songs. :-)
Few of my favorites are What a friend we have in Jesus, Will there be any stars...
Hey, nice! But I need something with lyrics, so I would take this version youtube.com/watch?v=K0mvX6Jcp4c
@IonicăBizău But these are all more or less traditional church worship songs, aren't they?
They are gospel songs I guess...
I'm asked to write about modern music, such as pop, rock, rap etc...
But thank you anyway for trying to help me!
I posted a question related to that at Christianity.SE and received almost only comments and down votes
instead here in this chat people seem to be much more friendly.
btw, a nice keyboard you have there. I own one too, but it is about as cheap as bad I can play on it :/
Cool! Thanks.
@ByteCommander If you like, upvote this answer. BTW, here is the NodeJS bridge.
hm, maybe I can add this what a friend song and contrast gospel an pop...
yes, looks nice. I voted. But I prefer writing directly in java than html.
But writing in HTML & JS is fancier. :p
THIS is your opinion!
Sure. :-)
And I can start new projects at lest in march. No time to learn something else before.
I am only here because all that writing about jesus music is making me sick.
Not that I have anything against jesus, but this homework task is just annoying
What do you study?
Well, its still normal school (grade 12 = last year). You know the german school system?
You're in the 4th (last) year of high school?
Dont know about the british one.
We have 4 years of primary school starting at about 7
Yes, in Romania too.
Then other 4 years and then other 4 years of high school.
then we split mainly into Hauptschule, Realschule and Gymnasium
depending on how good somebody is. best go to "Gymnasium"
Probably Gymnasium is the high school.
But isnt it like you start in primary school and then graduate to middle followed by high school and college?
Well, I'm at a german "gymnasium" which lasts 8 years (grades 5-12).
"realschule" has (I think) grades 5-10 at a lower level (corrected!)
Ah, got it!
It's almost like in Romania.
"hauptschule" would be about grade 5-9 at the lowest level
But after I finished my A-levels (final exams in grade 12, will be in march), I want to study IT
is the main site(s) down for anyone else?
But I'm not sure yet which university or course to take.
@JourneymanGeek SO is down for me. AskUbuntu is working.
@JourneymanGeek For me, askubunu works perfectly.
both seem down for me
and SU
ahh AU is up
@IonicăBizău So what are you studying then?
When StackOverflow is down, productivity goes down. :-)
@ByteCommander Computer science
And what do I have to think of, hearing this? What subjects/topics do you learn?
Ugly mathematics, computer architecture etc.
^ An ARC assembler and interpreter I created
Hey, maths is the best and easiest subject ever. At least after IT.
You will not say that after you are in the college. ;-)
@IonicăBizău i would not bet on that. already had some preparing courses for university
Ugly maths I will never use in the real world. If I ever need them, I will learn them then.
things like matrix, proving, irreal numbers (those a+bi)
@ByteCommander ...well unless you're a math geek. I am not.
Ah, they are fine. I also liked them.
What about integrals, derivates etc?
it is not that i would study some fat math books every day or week. Not even month. But I have no problems understanding those things. Only probability seems to be a bit difficult this grade.
Integrals learned in grade 10 (standard for a-levels)
derivates (if this is like f'(x) or f''(x)) already in grade 8 or 9, I think
@IonicăBizău Still there?
Yep. Well, then keep up the good work in maths. But I just don't like the mathematics I learn in college. :-)
no problem!
I would maybe be interested in IT security for studying. That would mean legal hacking ;D
That's interesting. :-)
Maybe I can ask some older people in this forum about their careers. Would be interesting, don't you think?
Wait, I just call @Fabby. Used to chat with him yesterday. Maybe he comes over...
Or he is busy harvesting reputation or smoking on his balcony. Who knows...
Seems to be veeeerrrryyyy busy.
@IonicăBizău Anything left to talk about?
I'm looking for some sponsors for this project: bloggify.org
Any ideas? :D
So it is like a browser for creating webblogs or how do I have to understand it?
As I told you, I'm more an offline person.
It's a platform for creating sites & blogs.
And look what you wrote: "Themes are funny! As human, you can choose a theme you like. As developer, you can create a theme in few minutes." Developers aren't humans? ;D
I put a star to your sponsor request. Maybe it attracts some attention on the site...
Thanks. There is an irony to make a difference between devs and humans. :-)
Yes, sometimes you are right. I have a buddy that sometimes seems not to be really human...
e.g. he doesn't sense heat. At least not much.
I think he once told it was a gene defect with an unpronouncable name.
And his mobile seems alien too. He throws it on people, out of windows, into campfires, under water, but that damn thing still works!
He he :-)
Yes, that is him. But now I should maybe go back to RE for some time. May I leave you alone for an hour or so? ;-) I think you can find something to kill the time...
I already have enough things to do. :-)
Have a nice day! Nice to meet you
Fine. See you again sometimes. Bye!

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