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00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

@aliteralmind Less quotes (probably a bad thing actually) and no curly braces :)
@jrg cool, like the site.
Why is this script giving me this error? line 5: =a: command not found (the function call)
Same with: [accent]$returned=echo_one_and_only_param "x"[accent]`
aliteralmind: you don't use $ when you're assigning
returned=echo_one_and_only_param "x"
unless I misread and [accent]$ is your prompt
@aliteralmind yeah so it shouldn't be $returned=... it should be returned=...
[accent] is the accent character, which I don't know how to escape in code-blocks. So the error is the attempt of trying to execute the returned string "a x"...hence "a: command not found"
@Ademan I made this mistake like six times today. I've also been learning XYplorer script, in which assignment is indeed with $var = ... Thank you.
haha np, juggling multiple languages is hard
By the way, I don't have enough rep to do anything on askubuntu, but askubuntu.com/questions/545559/… is not a duplicate, if anyone is able to flag it as not-duplicate or something. People seem to confuse wacom-style tablets ("graphics tablet") with ipad style tablets a lot.
@Ademan voted
@Mateo_ thanks!
there was an even more confusing one that doubled as a monitor that came around once...
I have tried every single suggestion in this question, and still cannot get my bash script to print a newline. :( Any ideas?
Ubuntu 14.04.1, LTS / / GNU bash, version 4.3.11(1)-release (i686-pc-linux-gnu)
@aliteralmind Odd, I was going to recommend echo -e, which also works for me
GNU bash, version 4.3.11(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
Are you ssh-ed into another machine, or in a screen or tmux session? Something that might make your terminal setup a bit different? (Not to suggest it wouldn't work in screen or tmux, just searching for variables)
@aliteralmind what about running the script with bash i.e "bash scriptname.sh"
Wait a minute... The problem is that I'm trying to do this in a function.
@jrg wow, over 1200 pixels to get the regular navigation
@Mateo_ trust me, it's a mess.
if you think thats bad, wait until you actually see some of this code... :(
am I showing my age with that movie?
not at all!
bunny season! :P
It's a classic in my book, even played the videogame on snes with my friends :)
@Mateo_ I understand the problem. I'm debugging a function that returns a value with echos. The return value is the last echo. So when I add other echos before it, they're just concatenated onto the return variable, without newlines.
dpaste.com/1NXS41M So I'm curious how to concatenate newlines onto a variable, and also, how do you debug a function that returns a value? echo to a file?
So in the output I think I'm looking at debugging lines followed by the return value, but I'm really looking at a long return value. This was a brain buster, and I only just figured out the problem!
@Mateo_ never seen the movie.
Someone is lacking of childhood.. cough
Hey, not my fault i discovered ask ubuntu
> Space Jam is a 1996 American live-action/animated sports family/comedy film
> Ask Ubuntu came out of public beta on 10 October 2010
i was a few months old when Space Jam (whatever thats called) was released
@jrg Your parents have had 16 years to turn the TV on >.<
If I remember correctly, they created a website for the movie which remains online to this day.
@Lucio and I have had better things to do for the last 18 years of my life.
including waste it here.
> nothin' but net
@aliteralmind bash's handling of variables make me angry. Are you on IRC? the #bash channel on irc.freenode.net is super helpful and knowledgeable (though there are a few snarky individuals)
@Ademan I'll check out the IRC room, thanks. I actually just posted a question:
Q: How to debug a bash function that returns a value, and how to add newlines to a variable?

aliteralmindI'm in a bash crash course today. This is a bash function that returns a value, via echo: #!/bin/bash get_hello_name() { echo 'Hello $1!' } msg=$(get_hello_name "x") echo $msg Output: 4$ bash ./initial_script5.sh Hello $1! I then incorrectly thought that the last echo was returned (I com...

@hbdgaf two days ago I cried laughing after found a hidden video in one of Atkinson's movies. Enjoy!
@jrg wow, they still have the old site up
@Mateo_ yes
@jrg so are you guys on a private github or a version control?
@Mateo_ yeah, we use a private github.
@Mateo_ are you on google hangouts? might be easier to have a discussion there.
ok, why don't you try and fine me... i don't think i've circled you.
@jrg what are you working on?
@Ademan exploring a potential job opportunity.
@jrg ah good luck
this is where I wish keybase had more places to connect
@jrg got it
thanks for reminding me. need to get my key imported again.
I need more people signing my key :P
meet more people in real life then
@Mateo_ Got an incredibly thorough answer to my newlines-not-printing question: stackoverflow.com/questions/27872069/… . Huge bash learning day, along with my earlier question: askubuntu.com/questions/571852/…
@aliteralmind oh, nice
[ WolfBot - For when Smoke Detector is lazy ] Bad keyword: Utilizing An Antiaging Lotion?. KILL IT WITH FLAGS! -- Taken care of.
smokey is getting a big upgrade, but until then he only knows what keywords he's given, and these spammers are getting smarter :/
Thanks for catching.
2 hours later…
@Seth, @terdon, @Ademan, @Mateo_ I wrote a blog post about my bash adventures today: aliteralmind.wordpress.com/2015/01/10/bashcrash All thanked at the bottom.
@aliteralmind Cool!
Bash is one of the weirdest scripting languages in existence.
I honestly don't envy it at all :P
Could be worse. Could be using perl.
@NathanOsman PHP is a scripting language >:D
Alright, you win.
So now we've got PHP, Bash, and Perl.
I'll throw one more in the pot: VBScript.
Bash isn't horrible... and it's everywhere almost. So, I'ld probably take it out of the "things I avoid like the plague" bracket.
Try doing basic integer math in Bash. Yeah...
@NathanOsman invoke bc
@DoorHandle It's not that bad once you understand how closures work.
@DoorHandle That's not really Bash, then, is it?
or how about python?
@DoorHandle that
@DoorHandle don't be disrespecting python ;)
That's like saying Bash supports OCR by invoking tesseract :P
@NathanOsman well, scripting usually invokes other thingies
@NathanOsman Right tool for the job though.
Fair enough.
@NathanOsman You defs win with VBScript though. It was useful years ago before powershell for admin tasks though. Now it just needs to die a fiery death.
@hbdgaf I'm ignorant. I don't know it so I hate it :D
Oh wait wait wait... I forgot my all time favorite - VBA.
That thing... I don't even... wow...
How'd you forget VBA?
I kinda like it for excel stuff
Goes and throws up...
VBA is VB. Like VBS.
Holds @NathanOsman's hair back while he hugs the toilet.
:D :D :D
And those were good sardines too...
I thought there aren't sardines near penguins?
What is called if I'm not mistaken: "Praying to the porcelain god"?
Don't worry Nathan.
Try running a system call in VBA
@DoorHandle There aren't now :P
That wonderful moment when you find a candy bar you forgot you had in your jacket pocket.
@NathanOsman Did you eat them all?
Also, why do stuffed penguins need food?
Oh how I wish I actually had a can of sardines handy. I'd snap a picture of me next to them.
GIMP exists for a reason -_-
Remember that train station picture you sent me (chat)?
I GIMP'd you in it :D
Yup, I remember.
find sardines online
take a picture of you
photoshop it in
[ WolfBot - For when SmokeDetector is lazy ] Rinzwind is right.
I'm not sure about spam, but it definitely got a closevote from me.
well, it is kind of an ad for vexxhost - a cheap hosting provider
namely this:
> Every other inexpensive n great website hosting suggestion?
implying that vexxhost is inexpensive (and great?)
it definitely doesn't belong on this site
and i'd rather see it removed than closed.
We can vote to delete after closing it.
Or a mod can intervene in the meantime.
it just seems spammy to me
implying that vexxhost is inexpensive and good.
@jrg @seth someone ask about lenovos?
if it was on SU, I'd blow both it and the poster away. Since its AU, I'll just spamflag it ;)
also, hi everyone!
what did we do to attract a Canonical employee?\
I've always kind of been here
@JorgeCastro @jrg was looking for a laptop to replace his Mac, as I understand it.
@NathanOsman hey, also where are you in canada?
@NathanOsman A cheap netbook would be a 10000% improvement.
@JorgeCastro West Coast - Vancouver area.
A PDP-11 will be at least 5x better.
@DoorHandle: heh. Been looking at my options WRT macs since we use a few at work
@nathan have you ever been to ubuntu vancouver?
Didn't even know it existed :P
Its not common, but Its a bit embarassing when you need to ask the user you're supporting something super basic ;p
we're doing this
Doing what?
c'mon. give him free tickets
hanging out
Are you coming out here?
we're hitting the west coast in a few months
mind if I just invite you, same email as before?
Can you fix Windows BSoD on Ubuntu?
@kprovost7314 it doesn't really work that way
@JorgeCastro I have too many email addresses to count, but whatever it is you have, it probably still works.
Otherwise, [email protected] works.
sabdfl is rich enough selling user data to Amazon.
that's the one I have
Windows 8.1 wont refresh and I keep getting CRTITCAL_PROCESS_DIED
@kprovost7314 Try over here
I need some people to sign my PGP key, so meeting some Ubuntu users would be cool.
I tried.
@NathanOsman what's your schedule like these days, still doing SE programs and stuff?
We'd just tell you to install Ubuntu.
@NathanOsman rly.
@kprovost7314 So yeah. To fix it, install Ubuntu.
@DoorHandle: heh. I use linux for some maintainance and recovery things on windows systems.
@NathanOsman no worries, marco and I can sign your key and you'd be in the strong set
@JorgeCastro My schedule is certainly interesting... it's hard to predict too far into the future. I was working for an ad company up until about three months ago. I've been doing odd jobs since then.
I'm using Ubuntu now.... And SpyHunter caused it.
@JorgeCastro :)
@JorgeCastro How will you know it's Nathan and not me?
I was thinking about possibly doing the Debian new maintainers thing. And they require a PGP key signed by at least two Debian developers.
@kprovost7314 Can't do anything without a minidump.
Where will I find that?
@DoorHandle because I have his email already
@JorgeCastro so, you'd verify that he got the e-mail?
and I could call him and ask "what was your name before?
@JorgeCastro problem: i know that answer.
ok, and what projects did you work on?
@DoorHandle You think you know the answer >:)
anyways, i'd like to get into pgp. it seems too complicated.
Mr. Edison, I presume?
it depends, do you drink normal beer or canadian beer?
i'd hazard a guess and say...
Where will I find my minidump?
@kprovost7314 idk.
@kprovost7314 C:\Windows\Minidumps
@JorgeCastro So when are you going to sign "Nathan's" key?
I haven't, I haven't met him IRL
I only sign keys from people I've met and vetted
oh don't worry, I see what you did there
i never really got the entire concept of PGP
"key signing" - "document signatures" etc.
it's easy
makes no sense to me
you sign the keys of people you've met
so like, if you've met me
and my goverment ID says I am jorge castro
I have no minidumps.....
you sign the key that says I am jorge castro
and you pass my test?
well no. i'd check Intelius, pull your address, birthday, and your mother's maiden name
Then I'd sign your key
in a key signing party there is no computer
just my ID
so how do you sign a key -_-
I give you a card
with my public key
and you check my ID
and more importantly, how do I make sure you don't have a fake ID?
and you confirm I am jorge castro
and then you sign it and send it to a server
you don't know if it's fake
Keysigning basically ensures that a key actually belongs to the person claiming to own it.
okay... But what are signed PGP keys used for? Why should I go and get one?
@NathanOsman I can see so many ways to fake "owning" a key (and getting it signed).
right so...
signing a key doesn't mean you're the right person
but like, at a real signing party, someone will check your id
@JorgeCastro fake ids.
@kprovost7314 can't help you. go to SuperUser. Sorry :(
*Aggravated face
so if you go to a keysigning party with a fake id, some people might sign your key
but IME people are looking at things like passports
@JorgeCastro fake passports
and most people aren't doing fake US passports
they have been done
@kprovost7314 You can install Ubuntu.
again. Why should I even get a PGP key?
I must confess, I don't actually drink. But... I'd still like to meet up for coffee or something. I love a good frappuccino.
What benefit will it give me?
if you don't contribute to anything, a gpg means nothing
but most oss projects will need a gpg key
for example
if you contribute to ubuntu you need to have a gpg key, same with debian, fedora, etc
so there's no reason to have a GPG key. (Because I suck at coding)
if you're a programmer, probably you need one, if you're not, then you probably don't care.
okay then.
/me goes back to writing PHP/HTML
(@NathanOsman see what i did there :D)
@NathanOsman Mind if I send you a mail on monday?
@NathanOsman How could you!?
@DoorHandle How could I... what?
You just put your e-mail on the internet?!
That is NOT the real NathanOsman!
I run a custom mail server with SpamAssassin. Ain't no spam getting through.
Goodnight everyone. It's almost midnight here.
1 hour later…
Q: I have less than 50 reputation but I recieved achievement that I can comment although I actually can't

Pak Long WuI can't comment because lack of reputation but it showed the achivement. I've tried to comment but of course I failed.

1 hour later…
@DoorHandle The problem with trying to pull something like that at an event where there are a dozen real passports is your fake has to be perfect or you're going to prison for 10 years. More if they can hook drugs or terrorism on top.
And it's in the interest of the signer to be thorough as it's their reputation that's on the line.
2 hours later…
Q: Windows doesn't boot after removing Ubuntu: grub black screen

saulI had Ubuntu and Windows installed in dual boot. I wanted to remove Ubuntu and, following suggestions online, I eliminated Ubuntu partitions. When I restarted PC I got this on black screen: "GNU GRUB version 2.02beta2-15 Minimal BASH-like line editing is supported. For the first word, TAB l...

@UbuntuQuestionsonU&L that's the price you pay for deleting Ubuntu and reverting back to the evil side :-)
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in username: Ubuntu 14.04 + Lenovo Mice N700 by Somi Baba on askubuntu.com
@JourneymanGeek: thanks for mentioning me! ;-)
Ahh :p kosh?
The movie? Kosh?
:P ;)
Ahh k.
Stupid autocorrect
Sorry to get you away from smth important... Just wanted to make you have at least one smile today! ;-)
Q: USB connected devices info

Alex RoseIn my project, I need a list with all connected usb drives and some data about(name, format, size, label, if it is mounted or not, where is mounted) All this data is parsed by a php script then stored into a database; So far, I'm using blkid -c /dev/null to get drive location and format; then, u...

@Lucio - nice one. Those green onions are REALLY coarsely chopped, and that knife was either REALLY sharp or those carrots really soft. It was hilarious though.
1 hour later…
o/ to the regulars.
hey @hbdgaf
hi @jrg
How does this not have an accepted answer?
@Mateo_ howdy!
so, having my morning coffee ;)
You must have slept in... wait - time zones.
well, and slept in a bit from norm, and stayed up a little last night
up at 9 here
and i'm crazy. 5:45 here. :P
yeah, statement retracted. WAT - where are you @jr
@hbdgaf: because the user has been inactive for 4 years?
you move somewhere without me knowing?
@hbdgaf in cleveland. i've been up since 5:45.
didn't open the laptop until 10:30
oh. misread that.
that makes more sense
Planning on moving though. Want to head to the west coast for a year or two.
@Fabby I get that, it's an argument for why mods should be able to award the check when something is that obvious.
that went completely over my head! ;-)
@hbdgaf At the same time, it is marked as accepted in the system.
if only because there is more than one answer, and one of them is +2
I agree. I'm not arguing that bit. It just seems like +600 vs +200 makes it a little obvious and new users might look for the check. I get it, but someone might not.
(meaning: I sometimes interpret sarcasm or irony as a statement like yesterday with @jrg )
@hbdgaf yup, i know. it's a UX thing that SE, Inc fights hard against every time it comes up.
And I have to say, we've gotten along just fine without it for the past 4 years. And SO for a lot longer than that.
Yeah, it would be rife for mod abuse. It's just a case in point example to add to the stack next time it comes up.
The thing with the mod tools is that they keep automating things. Remove the human from the equation.
and that's good.
@jrg I like SF. Nevada can be nice. I went the other direction. Never tried the Oregon thing. Cheap cost of living and just sort of doing my own thing is my deal... so we'll see if it works. Life is just a test case for the way you approach it.
@jrg agreed
@hbdgaf Yup yup. I really just want to get out of Cleveland, and preferably somewhere thats reasonable 2nd amendment friendly... rules out anything in Cali though. :\
@jrg: Why don't you do a Snowden then? Russia has the right to bear arms (if you've been in the military) :D
@Fabby that caveat is precisely why I won't. Means losing my US citizenship. While that might mean nothing here in the US, it still means something outside of it.
Besides, "Doing a Snowden" isn't my idea of fun.
I like being able to talk to my family, thank you very much.
(Besides, Ask Ubuntu would get shut down in a heartbeat if I did that. No thanks.)
:D :D :D
And then you tell me I'm snarky???
(I had to look up that word actually)
Yeah, you're right. lol
that's one of the reasons I didn't understand you...
Anyway, now that I've entirely derailed this chat... i'm going to go dive into the mod queue.
hi guys
i am installing ubuntu 14.10
and then i get to the window:
where i see all the partitions on my harddisk
hdd is 250 GB
@JANORTS: could you direct me to your question?
I'll drop in there pronto!
i have 3 partitions - 80 GB NTFS, 140 GB NTFS and 15 GB EXT4
i want to install Ubuntu on the 3rd partition - 15 GB EXT4
He's asking for a link to your question on site... and saying if you haven't asked it then ask it. Then he'll help you.
so what should i choose when it asks for : Device for boot loader instllation?
@JANORTS: What is the link to your question?
OK, i will ask the question on discussion forum
Have you posted a question?
not yet
Please do!
No. It's just sinking in that this is what you asked him/her to do.
(and search first for a similar question!)
A little mood music:
Good one! ;-)
tyty, i'm here all day.
but i cant post image !
i dont have a reputation of 10 or more...
What's the link to your question?
can somebody please post the image?
we're nice people, post a link. Someone will edit it for you.
here it is:
just put the link of the PIC into the question without http://
and what is the link you your question?
^ eggsactly
Q: Installing Ubuntu 14.10 and window Installation type

JAN ORTSI am installing Ubuntu and am stuck at one window that is called Installation type: Harddisk is 250 GB. I have 3 partitions on my harddisk, 80 GB NTFS, 140 GB NTFS and 15 GB EXT4. I want to install Ubuntu on the 3rd one - 15 GB EXT4. When I get to the mentioned window I don't know what to choos...

00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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