Ah, Nathan is listening... More than one person who isn't me has been wondering, so I thought I'ld ask someone who might know better than me - is there a Qt5 book that is decent? I haven't seen much floating around that is in print passed 4.
@NathanOsman Would you mind dropping a name of the book on that one, so I can put it in a script and ping some people when it drops on Amazon? Not something I would necessarily read, but I know people that want to read it.
I have an email on a family members domain and the spammers try to pass off as being from that domain as well when I clearly know that email address does not exist.
@Seth Yeah, but it's not just that bit. I tell people that want to learn C++ to use a Qt book to do it instead... since it's sort of THE cross-platform toolkit of awesome.
Today on an interview, I was asked to speak on English. When it finished the interviewee was surprised in a good way for my level and congratulated me afterward. So, thank you all for helping me! I wouldn't have done it without you :)
What happens when the employee treats the employer as the interviewee? Sure, they can pay you money, but what if ALL employees treated their employers as potential suitors that had to court them? Wouldn't that be an interesting world in which to live?
If there's something more direct you can give me than this, which I do enjoy more than a little bit - youtube.com/watch?v=uiFe2ZJWXVc#t=12 - that would be nice.
It's fine. I totally get what you meant. And yeah, it's totally not about that. It'll get sorted or it won't. Need to do my part to right the ship if I can.