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There's only one way to party... and it's hard. or you don't party at all ;P
1 hour later…
@NathanOsman are you tinkering with rails?!
@jrg No, not exactly.
I'm working on a Shopify theme for a client.
so you're doing liquid templating.
And it just so happens that there's a Ruby tool that makes it easier.
that's worse.
It's... interesting.
I despise liquid.
It's mostly just CSS tweaks though in this case.
@jrg After using Jinja2, everything is inferior :P
Not sure if it's because liquid is bad, or because it's templating engine #3 in this project.
Heya @jrg!
@jrg guess who is though ;)
@Seth hiya!
I see Ruby more and more each day.
Vagrant is written in Ruby, IIRC.
@jrg Getting up on Ruby syntax, then Rails. Trying to convince my friend to go Rails over Laravel :P
@NathanOsman yeah, it is.
I'd rather work Rails with him than have to deal with PHP.
and so far, I like it.
A lot.
They've been trying to move towards Go for Vagrant 2.0 though.
@Seth neat! Using Zed Shaws book?
Go is awesome.
The thing that really makes Go stand out is the way it deals with I/O.
Using goroutines, you can do overlapping blocking I/O in a single thread.
And channels just make it more awesome.
<--- this is a pencil
@jrg Nope. Recommend it?
@Seth yes!
This one?
hm, that one hasn't been released yet.
sorry. laptop battery got really low.
@jrg no worries, I know that situation.
@jrg Oh cool, it's online before the book is published.
Wonder if I can get a download by any chance.
2.99, not bad.
Yeah, Zed does good stuff
i did his python book.
spent my 2 week of unemployment doing that.
btw, vmware fusion is one of the nicest desktop-level virtualization platforms i've ever seen
@jrg You learned Python? O_o
@NathanOsman yeah, needed to understand some basic things
didn't complete it, got about 2/3rds through
Trying to read our blog's source code? :P
(I'm kidding. Though there's nothing wrong with that.)
No, i understand what we're doing there easily.
i need to get it up-and-running on my mac though.
Would a Vagrant VM work for our application?
or do we have symlinks or something in the git repo?
Nothing like that, no.
I can guide you through the process if you need.
It's roughly:
- 1. Install Git and a couple Python dev packages
- 2. Clone the source repo
- 3. Run sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
- 4. Copy twobuntu/local_settings.py.default to twobuntu/local_settings.py and insert the database settings
- 5. Run python manage.py migrate
You can install in a virtualenv, but if you have a virtual machine dedicated to it, there's not really any point.
I might have missed one or two things, but that's the general idea.
We actually have a more detailed guide on our wiki, IIRC.
But that needs updating - the 'pip install' can't happen until 'git clone' :P
Our goal is to make it as simple as "install a single Docker container" :)
But that's still a ways off.
We're also about to switch to Python 3 - though we still run Python 2 in production. If you want to start off with Python 3 (there's nothing that doesn't work AFAIK), use "python3" instead of "python" and "pip3" instead of "pip" in the commands.
@NathanOsman ok, i might do that then.
Discourse is written in Ruby 'ya know.
You should try hacking on that some time.
Sup Honey Badger?
not a lot... just popping through and expressing my averts eyes at RoR
finished playing with getting w3af installing with shared video with lxc last week. this week it's learning enough docker to get shared video install of the same working
i really prefer lxc though.
I'm going all out at work. Docker / CoreOS / Fleet - the whole works.
Morning everyone.
@hbdgaf still there? Want to talk about that django script
I'm trying to find a clipboard manager / text expander that syncs across linux and Android
I want access to snippets on my desktop and the same snippets on my mobile
basically synced snippets
wow, that would be interesting
I found an awesome android app called phraseexpander
it gives me touch access to all my snippets
does it do the job?
the problem is that on my desktop I have to use a separate snippets software
which means I have to manually input my constantly used snippets on both devices
AFAIK the best that you can get is QR pics
QR pics?
they are one of the simplest way to share between PC and phone
i can't use imgur :p
I blocked it on my server
too much nsfw
im familiar with qr codes but I don't see how this applies yet
How I am using snippets is with Google Keep because Keep does not support tagging notes
but it does have an awesome search feature
That sounds like a feature for NitroShare.
so I make my own tags and save them as snippets
Q: Ubuntu 14.04.1 PHP Not Working

nick hooperI have a fresh install of Ubuntu server 14.04.1 with LAMP pre-installed. The web server is working as I can see the test apache2 Ubuntu default page in my web browser. However I uploaded my site into the same directory as the default page and PHP is not working correctly. I have a index.php that ...

@JoshuaRobison And Keep does not have an undo feature. Nor a recovery feature. (Learned that the hard way.)
^kill it with fire
By using a separate app for snippets I have added a tagging feature to keep and now can organize notes in contexts for GTD
only problem is finding a solution to sync my tags/snippets accross platforms
fuck google maps is not working on ubuntu
I have heard on LAS at one point in time that there is a way to sync one's clipboard across linux and android
which is almost kind of half way there
@JoshuaRobison There was an app (I forget the name) that was able to do that.
Let me see if I can find it.
It doesn't use the clipboard, but it does give you a text box that is shared across all devices.
Anything you paste in there should be accessible from another device / desktop.
nice!! thanks @NathanOsman
@NathanOsman cool!
I guess there is already a meta post about it
Q: Closing the off-topic and duplicate questions with bounty

bkd.onlineThere are some questions which has bounty, but are clearly off-topic or are duplicates of another question. e.g. Unicode fonts are not displayed correctly in Google Chrome under Ubuntu 12.04 The above question is offtopic because even though its title say Ubuntu 12.04, its actually about an ubu...

there it is
staring from the loneliness
night folks.
good night
Q: improve my question further in askubuntu

rajasimonNewbie here as well as askubuntu. Before posted my first question I searched a lot in google but i couldn't find the answer to solve my installation issue problem. so i decided to post,but thought my question is good but today it's seemed i received -1 vote. But i tell clearly what i want to a...

how about; does anyone use an app indicator that just has a list of quick snippets? I'd think this would be useful for development if you could just click the indicator and click the snippet you wanted to type. clipboard managers do similar things but
with the clip board you can't make like sticky clips that are ALWAYS there
night here too
3 hours later…
@Lucio - I was away, but I'm back now.
2 hours later…
Night all.
nautilus takes too much time to display contents for /proc directory. Actually for me, it is still loading!
later @NathanOsman
@Pandya if you need a gui file browser, you probably shouldn't be poking around in proc... just saying.
also, awesome post-filter with sox for espeak. digging up my old cepstral voices for a crysis suit voice for my lappie ;) ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1813001.html
I observed nautilus displays quickly contents of /proc directory as normal user (without sudo) But takes too much loading only as root user (with sudo) why?
You don't have permission to read most of that area as a regular user. Reading it as root means instead of bailing out on permissions errors, nautilus tries to determine lots of metadata. Again, NO GUI FILE BROWSER AS ROOT. Don't be silly
Say nautilus tries to determine file sizes of stuff to show you interesting fields. What's the file-size for every socket for every process in proc? You don't really need to know that, so don't do it.
@hbdgaf ok.
o/ @Oli - sup
@jrg - long time no see. how goes it?
When a Q/A is said canonical Q/A.?
When loads of things are duped against it and it's good.
3 hours later…
@hbdgaf it's been good. Busy, but good. You?
@Seth yeah, i really want to hack on discourse sometime.
ups and downs, but nothing horrifying
2 hours later…
Love this one:
The head scratcher: While identifiers in many other languages are usually case sensitive, in PHP function names (as well as class and method names) are case insensitive. To really confuse developers, variable names, constants and class properties in PHP are case sensitive.

The reason: Most likely an artifact of PHP’s organic development from a set of CGI scripts to a full-fledged programming language.

Quotes: “Well, it's PHP, you shouldn't be suprised.” Grzechooo
1 hour later…
@hbdgaf true
This was me yesterday trying to show what debug means to a PHP dev. What a pain..
Yesterday were also another one who didn't know how to spell english so was trying to spell PHP.
Ok honey, the thing is people want your script. That one to build django sites on an env with all the stuff. Would you like to upload it into some git public server?
@terdon are u here?
Hello @Seth lol.
Hi @god are you around?
@Lucio Who is god?
He recognized your name!
@WillHunting Hi there!
I currently have 2 problems with Linux that I don't think can be fixed.
One is the cracking sound whenever audio plays.
The other is the pixellation whenever I log into GNOME shell.
I should raise a bug report but I am too lazy.
It probably happens with some hardware but not others.
The problem occurs on my desktop but not on my laptop.
launchpad.net <-- report them here
See guys, that is why once I have the money I am gonna buy a copy of Windows and Office.
I have an xubuntu 13.10 installation on a thinkpad with an SSD that I tried upgrading to 14.04. Somewhere in the middle it froze; I came to check the status and it would not come out of the screensaver. I hard rebooted and now I just get some stacktrace and some "swapper/0 not tainted" message. I can't get any kernel to boot but can get into a 14.04 livecd. I have a NAS on my network and would like to copy my home dir from the SSD to the NAS.
The only way I can access all the files on the home dir on the SSD is to do "sudo nautilus", but I can't browse the nework with the nautilus running as root. The only way to browse to the NAS is via a non-root nautilus. Any help? How can I use the livecd to copy my SSD homedir someplace?
@WillHunting What are you running? Ubuntu GNOME?
Graphics card?
Sound card?
The default nautilus explorer lets me browse the SSD home dir for the most part, but I get permissions errors when trying to get to my VM folder or pretty much all of the hidden . folders
@Seth Yes, it happened with Ubuntu GNOME but also other distros.
@Seth ATI Radeon
@Seth No idea, lol. I am still a beginner.
@WillHunting eww :/
@WillHunting That's key. Got any drivers installed?
@Seth I went with the default install. I did not install any additional ones.
then I suggest you do.
And how do I know which one to install?
I don't have an ATI card, so I can't help too much, but I hear the open source driver for ATI/AMD cards works well.
A: What driver should I choose for my graphics card?

SethWell, this probably isn't the answer you expected... my apologies. The only "real" way to find out what driver will work with your card/system is to ask someone with real experience with your specific card. Google didn't help me much with your card.. So lets go break your system shall we ;D ...

Unless you can find information online, you can't know.
@Seth Yes, I think I remember we talked about this long ago.
I think so ;)
I am looking forward to ReactOS first stable release, but that may never happen.
3 hours later…
Q: Tagging Xubuntu When Ubuntu Is Meant

Stephen Michael KellatI'm basically doing limited patrol for Xubuntu Team to keep an eye on questions and have done a couple tag edits relative to the xubuntu tag. While I am aware of the prior discussion of tagging flavors and editions a problem arises that users seem to be attempting to tag with ubuntu but accept x...

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