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@Seth why do I feel like I've heard that before...
maybe the last line....
^ like a boss
@Braiam read linuxcertified.info
Is anyone on?
@Andrew Hi. I am, now. For a short while. :)
read www.linuxcertified.info
It is good.
@EliahKagan tell me what you think it is only 10 paragrapfs or so
@Andrew Is this a review of linuxcertified.com/linux_laptops.html? (I am/was actually unfamiliar with the "Linux Certified" brand.)
I have hear of them.... But didn't know that they rip off people
System76 Price $999
Linux junk price is $1199
They look the same laptop
"He told me that they would be able to give me back about half of the restocking fee, conditional on me giving them a positive 5 star review online."
That part's quite disturbing.
Yea I even thought about my shelf
It the same laptop model.
They even have the same specs
Anyway, not having heard of that brand before (and having heard good things about some of the other brands mentioned in that article), I would almost certainly not buy from Linux Certified. On the other hand, not having heard of them before, I would probably not have bought from them before reading that article.
@Andrew So that's what I think. :)
Same... I was just looking on how many linux OEMs there are
I just wounder on how many people they rip them off and how much?
They don't do it with bigger OEMs because they will probably get sue.
This is unrelated... but would you happen to know if the old-releases server provides arm packages, and if not, where to refer people who need to upgrade (or install software one) an unsupported arm installation of Ubuntu? Looking at the files on the server, like in old-releases.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/n/nginx, suggests the old-releases server does not have those packages. This relates to Are raring arm packages available someplace?
I have no idea
Maybe they are there... the thing is, not all packages have arm builds. It looks like nginx wasn't a good choice of package for me to check. archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/n/nginx
IT does post it in the comment
2 hours later…
Q: Are there any memes on AskUbuntu?

AkivaJust curious. After reading about the infamous "Boat Programming" question, I wondered if anything like that has existed on AskUbuntu.

@AskUbuntuMeta Oh help us, it's happened!
@Seth what to do with the errors appear on the syslog, can we safely ignore them?
2049 Aug 12 09:23:11 ubuntu kernel: [ 0.106522] ACPI BIOS Error (bug): _SB_.PCI0.USB0._PSW: Object (Integer) must be a control method with 1 arguments (20131115/nsarg uments-147)
This appears on my logs every reboot
2 hours later…
@NathanOsman Wow!!!!
That's an interesting read.
@NathanOsman WOW!!! who can do that?
am I correct in assuming this is off topic:
Q: I want to modify linux kernel and make iso image of kernel

user314817I'm studying about virtualization. I want to modify a kernel and make a iso image of Ubuntu. Then, I want to load that iso file to qemu. Is it possible and how to do it?

@Rinzwind I agreed.
@Braiam I'll thank you for not editing out the context in my meta posts please...
can I unplug the computer after suspend?
Because there are still things still in the RAM.
@reversiblean does that answer your question?
@Andrew If I suspend to disk?
I don't know what that means... but Probably no any ways.
I've heard that you can suspend to ram or the disk. will search for more info about this
@reversiblean You want to Hibernate your computer.
Q: What is the difference between Hibernate and Suspend

Richard HollowayLogout, Restart and Shutdown are all self explanatory to me. What are the differences between Suspend and Hibernate on the shutdown menu?

Yup that's it.
@reversiblean en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hibernation_(computing) Hiernation is the samething as suspend to disk
@Andrew that answers my question, thanks
@reversiblean You are welcome.
@Andrew umm - yes - you can unplug your laptop after a suspend. The key thing is to not run out of battery power :)
@fossfreedom Yea... But just to be sure, if it is a desktop...
... then make sure you are using a UPS!
@fossfreedom When I think of things like that I think of desktops and not laptops... Althou you can't do it if your battery power is not there.
@reversiblean You can if it is a laptop and make sure it doesn't run out of battery power.
suspend is something I primarily think as useful only for laptops. Hibernate is better for desktops although in the past hibernate has caused a few issues - somewhat better now but not always perfect.
Totally agreed.
@fossfreedom did you know some people overclock their monitor?
I've heards about overclocking graphics cards - never monitors though.
What get me is how can they overclock their res, without losing any detail, because their monitor has a set PPI, and you can't go over it even if you try.
sounds dubious - smoke and mirrors
smoke and mirrors?
@Andrew They're changing the framerate, aren't they?
Yea but some people change their res to be higher.
But that's silly. Monitors have a physical native resolution.
I know....
I am trying to find the video in my watch history in my youtube account.
And by 4 minutes he's saying that you can't do that
Yea still.
Some people still do it....
I remember back when I was in 4 grade... the 'ITs' did it to the school monitors at the time.
@oli How I know it was overclock was the taskbar look to small, and every thing too.... until they change the scaling to like 125%.... I don't know what kind of IT they are.
They're silly people. They're all over YouTube.
Silly NO just plain up sutipd who don't know what they are doing.
@Oli try to do that on a 4k monitor.... Isn't going to work... Do you know why?
@fossfreedom even that can bite you ....
I know a company with a group of women on the workfloor where the power went out and they closed the door to the server cuz it KEPT ON BEEPING.
of course after 1/2 an hour it did stop beeping so all was fine ... untill the power went back on and their screens did not connect to the server :=D
tell me about it! trying to ensure the infrastructure team actually testing the batteries to ensure the various UPS's actually does what it should do doesnt go smoothly as it should :/
"Why do we need an UPS. The power never fails here. That's a waste of money"
Pity that power always fails 1 or 2 years later and not right then and there :(
yep - and its always muggins here who has to clear up the mess afterwards
what is UPS?
its then you find out the maintainer hasnt actually been doing any backups...!
@Andrew universal power supply :=D
UPS=uninterruptible power supply
or that :D
What one is it?
And what is it?
BUT I DISAGREE that is is "uninteruptable"
@Andrew a battery pack that makes sure the server stays on for a few more "hours"
so when power fails you get to shut it down properly
or 30 seconds when the battery is actually flat
They are too hungry for power...
seen that happen more than once @fossfreedom :D
oooh made anohter 200 rep y-day. let's see how far I am
rep cap was reached via rep from upvotes *only* on 34 days
earned at least 200 reputation on 59 days
91 more to go :=D
Oh no... you are too rep hungry
give some of that to the poor...
@Rinzwind need to give you another hobby - go and code something!
Luis is EVIL! He is on 66.6k rep
@fossfreedom I am waiting for a mysql table to get filled >:D
feel another flag coming up against your name...
@fossfreedom Why?
rizzy has now deleted ... no worries
Oh it wasn't for me?
So do you like what I am doing?
I'm a mouse - cuddly and friendly to all
I like everyone
So even fascists who want to kill you from not being their 'race'?
I am making food so If I don't respoon right away that is way!
on this forum - I'm a nice mouse - even when using a ban-hammer
cup of tea time
Good call.
@fossfreedom as if I care about flags >:-D. Just copying the original title (not the new one...) results in so many usable hits TS is just wasting time :-X
How do i find what caused my system to freeze?
@reversiblean log files are in /var/log/
I note down the time and check syslogs
check the files for the date they have been altered
Q: I think SE is down

TimI am seeing lots of errors on Ask Ubuntu and I can't get to Se Meta. It looks like this: ![https://imgur.com/NxR74oa][1] and ![https://imgur.com/pPOUamh][2] 1: https://imgur.com/NxR74oa 2. https://imgur.com/pPOUamh

@tim who cares about SE meta :D :D
@Rinzwind Yes, I could still (just) post on Meta here, but it wasn't easy :P I think the whole SE domain was down, and we were almost fine because a lot of our stuff is in Ask Ubuntu domain... We got errors because it does need some remote resources. (I guess, I am not a web dev at all!)
@Tim I don't think it was, I think it's more likely a DNS issue local to you. I've been able to access everything throughout the life of your meta post.
@oli Agreed
Oh okay then... Yay :/.
it was only SO that was down, no other sites at all...
DNS issure
okay... what to do if it happens again?
Doesn't work :( the html tag "<script type="text/javascript" src="http://valuemydomain.name/badge.php?url=askubuntu.com"></script>"
Stack Exchange is 6 million +!
You could add it in your profile maybe?
You will never find a end of a rainbow even if you try... It is like trying to find a end of a circle.
@Tim Check the various domains through a service-status checker like: downforeveryoneorjustme.com/stackoverflow.com
Did you know that the symbol or the logo for Ubuntu is three humans holding hands and is name the ‘Circle of Friends’. ref 1 Because the name Ubuntu is an African phrase meaning "humanity towards others". ref 2.
@Andrew tsk
tsk means?
A: What's the meaning of the Ubuntu logo? Where does it come from?

RinzwindUbuntu means "an ethic or humanist philosophy focusing on people's allegiances and relations with each other". And the logo is a graphical representation of 3 people holding their arms out, making a circle. See these 2 images: So the logo is perfectly describing the word Ubuntu.

@Andrew you really think we did not know that? :=D
Most Ubuntu users know that... I tell people on the IRC and they are....
@Andrew I guess it was a circle of people, but I hadn't made the link to the name... I thiught it represented the community of ubuntu and the foss ness.
I didn't know what the symbol name was or what it means until few days ago.
@Andrew the original cd had 3 humans on it as you can see in that one ^^
@oli cool thanks :)
this user is asking for trouble:
Q: Enable php script to delete file

Junaid AtiqueI have Ubuntu 12.04 on my server. I am trying to delete files using a PHP script. but It does not allow me. every time I use unlink it gives me Permission Denied message. I am not allowed to use move_uploaded_file, chmod etc. I have tried to change the folder permission but no luck. So I think ...

I knew that but forgotten about it and didn't link it together.
the 1st one to post "do a chmod -R 777 /var/ should be shot _O-
or at least clubbered
you upvoted me :Z
oh sorry, that was me... ;)
yeah typical
@Rinzwind lets watch it, and see who does... then we can link to here!
2 users in chat. I post a link. I get 2 upvotes.
what's wrong? Do you like 68?
I did math in school ;)
@Tim naaa I just believe posting links in chat should refrain ppl from upvoting
now it looks like soliciting upvotes ;-)
okay yeah ;)
@Andrew #1 better be "Oli ROCKS"
@Rinzwind NO it should be "Rinzwind ROCKS like a rock"
naa I am #3 in line of rocking
#2 is fossy >:D
oǒ'boǒntoō? We should say ubonto?
Yea right.
@Tim posted it as comment to the q ;)
@Tim No because it is not how the word is spell
but that's how it's pronounced...
I totally agreed with you. Words should be spell like how they are pronounced.
"Ubuntu releases are supported for 18 months. Ubuntu LTS (Long Time/Term Support) releases are supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server."

This aint true anymore(?)
no, and the latests isn't 11.04...
It was witten when it was
@Andrew I disagree tho, it is funny watching people learn our imposible language ;)
LOL... U bun too
do you say you-bun-too or oo-bun-too?
When the person who changed american spellings from the english, he sugegsted mixt instead of mixed...
So to change the subject completely, LiveStream is claiming you can record 16:9 full-res video on an iphone while holding it vertically. Does that mean it's a square sensor?
@Tim he was dutch? >:-DD
@oli that is a joke propbly
That was my first thought but I got this directly from them. They're advertising this as a feature.
@Oli I think i know it does it.... I think take out a 16:9 radio from the center and scale it to size of full HD.
Anybody got an iphone and can test?
But that would lose quality...
So it is the same res... not the same ppi
They say nothing for PPI or PPCm
Well they are. Resolution isn't PPI and screensize like it is with displays, it's a pixel-by-pixel measurement
PPI doesn't affect how many pixels there are, it just defines how big the image will be (if the resolution is fixed)
@Oli yea but if you have a image and scale it up to three times as it size, than it is three times the res.. For bitmaps and not for vectors
I see what you are saying, and yea. It is call false HD
Technically, but slicing a 16:9 landscape out of a 16:9 1080p (1920×1080) image gives you a 1080×607px frame size. However you scale that you're going to flood the image with artefacts.
When you have a image, or a video with the res of HD but it is in reality lower then that.
And that is why I think it is a joke
it doesn't look like one tho...
look up reviews on it and how it works
I think we miss the how point 'vertical Broadcasting for IOS'
But this is why I wonder if the iPhone sensor is just square (or circular). Given the lens is circular it's projecting a circular image onto whatever the sensor is... It would be really cool if you could take "full" resolution images with it.
No I did because under it, it says 'with out truning your device'
I believe it is circular
Nope, cameraimagesensor.com reckons it 4.89×3.67 mm... How are they doing it >_<
Is it a joke?
I don't think so. They claim it in their iOS app page too.
I think the image is just joke... Surly no devs is going to name their software livestream that can be confuss for live stream
@oli do you agreed.
No, LiveStream is a real company. I got that image from a newsletter I got because I've used their service to watch kittens.
Hah, and it wasn't a spam mail
to just get your money
Given the app and service are free, I doubt it.
ooh you like kittens too? ;)
@Tim you don't?
My sister just found three of them by the road like 2-5 weeks old... just two days ago
of course I do!
Livestream, formerly known as Mogulus, is a live streaming video platform that allows users to view and broadcast video content using a camera and a computer through the internet. It offers a free ad-supported service and multi-tiered premium services. Livestream also offers wireless HD broadcasting in the form of a device combination called Livepack, described as "a satellite television truck in a backpack." In September 2009, Livestream started providing custom channel pages to stream events like concerts from Kina Grannis, Pixie Lott, Eric Gales, David Gray, and Foo Fighters. These pages...
okay, quickly changed topic there :p
for what
suddenly kittens...
Hmm, looking at the camera specs again, the native resolution is 3264×2448, it's just limited in video. I wonder if they've just found a way to get it to record a subsection of pixels in the other plane. You could theoretically take a 2448×1377 16:9 image the wrong way around.
@Oli that whould be how
@Oli at first I just thought it was a joke or a sham because it did fail the basic logic test.
So apple limit to 2448×1377 even the right way round, so they can make that claim?
@Tim No, I'm saying that's the physical limit. There are software limits too but only in as much as I can't ever remember seeing anybody do this before and that they have to write this file to the device (or over the network) and that has its own physical limitations.
Yea very hard to code
oh okay.
SD card readers are the worst.
And again the older question with better answers got marked as duplicate of a newer one with just one answer that doesn't have all the alternatives included. askubuntu.com/questions/60389/avahi-error-on-startup
that looks the right way to me...
askubuntu.com/u/310247 is one to look out for in the edit queue
And in completely unrelated news, new moderation aid! (though I should point out —just in case my FLO ever sees this— that I only moderate pigeons and clay pigeons with this)
+1 if i could...
flo? newbie here...
firearms licensing officer
ahh! I'm in the UK so that doesn't exist...
in fact I don't know anyone who owns a gun...
I'm in the UK (just down the road from you), that's why they exist :)
And now you do.
oh do they?
oh cool
so in america they don't?
I've noticed that a lot of the high rep users here are UKians...
I'm sure they do for some weapon types but generally speaking it's a lot less work to buy a gun in the US.
I have to show a reason for wanting a gun (pest control and sport) whereas in many states in the US "because I want a gun" is enough.
yeah... i saw the moms against guns posters - they've banned stuff like kinder eggs but not guns...
what do you mean just down the road?
cambs as well?
Used to be near Ely, now in South Norfolk.
yeah, south cambs here
this might need intervention: askubuntu.com/questions/510248/…
I'm gonna struggle here:
Q: Are desktop files stores in hard drive?

Some DinosaurHi I'm new to Ubuntu and I do not know much about this OS. The problem I am having is getting access to files on the desktop without booting the OS, I am currently running a 14.04_live according to unetbootin but I currently cannot access the login because I edited /etc/lightdm/light(something I ...

@Rinzwind Yeah, poor user barely knows how to get a terminal up and they're having a thousand commands thrown at them. Fortunately, I have a bit of history with the device in question so hopefully that'll just work™...
@Tim /proc/ and /sys/ disagree with you.
oh okay. yeah, but i think i could dumb it down here because he doesn't seem to know much about ubuntu...
word of the day: resumption
Q: Ubuntu 14.04 can only recognize some of the Windows 7 partitions on my T420

hebothuI've had a Windows 7 installed on my ThinkPad T420. There are two NTFS partitions for Windows 7, a "Windows7_OS" and a "Lenovo_Recovery". Meanwhile, there is another partition named "SYSTEM_DRV" which is set to boot the Windows 7 OS. To be more specific, the "Lenovo_Recovery" is not the original...

@Oli cool! :-)
Q: Dual boot Ubuntu 14.04 and CentOS 7.0

user3558309Problem in installing Ubuntu after CentOS 7.0: I have a laptop with a hard disk around 170Gb. After installing CentOS 7.0 I tried to install the Ubuntu 14.04 alongside with the CentOS 7.0. The Ubuntu installer could not recognise the existing CentOS 7.0 and I could not shrink the exisitng drive. ...

1 hour later…
Q: When I have completed the reviews, I still get the number in the top bar

TimSo today I (unusually) reached the max (20) in the suggested edits queue. As you can see, the orange box refers to the suggested edits queue - confirmed because when I click it goes to the suggested edits queue. So I click on it, it takes me there and... I can't review any, I've already don...

There is an answer that seriously needs some downvotes:
chmod -R 777 ... shudder
Q: Yesterday was 23 hours ago

TimThis should possibly be on Stack Exchange. In all the review queues, the times are a bit wrong. I am posting this close enough to 17:00 BST, so 16:00 UTC. So yesterday was 16 hours ago. I took this screenshot at 15:52 UTC. In my history, I have 2 reviews, done today at 14:00 and 12:00. (2014-0...

"suddenly" the proFormaComments extension (Chromium and Firefox 31.0) refuses to work - no "auto" link any more. Any ideas?
Q: Why is it so difficult to upvote

user14198I recently used this answer to configure a DNS server for my virtual machine network, and I thought the answer went far and above in it's readability and thoroughness. Why can't I vote for this with rep from a different site? This answer to a similar question seems to imply that there are trolls...

Hase any of you succeeded in compiling banshee 2.9.1 in Ubuntu 14.04?
Been working on it all day, got far but now I got an error which i cant seem to fix
error CS0006: Metadata file /usr/local/lib/cli/gstreamer-sharp-1.0/gstreamer-sharp.dll' could not be found`
@guntbert Have you tried uninstalling and re-installing?
That happens sometimes.
Also clean your cookies and cache.
@Seth, yes I tried un/reinstalling, and even in a "private" window - I was mainly asking for probable reasons - on this machine it works, on my other two (supposedly identical software) it does not - but cleaning the cache might have come to my mind earlier :-)
ah, I just see - on this browser it is a user script, on the other I have the extension installed - worth a try
anyone else having problems with flash/shockwave?
I'm getting full system crashes. I can't even Ctrl+Alt+Backspace, or tty out of. I keep having to REISUB, or cycle power.
Q: How to build Banshee 2.9.1 on Ubuntu 14.04

blade19899I am trying to build banshee but i can't get it to compile. I used the banshee Source Tarball, and the banshee github code. Here is a script on what I already did: #!/bin/bash # dependencies sudo apt-get install aptitude sudo aptitude build-dep banshee sudo apt-get install git-core autoconf ...

Q: Ubuntu: Only Group Members Can Access Disk

fire_waterEnvironment Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Desktop 64-bit Problem All members of group vip should be allowed to read,write,execute to a specific disk. Currently, only the logged in user is allowed to access such disk. Question What is the correct way to allow members of group vip to read,write,execut...

Q: Duplicate question request for reconsideration

bmarguliesUpgrading raring to saucy on arm This question is closed as a dup. I claim that Are raring arm packages available someplace? is actually the dup, it's the question that asks 'where are the packages'. Upgrading raring to saucy on arm is a question about a problem that arose after I'd already ta...

@guntbert I'm not sure a reason exists, just happens :-/
Is your script up to date?
There have been a few updates recently.
Hello Seth
hello no time.
I was looking through the election (I am guessing that elected you) but I haven't seen it yet.. It's kinda interesting though
@bmargulies Still around?
Greetings from SIGGRAPH.
I don't think so. Hi Nathan Osman
@NoTime oh?
@Seth, yes up to date - I even removed it /installed it afresh from git - well its not a big issue, mostly I am on AU on this (shiny new) machine, and here the script works as intended - I was more thinking of some interferences from other extensions and hoping to get a hint.
Lots of really cool tech on display here.
@Seth yeah one of the frozen rooms. I wasn't here for any elections, so I wanted to look
@NathanOsman I haven't heard of SIGGRAPH
You have now.
@NoTime ah.
Were you elected 2013?
nope, just this year, 2014 :)
Well that is cool.. I think I signed up 3 months ago or so
Yeah 05 this year.
I gotta go though. I wanted to ask more people about shockwave/flash issues (I am getting full system crashes) and was wondering if anyone else was having the same problems. (On chrome, and firefox)
If you guys do see something like that going on. @Notime me
I'm using pepper on chromium and it's pretty stable.
Ok. I'll check it out @hbdgaf later guys
2 hours later…
Q: How can I tease Sonicwall ?

Vitor MazucoIn my college, I can't use the web, because they use Sonicwall network firewalls How can I tease it? For I use all websites in my college? Please see the result when I access a website blocked I already tried use non-proxy but it didn't worked. Thanks!

Ubuntu is an ancient african word, meaning "I can't configure Debian"
I didn't knew that!!!
Q: How to copy-merge two directories?

inulinux12I have two directories images and images2 with this structure in Linux: /images/ad /images/fe /images/foo ... and other 4000 folders and the other is like: /images2/ad /images2/fe /images2/foo ... and other 4000 folders Each of these folders contain images and the directories' names under imag...

I sent some feedback/questions to AskUbuntu via askubuntu.com/contact last week and have not yet had a reply. Is that the best way to contact the moderators/admins?
@Bernmeister hi, what can I help you with?
guys with huge rep seem to have questions that are huge (as in votes)...
@NoTime How dare them!
@Luis: I'd been retagging a lot of questions in the last couple of weeks. A user made a few comments (that were rather goaded) and I wanted clarification. I can give you the links to the two questions in particular if need be, or resubmit my feedback somewhere else. All I wanted to know is if I was doing the right thing or breaking some policy (and to determine if the comments made by the user are offensive and should be reported).
I'll slink into corner for a bit tille this is taken care of
@Bernmeister please do.
@Luis: I'd been retagging questions with deprecated tags, specifically 'installation' to 'system-installation' or 'software-installation' or whatever is relevant). As my changes need review, I couldn't tell what I'd changed from looking at the search results so I did it in batches - first the newest questions and then the oldest questions and then back again.
@Luis: As ALL the retags had been approved I assumed it was the right thing to do, until I got comments at the tops of these two questions: askubuntu.com/q/3201/67335 and askubuntu.com/q/571/67335. So...should I have retagged? I ignored this user but if I retag again I want to direct him/her to something more formal.
@Bernmeister let us continue the chat in: chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/16390/…
@Bernmeister That link is for contacting SE directly, they get a lot of emails so it can take some time.
whats KDE Unity GNOME XFCE called again.. is it like window manager, desktop manager.. I can't remember proper name
Desktop environment.
ok thanks
trying to find questions on AU
Desktop Environment
I got a double Orange Diamond answer. :)
Not sure I understand how this error message would come up:
`mount: mounting /dev on /root/dev failed: no such file or directory`

On someone elses question
Why would they be mounting to root?
doesn't it go to '/' first not '/root'
scratches head /root?
well whatdayaknow.
/root does exist.
Never noticed that folder before.
just.. why would devices... maybe in middle of session he went to root and halted system?
haha, I never realized root's home folder was /root.
I'd never thought about it, although I knew it wasn't in /home/root.
I know he needs to change command to gparted. Yeah me either
I am having trouble speaking English
the person who reviewed that did 'No Action Needed'....
There was a bunch wrong with it.
The commands gpart, are not correct, the image size was super small. grammar (these are a few results, but lists only one)
gotta go

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