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Also I hope future versions of memtest can gain better color schemes
@badp a bad move IMO
oh well
oh well, I don't use Ubuntu :P
@badp hm, never used them...
although cool, It gets annoying on xfce with a scroll wheel
@Braiam why cann't I use the re-installation tag....
@Andrew why you need it?
what's the difference between an installation and a reinstallation?
I am editing
Guess well I will remove it
@Andrew read the big red message....
I did
It says the installation tag is not allowed not the re-installation tag
I am trying to use the re-installation tag
reinstallation is synonymous of installation in the system...
That is why....
Guess them I will use the system-installation tag...
should I use system-installation tag or create a system-reinstallation tag?
@Braiam do you know?
@Andrew I think Braiam would probably tell you to just use system-installation
(@Braiam do corrrect me if I'm wrong, don't mean to be putting words into your mouth)
nah, I'm reading the question now, but he didn't meant to "install" anything, but "reset"
@Andrew not really any point to a system-reinstallation tag, it's just a slightly different system-installation.
@Seth What I concluded w/o reading the question
I was thinking the same thing @seth. So I just tag it as system-installation
As you can see the edit that I have made, but it need to be approve
Q: how do you make a fresh start with ubuntu

Cortez lossI have had my ubuntu running for a handful of years and I have screwed with it far to much. Over the last few days I desided to update to 12.04 and not even my terminal will work now. Is there any way to remove all of the things I have downloaded and installed over time to make it just like I f...

Should we rename the settings tag to software-settings since there is a system-settings tag
@Andrew Dupe of askubuntu.com/questions/103554/… ... but that does not have overly good answers
@Andrew Sounds like a meta post.
actually, I was retagging stuff as system-setting where appropiated
there ain't "software settings"
Yea can you ask it since I am lazy, and just want to edit questions on the unanswer page, since I am lazy, and want more rep
@Braiam not a particularly nutritious tag
Description-en: System Settings
System Settings is an improved user interface for configuring the desktop
and other aspects of the system.
This package is part of the KDE base workspace module.
only when referring to kde
btw, Jon Skeet is a unit of measure reputation:
> Reputation is just a number for you, there's no difference between 20501, to 100k to Jon Skeet
@Braiam Who is Jon Skeet
@Braiam He meant software settings would go towards settings for software, while system-settings would go for system-settings.. but again, that's a meta post.
@Seth right
@Seth settings for software should go to that software tag, IMO
@Andrew O_o
You don't know Jon Skeet???
Jon Skeet, Reading, United Kingdom
672k 267 4249 5662
He has more reputation than everyone on Ask Ubuntu combined.
He works in Google's UK offices. He's written books on Java and C#.
He's... a genius to say the least.
He gets over 200 rep per day
Well over 200 - but it gets capped.
Why do they cap?
Q: The rep cap is 200 per day, correct?

Thomas OwensI got 11+ upvotes and only 29 rep for an answer but my daily reputation was only at 156. That's 44 short of the daily cap! I'm trying to make 20k before the Boston Dev Days, too!

I know it is only for upvores but why is there a cap?
Jon Skeet ;p
I dunno.. It just makes sense to have a cap.. Not to mention Jon, sock puppets, etc.
LOL @Seth who are JOn sock puppets.
Q: What is the reasoning behind the reputation cap?

Graeme PerrowThere has been a lot of talk about the daily reputation cap and what counts and what doesn't count and so on. But why is there a cap at all? I've seen lots of questions about whether the cap number should be changed, or whether certain things should or should not apply to the cap, but I've never ...

@Andrew In five years, he's written over 29,000 answers to questions.
a rep cap means someone can't rep spike and get an artificial credulity without investing time in the site.
That is insane.
I saw that
there's a search button near you
@Andrew Jon Skeet.. Sock puppets are fake accounts people use, generally to upvote themselves.
I thought so. Honesty I think that you are making this up.
Think what you will.
Jon Skeet, Reading, United Kingdom
672k 267 4249 5662
disbelieve it at your peril
@Seth I can see your reasoning for it....
@Seth but he also have alot of questions and answers
NOt Questions only 30
I'm not saying Jon has sock puppets..
Those were just two reasons for the cap..
People would get discouraged if Jon made 2000 reputation a day (and it isn't exactly fair) and it helps keep socks in check.
You know you're doing something right when they mention "the john skeet phenomenon" replace with your name on MSO
> Jon Skeet is the only top 100 SO user who is human. The others are bots that he coded to pass the time between questions.
@Braiam honesty?
Q: Jon Skeet Facts

Bill the LizardI'm looking for Chuck Norris Facts style answers. In case anyone is curious, this question was inspired by Jon's own comment to this question. EDIT: If you're into cryptography, you may enjoy these facts. Now with official sanction from the powers that be!

"the system call unlink() decreases the file link count and removes the corresponding directory entry" is that just a fancy way of saying that the file is deleted from the filesystem?
Im reading a book Understanding The Linux Kernel and it uses some flowery language
that's not the same as just deleting the directory entry. what would happen if link incremented the file link count, then unlink didn't decrement it. finally you want to delete the original, but you can't because the link count is still more than it should be.
filesystems... complex things that the people that work on them never get enough credit for.
> Users don't mark Jon Skeet's answers as accepted. The universe accepts them out of a sense of truth and justice.
Users don't mark Jon Skeet's answers as accepted. The universe accepts them out of a sense of truth and justice.
@Braiam I love that one.
@hbdgaf the whole thing is a treasure box
@Braiam Why do I edit a question get 2 rep for it, them a few days latter it is remvoe, then I lose 2 rep? WHY?
@Andrew because everyone else lose reputation too when their upvoted post gets deleted
don't worry, if the post gets undeleted you get the points again
@Braiam I don't like it....
is the same that when a user gets deleted, etc...
Q: Types of Instalation Ubuntu 14.04

user279980I had ubuntu 13.10, but recently I upgraded it to 14.04(manualy), compiz started to giving me a lot of problems, now I want to re-install 14.04, as you know there are many types for installation but I want to know if I choose "Eliminate ubuntu and re-install it" it will errase all my data, I mean...

There are two right? OEM, and non OEM?
You only lose rep if it was a recent event. If it's over xyz days old, you get to keep it even if it gets deleted. I think it's 30 or 90 days, but I don't remember.
@hbdgaf what is " xyz days old"?
votes on your own posts if they are over 3 and for more than 60 days
@hbdgaf What does your website look like since I don't feel to getting and installing tor?
yep, that's how it should be :(
@Andrew I turned off that vm. The whole point was you didn't need tor if you used the onion gateway...
@hbdgaf so you don't have the website anymore.... I have problems with tor on Linux
@Andrew It was an aggregated list of proxy lists that was deduped. I was generating metrics on crossover between different proxy sites and whatnot, but it didn't pull any donations, so I killed it.
Okay then why don't you remove it from your profile?
haha, someone is angry :)
Why don't you get 2 rep if you edit a question or a post, when you have over 1,999 rep?
Does your edits also apply instantly? If so, that is the reason, you will edit tons of silly things to get more rep
Humm what question can I ask to get more rep keep it basic so everyone can understand... I will google it
that will drive you nowhere
just FYI, you still get reputation from suggested edits to tag wikis/excerpt, but for those you ought to have extensive knowledge on the tag/topic
this is a dupe of something I can't remember
Yea I was just looking at it
I know it is a dup of somthing
this is also a dupe
and another one here
@Lucio Other way around @Lucio
no, it should be merged
and also it has a better answer
@Braiam What X are available questions should be close for off topic
@Andrew not off topic, but too broad normally
@Lucio opinion based, too broad
but would be better to link the dupe
@Lucio not a dupe
Like this one @Braiam
Q: What different desktop environments and shells are available?

Minato Namikaze This question exists as it fills a specific criterion. While you are encouraged to help maintain its answers, please understand that "big list" questions are not generally allowed on Ask Ubuntu and will likely be closed per the FAQ. More information on the software-recommendation tag. What ...

Technically it is two different questions.. How to open and how to convert..
actually "how to convert to X"
@Braiam I also agreed with you
@Andrew I need that to write the tag wiki's
@Braiam This site is for Ubuntu... Not for Linux like Questions like that /\ /\ /\ one They should be use under the Other SE community site.
For What
@Lucio horrible questions should be closed, if you want you can paste the link but will not help anyone but OP
@Braiam If it is for the Desktop one than I will wight it for you, today or than I will sent it to you.
@Braiam meh, dupe will be fine
why is this a duplicated? askubuntu.com/q/249150/169736
he's asking about the libraries, not desktop environments
I feel for questions there should be a basic scale like the up/down vote thing, but only with 0-10 option.... IF the question is vrey basic if it has 0 than it should be removed... Or the more basicer it is than the less rep you get from it when someone upvote it.
@Andrew the problem is that SE loves basic questions
what they don't like is that there's no previous research
@Braiam I can't stand it because people ask questions that you can eazly find the answer to on google... and get alot of rep for it
@Andrew downvote them to oblivion
I don't "like" that it happens, but aggregating the useful bits and adding the things that bloggers leave out makes it a viable use case on site.
@Braiam what does oblivion means
@Andrew in to oblivion is like sending something to /dev/null
Q: What are PPAs and how do I use them?

Jorge CastroI keep reading about Personal Package Archives ('PPAs') and people answer questions with a link to a PPA. What's the best way to use these? There are multiple valid answers for this question spanning over several versions of Ubuntu. For your convenience, an index of each is below. Ubuntu 11...

@Braiam that is silly
@hbdgaf I like that idea
@hbdgaf there are the "minimum research" that everyone should at least do
@Andrew It's useful to warn noobies about the fact that just because it's in ppa doesn't mean Canonical endorses it or that it won't break the universe
@Lucio why?
@hbdgaf exactly!
@hbdgaf But how hard it is to google it
@Braiam what him says
@Lucio you know that we have one of the highest rate of duplicates on all the network
@hbdgaf And if they still don't understand it, than they can ask,, here is what my understanding is on it, can you please help me to understand it complietly
because people don't actually search
@Braiam I didn't know that but I figute it
@Braiam I can't stand it
It's easily Google-able... but if it weren't here, we wouldn't have the addendums about what versions of Ubuntu have to use different file locations.
You \*should\* ask things that can be found on google if:
0. it wasn't asked before
1. it is helpful for the SE node
Asking "how do I fix a mergelist error" is one thing
asking "What is a PPA" is another.
Or "how do I upgrade from the CLI"
Two totally different types of questions.
@Seth your point being?
Not every single question that can be answered by Google is bad
I can understand it if you are very noobish and don't even know how to google it.... or If the information was hard to get for that time
yeah, but heck, at least do search
No one is arguing about that
@Andrew how old are you?
@Lucio WHy
@Andrew If you don't even know how to Google you shouldn't be using a computer.
Q: Is sudo not installed by default in Debian?

BraiamI was reading a guide to install some software and came reading until this shocking statement: sudo is not installed on Debian by default. Make sure your system is up-to-date and install it. As current Debian user, this is difficult to believe since from installation I'm able to use sudo. S...

@Seth good one
@Andrew because I was like you when I was a little boy
@Seth I didn't, that's why it got installed :P
@Lucio 14. been using the site since I was 12
Been using Linux since 2010
@Braiam Oh.. lol.
@Braiam Say you were a Debian user from day one. You would have no concept of PPAs. So it's useful here when someone says "How do I get XYZ that isn't in repo on my system" to have an "Explanation and warning" question to reference on "It's easy, just enter the add-ppa command, update, and install. No more compile it from source for you"
@Andrew There you go. You will understand this when more old.
@hbdgaf actually debian was the first with the concept of PPA :/
@Braiam How so? I thought they were currently cloning launchpad...
LP was the one that made it popular
okay, well you see the concept i'm trying to express at least. abstract it a little and it's obvious.
13 hours ago, by Avinash Raj
user image
@Lucio I allways wounder How does a computer work and how to make a program when I was like 5. And so when I had my own computer I learn WIndows, and how it operatited, I got fesserated with it, needed something more powerful... My first program that I wrote was a LUI one with 3000 LOC execitly
amazing :)
@Lucio My question is why do Colleges have people install bloodshed dev-c++ when you could just boot a livecd, install build-essential, and be done with it?
@Lucio So I get very annoy when people come here and do no research on their question.
@hbdgaf because you have windows in college
@Andrew Don't get annoyed most of the time. Sometimes, it's like "I could try the top twenty google results, or someone who knows more about a particular topic could just point me to the one they used already and know works..."
heh, I have 5 Q's I wrote that are top 1 search results in their respective topics :P
@Lucio Some colleges run Linux too.
I always get that one mixed up :P
checks if he's in art room
@Seth do you mean institutions?
I'm very phonetic, so similar sounding words get me confused.
@Lucio yeah
5 mins ago, by Lucio
@Andrew There you go. You will understand this when more old.
@Lucio Well I want to learn.
I tried to get him fast forwarded... see my response above about not getting irritated.
Do anyone want to hear something funny?
@hbdgaf Right, thanks for that.
My school still Runs Win XP and 2000.
haha that sucks
that is a great movie character
Never seen the movie but from what I've heard it seems he is ;)
@Seth it would be plural - movies, but it is an excellent character
@Lucio I don't understand why some students get on their e-mail or their facebook account on their computer. A) They have access to it because of LOGS, KEYLOGERS,... B) The lovely Malware on it also have access to it.
If they use fb........
@hbdgaf true. But the character isn't an "it" is it? Hmm.. ;P
I consider a character archetype to be asexual. That way you could call a female that persona/archetype and not be gender crossing.
user image
I like the toast
go to get surrounded with portuguese people
Q: how can i track virtual Disk device to physical slot?

user191499I'm kind of new working with this Unix(Ubuntu).I managed to Install Ubuntu on RAID1 and monted 3 RAID 0 drives. i have 9271-8i storage controller RAID1 (sda) -Unix installed RAID0 (sdb) RAID0 (sdc) RAID0 (sdd) I'm trying to track virtual drives (sdb, sdc, sdd) to the actual physical slot. if i ...

@Lucio the toast in the most interesting part ¬_¬
If anyone is looking for a chuck norris joke in the nearish future, here's a video-bomb for you youtube.com/watch?v=T-D1KVIuvjA#t=47
coincidentally I was reading this Chuck Norris question, on SO
@Braiam nice one
Interestingly: OprahWinfrey is blue, MrT is Black (obviously!) while BarackObama is a faded green color — Jon Egerton Nov 30 '11 at 21:56
Oh, my idea was caught
Yet another magnificent application comes with this feature: which HTML color are you? jsfiddle.net/LdyZ8Marcin Rogacki Feb 8 '13 at 7:52
I don't see any questions.
oh there we go.
@Lucio Eventually I'll have a use for the "Impossible. That's a mechanical line. No one can pilot mechanical." meme-pic I have loaded ;)
The review queue just glitched ;)
I would love if SoundCloud made mixes for me based on my preferences :(
Oh wait, nope.
@Braiam Have you thought about how are you going to edit the tag wikis?
I don't see any tools question in the queue.
@Braiam musicbrainz and the other one have a "you might also like" api.
Is this
This tag should be uses for question relating to desktop environments, and not an specific desktop environment such as Gnome Shell, KDE, XFCE, LXDE, Unity, ect.
Better than
For questions relating to desktop environments, such as GNOME, KDE, etc. This tag should be used if your question is about any desktop environments and not about an specific desktop environment.
@Seth haha, the related thread is amazing
@Lucio Is that better before I sent that edit suggertion.
@Andrew it take me about an hour to write a tag wiki...
@Lucio That is hilarious!
the excerpt is normally easy
poor guy
@Lucio if you liked that, you'll love this theregister.co.uk/data_centre/bofh
@Braiam I figure I could add more to it.
Gnome-Shell Doen't have a tag? Oh no
@hbdgaf what is that?
It's awesome funny wrapped in the guise of sysadmin bitterness
I would like to receive magazines like that periodically
but read them on the screen is funny-less IMO
Maybe... I guess I'm just a bofh chronicles fan
Heh.... that's relatively funny
oh gosh
"X set up my Paypal account for me" ¬¬
I like this one better:
CLIENT: I want the site in multicolor Comic Sans, on a blue background, with plenty of funny animated gifs and sound effects.

ME: I can do that, but I think that it would turn out horrible.

CLIENT: Just kidding, I was making sure that you’d stop me if I ever suggested something like that. I’m emailing the brief now…
@hbdgaf He failed too - the proper response to that request is:
> Noooooooo! Never! Never! Never!
...and then run away as fast as you can.
Fair point.
@hbdgaf the final email was "I want it with a red background and funny flash animations"
This tag should be use for questions relating to desktop environments, and not an specific desktop environment such as Gnome Shell, KDE, XFCE, LXDE, Unity, ect.
For more information relating to a desktop environment please click their names and read their tag wiki. Gnome Shell, KDE, XFCE, LXDE, Unity, Mate, Cinnamon, Pantheon.
@Braiam Are you there?
@Seth Instead of Undo it should so Back in time...
@Lucio I had someone that wanted a website built by a relative of mine. Relative of mine spent 6 hours picking colors while I spent 45 minutes hammering out their static website. Then, said relative left the house and told the interested party to come over and I would sort out any issues. And the interested party was a salon that gave the relative free haircuts. I got zero out of this 4 hour ordeal when all was said and done. And this is why I don't speak to relatives.
and Redo -> WAIT, Wait, I like that! I like the previous one!
But I doubt that it will fit on the menu :/
@Lucio In some editors, that is Ctl+Y
@hbdgaf I had the same experience, just like you
That should be stared
"this is why I don't speak to relatives."
@hbdgaf yikes!
@Seth is that a good edit
You guys heard of PiePal?
@Seth NICE
I like the client attitude :P
I feel a joke coming...
me too
I think I saw that once before... I could be mistaken. It might have been a similar gag.
That's not a gag - that's an actual product. Read the disclaimer at the bottom.
Oh, I know. The handbuzzer isn't a gag, it's a real product. It's still a gag though.
hahaha, I love the glass utility there
Those guys want to impress me, they need to build that button in to one of these:
yeah, that one
The first time it showed up on the arduino scene it got lots of "shut up and take my money"s, but they're still prototyping a year and a half later. I should just build the shit out of a clone and sell it.
totally, you should
You just have to put a glass to forbid hands entering there, then is all done
they probably have some kind of patent and they're trying to do the "license a patent to a production company for royalty" instead of "just build the darn thing and sell it". that's the only explanation for 2 years of prototypes after an initial working prototype.
If I build it, I would sell it locally and nobody will piss me
The alternate explanation is that they're working on a menu system. One of their other demos is a facebook app that lets you order drinks with a menu driven QR code thing. Just slap a nexus 7 on it and be done with it. Menu complete.
The better/unique explanation: They will release it after die.
You mean like robert jordan finishing wheel of time? I called that one a decade ago. One of my friends didn't believe me. Then when it happened he was all "How did you know?"
lol ; what a face
I think I should do the same with this portuguese answer...
seriously though. i need to dig around and see if i can find where they told what valves they were using with what liquors. seems like there was a problem with the standard valve and grenadine or something... but who needs grenadine anyway. The only problem I see in the proto is the 1 axis of movement thing and the glass. The second axis would let you eject the glass from the cage of the enclosure. So it actually becomes a "here's your drink" device
Q: My hbh-ds970 sony bluetooth headset no longer connects on ubuntu

ashishsonyI have a notebook with bluetooth 4.0 inbuilt. I am not able to connect hbh-ds970 sony erricson bluetooth headset on any of the latest ubuntu distros starting from 12.10. It used to work fine on earlier distros though. Can anyone help me debug or provide a solution?

@hbdgaf haha, remove the grenadine then
tons of leds will be enough in my case
Exactly. Mine only needs scotch and drambuie, but one has to please a wider audience, so it's more how to map liquors to slots than anything.
You only need 3 bottles
More than that is a mess
that and finding a hal voice synthesizer to say "I'm sorry Dave. I can't make that drink. One of the components does not exist in my slot array."
Sorry, wrong keyboard :)
I only have to wrangle one key arrangement, so totally not your fault.
I am working on the kde tag wiki
The voice will solve those wholes
@hbdgaf thanks. This is kind of not funny.
If I were writing it, it would be a scalable lib where you defined the number of slots at compile time. So if you wanted a thousand bottles, you should be fine as long as your trolley rails are long enough.
Yeah, the software side should have that design. "Just modify this constants and get out of here"
exactly... but people don't write that way... unless they're me
Brazilian Portuguese is not the same as Portuguese. I see a lapse in judgement in that screenshot
I talk with Brazilians :)
You're southwest of spain or south of mexico?
@hbdgaf I understand you, it happens to me.
@hbdgaf that is close dude! :P
not mexico for sure
>.> you totally know what i meant
Yeah, a couple of meters, missing planes and water on the middle. Not big deal

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