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The Original Portal is coming to Google Play. Only for the Nvidia Sheild currently :/
probably cause its got a better GPU
Does this make more sence:
I want my Banshee library to synchronize to my Android's library instead of my Android's library synchronizing to my Banshee library because my Android's library changes more often than my Banshee's library. So I need it to be the opposite way it is by default, and now.
Banshee synchronizes its music library with external device by keeping the same files on the device that are in Banshee's library. I want Banshee to synchronize its own library with Android's one.
My Android's library changes more often than Banshee's so I need to synchronize libraries in the oposite way. Any suggestions?
Is anyone online?
Given the size and the breadth of the internet, that is very likely.
wow, just found that my monitor has built in speakers, didn't know that from the day I bought it.
went to plug in something vga, and saw a speaker jack... sound comes out of what I thought were air vents in the back
thats pretty common
now, but I think I've had this at least 4 years plus, maybe just one of those ux things
does the monitor do HDMI?
One of ours has speakers on it too.
SO does mine. ;p
Never actually used them though
I never use it though, sound quality sucks worse than my old third hand speakers
you can get pretty good (volume wise) speakers for like $12 though
@JourneymanGeek So, what's it like moderating SU?
@Seth: pretty busy ;p
@Seth: volume is not really the thing. Sound quality is ;p
@JourneymanGeek If it's anything like here, I bet :P
@JourneymanGeek Depends, but in general yeah ;P
I'm usually fine with passable quality, but I need to be able to hear it! ;P
and much more variety of things than SR so bit of a learning curve
oh, my current speakers are decent
and loud
@JourneymanGeek well when you have a unpowered pair of jbl's that only worked with old cards that amplified...
@JourneymanGeek I bet
These are a pair of low end altec lancings from the early noughties
powered, but they're old enough to have a headphone out
... wait....
late 90s then... damn
this is old
Hi all
Good morning.
@Braiam i remember those
@Seth: I also find that going from 20Ker to mod is a bit like hitting 10K
there's just so much new stuff, and responsibility
yes, that's a good comparison.
@Mateo I forgot about them until I saw someone posting like mad in the whiteboard
@Braiam Make Sure Every Word Starts With A Caps It Makes It Look So Much More Professional.
@Braiam Can't be that old. What, 4 years or so? 5?
Hi guys
@terdon I would think more like 10?
@JourneymanGeek so you are mod now? Congrats!
@Mateo And you seem to be right. Wow, guess I was just late to the show:
> Animusic was released in 2001 on VHS, and later DVD, with a special edition DVD being released later, in 2004.
@Danatela he's 2 mods actually. He just recently became a trilogy mod (trilogy= su/so/sf)!
@terdon they are still cool ;)
Yes they are.
oops I meant he is a mod on SU =)
Boiled potstickers! Yum yum.
StackApplet has been fixed! Literally like one week before v1.x of the Stack Exchange API is shut down.
I will issue a release shortly and try to get someone at Debian to grab in the new release.
@Danatela yeah. ;p
@NathanOsman Argh! That was you? That had potential! Glad to hear it's advancing.
It had potential. It also was not updated since January 2012 :P
It's on my long-term list of things to fix.
@NathanOsman Yay!
...if for no other reason that the fact that the code is absolutely hideous.
Yeah, I had some serious problems with it and ended up removing it. I'd be happy to help if you need a beta tester.
@terdon Thanks!
Hey thank you, I actually want it working :)
As you can imagine, I've learned a few things since I first wrote it back in 2010.
(Can you believe that was four years ago?)
It feels like ages ago..
Well, I was living in another country in 2010 so yeah, I can believe it :)
is not in LP @NathanOsman :(
We had the winter Olympics here in our city in 2010 :)
@Braiam It is... you have to know where to look :)
arg! change those links in stackapps
@NathanOsman Did you go?
Tickets were insanely expensive. I went downtown a lot but not to any events :( The atmosphere was something else though.
Thousands of people all over the streets... waving flags... :)
@NathanOsman :(
@NathanOsman That's cool! I wish I could have made it up there to see it...
I need a sanity check. Could someone please read the comments here and tell me if I'm being irrational/aggressive/rude/inconsiderate or even uppity or a help vampire?
O_o what is he on about?
No idea...
@NathanOsman stackapplet just crashed on me, you want the traceback?
Which version?
Sure, might as well see the traceback. Thanks for testing, BTW.
Hi everybody
@NathanOsman 1.5.2-0~201405070647, installed from the LP deb package on my LMDE (debian)
Ah, that's a bug then.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/share/stackapplet/stackapplet.py", line 531, in update_comments
    if len(data['comments']) == 1:
KeyError: 'comments'
Created new window in existing browser session.
[GET]: /auth?nonce=730754d1e40a4dbcae5de0b72f1a32d5
[GET]: /
[GET]: /jquery.js
[GET]: /jqueryui.js
[GET]: /translations.js
[GET]: /jqueryui.css
[GET]: /main_logo.png
[GET]: /dark_theme.png
[GET]: /light_theme.png
[GET]: /bg.png
[GET]: /images/ui-bg_highlight-soft_25_ffef8f_1x100.png
Thanks, I'll get on it.
I just clicked on the icon and it crashed.
@NathanOsman just FYI, normally, Debian doesn't like those lintian errors. If anything try to libjs-jquery and libjs-jquery-ui as dependencies ;)
This is surreal:
@NathanOsman hmm, might be a user is an idiot thing. The close button gets pressed if I click and release instead of click and hold. That might have been it.
Beside the creepy chat edit system, this two years have passed quick!
@Braiam It's something I'll fix / work around in the future. But for now I need to just push this update as fast as possible.
@JourneymanGeek you also mentioned in the questionnaire that some of your comments were adopted as pro-forma comments. Can therefore you answer this my question? meta.superuser.com/questions/7763/…
Damn it! I hate it when this happens. I just managed to nab a mosquito out of the air and then opened my fist to check and the bugger just flew away.
haha, I'm agree with you
someone, post a comment in some of my post
For the benefit of others wanting an answer to the question posed here I wish to point out that this answer is unworthy of the big green tick. The proposed solution does not fit into a practical workflow where you may want to execute a series of shell commands such as 'ls', 'cd', 'du' and so on. Furthermore an impression is given that the 'mv' command always copies files. This is not the case when moving files on the same file system. As others have mentioned, 'screen' and 'nohup' are better answers. Furthermore, for the task in hand, 'rsnapshot' is a better tool for making backups of video. — Mathew 1 min ago
@Braiam done
Let's move the chat to here
resist the urge to press "refresh"
And now for your daily dose of weird: newyork.craigslist.org/mnh/tlg/4419333787.html
@NathanOsman o...key
I'm forced to open that...
I'm missing something obvious, or Stackapplet doesn't require me to signin
@terdon so Matthew keeps posting his comment even after you edited your post?
@NathanOsman I'm afraid to ask what you were looking for when you stumbled upon that.
I don't understand anything there. Thankfully!
@Danatela I haven't edited it. I have absolutely no idea what he wants me to add to it. He seems to object that my, admittedly mediocre, answer was accepted and seems to think I can change the OP's mind.
and goes away to read a book
@terdon Someone else found it... not me :P
That's what everyone says!
@Braiam Nope, no signing in.
@NathanOsman Yeah, right. You were looking under the women sitting in tubfuls of food section weren't you, you perv!
ok, so the latest version in 1.5.2?
because the 1.6 was a no-go
@terdon flag it as offensive or obsoleted
nah, no constructive
ok, apparently I have to wait for a while
but no libnotify
@braiam OK, I flagged it accordingly
@Danatela Sheesh, the man has written all those comments complaining and hasn't even downvoted the answer!
@terdon Seriously, someone I knew was mentioning something about cleaning hot-tubs and someone else replied with that.
It's a very strange listing, for sure.
@NathanOsman Yeah, I would guess that would require some cleaning. Perhaps that's why he specified "No sauce bitches!"
Cue Doors: People are strange...
Er, yeah. I'm starting to regret bringing that up now...
The more I think about it, the more creeped out I get...
I'm getting kinda hungry actually...
Penguins, after all, are not used to anything hot.
Oh hey, my second tag badge. \o/
@Seth Sweet!
Any native English speakers around? Does uppity have racist connotations for you?
That must be a regional word. I've never heard of it before. Nobody uses it around here.
@Seth Really? I thought it would to an AmE speaker. It brings to mind images of Uncle Tom.
you both forget the most important question: what will the guy do with the noddles afterwards
I mean, my Dad called me uppity when I beat him at board games but I've only ever heard it to describe black slaves in movies outside that context.
@Braiam Eat them! He said so!
> Do not bring any sauce. I will season the sauce after I get home prior to dinner.
@terdon shrug.
@terdon google doesn't agree
@terdon he just reposted?
@terdon Dunno what your Dad meant. I've always heard it to mean "saucy" has an attitude. Occasionally high strung.
Q: Cannot build sox with FLAC support

jhtongI'm trying to configure and build sox v14.4.1 with FLAC support enabled, on Ubuntu. I have downloaded and installed flac and done an sudo ldconfig (just in case the libs were wrongly linked), but somehow it's not showing on sox: Output of ./configure: lame......................no How shoul...

I have 4 badge tag :D
@Seth It used to be used for black slaves. I found a lot of references to this just now when searching. For example:
> They never exactly came out and said it; they just kept calling him "un-American," kept asking America "who Obama is?" As I mentioned in my pre-election article, one southern politician even called him "uppity" -- and then denied that that had a racial connotation.
@Mateo yup...
> Obama was a terrorist, a Muslim, a socialist, a communist, a radical, an atheist, an elitist.
he lost me
@terdon I dunno.. but IMO people with find racist slurs in anything they don't like.
Again, shrug.
you can't believe in a religion and be atheist at the same time, you just can't
Wait - Quantal is still supported?
@NathanOsman Until May 16, yeah. Why?
That surprised me.
Not that I use it still or anything...
@NathanOsman one of the reasons 13.04 was meeting resistance on the eol close boat
They changed the release schedule with 13.04
@NathanOsman stackapplet doesn't seem to get my messages. I have an unread message but SA is not showing it. Isn't it supposed to?
@terdon What's going on, on that answer of yours?
@Seth No freaking idea...
@terdon it takes a while...
A mod (you?) was nice enough to remove most of the comments but he came back and posted again. Not very aggressive at least. I wasn't going to flag it or reply, in the hope that he'll stop.
@Braiam It's been a few minutes.
took me almost 10 minutes
@terdon None of those comments were mod removed.
@Seth Ah, even better. Good for him.
I tweaked his last one to not be quite so inflammatory.
enough users were like "what??"
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 15 mins ago, by michaelb958
@Pëkka I don't think that "lol" was the intended reaction. The guy answered the question (with a link-only answer, what's more), then unilaterally closed it.
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 1 min ago, by Shog9
@michaelb958 we're working on plans to build that into Stack Exchange. Just FYI.
@Seth I was not offended by the way, just suprised to see a word I consider laden being flung around so lightly. It'd be kind of ridiculous if Mr Terdon the WASP were offended by that kind of thing directed at him.
I got chills
@terdon I didn't think you were offended per se, but hey, no one wants to see that sitting on their answer.
I can't remove the whole thing, but it's really odd.
@Seth Nah, leave it. The one's he's left now is just weird is all.
half the battle is just not worrying about it and forgetting.
Q: What does "reduce delta to ubuntu" mean?

DK BoseIn Accepted apt 1.0.3 (source all amd64), this appears: Changes: apt (1.0.3) unstable; urgency=medium . [ Michael Vogt ] * reduce delta to ubuntu * provide support for vendor specific config files * debian/apt-doc.docs: remove README.MultiArch * Fix missing ScreenWidth check in...

yeah, doesn't seem to have anything to do with Ubuntu. If it was the other way around I think it'd be fine.
Boils down to a language issue either way I think.
True. Might even belong somewhere else, like ELU.
Does a wubi install somehow use legacy grub? I've never used wubi.
prettify has git/diff option, right?
== false looks like an Indian code to me. It should be !_config->FindB("Dpkg::ApportFailureReport", true)Danatela 3 mins ago
@Danatela talk with Michael Vogt, he's the one that modified the sources. Here is the context but I presume he's activating apport reports on dpkg errors. — Braiam 37 secs ago
Are hotkeys like Fn + F2 handled exclusively outside the OS? Or can you monitor the entering of these combinations?
Example: My laptop didn't have support for keyboard backlight, but I've since replaced the keyboard. The new model has support for backlight. However, would the motherboard be able to turn on the backlight?
@Expotr AFAIK, they're handled exclusively by the OS. What do you mean by the motherboard turning it on?
I don't know that much about hardware operations. Just curious whether the BIOS or whatever would know what to do with the keyboard backlight. Other than that, the two keyboards were the same, have the same connector. Works fine
@Expotr No, the BIOS is not involved. The OS needs to interpret the keystroke and then send the appropriate signal to the hardware. The details always depend on the particular hardware.
heh, prettify works on diff, but I have to tell the language
Alright, thank you! That is good to know and good news. Do you have any idea why a module wouldn't load? I can't even find the keyboard in lshw.
@Expotr there's some great info here:
A: How do keyboard input and text output work?

GillesThere are several different scenarios; I'll describe the most common ones. The successive macroscopic events are: Input: the key press event is transmitted from the keyboard hardware to the application. Processing: the application decides that because the key A was pressed, it must display the ...

Thank you:)
Do you know anything about how keyboard backlights are activated? As in, would a laptop that doesn't have keyboard backlight be able to activate it?
@Expotr Dunno. What kind of keyboard? USB? Try lsusb, wireless? Might be hidden under a different device name.
@Expotr No. If it doesn't have it, it doesn't have it. There will be no lamps to turn on.
Oh, sorry. Should've been more precise. I've replaced my keyboard on an ultrabook laptop with one from a newer model.
Not sure what kind of connector it is. I'll check a chart I have. It might just me custom
probably the backlight is activated as like Num/Caps/Scroll Locks are
there is flag somewhere in the RAM
Should still need some kind of connector to connect it to a power source, and a way of getting a signal, plus a way of telling the hardware that there is a light to turn on. No idea if this is possible. I'd recommend posting a question about it.
Though if it gets too hardware related, Super User would be a better place for it.
Ah, yes! I remembered, @Expotr to see the connected input devices (keyboards included) run xinput list
I have, but I've waited some days. The connector is the same as my other keyboard which had no backlight. But Ubuntu doesn't have any info on it in hardware.
Thanks for the advice.
Isn't there a command to connect to wifi?
Q: How do I connect to a WPA wifi network using the command line?

KenSo basically, I'd like to use iwconfig to connect to my wifi network when I'm not inside X. But I just don't see a way to do it in the man page. Any idea?

That also works @Lucio. Brightness, etc all work.
@Lucio I think he meant this one: askubuntu.com/q/460899/85695
I have some entries for keyboard @terdon
Oh sorry, I'm talking about a totally different issue :D
@Expotr Well, at least you found it :) I'm not a hardware guy though, I doubt I can help.
@Lucio with network manager, nmcli
that works for WPA too?
may i put a comment like "please explain your awk command" under this answer.
yeah, the same as network manager
Ok, thank you @terdon. Last question, is there a way to rediscover hardware? Seems like it might think it's the original keyboard.
nmcli dev wifi connect <(B)SSID> [password <password>] [wep-key-type key|phrase] [iface <iface>] [bssid <BSSID>] [name <name>] [--private] [--nowait] [--timeout <timeout>]
@AvinashRaj Of course! Why would you ask me for permission?
Oh great
@Expotr Hmm, not that I know of, no.
I need a command that shows errors
Ok thank you @terdon
You're welcome.
@AvinashRaj look up gawk's index function. That's probably what's confusing you. Stephane is really scaringly knowledgeable, he sometimes forgets the rest of us are mortals :)
link please
@AvinashRaj ?
look up gawk's index function
I fucking love command line <3
@AvinashRaj Seriously? Here: lmgtfy.com/?q=gawk+index+function
@Lucio delete that otherwise it would be marked as hate-speech.
<3 <-- that does avoid hate :)
@Braiam Do you have any idea why nothing worked previously?
Yeah, I got censored for writing f*ck earlier. And I promised I would keep a civil tongue so I actually wrote f*ck. That's such an effin sell out...
@Lucio I don't even know where you are coming from
Q: How to connect to WiFi from Lubuntu?

LucioAfter add the Manage Networks icon into the panel, I can see my Wi-Fi network on the list. So I click on the SSID and it prompt for a password. I enter the right or wrong password but nothing happens. The access point is working fine, I have others devices connected to it working properly. I've...

on the third hand, I'm delayed in GoT
@Braiam Argentina, I think :P
too many results. I'm going to ask him directly.
so the French had to speak..
ah I heard Argentinians are very good developers
@Lucio Oy! I'm not French, porteñito
Damn, forgot to change my layout back :)
I said it intentionally ;)
I figured
@terdon There you go French
Oh putain...
215kb/s with Wifi on linux \o/
Q: gnome 3.8 on Ubuntu 13.04 breaks Unity

idgarI've read an article about installing gnome 3.8 and tried to install it (successfully): sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3 sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install gnome-shell ubuntu-gnome-desktop then, i saw that i have a problem with Unity and other default Ubuntu's beha...

@Danatela gnome always break unity, specially the PPA
@Lucio I have the "Intel 4965 AGN doesn't work" problem right now :P
I think it needs to be closed :-/
We all have problems now xD
or at least not affected by Community pin up
@Danatela why someone upvoted it?
don't know. May be because it is well formatted =)
Tell me what to do with it @Braiam
nah, it got upvoted when you posted it here
it is all yours now
> sudo: checkrestart: command not found
$ checkrestart
The program 'checkrestart' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing:
sudo apt-get install debian-goodies
sorry for pinging too much
no problem
Kill it with lot of fire: askubuntu.com/q/462686/62483
This is amazing, I have open latest Firefox and the memory usages is about 300Mb
The new Firefox is beyond great!
Please take a look at askubuntu.com/questions/460899/… if you have any experience with keyboard function keys
1 hour later…
@Danatela: I don't use the script myself. People ask me if they can use my comments ;p
I prefer free range, fresh organic comments to the canned sort ;p
@terdon: There will be another update tomorrow morning that should at least get the thing running again (StackApplet).
I fixed your bug and patched some other things.
The more code I read, the sicker I get. How could I have written such awful code only four years ago???
@NathanOsman you are your own worst critic given enough time away from code you thought was great when you wrote it...
Yeah, now I feel even worse. I once thought this was great code - oh the inhumanity!
It's not something to worry about. It's a kind of growth. If you thought your code was awful when you wrote it, you might have stopped. It's better that you thought it was awesome and kept going.
Still - this needs to be rewritten. No doubt about it.
Then dooo-eeet (with my best stimpy face)
I gotta head to bed now. I'm tired.
@NathanOsman nighters
Goodnight. Wait...
@NathanOsman later. you're up late. i'm up early for this hell-ish "catch up everyone else's department" idea our store had.
@jokerdino nice on the gravatar update
no. haven't ordered one yet
Who play CHESS?
i used to...
chessplayers play chess
Do any of you play online?
like on FICS?
@hbdgaf why don't you anymore
lost my taste for it.
there wasn't any more fun in it
Why, you could play with higher players than you?
i got to a point where it wasn't fun any more. less advanced players were stupid and more advanced players were godlike. there was nothing in the middle.
I know the rules, I'm not very good
and I used to play this guy online who was shitty
@hbdgaf what was your peak reating?
unless he was high... in which case he was quite scary good
In the 80s I won 2 tournaments in chess ;=)
both where regionals
@Andrew i didn't play rated games. i beat battlechess on hardest about 80% of the time though
What is battlechess
and yahoochess was ... silly.
Battle Chess is a video game version of chess in which the chess pieces come to life and battle one another when capturing. It was originally developed and released by Interplay Entertainment for the Amiga in 1988 and subsequently on many other systems, including 3DO, Acorn Archimedes, Amiga CD32, Amiga CDTV, Apple IIGS, Apple IIe, Atari ST, Commodore 64, DOS, FM Towns, NES, Mac OS, PC-98, Sharp X68000 and Windows 3.x. In 1991, Battle Chess Enhanced was released by Interplay for the PC, featuring improved VGA graphics and a symphonic musical score that played off of the CD-ROM. Battle C...
When did you quit>
it was... idk, some time ago.
how long was some time? 2 years 5 years 10 years ect...
more than 5 less than ten. either way, it was a waste of time. didn't provide any benefit for time investment.
IF you get to the world leael and win you will get millons
I'ld rather do something useful than get millions. It's a chicken and egg problem. You either solve a problem and get millions or you get millions so you can solve a problem.
Did you hear about

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