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bbl :P John good luck ;-)
how do i restart it
@John apache?
service apache2 restart ?
/etc/init.d/apache2 restart ?
@Rinzwind not normal
doesnt output anything
Try sudo apache2 restart.
@Seth +1
it outputs a list of command option for apache saying my syntax for the command was wrong
How to create ppa?
sudo service apache2 restart
@John what's the list?
Q: How do I create a PPA?

Jebeld17How do I create my own custom PPA to share with the Ubuntu community? I am trying to create my own custom package set and I would really like to share it with the community.

figured it out i had to put a -k before restart
@Seth thanks.
it outputs : apache2: bad user name ${APACHE_RUN_USER}
@Rinzwind I agree with what you said (not the part of you not wanting to be a mod, you'd be a good mod, but that aside). It inspired me to write the following answer. @Seth let me know what you think. meta.askubuntu.com/a/9011/115155
@Seth feel free to delete my comments on Terdon's answer...
I don't see a need to delete the comments.. Unless you want them deleted. I'll read the answer later.
@don.joey Can I ask why you're pinging Rinzwind though? Is there an earlier conversation relating to this that I missed?
ok, read the answer. Looks good.
Just bought a USB OTG cable.
Wow, for once Bing beats Google.
I pasted an error message into Google and it turned up nothing. Bing gave me some useful results.
It's similar to that but not Galaxy-only.
Looks useful.
It will be, hopefully. For the price I paid ($1.06 with shipping) it's worth a try.
@don.joey modding is too much hassle :+ and I like the answer
@Seth yes :) I made a comment earlier 2 hours ago
@Rinzwind ah
about all find and dandy discussing that tag but the editwars I consider more an issue ;-)
Yes, I agree with your comment. Upticked :)
(that is a copy of what I posted here in chat ;-) )
and that again is a longer version of a previous comment I made: if someone edits an edit of mine I'll stop editing and they can have it the way they want it :+)
saves me a lot of stress :+
I started reading this answer and came to the conclusion: MUST be Luis ->
Q: GUI toggle for a set of commands

rajanI want to create a GUI widget like on/off toggle for running a set of commands. For example, to turn wifi hotspot on of off using "ap-hotspot start/stop". Anybody help me...

but no it is Jacob :P
long answers are bad! :+
wow Bayern got creamed by Real
apparently I'm an expert in the teamviewer topic... I've never used it :(
btw, guys if you see something with apt* please, tag it with apt :)
Q: A special review?

guntbertMust be something special - 7 close votes are not enough? http://askubuntu.com/review/low-quality-posts/255605

Woo 14.04 dvd 's have shipped
Whoah, new FF tab design...
@Richard old news... I use debian's :P
@Braiam Nice :P seems chormeish to me
@Richard ^
Still good ole FF though (: (unless you have patched it in which case good ole iceweasel)
@Braiam your clock is a bit off
@Richard it's maintained with ntpd so I really doubt it
Q: Ubuntu 12.04 to Windows Server 08 R2, Error 13

KijlUbuntu 12.04.1 LTS, kernal 3.2.0-57-generic Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 x64 Trying to setup a network share from Ubuntu 12.04 to a Windows Server 2008 R2 however no matter what changes are made the share fails to mount due to error(13): permission denied. Firewall port 445 has been opened betwee...

@Braiam Never mind, was reading the wrong clock
@AvinashRaj If the length of the current line is greater than the current value of the max variable, set max to the length of the current line and set maxline to the contents of the current line.
What do you think this mean?
(but it show a boot loading screen that should belong to ubuntu desktop, after that , it goes to the ubuntu server login comment line normally)
I am at 1,111 rep
@Andrew Heh, cool :)
downvotes @Andrew
@Braiam booo! :P
behold! the new orange thingy!
@Braiam Good job, last time I look you where at 19,9xx
@terdon this needs downvotes askubuntu.com/a/457941/169736
@Braiam ha?
@Braiam I want to know what kind of answer is that? Do you Know?
@Braiam Done. Now why did you go and remove all the tags from the question again?
@terdon "How can I point all of the applications that expect libboost packages to instead look for the libraries built and installed from source?"
@Braiam Yes. How is the boost tag not applicable? I would also argue for the but I grant you that one is borderline.
@terdon should we have a tag for each single library out there?
in SO, I may understand... here, not so
btw, he doesn't want to "install" anything from sources, just point whatever he's compiling to use the boost libraries from some specific sources
@Braiam No, only for those that are used often enough for a tag to exist. Boost is one of them and for all I know there will be tricks specific o the usage of that library (unlikely but not impossible)
@Braiam Yeah, the install-from-source is borderline. I think it does apply though because his issue is that he wants to compile and get everything set up correctly.
So it is a question about installing from source as opposed to using apt which will set it up for you.
@terdon don't you know we want to get rid of all the install tags except for software-installation and system-installation? If we follow your analogy, the software-installation applies ;)
@Braiam No I didn't know that. Where's the meta post? I think having a different tag fro installing using debs or source might be useful.
@Braiam dpkg does accept wildcards
@Braiam Humm, How many question and answers do I need to downvote to make you again a 19 reper?
@terdon yeah, but sometimes just installing something means that you have to install from sources ;) . The meta is here meta.askubuntu.com/q/8233/169736 and the relevant part is "Please blacklist installation (and its numerous synonyms) "
@Richard say again?
@Braiam Do I still get 2 rep if I edit something in the meta lands?
@Andrew why are you adding the "troubleshooting" tag....
@Braiam you said dpkg doesn't allow the * character but it does indeed accept the * character js
@Braiam Oh yeah, is useless, no argument there. I'm not sure about. I'd nuke it in a second on U&L but here I think it's useful.
@Braiam on what question?
@terdon ok, let me see what is my vision of both tags: software-installation: anything about installing stuff on your system, from sources or compiled binaries, doesn't matter
@Richard test the command yourself....
➜  ~  echo "libboost-* hold" | sudo dpkg --set-selections
[sudo] password for braiam:
dpkg: error: illegal package name at line 1: illegal package name in specifier 'libboost-*': character `*' not allowed (only letters, digits and characters `-+._')
@Braiam Oh, He/She said it token them all day and havn't find a soluation. I wanted to add software-truobleshoting but it wasn't a tag, and I don't want to created tags if it isn't nesserly.
@Andrew is a classic meta tag, the kind of thing we want to avoid. It gives no useful info and anyway, about 95% of all questions here are about troubleshooting of one type or another.
@Braiam works for filenames then, but not package names. huh
@terdon okay
@Richard ;)
@Richard In any case, the answer would fail because dpkg was not run as root, only the echo was.
@terdon yes, have banged my head against that wall many times.
I mean pipe. Not wall.
Where should I begain on this story question
Q: Having a problem with xorg.conf for a problematic monitor

barnyjrI have two Westinghouse 26" L2610NW monitors that I run off of a GeForce GT X660. The graphics card has two DVI (one Digital, one analog), and an HDMI out. I run my primary display (Screen 0) off of the analog DVI port converted to VGA to plug into the monitor. The second monitor has to go in eit...

@Richard Yeah, but it both looks like a wall and can feel like one :)
@terdon ah yes (x
Q: How do I reset a lost administrative password?

user9904I'm working on a Ubuntu system using a Panasonic CF-50 Laptop. My Client has completely forgotten his Administrative Password. He doesn't even remember entering one; however it is there. I've tried the suggestions on the WebSite and I have been unsuccessful in deleting the password so that I c...

Shouldn't this title be "How do I reset a lost root password?"?
@Andrew root is disabled by default in ubuntu
@Andrew I fixed the formatting and removed the thanks.
@Braiam But when you install only Linux Dirso When need to inserted a root password for the system. For many that is base on Ubuntu, the root password is the same as you normal user.
@Jorge: do you happen to have an Aviate beta invitation?
@NathanOsman good job
@Braiam AAAAA! Super User:
@Andrew wut? do you know that here we only deal with "Ubuntu" right?
@terdon hehehehehehe
@Andrew No no no! It is never the same as your user.
@Braiam Dahh, No, I only have been using this site for just over 2 years
It's just that your user has the right to use sudo and that asks for your user's password. The root account is something else again.
@Andrew: good job for what?
@NathanOsman becoming a mod
I'm a mod on E-books.
@NathanOsman I know
@NathanOsman How when you only have 822 rep over there?
How much rep do you think he needs to have? It's just a beta after all.
@terdon What a mess.. I wish they wouldn't show the close vote queue.
Anyone here have a seagate HDD?
hm. I think I do.
Been a while since I've opened this up.
@Seth they doesn't, in SO, that is :P
@Braiam Yeah I know.
@Seth can you open up disk utility and tell me what your read raw read error rate is?
i keep reading on the internet that seagates have really, really high values on that all the time
just want to verify
@Seth I can imagine! I don't have it here but it's a scary number on SU.
Like I said though, I'm not 100% sure it's seagate.
@Seth Woah! This is what smartctl gives me:
 Raw_Read_Error_Rate     0x000f   117   099
Oops, look like I cut out the headers.. Need those @jrg?
 1 Raw_Read_Error_Rate     0x000f   108   099   006
@terdon Looks like I'm a little better than you ;P
@Seth Yeah, I was just being silly. I thought the 8 digit number was your error rate :)
ooh. haha.
@Seth thanks
So I kind of freaked out, he has how many errors?
i don't get it
@jrg: Do you have an Aviate beta invite by any chance?
with that value, the entire drive should be slag
You know how some wifi networks have extra log in pages.
@NathanOsman i think so
Anyone know how to log in to them automatically on ubuntu.
@jrg I dunno.. Bad drive? (As in, some kind of manufacturing issue?)
@PyRulez depending the kind of logs you want to save, what logs are you talking about?
Not logs, login pages.
oh... huh?
@PyRulez I think you need something like Selenium to automate it.
like, where they say "do not hack into the NSA from our networks, or other dumb stuff"
@jrg: if you do, could I please have one?
@terdon How ironic, its blocked. Better use a historical version from the internet archive.
wait, never mind
@PyRulez Blocked? Works fine here.
@terdon I meant the docs were blocked on the very network I was talking about, but apparently now it isn't.
@Seth but here is the thing
i've been trying to do alllll sorts of tests
and they all come back fine
Well I've (personally) never considered SMART smart..
Me neither.
It's a conspiracy theory! The manufacturers want you to get a new drive! :P
lol. well, it worked for me.
Or perhaps SMART isn't used to ext(3)(4).
@jrg If it makes you feel better, I have an order of magnitude more errors than you do. It's a ~4 year old laptop though so it's had some time to accumulate I/O errors.
@terdon these were brand-new though
like, bought 60 days before
the system refused to boot
@jrg Well, that does look like a hell of a lot of errors to have after 60 days of use.
I have one with falling sectors everywhere that still reports "okay".
last time I had a drive fail, I had IO errors in my syslog
this time, nothing.
@NathanOsman Really? I've been quite happy with smart. It's warned be about failure a couple of times and both were right.
no warning
S.M.A.R.T. is S.T.U.P.I.D.
S.M.A.R.T. is the new S.T.U.P.I.D.
A: Making sense of S.M.A.R.T

Jeff AtwoodIt does appear that different manufacturers use SMART values for sometimes radically different things, as you can see here: My hard disk(s) in ReadyNAS is reporting high SMART Raw Read Error Rate, Seek Error Rate, and Hardware ECC Recovered. What should I do? Seagate uses these SMART fie...

so it sounds like i just had to spend $200 that I didn't actually need to.
oh well. Guess my friends are getting 1TB hard drives for their birthdays. :P
@jrg: if you do have an invite, please send it to nathan.osman AT the Google mail domain.
That would be very much appreciated.
@NathanOsman ok, i need to login to aviate again
Very much appreciated!
@Seth thought SMART just displayed the hard disks' own readings, which themselves may be inaccurate
@Richard You are correct. SMART reports what the drive itself thinks is going on
@jrg "I am malfunctioning and therefore cannot report my own status accurately."
@terdon GO TO SLEEP!
but that's the thing
as we just saw above with seagate, they don't have a standard
seagate seems to refer to something like "number of minutes i've been spinning"
"Unless I'm lying."
or "number of times i've been accessed."
@Braiam Fair enough, night all!
Elvis left the building....
@jrg mine is in July ;)
@Mateo heh.
@jrg mine is in may :P
wrong window. :P
but since i did anyway, does this look like a bad printer? i'm used to dealing with enterprise printers instead of consumer printers... amazon.com/Epson-XP-310-Wireless-Printer-Scanner/dp/B00FTG73SC/…
i don't print that much, mostly need to be able to scan and print stuff
Hm where is the question where I showed where to disable smart, make it like the old days where it failed without warning
Epson is good.
The type depends on what you want to do.
@jrg I normally use HP (well, in my country that is the only brand you see around) but when using Epson I didn't have any problem

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