In chat, when putting text between grave accents to ensure that it is output as code, the resulting text is not very distinguishable from the other text:
The only way it's different, right now, is that a different font is used. Is there any way we could
highlight it
make it a different col...
Since the code blocks are actually implemented here, it should be trivial to change their background. As it is they're basically useless in the chat: this is code and this isn't
i have immediate recognition of monotype terminal fonts versus normal whatever sans-y thing is the default. i think the issue is probably that anything sufficiently differentiating and clear is also probably pretty loud. like flipping foreground and background colors... for instance. that would make it portable across the network for all stackchats.
you could make some awesome ascii art that way though ;)
@hbdgaf Really? I have a lot of trouble separating code from text in chat. So much so that I rarely use the backticks, doesn't make much of a difference to me either way.
A slightly darker background would suffice and not be too loud. Just like everywhere else. It's only on chat that there's no background.
That's fair. I do like that bit of distinction. Would that work stack wide though? Are there some wonky chats with silly color schemes floating around?
I don't mix code and text at all in chat though. If there's something that needs to be code, it gets a separate message and the fixed font button.
@hbdgaf Yeah, I often do for small commands, or one liners, mixing -flags and text can get confusing
And it should work stack wide. The grey for code is stack wide as far as I know, on some sites it just looks weird but we don't post code there so that's not a problem. Ditto for the chats I guess.
ok, so fakeraid of 500gb of two drives... is that the entirety of the drives, or is there other things on them? and what is the mdadm array composed of?
I found a lot of duplicates by this query. There are many possible solutions shown but they are mostly incomplete and do not show the right way which will work in all situations.
I think we need one best with explanation or at least to clean up there.
OK. /dev/sda & /dev/sdb each of 500GB is fakeraid named via_ecedbfaihb, Win8.1 reserved partition on via_ecedbfaihb1 (390MB), Win 8.1 system partition on via_ecedbfaihb2 (160GB), extended partition via_ecedbfaihb3, linux boot partition via_ecedbfaihb5 (500MB), mdadm 1st partition via_ecedbfaihb6 (159GB), data partition via_ecedbfaihb7 with the rest of space
/dev/sdc1 mdadm second partition (159GB), /dev/md1 made of via_ecedbfaihb6 and sdc1, /dev/md1p1 swap (6GB), /dev/md1p2 extended, /dev/md1p5 root (20GB), /dev/md1p6 home (~300GB)
@Danatela, oh boy... ok... so let me see if I can restate that to make sure I have it... you have two 500gb whole disks in a fakeraid 0 that has windows on part of it, and 159gb of that fakeraid, plus 159gb from another drive in an mdadm raid0 for linux, which is partitioned into swap, root, and home? is there anything else on that last drive or is all part of the mdadm raid0?
how much do you still use windows? have you considered running it in a virtual machine? this past xmas I picked up 3 1 tb wd blue drives for a mere $70 each, and put them in a nice, fast raid10.. they are now down to only $60
actually, I used part of them for a raid10 for my multiple OS installs for speed, and finally am in the process of setting up the rest of the space in a raid5 for bulk media storage
well, if you have a few bucks to spend on upgrades and want a fast windows install and a good Ubuntu setup, you might do well to get a 128gb ssd, and use most of it for windows, some of it for ubuntu root fs, get rid of the old, slow 160 gb drives, and use the two 500gb drives for a linux mdadm raid for bulk storage
and do bear in mind that using raid0, odds of failure and data loss are increased, so definately make sure to do regular backups
of anything important to you
also, mdadm can do raid10 even on only two disks to get both redundancy in the face of drive failure, and speed similar to raid0
@Danatela ATM im working on getting switched over to arch linux (which i guess unetbootin would work fine for) but i was hoping for a more all encompassing solution
@Danatela like i said iv been using rufus for windows... but i no longer have a windows box in my home ...
well, in theory, isnt linux still linux no matter the distro? such that anything build for linux as a whole should work on all distro (provided the prereqs)?
@Braiam Had another power outage (a bit longish than before) and then I went to sleep... Than for the link to that question, would give it a try when I am on Ubuntu.. right now using Windows.. :)
indeed... but it seems that it is 2:30 at night. i appreciate all the help... ill continue the venture tomorrow... probably post more questions and pester all of you some more =P
Since pidgin developers refused to implement subject of the question, I attended myself to start doing the patch that will implement that feature. There is a patch that does this for libpurple but it's hardcoded and I need the option to hide/show groups at run time, like any other messenger does....
That patch is 2 years only - it is likely the source has been updated since then. You can try to apply the patch manually - patch -p1 < patchname.patch - but it is likely you'll need to manually merge it - look at the line numbers and look at the structure of the code and make the changes suggested wherever recommended
First of all, my desktop environment is unity.I am using it with 14.04 OS(with all recent updates). I recently installed infinity conky from here : . I installed and followed all the instructions correctly in the readme file provided with the conky. Bu...
No I didnt download anything from there. I got conky all , curl packages from s/w center and downloaded the conky from here...
Sorry. I have got to leave. Will get back to you guys soon. Please try answering my question or drop comments.
with your pidgin question? Talking about in depth coding advice doesnt really fit in a chat style - you should only talk very specific quick stuff - the smart developers room might be your best bet.
First of all, my desktop environment is unity. I am using it with 14.04 OS(with all recent updates). I recently installed infinity conky. I installed and followed all the instructions correctly in the readme file provided with the conky. But my conky appears distorted, like this(the background im...
This tool has been superseeded by this UserScript which offers the same functionality but adds some additional features and integrates better with the editing toolbar.
Insert Apt Link
This small UserScript adds a button to the editing toolbar that makes it easy to insert a link t...
@AvinashRaj Yes, but it depends on the package. Presumably Silvain knows what he's talking about (he's a Canonical employee). As long as there are no dependency issues, it shouldn't be a problem. It's just something to be avoided in general unless you know what you're doing.
@Venki sorry, just tried on my 13.10 VM and unity and it works perfectly. Either something changed on 14.04 or you have some other issue specific to your system.
@Seth That's not outrageous, it is bait for morons. You'd have to be one to spend that much money on something like that. Especially for a 1st generation product.
@Seth yikes, so needs a phone to be of any use, and basically you really can't use it to drive (murky waters law/opinion wise) which is the only real use I can see using as a wireless headset / gps I don't need to look over to the gps for.
But I don't really understand why most Android fanboys can't understand that a 3 GHZ octacore phone or monstrous specs is not what makes Android popular
If Apple is surviving, it's because they gave a backseat to hardware and focused on software instead.
If Sammy is surviving, it's because of the specs that are wasted by the puny processes of most Android apps and those "smart" features which are eventually switched off by the user to save battery.